




  • この日から「人権の促進と保護に関する討論」を開始。

  • 北朝鮮が事務総長国別報告書( A/74/268 、本文リンク先参照)に反論。

  • 拷問禁止で中国が委員会の一般コメントを牽制。同じく前日の先住民の権利に関する会合(関連エントリ参照)に続き、アメリカがウイグル問題について中国を非難。中国は報告書およびアメリカに反論。なお同じくアメリカに非難されたシリアはイラク戦争におけるアブグレイブ刑務所虐待事件を持ち出している(報告書が言及しているのかもしれない)。

  • 拷問禁止「条約を批准した25か国が報告書を委員会に一度も提出したことがない」「委員会に報告する締約国のみが審査の予定」。下記で人権高等弁務官が締約国の条約機関への報告提出状況に言及している。

  • なお、本ドキュメントは当初、冒頭に下記注釈付きでリリースされた(並行して開催されている第一、第二、第六委員会も同様)。

    Note: Owing to the liquidity crisis impacting our Organization, only a partial summary of statements made in today’s meetings of the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) is available at this time. The complete summary will be issued later as Press Release GA/SHC/4266.







  • 関連エントリ


United Nations



14 OCTOBER 2019

Third Committee Opens Debate on Promotion of Human Rights, with Experts Urging Governments to Honour Treaty Obligations, Delegates Calling for Objectivity



総会 > 第三委員会 >



The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) opened its debate on human rights today, holding a series of dialogues with United Nations experts — on topics ranging from the rights of migrants and safety of journalists, to the prevention of torture — and assessing the work of treaty bodies tasked with monitoring State behaviour.
第三委員会(社会、人道および文化)は本日、国連専門家——移住者の権利やジャーナリストの安全から拷問の防止に至るまでのトピックに関する——との一連の対話を開催し、 国家の行動の監視を任務とする条約機関の作業および国家の行動の監視を任務とする条約機関作業を評価する、人権に関する討論を開いた。

Jens Modvig, Chair of the Committee against Torture, said torture is still practiced in many countries. “The international community needs to substantially step up efforts to fight this horrendous crime,” he stressed. Only those States parties that report to the Committee are scheduled for review. “This means that a State party who does not submit a report escapes the review and thereby the regular scrutiny foreseen by the Convention,” he said, describing that as a “serious problem”.

He said 25 States that ratified the Convention have never submitted a report to the Committee. To alleviate the reporting burden, the Committee is pioneering a simplified procedure enabling countries to submit more focused reports.
彼は、条約を批准した25か国が報告書を委員会に一度も提出したことがないと述べた。 報告の負担を軽減するため、委員会は、各国がより焦点を絞った報告書を提出できるようにする簡素化された手順を開拓している。

When the floor was opened for interactive dialogue, Liechtenstein’s representative requested further analysis on the separation of migrant children from their parents. The Russian Federation’s representative objected to double standards, pointing to the example of Guantanamo and raising an alarm about the United Kingdom’s handling of the Julian Assange case. He expressed dissatisfaction with the Committee’s work. China’s delegate meanwhile said the Convention does not mandate treaty bodies to make general comments of an interpretive character. Their comments should be faithful to the original meaning of the Convention.


Andrew Gilmour, Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights and Head of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), fielded numerous questions, following his briefing, about the Secretary-General’s country-specific reports. To the Russian Federation’s delegate, who said the report on Crimea is politicized and based on falsified information, he noted that his Office has been unable to access Crimea despite the requests made. He rejected that the report on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is likewise based on fabrication and lies, noting that it is based on comprehensive information from abroad. “If you believe our reports are inaccurate, then let us in,” he said.


The Committee will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, 15 October, to continue its debate on the promotion and protection of human rights.


The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) began its debate on the promotion and protection of human rights today. Delegates had before them numerous reports: of the Human Rights Committee (document A/74/40); the Committee against Torture (document A/74/44); the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (document A/74/48); the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (document A/74/55); and the Committee on Enforced Disappearances (document A/74/56).

Also before the Committee were the Secretary-General’s reports on Accessibility and the status of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol thereto (document A/74/146); on the United Nations voluntary trust fund on contemporary forms of slavery (document A/74/228); and on the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture (document A/74/233); as well as the report by the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (document A/74/148); and of the Chairs of the human rights treaty bodies on their thirty-first annual meeting (document A/74/256).

Regarding alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the Committee had before it reports on: the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence (document A/74/147); the situation of human-rights defenders (document A/74/159); minority issues (document A/74/160); human-rights obligations relating to the enjoyment of a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment (document A/74/161); the right to development (documents A/74/163 and A/74/167); the right to food (document A/74/164); the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights (document A/74/165); the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health (document A/74/174); and the independence of judges and lawyers (document A/74/176).

Other reports focused on: contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences (document A/74/179); the protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (document A/74/181); adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and the right to non-discrimination in this context (document A/74/183); human rights and international solidarity (document A/74/185); the rights of persons with disabilities (document A/74/186); albinism worldwide (document A/74/190); human rights of migrants: good practices and initiatives on gender-responsive migration legislation and policies (document A/74/191); human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation (document A/74/197); human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises (document A/74/198); human rights and cultural diversity (document A/74/212); the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (document A/74/213); the effective promotion of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities (document A/74/215); and national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights (document A/74/226).

