




  • アイテム74:人権の促進と保護
    • アイテム74(a):人権文書の履行

    • アイテム74(b):人権および基本的自由の効果的享受を改善するための代替アプローチを含む、人権問題

    • アイテム74(c):人権状況ならびに特別報告者および代表者の報告

    • アイテム74(d):ウィーン宣言および行動計画の包括的実施およびフォローアップ


  • 前日の双方向対話(関連エントリ 2018-10-15 参照)続き。

  • モカイバー人権高等弁務官事務所次長が A/73/308「北朝鮮における人権状況に関する報告」(2018年8月6日)を含む事務総長報告書を提示し、北朝鮮が「断固として拒否」。

  • 上記報告書 III 章に拉致問題に関する記述がある。特定失踪者には言及していない。同報告書はほかに、2017年の弾道ミサイル実験で日本領空を飛行したことに言及( II 章、政治的背景 p. 3 )。

    III. 北朝鮮における人権状況の概要


    D. 国際拉致と離散家族

    34. 朝鮮戦争後に、韓国政府によれば、北朝鮮により拉致された、韓国からの516名の安否の確定に進展はなされなかった。拉致被害者や他国からの拉致被害者を含む、北朝鮮における日本国民の安否の調査も進展はない。1970年代および1980年代に拉致された12名の日本市民は未だ行方不明である。北朝鮮当局は、八名が死亡し、四人が入国しなかったと主張している。


    38. 事務総長は、韓国、日本およびその他の国から拉致された個人の安否を明らかにするよう北朝鮮政府に強く促す。

    なお、23日には特別報告者が報告を行なう(関連エントリ 2018-10-23 参照)。

  • アメリカが、平和的集会と結社の自由に対する権利に関する特別報告者への質問とコメントで中国などに言及、各国が反発している。中国:「市民が自由な発言および平和的な集会と結社の権利を持つ中国」。

  • 一般討論の声明で中国が条約機関について、専門家のメディア組織との連携の「統制(governing)」とウェブサイトへの NGO からの情報の掲載に関して「明確なルール」化を求め発言。

  • 答弁権で中国、北朝鮮EU に反論しているが、当プレスリリース上では EU による両国への発言は当方では確認できなかった。中国:「すべての少数民族の人権は完全に保証されている。中国は、法の前に誰もが平等な国」。「このブロック[ EU ]は、その人権問題に関してよくよく考えなければならない」。北朝鮮:「人道に対する自身の罪に専念するよう、このブロック[同上]に強く勧めた」。

  • 8日に動議が提出され10日採択されていた特別手続に関する決定(下記)で、


    「国連総会 - 第三委員会 - 社会、人道および文化 - 事務局」- 投票記録「カンファレンスルーム1 第三委員会:73回セッション 投票名:ブルンジに関する調査委員会への依頼の提案」(英語(PDF))

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations



16 OCTOBER 2017

Extremism, Intolerance Overshadowing Moves towards Democracy, Third Committee Delegates Stress as Experts Press Governments to Honour Human Rights Treaties



総会 > 第三委員会 >



Seventy years after the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, extremism and intolerance are overshadowing moves towards democracy, delegates told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) in continued debate on the promotion and protection of human rights today.

Throughout the day, delegates and mandate holders alike called for a democratic global order that addresses human rights as interdependent and interrelated, with countries sharing a moral responsibility to protect their people from harm, especially those escaping conflict or natural disaster.

Along those lines, Ecuador’s delegate


In other business today, the Committee decided to invite the Commission of Inquiry on Burundi and the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia to present their reports and participate in a related dialogue, approving a such a proposal by a recorded vote of 73 in favour, to 33 against, with 32 abstentions.

Burundi’s representative said he deplored the treatment of the Committee’s request for a legal opinion from the Office of Legal Affairs, which had rendered its approval on 10 October to include those experts on the provisional list of special procedure mandate holders to brief the Committee.


Speaking in exercise of the right of reply were the representatives of China, Syria, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

The Committee will reconvene at 10 a.m. on 17 October to continue its consideration of promotion and protection of human rights.



The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian, Cultural) met today to continue its consideration of the promotion and protection of human rights. For more information, please see Press Release GA/SHC/4235.


Action — Organizational Matters
決議 — 構成事項

The representative of Burundi deplored the treatment of the request for a legal opinion, stressing that it is politically motivated and not legally binding. It was established in an obscure manner.

The representative of Austria, spoke in explanation of vote to welcome that there is a legal basis for holding an interactive dialogue in which all can participate. Voicing doubts about seeking the opinion, he said: “Now that we have it, it should be respected.”

By a recorded vote of 73 in favour, to 33 against, with 32 abstentions, the Committee approved the proposal to invite the Commission of Inquiry on Burundi and the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia to present their reports and participate in a related dialogue.

The Committee Chair noted that the Independent Expert and the Chair of the Commission of Inquiry on Burundi would brief on 24 October.


The representative of Zambia, while acknowledging the legal opinion, expressed concern over setting risky or dangerous precedents and said the drafters of the related documents were aware of earlier decisions.

A Secretariat official said it is uncommon for Member States to criticize the Secretariat for being fast. Describing the steps taken, he said that once the Committee requested the legal opinion, a draft was prepared and submitted for clearance.

The representative of Congo said a mistake had been made in pressing the voting button and that his country had voted against the measure.

The Secretariat official took note of Congo’s statement, pointing out that while the results cannot be amended, his vote will be reflected in the meeting’s record.

The representative of Montenegro said he intended to vote in favour and requested that this be reflected in the meeting’s record.

