


  • 本セッションにおける日本政府の発言は 21 のプレスリリースで採録 *1 、草案スポンサーは 6 決議。中国 10 + 修正案 1 、韓国 4 、北朝鮮 3 + 修正案 1(草案ドキュメント掲載分)。

  • 「恣意的な」トピックス

    • 割当アジェンダ項目一覧。サイカル委員長(元アフガニスタン外務副大臣/駐日代理公使)の経歴。AIIB 国連総会オブザーバー決議(第六委員会)。

    • 日本から宮崎あかね日本女子大学教授が発言(後日のいくつかの会合でも発言)。

    • 韓国の「青少年参加委員会」。

    • フィリピン:「中国の薬物や薬物取引との歴史的関係」を想起。

    • 女性の地位向上で北朝鮮が日本に先制攻撃。続いて韓国も「女性とともにする平和」イニシアチブに言及する格好で慰安婦問題に言及。例によって日本はぬるい反応。北朝鮮は韓国による「拉致」にも言及した模様で韓国が答弁権を行使、プレスリリースは日本人拉致問題と混乱か。

    • 児童の権利の促進・保護で中国:「締約国は、これらの虐待を防止し戦うためのインターネット監視を強化する権利と責任の両方がある」。

    • バチェレ人権高等弁務官との双方向対話で中国と北朝鮮がいつもの主張。拷問に関する対話ではアメリカが北朝鮮には言及せず、中国など五か国に言及。

    • 事務総長の「北朝鮮における人権状況に関する報告」を北朝鮮が「断固として拒否」。アメリカが平和的集会と結社の権利で中国に言及。中国:「市民が自由な発言および平和的な集会と結社の権利を持つ中国に対する不当な告発」。中国が条約機関について、専門家のメディア組織との連携の「統制(governing)」とウェブサイトへの NGO からの情報の掲載に関して「明確なルール」化を要請。中国、北朝鮮EU に反発:「すべての少数民族の人権は完全に保証されている。中国は、法の前に誰もが平等な国」「このブロック[ EU ]は、その人権問題に関してよくよく考えなければならない」(中国)。「人道に対する自身の罪に専念するよう、このブロック[同上]に強く勧めた」(北朝鮮)。

    • 中国:「国連人権機関に対し開発権を優先させるよう求めた」。

    • 中国:「中国は法の支配によって統治されている」。

    • (刑事司法含む民間部門への公共サービスの「新自由主義的」アウトソーシングのトピック)

    • 韓国が障害者で北朝鮮に対する安保理制裁の影響に言及。アメリカ:「中国における人権問題に取り組むために、さらに何をできるのか」。

    • 「文化的相対主義」の「破壊的影響」についての議論。中国:「人権擁護者は特別グループとして扱われるべきではない」。キンタナ北朝鮮人権状況特別報告者との双方向対話で日本が拉致問題に言及、韓国:「北朝鮮における安全な飲料水の問題に対して携わる可能性のある方法について尋ねた」。

    • 拠出ゼロの北朝鮮アメリカの国連パレスチナ難民救済事業機関UNRWA)への拠出停止を非難。

    • トゥンジャク有害物質に関する特別報告者による福島帰還への言及:「特定の締約国や企業の臆面のない振る舞い」。韓国の「「加湿器殺菌剤」事件」について。

    • 中国:「安全保障は最も重要な人権である[…]。締約国は、憲章を支え、集団的安全保障メカニズムを強化し、平和のための強固な防壁を構築すべきである」。アメリカなどが北朝鮮、中国を非難し、北朝鮮が西側諸国の「偽善」に言及:「対照的に、彼の国の人々は安定した環境において威厳と平等なくらしを享受」「非人道的かつ野蛮な安全保障理事会の「制裁決議」が直ちに解除されることを求める」。アメリカは「人権の荒れ地」。中国:アメリカが「自らの問題に向き合う希望を表明」。日本が拉致問題に言及し、日本 vs 北朝鮮第二ラウンド:日本は「朝鮮半島を侵略し、数百万人の朝鮮人を拉致し、多数の女性に対して奴隷制度を課した」。

    • 前日に続き米中が非難合戦。

    • アメリカが三日連続で中国を非難。中国がアメリカによる中国に対するビザ引き締めに懸念を表明。

    • 中国が難民に関するグローバル・コンパクトの重要性について発言。

    • 日本が人権理事会の特別手続について第三者による評価プロセスを提唱。中国:「分裂主義者は政治的目的で理事会を使用し、一方マンデート保持者は虚偽の告発を行なう」「一部非政府組織は不当な動機を持ち、一部加盟国に対して悪質な攻撃を開始する」。

    • 持続可能な開発アジェンダのためのボランティア活動、生活のためのリテラシー、宗教の自由決議で日本が共同スポンサーに。

    • (中国の臓器取引)

    •  中国が傭兵、一方的強制措置、国際協力、国際秩序推進、死刑モラトリアムに対する修正案、犯罪目的の情報通信技術使用対策、北朝鮮が平和促進、死刑モラトリアムに対する修正案、犯罪目的の情報通信技術使用対策で共同スポンサー。プレスリリースは死刑モラトリアムに対する修正案への日本の支持発言を「棄権」と採録。ロシア提出の犯罪目的の情報通信技術使用対策でロシアのサイバー攻撃を非難するアメリカ:「「きつねに鶏舎を任せる」のはなぜだろうか」。

    • 北朝鮮決議をコンセンサスで採択、日本 vs 北朝鮮第三ラウンド:日本は「朝鮮を占領して840万人余りの朝鮮人拉致および強制連行、100余万人大虐殺、20万人の日本軍性奴隷強要のような特大型の反人倫犯罪を働いた犯罪国家(北朝鮮「公報文」)。日本はコンセンサス採択を求める発言を行ない、とくに反論せず。ベトナム北朝鮮の「誘拐行為を非難」。日本がイラン決議でイランを一部擁護。ナチズム賛美対策決議における表現の自由と政治利用論議について。日本、韓国が北朝鮮決議、中国、北朝鮮がロシア提出のナチズム賛美対策、北朝鮮パレスチナ人自決権で共同スポンサー。

    • ミャンマー決議で北朝鮮は国別決議だが反対せず。エジプト提出のレイシズム撤廃とダーバン宣言で、日本は欧米十か国とともに反対。アメリカ:「旧宗主国に賠償を提供する要請を拒否し、それは国際法問題として効力がない」。中国、北朝鮮支持、韓国棄権。極度の貧困で日本、韓国、中国、開発権、食料への権利で中国が共同スポンサー。開発権における中国による「互恵的協力」の主張について。

    • 中国が産科瘻孔、人民の自決権、韓国が恣意的処刑で共同スポンサー。 

    • 中国がデジタル時代のプライバシー権のコンセンサスを一部留保。基本的自由の促進と保護で中国:「公的秩序の保護および他者の権利の確保のために[…]国内法を遵守すべきである」。日本、韓国が基本的自由の促進と保護で共同スポンサー

  • (国連総会ホームページ(英語))

    • 「73回セッション - 事務局 - 社会、人道および文化問題(第三委員会)- 国連総会」(英語

    • 「73回セッション - ドキュメント - 社会、人道および文化問題(第三委員会)- 国連総会」(英語

    • 「第73回セッション・アジェンダ - 国連総会」(英語

    • 「第73回セッション決議 - 国連総会」(英語

      ※ 第三委員会割当決議は "Plenary or Cttee.":C.3

  • (国連広報センターホームページ)






  • アイテム74(b):人権と基本的自由の効果的享受の改善のための代替アプローチを含む、人権問題

  • アイテム70(a):児童の権利の促進および保護
  • アイテム109:犯罪防止と刑事司法

  • アイテム123:総会の活動の活性化


  • 日本、韓国がアメリカ提出の L.41/Rev.1 基本的自由の促進と保護 *1  のスポンサーとなっている(草案ドキュメントによる。ドキュメントのリンク先は L.61 除き下記掲載の国連総会ホームページ「73回セッション - アジェンダ項目ごとの草案提案」*2 。以下同様)。

  • コンセンサスで採択された L.49/Rev.1 デジタル時代のプライバシー権 *3 で中国が、市民的および政治的権利に関する国際規約17条に関する人権理事会一般コメント16などに言及した前文パラグラフ11、およびプライバシーに対する権利に対するいかなる干渉も合法性、必要性および比例の原則と一致するようにしなければならないと想起する本文パラグラフ4に関する留保を表明。コンセンサスで採択されたコロンビア提出の L.16/Rev.1 腐敗防止総会特別セッション *4 で日本が発言。

