ヘイト問題は日本の NGO に吹き込まれたか(韓国は在日韓国朝鮮人に冷淡だと聞いた気もする)。じぶんとこの日本ヘイトについて、いろいろとヒドい例がネットで紹介されたてたりするが、日本人は別にしても韓国でのマイノリティへのヘイトや差別問題てどんな状況なのであろうか。ここは特別報告者による調査を要請したい(笑)。
- 教科書から教育がらみでヘイトを取り上げたということかもしれないが、直接「意見と表現の自由」とは無関係、というか当局の関与を強め、むしろ脅かす懸念もあるという。教科書自体についても同様。
- 反差別国際運動とフランシスカン・インターナショナル(本部 NYC )が、沖縄での表現の自由、ヒューマンライツ・ナウが放送法による放送免許取り消しとジャーナリストへの圧力について提起。
A/HRC/35/NGO/49「日本:「テロ等準備罪」に対する懸念」(2017年5月29日)※ アジェンダ項目3:「開発権を含む、すべての人権、市民的、政治的、経済的、社会的および文化的権利の促進と保護」で提出。翌日のアジェンダ項目3の会合続きで発言するが、そちらでは別テーマについて提起(関連エントリ 2017-06-14 参照)。 -
なお、国際法律家委員会による共同声明には、反差別国際運動が参加している。翌日の会合続きでは我那覇真子氏が、反差別国際運動から発言する山城博治氏へのカウンタースピーチを行なう(関連エントリ 2017-06-14 参照)。
( UN Web TV の映像から)
チャプター01:韓国/ユン・サンウク(Yoon Sang-Uk)在ジュネーブ政府代表部参事官
チャプター22:フランシスカン・インターナショナル/マエヴァ・ヴィラール(Maeva Villard)氏
※ 伊藤氏の名前が "Kazuto" になっている。チャプター35:反差別国際運動/小松泰介氏
チャプター44:日本/長岡寛介在ジュネーブ政府代表部公使※ チャプター45までで終わり、韓国(とパキスタン)の答弁権による発言が脱落している。ほかの動画も当方では見つけられなかった。
- (市民的、政治的、経済的、社会的、文化的権利の促進と保護に関する一般討論)
- (意見と表現の自由に関する特別報告者との双方向対話)
- (市民的、政治的、経済的、社会的、文化的権利の促進と保護に関する一般討論)
Concludes Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and Expression
13 June 2017
The Human Rights Council in its midday meeting concluded its interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression, David Kaye, before hearing the presentation of thematic reports by the Secretary General and the High Commissioner for Human Rights and beginning its general debate on the promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development.
During the interactive dialogue with David Kaye, the Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression, delegations examined areas of State and private sector involvement, querying the Special Rapporteur on how companies could engage in dialogue in a relevant way, as well as asking for examples of good practices when it came to balancing the thin line between security and freedom. Several delegations drew attention to the situation of freedom of opinion and expression in specific countries or territories, where they said that that right was under pressure or being violated. Noting that the Special Rapporteur had said the public’s commitment to freedom of expression was diminishing, he was also asked how it could be shored up.
In concluding remarks, Mr. Kaye said Governments should search for ways other than criminalization to deal with expression which they saw as blasphemy since those were often views and expressions of minorities. There was also a critical need to deal with terrorist content and recruitment online. The Special Rapporteur noted that often counter-terrorism laws were vague in this regard and were also often used to suppress the opposition and dissent.
Mr. Kaye presented his reports on Monday, 12 June and a summary of his remarks, as well as the first part of the interactive dialogue, can be found here.
Speaking in the interactive dialogue were Republic of Korea, Myanmar, Bolivia, Nigeria, Ireland, Lithuania, Netherlands, Botswana, Paraguay, Ukraine, Côte d’Ivoire, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Armenia, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Brazil, Slovakia, Mexico, Azerbaijan and United Kingdom.
