中国に言及したルーマニア( EU 代表 * )、イギリス * 、チェコ、オーストラリア *1 、カメルーン、カナダ * 、ドイツ * 、フィンランド * 、フランス * 、ベラルーシ、スイス、ボリビアから九か国(地域)が非難/懸念( * は六か国(地域)が言及した前回セッションでも言及、上掲参照)、カメルーン、ベラルーシ、ボリビアが擁護/称賛。NGO から国際人権サービスがこう述べている:「理事会がその問題[ウイグルにおける恣意的拘留]について中国にパスを与えることになれば、経済的影響力と外交的懐柔の攻撃が、原則主義と人命救助の精査を遅らせるのに十分であるというメッセージを送る」。
「第40回人権理事会への要請 - Students for a Free Tibet: 日本」(2019年2月22日)ミャンマーなどにはしばしば<懸念>を表明するのだが、今回も前回セッション同様、「アジア太平洋地域において」の「民主的統合への課題」までが限度、「経済的影響力と外交的懐柔の攻撃」が効を奏しているというところか。フィンランドや、中国への依存度が高いドイツも言及しているのだが——まさか日本が言及しないことで中国に貸しができるとか、南北に加えて中国にまで過去のもんだいでぎゃーぎゃー言われるのはかなわんとか *2 、そういうことはないだろうとおもうが…(?)。
これを受けて同会合およびこの日の人権高等弁務官報告を関係国ながら欠席した北朝鮮:「注意が要されるのは、他の国々のあら探しをする国々における人権状況である[…]。とくに、人道に対する犯罪、すなわち性的奴隷制度を犯したとして有罪とされていた日本に対し注意を喚起」。日本は答弁権を行使し、下記に続いて日 vs 北第2ラウンドに突入した。
逆に北朝鮮が歴史もんだいを持ち出すのは「政治的に動機付けされている」(北朝鮮の答弁権による発言)ことに各国も気づいているとはおもうが、日本の、二度目の答弁権でも繰り返している「歴史の事実を受け入れてきた」とはどの「事実」のことであろうか。あることないこと「受け入れ」では困ったことである(前掲前回セッション同会合参照)。今回は「未来志向」の呼びかけは行なわなかったようだが、上掲エントリ 2019-03-11 のとおり「北朝鮮における人権状況に関する決議」のスポンサーを降りている模様。なお翌日の会合では国際キャリア支援協会から藤木俊一氏が北朝鮮の発言に反駁する(下記)。
国際人権連盟、ユナイテッド・スクール・インターナショナル(「パキスタンが占領勢力からギルギット・バルティスタンを中国に売ろうとするブローカーに変化していた、ジャンムーとカシミールに理事会の注意を喚起」)、および国際人権サービス(前述)が中国に言及。NGO 発言は翌日の会合後半に続く(国際キャリア支援協会や歴史の真実を求める世界連合会(GAHT-US)も発言、関連エントリ参照)。
- インドとパキスタンが8日に続き二度目の答弁権を行使して非難合戦。
「 OHCHR | 国連人権副高等弁務官による朝鮮民主主義人民共和国における人権状況に関する口頭報告」(英語)
( UN Web TV の映像から)
チャプター01:国連/ケイト・ギルモア(Kate Gilmore)人権副高等弁務官
チャプター03:ルーマニア(欧州連合代表)/アドリアン・コスミン・ビエリツァ(Adrian Cosmin Vierita)在ジュネーブ政府代表部特命全権大使
チャプター07:デンマーク/モルテン・イェスパーセン(Morten Jespersen)在ジュネーブ政府代表部大使
チャプター08:イギリス/ミリアム・シャーマン(Miriam Shearman)在ジュネーブ政府代表部大使
チャプター09:チェコ共和国/ヤン・カーラ(Jan Kára)在ジュネーブ政府代表部特命全権大使
チャプター17:カメルーン/コム・ダミアン・ジョルジュ・アウォウム(Côme Damien Georges Awoumou)政府代表
チャプター18:中国/ジャン・インフェン(Jiang Yingfeng)在ジュネーブ政府代表部参事官
チャプター23:カナダ/カーティス・ピーターズ(Curtis Peters)政府代表
チャプター25:ドイツ/ミヒャエル・フライヘル・フォン・ウンゲルン=シュテルンベルク(Michael Freiherr von Ungern-Sternberg)在ジュネーブ政府代表部大使
チャプター26:フィンランド/テルヒ・ハカラ(Terhi Hakala)在ジュネーブ政府代表部特命全権大使
チャプター29:韓国/チュン・ビョンハ(Chung Byung-Ha)政府代表
チャプター30:フランス/フランソワ・リヴァソー(François Rivasseau)在ジュネーブ政府代表部大使
チャプター31:ベラルーシ/ヴァディム・ピサレヴィッチ(Vadim Pisarevich)政府代表
チャプター32:スイス/ヴァレンティン・ツェルヴェガー(Valentin Zellweger)在ジュネーブ政府代表部特命全権大使
チャプター37:北朝鮮/パン・グァンヒョク(Pang Kwang Hyok)政府代表
チャプター41:ボリビア(多国籍国家)/オルメル・トレホン・アルコバ(Olmer Torrejon Alcoba)政府代表
チャプター57:国際人権連盟/ソニア・タンシク(Sonia Tancic)氏
チャプター62:ユナイテッド・スクール・インターナショナル/ジュネイド・クレシ(Junaid Qureshi)氏
チャプター63:国際人権サービス/ラファエル・ヴィアナ・ダヴィド(Raphael Viana David)氏
チャプター87:北朝鮮(答弁権)/[ムン・ジョンチョル(Mun Jong Chol)在ジュネーブ政府代表部参事官]
チャプター91:日本(答弁権)/[中込正志在ジュネーブ政府代表部公使] - 関連エントリ
Hears the Presentation of the Report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
12 March 2019
The Human Rights Council this afternoon held a general debate on human rights situations that require the Council’s attention, after hearing the presentation of the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the implementation of recommendations made by the Group of Independent Experts on Accountability for Human Rights Violations in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
人権理事会は、この午後、北朝鮮における権利侵害についての説明責任に関する独立専門家グループによってなされた勧告の実施に関する人権高等弁務官の報告のプレゼンテーションの聴取後、理事会の注意を要する人権状況に関する一般討論を 開催した。
Kate Gilmore, United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, said the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights had established the Accountability Project team to collect information relating to suspected crimes against humanity which might have been committed in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Data collected supported the conclusions of the Commission of Inquiry that there were reasonable grounds for believing that crimes against humanity had been committed, especially detention-related crimes, such as torture, other inhuman acts, enslavement and murder.
