第35回人権理事会 議題2一般討論 志野光子大使ステートメント(6月7日)
( UN Web TV の映像から)
チャプター24:中国/ジャン・ドゥアン(Jiang Duan)在ジュネーブ政府代表部公使参事官
チャプター37:韓国/崔皙泳(チェ・キョンリム/Kyong-Lim Choi)在ジュネーブ政府代表部特命全権大使
チャプター73:ムン・ジョンチョル(Mun Jong Chol)在ジュネーブ政府代表部参事官
- 以下も参照のこと。
7 June 2017
The Human Rights Council this morning held a general debate on the oral update of Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The High Commissioner addressed the opening of the Council’s session on Tuesday, 6 June, and a summary of his statement can be found here.
General Debate on Oral Update by the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Japan highlighted that security and human rights were closely interlinked. On gender equality, Japan outlined the need to strengthen mechanisms to facilitate women’s empowerment. Freedom of expression was also a priority. Human rights violations by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, including the abduction issue, continued to be a cause for grave concern and the continued involvement of the international community was essential. Japan particularly focused on the need to eradicate discrimination against leprosy and invited the High Commissioner to shed light on this issue.
日本は、治安と人権が密接に関連していることを強調した。 ジェンダー平等について、日本は女性の地位の向上を促進するメカニズムを強化する必要性を概説した。 表現の自由もまた優先事項だった。北朝鮮による拉致問題を含む人権侵害は依然として重大な懸念の要因となっており、国際社会の継続的な関与が不可欠であった。 日本は特に、ハンセン病に対する差別撲滅の必要性に焦点を当て、高等弁務官にこの問題を明らかにするよう依頼した。
China stated that human rights continued to face challenges and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights should continue to observe strictly the United Nations Charter, to follow strictly its mandate and to engage constructively with States, to promote the balance of all rights, including the right to development, and to give priority to technical assistance and capacity building. China valued the role of special mechanisms and the Government had implemented in earnest its treaty obligations and had submitted its reports on time.
Republic of Korea commended the High Commissioner for pointing out the importance of strengthening reporting to treaty bodies. The Republic of Korea recently came through a difficult period of crisis through its working democracy. The ongoing systematic grave human rights violations in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea remained a serious concern, and the country was urged to enhance its cooperation with United Nations mechanisms, including with the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights’ Seoul office.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea expressed reservations about some references made to the country, and consistently rejected the anti-Democratic People's Republic of Korea resolution. Hostile forces were putting pressure by using human rights as a pretext. The recent visit by the Special Rapporteur on disabilities demonstrated the country’s approach. Some reports of the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights often deviated from the principles of impartiality.
International Service for Human Rights said the continued repression in China did not reflect a State complying with standards for membership. All Member States and candidates were called on to cooperate in full faith with Council mechanisms and also consult with civil society, as well as to end and remedy allegations of reprisals, among many other measures.
Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada said civil society participation was crucial to achieving human rights goals. Some members of the Council misused legal systems to imprison human rights defenders and General Assembly resolution 60/251 required all Council members to uphold the highest standards. The Council was invited to persuade China, Egypt, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia and other non-cooperating States to comply with that essential duty.
International Career Support Association requested re-investigation of the comfort women issue. The books on that issue contained factual errors, and surprisingly some references originated from comic books. That propaganda information had led to bullying of Japanese youth in the United States.