  • 下記の決議2本および修正案が投票に持ち込まれた(各国投票先は国連総会ホームページ「第三委員会投票記録」リンク先参照)。

    前日修正案三本が否決された L.39/Rev.1 恣意的処刑は中国、北朝鮮反対、日本、韓国支持 *5 。前日否決されたエジプト(イスラム協力機構)提出の修正案 L.65 のスポンサーシップを巡る議論に続き、L.39/Rev.1 への投票を求めたエジプトが「コンセンサスによる支持」を唱えたと採録されている。

    基本的自由の促進と保護(前出):中国、北朝鮮棄権、日本、韓国支持 *6 。中国が発言:「公的秩序の保護および他者の権利の確保のために[…]国内法を遵守すべきである」。

    コンセンサスで採択されたメキシコ提出の L.43/Rev.1 テロリズム *7 で、アメリカが、グローバル・テロ対策フォーラムの KFR(Kidnapping For Ransom:営利誘拐)利益の防止と否定に関するグッドプラクティスに関するアルジェ覚書などに言及した本文パラグラフ14の削除、ロシアが、口頭修正により削除されていた本文パラグラフ20の「扇動」の語の復活を求め口頭修正を提出したが、いずれも否決された。前者:中国棄権、北朝鮮、日本反対、韓国棄権。後者:中国、北朝鮮支持、日本、韓国反対。

    コンセンサスで採択された、ウルグアイが口頭改定提出の L.26/Rev.1 児童の権利 *8 は表題のとおり揉め、メキシコが本文パラグラフ21での「生殖と性に関する健康」への言及の復活を口頭で、スーダンがここでも国際刑事裁判所への言及削除を求めて L.61 を提出 *9(関連エントリ 2018-11-16 、2018-11-19 参照)したがいずれも否決された。前者:中国反対、北朝鮮記録なし、日本、韓国棄権、後者:中国、北朝鮮支持、日本、韓国反対。アメリカが「性と生殖に関する健康」への懸念(関連エントリ 2018-11-15 、2018-11-19 参照)など一部条項のコンセンサスから離脱し、ほかロシアがパリ原則(軍隊または武装集団に加えられた子どもに関するパリ原則およびガイドライン)への言及からなど数か国も一部条項から離脱した。

  • 閉会にあたりセッションについての「詩の朗読」をイギリス(など)が行なうのが慣行のようである。

  • (国連総会ホームページ(英語))

    • 「73回セッション - アジェンダ項目ごとの草案提案 - 社会、人道および文化問題(第三委員会)- 国連総会」(英語

    • 「国連総会 - 第三委員会 - 社会、人道および文化)- 事務局」

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations



20 NOVEMBER 2018

Third Committee Concludes Intense Session, Passing 8 Drafts as Children’s Rights, Reproductive Health, International Criminal Court Dominate Discussion



総会 > 第三委員会 >



The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) concluded its work today, approving eight draft resolutions on a range of topics from protecting children’s rights to ending judicial killings to respecting privacy in the digital age.


Having approved its tentative work programme for the seventy-fourth session, the Committee concluded its work on a lighter note as representatives of the United Kingdom, Egypt and Myanmar took the floor to recite poems about the body’s work over the past weeks.


The Committee first turned to the draft resolution titled “Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions” (document A/C.3/73/L.39/Rev.1) and a related draft amendment (document A/C.3/73/L.65).
委員会は最初に、「超法規的、簡易的または恣意的処刑」と題する決議草案(ドキュメントA/C.3/73/L.39/ Rev.1)と関連する修正案(ドキュメントA/C.3/73/L.65)に着手した。

The representative of Egypt, taking the floor in a point of order as coordinator of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation working group on humanitarian and human rights issues, expressed support for the Secretariat’s approach a day earlier, that it was possible to co‑sponsor amendment “L.65” on behalf of a group, even if some countries had disassociated. “This is the established practice of the Committee,” he said, noting that no member of the organization had broken consensus on the text. He called for adjusting the name on the amendment to reflect its submission on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, minus those countries that had disassociated.

A Secretariat official clarified that this is not a matter of disassociation. Four delegations had formally withdrawn their co‑sponsorship of the amendment, and as such, the amendment was no longer deemed as being on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

The representative of Tunisia asked whether Egypt’s delegate had spoken in his national capacity or as coordinator of the working group.

The Chair replied that Egypt’s delegate had spoken as coordinator.

The representative of Tunisia stressed that everyone shall speak in a national capacity, and in a point of order, said the explanations by the Secretariat and the Chair were clear, which is why Tunisia had withdrawn its co‑sponsorship.


The representative of Comoros, in a general statement on amendment “L.65”, expressed deep concern over attempts by some groups to undermine the Committee’s work. It is not up to the Secretariat to decide what is a group proposal. She expressed hope that the events from a day earlier would not compromise the Committee’s future work.

The Chair replied to a question from Finland’s delegate that Egypt’s representative had called for a vote.

The representative of Finland expressed deep regret that a vote had been called. He highlighted the draft resolution’s core: the right to life, which in itself is a precondition to the enjoyment of other fundamental rights. He stressed the importance of bringing those who are responsible for extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary killings to justice. On behalf of Nordic countries and co‑sponsors, he urged support for the draft resolution.

The representative of Egypt, on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, said that “while we 50 member States believe extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary killings must not take place on any discriminatory reason, we sternly reject any attempts to undermine the human rights system.” He advocated support by consensus.

The representative of the United States condemned extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary killings, stressing that all States have an obligation to protect fundamental freedoms. Underscoring the importance of punishing perpetrators, she expressed strong support for the text’s language and explained she would vote “yes”. The United States supports a balanced approach to the use of less‑than‑lethal devices during conflict situations; some are fact specific. She does not endorse the report mentioned in operative paragraph 5 and does not recognize the principle of legal proportionality.

The Committee then adopted draft resolution “L.39/Rev.1” by a recorded vote of 110 in favour to none against, with 67 abstentions.

Under its terms, the Assembly would call on all States to ensure that the practice of extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions is ended. It would call on Governments, and invite non‑governmental organizations, to pay greater attention to the work of national commissions of inquiry into such crimes, so they contribute to accountability. The Assembly would also urge States to ensure protection of the right to life of all persons; to conduct, when required by international law, prompt, exhaustive and impartial investigations into all killings; to bring those responsible to justice before a competent, independent and impartial judiciary at the national or international level; and to ensure that such killings are neither condoned nor sanctioned by State officials or personnel.

The representative of Sudan, in a general statement, noted his disassociation from references to the International Criminal Court and called on delegates to distance themselves from its jurisdiction, as it operates on the premise of “feasibility and possibility”, charting a deplorable path of discrimination. He also disassociated from the reference to ending capital punishment.
スーダン代表は、一般声明において、国際刑事裁判所への言及からの離脱を指摘し、差別の嘆かわしい道筋を描く、「実現可能性と可能性」を前提として活動するとして、代表者に対しその管轄権から距離を置くよう要請した 。彼はまた、死刑を終わらせることへの言及からも離脱した。

The Committee took up the draft resolution titled “The promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of association” (document A/C.3/73/L.41/Rev.1).

The representative of the United States, introducing the draft, said the resolution draws attention to Governments violating fundamental freedoms. Pointing out that these violations also take place online, she added that the resolution seeks to highlight the victims, including student protesters and human rights defenders.


The representative of the United States, voicing regret that a vote was requested, said the text was rooted in fundamental human rights documents. She deplored cynical efforts to undermine the rights that all people should enjoy.

The representative of the Russian Federation said participants in peaceful assemblies must be able to fully exercise their rights. Simple participation in peaceful protest should not be grounds for prosecution. However, the right to peaceful protest is not absolute, as the State must also ensure public order. Moreover, enjoyment of the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of association should not allow actions that flout the rights of others. Stressing that all parties have rights and duties, he said that, due to these concerns which were expressed by a number of delegations, the Russian Federation will abstain.

The representative of the United States asked which delegations requested a recorded vote.

