- 毎度盛り上がる(?)アジェンダ項目4、「理事会の注意を要する人権状況」である。日本側の応答がひどい。
オーストリア( EU 代表)、ドイツ、イギリス、カナダ、フランス *1 、フィンランドの六か国が中国に言及。北朝鮮に対しては、日本、オーストラリア、イギリス、デンマーク、チェコの五か国が言及した。
「中国の人権へのアプローチは人民中心のアプローチ」。中国の発言までに同国に言及していた EU 、ドイツ、イギリスを中国が声明で非難。前回セッションのこの会合では、そのような国々に対し「人権教師(人権せんせい(?))」なる名言が飛び出していた(笑)。答弁権による発言では、上記中国の声明のすぐあとに続けて中国に言及していたカナダとフランスを非難している(声明で EU には反論してあるにもかかわらずフランスは非難し、フィンランドは取り上げていない)。
韓国は声明でイエメン、スリランカおよびミャンマーに言及。日本は人権高等弁務官による開会声明に関する一般討論では「アジア太平洋諸国として」の懸念表明までで、日本 vs 北朝鮮の非難合戦にはならなかったが(11日、下記)、ここでは上の文言に続けて拉致問題に言及。そのあと発言した北朝鮮は「朝鮮の軍事占領中に日本によって犯された不道徳で非人道的な犯罪」(と EU での難民虐待)に言及し、毎度の展開に突入した。
日本と北朝鮮は二度目の答弁権も行使したが、日本側は上掲前回セッションの会合に続き二度目の答弁権まで使って未来志向を呼び掛けている。また、日本が今回も北朝鮮による「根拠がな」い数字/桁数(figures)について発言しているのは、北朝鮮が例の日帝840万人拉致 *2 と、20万人慰安婦に言及しているためである(前回セッションでも840万は採録されなかったが、今回は20万の方も採録されていない。UN Web TV 前半のチャプター31:北朝鮮参照)。
数字を否定するのはとうぜんとして(前々回は否定せず *3 )、まいど同じようなことを書いてる気がするのだが(苦笑)上掲、前回第38回セッションでの当方のノートを転載:「(ならず者国家と見なされている)北がデタラメな数字などを吹聴してくれて(?)いるのだから、ここは喧伝されている日本軍国主義の「悪行」について反論する絶好の機会と捉えてしまいたい。毎回同じようなネタなので準備できるだろう。南北以外の国はさして興味ないだろうが「「朝鮮占領」というのは事実と異なる」などとやると外務省としてはますますたいへんだとかなるのだろうか」。
政府の対応は上記の反対で、日本は「歴史の事実を謙虚に受け入れ」である。どの「事実を」「謙虚に受け入れ」たのか。慰安婦問題と同じパターン、というか北の主張は「不道徳で非人道的な犯罪」の枕があり、なにもかも引っくるめられて、よりタチがわるいともいえる。また、「事実の誤った理解に基づいていた」などと「主張」するのではなく、プロパガンダと断じてなんの問題があろうか(褒め殺し?、べつに褒めていないが)。北朝鮮は前回「朝鮮占領」としていたのをさらに「軍事占領」に上書きしてきたりしている。二度目の答弁権では慰安婦について「虐殺された朝鮮人性的奴隷の映像」*4 など喋り続け、制限の2分を超えて議長に打ち切られた( UN Web TV 後半チャプター101:北朝鮮(答弁権)参照)。
NGO では、ヘルシンキ人権財団(本部ポーランド、ワルシャワ)*5 、世界キリスト教連帯(イギリス、ニューモールデン)、アムネスティ・インターナショナル、国際人権サービス(ジュネーブ/NYC)、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ、ヒューマンライツ・ナウが中国に言及。北朝鮮への言及はない(または未採録)。
- なお、パキスタンが声明でインドに言及し、14日に続いてまたもや非難合戦になった(未抽出)。
( UN Web TV の映像より)
チャプター03:オーストリア( EU 代表)/エリザベト・ティヒー=フィッシルバーガー(Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger)在ジュネーブ政府代表部特命全権大使
チャプター05:ドイツ/ハンス=ペーター・ユゲル(Hans-Peter Jugel)在ジュネーブ政府代表部臨時代理大使
チャプター08:韓国/ユン・サンウク(Yoon Sanguk)在ジュネーブ政府代表部参事官
チャプター15:オーストラリア/エリザベス・ワイルド(Elizabeth Wilde)在ジュネーブ政府代表部大使
チャプター19:イギリス/ジュリアン・ブライスワイト(Julian Braithwaite)在ジュネーブ政府代表部大使
チャプター22:中国/タイ・ターマオ(Dai Demao)政府代表
チャプター23:カナダ/タマラ・マウィニー(Tamara Mawhinney)政府代表
チャプター24:フランス/フランソワ・ガヴ(François Gave)在ジュネーブ政府代表部臨時代理大使
チャプター28:フィンランド/テルヒ・ハカラ(Terhi Hakala)在ジュネーブ政府代表部特命全権大使
チャプター28:デンマーク/モルテン・イェスペルセン(Morten Jespersen)在ジュネーブ政府代表部大使
チャプター31:北朝鮮/李興植(リ・フンシク/Ri Hung Sik)政府代表
チャプター32:チェコ共和国/ヤン・カーラ(Jan Kára)在ジュネーブ政府代表部特命全権大使
チャプター42:ヘルシンキ人権財団/メラニー・ブロンデル(Melanie Blondelle)氏
チャプター53:世界キリスト教連帯/クレア・デンマン(Claire Denman)氏
チャプター53:アムネスティ・インターナショナル/ケヴィン・ウィーラン(Kevin Whelan)氏
チャプター72:国際人権サービス/サルマ・エル・ホセイニ(Salma El Hosseiny)氏
チャプター75:ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ/ジョン・フィッシャー(John Fisher)*6 氏(ジュネーブ・ディレクター)チャプター009:ヒューマンライツ・ナウ/アーミ・ハヴィエル(Armi Javier)氏
チャプター087:中国(答弁権)/[チー・ターハイ(Dahai Qi)政府代表]
チャプター096:北朝鮮(答弁権)/[ムン・ジョンチョル(Mun Jong Chol)在ジュネーブ政府代表部参事官]
18 September 2018
The Human Rights Council today held a general debate on human rights situations that require the Council’s attention.