Interactive Dialogue

CRAIG MOKHIBER, Chief of Branch for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner, presented a series of reports of the Secretary-General. The first, on the right to development (document A/73/138), […]

Access to justice for all is closely related to States’ obligation to guarantee human rights, he said, noting that a report on human rights in the administration of justice (document A/73/210) summarizes best practices, challenges and recent developments. Another report sheds light on the status of the human rights treaty body system (document A/73/309), stressing the urgent need for additional resources. The Secretary-General explores the development of a system-wide approach to strengthening civil society in a report on the twentieth anniversary of the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders (document A/73/230). On the moratorium on use of the death penalty, his report highlights discriminatory practices against women, notably (document A/73/260). In his third report on missing persons, the Secretary‑General (document A/73/385) describes initiatives addressing the issue of missing persons in the context of armed conflict and other circumstances, including situations of violence, insecurity, organized crime, disaster and migration. A country-specific report analyses the situation of human rights in Iran (document A/73/299), where the overall situation relating to the use of that practice remains “grim”. The last report centres on human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (document A/73/308). It finds that prospects for durable peace and stability may potentially be undermined by the lack of significant progress in addressing When the floor was opened for questions and comments, the representative of Azerbaijan drew attention to the increased number of missing persons in conflict situations, adding that the Human Rights Council report stressed the need for awareness raising of best practices in the handling of such cases. Expressing regret that the topic of increased armed conflict has only been considered once in two years, he expressed hope that subsequent reports will be comprehensive and focus on missing persons in armed conflict.


The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea said the report does not seek to promote and protect human rights and he categorically rejected it due to its politicization of such issues.


VIRGINIA BRAS GOMES, Chairperson of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights[…]


The representative of the Republic of Korea said the Covenant is now indispensable to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals. She underlined the importance of understanding the nexus between new technologies and human rights, and noted the progress made by the Committee in simplified reporting procedure.


Ms. BRAS[…]


On General Comments and Opinions, she said a treaty adopted in 1976 cannot be interpreted in the same way as today, adding that contemporary interpretations of the Covenant help countries fine tune their obligations. She noted the close relationship between the Sustainable Development Goals and the Covenant. State follow-up on implementation of the Goals should not be done in isolation of the Covenant’s obligations, she said, addressing a question by the Republic of Korea.


CLEMENT NYALETSOSSI VOULE, Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association[…]


The representative of the United States drew attention to the increasing attacks on the right to peaceful assembly and association. Describing rights violations in Syria, Iran, Russian Federation, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cuba and China, he described incidents of closing civil space. He asked for recommendations on addressing threats to fundamental freedoms through use of surveillance technology.


The representative of China called the statement by his United States counterpart an unwarranted accusation against China, whose citizens have the right of free speech and peaceful assembly and association. Citizens must comply with the constitution and regulations and refrain from harming rights of other citizens, he said, expressing hope that the United States will face up to its own human rights situation.


The representative of Syria aligning with statements of Russian Federation, China, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela, declared that the United States is not in any position to make itself a sponsor of human rights and to address accusations or give counsel to other members.


Ms. ZHU HUILAN (China) said treaty bodies should develop clear rules governing their experts’ interactions with media organizations. They should also leverage the media to improve transparency and visibility while ensure their impartiality. She also called for clear rules, based on consultations with Member States, on the posting of information from non-governmental organizations on treaty body websites. Failure to condemn such practices would amount to condoning the use of United Nations websites to attack the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Member States, she stated.

Right of Reply


The representative of China, speaking in exercise of the right of reply, said his country advocates for human rights and dialogue. The European Union has made grave accusations that are counter to fact. China’s achievement in the human rights arena has obtained global acclaim. The human rights of all ethnic minorities have been fully guaranteed. China is a country where everyone is equal before the law, and Chinese judicial authorities deal with criminal cases in strict accordance with the law. In the European Union, countries are trying to shift responsibility regarding refugees, crimes are rising, and elected officials in national parliaments express radical positions against migrants, Muslims and other minorities. The bloc should reflect on its on human right issues.


The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea said the European Union delegate’s accusations about his country had no relation to the reality of human rights in his country. He strongly recommended the bloc concentrate on its own crimes against humanity.






  • アイテム74:人権の促進と保護
    • アイテム74(a):人権文書の履行

    • アイテム74(b):人権および基本的自由の効果的享受を改善するための代替アプローチを含む、人権問題

    • アイテム74(c):人権状況ならびに特別報告者および代表者の報告

    • アイテム74(d):ウィーン宣言および行動計画の包括的実施およびフォローアップ


  • バチェレ人権高等弁務官との双方向対話で中国と北朝鮮がいつもの主張。拷問に関する対話ではアメリカが北朝鮮には言及せず、中国など五か国に言及。

  • 高等弁務官との対話での各国発言からの日本など14か国は「さらなる発言」の代表団に掲載のみで未採録

  • 高等弁務官との対話で、人権理事会を脱退したアメリカからカリー大使が「人権理事会の歯止めが利かない政治化( the unchecked politicization of the Human Rights Council)」を懸念。この点では中国と一致とする。いっぽうアメリカが言及した国などが同国を非難(未抽出)。
  • (国連総会ホームページ(英語))

    • 「73回セッション - アジェンダ項目ごとの草案提案 - 社会、人道および文化問題(第三委員会)- 国連総会」(英語

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

    (日本:0:44:40 - )

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations

GA / SHC / 4235


15 NOVEMBER 2017

Early Warnings Must Trigger Rapid Responses to Rights Abuses, High Commissioner Tells Third Committee as Experts Call for Upholding Commitments against Torture


GA / SHC / 4235

総会 > 第三委員会 >



Early warnings must trigger rapid responses to human rights abuses, the top United Nations human rights official told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today, as it began its deliberations on the promotion and protection of human rights.