The Chair replied to a question by the United States delegate that China, the Russian Federation, Venezuela, Iran, Syria, Bolivia, Belarus and Nicaragua had requested a vote.

The representative of China, expressing support for the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of association, said the primary responsibility to promote and respect such rights lies with Governments. When exercising these rights, individuals should comply with national laws, including those that are necessary for the protection of public order and for ensuring the rights of others, as the Charter of the United Nations and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights provide. Due to the many loopholes in the draft resolution, China will abstain.


The Committee then approved the draft resolution by a vote of 140 in favour, to none against, with 38 abstentions.

By its terms, the Assembly would call on States to prevent and end the arbitrary arrest and detention of peaceful protesters and human rights defenders. It would urge the release of persons detained or imprisoned, in violation of State obligations under international human rights law, for exercising their human rights and freedoms of expression, peaceful assembly and association, including in relation to cooperation with the United Nations. The Assembly would call on all States to protect these rights online and offline, notably by not shutting down the Internet or restricting its content.


The representative of New Zealand, making a general statement, said the text reflected an accurate and balanced approach to the issue. It is critical that views can be expressed without fear of reprisal, threats or violence. New Zealand supports the draft resolution and regrets that a vote was requested.


Next, the Committee took up the draft resolution titled “Terrorism and human rights” (document A/C.3/73/L.43/Rev.1).

The representative of Mexico, also on behalf of Egypt, introduced the draft, making oral revisions to preambular paragraph 7, and operative paragraphs 4 and 20. The draft resolution uses previously agreed language. It addresses terrorism from a human rights perspective, outlining that fundamental freedoms should not be restricted while combating such violence. Expressing hope that the Committee could agree on “a common voice”, he said that while the text does not address all concerns expressed by delegations, with political will and compromise, some of the differences of perspective on terrorism and human rights can be bridged. He urged delegates to support the draft resolution.

The representative of the Russian Federation asked about the specific changes made in the oral amendment to operative paragraph 20.

The representative of Mexico then clarified the wording of operative paragraph 20.

The representative of the United States proposed that operative paragraph 14 be deleted.

The representative of Mexico said that while his country and Egypt rarely see eye to eye on most issues, they had made great efforts to come to an understanding on this topic by merging two resolutions to create a balanced text. He expressed regret over the United States proposal to delete operative paragraph 14. This is agreed language, he said, adding that the paragraph does not create any obligations and outlines plenty of caveats, which should be acceptable. He called on delegates to vote against the United States amendment.

The representative of the United States said she had tabled the amendment because she had concerns over the language in operative paragraph 14, which is contradictory to United States law. Expressing support for the vital role of human rights actors, she clarified that if the Committee does not approve the amendment, the United States will still support the draft resolution as a whole.

The Committee then rejected the oral amendment proposed by the United States to “L.43/Rev.1” by a recorded vote of 116 against to 3 in favour (Israel, Senegal, United States), with 28 abstentions.

The representative of the Russian Federation, in a point of order, made an oral amendment. He questioned the last‑minute decision of the co‑sponsors to remove the word “incitement” from operative paragraph 20. He proposed reintroducing this word.

The representative of Egypt replied to the Russian Federation’s question, noting that the word “incitement” was not agreed language, which is why Egypt and Mexico had reverted to language agreed upon in the Human Rights Council. Inclusion of the word “incitement” had failed to garner wide support, he said, asking for withdrawal of that amendment.

The representative of the Russian Federation said he was not convinced by Egypt’s explanation that there was not wide support for the Russian proposal. According to his information, a large number of States supported inclusion of the word “incitement” and he objected to this “corridor agreement”. He requested that the issue be voted upon, urging support for the proposal to reintroduce the word “incitement” to operative paragraph 20 and calling it strange to vote against “condemnation of incitement of terrorism”.

The representative of Mexico urged delegates to vote “no” on the Russian Federation’s proposed amendment.

The Chair, replying to a question by Pakistan’s delegate, said the Committee will vote on whether to re‑insert the word “incitement” into operative paragraph 20.

The representative of the Russian Federation proposed a vote on operative paragraph 20 as it currently stands in draft resolution “L.43/Rev.1”, recalling that Mexico had removed the word “incitement”.

The Committee then rejected the Russian Federation’s proposal to include the word “incitement” in operative paragraph 20 by a recorded vote of 80 against to 23 in favour, with 35 abstentions.

The representative of Algeria clarified that, had her voting button functioned properly, she would have abstained.

The representative of Sudan, recalling the difficulty of the main sponsor to drop the word “incitement”, said he voted for the amendment.

The representative of Austria, in a general statement on behalf of the European Union, expressed full support for a single text on this topic. He stressed the importance of the international legal framework in times of pressure on human rights. Human rights are “no zero‑sum game” in the fight on terrorism, he asserted, underscoring the need to protect the rights of everyone during that fight. Calling the resolution a compromise, he would have wanted it to contain more human rights measures.

The representative of Canada, on behalf of Iceland, Liechtenstein, New Zealand and Switzerland, expressed support for efforts to streamline the Committee’s work to avoid duplication. However, today’s exercise occurred in a year that the Committee was not meant to consider the topic. She voiced deep concern over the merging of two resolutions adopted last year. Today’s draft resolution is not a successor to resolution A/RES/72/180, and such reasoning cannot be used as an excuse to eliminate language. She called for revisiting resolution A/RES/72/180 during the seventy‑fourth session when it is due to come before the Assembly. For such reasons, Canada reluctantly joins consensus.

The representative of Senegal asked that her vote be corrected. She had wanted to vote against the United States amendment and for the draft resolution as a whole.

The Chair clarified that the Committee had just rejected the Russian Federation’s amendment.

The representative of the Russian Federation, in a general statement on the draft resolution, said counterterrorism security guarantees and the protection of human rights are matters of a similar nature. “We cannot oppose them,” he said, expressing surprise that the concept of preventing violent extremism was placed at the same level as the fight against terrorism. Recalling that the Committee is not a specialist on terrorism, he expressed hope that the bodies responsible for that issue would continue their work. The Committee must protect the right to life by all means, while preventing the misuse of that right to the detriment of others.

The Committee approved draft resolution “L.43/Rev.1” as orally revised without a vote.

By its terms, the Assembly would reaffirm that States must ensure that any measure taken to combat terrorism complies with their international law obligations. It would call on States to adopt rehabilitation and reintegration strategies for returning foreign terrorist fighters through a comprehensive approach that includes the development of national centres for counsel and the prevention of radicalization to violence. The Assembly would invite all relevant United Nations bodies to focus on the negative impact of terrorism on the enjoyment of all human rights, as well as on alleged violations related to efforts to counter terrorism and violent extremism, and to report regularly to the Human Rights Council.

The representative of the United States said she joined consensus on the text and expressed support for the broad principles underlying it, notably the desire to create a balanced document. She echoed concerns expressed by Canada’s delegate about dropping human rights provisions that would have better protected human rights. She disassociated from operative paragraph 14, stressing that States must respect freedom of opinion and expression when countering terrorism. She also disassociated from operative paragraph 30, as its language does not align with the United States Constitution or the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. “This is a Committee that does have expertise on human rights,” she said, stressing that its resolutions must reflect that fact. “With questions of balance, the balance should be for human rights,” she said.

The Committee took up the draft resolution titled “The right to privacy in the digital age” (document A/C.3/73/L.49/Rev.1).

The representative of Brazil, also introducing the draft on behalf of Germany, said it builds on previous resolutions by including further analysis on the issue of artificial intelligence. It also recommends gender‑responsive policies by acknowledging that the protection of the right to privacy and the fight against gender‑based violence are linked.

The Committee then approved the draft resolution without a vote.

By its terms, the Assembly would call on all States to end violations of the right to privacy and to prevent them, including by ensuring that relevant national legislation complies with international human rights law. It would also call on businesses to inform users in “an intelligible and easily accessible way” about the collection, use, sharing and retention of their data that may affect their right to privacy, and to establish transparency policies, as appropriate.

The representative of China said privacy‑related elements of the draft resolution should be interpreted in conjunction with relevant provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Warning against oversimplified and overly subjective wording, he expressed reservations about preambular paragraph 11 and operative paragraph 4.