Further reports covered the promotion of equitable geographical distribution in the membership of the human rights treaty bodies (document A/74/227); combating intolerance, negative stereotyping, stigmatization, discrimination, incitement to violence and violence against persons, based on religion or belief (document A/74/229); the right to education (document A/74/243); the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order (document A/74/245); cultural rights (document A/74/255); the rights of internally displaced persons (document A/74/261); the United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region (document A/74/262); the effects of foreign debt and other related international financial obligations of States on the full enjoyment of all human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights (document A/74/178); trafficking in persons, especially women and children (document A/74/189); protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism (document A/74/270); the human rights of migrants (document A/74/271); the right to privacy (document A/74/277); strengthening the role of the United Nations in enhancing the effectiveness of the principle of periodic and genuine elections and the promotion of democratization (document A/74/285); the safety of journalists and the issue of impunity (document A/74/314); extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions (document A/74/318); the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism (document A/74/335); the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association (document A/74/349); and the Subregional Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa (document A/74/460).

Delegates also had before them country-specific reports on the human-rights situations in Somalia (document A/74/166); the Islamic Republic of Iran (documents A/74/188 and A/74/273); Belarus (document A/74/196); the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (documents A/74/268 and A/74/275); the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine (document A/74/276); Myanmar (documents A/74/278, A/74/311, A/74/342); and Burundi (document A/74/303). Regarding the Comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, the Committee had before it the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (document A/74/36).

Interactive Dialogues on Human Rights


ANDREW GILMOUR, Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights and Head of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR),[…]

He went on to say that the Secretary-General’s report on human rights and cultural diversity (document A/74/212) provides an overview of efforts taken at the national, regional and international levels regarding the preservation of cultural diversity. The Secretary-General’s report on the Effective Promotion of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities (document A/74/160) meanwhile urges Member States and other stakeholders to consider ways to reinforce the impact of the United Nations Forum on Minority Issues. He also referred to the Secretary-General’s report on steps taken by States to combat intolerance and stereotyping based on religion or belief (document A/74/229), which calls for a greater emphasis on actions that must be taken by Member States and others. The report on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism (document A/74/335) notes that more must be done to ensure victims’ access to justice, while the report on the safety of journalists (document A/74/314) provides an overview of the situation. Turning to the Secretary-General’s report on the Subregional Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa, he said it describes the situations in Burundi, Cameroon and the Congo. He also updated the Committee on human rights situations in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea; Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine; and Iran (documents A/74/268, A/74/276 and A/74/273).

The representative of the Russian Federation said the report on Crimea is politicized and based on falsified information and the related mandate is not accepted by his country. The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea said the report related to his country likewise is based on fabrications and lies with the aim of toppling his country’s social system. The representative of Syria said his country’s people and economy have been destroyed, while hospitals and bridges and other services required for development have also been destroyed, notably due to the support given to terrorism.


To Iran’s representative, he described the report as balanced, pointing out that some issues relate to the sanctions placed on Iran. Regarding comments made by Morocco’s representative, he said he and his colleagues are focusing on how human rights can be integrated into the Agenda. He rejected that the report on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is based on fabrication and lies, noting that it is based on comprehensive information from abroad. “If you believe our reports are inaccurate, then let us in,” he said. He expressed his surprise that Syria’s representative discussed the destruction of hospitals, based on what is known about who has actually done most of the destroying.


Also speaking were representatives of China, Costa Rica, Algeria, Portugal and the Maldives.


JENS MODVIG, Chair of the Committee against Torture, […]


The representative of France, associating with the European Union, called on parties to respect the Convention against Torture. China’s delegate meanwhile said the Convention does not mandate the treaty bodies to make general comments of an interpretive character; their comments should be faithful to the original meaning of the Convention and not change its scope.
欧州連合に同調してフランス代表は、拷問禁止条約を尊重するよう締約国に要請したた。一方、中国の代表者は、条約は解釈的性質の一般コメントを行なうことを条約機関に委任しておらず、 彼らのコメントは、条約の本来の意味に忠実であるべきであり、その範囲を変更してはならない、と述べた。


MALCOLM EVANS, Chair of the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, […]


The United States’ representative expressed concern over reports of torture in Cameroon, Nicaragua, Iran and Chechnya, as well as reports of extrajudicial killings in Venezuela and atrocities perpetrated by the “Assad regime” — which “crematoriums will not hide” — and reports in China’s Xinjiang of arbitrary detention of people due to their ethnic identities. China’s representative characterized such reports as “groundless accusations” and “smears” aimed at creating a pretext to interfere in its domestic affairs and called on all States to condemn the United States’ “bullying and double standards”. The delegate of Syria condemned the United States for its collective punishment against migrants and in Abu Ghraib, adding that it cannot speak about human-rights violations taking place elsewhere, given that “their administration commits them day in, day out”.

