




  • 中国は、昨年11月に行なわれた作業部会で提起された346件の勧告のうち、284件を「受け入れ」、62件を「留意」とした。けっきょく作業部会の審査結果報告草案 A/HRC/WG.6/31/L.3 は11月9日の先行未編集版以降アップされず、「2018年11月23日までに完成する」筈だった審査会でのコメントを採録する第 I 章は「完成」せずに終わった(関連エントリ 2018-11-09 参照)*1

  • 以下カッコ内の番号は作業部会の審査結果報告 A/HRC/40/6 、および被審査国の対応を記載した同補遺 A/HRC/40/6/Add.1(2018年2月15日)が参照している前者のパラグラフ番号(下記掲載の国連人権高等弁務官事務所ホームページへのリンク先参照)。

  • 日本が勧告した自由権規約条約の批准および強制失踪条約の批准はいずれも受け入れず。結果報告補遺によれば、前者(28.6)は準備中だが批准の具体的予定は未定、後者(28.7)は「この条約の普遍性を確かめるには、さらなる観察が必要」と回答した。韓国が行なった四件の勧告の内、大気汚染含む環境への悪影響の削減(28.132)については「受け入れおよび実施中」、北朝鮮による四件はすべて「受け入れ」と回答。以上、下記掲載の関連エントリ 2018-11-09 、および同じくメディア報道の Bitter Winter 3月20日記事も参照のこと。

  • 会合では通常どおり12か国が発言。儀礼的なコメントが多いのも普通だが、オマーン:「中国が国際システムの中で推進した、文化的多様性への尊重のモデルを歓迎した」といった塩梅で、中国の人権弾圧に言及したのはノルウェー(と「国連メカニズムへのアクセスに関する勧告を拒否していたこと」に深い遺憾の意を表したオランダ)のみ。

  • "GONGO"(Government Organized NGO/政府組織非政府組織)こと中国チベット文化保護・発展協会(CAPDTC)*2 始めとする中国(および共同声明にキューバ)の NGO が中国を礼賛。中国計画生育協会が「海外の非政府組織の規制に関する法律」について言及しているが、下記掲載 UN Web TV によれば、登録 NGOアメリカ、香港、日本、韓国およびドイツが上位五か国としている *3 。国際人権サービス(CIVICUS - 市民参加のための世界同盟との共同声明)、ヘルシンキ人権財団、国際人権連盟およびヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチチベットウイグル問題などに言及。楽玉成(ラー・ユーチョン)中国外交部副部長はヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチの声明をとり上げ非難。

  • なお、18日には、中国の内閣に相当する国務院の新聞弁公室が「反テロ、過激化排除闘争と人権保障」をめぐる白書」を発表し「締め付け」を「正当化」した。




  • 中国がチャド、マルタ審査で発言。

  • 国連人権高等弁務官事務所ホームページ(英語))

    「 OHCHR | UPR - 中国」(英語

    • 作業部会の結果報告補遺 - A/HRC/40/6/Add.1「普遍的定期的審査に関する作業部会の報告 中国 補遺」先行版(2018年2月15日)(英語(Word))
    • 作業部会の結果報告 - A/HRC/40/6「普遍的定期的審査に関する作業部会の報告 中国」(2017年12月26日)(英語(PDF))

    「 OHCHR | UPR 国別ドキュメンテーション」(英語

  • ( UPR 情報ホームページ(英語版))

    「 UPR 中国 - セッション31 / 2018年11月 - 作業部会における審査 - 英語 | UPR 情報」

  • (メディア報道より)

    • 共同通信(2019年3月16日)
    • Bitter Winter


      ※ とり上げられている CAP-LC の発言は午後の会合での模様(関連エントリ 2019-03-15 参照)。


    • AP(2019年3月16日)


    • 中国網(2019年3月19日)

