- 中国が発言。フィリピンには言及せず「各国は、彼らの国家の特殊性に合わせ、[…]独自の薬物政策を実施する権利がある」。
国連薬物・犯罪事務所(United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime:UNODC)の予算は9割以上を任意拠出金に依存、日本の平成29年度拠出実績:約2,900万ドル(下記参照)。
( UN Web TV の映像より)
United Nations
4 OCTOBER 2018
Illicit Drug Flows, Organized Crime Grow as Terrorism Spreads across Borders, Third Committee Delegates Stress amid Calls for Stronger Justice Systems
As terrorism becomes more intertwined with organized crime, human trafficking and corruption, no border of the world is untouched by the illicit drug trade, delegates told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today during their annual debate on crime prevention, criminal justice and international drug control.
John Brandolino, Director, Division of Treaty Affairs of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)[…]
In the ensuing debate, Colombia’s representative[…]
In the Philippines, the new Government’s war on drugs has already[…]
Also speaking today were representatives of Morocco (on behalf of the African Group), Singapore (on behalf of ASEAN), Russian Federation, Italy, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Iraq, Guatemala, Viet Nam, Pakistan, Eritrea, Israel, Brazil, India, Mongolia, Peru, Ecuador, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Georgia, Qatar, Turkey, Thailand, Belarus, China, Myanmar, Mali, Sri Lanka, Dominican Republic, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bahamas, Nigeria, Iran, Honduras, Senegal, Sudan, Malaysia, Egypt, Spain, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Guinea, Cameroon and Libya, as well as the European Union and the Holy See.
さらなる本日の発言は、(アフリカ・グループを代表し)モロッコ、(ASEANを代表し)シンガポール、ロシア連邦、イタリア、キューバ、サウジアラビア、日本、イラク、グアテマラ、ベトナム、パキスタン、エリトリア、イスラエル、ブラジル 、インド、モンゴル、ペルー、エクアドル、カザフスタン、南アフリカ、ジョージア、カタール、トルコ、タイ、ベラルーシ、中国、ミャンマー、マリ、スリランカ、ドミニカ共和国、アルジェリア、バングラデシュ、バハマ、ナイジェリア、イラン、ホンジュラス、セネガル、スーダン 、マレーシア、エジプト、スペイン、インドネシア、アゼルバイジャン、ギニア、カメルーンおよびリビア、加えて欧州連合および教皇庁代表団だった。
The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Friday, 5 October, to begin its debate on the advancement of women.
YORIKO SUZUKI (Japan), recalling that her country will host the fourteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Kyoto in 2020, advocated participation in the regional preparatory meetings. This will foster synergy and cohesion across United Nations bodies ahead of the Congress, she said, stressing the need for coordinated responses to drug trafficking and cybercrime. Corruption poses a serious threat to economic growth and sustainable development. She urged continued efforts to combat this scourge through existing international frameworks, including the United Nations Convention against Corruption.
TEODORO L. LOCSIN, JR. (Philippines), recalling China’s historical relationship with drugs and the drug trade, noted that today Asia is home to significant methamphetamine trafficking. While previous administrations “coddled” the problem, he stressed that the new Government — elected by a landslide — has already killed 4,000 dealers in police operations. While there have been some tragic and inexcusable mistakes, they are no excuse to end the war on drugs. More than 2,600 kilos of “crystal meth” have been seized and over 600,000 drug users have turned themselves in. While the international community has called the war on drugs “genocide”, he stressed that the Philippines’ policies are not about race or religion, nor are they political in nature. “You are not born a dealer or baptized as one,” he stressed. Refuting calls for drug legalization, he said such a policy will only turn the Government into the biggest drug dealer of all. It is the Government’s duty — under the responsibility to protect doctrine — to defend its population from abuses, including from those who seek to addict it to drugs.
WANG ZHAOZUE (China) said encouraging progress has been made in the global fight against drugs, traditional organized crime and corruption, but grave challenges remain. Underscoring China’s opposition to the legalization of illicit drugs, he said that, in combating the global drug problem, due consideration must be given to social order, public welfare and shared interests. “It is essential to avoid undue emphasis on human rights at the cost of endeavours in other fields,” he said. Countries are entitled to put in place their own drug policies, tailored to their national specificities and based on the three drug control conventions. Abolition of the death penalty should not be linked with the drug problem. Emphasizing China’s zero‑tolerance approach to corruption, he called on States that are parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption to remove political and legal hurdles that obstruct international cooperation in hunting down fugitives and recovering illicit assets. Doing so will deny safe haven to corrupt officials and their illicit proceeds. He also called for efforts to elaborate an international legal instrument within the United Nations framework.