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea did not take the floor as the concerned country.
In the general debate on human rights situations that require the Council’s attention, some speakers drew attention to a systematic emergency at the Human Rights Council, reminding that whenever the Council held interactive dialogues, a number of delegations called into question the legitimacy of its Special Procedures, arguing that they were politicized, selective and subjective. Human rights were universal and not Western-held values. The Universal Periodic Review was not the only means by which the Council could address human rights breaches, especially in the case of emergencies. Other speakers regretted that developed countries continued to lecture developing countries on human rights, without referring to their own human rights problems, such as the rights of migrants. Those countries did not recognize the right to development as a basic human right. They had not managed to get rid of their colonial attitudes, and the basic principles of the United Nations did not seem to concern them either. Some speakers stressed that the right to development was important for the promotion of all other human rights and urged the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to address the right to development as a cross-cutting theme in various debates in the Council.
The Council will next meet on Wednesday, 13 March, at 9 a.m., when it will continue its general debate on human rights situations that require the Council’s attention. It will then hold an interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the rights of minorities, and will hear the presentation of reports of the Forum on Minority Issues, the Forum on Democracy and the Rule of Law, and the Social Forum, before starting its general debate on human rights bodies and mechanisms.
The Council has before it the Promoting accountability in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea - Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (A/HRC/40/36). (Advance unedited version: A/HRC/40/36)
理事会は、その前に北朝鮮における説明責任の促進 - 国連人権高等弁務官報告(A/HRC/40/36)がある。(先行未編集版:A/HRC/40/36)
Presentation of Report of the High Commissioner on the Implementation of Recommendations made by the Group of Independent Experts on Accountability for Human Rights Violations in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
General Debate on Human Rights Situations Requiring the Council’s Attention
Romania, speaking on behalf of the European Union, urged China to allow meaningful access to Xinjiang for independent observers. In the Philippines, it remained concerned about the death toll associated with the anti-drug campaign. The European Union reiterated its concern about the increase in death sentences in Egypt, and about the pressure and restrictions on civil society in the Russian Federation. It was also deeply concerned about the recent escalation of violence in the occupied Palestinian territory and in Israel. It furthermore drew attention to the situations of human rights in Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Sudan, Pakistan and Turkey.
