「北朝鮮における人権状況」決議( A/RES/73/180 )
決議の採択は14年連続14回目。昨年に続きコンセンサスで採択されたが、北朝鮮のほかイラン、ロシア、中国、ベネズエラ、キューバの五か国がコンセンサスから離脱。総会決議を勧告した第三委員会(社会、人道および文化)では上記に加えてシリア、ベラルーシも離脱していた。昨年の本会議では北朝鮮のほかシリアも含む六か国が離脱(以上、下記掲載外務省ホームページへのリンク先および関連エントリ 2018-11-15 参照)。
第三委員会での審議同様に本会議でもスーダンが、国際刑事裁判所への付託や制裁強化の検討を安保理に奨励する本文パラグラフ12の削除を求めて修正案 L.60 を提出したが投票で否決された。
- 2014年から続いていた北朝鮮の人権状況に関する安保理会合の開催は不調に終わった模様(関連エントリ 2018-11-15 のメディア報道も参照)。2016年 - 2017年で日本が非常任理事国を終えていた。下記 AFP 転電の『チャンネル・ニュースアジア』(シンガポール)によれば「コートジボワールが乗らなかった」とのことである。アメリカは引き続き新年開催を試みるともある。
「総会、安全保障理事会の非常任理事国としてベルギー、ドミニカ共和国、ドイツ、インドネシア、南アフリカ共和国を選出」(英語)- 国連会合報道およびプレスリリ-ス(2018年6月8日)
「第73回セッション決議 - 国連総会」(英語)
A/RES/73/180「2018年12月17日の総会で採択された[第三委員会報告書(A/73/589/Add.3)に関する]決議 73/180 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国における人権状況」(PDF)
GA/11993「総会、59の第三委員会決議草案を採択、合意文言への不一致の中4つの注目を浴びているテキストに関する審議を延期 | 会合報道およびプレスリリ-ス」(2017年12月19日)(英語)- 昨年の会合のプレスリリース(第72回セッション)
( UN Web TV の映像より)
United Nations
17 NOVEMBER 2018
General Assembly Endorses Landmark Global Compact on Refugees, Adopting 53 Third Committee Resolutions, 6 Decisions Covering Range of Human Rights
The General Assembly endorsed the Global Compact on Refugees today — an historic agreement aiming to forge a stronger and fairer response to refugee movements — as it adopted 53 resolutions and 6 decisions recommended by its Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural).
Also speaking today were the representatives of Liechtenstein (also speaking on behalf of Australia, Canada, Iceland, New Zealand, Norway and Switzerland), Austria (on behalf of the European Union), Netherlands, Sweden (on behalf of the Nordic countries), Syria, Venezuela, Jordan, Chile, Burundi, Uruguay, United States, Kyrgyzstan, Monaco, Finland (on behalf of the Nordic countries), Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ethiopia, China, Bahamas, Iran, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Cuba and Saudi Arabia.
本日のさらなる発言は、リヒテンシュタイン(オーストラリア、カナダ、アイスランド、ニュージーランド、ノルウェーおよびスイスも代表して発言)、オーストリア(欧州連合代表)、オランダ、スウェーデン(北欧諸国代表)、 シリア、ベネズエラ、ヨルダン、チリ、ブルンジ、ウルグアイ、米国、キルギスタン、モナコ、フィンランド(北欧諸国代表)、北朝鮮、エチオピア、中国、バハマ、イラン、トリニダードトバゴ、チュニジア、キューバおよびサウジアラビア代表だった。
The General Assembly also took up other matters, which are covered in press release GA/12108.
Action on Third Committee Draft Resolutions
KATHARINA KONZETT-STOFFL (Austria), Rapporteur of the Third Committee, introduced the following reports of that body: Social development (document A/73/581); Advancement of women (document A/73/582); Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, questions relating to refugees, returnees and displaced persons and humanitarian questions (document A/73/583); Report of the Human Rights Council (document A/73/584); Promotion and protection of the rights of children (document A/73/585); Rights of indigenous peoples (document A/73/586); Elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance (document A/73/587); and Rights of peoples to self-determination (document A/73/588).