In the general debate, speakers reiterated serious concern about the rising intolerance against migrants and minorities, fed by racism and populism that were practiced by mainstream political parties. The abuse of the social media, which fuelled tensions and violence in several countries, underlined the need to explore the ways to stem misperceptions and misunderstandings while not compromising the freedom of expression. Several delegations raised concern about the increasing repression, through arrests and detention, against human rights defenders and journalists; crimes against ethnic and religious minorities; and atrocities against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex individuals. Some speakers insisted on the respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries, and the need for assessing the situation of human rights based on the individual context of each country. They rejected the imposition of punitive actions that sought to change regimes and called for the end of interference in the internal affairs of countries. They regretted that dialogue and cooperation were side-lined in the Council, whereas confrontation took over. Allegations of violations of various human rights in most regions of the world were raised.
General Debate on Human Rights Situations that Require the Council’s Attention
Austria, speaking on behalf of the European Union, voiced concern about the expansion of political re-education camps in Xinjiang in China, about the arbitrary exclusion of the main opposition party from the electoral process in Cambodia, and about the death toll associated with the campaign against illegal drugs in the Philippines. It continued to be concerned about Israel’s illegal settlement expansion in the occupied Palestinian territory, and called on Egypt and Russia to respect freedom of assembly, association and expression. It was further worried about the situation of human rights in South Sudan, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Pakistan.
Germany remained deeply concerned about the deteriorating human rights situations in Burundi, Syria, Myanmar, China, the Philippines, Russian Federation, Egypt, Turkey, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Germany noted the increasing repression through arrests, detentions of human rights defenders and journalists, crimes against ethnic and religious minorities, as well as atrocities against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex communities.
Republic of Korea said that the attack on a food truck in Yemen last month would aggravate the hunger in the country, and urged all armed groups to stop targeting humanitarian aid and operations. The abuse of the social media, the Republic of Korea stressed, increased ethnic tensions in Sri Lanka and in Myanmar, and so underlined the need to explore ways to stem the tensions and violence arising from misperceptions and misunderstandings without compromising freedom of expression.
Japan said that as an Asian-Pacific country, it was concerned about the continued prevalence in the region of the repression of people’s fundamental freedoms and democracy, including those of human rights defenders and ethnic minorities. It was significant, Japan continued, that the issue of abduction had been taken up during the summit meeting between the United States and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and considered that the joint statement arising from the summit was the first step toward a comprehensive solution.