Speaking before the Committee for the first time as High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet said the importance of early warnings generated by human rights monitoring has been tragically and powerfully demonstrated by years of work by Special Rapporteurs on the situation of the Rohingya.


Responding to questions and comments, she spotlighted the large number of situations that the Human Rights Council has addressed in the past 12 years. But she acknowledged that it could improve its efficacy and deepen its cooperation with the Security Council, and suggested that its President be invited to brief the Committee.

Also making presentations today were the Chair of the Committee against Torture; the Chairperson of the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment of Punishment; and the Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

The Third Committee will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, 16 October, to continue its debate on the promotion and protection of human rights.



The Third Committee met today to consider the promotion and protection of human rights. Before it were reports of the Human Rights Committee (document A/73/40); the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (document A/73/48); the Committee against Torture (document A/73/44); and the Committee on Enforced Disappearances (document A/73/56).

Also before the Committee were various reports of the Secretary‑General on: the Status of the human rights treaty body system (document A/73/309); the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture (document A/73/281); the United Nations voluntary trust fund on contemporary forms of slavery (document A/73/264) ; the Moratorium on the use of the death penalty (document A/73/260); the Human rights in the administration of justice (document A/73/210); Combating intolerance, negative stereotyping, stigmatization, discrimination, incitement to violence and violence against persons, based on religion or belief (document A/73/153); Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights (document A/73/172); the Effects of terrorism on the enjoyment of human rights (document A/73/347); the Twentieth anniversary and promotion of the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (document A/73/230); the Situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (document A/73/48); and the Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran (document A/73/48).

The Committee also had before it the following documents[…]


Interactive Dialogue

MICHELLE BACHELET, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)[…]


The representative of China urged respect for sovereignty. Warning against politicization, pressure and confrontation, he advocated dialogue and cooperation within the Human Rights Council, as well as greater focus on the right to development and economic rights.


The representative of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea deplored the growing tendency to misuse human rights, urging that the principles of non‑selectivity and impartiality be respected and that human rights instruments are not misused.


Also speaking were the representatives of Qatar, Brazil, Albania, Japan, Liechtenstein, Georgia, Angola, Viet Nam, Canada, Bahrain, India, United Arab Emirates, Nicaragua and Indonesia.



The representative of United States condemned all acts of torture. Describing violations in the Russian Federation, Syria, Iran, China and Venezuela, he called on all countries to uphold international obligations, asking about steps for involving civil society or non-State actors’ efforts to prevent torture.



*1:原文は  the Chairperson of the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment of Punishment(拷問およびその他の残虐な、非人道的なまたは品位を傷つける刑罰の取り扱い防止に関する小委員会委員長)。次の同特別報告者は正しく表記されている。

*2:原文の北朝鮮とイランに関する報告のドキュメント番号は A/73/48 となっている。




  • アイテム70:児童の権利の促進および保護
    • アイテム70(a):児童の権利の促進および保護

    • アイテム70(b):児童に関する特別セッションの結果へのフォローアップ


  • 前日(関連エントリ参照)の続き。

  • 日本が発言(宮崎あかね教授「彼」と書かれてしまった)。

  • 中国:「締約国は、これらの虐待を防止し戦うためのインターネット監視を強化する権利と責任の両方がある」。インターネット監視、この文脈でも「権利」を入れるところがこの国らしい。韓国が発言。

  • なお、8日にブルンジが動議を提出していたブルンジに関する調査委員会について法務局に法的見解を求める件が採択されている(未抽出)。

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations



10 OCTOBER 2018

Global Pledges to Improve Children’s Well‑Being ‘A Distant Dream’ without Renewed Respect for Their Rights, Notably Protection, Third Committee Speakers Declare



総会 > 第三委員会 >



With children’s aspirations still falling short of global commitments to improve their well‑being, and some calling those pledges a “distant dream”, the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) continued its debate on children’s rights today amid urgent appeals that they be central to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


Several decried the rise of cyberbullying, with Australia’s representative describing national policies to guide the development of safety and well‑being practices within schools, and the creation of an eSafety Commissioner to assist cyberbullying victims. Keeping track of activities — online and offline — is critical, added Japan’s delegate, pointing to a report published annually on undesirable behaviour. Colombia’s delegate said the issue required a broad approach, while Romania’s delegate cited the launch of a national plan against cyberbullying, a “No Hate Campaign”, and with Save the Children, a guide for safe Internet use.


Also speaking were representatives of Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Eritrea, Israel, Mexico, Mongolia, India, Spain, Jamaica, Poland, Guatemala, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Ecuador, South Africa, Georgia, Maldives, Malaysia, Turkey, Afghanistan, Dominican Republic, Qatar, Zambia, China, Iceland, Namibia, Republic of Korea, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Nigeria, Sudan, Bangladesh, Ghana, Uruguay, Algeria, San Marino, Iran, Syria, Bahrain, United States, Burkina Faso, Lebanon, Tonga, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Andorra, Ukraine, Libya, Bolivia, Angola, Mozambique, Equatorial Guinea, Nicaragua, Monaco, Sierra Leone, Botswana, Bhutan, Guinea, Oman and Azerbaijan, as well as the Holy See.

The Third Committee will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Thursday, 11 October, to continue its debate on the rights of children.