The representative of the United States said data flows and data analytics can create great benefits for economies, and in many commercial contexts, the use of opt‑out agreements can be reasonable. The United States understood “consent” as representing a context where explicit consent is important, she said, reaffirming that State obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights apply only on its territory and subject to its jurisdiction. The United States understands preambular paragraphs 22 and 28 as consistent with its long‑standing views on the International Covenant. While the draft resolution references a view on “principles of legality, necessity and proportionality,” she said States are not required to take those aspects into account under International Covenant article 17. For this reason, the United States disassociates from the draft’s operative paragraph 4. The United States understands that the draft’s language on human rights instruments does not imply that States must join instruments to which they are not parties or are bound by them. She expressed hope that future work can touch on privacy rights beyond the digital environment.

The Committee then took note of several reports.

The Committee then turned to the draft resolution titled “Rights of the child” (document A/C.3/73/L.26/Rev.1).

The representative of Uruguay, introducing a draft amendment, said the draft resolution refers to the rights to education, health and food, and issues such as child labour, violence against children (including migrant children), ending the sale of children, armed conflict and pornography. This encompasses a large body of issues. The oral revision ensures that children can be heard, and their voices amplified. He expressed hope it would be approved by consensus.

The representative of Austria, on behalf of the European Union, said the resolution “sums up” resolutions of the past four years and has an omnibus feature. Children, especially girls, are often left without a voice. He expressed hope that the rights of the child will be at the forefront. The Convention on the Rights of the Child has 196 States parties, making it the most universally recognized instrument. It is crucial to stand behind it.

The representative of Mexico withdrew his country’s co‑sponsorship of the amendment after many years of being a co‑sponsor. This was not an easy decision nor one taken lightly. These are complex times in which various principles, values and beliefs, which had not been a topic of controversy for years, are once again. The Committee had reopened discussions and taken steps backwards in many areas which have a profound social impact. “We understand the realities of every country,” he said, adding, “but there are limits to our beliefs and responsibility, particularly when speaking about children.”

Upon hearing oral amendments by the representative of Uruguay, Mexico’s delegate questioned whether children’s rights were being respected. His impression was that they are not. At best, there are profound contradictions. Excluding children’s access to sexual and reproductive health is unacceptable and below the threshold for respecting their rights. Needing to explain why such access is critical is tragic. Consensus is an aspiration and should be maintained. He then proposed an oral amendment to include sexual and reproductive health before the words “is respected”. Expressing regret that the majority of delegates would abstain or vote against it, he explained that Mexico’s approach is not procedural. Nor is it about winning or losing, but rather defending the rights of children without limits.

The representative of Sudan, introducing a draft amendment to operative paragraph 53 (document A/C.3/73/L.61), said the International Criminal Court is at best a threat to peace and stability to her country. Recalling that the Court is not an organ of the United Nations, she deplored its targeting of African leaders.

The representative of Uruguay, speaking on behalf of the main co‑sponsors of the draft resolution, said operative paragraph 53 has been agreed language for more than 10 years. Pointing out that the draft urges States to protect children affected by armed conflict and ensure they receive timely and effective humanitarian assistance, he said the Court is a key instrument to guarantee that those accused of heinous crimes are brought to justice. Given that a clear reference to the Court is timely and relevant, Uruguay will vote against the amendment.


The Committee then rejected the amendment by a vote of 105 against to 20 in favour, with 37 abstentions, which would have deleted the words “and calls upon the international community to hold those responsible for violations accountable, inter alia, through the International Criminal Court”.

The representative of Syria, expressing support for the amendment, said the Court has become a political tool used by certain countries against others.

The representative of Uruguay expressed regret that an oral amendment had been made over substance and form. The Committee had included references to sexual and reproductive health in the original draft. “We have defended this to the end,” he said, urging States to make fully effective the right to the highest level of physical and mental health, including sexual and reproductive health. He requested a vote on Mexico’s amendment and discouraged approval of it.

The representative of Comoros, in explanation of vote on behalf of the African Group, said the bloc had deliberated to have an agreement as it is orally revised. It decided to omit the phrase “reproductive and sexual health” as it contradicted the Convention of the Rights of the Child. She rejected Mexico’s last-minute oral amendment.

The representative of Austria, on behalf of the European Union, said the bloc was a staunch supporter of reproductive health, but it will abstain on procedural grounds.

The representative of Australia said she will vote yes to Mexico’s amendment. Procedurally, she expressed disappointment that the text was amended after negotiations. The amendment to operative paragraph 21 refers to a text tabled last week, which had Australia’s support. It is important to uphold children’s right to access high-quality sexual and reproductive health services. Access to such information and services fosters healthy decisions and she urged support for Mexico’s amendment.

Mexico’s oral amendment was rejected by a recorded vote of 74 against to 11 in favour, with 81 abstentions.


The Committee then approved draft resolution “L.26/Rev.1” without a vote.

The representative of the Russian Federation did not agree with imposing onto United Nations documents those that had been elaborated outside of its purview. Thus, she disassociated from the Paris Principles cited in paragraph 55.

The representative of the United States said she had joined consensus, but disassociated from operative paragraphs 18, 22 and 49, over concerns that sexual and reproductive health references had accumulated connotations that appear to promote abortion, which the current administration finds unacceptable. She disassociated from preambular paragraph 8 and operative paragraph 36, as the United States does not support a compact on safe and orderly migration and objects to such references. While children should have the ability to be heard, there is no general right for such. Further, as the United States will withdraw from the Paris Agreement, she understands the draft’s language on climate change as without prejudice to the United States position. References to consular notifications under the Vienna Convention are understood to refer to arranging for legal assistance, not providing it directly. Corporal punishment is that which rises to level of child abuse. Not all forms of bullying rise to the level of violence, she clarified, adding that there are no international humanitarian law obligations that place primary responsibility on parties to armed conflict to protect children.


The Committee then took note of the report of the Committee of the Rights of the Child (document A/73/41).

Turning next to the topic of crime prevention and criminal justice, the Committee took up a draft resolution titled “Strengthening the United Nations crime prevention and criminal justice programme, in particular its technical cooperation capacity” (document A/C.3/73/L.8/Rev.1).

The representative of Italy, introducing the draft, noted the importance of effective criminal prevention and criminal justice, especially of the rights of persons, and said all policies upholding human rights must encompass criminal justice. The draft advances the commitment of States to implement the Palermo Convention and urges States parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption to strongly support its review mechanism. Further, the text invites the Assembly President to organize a high-level debate on the role of regional organizations in strengthening and implementing crime prevention initiatives and criminal justice responses as there are many benefits from sharing best practices. She encouraged all delegations to co-sponsor the text.

The Committee approved draft resolution “L.8/Rev.1” without a vote.


Moving on, the Committee took up the draft resolution titled “Special Session of the General Assembly against Corruption” (document A/C.3/73/L.16/Rev.1). By the text, the General Assembly would decide to convene in the first half of 2021 a special session of the Assembly on challenges and measures to prevent and combat corruption and strengthen international cooperation, and to adopt an action-oriented political declaration.

The representative of Colombia, introducing the draft, said corruption represents a threat to the stability and security of societies, and jeopardizes sustainable development and the rule of law. The draft resolution aims at achieving international cooperation on this issue, he said, emphasizing that the General Assembly is the most suitable forum to establish guidelines to eradicate the scourge of corruption.


The Committee then approved draft resolution “L.16/Rev.1” without a vote.


The representative of the Japan urged continued efforts to fight against corruption and emphasized the importance of avoiding the duplication of processes. It is important to prepare the special session in close cooperation with the Conference of State Parties to the Convention.

The Committee then took note of the Secretary-General’s note on crime prevention and criminal justice and his reports on the follow-up to the thirteenth United Nations congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice and on technical assistance in implementing the international conventions and protocols related to terrorism.

Turning to the revitalization of the work of the General Assembly, the Committee then took up the draft resolution titled “Tentative programme of work of the Third Committee for the seventy-fourth session of the General Assembly, submitted by the Chair of the Committee” (document A/C.3/73/L.67).

The Committee then approved draft resolution “L.67”, as orally revised, without a vote.






