




  • 午前中、UPR 結果採択を終えた中国が発言。

  • NGO からは 35 が発言したが、四つの NGO が中国の UPR や人権の問題を提起。これに対し中国から中国人権研究会(CSHRS)含む以下の八つの NGO が(大挙?)発言、加えて UPR 結果採択で中国を擁護したキューバの三つの NGO がこちらでも助太刀した。

    北京市間組織国際交流協会(直前の被抑圧民族協会の声明に反論)、北京智誠移住労働者法律援助研究センター(主に自身の活動報告)、北京青少年法律扶助研究センター:「中国における人権の偉大なプロモーションを目撃」、中国扶貧基金会(主に自身の活動報告)、中華全国婦女連合会 *1:「将来、中国は、この分野[女性の発言]において一層の進展を行なう」、中国障害者連合会:「障害者の権利保護における中国政府の取り組みを高く評価」、中国人権研究会(CSHRS):「あらゆる国の内政を干渉するための道具として人権を使用しようとするいかなる試みもすべて誤り」、マカオ女性総合協会(「家庭内暴力」への対策法(2016年))。


  • 規約どおりいわば合法的に協議資格を取得して入り込む "GONGO" *2 による会合ジャックを懸念するのは当方だけではないだろう。国際機関などを自国の利益のために利用し尽くし、それまで想定されていた国際ルールやしくみを破壊するいつもの構図か。国連経済社会局「 iCSO(統合市民社会組織)システム」によれば、中国を本部として 59  、そのうち協議資格を有する NGO は 43 の登録がある *3

  • また、ルポン(Le Pont)という NGO中国当局に「領土保全を守り、人権を改善することを続けるよう要請」。iCSO システムによれば 2017年に「特殊」協議資格取得、フランスのトラップ(ベルサイユ近郊)を本部としているが、「言語」にタミル語、英語、フランス語とあるようにリンク先のホームページ Akkaraipattu News の記事はタミル語表記。

  • 被抑圧民族協会、ヨーロッパ法律司法センター、良心の自由のための団体と個人のヨーロッパ・コーディネーション(CAP-LC)が中国の UPR および人権の問題を提起。アンジニア・デュ・モンドは、イラン、シリアおよび北朝鮮を合わせたよりもイスラエル決議の方が多い、国連ウォッチも、今セッションにおいてイスラエルに対する七つなどに対し、中国(など)に関する国別報告がないことを指摘した。



15 March 2019

The Human Rights Council during a midday meeting held a general debate on the Universal Periodic Review.

In the discussion, speakers said that the Universal Periodic Review was one of the great successes of the Council in ensuring the universal coverage of human rights. It was thanks to this process that there was such progress achieved in terms of human rights legislation and this allowed others to learn from best practices. Delegations affirmed that discussions had to be based on results and far removed from politicization, taking into account national specificities and capacities. All interventions in this process should be based on open and constructive engagement, not on selectivity or naming and shaming. Some speakers noted that the process could not be a tool for coercing States and attempts to undermine the very foundation of the Universal Periodic Review were rejected. The Universal Periodic Review must be carried out objectively and must be protected from double standards within the Human Rights Council. The efficacy of the Universal Periodic Review greatly depended of the commitment of the State to the Council’s recommendations. That was why it was important to provide adequate capacity building. Finally, the importance of national institutions for follow up of recommendations was underlined.


The Human Rights Council will meet next at 4 p.m. to hold a debate on the mitigation and countering of rising nationalist populism and extreme supremacist ideologies.

General Debate on the Universal Periodic Review


China said the Universal Periodic Review was the best platform to have frank and constructive dialogues and stressed the importance of observing the principles of transparency and non-politicization. All countries had the right to accept and implement the recommendations according to their capacity. China recalled that during its latest review, it had accepted 80 per cent of the recommendations made to it.


National Union of Jurists of Cuba, The recognized attempts made by China to strengthen its legal system and said that promoting human rights in China meant there was huge progress in terms of improving the living standards, health, education, and promoting the rights of persons with disabilities. China promoted balanced human rights development.


Cuban United Nations Association highlighted the measures and actions taken by China in human rights education, especially through training of law enforcement and civil servants. The organization welcomed China’s proactive work in multilateral mechanisms, particularly the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement, and combatting terrorism and drug use.

National Association of Cuban Economists welcomed what the Chinese Government had achieved in the past decades to promote the human rights of the Chinese people, especially poverty reduction in rural areas. In recent years, China had lifted 10 million people in rural areas out of poverty, whereas 70 per cent of the poverty reduction globally corresponded to China’s success.


