




  • 日本から鈴木参事官(昨年の宮崎教授に続き今年も「彼(He)」と記載されてしまった)。

  • 中国が発言:「中国は[国連腐敗防止条約の]審査規定を遵守し、審査作業において責任を負う」。

  • (外務省声明)


  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations



3 OCTOBER 2019

Third Committee Delegates Call for Robust Cooperation to Disrupt Global Drug Syndicates, Fight $1.5 Trillion Cybercrime Market as New Threats Emerge



総会 > 第三委員会 >



The proliferation of new technology complicates the fight against transnational organized crime, especially illicit drug trafficking and cybercrime, delegates told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today during their annual debate on crime prevention, cybersecurity and international drug control.

Briefing delegates on these issues, John Brandolino, Director of the Division of Treaty Affairs at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), […]


In the ensuing debate, Singapore’s representative, […]


Delegates offered differing views on the need for a new cybercrime convention, with some, including from Colombia and Portugal, calling it unnecessary while others, including from the Russian Federation and China, supporting the formulation of a truly international instrument.

Also speaking today were representatives of Angola (on behalf of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), Japan, Iraq, Equatorial Guinea, Belarus, Algeria, Myanmar, Viet Nam, India, Syria, Peru, Kazakhstan, Guatemala, Eritrea, Mexico, Brazil, Egypt, Senegal, Cameroon, Qatar, Russian Federation, Italy, Georgia, United States, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka, Iran, Ecuador, Nigeria, Malaysia, Cuba, Sudan, Morocco, Trinidad and Tobago, Ghana, Ukraine, Thailand, Bangladesh, Tajikistan, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Myanmar, as well as from the European Union.
さらなる本日の発言は、アンゴラ(南部アフリカ開発共同体(SADC)代表)、日本イラク赤道ギニアベラルーシアルジェリアミャンマーベトナム、インド、シリア、ペルー、カザフスタングアテマラエリトリア、メキシコ、 ブラジル、エジプト、セネガルカメルーンカタールロシア連邦、イタリア、ジョージア、米国、ニカラグアスリランカ、イラン、エクアドル、ナイジェリア、マレーシア、キューバスーダン、モロッコトリニダードトバゴ、ガーナ、ウクライナ、タイ、バングラデシュタジキスタンサウジアラビアイスラエルおよびミャンマー、加えて欧州連合の代表だった。

The Third Committee will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Friday, 4 October, to begin its debate on the advancement of women.




ZENG WEI XIONG (China), commending UNODC’s achievements, said his country is willing to provide more human resources and funding to the Office. China will continue to follow the principle of shared responsibility and implement a drug control strategy, as well as respect the three relevant conventions. China will always prioritize prevention and engage in international cooperation to address new challenges, he said, expressing concern over the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation to reclassify cannabis. China supports human rights in the field of drug control but not the abuse of drugs in the name of harm reduction, and as such, opposes the legalization of any such drugs. China firmly supports the United Nations in anti-corruption governance. In the past decade, the compliance review mechanism for the United Nations Convention against Corruption has been running smoothly. China will abide by the review provisions and take on responsibility in its review work.


YORIKO SUZUKI (Japan) said that that good governance, a culture of lawfulness and the rule of law are essential elements of a prosperous society. Member States must coordinate their drug policies to tackle illegal drugs. Japan supports the joint commitment adopted at the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem in 2016. Stressing that the use of social media in terrorist attacks is an urgent issue that must be addressed, he said that as Chair of the Group of 20 Osaka Summit in June, Japan led the official statement on preventing exploitation of the Internet for terrorism and violent extremism conducive to terrorism. Cybercrimes do not have territorial or temporal constraints. As such, Japan has established capacity-building programmes to ensure that each country has adequate and appropriate countermeasures in place. He added that Japan chaired the Group of 20 Anti-Corruption Working Group, which focused on integrity in infrastructure development and effective whistle-blower protection.


LIU YANG (China) said that cybercrime poses great challenges to national law enforcement and that consequently there is an urgent need to enhance international cooperation to combat this illicit activity. Current international legislation on the matter is fragmented, however, and the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime cannot meet the challenges posed by this type of crime. He urged the development of a global framework with which to address cybercrime and confront the problems inherent in the proliferation of new technology. Beijing supports a United Nations convention on this matter — open to all Member States — that will coordinate State law and practice, address legal gaps and differences and serve as the universally accepted legal basis for the global governance of cybercrime.