*5:「第三委員会投票記録」にリンクが見当たらないため、総会アジェンダ項目74(c)第三委員会報告書 A/73/589/Add.2 を参照した( p. 18 - 19 )(国連公式文書システム(英語))。

*6:同上( p. 20 )。



*9:ドキュメントへのリンク先は「73回セッション - アジェンダ項目ごとの草案提案」に見当たらないため国連公式文書システム。




  • アイテム110:国際的な薬物統制

  • アイテム29:女性の地位向上
  • アイテム65:国連難民高等弁務官事務所報告、難民、帰還民、避難民に関する問題および人道的問題

  • アイテム70(a):児童の権利の促進および保護
  • アイテム71(a):先住民族の権利

  • アイテム73:人民の自決権
  • アイテム74(a):人権文書の実施

  • アイテム74(b):人権と基本的自由の効果的享受の改善のための代替アプローチを含む、人権問題


  • 中国、韓国が、コンセンサスで採択された下記決議の共同スポンサーとなっている(草案ドキュメントによる。ドキュメントのリンク先は L.11/Rev.1 を除き下記掲載の国連総会ホームページ「73回セッション - アジェンダ項目ごとの草案提案」。以下同様)。セネガル(アフリカ・グループ代表)提出の L.20/Rev.1 産科瘻孔 *1 およびパキスタン提出の L.54 人民の自決権 *2 で中国、フィンランド提出の L.39/Rev.1 恣意的処刑で韓国 *3

  • コンセンサスで採択されたメキシコ提出の薬物問題 L.11/Rev.1 *4 *5 で中国が本文パラグラフ104への留保について発言。

  • 下記草案および修正案が投票に持ち込まれた(各国投票先は国連総会ホームページ「第三委員会投票記録」リンク先参照)。

    アメリカは L.20/Rev.1 産科瘻孔(前出)における「性と生殖に関する健康」の家族計画としての中絶の含意を懸念し本文パラグラフ3および14(m)のコンセンサスから離脱したが、同じくコンセンサスで採択されたオランダ提出の L.21/Rev.1 女性暴力:セクシュアルハラスメント *6 では、同様の内容を含む口頭修正案二本を提出、どちらも否決された:中国支持、北朝鮮記録なし、日本、韓国反対。アメリカはパラグラフ8(d)、本文パラグラフ11および2のコンセンサスより離脱、15日の L.22/Rev.1 子ども、早期、強制婚でも同様の修正案を提出していた(関連エントリ 2018-11-15 参照)。

    ボリビア提出の L.30 小農や農村地域において働く人々 *7 は中国、北朝鮮支持、日本、韓国棄権で採択。

    L.39/Rev.1 恣意的処刑(前出)で、前日に続き(関連エントリ 2018-11-16 参照)スーダンが単独で国際刑事裁判所への言及削除を求めて L.62L.63 、エジプト(イスラム協力機構代表)が性的マイノリティ等含む「脆弱なグループ」を列挙したパラグラフ削除を求めて L.65 *8 を提出したが、いずれも否決された:中国、北朝鮮支持、日本、韓国反対。L.39/Rev.1 の採択は翌日に持ち越し。

  •  L.54 人民の自決権(前出)でスペインとイギリスがジブラルタルの帰属を巡って議論となった。

  • (国連総会ホームページ(英語))

    • 「73回セッション - アジェンダ項目ごとの草案提案 - 社会、人道および文化問題(第三委員会)- 国連総会」(英語

    • 「国連総会 - 第三委員会 - 社会、人道および文化)- 事務局」

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations



19 NOVEMBER 2018

Approving 9 Drafts, Third Committee Intensifies Fight against Fistula, Genital Mutilation, Sexual Harassment amid Debate over Peasants’ Rights



総会 > 第三委員会 >



The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) approved nine draft resolutions today, including three related to the advancement of women.


The Committee will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, 20 November, to conclude its work.
委員会は、 11月20日火曜日の午前10時に再招集し、その作業を終結する。


Turning first to the topic of international drug control, the Committee took up a draft resolution titled “International cooperation to address and counter the world drug problem” (document A/C.3/73/L.11/Rev.1).

The representative of Mexico, introducing the draft, said it would strengthen Member States’ commitment to address the world drug problem in a comprehensive manner that is consistent with the agreements of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Drugs. He invited Member States to share their recent experiences implementing policies to address this issue.


The representative of China said he will join consensus on the draft but expressed reservations regarding the content of operative paragraph 104, as it cites Human Rights Council resolution 37/22, which China opposed. Underscoring that the use of cannabis for non-medical purposes poses a threat to people’s well‑being, he urged the international community to implement integrated and balanced drug-control programmes.

The Committee approved the draft resolution as orally revised without a vote.


Turning to the advancement of women, the Committee took up a draft resolution titled “Intensification of efforts to end obstetric fistula” (document A/C.3/73/L.20/Rev1).

The draft resolution contains no programme budget implications.

The representative of Senegal introducing the draft on behalf of the African Group, said that more than 2 million women in Africa, Asia and the Middle East suffer from obstetric fistula. The quality of life of women suffering from obstetric fistula is so catastrophic that they are described as “dead women walking”. More than half a million women are dying while giving birth, especially in developing countries. Victims are poor, illiterate, live in remote areas and often face stigma and discrimination, even in their own families. There are few or no opportunities for these women to earn a living, a sign that health systems are failing to meet their needs. Every two years the draft is approved by consensus and he expressed hope for the same this year.

The representative of the United States, in a general statement, disassociated from operative paragraphs 3 and 14(m) over concerns that references to “sexual and reproductive health” and such services have connotations that support abortion or the right to abortion. Women should have equal access to sexual and reproductive health care. The United States does not recognize abortion as a family planning method, she said, noting that the country was the largest donor of family planning assistance. Recalling the draft’s reference to the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which the United States was not party, she said references to State obligations apply only to the extent that States have assumed such obligations. Countries have a range of policies and actions to promote economic, social and cultural rights and the resolution should not try to define the context of those rights. There is no right to education of good quality. In the United States, decisions on curricula are made as appropriate with respect to federal, state and local authorities. Improving maternal health is critical, she said, noting however, there is no international obligation in this regard per se.

The Committee approved draft resolution “L.20/Rev.1” without a vote.


The Committee then took up a draft resolution titled “Intensification of efforts to prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls: sexual harassment” (document A/C.3/73/L.21/Rev.1).

The representative of the Netherlands, introducing the draft, said its theme of sexual harassment as a form of violence has risen in prominence, yet has not received the visibility and attention it deserves. It is time to provide a strong and united response to such abuse. Describing the text as a balanced outcome, as close to consensus as possible, she said transparent and inclusive processes are the right track for reaching agreements in the Third Committee. Opening up agreed language would jeopardize the carefully crafted compromises built over the years.

The representative of the United States expressed deep concern over sexual and reproductive health language. She proposed two amendments as “common sense” solutions to problems shared by many. They seek to remove language not related to sexual harassment. The first amendment, for operative paragraph 8(d), preserves references to sexual and reproductive health while reaffirming that national authorities, not the United Nations, have control over curricula. For operative paragraph 11, she suggested deleting that paragraph, as it is inconsistent with the resolution’s theme. She urged all to vote in favour of the amendments.

The representative of Argentina, on behalf of a cross-regional group of countries, expressed regret that oral amendments presented at the latest possible stage were never presented in the room, undermining the Committee’s work practices and its ability to reach consensus. It is not a means for fostering understanding. The amendments seek to modify agreed language that had enjoyed consensus for over two decades. The language comes from the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development and the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action. It encompasses a wide range of perspectives and a balance achieved over years. To boil it down to a single issue undermines the rights of women and girls everywhere. The global community made shared commitments in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to achieve gender equality through access to health services and ending violence. He noted the parallel nature of operative paragraph 11 and the 2030 Agenda, referring to target 5.6. Violence against women and girls has long‑term consequences on sexual and reproductive health, he said, citing that 40 per cent of women experiencing domestic intimate partner violence give birth prematurely. “What kind of message would we send if we adopt this draft resolution by vote”, he asked, stressing that he will vote against the amendments.

The representative of Austria, on behalf of the European Union, expressed deep regret over the tabling of amendments on a resolution traditionally approved by consensus. Voting on this draft on the day when the United Nations is launching the “Orange the World” campaign will send a terribly wrong message to women and girls. There was wide agreement to revert to language in paragraphs 8(d) and 11, he said, noting that delegates had agreed to that language in the past, illustrating how carefully crafted and balanced these paragraphs are. Undermining consensus will have a negative impact first and foremost on women and girls. He will vote against the amendments and urged all to follow suit.

