




  • アイテム28(a):社会開発のための世界サミットの成果と総会第二十四回特別セッションの実施

  • アイテム28(b):世界の社会状況や青少年、高齢者、障害者および家族に関する問題を含む、社会開発
  • アイテム29:女性の地位向上

  • アイテム72(b):ダーバン宣言および行動計画の包括的実施およびフォローアップ

  • アイテム74(b):人権と基本的自由の効果的享受の改善のための代替アプローチを含む、人権問題

  • アイテム74(c):人権状況および特別報告者および代表者の報告


  • 中国、日本、韓国が、以下の決議のスポンサーとなっている(草案ドキュメントによる。以下同様)。コンセンサスで採択されたペルー提出の極度の貧困 L.27Rev.1 で中国、日本、韓国 *1キューバ非同盟運動代表)提出の L.31/Rev.1  開発権 *2 およびキューバ提出の L.36/Rev.1 食料への権利 *3 で中国(ドキュメントのリンク先は下記掲載の国連総会ホームページ「73回セッション - アジェンダ項目ごとの草案提案」、以下同様)。

  • いずれも採択された以下の5決議、および下記の修正案 L.60 が投票となった(各国投票先は国連総会ホームページ「第三委員会投票記録」リンク先参照)。

    前日時間切れとなったサウジ単独スポンサー提出の L.50 シリア人権状況は中国、北朝鮮反対、日本、韓国支持。北朝鮮、日本が発言。国名ではなく「政権」という言葉が使われたことがシリアの抗議で議論になったりしている。提出国のサウジが「政権」の使用を擁護、抗議したシリアはその後この決議を「サウジ決議」と形容して議長に正式名を使うよう注意されている。シリア:「「サウジ」を形容詞として使用した」。その後サウジとシリアの発言が議事進行か否かででも揉めている。シリア:「シリアにおいて紛争の炎をあおるのではなく、米国はカリフォルニアにおいて消火するための国際的連携を形成すべきである」。

    「米カリフォルニア州の山火事 なぜ行方不明者がこんなに多いのか - BBCニュース」(2018年11月19日)

    トルコ(イスラム協力機構代表)提出の L.51* ミャンマー人権状況 *4 は中国反対、北朝鮮、日本棄権、韓国支持。中国、日本が発言。北朝鮮は国別決議だが反対せず。

    エジプト(77か国グループと中国代表)スポンサー提出の L.17/Rev.1 社会開発は四か国とも支持。

    コンセンサスで採択されたフィリピン提出の L.7/Rev.1 女性の人身売買 *5スーダン国際刑事裁判所への言及の削除を求めて修正案 L.60 を提出したが否決:中国支持、北朝鮮記録なし、日本、韓国反対。

    「国際手配のスーダン大統領も出席=中国アフリカ首脳会合-北京:時事ドットコム」(2018年9月4日)「(社説)アフリカ支援 中国は誰を助けるのか:朝日新聞デジタル」(2018年9月7日)

    「10. ローマ規定 - 17章:刑事事項 - 条約の状況」(英語)(国連条約コレクション(英語))

    エジプト(77か国グループと中国代表)提出の L.52/Rev.1 レイシズム撤廃とダーバン宣言 *6 は中国、北朝鮮支持、日本反対、韓国棄権。反対は10(オーストラリア、カナダ、チェコ共和国、フランス、ドイツ、イスラエル、日本、マーシャル諸島、英国、アメリカ)。日本はアフリカ系の人々のための国際フォーラムの設立に懸念を表明しているのだが、アメリカ:「旧宗主国に賠償を提供する要請を拒否し、それは国際法問題として効力がない」。草案前文に以下の記述がある( p. 1 )。

    大西洋奴隷貿易を含む奴隷制度と奴隷貿易の歴史的不公正を正すため、ダーバン行動計画のパラグラフ157、158と一致する[consistent with]、すべての旧宗主国に賠償を要求することについて歓迎し、

    なお同行動計画の当該パラグラフには、援助についてや「美術品、歴史的な遺物や文書の原産地への返還賠償」といった文言がある(草案では「賠償」について「美術品、歴史的な遺物や文書」に限定していない)*7 。