Denmark expressed concern about the alarming number of disappearances in Syria and took positive note of the signing of the revitalized peace agreement in South Sudan. It called on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to immediately halt grave human rights violations, and drew attention to the continued use of capital punishment in Iran. Denmark also voiced concern about the grave human rights violations committed by Myanmar’s security forces, and about the advancement of settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory.
United Kingdom called on all parties to address the dire situation in Yemen in line with the Stockholm commitments. In China, the situation in Xinjiang was concerning, including the use of political re-education camps. The United Kingdom called on the Russian Federation to respect all fundamental freedoms. It welcomed Egypt’s announcement of a new High Committee on Human Rights, but it remained concerned about restrictions on freedom of expression. In Venezuela, the United Kingdom highlighted the continuing erosion of human rights.
Czech Republic called attention to the execution of more than 50 persons in Egypt during February 2019, and urged the Egyptian authorities to put a moratorium on the death penalty. Highlighting the deteriorating situation in Xinjiang, the Czech Republic called on the Chinese authorities to end the re-education of minorities. In Nicaragua, it condemned the continued repression of civil society and restrictions of the right to peaceful assembly, whereas in Venezuela it condemned the violence used by the security forces.
Japan continued to observe the current human rights situation in the Middle East with concern, as well as in Myanmar. As for Latin America, Japan remained concerned about the situation of human rights in Venezuela and in Nicaragua. In the Asia-Pacific region, there remained challenges to democratic consolidation. Japan continued to support the process between the United States and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and it called upon all relevant stakeholders to share that approach.
Cameroon noted that Xinjiang in China had suffered serious threats of terrorism. The international community should staunchly fight against the scourge of terrorism and Cameroon was pleased to see that China had implemented anti-terrorism measures in line with international standards. In accordance with its Constitution, China had stepped up the development of its autonomous regions, including Tibet and Xinjiang. Cameroon also noted that all religions in China were respected and protected by law.
China noted that all ethnic groups in China lived in peace and that ethnic groups were well protected. The measures adopted to combat terrorism in Xinjiang were accepted by all ethnic groups. Certain countries disregarded facts and rudely intervened in China’s internal affairs, in violation of the United Nations Charter. United Kingdom, Australia, and Czech Republic had appalling problems of human rights, but they were never criticized for them. China supported Cameroon’s efforts to promote and protect human rights.
Canada emphasized that no country should not be immune from the scrutiny of the Council, condemning those that had failed to grant access to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Canada condemned the denial of civil and political rights in Venezuela, and the continued violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons in Chechnya, Russia. It also called on China to adhere to its human rights obligations and to release the Uyghurs and other Muslims who had been arbitrarily detained on the basis of their religion.
Germany called on China, Egypt, Nicaragua, Philippines, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Venezuela to release and protect all human rights defenders, to stop criminalizing them, and to allow them meaningful access for independent observers. Germany condemned the unlawful mass detention in Xinjiang, China, the disproportionate use of force in Venezuela and Sudan, the increasing use of the death penalty in Egypt, atrocities committed against the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex community in Chechnya, Russia, the situation of women human rights defenders in Saudi Arabia, and unlawful killings in the Philippines.
Finland expressed concern about restrictions on civil society in the Russian Federation, including Chechnya and illegally annexed Crimea. It remained deeply concerned about the indiscriminate attacks on civilians perpetrated by the Syrian regime, and about the continuing arrests and arbitrary detention in Saudi Arabia. Finland urged Egypt, Sudan, Nicaragua and Venezuela to respect freedom of expression, assembly and association. It shared concern about the gross human rights abuses committed in Myanmar, and about the existence of political re-education camps in Xinjiang, China.