The representative of France, also on behalf of the Netherlands, expressed deep regret over the tabling of the amendments, describing them as hostile. They were never proposed during informal negotiations and bring into question agreed language. Operative paragraph 11 was moved within the text to respond to delegates’ concerns. Modifying the text at a late hour and never discussing the changes beforehand is poor practice, he said, adding that a call for vote will threaten consensus. “Let us respect agreed language”, he said.


The representatives of the Netherlands and France then requested a vote on the amendments.

The representative of the Russian Federation said the amendments were in line with her country’s position, and thus, supported them.


The representative of Australia commended the open and constructive negotiations, expressing disappointment that amendments had been proposed at a late stage. Adding the term “in accordance with national laws” to operative paragraph 8(d) is unhelpful and unnecessary. Regarding operative paragraph 11, deleting this paragraph would undo progress on agreed language. The consensus language was general enough to reflect different perspectives on the issue. Australia will oppose the amendments.


The representative of Libya expressed concerns about the draft resolution. References to sexual and reproductive health and rights have no legal basis to human rights instruments to which Libya is party, and further, are not line with national legislation. She would vote in favour of the amendments.

The Committee then rejected the oral amendment to operative paragraph 8(d) to “L.21/Rev1”, by a recorded vote of 88 against to 44 in favour, with 25 abstentions.


The representative of Iraq, in explanation of vote, said he voted in favour of the first amendment, as it is in line with national legislation, and will support the second amendment as well.

The representative of New Zealand, in explanation of vote before the second vote, expressed regret about attempts to delete operative paragraph 11. Without it, the important link between violence against women and their health, including their reproductive health, would be lost. “This is when victims and survivors need these services the most,” he said.
ニュージーランド代表は、二番目の投票前説明で、本文パラグラフ11を削除しようとする試みについて遺憾を表明した。それなしでは、女性に対する暴力と、生殖に関する健康を含む、その健康の重要なつながりが失われる。 「これは、被害者と生存者がこれらのサービスを最も必要とするときである」、彼は述べた。

The Committee then rejected oral amendment to operative paragraph 11 in “L.21/Rev.1” by a recorded vote of 98 against to 30 in favour, with 30 abstentions.

The representative of the United States clarified that her delegation was not given the opportunity for side discussions. The amendments were the only option to make its position clear. The United States disassociated from paragraph 8(d) and operative paragraph 11 to make clear that “sexual and reproductive health” and “sexual and reproductive health services” do not include abortion as a method of family planning. More broadly, operative paragraph 2 defines sexual harassment as a form of violence against women. Operative paragraph 3 outlines a broad range of behaviours, like requests for sexual favours, which while reprehensible, are not acts of violence under United States law. Calling all such acts “violence” equates them with sex trafficking and female genital mutilation, which is not logically coherent. The United States would have wanted “violence, abuse and harassment” to be used in appropriate places throughout the resolution. These terms are not interchangeable. For example, sexual harassment, as a general matter, is addressed in her country through civil remedies, in contrast to sexual abuse, which is punished under criminal law. Potential actions to address school‑related violence must be consistent with national law, including due process protections. She disassociated herself from operative paragraph 2.

The Committee then passed draft resolution “L.21/Rev.1” without a vote.


The Committee took up a draft resolution titled “Intensifying global efforts for the elimination of female genital mutilation” (document A/C.3/73/L.23/Rev.1).

The representative of Burkina Faso, introducing the draft on behalf of the African Group, said female genital mutilation constitutes a harmful traditional practice that jeopardizes women’s and girls’ enjoyment of human rights. A multidisciplinary and comprehensive approach is needed to address this issue, he added, urging States to intensify efforts to address the medicalization of female genital mutilation as well as its practice across borders.

The representative of United States dissociated from operative paragraphs 1 and 5 because the phrase “sexual and reproductive health” has accumulated a connotation implying support for abortion, which is unacceptable. The United States does not recognize abortion as a method of family planning.

The Committee approved the draft resolution without a vote.


The Committee then took note of the report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women on its sixty‑seventh, sixty‑eighth and sixty‑ninth sessions; as well as the Secretary‑General’s report on the intensification of efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls; and the report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences on violence against women in politics.

Moving on, the Committee took up a draft resolution “Assistance to refugees, returnees and displaced persons in Africa” (document A/C.3/73/L.55/Rev.1).

The representative of Madagascar, introducing the draft resolution on behalf of the African Group, said the number of persons of concern in Africa has increased by 5 million since 2016. The draft underlines initiatives to reduce the flow of refugees in Africa, she said, recalling that the African Union has declared 2019 as the African Year of Refugees.


The Committee approved the draft resolution “L.55/Rev.1” without a vote.


The representative of the United States stressed that the Addis Ababa Action Agenda is non‑binding. Parties to armed conflict do not have an obligation to ensure other parties’ respect of humanitarian law, she added.

The Committee then turned to the draft resolution titled “Rights of indigenous peoples” (document A/C.3/73/L.24/Rev.1).

The representative of Ecuador, introducing the draft resolution, underscored the importance of the International Year of Indigenous Languages to be held in 2019. He called on the United Nations system to strengthen its cooperation with the Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, as an observer of the General Assembly.
エクアドル代表は、決議草案を提出して、2019年に開催される国際先住民族言語年の重要性を強調した。彼は、国連システムに対し、 総会オブザーバーとしてラテンアメリカカリブ海先住民開発基金との協力を強化するよう要請した。

The Committee approved the draft resolution without a vote.


The representative of Romania, speaking also on behalf of Bulgaria, France and Slovakia, said indigenous peoples are often victims of discrimination and rights violations. They must be able to live and enjoy the same rights and freedoms as every individual. However, the group does not recognize the reference to “collective rights”, as rights are enjoyed by individuals.

The representative of the United States, while reaffirming support for the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, dissociated from the draft’s preambular paragraph 7, as the United States does not endorse the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, and objects to such references. The United States has not participated in that process and is thus not bound by any of its outcomes. Her country has the sovereign right to facilitate or restrict access to its territory, she emphasized.


The Committee then took note of the report of the Committee on the Rights of Child.

Next, the Committee took up a draft resolution titled “Universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination” (document A/C.3/73/L.54).

The representative of Pakistan introduced the draft, stressing that the right of peoples to self‑determine their destiny is the bedrock of the global order enshrined in the United Nations Charter. This timeless idea is a prerequisite for enjoying other fundamental rights, she said, which closes “the dark chapter of colonization”. Reaffirming its universal significance, she expressed hope the draft would be approved by consensus.

The representative of Spain expressed her full support of the text. Self‑determination is a right for those subjected to a colonial situation, a precondition for the full exercise of political rights. Recalling the San Francisco Conference in 1945 and the “magna carta” of decolonization in 1960, she said not every case is one in which people’s rights are curtailed. There are some where the administering Power and the people are adapting their political relations as they see fit and claim no colonial situation. Such a claim is a misrepresentation of the United Nations Charter.

In Gibraltar, the original inhabitants were obliged to abandon the territory. Those there today were brought in by the military guarantor. Spain denies there is a right to self‑determination, which is backed up by General Assembly resolution 23/53 of 1967. The United Nations considers that the colonial situation in Gibraltar affects Spain’s unity and territorial integrity. International law and United Nations doctrine, as well as contemporary logic, endorse Spain’s position. With political will, decolonization is possible, she said, inviting the United Kingdom to negotiate a solution to this anachronistic issue.

The Committee approved the draft resolution “L.54” without a vote.


The representative of the United States said that while she joined consensus, the draft resolution contains many misstatements of international law and is inconsistent with current State practice.

The representative of the United Kingdom, in exercise of the right of reply to her counterpart from Spain, recalled her Government’s sovereignty over Gibraltar and its surrounding waters. Gibraltar’s people enjoy the right to self-determination, with its 2006 Constitution providing for a modern relationship with the United Kingdom. She reaffirmed the United Kingdom’s long‑standing commitment to never enter into arrangements under which those people would pass under the sovereignty of another State against their free wishes. The United Kingdom is committed to safeguarding the people and economy of Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and Gibraltar are committed to the trilateral Forum for Dialogue as the most practical means for strengthening relations with Spain, and she expressed regret that Spain had withdrawn from that Forum in 2011. The United Kingdom and Gibraltar are ready to engage with Spain to establish new forms of cooperation through dialogue that reflects the wishes, rights and responsibilities of the people of Gibraltar.