    開発権 L.31/Rev.1(前出)は中国、北朝鮮支持、日本、韓国棄権。「互恵的協力」の文言に反発するアメリカなどが反対(デンマークフィンランド、ドイツ、イスラエル、オランダ、スウェーデンウクライナ、イギリス、アメリカ)。今年三月の人権理事会での「互恵的協力」決議も参照。

    食料への権利 L.36/Rev.1(前出)は四か国とも支持。

  • (国連総会ホームページ(英語))

    • 「73回セッション - アジェンダ項目ごとの草案提案 - 社会、人道および文化問題(第三委員会)- 国連総会」(英語

    • 「国連総会 - 第三委員会 - 社会、人道および文化)- 事務局」

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations



16 NOVEMBER 2018

Third Committee Approves 13 Drafts on Persons with Disabilities, Ageing, Human Trafficking amid Protracted Votes on Human Rights in Syria, Myanmar



総会 > 第三委員会 >



The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) expressed itself on human rights situations in Myanmar and Syria, as well as on human trafficking and inclusive development for persons with disabilities, approving 13 draft resolutions on those and other topics in an action‑filled day.


The Third Committee will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Monday, 19 November, to take further action on draft resolutions.
第三委員会は、 11月19日月曜日の午前10時に再招集し、決議草案に関するさらなる決議を行なう。


The Committee first turned to the draft resolution titled “Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic” (document A/C.3/73/L.50).

The representative of the United Kingdom, making a general statement, urged delegates to support the draft resolution to condemn the human rights violations taking place in Syria and said the text is not politically motivated. Those responsible must be held to account, he said, stressing that the regime and its backers have conducted further attacks on civilians since last year.

The representative of Syria, in a point of order, said official country names should be used and delegates should refrain from using the word “regime” to refer to countries.


The representative of the United States said her country strongly supports justice and accountability for the Syrian people. Syria’s Government is responsible for the vast majority of the killings and destruction inflicted on the Syrian people. The resolution rightly draws attention to the International Impartial and Independent Mechanism and reminds the international community of the Government’s brutal assault on citizens. Drawing attention to the plight of those who have been killed by barrel bombs or chemical attacks, she said the United States remains firm in its support of the United Nations‑led negotiation process.

The representative of Turkey said there is only one way out of this carnage: a politically negotiated resolution, in line with Security Council resolution 2254 (2015).

The Chair reiterated that delegates should use official country names.

The representative of Saudi Arabia recalled that, last year, a legal opinion from the Secretariat confirmed that the word “regime” could be used in debates since it had been included in General Assembly resolutions.

The representative of the Russian Federation asked for clarity on the situation regarding the use of the word “regime”. It seems that the representative of Saudi Arabia challenged the Chair’s authority, he said, calling on delegates to use official country names.

The representative of Turkey said Syrians have been punished brutally by barrel bombs, chemical weapons and sexual violence. Human rights are violated with increasing severity and impunity. Adoption of the draft will not be sufficient to heal the Syrians’ suffering, but it will show the international resolve to stand by them.

The representative of Iran, speaking in explanation of vote, said this is another instance of politicization of human rights mechanisms and the use of double standards. The draft resolution fails to recognize that the Government and people of Syria are facing terrorism, aggression and unilateral coercive measures. Saudi Arabia is worried about the billions of dollars it spent to support terrorist groups, aiming to destabilize a legitimate Government.

The representative of Saudi Arabia recalled that the topic under discussion is the human rights situation in Syria. He asked the Chair to remind delegates not to go off topic.

The Chair reiterated that delegates should use official country names. They should remain focused on the resolution, he added.

The representative of Iran said Saudi Arabia’s investment in terrorist groups was lost, and this explains the draft resolution’s desperate language. Exploitation of the Committee for political ends contravenes the principles of non‑selectivity, universality and objectivity. For these reasons, Iran will vote against the resolution.


The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, reiterating its opposition to country‑specific resolutions, said human rights issues should be discussed in an atmosphere of collaboration and dialogue. The Universal Periodic Review provides a forum for such discussions, and thus, he will vote against the draft.

The representative of Syria called on Member States to vote against the Saudi resolution.

The Chair recalled delegates to use a country’s official name.