カサリナ・コンツェット=シュトッフル(オーストリア)、第三委員会報告者は、以下のその機関の報告を提出した:社会開発(ドキュメントA /73/581)、女性の地位向上(ドキュメントA/73/582)、国連難民高等弁務官事務所報告、難民、帰還民および避難民に関する問題、ならびに人道的問題(ドキュメントA/73/583)。人権理事会報告(ドキュメントA/73/584)、子どもの権利の促進と保護(ドキュメントA/73/585)、先住民の権利(ドキュメントA/73/586)、レイシズム、人種差別、外国人嫌悪および関連する不寛容の撤廃(ドキュメントA/73/587)、人民の自己決定権(ドキュメントA/73/588)。
She went on to present the Committee’s reports on Promotion and protection of human rights (document A/73/589); Implementation of human rights instruments (document A/73/589/Add.1); Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedom (document A/73/589/Add.2); Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives (document A/73/589/Add.3); Comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (document A/73/589/Add.4); Crime prevention and criminal justice (document A/73/590); International drug control (document A/73/591); Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly (document A/73/592); and Programme planning (document A/73/593).
The Assembly began by taking up the report on Social Development (document A/73/581), which contained six draft resolutions.
Next, the Assembly took up the report titled “Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms” (document A/73/589/Add.2), containing 17 draft resolutions.
The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea said he totally rejects the draft resolution titled “Situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”, a text which has nothing to do with human rights. It is an attempt to discredit the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, where dignity and human rights are most valued. He expressed concern that Japan, which has committed grave and mass violations of human rights, is discussing the situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Pyongyang will not recognize nor accept this resolution and does not feel the need to call for a vote. It also rejects any resolutions against the Russian Federation, Iran and Syria on the principle of double standards.
北朝鮮代表は、人権とは何の関係もないテキスト、「北朝鮮における人権状況」を完全に拒絶すると述べた。 それは、尊厳と人権が最も尊重される北朝鮮の信用を傷つける試みである。彼は、重大で大規模な人権侵害を犯した日本が北朝鮮の状況を議論していることに懸念を表明した。平壌はこの決議を受け入れず、投票を要請する必要も感じない。また、二重基準の原則でのロシア連邦、イランおよびシリアに対するいかなる決議も拒否する。
The Assembly President, noting that the delegate of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is referring to a different item, said nonetheless his statement will be included in the meeting’s record.
The representative of China said he was unable to vote on the draft resolution titled “United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas”, expressing support for the text.
Moving on, the Assembly then turned to the report titled, “Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives” (document A/73/589/Add.3), containing five draft resolutions.
The representative of the Russian Federation said he did not support country-specific resolutions on human rights, which are often based on inaccurate information. Such blatantly political resolutions discredit efforts to establish cooperation. He said he will vote against the draft resolutions on the human rights situations in Iran, Myanmar and Syria and disassociate from the draft on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, recalling his earlier statement, reiterated his total rejection of the draft resolution concerning his country, which aims to disgrace its image. He neither recognizes nor accepts the resolution nor feels the need to call for a vote.
The representative of Venezuela, citing drafts on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Iran and Syria, rejected any attempts to selectively address these issues for political purposes. The continued practice of selectivity in relation to such situations violates the principles of non-selectivity and universality with which the United Nations should address human rights. He expressed support for the position of the Non-Aligned Movement on this matter, stressing that Venezuela will vote against the drafts resolutions put to the vote, and disassociate from the draft on Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
The representative of China said human rights differences should be resolved through constructive dialogue and cooperation based on mutual respect. He rejected the exertion of pressure on other countries under the pretext of human rights.
The Assembly then turned to draft resolution I titled “Situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”, first taking up the draft amendment (A/73/L.60).
総会はその後、「北朝鮮における人権状況」と題した決議草案 I に着手し、最初に修正案(A/73/L.60)を取り上げた。
It rejected that amendment by a recorded vote of 95 against to 19 in favour, with 43 abstentions.
The Assembly then adopted, without a vote, draft resolution I as a whole, condemning long-standing and ongoing systematic gross rights violations in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
総会はその後、投票なしで全体として決議草案 I を採択し、北朝鮮における長期にわたり継続中の体系的で重大な権利侵害を非難する。
The representative of Iran said the resolution on the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea contravenes the principles of universality, objectivity and non-selectivity.
The representative of Cuba disassociated from consensus on the resolution on the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It is only through genuine impartiality, non-selectivity and objectivity that human rights can be adequately promoted and protected. He reiterated the importance of the Universal Periodic Review to stimulate respectful cooperation, stressing that this resolution is counterproductive and involves the Security Council in matters that do not affect international peace and security.