Australia condemned the use of chemical weapons in Syria. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea needed to halt human rights violations. Continued repression in Venezuela would exacerbate an already precarious situation. Widespread attacks and sexual violence in South Sudan as well as the need for humanitarian aid in Yemen were also concerns. And in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, perpetrators of violence needed to be held accountable.
United Kingdom called on Russia to investigate the persecution of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities. The United Kingdom had grave concerns about the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Human rights violations and abuses in Nicaragua as well as continuing restrictions on the freedom of expression in Egypt were also of concern. The human rights situations in China and South Sudan were mentioned as well.
China said that China’s approach to human rights was a people-centred approach. It was a country of the rule of law, where all were equal before the law. Any political position that undermined political stability was punishable by that law. The European Union, Germany and the United Kingdom had made unwarranted accusations against China. Those attacks were typical of the double standards and politicisation inherent in the Council.
Canada underscored the respect for diversity which enriched any society with new ideas. Mass detentions in China, especially of Uyghurs, which were often prolonged without due process of the law, were of concern as they were contrary to international law. Canada was concerned about increased attacks and repression against human rights defenders in Nicaragua, which should ensure full respect for freedom of expression, association, and assembly.
France remained particularly concerned about gross human rights violations in several countries, including Syria, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Yemen, where the entrenched conflict and dreadful humanitarian situation must speed up the search for political solutions. In Myanmar, the perpetrators of crimes against the Rohingya must be brought to book and evidence of crimes must be preserved until the International Criminal Court was ready to take over.
フランスは、シリア、ブルンジ、コンゴ民主共和国およびイエメンを含む、いくつかの国々における重大な人権侵害を引き続きとくに懸念し、そこでは、根深い紛争や恐ろしい人道的状況は、政治的解決の探索を速めなければならない。 ミャンマーにおいて、ロヒンギャに対する犯罪の加害者は責任を負わねばならず、国際刑事裁判所が引き継ぐ準備が整うまで犯罪の証拠を保存しなければならない。
Finland emphasized the need of an accountability mechanism to bring justice to victims in Myanmar and Syria. Finland called on Venezuela to liberate all political prisoners. Finland was concerned about the targeting of journalists and human rights defenders in Egypt and women rights activists in Saudi Arabia. It sought to continue dialogue with China on human rights violations and said the human suffering in eastern Ukraine could be ended only through the implementation of the Minsk Agreements.
Denmark deplored the Syrian regime’s sustained bombardment of civilians. Denmark reiterated its call for the release of arbitrarily detained persons in Bahrain. They were also concerned about human rights violations in Iran. Continued settlement advancements in the West Bank were illegal under international law and an obstacle to peace in the occupied Palestinian territory. Denmark also mentioned the situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, South Sudan, eastern Ukraine and Crimea, and Myanmar.
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea deplored the situation of human rights in the European Union, including maltreatment and forced return of refugees, as well as immoral and inhumane crimes committed by Japan during the military occupation of Korea. Appropriate steps must be taken to ensure the return of 12 citizens of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea kidnapped by the Republic of Korea.
Czech Republic called on Russia to release all political prisoners held in the aftermath of the illegal annexation of Crimea, and also called on Cambodia to ensure the full and free participation of the political opposition in the national dialogue. Venezuela should change its policies that had led to a massive exodus of the people and ensure the return to democratic order, while the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should end human rights violations
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights urged the Council’s members to voice concerns about the Chinese Government’s failure to uphold the rights and freedoms of Tibetans. Relentless assaults of the Government on the rights, culture, identity and lifestyle of Tibetan people had intensified. Communist Party official, Wang Yang, had stressed the importance of tight control over Tibet’s Buddhist institutions, in total contravention of the right to freedom of religion.
Christian Solidarity Worldwide emphasized that all States had the obligation to protect the freedom of religion. The situation in Viet Nam was of great concern with arrests, torture and detentions abounding for those who practiced their religious beliefs, including Christians and Muslims. Also mentioned was article 73 of China’s Criminal Procedure Law which allowed authorities to detain individuals for up to six months where they were subject to torture and ill-treatment.
