金正恩(キム・ジョンウン)同志の賢明なるリーダーシップのもと~、と演説を開始した北朝鮮(あたまに「偉大な」はいらんのか(笑)*1 、ひとしきり自画自賛したあと唐突に、というか予想どおり第二次世界大戦中に日本ガ~。会場でもそろそろ始まるぞなどと囁かれていたのではあるまいか(笑)。
なお、冒頭の要約ではイスラエル、アイスランド、メキシコ、オーストラリア、インド、イタリア、パレスチナ自治政府の八代表の発言が取り上げられ、北朝鮮、韓国(および中国)の発言は、52 の代表が連なる「さらなる発言」の方に回されている。
日本は答弁権を行使したが、先日ジュネーブで行なわれた人権理事会での "WVD" モノの応答ととまったく同じ対応(下記参照)。(北が述べ立てている)「70年以上」より前についてはまるっと同意していると了解されて仕方ない。つづいて六月の米朝会談以来の方針かこちらでも手招き *2 、「輝かしい未来をともに求める」(…ことばも無い)。
追記)なお、北朝鮮 vs 日本の応酬は26日の会合でも繰り返される(下記)。
「国連憲章第19条の条件に基づく財政分担金支払いの滞納国 - 国連総会」
( UN Web TV の映像より)
- 関連エントリ
United Nations
8 OCTOBER 2018
Code of Silence around Sexual Abuse Broken amid Calls in Third Committee for Holistic Approaches to Rooting out Violence, Advancing Women’s Rights
With the #MeToo rallying cry at full volume, calls to bring the perpetrators of sexual assault to justice have broken the code of silence plaguing survivors for too long, delegates told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today as it continued its debate on the advancement of women amid appeals for Governments, schools and board rooms to root out abuse.
虐待を根絶するための、政府、学校および会議室へのアピールのなか女性の地位向上に関する討論を続けた際、最大音量での #MeToo の掛け声、性的暴行の犯人を裁判にかけるという求めが、あまりにも長く被害者を悩ましている沈黙のおきてを破った、代表者は本日、第三委員会(社会、人道および文化)に語った。
In other business, the Committee decided to postpone for 48 hours a request for a legal opinion on whether to include an agenda item pertaining to Burundi, by a recorded vote of 67 in favour, to 56 against, with 11 abstentions.
Also speaking in the general debate today were representatives of Pakistan, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Kazakhstan, Ecuador, Maldives, Afghanistan, Turkey, Jamaica, China, Zambia, Iran, Spain, Namibia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Myanmar, Bulgaria, Sudan, Viet Nam, Rwanda, Gambia, Tunisia, Canada, Panama, Algeria, Gabon, Sierra Leone, Egypt (on behalf of the “Group of 77” developing countries and China), Syria, Bahrain, Senegal, Burkina Faso, El Salvador (speaking on behalf of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States), Lebanon, Costa Rica, Comoros, Ghana, United Arab Emirates, Honduras, Cabo Verde, Libya, Philippines, Malaysia, Malawi, Albania, Andorra, Guinea, Ethiopia and Thailand, as well as of the Holy See.
The representatives of Japan, Republic of Korea and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea spoke in exercise of the right of reply.
The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, 9 October, to consider the rights of children.
The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) continued its debate on the advancement of women today. (For background, see Press Release GA/SHC/4229.)
MALEEHA LODHI (Pakistan) […]
LUZ ANDUJAR (Dominican Republic), aligning herself with the “Group of 77” developing countries and China, and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), reiterated her country’s commitment to the Beijing Declaration and Plan of Action for the achievement of full gender equality. The Government has put in place a series of public policy instruments, notably the National Development Strategy 2030, to achieve gender equality. It has also implemented a paid parental leave, plans tackling sexual harassment in the workplace and an equality stamp to foster gender equality in the public and private sectors. She stressed the importance of female representation at the highest decision‑making levels.
SHI YUEFENG (China) outlined how development imbalances, wars and conflicts, climate change, violence and human trafficking are major obstacles. Moreover, he said, the rights of women and girls in the economic, educational and health spheres have yet to be guaranteed. In line with its commitment to gender equality, China has formulated a national plan to promote women’s development and adopted more than 100 laws and regulations, he said, pointing out that women account for 43.1 per cent of the workforce and 52.5 per cent of college students in the country. Meanwhile, China continues to support the work of UN‑Women and other agencies, while supporting developing countries in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
RI SONG CHOL (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) said that under the wise leadership of Comrade Kim Jong Un, every woman takes part in the State and in social activities, fully enjoying their rights. Throughout the country, women’s rights are respected through enforcement of the “law on the protection of women’s rights”. Great achievements have been made as a result of attention to improving health and work conditions for women. Sexual slavery committed by Japan during the Second World War is a brutal crime against humanity and flagrant violation of women’s rights. Japan forced 200,000 Korean women and girls, and many other women in Asia, into sexual slavery. In August 2018, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination pointed out that Japan does not accept its explicit accountability. He called on Japan to officially recognize its crimes against humanity, apologize and offer compensation.