      ※「米側のいわれなき対中非難」とは13日に公表された国務省の年次国別人権報告書のことだろう *4

    • 中国国際放送局



  • ( UN Web TV の映像から)
    チャプター01:中国/楽玉成(ラー・ユーチョン/Le Yucheng)外交部副部長
    チャプター17:中国国連協会(共同声明)/チァン・タン(Dan Zhang)氏
    チャプター18:中国計画生育協会/ホン・ピン(Ping Hong)氏
    チャプター19:中国人民対外友好協会/ジーヨンジュン(Yongjun Ji)氏
    チャプター20:国際人権サービス(共同声明)/サラ・ブルックス(Sarah Brooks)氏
    チャプター21:中国扶貧基金/ウー・ポン(Peng Wu)氏
    チャプター22:中国国際交流協会/シュー・ヤブグェン(Yabgwen Shu)氏
    チャプター23:ヘルシンキ人権財団/カイ・ミュラー(Kai Mueller)氏
    チャプター24:中国チベット文化保護・発展協会(CAPDTC)/ルゥ・ムカフ(Mucav Lu)氏
    チャプター25:国際人権連盟/ソニア・タンシク(Sonia Tancic)氏
    チャプター26:ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ/ジョン・フィッシャー(John Fisher)氏(ジュネーブ・ディレクター)

  • 関連エントリ



15 March 2019

The Human Rights Council this morning adopted the Universal Periodic Review outcomes of Belize, Chad, China and Malta.


The President informed that of the 124 recommendations received, Belize had accepted 100 and noted 24. The Council then adopted the Universal Periodic Review outcome of Belize.


The President informed that out of 204 recommendations received, Chad had accepted 195 and noted nine. The Council then adopted the Universal Periodic Review outcome of Chad.


The Vice President informed that out of the 346 recommendations received, China had accepted 284 and noted 62. The Council then adopted the Universal Periodic Review outcome of China.


The President informed that out of 157 recommendations received, Malta had accepted 122 and noted 27, while additional clarifications were sought on eight. The Council then adopted the Universal Periodic Review outcome of Malta.

The Council will next hold a general debate on the Universal Periodic Review

Consideration of the Outcome of the Universal Periodic Review of Belize


Consideration of the Outcome of the Universal Periodic Review of Chad


China commended the constructive engagement of the Government of Chad in the Universal Periodic Review, and expressed hope that it would continue implementing the 2030 Agenda, and combatting poverty and terrorism in an effort to secure a safe life for its citizens.


Consideration of the Outcome of the Universal Periodic Review of China

LE YUCHENG, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, reminded that most countries had recognized China’s progress in the field of human rights, and expressed gratitude to all those who had taken part in China’s third cycle of the Universal Periodic Review. The Deputy Minister reminded that 2019 marked the seventieth anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. During that time, the country had achieved great economic progress for the world’s largest middle-income population, and had lifted 740 million people out of poverty. In 2020, China would achieve comprehensive poverty reduction. China faithfully upheld the principle of legality and the presumption of innocence, and shared the dividends of its own development with the world. Such achievements would not have been possible without socialism, which was people centred, with development and the rule of law at its core. In November 2018, the Chinese Government had adopted 30 new measures to promote human rights. The Government had revised the Criminal Procedures Law, officially launched Internet Courts, created 13.6 million new jobs, and had held human rights consultations and dialogues with many countries. China was happy to accept all the recommendations that were conducive to national conditions. That was a clear testament of the Government’s willingness to uphold its international human rights commitments.

The Deputy Minister noted that 62 recommendations were difficult to accept because they were either politically biased, based on inaccurate information, or not in line with national priorities. Such was the recommendation on the abolition of the death penalty. As for the reference to the so-called large-scale arbitrary detention, it constituted interference into China’s internal affairs. The Deputy Minister reminded that several diplomats and journalists had visited the training and education centres in Xinjiang, including himself. Located in the north-west border, with 24 million people, Xinjiang’s prosperity was key for the security and prosperity of the entire country. China strongly opposed any terrorist acts, ethnic division and interference. Thousands of terrorist acts had been orchestrated in Xinjiang due to the spread of religious extremism. Accordingly, the authorities had taken a series of measures to prevent such extremism, and the training and education centres had proved to be effective. The programme was preventive and it aimed to educate and rehabilitate the individuals influenced by the extremist ideology. The centres offered courses on the national common languages, legal knowledge and practical skills. The trainees signed agreements with the training centres, which safeguarded all of their basic human rights. They could go home and receive visits by the family whenever they wanted. The training programme was a special measure adopted by Xinjiang at a special time. The programme would be gradually downsized. Xinjiang had 24,000 mosques and the rights of ethnic and religious minorities were safeguarded. In the past 24 months, no terrorist acts had taken place and the number of tourists visiting Xinjiang had soared, the Deputy Minister stressed. No one could claim perfection when it came to human rights, and China would join hands with others to continue promoting human rights around the world, he concluded.