The following non-governmental organizations also took the floor: International Movement against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism, Iraqi Development Organization, Franciscans International, International Federation for Human Rights Leagues in a joint statement, East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project, Jssor Youth Organization, International Human Rights Association of American Minorities and Human Rights Now.
Speaking in exercise of the right of reply to statements made during the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of opinion and expression were Turkey, Russian Federation, Japan, India, Republic of Korea and Pakistan.
Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression
Republic of Korea expressed concern about the upsurge of hateful expression in Japan directed at minorities, especially ethnic Koreans residing in Japan, and urged Japan to continue with its efforts to address this matter. With regard to schoolbooks in Japan, the education of children on correct history, including on the so-called “comfort women”, was paramount to enable all to learn lessons from history.
International Movement against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism expressed concern about the Government of Japan’s response to the Special Rapporteur’s report on his country visit to Japan, calling on the Government to adopt measures to implement the Special Rapporteur’s recommendation on public demonstrations in Okinawa.
Franciscans International urged the Japanese Government to respect and guarantee the right to freedom of expression and opinion of the Rukyu indigenous people of Okinawa, and to further take concrete measures to implement the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur.
Human Rights Now was concerned about Japan’s suggestion to use the Broadcast Act to revoke broadcast licenses based on the content of reporting, and the serious threats and intimidation against a journalist covering the issue of “comfort women”. Japan should listen to the voice of the Special Rapporteur and take concrete steps to implement his recommendations.
Concluding Remarks
DAVID KAYE, Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, in his concluding remarks urged the Governments of Turkey, Tajikistan and Bahrain to release individuals detained for expressing their opinion, including a novelist, a linguist, a leading economist, and a judge who had served on the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Governments should search for ways other than criminalization to deal with expression which they saw as blasphemy since those were often views and expressions of minorities. There was a critical need to deal with terrorist content and recruitment online. The Special Rapporteur noted that often counter-terrorism laws were vague in this regard and were also often used to suppress the opposition and dissent.
結言において、意見と表現の自由の権利の促進と保護に関する特別報告者、デイヴィッド・ケイは、トルコ、タジキスタン、バーレーンの各国政府に対し、小説家、言語学者、 有力なエコノミスト、そして旧ユーゴスラビアの国際刑事裁判所に勤務していた裁判官などを含む、自身の意見表明のために拘束された個人を釈放するよう強く促した。政府は、マイノリティの意見や表現であることが多かったため、侮辱と見なされる表現に対処するために、犯罪化以外の方法を模索すべきである。 テロリストのコンテンツとオンラインでの募集に対処するための緊急なニーズがあった。特別報告者は、多くの場合、テロ対策法はこの点では曖昧であり、しばしば反対者と反対意見を抑圧するために使用されたと指摘した。
The Special Rapporteur expressed his interest to visit Cuba and assess the extent of digital access in the island. Encryption was absolutely important and a critical tool to provide the privacy necessary for the exercise of freedom of expression and the Special Rapporteur encouraged all States not only to protect encryption but to promote it. Surveillance was used increasingly to strike against freedom of expression and States should refrain from such use. Finally, Mr. Kaye urged all stakeholders to follow those issues and adhere closely to the right to freedom of expression as laid down in both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
特別報告者は、キューバを訪問し、同島におけるデジタルアクセスの広がりを評価することに関心を示した。暗号化は絶対に重要であり、表現の自由のために必要なプライバシーを提供するための決定的なツールであり、特別報告者はすべての国に対し、暗号化を保護するだけでなく促進するよう促した。表現の自由を奪うためにサーベイランスがますます使用されており、国はそのような使用を控えるべきである。 最後にケイ氏は、すべてのステークホルダーに対し、これらの課題に対応し、世界人権宣言ならびに市民的および政治的権利に関する国際規約の両方に明記されている、表現の自由の権利を厳重に守ることを強く促した。
General Debate on the Promotion and Protection of All Human Rights, Civil, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, including the Right to Development
China, speaking on behalf of a group of countries, noted that the reduction of poverty would pave the way to the better promotion and protection of human rights. Poverty reduction should be addressed in a holistic manner and a multi-pronged way, based on national contexts. Jobs should be created for the poor and States should ensure social equity and justice, access to education, effective protection for vulnerable groups, and strengthening international cooperation and solidarity, including the promotion of South-South and North-South cooperation.
