A/HRC/40/NGO/49「数々の国連起源によって提起された「慰安婦」問題」(2019年2月14日) -
ヘルシンキ人権財団、アムネスティ・インターナショナル、被抑圧民族協会、あらゆる形態の人種差別撤廃国際機構がウイグル、チベットに言及。ヘルシンキ人権財団:「中国が不処罰により違反を続け、歴史的行為に対する説明責任に直面しないことを[…]許した」。中国はこの日も答弁権を行使して反論した。中国政府の御用 NGO 、中国人権研究会(CSHRS)は中国に言及せず、キューバ法律家全国組合とキューバ経済学者全国協会が称賛。
( UN Web TV の映像から)
チャプター01:ヘルシンキ人権財団/カイ・ミュラー(Kai Muller)氏
チャプター08:良心の自由のための団体と個人のヨーロッパ・コーディネーション/クリスティーヌ・ミッレ(Christine Mirre)氏
チャプター17:キューバ法律家全国組合/ユーリ・ペレス・マルティネス(Yuri Perez Martinez)氏
チャプター19:アムネスティ・インターナショナル/ケヴィン・ウィーラン(Kevin Whelan)氏
チャプター21:キューバ経済学者全国協会/グラディス・セシリア・ヘルナンデス・ペドラサ(Gladys Cecilia Hernandez Pedraza)氏
チャプター36:国際キャリア支援協会/Tetsuya Koide 氏
チャプター38:コリアン再統一を成功させる人々[PSCORE]/ファン・インチョル(Hwang In-Cheol)氏
チャプター50:被抑圧民族協会/カルデン・ツォモ(Kalden Tsomo)氏
チャプター56:あらゆる形態の人種差別撤廃国際機構/クリストファー・ガヴロンスキ(Christopher Gawronski)氏
チャプター77:中国人権研究会(CSHRS)/ヂャオ・シュクン(Shukun Zhao)氏
チャプター94:中国(答弁権)/[政府代表] - 関連エントリ
13 March 2019
The Human Rights Council this morning concluded its general debate on human rights situations that require the Council’s attention.
The first part of the debate was held on Tuesday, 12 March, and can be read here.
In the discussion, speakers expressed concern about the persecution of religious and ethnic minorities in many countries. Anti-conversion and anti-blasphemy legislation had to be repealed. There was flagrant violation of freedom of expression and an alarming situation concerning freedom of the press, as well as a dangerous campaign waged against civil society and human rights defenders in some countries. The situation in that respect was alarming because there were no practical measures to protect human rights defenders, which was why speakers proposed that a resolution on the recognition of the rights of human rights defenders be drafted. Some speakers also highlighted the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures, which were depriving the general population and children of food and medicine. They drew attention to the recruitment of children as soldiers and terrorists, and called upon States to find solutions. Another issue that was raised was the exploitation of natural resources belonging to indigenous peoples without their consent.
The Council will next hold an interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on minority issues. It will then hear the presentation of reports of the Forum on Minority Issues, the Forum on Democracy and the Rule of Law, and the Social Forum, before starting its general debate on human rights bodies and mechanisms.
General Debate on Human Rights Situations Requiring the Council’s Attention
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights said that as they commemorated the Tibet uprising 60 years ago, they noted that hundreds of thousands of Tibetans had been killed and tortured since then. The Chinese Government controlled access to the territory and Tibet remained closed to tourists and outside observers in sensitive times. This isolation allowed China to continue violations with impunity and not face accountability for its historical acts.
European Coordination of Associations and Individuals for Freedom of Conscience said that 270 members of the Church of Almighty God, a new Chinese Christian religious movement, had escaped China and applied for asylum in Japan. None of those requests had been granted. The fact that those people were cruelly prosecuted in China was an established fact. Japan was urged to lend its help to refugees of the Church of Almighty God.
National Union of Jurists of Cuba said that countries like China had promoted the right to development, which was good, but very few countries had been able to make such large-scale improvements. Countries should not pour scorn on such developments. They congratulated China for its work. The punitive findings against Syria, Venezuela and Nicaragua should be rejected because they undermined development in those countries, especially affecting the children and women.
Amnesty International was concerned about the human rights violations in Xinjiang province of China, which had seen up to one million Uyghurs imprisoned. In Syria, women had been excluded at national, regional and international levels from positions in decision making and negotiations, and Amnesty urged for women to be given a meaningful voice. Amnesty urged the Council to address the widespread disappearance of political dissidents in Iran in 1988, and regretted that many of those involved in this crime remained in positions of power in Iran.
National Association of Cuban Economists applauded the efforts made by China, Syria and Venezuela in implementing measures to improve the human rights situation in their countries. It rejected any attempt by the Council to interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign nations. It called on the Council to recognize the efforts made, rather than impose further obstacles.
Japanese Workers’ Committee for Human Rights said it was the eighth anniversary of the earthquake and ensuing Fukushima disaster, which was said to have been equal to the Chernobyl disaster. The forced evacuees were still unable to return home due to radioactive material, however, the Government of Japan continued to reject calls to provide assistance to internally displaced people.
International Career Support Association stated that the Japanese authorities had misinterpreted the concepts of parental custody and child authority under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. They also called on the Council to recommend that joint custody plans be made mandatory when a divorce was filed, and where domestic violence was alleged, mandatory investigations must be carried out by the police.
People for Successful Corean Reunification stated that Hwang In-cheol, the speaker’s father, had been abducted by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in 1969 during a business trip. The authorities of that country had refused to provide any information on him, and it was not known if he was still alive. In 1983, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had ratified the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft, under which they should repatriate Mr. Hwang. He asked the authorities to do so.
Society for Threatened Peoples celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of the Tibetan national uprising, and said that attention to the Tibetan plight was more urgent than ever, as there had been 53 self-emulations. The discrimination was ultimately suffered most by children who were unable to attend Tibetan language classes. It called on the Council to press China to uphold its commitments in Tibet.
International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination stated that ethnic and religious minorities faced attacks and discrimination from the Chinese authorities. In Xinjiang, the Uighur people were being targeted, and China refused to allow international observers in. In Myanmar, the authorities had committed crimes against minority groups and refused to allow the international community in to assess alleged abuses.
China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS) said that since the end of the Second World War and despite the efforts of the Council, wars were still persistent across the globe. Their effects particularly impacted the rights of women and children. It called on the Council to reduce violence and encourage the resolution of differences by peaceful means, while promoting the protection of the rights of women, children and the elderly in war zones.
GAHT-US Corporation said the comfort women issue was a contested issue in this Council. The expression of apologies by the Government of Japan only complicated matters. They asked for all to stop accusing each other and instead to work together. Another re-examination should be made into whether the comfort women were sex slaves or professional prostitutes.
Right of Reply
China, speaking in a right of reply, said that the allegations against it were unwarranted. The Government attached great importance to the social and economic conditions in Xinjiang and Tibet, and rights there were fully protected by the law. The Government had set up centres to help those indoctrinated by extreme ideas. The policy had been supported by all ethnic groups. China rejected attempts to interfere in its internal affairs by members of the Council. China deeply regretted the self-immolation practices in Tibet in recent years, and attached great importance to the freedom of the use of the Tibetan language. They welcomed anyone free from prejudice to visit Xinjiang or Tibet, but categorically rejected attempts to undermine the social stability of these regions.