The Committee then turned to the topic of the protection and promotion of human rights, taking up a draft resolution titled “Human rights treaty body system” (document A/C.3/73/L.38).

The representative of Iceland, introducing the draft resolution on behalf of the Nordic countries, Belgium and Slovenia, said the draft affirms various paragraphs of General Assembly resolution 69/286 related to resource requirements and places paragraph 22 of that resolution, related to enhancing the visibility of human rights treaty bodies through webcast of public meetings, into effect. He encouraged all stakeholders to implement resolution 68/268, adopted in 2014, to strengthen the human rights treaty body system as a whole.
アイスランド代表は、北欧諸国、ベルギーおよびスロベニアを代表し決議草案を提出し、草案は、リソース要件に関する国連総会決議69/286のさまざまなパラグラフを確認し、公開会合のウェブキャストを通じた人権条約機関の可視性の強化に関連する、その決議のパラグラフ22を掲載すると述べた。 彼は、2014年に採択された決議68/268を履行し、人権条約機関システム全体を強化するようすべての利害関係者に奨励した。


The Committee then approved resolution “L.38” without a vote.


The Committee then took up a draft resolution titled “Declaration on the right of peasants and other people working in rural areas” (document A/C.3/73/L.30).

The representative of Bolivia, introducing the draft resolution on behalf of Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, South Africa, Venezuela and others, said the resolution recognized the role of family agriculture in the fight against poverty. Peasants produce 70 per cent of the world’s food. They are vulnerable and depend entirely on working the land. They are the first to be impacted by climate change. The draft calls on all States to create more inclusive societies.


The representative of Brazil said the text is imperfect, and he indicated the sensitivity of the issues for various sectors of the economy. Discussion is needed on the right to land and the right to seeds. Brazil has over 4 million small farms and provides over 70 per cent of the food consumed. It has a thriving commercial sector which exports many agricultural products. If consultations had continued, aspects would have been agreed upon. The preambular paragraph dealing with human rights should be deleted. The use of chemicals should be guided by national or international standards to monitor the health risks of agricultural workers.


The representative of Portugal, also on behalf of Luxembourg, said peasants are more likely to see their rights violated. Citing the decline of the family and small farms, he said the draft resolution will raise awareness among Governments to fully respect peasants’ rights without discrimination. He called others to vote in favour of the text.

The Committee approved draft resolution “L.30” by a recorded vote of 119 in favour to 7 against (Australia, Hungary, Israel, New Zealand, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States), with 49 abstentions.

By its terms, the Assembly would adopt the United Nations declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas. It would also invite Governments, agencies and organizations of the United Nations system and intergovernmental and non‑governmental organizations to disseminate the Declaration and to promote universal respect and understanding thereof.

The representative of the United States, in explanation of vote, said the declaration on the rights of peasants has four issues. International humanitarian law bestows rights on individuals, not groups. She cannot agree that categories of individuals merit special treatment in the international human rights framework. The declaration assumes rights for which there is no internationally agreed definition. The rights to seeds, to return to the land, to use traditional farming, to biological diversity do not exist under international human rights law. Further, the draft resolution is replete with the word “shall”, leaving the door open for misunderstanding. The United States does not agree with references to technology transfer, as it supported such transfer only on voluntary and mutually agreed terms. The declaration was not appropriate for pronouncements on technology transfer. It is an attempt to prejudice negotiations currently under way.

The representative of the Russian Federation said the text has problems. Continued work on the declaration in Geneva would allow for achieving consensus. Dividing peasants and rural workers into a separate category with different rights and regimes for legal protection does not align with the principle of equal treatment. She thus abstained.

The representative of Sweden said the principle of equal value of all individuals is important. The majority of peasants have unclear land ownership, food loss and waste, and poor infrastructure. The economic empowerment of women in rural areas is a goal. The draft resolution creates new areas — collective rights and the rights to seeds — which require better links to be made. Some elements of the declaration are inconsistent. Sweden is committed to all persons without bias. More work is needed to ease her country’s concerns and she thus voted against the draft resolution.


Next, the Committee took up a draft resolution titled “Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions” (document A/C.3/73/L.39/Rev.1).

The representative of Finland introduced the draft resolution, on behalf of the Nordic countries, which stresses the importance of protecting individuals from extrajudicial, summary and arbitrary killings, and bringing perpetrators to justice. This year, an updated text was tabled with an addition to reflect emerging threats to the right to life. New language was introduced on private security providers and the need to address femicide. He urged all States to protect humanitarian workers. There was never any doubt that the shared common concern is to combat these killings. Finland tried to accommodate as many concerns as possible. “This is the best available compromise we were able to achieve”, he said, stressing that amendments 62, 63, and 65 are not acceptable and asking their sponsors to reconsider them.

The representative of Costa Rica said the right to life and human dignity is of greatest importance. The draft resolution calls on States to end impunity for such killings, noting that he will vote for the draft resolution.

The representative of Sudan, introducing a draft amendment (document A/C.3/73/L.62), said his country’s concerns on preambular paragraph 15 and operative paragraph 13 were not met. Foisting the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court onto others does harm on issues which otherwise would be gaining general agreement. This is unwarranted and does not make sense. The victim of standardization is multilateralism, as the Committee is bringing into play the jurisdiction of an organ that is not part of the United Nations system. A line must be drawn between the United Nations, and what is not the United Nations. Since the Court’s jurisdiction addresses individuals, 60 per cent of people on the planet do not live in countries that recognize it. Further, an increasing number of countries are rejecting its jurisdiction. Impartiality has been absent in the 16 years since its entry into force. The Court is dangerous because it has been politicized. It is an independent body and the Committee should not use resolutions to integrate an otherwise alien body into the Organization.


The representative of Canada, speaking also on behalf of Australia, Liechtenstein, New Zealand and Switzerland, said extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary killings can constitute genocide and crimes against humanity. Each State must protect its citizens from this kind of crime. Not one of the paragraphs forces States to become signatories of the Rome Statute. The text only recalls their responsibilities. The Court has a key role in ending impunity when national courts are unable to do so, he said, rejecting all amendments.

The representative of Finland expressed deep regret over the tabling of amendments. He expressed unwavering support for the Court as an important tool in the fight against impunity and for a just society. Extrajudicial, summary and arbitrary killings are sharp reminders of the Court’s increasing relevance. Its creation has given hope to victims that justice will be done. He will vote against the amendments.

The representative of Sudan said that since the Court’s 2002 entry into force, its practice has been quite poor. The Court is not the only judicial body responsible for bringing justice, he said, drawing attention to South Africa and Rwanda in that regard. Independence and impartiality must be observed, he stressed.

The Committee then rejected draft amendment “L.62” by a recorded vote of 103 against to 21 in favour, with 34 abstentions.

Next, the Committee took up the draft amendment contained in document A/C.3/73/L.63.

The representative of Sudan in a general statement asked for a recorded vote on operative paragraph 13 which will secure the impartiality of the United Nations.

The representative of Austria said he will vote against this amendment and called on others, in particular States parties to the Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court, to follow suit.

A Secretariat official clarified that the vote is on the amendment and not on operative paragraph 13.

The Committee then rejected draft amendment “L.63” by a recorded vote of 99 against to 20 in favour, with 38 abstentions.

Next, the Committee turned to draft amendment A/C.3/73/L.65.

The representative of Egypt, on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, introducing the amendment to operative paragraph 7(b), deplored all forms of stereotypes. He said Egypt had no alternative but to table an amendment as his country’s call for including its concerns were not heard. The phrases in the amendment are in generic language. If approved, it will shift the focus from social matters to extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary killings. He urged all to vote in favour.

The representative of Albania said she will vote in favour of the resolution and requested the Secretariat to delete her country’s name as co‑sponsor of the amendment.


The representative of Finland, on behalf of the Nordic countries, in a point of order, clarified that if one co‑sponsor leaves, the amendment will no longer be submitted on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. It will be simply a group of member countries of that organization.

A Secretariat official clarified this point, saying the amendment is being submitted on behalf of a group of countries.

The representative of Australia, on behalf of Canada, Iceland, Liechtenstein, New Zealand and Switzerland, said killing individuals because of their sexual orientation was first introduced more than 10 years ago. They are among those who suffer most because of impunity. Operative paragraph 7(b) does not oblige States to change their domestic laws. The killing of individuals is well documented in human rights reports. It is wrong and dangerous to send a message that their situation no longer warrants special attention.