Republic of Korea noted that Universal Periodic Review process was an essential step in realizing human rights protection and promotion, which began by listening to the rights bearers. In that respect, it welcomed the panel discussion on youth and human rights. Along with good governance, young people were positive agents of change. The Republic of Korea also welcomed the report on the right to education by every girl, noting that it was committed to redoubling efforts to raise awareness about gender equality in school curricula.
African Regional Agricultural Credit Association spoke of Pakistan’s human rights violations in Balochistan, including the violation of the right to development. The China-Pakistan project threatened to turn the Baloch people into a minority in their own land, due to the influx of hundreds of thousands of workers, mainly from Punjab and China.
International Movement against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism noted with concern that there had been too little time to contribute to the High Commissioner’s report. A number of States had made comments related to different groups of women, but there was no specific comment on Dalit women. A study should be carried out to help the Council mitigate discrimination faced by those groups.
International Commission of Jurists, on behalf of severals NGOs1, said the number of seats for non-governmental organizations had shrunk from 24 to two in four years in the meeting room of the Human Rights Council. All delegations were called on to reflect on what that meant in the context of the “shrinking of civil society space” lamented by many speakers.
国際法律家委員会は、NGO *1 を代表して、人権理事会の会議室において、非政府組織の座席数が四年で24から二に減ったと述べた。全代表団は、多くの発言者によって「市民社会空間の縮小」と嘆かれた文脈において、何を意味したか考慮するよう求められた。
Right of Reply
Japan, speaking in a right of reply in response to statements made by the Republic of Korea and some non-governmental organizations during the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of opinion and expression, said textbook authorization did not allow intervention by the Government, and some text books included descriptions of the “comfort women” issue. In response to statements made by Franciscans International, freedom of expression was the political basis of democratic States, and could not be restricted. Based on the specific conditions of a protest, appropriate and minimum measures were taken. In response to Human Rights Now, the Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy had based his information on fragmentary information, and Japan was ready to communicate with the Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy.
日本は、意見と表現の自由の権利に関する特別報告者との双方向対話のあいだ、韓国と一部の非政府組織によって行なわれた声明に応じて答弁権により発言し、教科書検定は、 政府による介入は許可されておらず、いくつかの教科書には「慰安婦」問題の記述が含まれていたと述べた。フランシスカン・インターナショナルにより行なわれた声明に応え、表現の自由は民主国家の政治基盤であり、制限することはできなかった。抗議の具体的な条件に基づいて、適切かつ最小限の措置が取られた。ヒューマンライツ・ナウに応え、プライバシー権に関する特別報告者は、断片的な情報に基づいて情報を収集しており、日本は、プライバシー権に関する特別報告者とやり取りする用意があった。
Republic of Korea, speaking in a right of reply, stressed the necessity to engage in a joint effort to strengthen the progress that had already been made in the domain of access to quality education. Recent recommendations emitted by United Nations bodies and mechanisms were key to achieve basic human rights goals. The Republic of Korea stressed that education of correct history was of paramount importance to allow societies to learn lessons from the past.
1 Joint statement: International Commission of Jurists, Baha'i International Community, CIVICUS - World Alliance for Citizen Participation, East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project, Franciscans International, International Federation for Human Rights Leagues, International Lesbian and Gay Association, International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR), International Service for Human Rights, and Peace Brigades International Switzerland.
*1 共同声明:国際法律家委員会、バハイ国際共同体、CIVICUS:市民参加のための世界同盟、東アフリカおよびアフリカの角人権擁護者プロジェクト、フランシスカン・インターナショナル、国際人権連盟、国際レズビアン・ゲイ協会、反差別国際運動(IMADR)、国際人権サービスおよびスイス国際平和旅団。