Amnesty International reminded of the case of Amal Fathy who was on trial in Egypt because she had complained in a video on Facebook that a policeman had sexually harassed her. The organization was concerned about reports of intrusive surveillance, arbitrary detention and forced indoctrination targeting the Uighurs, Kazakhs and other Muslim minorities in China, and also noted the deteriorating human rights situation in Nicaragua and Venezuela.
International Career Support Association noted that even though Japan had ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child and even though it had modified its Civil Code in 2012 to prohibit parental abduction of children, abductions of children continued. The organization urged the Human Rights Council to request Japan to respect the human rights of children in line with the conventions and its national law.
International Service for Human Rights said that the Chinese Government was in an all-out assault on the human rights of minorities, in particular Muslim minority Uyghurs and Kazakhs. Last week, the Chinese delegation had reprimanded the new High Commissioner for referencing concerns in this regard. The Service highlighted that the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination had spoken of one million Turkic Muslims being held in internment camps without legal basis in China.
Human Rights Watch noted the reports concerning the Uyghur and re-education camps in Xinjiang. China’s repression and arbitrary detention of the region’s Muslim minority was alarming as was the unlawful use of political education camps. The camps were designed to teach this minority Chinese law and eradicate radical ideals. What the Chinese authorities wanted was for this people to assimilate completely so as to no longer exist.
Human Rights Now regretted the ongoing harassment of lawyers and human rights activists in China, affecting more than 300 human rights lawyers and activists. The Government had revoked at least 16 licenses of human rights lawyers. This situation violated their freedom of expression as well as United Nations provisions and the Chinese Constitution. China was urged to stop its crackdown on human rights lawyers.
International Movement against all Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR) called for the full implementation of the recommendations of the Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar by all stakeholders. The organization expressed concern about the arrests of human rights defenders working on the rights of Dalits in India. Through such acts, the Government of India was undermining the freedom of expression and it was spreading a chilling effect among civil society, human rights defenders, and minorities
Right of Reply
Japan, speaking in a right of reply in response to the statement made by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, said the claims of figures made by that country in the context of the past were groundless and based on an erroneous understanding of the facts. Having humbly accepted the facts of history, over the past 70 years, Japan had consistently respected democracy and human rights and had contributed to peace and prosperity in the region and the international society. It was important to overcome the scepticism between Japan and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and deepen coordination and realization of true peace in north-east Asia. Japan called on all stakeholders to share that approach and to share a bright future together.
China, speaking in a right of reply, said that several groundless accusations had been made by some countries on the situation in Xinjiang. This represented an interference in the internal affairs of China. In Canada, indigenous people were discriminated against. Racial discrimination and violations of refugee rights existed in France and other countries. China was focusing on a human rights-based approach. China was suffering from terrorism and the Government was fighting extremism and separatism. Its policies were supported by the people of China. Some separatist forces had been spreading ideas about re-education camps in Xinjiang. Their idea was to undermine the stability of China and hope was expressed that the international community would not believe in such lies.
Republic of Korea, speaking in a right of reply, said that the 12 citizens from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had entered the Republic of Korea on their own free will and were now enjoying a life of freedom as any other citizens. The Government regretted that freedom of movement was not applied throughout the peninsula and would make every effort to address the humanitarian situation caused by this division.
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, speaking in a right of reply, rejected groundless accusations made by several countries, as they were politically motivated. Those countries should mind their own human rights situations. It was sad that the Republic of Korea was sticking to false claims concerning the abduction of citizens, which had been confirmed through interviews with the victims. Regarding the Japanese abduction issue, everything possible was being done to reach a solution in accordance with the Pyongyang declaration. Japan was only doing this to distract from its own crimes, including sexual slavery, known as comfort women. Japan refused to recognize its crimes against humanity committed not only in Korea but across Asia. Japan had to offer reparations and apologize; until then the stigma would remain.
Japan, speaking in a second right of reply in response to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, said that their statement was unacceptable. Under the Stockholm agreement, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had agreed to carry out investigations into the abduction of all Japanese people. Japan reiterated that over the past 70 years, it had sincerely addressed human rights issues and actively contributed to international security. Japan called on all stakeholders to seek a bright future together.
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, speaking in a second right of reply, was compelled to respond to the remarks of Japan. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea reiterated its rejection of groundless claims. Japan had no more moral qualifications to talk about the human rights of others until it offered compensation for its past crimes. There was a recent video in the United Nations showing footage of Korean sexual slaves who were massacred by the Japanese military. Japan had committed crimes against humanity and continued its evasive policy.