

第74回総会第三委員会:代表者が承諾、コンプライアンスの問題を調査するなか、第三委員会専門家、センシティブな健康データ、レイシズムへの賠償周辺のプライバシーの権利に取り組む(ウイグル問題で応酬 23か国 vs 54か国)



  • 人種差別でウイグル問題について各国が応酬。ヌールディン・アミール同委員会議長が、作業報告として報告書 A/74/18 *1 で中国(および日本、韓国)の定期報告への総括所見採択を報告しているが、

    イギリス代表が23か国を代表し「委員会によってなされた八つの勧告すべてを緊急に履行」せよとの声明を行ない EUアメリカが同調した。七月の人権理事会での22か国「書簡」の各国に人権理事会を脱退しているアメリカが加わっての23か国とおもわれる(未確認)。


    17か国増えた計算で、倍以上の差を付けたことになる。中国:「彼らの議論は人気がない」。中国は翌日の会合においても、この54か国声明に言及してアメリカに反論する(関連エントリ 2018-10-30 参照)。ワシントン・ポスト( AP 電)は「これが、この重要問題について聞く最後にはならないだろう」と続けたことも報じているが、(会見で)ピアース・イギリス国連大使は、(人権理事会同様)「決議案などの具体的措置は計画していない」と述べた模様(時事通信*2 。以上、下記掲載のメディア報道も参照。なお本プレスリリース、タイトルや冒頭要約部でこの件について言及しないのには違和感を憶えなくもない。また(本プレスリリースによれば)アミール人種差別撤廃委員会議長も「同じことが他の加盟国にも当てはまると付け加えて」はいるものの、おもにカタール関連とエリトリア(のフェイクニュースに関する発言)に応答していてウイグル問題にはコメントしていない(未確認)。韓国が発言(内容未採録)。

  • (おなじみ?)ケナタッチ・プライバシーの権利に関する特別報告者が報告。


  • (メディア報道より)

    • 共同通信(2019年10月30日)
    • 時事通信(2019年10月30日)[エキサイトニュース]
    • 朝日新聞(2019年10月30日)

    • 産経新聞(2019年10月30日)
    • ジャパンタイムズ(2019年10月30日)[ロイター転電]


    • NHK ワールド(2019年10月30日)[ウェブアーカイブ不可]


      China urged to end detention of Uighurs

      China urged to end detention of Uighurs | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

      #Asia #China #World

      Wednesday, Oct. 30, 19:17

      China's human rights record was both praised and criticized by dozens of countries at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday.

      More than 20 nations including Japan and the US are calling on China to stop detaining Uighurs and other Muslims.
      The UK ambassador to the UN Karen Pierce read a joint statement on their behalf in which she expressed concerns about human rights violations in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
      The countries also said Beijing has to grant the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights "immediate unfettered" access to Xinjiang.

      The UN says more than a million Uighurs and other Muslims are being held in government camps.
      China calls them ''vocational training centers.''
      The Chinese Ambassador to the UN slammed the statement, calling it a gross interference in his country's internal affairs and a deliberate provocation.
      He also said the comments from western countries were not helpful for trade talks between Washington and Beijing.

      Separately, more than 50 countries including Russia and Pakistan defended China's human rights record, praising its counterterrorism and de-radicalization measures in Xinjiang.

    • ロイター(2019年10月30日)


    • ワシントン・ポスト(2019年10月29日)[ AP 転電]


    • インディペンデント(2019年10月31日)


    • ABC(2019年10月30日)[ロイター転電]


    • 中国国際放送局(2019年10月30日)


    • 中国網(2019年10月26日)

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations



29 OCTOBER 2019

Guiding Principles Offer Global Standard for Addressing Adverse Human Rights Effects from Business Activities, Working Group Member Says



総会 > 第三委員会 >




United Nations mandate holders tackled a range of issues today, from the privacy rights implications of collecting sensitive health‑related data to the updated legal frameworks needed to punish modern forms of racism and xenophobia, as Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) delegates continued their interactive dialogues with human rights specialists.


One of six experts to present their reports, Dainius Puras, Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health,[…]


During the interactive dialogue, several delegates asked how Member States could work with the United Nations in mainstreaming human rights into health care, with the representative of Bangladesh[…]

Joseph Cannataci, Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy,[…]

During the ensuing interactive dialogue, Brazil’s delegate[…]

Several experts shared their perspectives on racial discrimination. E. Tendayi Achiume, Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance,[…]

Also speaking today were Dante Pesce, Member of the Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises; Craig Mokhiber, Director, New York Office, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); Ahmed Reid, Chair of the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent; and Noureddine Amir, Chair of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

The Third Committee will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, 30 October, to continue its consideration of the promotion and protection of human rights.


The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) continued its debate on the promotion and protection of human rights today (for background, see Press Release GA/SHC/4266).

Interactive Dialogues — Privacy
双方向対話 — プライバシー

JOSEPH CANNATACI, Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy,[…] 


When the floor was opened for comments and questions, the representative of Liechtenstein, noting that large amounts of data are being collected, stored and used by artificial intelligence algorithms, said human rights must be respected in the use of these technologies. He asked the Special Rapporteur to discuss the ways that artificial intelligence impact the right to privacy. The representative of Germany, following up on that question, asked how the Special Rapporteur views artificial intelligence and privacy concerns in relation to the health system. The representative of the Republic of Korea asked for best practice in using artificial intelligence as related to health data, while ensuring the right to privacy.