AKANE MIYAZAKI (Japan) drew attention to his country’s recent $5.9 million contribution to the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children. With those funds, Japan seeks to urgently address such abuse in the contexts of conflict and crises through 12 projects in Nigeria and Uganda that enable children to leave armed groups and begin new lives. The funding will also provide vocational training, address the psychological toll of violence and prevent harm from landmines. On the domestic level, Japan works to ensure early detection of, action on and protection against bullying and violence in schools. It also publishes an annual report titled, “Survey on Undesirable Behaviour and School Non‑Attendance of Students” which summarizes instances of bullying, including cyberbullying.


ZHU HUILAN (China) said the international community should uphold the principle of peaceful dispute settlement and create a stable environment to protect children from war. Calling on Member States to strengthen cooperation, implement the 2030 Agenda and eliminate child poverty, among other things, he said new technologies present both opportunities and challenges to protect children’s rights. Advanced information technology enables the wider dissemination of information allowing children to acquire knowledge. However, Internet addiction and harmful online information hurt children, increasing the prevalence of such crimes as child pornography. States have both the right and responsibility to enhance Internet monitoring to prevent and combat those abuses, he stressed, outlining several of China’s legislative actions in that arena.


CHO EUN BANG (Republic of Korea) highlighted areas for the promotion and protection of children’s rights, stressing that inclusive and equitable quality education should be a priority. The Republic of Korea will continue to promote global citizenship education, which instils the fundamental values of understanding and respect for diversity, tolerance and human rights. Marginalized children — such as girls and those with disabilities — need special attention. It is important to empower girls, who are more susceptible to various forms of violence and discrimination, and have lower school attendance.






  • アイテム70:児童の権利の促進および保護
    • アイテム70(a):児童の権利の促進および保護

    • アイテム70(b):児童に関する特別セッションの結果へのフォローアップ


  • 日本が双方向対話で発言、翌日の一般討論で声明も行なう(関連エントリ参照)。

  • "enjo kosai(compensated dating)" 30/13パーセント発言のブーア=ブキッキオ児童買春、児童ポルノおよびその他の児童の性的虐待マテリアルを含む、児童の売買と性的搾取に関する特別報告者が報告(未抽出)。
  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

  • 関連エントリ 


United Nations



9 OCTOBER 2018

‘Children on the Move’ Require Better Protection from Violence, Experts Tell Third Committee amid Concerns over Illegal Detentions, Risks of Statelessness

Child Dies Every 5 Minutes from Abuse, Special Representative Says



総会 > 第三委員会 >




Children on the move must be better protected from detention, family separation and violence, United Nations experts told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today in one of many appeals for Governments to safeguard the rights of boys and girls around the world.


The Third Committee will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, 10 October, to continue its discussion on the rights of children.


Interactive Dialogues

RENATE WINTER, Chair of the Committee on the Rights of the Child[…]


When the floor opened for questions, the representative of Japan said numerous challenges remain ahead of the Convention’s thirtieth anniversary, and asked about harmonization and collaboration among the human rights treaty bodies.






  • アイテム29:女性の地位向上

  • 作業構成


  • 5日金曜の会合の一般討論(関連エントリ参照)続き。

  • 金正恩キム・ジョンウン)同志の賢明なるリーダーシップのもと~、と演説を開始した北朝鮮(あたまに「偉大な」はいらんのか(笑)*1 、ひとしきり自画自賛したあと唐突に、というか予想どおり第二次世界大戦中に日本ガ~。会場でもそろそろ始まるぞなどと囁かれていたのではあるまいか(笑)。

  • 続いて韓国(が連係プレイ)。北朝鮮がしゃべってくれているので日韓合意で封じられた「性奴隷」に言及しなくともじゅうぶん、「紛争や紛争後の状況における性暴力を生き延びた人々のニーズに対応」というお題目に文句をいう者はいない。安保理決議第1325号にのっとった措置であると。おいしい展開である。決議1325(2000年)は「女性と平和・安全保障の問題を明確に関連づけた初の安保理決議」(関連エントリのリンク先参照)。「女性とともにする平和イニシアチブ」については下記も参照。このように国際社会での利用も行なわれるわけである。

  • なお、冒頭の要約ではイスラエルアイスランド、メキシコ、オーストラリア、インド、イタリア、パレスチナ自治政府の八代表の発言が取り上げられ、北朝鮮、韓国(および中国)の発言は、52 の代表が連なる「さらなる発言」の方に回されている。

  • 日本は答弁権を行使したが、先日ジュネーブで行なわれた人権理事会での "WVD" モノの応答ととまったく同じ対応(下記参照)。(北が述べ立てている)「70年以上」より前についてはまるっと同意していると了解されて仕方ない。つづいて六月の米朝会談以来の方針かこちらでも手招き *2 、「輝かしい未来をともに求める」(…ことばも無い)。


  • 追記)なお、北朝鮮 vs 日本の応酬は26日の会合でも繰り返される(下記)。

  • 北朝鮮の声明では採録されていないが、例によって韓国による「拉致」を非難した模様。韓国が答弁権を行使している *3

  • 中国が加わっている「77か国グループ」の代表の発言も抽出したが、「女性の地位向上」を語りながら「領土保全、主権および政治的独立」を「重大原則」に加えているのが、それらしいかんじではある(エジプト)。

  • なお、ブルンジに関する動議において、コモロソマリアが分担金滞納で投票できなくなっている。

    国連憲章第19条の条件に基づく財政分担金支払いの滞納国 - 国連総会」

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations



8 OCTOBER 2018

Code of Silence around Sexual Abuse Broken amid Calls in Third Committee for Holistic Approaches to Rooting out Violence, Advancing Women’s Rights



総会 > 第三委員会 >



With the #MeToo rallying cry at full volume, calls to bring the perpetrators of sexual assault to justice have broken the code of silence plaguing survivors for too long, delegates told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today as it continued its debate on the advancement of women amid appeals for Governments, schools and board rooms to root out abuse.
虐待を根絶するための、政府、学校および会議室へのアピールのなか女性の地位向上に関する討論を続けた際、最大音量での #MeToo の掛け声、性的暴行の犯人を裁判にかけるという求めが、あまりにも長く被害者を悩ましている沈黙のおきてを破った、代表者は本日、第三委員会(社会、人道および文化)に語った。



In other business, the Committee decided to postpone for 48 hours a request for a legal opinion on whether to include an agenda item pertaining to Burundi, by a recorded vote of 67 in favour, to 56 against, with 11 abstentions.