The representative of Syria, replying to the Chair, said he used “Saudi” as an adjective. Saudi authorities usually resort to fatwa to cover their violations of human rights, he stated, adding that they violated Syrian Muslims’ rights by preventing them from making a pilgrimage to Mecca. Stressing that Saudi Arabia is attempting to use this Committee for propaganda purposes, he urged delegates to vote against the draft resolution, abstain or not attend the meeting. Rather than fan the flames of conflict in Syria, the United States should form an international coalition to extinguish the fires in California, he added.

The representative of Cuba said the draft resolution favours a punitive approach. Voicing support for the search for a negotiated settlement, he said the Third Committee should seek to foster cooperation with respect for Syria’s sovereignty.

The Committee then adopted draft resolution “L.50” by a recorded vote of 106 in favour to 16 against, with 58 abstentions.

By its terms, the Assembly would strongly condemn the systematic, widespread and gross violations of international human rights law and humanitarian law committed in Syria, as well as the indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks in civilian areas and against civilian infrastructure. It would demand that all parties comply with their international humanitarian law obligations, and that Syrian authorities immediately end all attacks on their own people, take all precautions to avoid incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects, and immediately implement Security Council resolutions 2254 (2015), 2258 (2015) and 2286 (2016). It would reaffirm that there can only be a political solution to the conflict, reiterating its commitment to Syria’s national unity and territorial integrity.

The representative of Argentina, in explanation of vote, stressed the importance of negotiations in Geneva and Astana, calling for political dialogue as the legitimate pathway to peace. He expressed support for referring the situation to the International Criminal Court. Condemning human rights violations in Syria, he stressed that all parties must respect human rights laws. He also absolutely rejected the use of chemical weapons. Argentina is ready to continue hosting Syrian refugees.


The representative of Egypt said her abstention from the vote is an expression of Egypt’s principled position on country‑specific resolutions. She stressed the importance of the Universal Periodic Review as the proper forum to advance constructive dialogue.


The representative of Iran said countries should only be able to speak once, either before or after action on the vote. He called on the Committee to adhere to this long-standing practice.

The Chair reminded delegations that only one statement can be made, either before or after the vote.

The Secretary of the Committee said Saudi Arabia had not made a general statement this morning and is therefore entitled to make one.

The representative of Iran said although Saudi Arabia presented the draft resolution, the Committee is now taking action, and Saudi Arabia’s statement should therefore be considered a general statement.

The Chair replied that a delegation is entitled to make one general statement. Saudi Arabia’s earlier comments were points of order.

The representative of Saudi Arabia, thanking everybody for participating in the discussion on the draft resolution, said justice will prevail even if it takes time. Saudi Arabia welcomes pilgrims from all countries, including Israel, he assured.

The representative of Austria, speaking on behalf of the European Union, condemned in the strongest possible terms the repeated use of chemical weapons by Syria and Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh). All those responsible for breaches of international laws must be brought to justice, he stated, stressing that impunity is unacceptable. Emphasizing that the situation in Syria should be referred to the International Criminal Court by the Security Council, he expressed concern about the ongoing destruction of the country’s cultural heritage. The use of chemical weapons anywhere by anyone is contrary to international law. He expressed the bloc’s full support for the Special Envoy to establish a Constitutional Committee and urged all parties to contribute in good faith to United Nations‑led efforts. He called for a negotiated settlement in line with Security Council resolution 2254 (2015) and the 2012 Geneva communiqué.

The representative of Japan expressed hope that violence will end as soon as possible and that is why Japan co‑sponsored the resolution and voted in favour of it.

The representative of Syria, in a point of order, said the negotiations that Saudi Arabia led prior to tabling the draft resolution lacked transparency. Most of the negotiation sessions took place at Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic mission, he stated, noting that Syrians were unable to make the pilgrimage to Mecca for eight years, prevented by Saudi Arabia.

The representative of Saudi Arabia said the statement made by the representative of Syria was not a point of order.

Next, the Committee took up a draft resolution titled “Situation of human rights in Myanmar” (document A/C.3/73/L.51*).

The representative of Turkey, introducing the draft on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, expressed deep concern over serious human rights violations in Myanmar against the Rohingya. Without a comprehensive strategy, it is impossible to find solutions for the crisis. To end the vicious cycle of extensive and systematic attacks against the Rohingya, Myanmar must create the conditions for peaceful life, he said, stressing the need to implement human rights laws and bring perpetrators to justice. He underlined the importance of a full and independent investigation of such violations, noting that Myanmar signed a Memorandum of Understanding and established a commission of inquiry. Welcoming Bangladesh’s efforts to address the humanitarian crisis, he said the voluntary and safe return of Rohingya is the only lasting solution, cautioning against transferring refugees from camps in one State to those in the other. “We must work tirelessly to urge Myanmar to address the root causes of the crisis”, he stressed, expressing the organization’s readiness to work with the United Nations and engaged parties.