リ・ソンチョル(北朝鮮)は、金正恩(キム・ジョンウン)同志の賢明なるリーダーシップのもと、すべての女性が国家と社会活動に参加し、権利を十分に享受していると述べた。全国的に、女性の権利は「女性の権利の保護に関する法律」の施行を通じ尊重されている。女性のための健康状態や労働条件の改善に注意を払った結果、大きな成果が得られた。第二次世界大戦中に日本が犯した性的奴隷制度は、人道に対する凶悪犯罪であり、女性の権利の深刻な侵害である。日本は20万の朝鮮人女性と少女、およびアジアにおける他の多くの女性を性的奴隷制度に強制した。 2018年8月に、人種差別撤廃委員会は、日本が明確な説明責任を受け入れていないと指摘した。彼は日本に対し、人道に対する罪を公式に認め、謝罪し、賠償を提供するよう求めた。
PARK CHULL-JOO (Republic of Korea) said women’s voices are now being heard more clearly than ever. Urging Member States to continue that momentum, protect victims of sexual abuse and exploitation, and protect whistle‑blowers, he also voiced strong support for the United Nations zero‑tolerance policy on that issue. “Gender equality starts with changes in discriminatory structures in society,” he said, noting that the Republic of Korea is working to better mainstream gender equality in its national policies. Outlining strategies to close gender gaps in the workplace and end violence against women, he said a new plan to improve women’s representation in key public sectors (2018‑2022)” aims to increase women’s participation in decision‑making and support women who had previously discontinued their careers. As a member of the Group of Friends of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000), the Republic of Korea also supports victims of “comfort women” practices during the Second World War, and recently launched the “Action with Women and Peace” initiative to address the needs of those who survived sexual violence in conflict and post‑conflict situations.
パク・チュルジュ(韓国)は、女性の声はこれまでよりもはっきりと聞こえていると述べた。その勢いを継続し、性的虐待と搾取の犠牲者を守り、内部告発者を守るようメンバー国に強く促し、彼はまた、同問題に対する国連のゼロトレランス措置への強力な支持を表明した。韓国が国家政策においてより良いジェンダー平等の主流に取り組んでいると指摘し、「ジェンダー平等は、社会における差別的構造の変化から始まる」、と彼は述べた。職場におけるジェンダー格差を解消し、女性に対する暴力を終わらせる戦略を概説し、主要公共部門における女性代表の改善のための新たな計画(2018 - 2222年)」は、意思決定への女性の参加を増やし、かつ以前にキャリアを中断した女性を支援することを目的としていると述べた。韓国は、安保理決議第1325号(2000年)の友人たちのグループのメンバーとして、第二次世界大戦中の「慰安婦」活動の犠牲者を支援し、最近、紛争や紛争後の状況における性暴力を生き延びた人々のニーズに対応する「女性とともにする平和」イニシアチブを開始した。
Action — Organizational Matters
決議 — 運営事項
The representative of Burundi requested a legal opinion from the Office of Legal Affairs, with the representatives of Syria, Russian Federation, Cuba, China, Morocco and Saudi Arabia expressing support for that position.
A vote was then held on the motion to adjourn the action for 48 hours.
The Committee approved the motion to adjourn action seeking a legal opinion by a recorded vote of 67 in favour to 56 against, with 11 abstentions.
After the vote, the representatives of Comoros and Somalia said their voting machines had not worked.
The Secretariat official reminded that countries in arrears are not allowed to vote.
MOHAMED FATHI AHMED EDREES (Egypt), speaking on behalf of the Group of 77, voiced support for the full, effective and accelerated implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, and the twenty‑third Special Session of the General Assembly outcome. Gender equality and women’s empowerment are linked to sustainable development, he said, calling for collective efforts to translate the 2030 Agenda into benefits on the ground. Expressing concern about persistent challenges in the advancement of women – and over the disproportionate impact of unilateral coercive measures and colonialism on women and girls – he said the impacts of climate change also fall heavily on women. Underlining the critical principles of human rights, democracy, peaceful dispute settlement, non‑use of force, territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence in that context, he described a high‑level interactive dialogue titled, “Innovative practices for the financial inclusion and economic empowerment of women, especially rural women: lessons from the South”, convened by the Group in collaboration with UN‑Women, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Right of Reply
The representative of Japan replied to the statement by his counterpart from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, stressing that for over 70 years, Japan has respected human rights and democracy. His Government wants to bring peace to North‑East Asia by overcoming distrust and seeks a bright future together.
The representative of the Republic of Korea, in response to the statement by his counterpart from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, said defectors from the latter country enjoy freedoms of citizenship. His Government expresses hope for free movement and overcoming family separation.
The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea said Japan’s heinous crimes have neither been officially recognized nor sincerely compensated. Without recognition and compensation, there is no bright future for Japan and no improvement between the two countries. Japan has tried to evade past crimes, he said, noting that on the issue of women citizens, they have been deceived and their families are awaiting their return.