A representative of the Chinese delegation from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China noted that Hong Kong had been implementing its laws with full support from the central Government since 1997, namely its Bill of Rights. Hong Kong was determined to safeguard the rule of law and freedom for long-term prosperity and stability. The power of legal adjudication was vested in the Court of Appeal and Hong Kong ranked first in Asia in terms of judicial independence, and it was one of the safest cities. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China had ranked as the freest world economy for 25 consecutive years. It would continue to promote the rights of all citizens under the One Country Two Systems principles.

A representative of the Chinese delegation from Macao Special Administrative Region of China underlined that all residents of Macao were equal before the law, regardless of their origin, and that they were not subject to any discrimination. Macao’s laws safeguarded the freedom of its residents and invoked directly the principles of international human rights instruments. Macao Special Administrative Region of China had made progress in the protection of human rights, with the revision of its social security system and education outreach activities on human rights. Macao had an independent commission to address human rights concerns.

Mali welcomed important progress realized by the Chinese authorities in promoting economic, social and cultural rights through the implementation of the five-year plan on economic and social rights. The third national action plan on human rights was welcomed as well as the law against family violence.

Mauritania welcomed the delegation of China and thanked them for accepting most of recommendations, 284 out of 346. China’s attachment for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda was appreciated. Efforts to promote the lives of its citizens were acknowledged, as well as the improvement of legal regulations. China’s support to development countries was welcomed.

Mauritius thanked the delegation for accepting over 80 per cent of the recommendations, including those made by Mauritius. The announcement of new measures for the protection of human rights, covering areas ranging from legislative measures, poverty reduction, health, and environmental protection, was noted.

Mozambique noted the enormous achievements that China had made in human rights development. It had lifted 700 million people in rural areas out of poverty. China’s focus on peace and development in a holistic way was appreciated.

Myanmar noted that the Chinese Government had formulated multiple national human rights action plans in active response to recommendations by the Council on a comprehensive plan for human rights development. The initiative on promoting human rights through peace, development, cooperation and equality complemented efforts to improve global human rights governance.

Namibia took note of China’s concept of human rights which put people at the centre and prioritized the right to development. It was particularly pleased that China had accepted its recommendation to identify more crimes which should be abolished and encouraged further progress in this regard.

Nepal welcomed China’s fostering of a peaceful and stable environment for broad-based social and economic development. It congratulated it on the remarkable progress made in ending poverty and raising the standard of living for the people throughout China, including Tibet and other rural areas with ethnic minorities.

Netherlands noted China’s enormous progress in advancing economic rights and lifting many people out of poverty. Netherlands deeply regretted that China had rejected recommendations regarding access for United Nations mechanisms and called on it to issue a standing invitation to Special Procedures.

Nigeria commended China for its strong commitment to the Universal Periodic Review process and on the success of its economic policies to lift a large number of people out of poverty. It recommended the adoption of the outcome report and wished China a successful implementation of the accepted recommendation.

Norway was looking to learn more on what measures China would put in place to ensure freedom of expression and create a safe environment for human rights defenders. It was disappointing that recommendation to abolish the death penalty or to provide transparency on religious minorities in Xinjiang were rejected.

Oman commended China for its achievements in the human rights field, and for accepting the recommendations proposed by Oman. Oman welcomed the model of respect for cultural diversity that China promoted within the international system. The Council was advised to adopt the report.

Pakistan welcomed the establishment of an inter-agency working group to implement recommendations. China’s announcement to undertake 30 new measures for human rights protection, which covered 10 areas, was welcomed.

Philippines acknowledged the fact that China had accepted more than 80 per cent of the recommendations, including three tabled by the Philippines on the rights of persons with disabilities, the fight against illegal drugs, and strengthening migrant worker protection.

United Nations Association of China, in a joint statement with Cuban United Nations Association, National Association of Cuban Economists, and National Union of Jurists of Cuba, The, appreciated the development progress made for all Chinese citizens, as well as the new measures to improve the judicial system. Politically motivated accusations were counterproductive and did not contribute to the promotion of human rights. The ways to achieve those values were diversified and no one had monopoly on them.

China Family Planning Association reminded that the number of civil society organizations had increased several times in past few years. In 2016, China had adopted a law on regulating overseas non-governmental organizations, which had played a positive role in their relations with Chinese partners.

Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries stated that it had established friendly relations with over 500 international organizations. Safeguarding social justice and fairness was paramount and having a safe home was the foundation of all. Chinese people were leading a happy life.