The representative of Austria, on behalf of the European Union, said the draft articulates the grave international concern over the suffering of the Rohingya. The Independent International Fact‑Finding Mission results point to the commission of the gravest crimes under international law, such as torture, rape, killings and enslavement. Commending Bangladesh for its generosity, he said the text sets out what must happen to ensure redress for those who have suffered. It underscores deep concern over the persecution of minorities in Rakhine, Kachin and Shan States and recognizes steps by Myanmar to improve conditions in Rakhine. It calls for unhindered access to humanitarian assistance, robust steps forward on accountability — including the entry into operation of a mechanism to collect evidence of crimes committed in the country — and recalls the Security Council’s authority to refer the situation to the International Criminal Court. Urgent steps must be taken to address root causes and find viable solutions. Moreover, only implementation of recommendations on Rakhine, including on statelessness, will ensure stability and peace. He urged support for the draft.

The representative of Myanmar, in explanation of vote, “totally” rejected the draft, calling the tabling of a country‑specific resolution on any country that is under active consideration by the Human Rights Council procedurally unwarranted and an abuse of human rights procedure. The one‑sided, biased and hopelessly unconstructive draft is a politically driven attempt to exert pressure on select countries, as well as a clear manifestation of the hostility and dictatorial intent of the co‑sponsors towards a “soft target”. Ninety per cent of its content is about the rights of Muslims in Rakhine, while ignoring Myanmar’s positive political and socioeconomic developments. There is no mention of Myanmar’s efforts for national reconciliation and building a democratic federal union. The text also ignores the threat of terrorism, the real cause of the humanitarian crisis, he said, noting that the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army is linked to ISIL/Da’esh.

Despite visits by Independent Experts and Special Rapporteurs, Myanmar is treated unfairly under the pretext of human rights, he said, citing country‑specific resolutions over the last 26 years and scrutiny by at least seven United Nations mechanisms. He drew attention to bilateral agreements with Bangladesh on the issue of repatriation, stressing that “adopting this draft will not contribute to solving the humanitarian crisis in Rakhine State”. It will only worsen the complicated situation and hinder the Government efforts for the early repatriation of displaced persons.

The representative of Syria reiterated his country’s position of rejecting decisions and mandates targeting select countries, associating himself with the Non‑Aligned Movement.

The representative of Saudi Arabia said events in Myanmar continue to cast shadows of suspicion on positive political developments in the country. Such developments cannot be complete without including all people of Myanmar. Authorities deny the existence, identity and rights of more than 1 million Rohingya Muslims, among other oppressed groups, as well as their right to exist in their homeland, citing expulsions and house burnings that had forced the Rohingya to cross the border into Bangladesh. “We see no glimmer of hope for the return of those refugees”, he said. Calling the draft resolution balanced and objective, he advocated solutions which include recognition of the right to citizenship. He called for urgent implementation of the Advisory Commission’s recommendations, noting that Myanmar’s leadership must prove it is worthy of international respect.

The representative of Bangladesh stressed that the comity of nations must redeem itself for failing to prevent crimes against the Rohingya by heeding their call for identity, security and justice, and ensuring that “the most persecuted minority in the world is at least no longer the forgotten one”. Rohingya must be allowed to return home or to their place of choice. On the option of return, the Rohingya were not convinced by Myanmar’s assurances, as not a single one had accepted that option. They wanted guarantees for a pathway to citizenship and land ownership, and dispensation of justice — legitimate demands to which Myanmar must respond. Myanmar’s support for today’s draft resolution would be a step in that direction. Bangladesh’s Prime Minister stated that the Rohingya will return only if they wish. His country will continue to adhere to international humanitarian and human rights law. There is no gain for Bangladesh by either holding back the Rohingya or forcing their return.