Physical and Mental Health


Business and Human Rights


Rights to Development, Self-Determination


People of African Descent


Contemporary Forms of Racism


Racial Discrimination

NOUREDDINE AMIR, Chairperson of the Committee on the elimination of racial discrimination, said racist hate speech is now easily spread through the Internet and social media. Racist speech by public figures and politicians often fuels hatred against migrants, refugees and asylum seekers — most of whom are undocumented — as well as national or ethnic minorities, people of African descent and indigenous peoples. Objecting to legislation that leaves room for impunity and the ineffective application of law, he drew attention to the obligations under article 4 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. He expressed alarm over the existence of organizations that openly promote racial discrimination and racial superiority, as well as incite racial hatred and violence, stressing that article 4 obliges States to declare these groups illegal. He also expressed deep concern over the situation of non‑citizens — including persons under international protection — highlighting the challenges faced by migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in accessing employment, education, housing and health care.
Women and girls belonging to ethnic minorities, indigenous women, Afro‑descendent women and refugee women also face obstacles to accessing these services, notably reproductive services, and are often victims of sexual violence. He called on States to pay particular attention to their situation. Turning to the Committee, he said it held three sessions and examined 18 reports over the last year. During its ninety‑ninth session, the Committee adopted decisions on its jurisdiction and on the admissibility of communications submitted by Qatar vs. the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Qatar vs. the United Arab Emirates. The Committee decided that it has jurisdiction regarding those communications and declared them admissible. The Committee also simplified its reporting procedures and continues to support national human rights institutions and non‑governmental organizations. He expressed concern over alleged reprisals against some non‑governmental groups because of their cooperation with the Committee. Groups working to protect victims of racial discrimination are especially targeted, he said, calling on States to refrain from reprisals against them or their members.

When the floor was opened for discussion, the representative of Belarus, on behalf of 54 countries, objected to the policy of applying public pressure on certain countries and “naming and shaming” them. He highlighted China’s “remarkable achievement” in restoring safety to the Xinjiang region, where it undertook deradicalization measures to combat terrorism. He commended China for its transparency, pointing out that it had invited diplomats to witness progress in the region, and condemned the media for publishing unconfirmed information without visiting the area. The representative of the Russian Federation likewise expressed concern that certain members’ biases are affecting the quality of the Third Committee’s work, as reflected in cases which it designated as requiring the rapid response procedure.

On similar lines, many representatives including the representatives of Cameroon, Cuba, Syria and Burundi commended China’s anti‑extremism measures, and voiced regret over the politicization of human rights and interfering with countries’ sovereignty. The representative of Cambodia said interference in China’s domestic affairs would create “confrontation and confusion”.

Such concerns were also echoed by the representatives of Viet Nam, Venezuela, Kyrgyzstan, Equatorial Guinea, Myanmar, Guinea, Kenya, Armenia, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Algeria, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Congo and Zimbabwe.

The representative of Eritrea agreed with their stance and asked what could be done to combat false messages and hate speech spread through social media.

A contrasting perspective was voiced by the representative of the United Kingdom, on behalf of 23 countries, who expressed concern about the peace, security and humanitarian concerns raised about the situation in Xinjiang. She called on China to uphold its human rights commitments, to urgently implement all eight recommendations made by the Committee, to refrain from arbitrary detention, and to allow unfettered, meaningful access to United Nations special procedures. She asked the Chair to elaborate on measures China should undertake to address concerns outlined by the Committee. An observer for the European Union echoed this stance, as did the representative of the United States, who condemned the human rights violations occurring in the province.

The representative of China said he firmly rejected the “baseless confrontation” by the representative of the United States, motivated by the need to impose hegemony and “relentlessly defame” his country’s stability. As for the rest of the countries aligned with that stance, “their argument is unpopular,” he said, adding that countries with the blood of minorities on their hands have no right to speak.

The representative of Qatar expressed concern about discrimination and violations against citizens and expatriates from her country in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, noting that the “supreme judicial organ”, the International Court of Justice, had issued two orders on this matter.

Mr. AMIR, in response, underscored the 50 years’ experience of the Committee, for whom impartiality is the fundamental rule. While the Committee is “legally made; one that’s made of lawyers”, and their judgment is based on the law, it does not constitute a court, he stressed. “When the Committee draws its final conclusions, they are not court rulings or laws to be applied. As we say continually: We are not a court. Questions are raised, that’s all.” He added that when final conclusions are adopted, they are “recommendation, not rulings”. They are made by the Special Rapporteur, who is impartial, and adopted by consensus.

In response to the representative of Eritrea, he agreed that information communications and videos have a significant role to play in racism, adding that they feed people hatred, not information. His objective is to protect victims — including women, children, migrants — in intolerable situations, not to play politics. He said that concerns involving Qatar and Saudi Arabia can be alleviated if they speak, adding that the same is true for other Member States.

Also speaking were representatives of Kuwait, Mexico, Indonesia, Turkey, Iran, Colombia, Saudi Arabia, the Republic of Korea, and Tunisia.


*1:「バックグラウンド」として参照せよとあるプレスリリース GA/SHC/4266 には(エイキウメ特別報告者による報告書 A/74/253(日本など観測対象への言及はない模様))ともども掲載されていなかった。


「74回セッション - 事務局 - 社会、人道および文化問題(第三委員会)」(英語