Also speaking in the general debate today were representatives of Pakistan, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Kazakhstan, Ecuador, Maldives, Afghanistan, Turkey, Jamaica, China, Zambia, Iran, Spain, Namibia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Myanmar, Bulgaria, Sudan, Viet Nam, Rwanda, Gambia, Tunisia, Canada, Panama, Algeria, Gabon, Sierra Leone, Egypt (on behalf of the “Group of 77” developing countries and China), Syria, Bahrain, Senegal, Burkina Faso, El Salvador (speaking on behalf of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States), Lebanon, Costa Rica, Comoros, Ghana, United Arab Emirates, Honduras, Cabo Verde, Libya, Philippines, Malaysia, Malawi, Albania, Andorra, Guinea, Ethiopia and Thailand, as well as of the Holy See.

The representatives of Japan, Republic of Korea and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea spoke in exercise of the right of reply.

The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, 9 October, to consider the rights of children.


The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) continued its debate on the advancement of women today. (For background, see Press Release GA/SHC/4229.)



MALEEHA LODHI (Pakistan) […]

LUZ ANDUJAR (Dominican Republic), aligning herself with the “Group of 77” developing countries and China, and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), reiterated her country’s commitment to the Beijing Declaration and Plan of Action for the achievement of full gender equality. The Government has put in place a series of public policy instruments, notably the National Development Strategy 2030, to achieve gender equality. It has also implemented a paid parental leave, plans tackling sexual harassment in the workplace and an equality stamp to foster gender equality in the public and private sectors. She stressed the importance of female representation at the highest decision‑making levels.


SHI YUEFENG (China) outlined how development imbalances, wars and conflicts, climate change, violence and human trafficking are major obstacles. Moreover, he said, the rights of women and girls in the economic, educational and health spheres have yet to be guaranteed. In line with its commitment to gender equality, China has formulated a national plan to promote women’s development and adopted more than 100 laws and regulations, he said, pointing out that women account for 43.1 per cent of the workforce and 52.5 per cent of college students in the country. Meanwhile, China continues to support the work of UN‑Women and other agencies, while supporting developing countries in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.


RI SONG CHOL (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) said that under the wise leadership of Comrade Kim Jong Un, every woman takes part in the State and in social activities, fully enjoying their rights. Throughout the country, women’s rights are respected through enforcement of the “law on the protection of women’s rights”. Great achievements have been made as a result of attention to improving health and work conditions for women. Sexual slavery committed by Japan during the Second World War is a brutal crime against humanity and flagrant violation of women’s rights. Japan forced 200,000 Korean women and girls, and many other women in Asia, into sexual slavery. In August 2018, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination pointed out that Japan does not accept its explicit accountability. He called on Japan to officially recognize its crimes against humanity, apologize and offer compensation.
リ・ソンチョル(北朝鮮)は、金正恩キム・ジョンウン)同志の賢明なるリーダーシップのもと、すべての女性が国家と社会活動に参加し、権利を十分に享受していると述べた。全国的に、女性の権利は「女性の権利の保護に関する法律」の施行を通じ尊重されている。女性のための健康状態や労働条件の改善に注意を払った結果、大きな成果が得られた。第二次世界大戦中に日本が犯した性的奴隷制度は、人道に対する凶悪犯罪であり、女性の権利の深刻な侵害である。日本は20万の朝鮮人女性と少女、およびアジアにおける他の多くの女性を性的奴隷制度に強制した。 2018年8月に、人種差別撤廃委員会は、日本が明確な説明責任を受け入れていないと指摘した。彼は日本に対し、人道に対する罪を公式に認め、謝罪し、賠償を提供するよう求めた。

PARK CHULL-JOO (Republic of Korea) said women’s voices are now being heard more clearly than ever. Urging Member States to continue that momentum, protect victims of sexual abuse and exploitation, and protect whistle‑blowers, he also voiced strong support for the United Nations zero‑tolerance policy on that issue. “Gender equality starts with changes in discriminatory structures in society,” he said, noting that the Republic of Korea is working to better mainstream gender equality in its national policies. Outlining strategies to close gender gaps in the workplace and end violence against women, he said a new plan to improve women’s representation in key public sectors (2018‑2022)” aims to increase women’s participation in decision‑making and support women who had previously discontinued their careers. As a member of the Group of Friends of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000), the Republic of Korea also supports victims of “comfort women” practices during the Second World War, and recently launched the “Action with Women and Peace” initiative to address the needs of those who survived sexual violence in conflict and post‑conflict situations.
パク・チュルジュ(韓国)は、女性の声はこれまでよりもはっきりと聞こえていると述べた。その勢いを継続し、性的虐待と搾取の犠牲者を守り、内部告発者を守るようメンバー国に強く促し、彼はまた、同問題に対する国連のゼロトレランス措置への強力な支持を表明した。韓国が国家政策においてより良いジェンダー平等の主流に取り組んでいると指摘し、「ジェンダー平等は、社会における差別的構造の変化から始まる」、と彼は述べた。職場におけるジェンダー格差を解消し、女性に対する暴力を終わらせる戦略を概説し、主要公共部門における女性代表の改善のための新たな計画(2018 - 2222年)」は、意思決定への女性の参加を増やし、かつ以前にキャリアを中断した女性を支援することを目的としていると述べた。韓国は、安保理決議第1325号(2000年)の友人たちのグループのメンバーとして、第二次世界大戦中の「慰安婦」活動の犠牲者を支援し、最近、紛争や紛争後の状況における性暴力を生き延びた人々のニーズに対応する「女性とともにする平和」イニシアチブを開始した。


