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( UN Web TV の映像より)
チャプター01:国連/アンドリュー・ギルモア(Andrew Gilmour)人権担当事務次長補
チャプター10:中国/チュイ・チエハオ(Qu Jiehao)政府代表
※ ワン・イー氏(Ms. Wang Yi)とあるがチュイ氏かと(代表団の顔が頭に入りつつあるのは我ながら呆れる(苦笑)。
チャプター11:韓国/チャン・ウンジュン(Wunjeung Chang)政府代表 -
Hears Presentation of Reports on Reprisals against Persons Cooperating with the United Nations and on a Draft United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants
20 September 2017
The Human Rights Council this afternoon held an interactive dialogue with its Advisory Committee after hearing the presentation of its reports by Mikhail Lebedev, Chairperson of the Advisory Committee.
The Council also heard the presentation of the Secretary-General’s report on reprisals against persons cooperating with the United Nations, presented by Andrew Gilmour, Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights; and the report of the Open-Ended Group Intergovernmental Working Group with the mandate of negotiating, finalising and submitting a draft United Nations declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas, presented by the Working Group’s Chair-Rapporteur Nardi Suxo Iturry.
Mr. Lebedev said the Advisory Committee had continued to give priority to requests from the Human Rights Council and had begun its work on five new mandates. He presented the final report on the study on the global issue of unaccompanied migrant children and adolescents and human rights, and the progress report of the Committee’s research-based study on the impact of the flow of funds of illicit origin and the non-repatriation thereof to the countries of origin on the enjoyment of human rights, including economic, social and cultural rights.
Mr. Gilmour said there was something grotesque and entirely contrary to the United Nations Charter and its spirit that people got punished for cooperating with the United Nations on human rights. The report of the Secretary-General was a compilation of cases where action had been taken by various United Nations actors, and that more cases were included in the annual report than ever before. Twenty-nine States were mentioned. Nevertheless, the phenomenon was much more widespread than the report indicated.
In the interactive dialogue with the Advisory Committee, speakers noted that without effective repatriation of the stolen assets, developing countries were deprived of much needed resources and economic momentum. All States had the responsibility to ensure that unaccompanied migrant children were not deprived of their rights. Accordingly, they needed to approach the migration issue in a more open manner. Speaking about the Advisory Committee, speakers stressed that it needed to be independent and impartial, and that it should be comprised of experienced members with considerable expertise and creative ideas. The interaction between Member States and the Advisory Committee should be increased, and the Advisory Committee should make further research on numerous human rights violations in order to bring them to the attention of the Council.
The Council has before it the Cooperation with the United Nations, its representatives and mechanisms in the field of human rights - Report of the Secretary General (A/HRC/36/31)
理事会には、これまでに事務総長報告である、国連との協力、人権分野における代表者とメカニズム (A/HRC/36/31[リンク切れ]、ノート参照)がある。
Presentation of Report by the Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights
Some States had been mentioned in several of the Secretary-General’s annual reports since 2010. China and Saudi Arabia had been mentioned in six of them; Bahrain, Iran and Sri Lanka in five; and Algeria, Israel, Sudan, Tajikistan and Venezuela in four. Intimidation and reprisals undermined several human rights, in particular the rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly. Reprisals took many forms, including intimidation, harassment, threats online and offline, and derogatory media campaigns. Individuals had been disbarred or dismissed from employment, their homes searched, and their offices raided. Some individuals had been abducted, detained, held incommunicado or disappeared in the midst of their cooperation with the United Nations. There were also many cases involving prolonged arbitrary detention, torture and ill-treatment, whereas one case involved forcible psychiatric treatment. In some of the most severe cases, brutal measures imposed by States as reprisals had been justified by claiming that the individuals concerned had been charged with terrorism or cooperation with foreign entities. As the United Nations relied to a large extent on the information provided by civil society partners, Mr. Gilmour saluted the extraordinary courage of the victims and their families to come forward and share their stories.
Interactive Dialogue with the Advisory Committee
Japan appreciated the work of the Advisory Committee and expected it to promote an open exchange of views with Member States and non-governmental organizations. At the previous session, a decision was made to establish a Special Rapporteur on the elimination of discrimination against people affected by leprosy. It was important that the Advisory Committee provided a range of advice and cooperation to this Special Rapporteur.
China welcomed the focus on unaccompanied minors who were more subjected to human rights violations. All States should approach the migration issue in a more open manner. As for the non-repatriation of illicit funds, all countries should strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation in that respect.
中国は、人権侵害を受けがちな同伴者のいない未成年者に焦点を当てることを歓迎した。すべての締約国がより開かれた方法で移民の問題に取り組むべきである。 違法資金の非送還については、すべての国がその点に関して二国間や多国間の協力を強化すべきである。
Republic of Korea stressed the need for the independence and impartiality of the Advisory Committee. The Committee should be comprised of experienced members with considerable expertise and creative ideas. The interaction between Member States and the Committee should be increased.
韓国は、諮問委員会の独立性と公平性の必要性を強調した。委員会は、かなりの専門性と創造的なアイデアを持つ経験豊富なメンバーから構成されるべきである。 メンバー国と委員会とのあいだの交流が増やされるべきである。