The representative of the United States expressed deep concern about serious human rights violations in “Burma” and Rakhine State. She welcomed the Government’s commitment to implement the Advisory Commission recommendations and the Memorandum of Understanding. However, commitments are not enough; Myanmar must take actions. She stressed the importance of ensuring the return of displaced persons to their place of origin, while welcoming the establishment of an independent mechanism to collect and analyse data, echoing the call to immediately make it operational. She also voiced support for efforts to achieve accountability, commending the Special Rapporteur on developing insightful reports, despite Myanmar’s restrictions.

The representative of Myanmar, in a point of order, requested delegates to show respect by referring to his country by its official name.


The representative of China said different human rights needs must be addressed through constructive dialogue and cooperation, recalling complex historic and ethnic issues. In October, Myanmar and Bangladesh had agreed to start a repatriation process; they both have all the capacities to address this issue. China stands ready to support this endeavour. The United Nations and the international community should remain patient rather than complicating the situation, noting that China will vote against the draft resolution.

The representative of the Russian Federation attached great importance to positive inter‑State cooperation in protecting human rights. Neither criticism nor politicized country‑specific resolutions resolve such problems. The Russian Federation has consistently rejected such texts. The concept of genocide referred to in the draft varies from the accepted definition, and the bodies cited have no competency to interpret them, which undermines trust. Country‑specific resolutions contain offensive language against the United Nations. For such reasons, the Russian Federation will vote against the draft.

The Committee then adopted draft resolution “L.51*” by a recorded vote of 142 in favour to 10 against (Belarus, Burundi, Cambodia, China, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Philippines, Russian Federation, Viet Nam, Zimbabwe), with 26 abstentions.

By its terms, the Assembly would strongly condemn all violations of human rights in Myanmar and call for a full and independent investigation, including on those against Rohingya Muslims and persons belonging to other minorities, to ensure that those responsible are held accountable. It would further call for the expeditious entry into operation of the independent mechanism established by the Human Rights Council, as well as steps to secure its effective functioning as soon as possible. The Assembly would urge the international community to support the underfunded 2018 joint response plan for the Rohingya humanitarian crisis to ensure adequate resources to address the humanitarian crisis.

The programme budget implications prepared in connection with this draft ARE contained in document A/C.3/73/L.58.


The representative of Japan expressed concern over the human rights situation in Myanmar, urging that country to carry out a credible investigation. For such reasons, Japan abstained from the vote.


The representative of Myanmar said the resolution is ill intentioned and will not help resolve issues in Rakhine State. It will only foster politicization and aggravate mistrust. The people of Myanmar are united as ever in the relentless pursuit of peace for all 54 million people.


Moving on, the Committee then took up a draft resolution titled, “Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the outcome of the World Summit of Social Development and of the twenty‑fourth special session of the General Assembly” (document A/C.3/73/L.17/Rev.1).

The representative of Egypt, introducing the draft on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, described it as action‑oriented and seeking to address inequalities in efforts to implement the World Summit for Social Development outcome. It highlights the situation and specific needs of young people, older persons, people with disabilities and families, among others. The text also prioritizes youth employment and women’s economic empowerment, she said, welcoming the spirit of collaboration and cooperation that allowed agreement on the important issues addressed by the draft resolution.

The representative of Egypt asked which delegation requested a recorded vote.

The Chair replied the representative of the United States requested a recorded vote.

The representative of the United States said she will vote against the resolution as several issues remain that are not related to sustainable development or the Committee’s mandate. Noting that portions of the resolution attribute negative impact to vague reference to trade and trade barriers, she said demands that the international community increase market access and calls on international financial institutions to provide debt relief are unacceptable. Regarding the presence of the phrase “right to development” in the resolution, she emphasized that it doesn’t have an international meaning that the United States recognizes.

The Committee then adopted the draft resolution “L.17/Rev.1” by a vote of 181 in favour to 2 (Israel, United States) against, with no abstentions.
委員会はその後、支持181、反対2(イスラエル、米国)、棄権なしでの記録投票により決議「L.17 / Rev.1」を採択した。


The Committee next turned to the draft resolution titled “Inclusive development for and with persons with disabilities” (document A/C.3/73/L.6/Rev.1).