Action — Organizational Matters
決議 — 運営事項

The representative of Burundi requested a legal opinion from the Office of Legal Affairs, with the representatives of Syria, Russian Federation, Cuba, China, Morocco and Saudi Arabia expressing support for that position.


A vote was then held on the motion to adjourn the action for 48 hours.

The Committee approved the motion to adjourn action seeking a legal opinion by a recorded vote of 67 in favour to 56 against, with 11 abstentions.

After the vote, the representatives of Comoros and Somalia said their voting machines had not worked.

The Secretariat official reminded that countries in arrears are not allowed to vote.



MOHAMED FATHI AHMED EDREES (Egypt), speaking on behalf of the Group of 77, voiced support for the full, effective and accelerated implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, and the twenty‑third Special Session of the General Assembly outcome. Gender equality and women’s empowerment are linked to sustainable development, he said, calling for collective efforts to translate the 2030 Agenda into benefits on the ground. Expressing concern about persistent challenges in the advancement of women – and over the disproportionate impact of unilateral coercive measures and colonialism on women and girls – he said the impacts of climate change also fall heavily on women. Underlining the critical principles of human rights, democracy, peaceful dispute settlement, non‑use of force, territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence in that context, he described a high‑level interactive dialogue titled, “Innovative practices for the financial inclusion and economic empowerment of women, especially rural women: lessons from the South”, convened by the Group in collaboration with UN‑Women, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).


Right of Reply

The representative of Japan replied to the statement by his counterpart from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, stressing that for over 70 years, Japan has respected human rights and democracy. His Government wants to bring peace to North‑East Asia by overcoming distrust and seeks a bright future together.

The representative of the Republic of Korea, in response to the statement by his counterpart from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, said defectors from the latter country enjoy freedoms of citizenship. His Government expresses hope for free movement and overcoming family separation.

The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea said Japan’s heinous crimes have neither been officially recognized nor sincerely compensated. Without recognition and compensation, there is no bright future for Japan and no improvement between the two countries. Japan has tried to evade past crimes, he said, noting that on the issue of women citizens, they have been deceived and their families are awaiting their return.








  • アイテム29:女性の地位向上


  • 日本が開会声明への質問およびコメントと、声明で発言し、「女性が輝く社会」や下記に言及。

    安保理決議第1325号(国連広報センター(UNIC)作成和訳)(PDFなお、「輝き」については、翌週月曜の会合続きで北朝鮮の場違いな(?)発言に対するやり取りでも( "shine" ではなく "bright" だが)登場する(関連エントリ参照)。

  • (外務省声明)第73回国連総会第3委員会 議題29「女性の地位向上」に関する宮崎あかね政府代表顧問によるステートメント(英文)(英語

  • (外務省ホームページ)

  •  (内閣府男女共同参画局ホームページ)

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations

GA / SHC / 4229



World Facing ‘Moment of Opportunity’ to End Violence against Women, Third Committee Hears amid Calls for Gender Equality in Politics


GA / SHC / 4229

総会 > 第三委員会 >



The world is at a “moment of opportunity” in eliminating violence against women and girls, UN-Women Deputy Executive Director Åsa Regnér told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today, calling for “unqualified” support for a strengthened feminist movement.


When the floor opened for general debate, delegates addressed a range of issues, from women’s political participation and education, to online sexual harassment, female genital mutilation and femicide. Uruguay’s delegate decried the feminization of poverty, stressing that gender inequalities constrain women’s economic and political empowerment. In particular, he advocated for the empowerment of older women so they can effectively exercise their rights.

Morocco’s delegate, on behalf of the African Group[…]


Also speaking today were representatives of Namibia, Thailand, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Colombia, Netherlands, Cuba, Japan, Peru, Bangladesh, Russian Federation, Iraq, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Eritrea, Nigeria, Romania, Equatorial Guinea, Tonga, Indonesia, Egypt, New Zealand, South Africa, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, United States, Hungary, Paraguay, Argentina, Georgia and Singapore.

The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Monday, 8 October, to continue its debate on the advancement of women.


The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) began its general discussion on the advancement of women today. Before it was the report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (document A/73/38). Also before the Committee were reports of the Secretary-General on Trafficking in women and girls (document A/73/263); intensifying global efforts for the elimination of female genital mutilation (document A/73/266); intensifying efforts to end obstetric fistula within a generation (document A/73/285) and intensification of efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls (document A/73/294).
第三委員会(社会、人道および文化)は、本日女性の向上に関する討論一般討論を開始した。前にしているのは女子差別撤廃委員会の報告だった(ドキュメントA/73/38)。 さらに委員会が前にしているのは、女性と女児における人身売買(ドキュメントA/73/263)、女性性器切除撲滅のためのグローバルな取り組み強化(ドキュメントA/73/266)、一世代内での産科フィスチュラを終わらせるための取り組み強化(ドキュメントA/73/285)、および女性と女児に対するあらゆる形態の暴力の撤廃のための取り組み強化(ドキュメントA/73/294)に関する、事務総長報告だった。

The Committee also had before it a report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences on violence against women in politics (document A/73/301).