International Service for Human Rights, in a joint statement with CIVICUS - World Alliance for Citizen Participation, said China’s approach to the Universal Periodic Review process was not cooperative, illustrated by its rejection of all recommendations to grant access to Xinjiang province. It urged China to stop using the Universal Periodic Review as a fig leaf.
国際人権サービスは、CIVICUS - 市民参加のための世界同盟との共同声明において、新疆地区へのアクセスを許可するすべての勧告を拒否したことで示される、中国の普遍的定期的審査へのアプローチは非協力的だったと述べた。普遍的定期的審査を覆い隠すために使うのをやめるよう中国に強く促した。

China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation said that since 2005 China’s foundation had been providing humanitarian assistance and they were willing to share their experience concerning poverty alleviation. The reality in Xinjiang was different than what was represented by certain media outlets.

Chinese Association for International Understanding stated that all people in Xinjiang had access to the same rights and full development and lauded the positive impacts of inter cultural centres in the province.

Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights stated that Tibetans in the People’s Republic of China had not been allowed to participate in the Universal Periodic Review process. They were concerned about the ongoing repressive policies against Tibetans, and it was utterly cynical that China claimed recommendations calling for the protection of human rights as already implemented.

China Association for Preservation and Development of Tibetan Culture (CAPDTC) stated that all Tibetans had freedom, and economic growth was strong with a gross domestic product of 140bn yuan, an increase of 9 per cent over previous years. Over the years, the central Government and the autonomous Government of Tibet had worked together to preserve the Tibetan culture.

International Federation for Human Rights Leagues congratulated China for its having implemented so many of the recommendations. However, as long as China continued to oppress civil society and the most fundamental human rights, it made a mockery of the Universal Periodic Review process, and the United Nations treaty bodies.

Human Rights Watch noted that the fact that China had provided no accountability in the death of human rights defender Cao Shunli in 2013, or of those of Liu Xiaobo, Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, Yang Tongyan and Muhammed Salih Hajim, was a powerful indication of its deteriorating human rights environment. Chinese authorities had reversed key legal gains, constricted space for independent civil society, and undertaken a campaign of arbitrary detention of Turkic Muslims.

LE YUCHENG, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, said he had listened very attentively to all the statements. First, people had a fair judgment of their own and they spoke positively of China’s progress in the promotion of human rights. Second, facts spoke louder than words. China could accept all those well-intentioned recommendations, but not those that interfered into China’s judicial independence. Some human rights issues in fact concerned judicial independence and sovereignty. Some smeared that in Tibet there was a problem of freedom of religion and speech. Today, in Tibet there were almost 2,000 religious sites and people in Tibet enjoyed a free and happy life. The Deputy Minister reminded that in four decades since the economic opening, China had provided a decent life for 1.4 billion people. The path of human rights protection with Chinese characteristics had produced remarkable results. The Deputy Minister condemned the statement made by Human Rights Watch. The remarks made by some delegation and non-governmental organizations regarding the training centres in Xinjiang represented a total distortion of facts and groundless accusations against China. Those were matters of counter-terrorism and de-radicalization. Combatting terrorism was a matter of international cooperation. Without China’s intervention, terrorism in Xinjiang would have spread elsewhere.

The President of the Council informed that out of 346 recommendations, China had accepted 284 and noted 62.

The Council then adopted the Universal Periodic Review outcome of China.

Consideration of the Outcome of the Universal Periodic Review of Malta


China welcomed Malta’s constructive participation in the Universal Periodic Review and expressed hope that the Government would continue to take measures to advance the socio-economic development of its citizens.



*1:そのまま12月26日付の作業部会の審査結果報告 A/HRC/40/6 が発行され、第 I 章はというと各国のコメント内容は採録されず UN Web TV を参照せよという手抜きである。150か国の発言の採録ということで「手抜き」なのか簡素化の方針なのか、あるいは草案が「完成」しなかったことと合わせると「それ以外」の可能性を勘ぐってしまうのだが、試しにこの日採択されたほかの三か国の草案も確認してみるとそれらも同様なのであった。前回セッション分までは第 I 章を「完成」させ、かつコメントの要約を採録していたようなのだが( UPR 情報ホームページへのリンク先参照)。また最終的にほかの三か国の作業部会審査結果報告では150か国も発言はしていないものの、各国個別にコメントを採録している(国連人権高等弁務官事務所ホームページ「 UPR 国別ドキュメンテーション」へのリンク先参照)。報告書のページ制限等のきまりについて要確認というところか。



