




  • 中国、日本が発言。

  • 国際人権活動日本委員会より前田朗教授が、朝の会合(下記)で福島について提起したのに続き、琉球」「における人権活動家に関する報告」の『ニュース女子』問題に言及。辛淑玉氏(本要約では「在日朝鮮人で有名な人権擁護者」は落とされている。UN Web TV へのリンク先参照)らとともに前田教授ものりこえねっとの共同代表である。

  • 国際キャリア支援協会より藤木俊一氏が、8日の会合(下記)で韓国の「常軌を逸した外交関係」を是正するよう要請したのに続き、

    前日(下記)(および2月28日)の北朝鮮による日本に対する声明に反論。韓国が大好物で、人権条約機関の委員会もしばしば勧告を行なう<「被害者」中心のアプローチ>を否定してみせ、「事実に基づくアプローチ」を提唱 *1 。本要約未採録になったが朝鮮学校についての、韓国学校は公的補助の対象となっているという指摘も<人種差別>というイメージへの反駁としてわかりやすい( UN Web TV リンク先参照)。下記でのボシュイ委員と在日本朝鮮人人権協会のやり取りも参照。

  • カナダ法律家権利ウォッチが中国の人権擁護者に対する弾圧、アフリカ人権擁護会議およびアンジニア・デュ・モンド(本部フランス、ディボンヌ *2 )がウイグルに言及。中国人権研究会(CSHRS)は本日三度目の登場、中国政府そのままの発言。

  • (外務省声明)第40回人権理事会 議題5 特別手続調整委員会議長による報告後の一般討論における西野修一参事官によるステートメント(2019年3月13日)(英語

  • ( UN Web TV の映像から)
    チャプター16:中国/シャオ・ウー(Shao Wu)政府代表
    チャプター43:カナダ法律家権利ウォッチ/ジュディス・ファン・デン・リヒテンベルク(Judith van den Lichtenberg)氏
    チャプター43:中国人権研究会(CSHRS)/マオ・ジュンシャン(Junxiang Mao)氏
    チャプター73:アフリカ人権擁護会議/マリー=バレンタイン・ショー(Marie-Valentine Shaw)氏
    チャプター89:アンジニア・デュ・モンド/エゼキエル・ポジャルニー(Ezequiel Podjarny)氏
    チャプター95:国際キャリア支援協会/藤木俊一氏 ※ Mr. Shuichi Nishino と記載 *3



Hears Address by Haitian Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Presentation of Reports of the Forum on Minority Issues, the Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law, the Social Forum, and the Coordination Committee of Special Procedures

13 March 2019

The Human Rights Council this afternoon held a general debate on human rights bodies and mechanisms, after hearing the presentation of reports of the Forum on Minority Issues, the Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law, the Social Forum, and the Coordination Committee of Special Procedures. The Council also heard an address by Bocchit Edmond, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Haiti.


The Council will meet again on Thursday, 14 March at 9 a.m., to consider the Universal Periodic Review outcomes of Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Mexico, Mauritius, Jordan, Malaysia, Central African Republic, Monaco, Belize, Chad, China and Malta.


Presentation of Reports by the Forum on Minority Issues, the Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law, the Social Forum, and the Coordination Committee of Special Procedures


General Debate on Human Rights Bodies and Mechanisms

China attached importance to the constructive role of Special Procedures in the promotion and protection of human rights. In recent years, China had received several visits by Special Procedure mandate holders, and it had extended several invitations to them. China believed that Special Procedures should behave in line with the Code of Conduct and should respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States, use reliable information, and engage in constructive dialogue with Governments.

Japan believed it was critical that human rights bodies met the high expectations of the international community. Unfortunately, there were certain instances when these were not met. To address this, some changes were needed, such as setting longer deadlines for responding to Special Procedures. The duplication of work should be avoided and steps should be taken to avoid overlap. Mandates should be amended as appropriate. Such changes could be addressed during planned reviews.


Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada deplored the widespread, systematic and grave human rights violations against lawyers and human rights defenders in Saudi Arabia and China, which were members of the Human Rights Council. It reminded the Council that under some circumstances, systematic arbitrary detentions could constitute crimes against humanity. The organization thus called for the suspension of Council membership for significant non-compliance by its Member States.

China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS) called on all Governments and non-governmental organizations to abandon their political bias, and to adopt an objective, non-selective and non-political approach, with a view to considering and solving various human rights issues through cooperation and dialogue. International human rights bodies and mechanisms should adhere to the subsidiarity principles in evaluating human rights situations, in line with the specific conditions and circumstances in each country.


Japanese Workers’ Committee for Human Rights complained that the Tokyo Metropolitan Television Broadcasting Corporation had breached broadcasting ethics in 2018 in a report on human rights activists in Ryukyu, labelling them as terrorists. Journalist and human rights activist Sugok Shin had been the victim of online harassment as a result. In its Universal Periodic Review, Japan had been urged to adopt the Hate Crime Act.


Rencontre Africaine pour la défense des droits de l'homme welcomed the fact that statelessness had been the focus of the report of the Special Rapporteur on minority issues. The organization called attention to the plight of the Uighurs in China, and Rohingya in Myanmar, as well as to the expulsion and expropriation of lands of several indigenous groups in Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon and Gabon without compensation by multinational corporations.


Ingénieurs du Monde suggested that the Council should convene more regular special sessions for urgent crisis requiring the Council’s attention in order to be more effective. Convening with support of a minimum of 16 Member States would make that possible. Special sessions should have been convened in response to Iran’s actions against protesters, China’s treatment of the Uyghur, and Venezuela’s actions against the opposition.


International Career Support Association criticized the statement of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea regarding forced labourers and sex slaves during the Second World War. Those were not forced labourers, and the mentioned women worked as prostitutes. The organization rejected the victim-centred approach and instead called for a fact-based approach to investigate those allegations. It called on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to return all abductees it had taken from Japan.




*2:国連経済社会局「 iCSO(統合市民社会組織)」システム

*3:*1 も参照。