Opening Remarks

MARIA FERNANDA ESPINOSA GARCES, President of the General Assembly


ÅSA REGNÉR, Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women)


DALIA LEINARTE, Chair of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)


When the floor was opened for questions and comments, the representative of Japan said the Committee emphasizes the full participation of women and girls especially as related to climate change, and noted Security Council resolution 1325 (2000), which reaffirms their important role in the prevention and resolution of conflicts.



OMAR HILALE (Morocco), speaking on behalf of the African Group


AKANE MIYAZAKI (Japan), said that from a belief that gender equality and women’s empowerment maximize the potential of women, Japan is reinforcing its international cooperation and development assistance to achieve “a society where women shine” all around the world. Gender equality must be accomplished immediately through collective efforts. Japan has made a $50 million contribution to the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative promoting women’s financial independence and economic and social participation in developing countries. She also stressed the importance of increasing the number of women in politics to reflect diverse public opinion. On women, peace and security, she highlighted the empowerment of conflict‑affected women and girls in the Middle East and Africa, and improvement of judicial systems for preventing sexual violence in conflict.






  • アイテム109:犯罪防止と刑事司法

  • アイテム110:国際薬物統制


  • 日本が2020年に京都で開催される国連犯罪防止刑事司法会議(京都コングレス)などに言及。下記は、なにか薄い感じの法務省の京都コングレスのウェブページ。

  • フィリピンがここで「中国の薬物や薬物取引との歴史的関係」を「想起」。また、新政府がすでに警察活動で4,000人の麻薬ディーラーを殺したと「強調」。(本プレスリリースではフィリピンに言及している代表団は見えないが)「国際社会」の非難に対しては同国の政策は「人種や宗教についてではなく、本質的に政治的でもない」と、なにかあさってな(?)反論。

  • 中国が発言。フィリピンには言及せず「各国は、彼らの国家の特殊性に合わせ、[…]独自の薬物政策を実施する権利がある」。
  • (外務省声明)第73回国連総会第3委員会議題109及び110「犯罪防止,刑事司法及び世界薬物統制」についての鈴木公使ステートメント英語

  • (外務省ホームページ)

    国連薬物・犯罪事務所(United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime:UNODC)の予算は9割以上を任意拠出金に依存、日本の平成29年度拠出実績:約2,900万ドル(下記参照)。

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)


United Nations



4 OCTOBER 2018

Illicit Drug Flows, Organized Crime Grow as Terrorism Spreads across Borders, Third Committee Delegates Stress amid Calls for Stronger Justice Systems



総会 > 第三委員会 >



As terrorism becomes more intertwined with organized crime, human trafficking and corruption, no border of the world is untouched by the illicit drug trade, delegates told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today during their annual debate on crime prevention, criminal justice and international drug control.


John Brandolino, Director, Division of Treaty Affairs of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)[…]

In the ensuing debate, Colombia’s representative[…]

In the Philippines, the new Government’s war on drugs has already[…]


Also speaking today were representatives of Morocco (on behalf of the African Group), Singapore (on behalf of ASEAN), Russian Federation, Italy, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Iraq, Guatemala, Viet Nam, Pakistan, Eritrea, Israel, Brazil, India, Mongolia, Peru, Ecuador, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Georgia, Qatar, Turkey, Thailand, Belarus, China, Myanmar, Mali, Sri Lanka, Dominican Republic, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bahamas, Nigeria, Iran, Honduras, Senegal, Sudan, Malaysia, Egypt, Spain, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Guinea, Cameroon and Libya, as well as the European Union and the Holy See.
さらなる本日の発言は、(アフリカ・グループを代表し)モロッコ、(ASEANを代表し)シンガポールロシア連邦、イタリア、キューバサウジアラビア日本イラクグアテマラベトナムパキスタンエリトリアイスラエル、ブラジル 、インド、モンゴル、ペルー、エクアドルカザフスタン南アフリカジョージアカタール、トルコ、タイ、ベラルーシ中国ミャンマー、マリ、スリランカドミニカ共和国アルジェリアバングラデシュバハマ、ナイジェリア、イラン、ホンジュラスセネガルスーダン 、マレーシア、エジプト、スペイン、インドネシアアゼルバイジャンギニアカメルーンおよびリビア、加えて欧州連合および教皇庁代表団だった。

The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Friday, 5 October, to begin its debate on the advancement of women.




YORIKO SUZUKI (Japan), recalling that her country will host the fourteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Kyoto in 2020, advocated participation in the regional preparatory meetings. This will foster synergy and cohesion across United Nations bodies ahead of the Congress, she said, stressing the need for coordinated responses to drug trafficking and cybercrime. Corruption poses a serious threat to economic growth and sustainable development. She urged continued efforts to combat this scourge through existing international frameworks, including the United Nations Convention against Corruption.


TEODORO L. LOCSIN, JR. (Philippines), recalling China’s historical relationship with drugs and the drug trade, noted that today Asia is home to significant methamphetamine trafficking. While previous administrations “coddled” the problem, he stressed that the new Government — elected by a landslide — has already killed 4,000 dealers in police operations. While there have been some tragic and inexcusable mistakes, they are no excuse to end the war on drugs. More than 2,600 kilos of “crystal meth” have been seized and over 600,000 drug users have turned themselves in. While the international community has called the war on drugs “genocide”, he stressed that the Philippines’ policies are not about race or religion, nor are they political in nature. “You are not born a dealer or baptized as one,” he stressed. Refuting calls for drug legalization, he said such a policy will only turn the Government into the biggest drug dealer of all. It is the Government’s duty — under the responsibility to protect doctrine — to defend its population from abuses, including from those who seek to addict it to drugs.