The representative of the Philippines introduced the draft also on behalf of the United Republic of Tanzania, noting that people with disabilities comprise 15 per cent of the global population. They are agents and recipients of development. He urged respect for their rights, including to lifelong learning on an equal basis. Barriers to their access to water, sanitation and hygiene must be removed, and their need for assistive technologies recognized.
フィリピン代表は、タンザニア連邦共和国を代表して草案を提出し、障害者が世界人口の15パーセントを占めることを指摘した。彼らは開発の主体であり受益者である。彼は、対等な生涯学習を含め、彼らの権利を尊重することを強く促した。 水、衛生設備および衛生状態へのアクセスの障壁を排除し、支援技術についての必要性を認識しなければならない。

The Committee approved draft resolution “L.6/Rev.1” without a vote.


Turning to the draft resolution titled “Follow‑up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing” (document A/C.3/73/L.18/Rev.1), a Secretariat official said the requirements in meeting services in 2019 related to operative paragraphs 5 and 6 would be met from existing resources. Therefore, the draft would not generate additional requirements under the programme budget for the biennium 2018‑2019.
「高齢化に関する第二回世界会議へのフォローアップ」(ドキュメントA/C.3/73/L.18/Rev.1)と題する決議草案をとり上げ、事務局職員は、本文パラグラフ5とパラグラフ6に関する2019年におけるサービスを満たす要件は既存のリソースから満たされると述べた。したがって、草案は、2018年 - 2019年の二年間のためのプログラム予算のもと追加要件を生み出すことはない。

The representative of Egypt, introducing the text on behalf of the “Group of 77” developing countries and China, said the draft resolution aims to include inputs from the Secretary‑General’s report to notably support care workers for older persons. The consequences of social exclusion are highlighted, she added, stressing that the text encourages the international community to support national efforts to fund research and data collection on ageing.

The representative of the United States said her country is pleased to join consensus on this draft resolution.

The Committee then approved draft resolution L.18/Rev.1 without a vote.


The Committee turned to the draft resolution titled “Follow‑up to the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family and beyond” (document A/C.3/73/L.19/Rev.1).

The representative of Egypt, introducing the draft on behalf of the Group of 77, reaffirmed the importance of the International Year of the Family and stressed that the draft can promote well‑being for all, empower women and girls, and end violence against them. It encourages Governments to make every effort to fulfil the International Year, focusing on quality education and lifelong learning for all, full and decent work, social security, livelihood and social cohesion.


The Committee then approved draft resolution “L.19/Rev.1” without a vote.


The Committee then took up a draft resolution titled “Trafficking in women and girls” (document A/C.3/73/L.7/Rev.1).

The representative of the Philippines, introducing the text, said human trafficking, particularly of women and girls, is a scourge that robs people of their dignity. Approximately 80 per cent of victims are women and girls, who are used as articles of commerce. The draft considers the positive and negative role played by technology.


The representative of Sudan then introduced an amendment (document A/C.3/73/L.60) to the draft resolution, which would remove a preambular paragraph from draft resolution “L.7/Rev.1” referencing the International Criminal Court. That reference disregards national, regional and international mechanisms addressing this question. Sudan’s efforts to include amendments during informal consultations, to achieve consensus and balance, and propose appropriate language did not bear fruit. The pursuit of selective methods left Sudan with no option but to introduce an amendment. He affirmed that combating impunity is among Sudan’s priorities and he expressed concern over attempts to globalize the Court as a legal system to be imposed on all States. Reference to the Court politicizes the Committee. He requested deletion of the paragraph and support from Member States.
スーダン代表はその後、国際刑事裁判所を参照する前文パラグラフを決議草案「L.7/Rev.1」から削除する、決議草案への修正案(ドキュメントA/C.3/73/L.60)を提出した 。その言及は、この問題に対処している国内、地域および国際的メカニズムを無視している。非公式協議中の修正案を採り入れ、コンセンサスとバランスを達成し、適切な言葉を提案するスーダンの取り組みは実を結ばなかった。選択的方法の追求は、スーダンを修正案の提出以外に選択肢をなくした。不処罰との戦いはスーダンの優先事項のひとつであることを再確認し、すべての締約国に対して課される法制度として裁判所をグローバライズする試みに対して懸念を表明した。裁判所への言及は委員会を政治化する。彼はパラグラフの削除と加盟国からの支持を要請した。


The representative of Iceland, on behalf of several countries, said preambular paragraph 16 has been the operational language for years. Adopted in 1998, the Rome Statute was among the first to address conflict‑related sexual and gender‑based violence. It has a key role to play in ending impunity for those crimes where national courts are unable or unwilling to exercise their jurisdiction. She will vote against the text and encouraged others to do likewise.