Republic of Korea was concerned about the serious human rights situation in Syria, including increasing civilian casualties in Idlib. It also regretted the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Yemen, particularly the conditions for women and children. The gross human rights violations in Sudan and the use of force against peaceful demonstrators was a cause for deep concern. The Republic of Korea appreciated the steps taken to recruit staff to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Seoul.
France highlighted the continuing suffering of the civilian population in Syria. It noted that in Yemen, the dire humanitarian situation meant that States had to step up their efforts. In Burma, France underlined that those responsible for the crimes committed against the Rohingya had to be held accountable. In China, the situation in Xinjiang was deeply concerning. Finally, France stressed the need to protect human rights defenders, namely in Russia, Iran, Philippines, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
Belarus said that the politicization of the Council’s agenda item 4 was progressing from session to session. There was a high level of mistrust in the Council. Some delegations insisted on imposing negative discussions on human rights situations. The efforts to politicize the situation in China were not doing any good; the Government of China guaranteed rights for everyone to live freely. Belarus urged everyone to continue their work in a cooperative manner.
Switzerland was deeply concerned about the number of arrested persons in Venezuela, adding that there was a gross violation of the right to health. It welcomed the fact that China would partially allow visits by certain diplomats and journalists to the Xinjiang re-education centre. Switzerland noted that the situation of civil and political rights in Turkmenistan was worrisome. It was also alarmed at developments in Sudan, including massive arrests of protesters and the excessive use of force.
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea stated that it was the human rights situation in countries that often found fault with other countries that needed attention. It drew particular attention to Japan, which had been guilty of committing crimes against humanity, namely sexual slavery. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea also asked the Human Rights Council to review the case of reunifying families whose members had come to South Korea in recent years. It called attention to the sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
Bolivia said that the Human Rights Council had to be guided by the principles of universality, non-selectivity and impartiality. It called on all States to avoid distorting the Council’s working methods and thereby human rights. Bolivia noted that China had adopted a system of regional and ethnic autonomy, and that it had stepped up economic efforts in areas where minorities lived, including the region of Xinjiang.
International Federation for Human Rights Leagues voiced concern that anti-terrorism and national security arguments were used by countries to detain human rights defenders. In Egypt, numerous human rights defenders were detained under terrorist related charges. In Turkey, human rights lawyers had been charged with propaganda for terrorist purposes, whereas in China, fabricated charges were used to target labour activists.
United Schools International drew the attention of the Council to Jammu and Kashmir where Pakistan had made the transition from an occupying power to a broker trying to sell Gilgit Baltistan to China. Pakistan continued to cause instability in the region and the people of Jammu and Kashmir feared for their future.
International Service for Human Rights underlined that China should allow access to the international experts and release all individuals held in arbitrary detention. The number of arbitrary detentions in Xinjiang was tragically high, over one million. If the Council were to give China a pass on that issue, it would send the message that economic influence and diplomatic charm offensives were sufficient to delay principled and lifesaving scrutiny.
Right of Reply
China, speaking in a right of reply, said that a number of countries and non-governmental organizations had made unwarranted accusations against China. In response, China pointed out that in Germany, racism and xenophobia were on the rise, and in France, racial discrimination against migrants and refugees was dire, as it was in Finland and Switzerland. In Canada, indigenous people suffered discrimination. Xinjiang and Tibet were valued economic regions, and all ethnic groups lived there in peace. A number of vocational training centres had been built, but only to combat extremism.
Japan, speaking in a right of reply, denied the groundless accusations made by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. It stated that having humbly accepted the facts of history since World War Two, it had systematically respected human rights and called on other members of the region to do the same. It would not exercise any further right of reply on the matter but did not accept any further accusations.
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, speaking in a right of reply, rejected absurd accusations made by several delegations as politically motivated, and such delegations were advised to look at their own human rights record. Concerning Japanese remarks on the abduction issue, this was rejected as it was resolved many years ago, thanks to the generosity of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Japan was using this issue for its own political purposes. Japan had to apologize for its crimes against humanity, including comfort women and forced drafting of millions of Koreans for slavery.
Japan, speaking in a second right of reply, said that for the past 70 years, Japan had accepted the facts of history, after the Second World War. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had promised to carry out investigations about abductees, under the agreement. Stakeholders were called to react.