Society for Threatened Peoples said the Universal Periodic Review was meant to include stakeholders, alongside States. However, they expressed their concern about a joint submission that had been made on China, accepted, but later removed as it had been found to violate a criterion on political impartiality. The Society disputed this, and believed it was removed due to political pressure from China.

Beijing NGO Association for International Exchanges disagreed with the previous speaker, stating that the situation in Tibet was not as had been described. Her Association had established a system for entrepreneurship for women called She Loves Tech, in collaboration with a number of international partners. A partner programme in Nepal had recently been established.

Beijing Zhicheng Migrant Workers' Legal Aid and Research Center said that more than one million migrant workers were currently employed in Beijing, and these were often poorly educated and did not know their rights. The organization worked with such migrant workers to improve their access to legal representation. They had established a number of regional support centres, and had trained public law lawyers to help those in need.

Beijing Children's Legal Aid and Research Center had witnessed great promotion of human rights in China. The Government and society were paying more attention to children. Special institutions and mechanisms were set up to take care of children. Juvenile protection and the juvenile criminal justice system were improved. Social indicators of children published by the United Nations Children’s Fund reflected the improvement.

China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation was engaged in international assistance to poverty alleviation in many countries. The organization was mostly working on sanitation and safe drinking water, as well as other areas identified by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

All China Women's Federation said that the Federation and its local branches had been in close contact with women in China, in order to ensure that women’s voices were heard in Government policies. New policies had been set up to assess the impact of improvements. More than 31 provinces had a new organizational set up. In future, China would make even greater progress in this field.

China Disabled Person's Federation appreciated the efforts made by the Chinese Government in the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities. There were 85 million persons with disabilities in China, and many laws related to the protection of their rights. Every five years there was a plan for the protection of their rights. China was also part of the cooperative mechanisms of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations for exchange of experience.

The European Centre for Law and Justice spoke of the case of Pastor Cao San Qiang, a permanent resident of the United States who had for the past two years been wrongfully imprisoned in China for simply living his faith. The organization pleaded for his freedom and reunification with his family.


European Coordination of Associations and Individuals for Freedom of Conscience said the rights of religious minorities were restricted in China. Falun Gong and the Church of Almighty God were outlawed completely. The extent of China’s control of Tibetan culture and religion was massive, and at least one million Uighurs were imprisoned in Xinjiang. They called on China to open up and accept a visit of the Special Rapporteur without delay.
良心の自由のための団体と個人のヨーロッパ・コーディネーション[Coordination des Associations & Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience:CAPLC]は、宗教的マイノリティの権利は中国において制限されていたと述べた。法輪功と全能神教会は完全に違法とされた。チベットの文化と宗教の中国の支配範囲は非常に大きく、少なくとも100万人のウイグル人が新疆において投獄された。中国に対し、遅滞なく開放と特別報告者の訪問を受け入れるよう要請した。

China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS) said the Universal Periodic Review had helped improve the human rights situation of China, where 55 religious minorities lived, often in remote areas. The cultures and languages of minorities were protected, such as those of Uighurs and Tibetans. Any attempt to use human rights as a tool to interfere in the internal affairs of any country was wrong.

Women's General Association of Macau, The. reminded that 30 per cent of women in China had experienced domestic violence. In order to combat domestic violence, China had adopted the first nationwide law in 2016, as an important milestone in the protection of human rights in the country.


Le Pont recognized progress made by China. More than 70 per cent of people in China had seen their living conditions improve. China had achieved the goal of eradication of poverty 10 years ago. South-South cooperation was supported and Chinese authorities were called upon to continue to defend their territorial integrity and improve human rights.
ルポンは、中国のによってなされた進捗を認識した。中国における70パーセント以上の人々が生活環境改善を見ていた。 中国は10年前に貧困撲滅の目標を達成していた。南南協力は支持され、中国当局は、彼らの領土保全を守り、人権を改善することを続けるよう要請された。

Ingénieurs du Monde said that the Council was created to ensure universality, neutrality and in order to eliminate double standards. Many countries, like Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) had spoken against naming and shaming and country specific resolutions. Why were there more resolutions on Israel than on the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Syrian Arab Republic and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea combined?


United Nations Watch said the Human Rights Council in the past 13 years had never established a single commission of inquiry on Saudi Arabia and never adopted a condemnatory resolution on that country. At this session, the Council would hear seven reports on Israel, two on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, two on the Islamic Republic of Iran, one on the Syrian Arab Republic, and none on Algeria, China, Iraq, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Somalia, Turkey, Venezuela or Zimbabwe.





*3:下記 iCSO「高度な検索」Country: China で確認できる。近年急増中とまでは言えないが、2000年代以降順調に増加している模様。