The draft amendment was then rejected by a recorded vote of 101 against to 19 in favour, with 34 abstentions.


The representative of Sudan said in a general statement that his country had sought to join consensus on the draft resolution, especially as it addresses human trafficking in women and girls, a topic in which Sudan has taken a stake. Associating with the statement by the Philippines that trafficking has no place in the civilized world, he said Sudan nonetheless finds contradiction, due to the paragraph in question.

The Committee then approved draft resolution L.7/Rev.1 without a vote.


The Committee then turned to the draft resolution titled “Global call for concrete action for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation and follow‑up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action” (document A/C.3/73/L.52/Rev.1).

The representative of Egypt, introducing the text on behalf of the Group of 77, expressed concern about the resurgence of racial discrimination. She reiterated the bloc’s condemnation of all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, on any grounds and against any persons, as they constitute serious violations of human rights. The bloc looks forward to Member States making valuable contributions to the implementation of this resolution.

The representative of Brazil expressed support for the draft resolution and urged all delegations to support it. Welcoming the proposed creation of the permanent forum of people of African descent, he stressed the need to establish it in a way that fosters coordination and efficiency.

The representative of Egypt asked which delegation requested a recorded vote.

The representative of Israel, recalling that the Jewish people have been victims of racism for thousands of years, said her country has been an outspoken advocate in the fight against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. However, a small group of States use the Durban Conference to defame and delegitimatize Israel, and thus, she will vote against the text.

The representative of the United States, speaking in explanation of vote, said her country is committed to fighting racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. Acknowledging that this fight remains a challenge, she pointed out that her country continues to implement the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. The draft resolution is not genuinely focused on fighting racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance as it endorses the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action and advocates excessive restrictions on freedom of speech. It has no effect as a matter of international law, she stressed, rejecting the call for former colonial powers to provide reparations.

The representative of Austria, speaking on behalf of the European Union, said the bloc remains committed to the eradication of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. While appreciating the informal consultations conducted by South Africa, he regretted that only a handful of the bloc’s words were accepted; none of its substantive proposals were taken on board. There is no evidence that the International Convention has gaps or fails to address contemporary forms of discrimination, he stated, stressing that resources should be primarily devoted to fighting discrimination on the ground. States have a common duty to fight racism by overcoming divisions related to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, but given that the resolution does not sufficiently contribute to that end, the European Union cannot support it.

A Secretariat official said the representative of Israel requested a recorded vote on the draft resolution.

The Committee then approved the draft resolution by a recorded vote of 128 in favour to 10 against (Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Marshall Islands, United Kingdom, United States), with 42 abstentions.

By its terms, the Assembly would take various actions related to: the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination; the International Decade for People of African Descent; the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); the Group of independent eminent experts on the implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action; the Trust Fund for the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination; the Special Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance; and follow-up and implementation activities.

The representative of Japan reiterated his country’s commitment to the elimination of racism, racial discrimination, and xenophobia through the International Convention. However, Japan has certain concerns on the creation of an international forum for people of African descent, as its activities are not clearly defined in the draft resolution. There was not enough time to examine the details of the forum’s creation or its budgetary implications.

The representative of Israel, making a general statement, stated that her country had requested a recorded vote on this draft resolution.

The representative of Nigeria, noting the broad support garnered by the draft, expressed regret that the Third Committee has had to vote on it every year. He called for adequate resources to be made available for the Working Group of Experts.

Next, the Committee turned to the draft resolution titled “Human rights and extreme poverty” (document A/C.3/73/L.27/Rev.1).

The representative of Peru, introducing the text, noted the importance of eradicating poverty - the world’s greatest challenge - and acknowledged the flexibility shown by Member States during informal consultations.

The Committee approved draft resolution “L.27/Rev.1” without a vote.


The Committee then turned to the draft resolution titled “The right to development” (document A/C.3/73/L.31/Rev.1).

The representative of Cuba, on behalf of the Non‑Aligned Movement, said the right to development is a human right which includes the right to free self‑determination and exercise of sovereignty. He urged support from Member States.