WANG ZHAOZUE (China) said encouraging progress has been made in the global fight against drugs, traditional organized crime and corruption, but grave challenges remain. Underscoring China’s opposition to the legalization of illicit drugs, he said that, in combating the global drug problem, due consideration must be given to social order, public welfare and shared interests. “It is essential to avoid undue emphasis on human rights at the cost of endeavours in other fields,” he said. Countries are entitled to put in place their own drug policies, tailored to their national specificities and based on the three drug control conventions. Abolition of the death penalty should not be linked with the drug problem. Emphasizing China’s zero‑tolerance approach to corruption, he called on States that are parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption to remove political and legal hurdles that obstruct international cooperation in hunting down fugitives and recovering illicit assets. Doing so will deny safe haven to corrupt officials and their illicit proceeds. He also called for efforts to elaborate an international legal instrument within the United Nations framework.






  • アイテム28:社会開発

    • アイテム28(a):社会開発のための世界サミットの成果と第二十四回総会特別セッションの実施

    • アイテム28(b):世界の社会状況ならびに青少年、高齢者、障害者および家族に関する問題を含む、社会開発

    • アイテム28(c):生活のためのリテラシー:将来の課題を形成する


  • 前日の「社会開発」に関する一般討論(関連エントリ参照)続き。

  • 中国が発言。

  • 韓国:「自国に900万人の青少年がいると指摘し、平和への強い希望と70年の戦争行為[hostilities]の終結を表明した」。「若者が政策を提案し、意思決定に参加することを可能にする」「青少年参加委員会」というのがあるらしい。昨年、さもありなんだが下記のようなニュースもあった(中央日報/2017年02月28日)。


  • 各国の「青少年代表」が声明を行なったようだが、表題と裏腹に「今年、全加盟国のわずか20パーセントが公式代表団において青少年代表が関わった」ことにドイツの青少年代表が失望を表明している。ウクライナが「外国の侵略」に言及し、ロシアとウクライナが答弁権を行使している(以上未抽出)。

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations



3 OCTOBER 2018

Young People’s Voices Must Be Amplified, Speakers Declare as Third Committee Concludes Social Development Debate amid Calls for Greater Involvement

Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Elderly Demand More Focus, Delegates Say



総会 > 第三委員会 >




Given young people’s demographic weight, their voices should be amplified at the national and international levels, young delegates told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today as it concluded its general discussion on social development.

Young people from around the world advocated for meaningful involvement in political decision‑making, stressing that their full participation is crucial to shaping lasting peace and achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Youth delegates from Sweden […]


Also speaking today were representatives of Israel, Romania, Brazil, Norway, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Kazakhstan, Paraguay, Indonesia, Poland, Ecuador, Jamaica, Argentina, Georgia, China, Ireland, Italy, Algeria, Qatar, Bulgaria, Maldives, the Republic of Korea, Iran, Thailand, Slovakia, Czechia, Libya, Zambia, Belgium, El Salvador speaking on behalf of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), Estonia, Sri Lanka, Namibia, Serbia, Suriname, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Guatemala, Senegal, Djibouti, Kyrgyzstan, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, Sudan, Morocco, Ukraine, Luxembourg, Cameroon, France, Kuwait, Azerbaijan, Lesotho, Central African Republic, Nicaragua and Zimbabwe, as well as the Holy See and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

Representatives of the Russian Federation and Ukraine spoke in exercise of the right of reply.

The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Thursday, 4 October, to begin its debate on crime prevention and drugs.




WU HAITAO (China) said all countries must commit to the goal of cooperation for win‑win results, stressing: “We should respect the development path chosen by each country and the right of all countries to pursue a better life.” Countries must integrate the 2030 Agenda into national development strategies and pursue people‑centred development by building universal and sustainable social security. They should also promote full employment and decent work, as well as increase public financial input as a way of protecting the legitimate rights of vulnerable groups and narrowing the gap between rich and poor. Over the past four decades, China has lifted more than 700 million people out of abject poverty, and covered 1.35 billion people with basic medical insurance.
呉海濤(ウー・ハイタオ)(中国)は、「各国により選択された開発経路と、より良い生活を追求するためのすべての国々の権利を尊重しなければならない」と強調し、すべての国々がウインウインの結果のための協力目標にコミットしなければならないと述べた。各国は、2030年アジェンダを国家開発戦略に組み込み、普遍的で持続可能な社会保障を構築することによって人民中心の開発を追求しなければならない。また、雇用とディーセント・ワークを促進し、加えて脆弱なグループの正当な権利を守り、貧富の格差を縮小する方法として、財政的インプットを高めるべきである。 過去四十年間に、中国は貧困から7億人以上が脱し、基本的医療保険で13億5,000万人をカバーした。


CHOI EUN JAE (Republic of Korea) said many marginalized people are not aware they are entitled to human rights and must be given full access to information on those rights. The inclusion of young people is essential for social development, she said, highlighting the Republic of Korea’s Youth Participation Committee which allows young people to propose policies and participate in decision‑making. States should prioritize gender equality, she said, noting that non‑governmental organizations must play a crucial role in addressing the gender gap and that the “Basic Plans for Gender Equality” policies tackle those issues. Robust civil society has also played a central role in promoting human rights and democracy in the Republic of Korea. Noting that there are 9 million youths in her country, she expressed a strong desire for peace and an end to the 70 years of hostilities.

