- 前日続き。北朝鮮、韓国の声明に対し前者に韓国、日本が両者に答弁権を行使して三つ巴となった(この三か国で答弁権による発言を独占)。
韓国は声明で昨年の人権理事会で発表していた(下記および関連エントリ 2018-10-08 参照)「「女性とともにする平和」イニシアチブ」に言及。
鄭鎮星(チョン・ジンソン)ソウル大教授 *1 、
申恵秀(シン・ヘス)梨花(イファ)女子大教授(国連経済的、社会的および文化的権利委員会委員、(慰安婦関連資料「記憶遺産」登録)国際連帯委員会委員長 *2 、元挺対協代表)、「ビデオ証言」で一月に死去した金福童(キム・ボクドン)氏なども見える。ベトナム戦争の被害者は参加したのであろうか。
「発言者 - 「女性とともにする平和」に関する第1回国際会議」八月には BBC(『ハードトーク(HARDtalk)』)のインタビューが少々話題となった康京和(カン・ギョンファ)外相による開会挨拶 *3 から:
- 日本側は最初の答弁権で北朝鮮に対し、いつもの戦後の貢献を強調したぬるい反論と、これまた毎度の「輝かしい未来」(上掲、人権理事会第42回セッションも参照)。ちなみに性奴隷に関しては下記のような報道があった(BBC/2019年05月21日)。 二度目の答弁権では韓国に反論、イニシアチブも結構だがきちんと合意を履行しなさいよといった塩梅か。韓国は二度目の答弁権を日本に対してのみ行使 *4 、いつもの二国間問題ではない論で反論しているが *5 、「永続的な解決策になれない」を引き出したのは、甘い見方だろうが各国にちゃぶ台返しを多少は印象付けられたかも(?)。「これが二度と起こらないことを確実にする必要がある」とは日本側の言い分だろう(苦笑)。また韓国が主張するとおり(だが違う意味で)「普遍的な人権問題」であることも日本側は強調したいが——短い時間では難しいか。
( UN Web TV の映像より)
- 関連エントリ
United Nations
7 OCTOBER 2019
Delegates Decry Gender-Based Violence, Call for Better Measures to Protect Rural, Migrant Women, as Third Committee Continues Debate on Achieving Equal Rights
Sustainable development cannot be achieved without gender equality and a meaningful enhancement in women’s political participation, delegates told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today as it continued its debate on the advancement of women, amid calls for action against gender-based violence and more concerted efforts to prevent the exploitation of female migrants.
Several delegates credited recently instituted gender parity policies for historic highs in female political representation. Among them was Tunisia’s delegate, […]
Also speaking in the general debate today were representatives of Myanmar, Eritrea, Viet Nam, Maldives, Argentina, Netherlands, South Africa, Brazil, Senegal, United Kingdom, Ghana, Cuba, Norway, Iran, Spain, Georgia, Panama, Bulgaria, Dominican Republic, Andorra, Jamaica, Armenia, Iceland, Costa Rica, Nepal, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Kenya, Bahamas, Belgium (on behalf of a group of countries), Philippines, Turkey, Bangladesh, Algeria, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Lebanon, Libya, Republic of Korea, Trinidad and Tobago, Rwanda, Chile, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Pakistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Niger, Malawi, Bahrain, Uganda, Venezuela, Bhutan, Burundi, Kuwait, India, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Tajikistan, Sierra Leone, El Salvador, Liberia, as did an observer for the State of Palestine.
The representatives of Japan and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea spoke in exercise of the right of reply.
The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, 8 October, to conclude its debate on women’s advancement and begin its debate on the rights of children.
KIM SONG (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) said that thanks to the State policy of valuing women, respect for women’s personality is becoming a social trend, pointing to the recent establishment of workers’ hostels which provide excellent living conditions for female workers. In protecting women’s rights, it is important to end violations of women’s dignity. Radhika Coomaraswamy, the former Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women of the then-Commission on Human Rights, stated that more than 200,000 women and girls were subjected to sexual slavery by Japan’s army during the Second World War. He urged Japan to apologize for those crimes against humanity and make compensation.
PARK CHULL-JOO (Republic of Korea), said his country always strives to develop and implement policies that tackle all forms of violence against women migrant workers. It has expanded education on the prevention of sexual harassment and violence by reforming, earlier this year, employment training for migrant workers before they enter the country. It also introduced a remedy and protection procedure for victims of sexual violence. Even with greater recognition that sustaining peace is inextricably linked to gender equality, many unresolved cases of sexual violence in conflict exist. The normative frameworks have advanced over the last two decades, but the gap between the norm and the reality on the ground remains wide and deep. The Republic of Korea is working to correct this gap with its “Action with Women and Peace” initiative, launched in 2018. It supports humanitarian and development projects to help women and girls in conflict situations, as well as convenes an annual international conference to discuss issues on the women, peace and security agenda. The first international conference was held in Seoul in July and brought together more than 300 stakeholders from 50 countries, including representatives of survivors.
Right of Reply
The representative of the Republic of Korea rejected the accusations of abduction made by his counterpart from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, stressing that abductees were dissidents living in the Republic of Korea of their own volition as ordinary citizens.
The representative of Japan responded that the statement by the representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is based on “factual errors”, stressing that since the end of the Second World War, Japan has demonstrated humility and its respect for democracy and human rights. She went on to say that Japan and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should overcome “mutual mistrust” and work towards a bright future.
The representative of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea responded that the crime of sexual slavery, which had affected 400,000 Korean women, was a “hideous international crime against humanity”. Stressing that history cannot be changed, he called on Japan to make “an honest apology and complete compensation”, and called on the Republic of Korea to “promote reunification” by repatriating its “abducted” citizens.
The representative of Japan responded that her country has made “sincere efforts” to address this diplomatic issue and hopes to resolve it “finally and irreversibly”. Recalling the agreement that the two countries had previously reached on the issue, she hoped that it could be taken up again and “steadily implemented”.
The representative of the Democratic Republic of Korea, in its second right of reply, affirmed that there is no place for Japan to hide for responsibilities for past crimes against humanity and asked for an honest recognition, to apologize and compensate for all crimes.
The representative of the Republic of Korea replied to Japan’s delegate, affirming that it is not just a bilateral issue, but a matter of universal human rights and thus requires efforts in order to recover and heal deep wounds. “We must assure this never occurs again”, he said, adding that the 2015 Agreement “cannot be our lasting solution”. The Republic of Korea will continue to collaborate for the rights of future generations to learn from the past.
*1:なお、12月1日までカリフォルニア大学(UCI)アーバイン校でチェ・チュンムー(Chungmoo Choi)UCI 教授の要請によりチョン教授とカン・スンヒョン聖公会(ソンゴンフェ)大教授が資料提供した、慰安婦(「第二次大戦前・中アジア占領地において性的奴隷制度を強制された女性(females forced into sexual slavery before and during World War II in Asian-occupied territories)」展を行なっている模様。
「 UCI ライブラリー、朝鮮人「慰安婦」展開催——その存在の初の撮影された証拠が記録資料に含まれる」(2019年6月18日)
*3:上掲の UCI 展示会とは違い、一応日韓合意どおり「性奴隷」の表現は避けている(?)。
産経ニュース( livedoor ニュース転載)/2012年09月18日