The representative of the United States called for a vote on the resolution, expressing concern about the right to development as there is no international consensus on its meaning. She voiced concern that such a right would protect States and not individuals. The United States continually encourages Governments to respect their human rights commitments, regardless of their level of development. She cannot accept the phrase “to expand and deepen mutual beneficial cooperation,” and therefore will vote no and urged others to do the same.

The representative of Liechtenstein said that discussing the right to development has been challenging and conceptual inaccuracies related to the right persist. Expressing hope that future discussions will allow his country to join the group of supporters, as in the past, he said Liechtenstein will abstain.

The Committee then approved draft resolution “L.31/Rev.1” by a recorded vote of 141 in favour to 10 against (Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Israel, Netherlands, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States), with 33 abstentions.
委員会はその後、支持141、反対10(デンマークフィンランド、ドイツ、イスラエル、オランダ、スウェーデンウクライナ、英国、米国) 、棄権33での記録投票により決議草案「L.31/Rev.1」を承認した。

By its terms, the Assembly would recognize that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is among the critical elements in realizing the right to development, which is the greatest global challenge. The Assembly would urge States, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and other relevant specialized agencies, funds and programmes to provide the Special Rapporteur on the right to development with all the assistance and support necessary.

The representative of New Zealand, speaking in explanation of vote on behalf of several countries, recognized the right to development in line with the declaration on the right to development. He expressed concerns with operative paragraph 17, noting that strong economic development may contribute to, but does not imply, the enjoyment of all rights.

The representative of Mexico said that, while this resolution is a good reference for human rights, there is no added value in a legally binding instrument on the right to development. Cautioning against duplicated efforts, he stressed the need to follow up on efforts by the Special Rapporteur on the right to development.


Moving on, the Committee took up a draft resolution titled “The right to food” (document A/C.3/73/L.36/Rev.1).

The representative of Cuba, introducing the text, said the number of people suffering from hunger increased in 2017 even though there is enough food produced in the world to feed everybody. This global problem should be tackled by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, through policies in line with the right to food, he said, describing the draft resolution as a global call to action.

The representative of Switzerland called for open negotiations in the future, noting that her country supports the content of the draft resolution, as the right to food is among its priorities.

The representative of Cuba asked which delegation requested a recorded vote.

The representative of the United States said hunger is on the rise for the third year in a row after a decade of progress. The draft resolution contains unbalanced, inaccurate and unwise provisions the United States cannot support: it inappropriately mentions trade issues which fall outside the Committee’s remit and inaccurately links negotiations at the World Trade Organization to the right to food. For these reasons, the United States will vote against it.

The Committee then approved the draft resolution by a recorded vote of 179 in favour to 2 against (Israel, United States), with no abstentions.

By its terms, the Assembly would call on all States to implement policies to reduce and eliminate preventable mortality and morbidity due to malnutrition among children under 5 years of age. It would call for a development‑oriented outcome of World Trade Organization negotiations, notably on the remaining issues of the Doha Development Round, in fostering global conditions permitting the full realization of the right to food. The Assembly would also urge States to give priority in their development strategies and expenditures to realizing the right to food.


The representative of Cuba expressed regret that the United States delegate had called for a vote and thanked those who voted in favour of the draft.

The Committee had before it a draft resolution titled “Missing persons” (document A/C.3/73/L.47/Rev.1).

The representative of Azerbaijan introduced the draft, underscoring that States must address the issue holistically, while urging utmost attention be given to missing children and stressing the importance of focusing on victims’ families.


The Committee approved the draft resolution without a vote.


Turning to crime prevention and criminal justice, the Committee took up a draft resolution titled “Preventing and combating corrupt practices and the transfer of proceeds of corruption, facilitating asset recovery and returning such assets to legitimate owners, in particular to countries of origin, in accordance with the United Nations Convention against Corruption” (document A/C.3/73/L.15/Rev.1).

The representative of Colombia, introducing the draft, said it was based on the achievements of the Conference on Corruption, held in November 2017 in Vienna. It calls on Member States to continue to enforce preventive measures and encourages States parties to the Convention against Corruption to participate in the second review cycle. “Corruption is an obstacle to the effective protection and promotion of human rights,” he said, calling for redoubled efforts and encouraging delegates to approve the text by consensus.

The Committee then approved draft resolution “L.15/Rev.1” without a vote.