The representative of Syria clarified that his country is a founding member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, but it is not party to this draft amendment, as Syria’s membership in that organization is suspended.

The representative of Turkey asked for clarification about Albania’s disassociation from the amendment, and about whether the text will now be submitted by countries in their national capacity.

After a protracted debate over who was submitting amendment “L.65”, the Secretariat official noted the disassociation of Turkey, Tunisia, Lebanon and Albania, and said amendment “L.65” is now being submitted on behalf of a group of member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

The representative of Finland, on behalf of the Nordic countries, took issue with the proposal to delete paragraph 7(b) listing all vulnerable groups. It is of extreme importance that the list stays in the draft resolution, as some are at risk of being killed and their deaths will not be investigated. The list includes killings for racially motivated reasons; of persons belonging to national, ethnic, linguistic and other minorities, or because of sexual orientation or gender identity; killings of refugees, internally displaced persons, migrants, street children, or members of indigenous communities; human rights defenders, lawyers or journalists; and killings in the name of passion or honour. It would send a dangerous message if the General Assembly decided these groups no longer deserve special protection. He urged support for the text as drafted, stressing that he will vote against the amendment.

The Committee then rejected draft amendment “L.65” by a recorded vote of 86 against to 50 in favour, with 25 abstentions.






*5:ドキュメントへのリンクは「73回セッション - アジェンダ項目ごとの草案提案」はリンク切れにつき国連公式文書システム(英語)。







  • 総括所見(最終見解)CED/C/JPN/CO/1 は、日本語訳が外務省ウェブサイトに掲載されるとおもわれるのでアップ時リンク等追加する。下記は「先行未編集版」(2018年11月19日)より当該部分を訳出( p. 5 、パラグラフ25 - 26、国連人権高等弁務官事務所ホームページへのリンク先参照)。


    25. 委員会は、条約第8条、第12条、第24条を想起し、強制失踪犯罪の継続的な性質を強調し、強制失踪がいつ行なわれたかにかかわらず、被害者の正義、賠償および強制失踪の状況、調査の進捗状況と結果および失踪者の運命についての真実を知る権利を再確認したい。この点において、委員会は、強制失踪された可能性がある、いわゆる「慰安婦」の数に関する統計情報の欠如について、ならびにこれらの事件の加害者の捜査、起訴および有罪判決がないことについて懸念する。さらに、これらの女性に生まれた子どもの隔離と、そのような事件を調査することの締約国の拒否についての報告を懸念する。委員会は、いわゆる「慰安婦」問題に関する関連する事実および資料を開示することへの締約国による隠蔽または怠慢の報告に引き続き懸念する。さらに、条約第24条(5)に従う犠牲者に対する適切な賠償の不足を懸念し、「最終的かつ不可逆的に解決された」という締約国の立場は遺憾である。これは、不処罰を永続させ、犠牲者が真実を知り、正義、賠償、および再発防止の保証を得る権利を否定する(第1、8、12、24および25条)。

    26. 委員会は、強制失踪犯罪の継続的な性質を想起し、締約国に勧告する:









  • まさに勧告が指摘するとおり、日本政府の調査、開示は不じゅうぶんと言わざるを得ない。つまりこういうことだろう。勧告に<>を追記。








    要するに「徹底的かつ公平に調査され」周知されることは日本政府にとっても肝要である。当局による「強制失踪(連行)」が行なわれていたのであれば<事実に基づいて立証>される必要があることを、この勧告も強調している訳である(?)。その場合においてのみ補償の可能性もなしとはしないものの *1 、それらを含んでも余りありそうな、こんにちにおける人道的見地に鑑みた、当局による…以外の日本側による補償はすでに過去の協定や合意等で実施済みである。「有識者、学者[…による]研究成果[…の]英訳も進められているのではないかと思います。そういったものを是非ともご覧いただければ」*2 などと呑気なことを言ってる場合ではない。まこと「真実への権利を保証」していただきたいものである。

  • 「緊急行動のための600以上の要請を受け、500以上の緊急行動を各締約国に発行した」。中国や北朝鮮が締約国になればいくつになるのであろうか(実際には「要請」すら困難か)。
  • 国連人権高等弁務官事務所ホームページ(英語))

    • 「条約機関の国々」
      CED - 強制失踪からのすべての者の保護に関する国際条約:

    • 「条約機関セッション」
      CED - 強制失踪からのすべての者の保護に関する国際条約
      第15回セッション(2018年11月5日 - 2018年11月16日)(英語

      総括所見:CED/C/JPN/CO/1(先行未編集版)(2018年11月19日)(PDF)-「強制失踪に関する委員会 条約第29条(1)に基づき日本により提出された報告書に対する総括所見」

      要約記録:CED/C/SR.258(2018年11月14日)(html)-「強制失踪に関する委員会 第十五回セッション 258回会議要約記録」/CED/C/SR.257(2018年11月23日)(html)-「強制失踪に関する委員会 第十五回セッション 257回会議要約記録」


      代表団/代表者リスト:(2018年10月23月)(PDF)- MT-UN455



      課題リストへの返答:CED/C/JPN/Q/1/Add.1(2018年9月24日提出/2018年9月25日発行)(PDF)-「条約第29条(1)に基づき日本から提出された報告書に関する問題リスト 補遺 課題リストへの日本の返信」



      市民社会組織からの情報(セッション用):日本による軍事性的奴隷制度に徴用された女性のための韓国協議会[挺対協](PDF)-「強制失踪に関する委員会(CED) 15回セッション(2018年11月5日 - 11月16日)、日本」

      市民社会組織からの情報(セッション用):アクティブ・ミュージアム 女たちの戦争と平和資料館(wam)(2018年11月22日)(PDF)-「日本の軍事性的奴隷制度問題(いわゆる「慰安婦」問題)」

      締約国報告:CED/C/JPN/1(2016年7月22日提出/2016年8月25日発行)(PDF)-「条約第29条(1)に基づき締約国により提出された報告書の審査 2012年予定の締約国報告書 日本」

      報告への付属書:附属書1 強制失踪犯罪に関連する刑法(抜粋)(PDF
       -「附属書1 強制失踪犯罪に関連する刑法(抜粋)」
       -「附属書2 出入国管理及び難民認定法(仮訳)(1951年10月4日政令第319号)」
       -「附属書3 武力攻撃事態における捕虜等の取扱いに関する法律(抜粋)」
       -「附属書4 刑事訴訟法(抜粋) 」
       -「附属書5 逃亡犯罪人引渡法(抜粋)」

  • (外務省ホームページ)強制失踪委員会による総括所見の公表に際しての岡村善文政府代表による同委員会委員長宛の書簡(英文(PDF)/仮訳(PDF))及びファクトシート(英文(PDF)/仮訳(PDF))-「強制失踪委員会による対日審査総括所見の公表に際しての岡村政府代表発ジャニーナ委員長宛書簡」「強制失踪委員会による対日審査総括所見に関する日本政府の立場(ファクトシート)」

    強制失踪条約第1回政府報告審査に関する強制失踪委員会の総括所見(PDF)-「強制失踪に関する委員会 条約第29条(1)に基づき日本により提出された報告書に対する総括所見」

    強制失踪条約第1回政府報告審査における岡村善文政府代表の冒頭ステートメント(英文(PDF)/仮訳(PDF))(2018年11月)-「強制失踪条約第1回日本政府報告審査 岡村善文日本政府代表団長による冒頭ステートメント


    条文 和文テキスト(PDF

  • (メディア報道より)

    • 共同通信(2018年11月20日

    • 東京新聞(2018年11月20日)(共同転電)


    • ジャパンタイムズ毎日新聞英語版(2018年11月20日)(共同転電)

      共同の転電だが上掲(および同内容の東京新聞)より詳しい。(性奴隷ではなく)「日本の戦時売春宿で働くことを強制された朝鮮人女性(Korean women who were forced to work in Japanese wartime brothels)」の書き出し。(毎度のことだが)在ジュネーブ国際機関日本政府代表部の職員によれば人権高等弁務官事務所に苦情を申し立てたとのことである。


    • ハンギョレ(2018年11月20日

  • 関連エントリ

  • 掲載URL:


Adopts Concluding Observations on Reports of Japan and Portugal, and Follow-Up Observations on Mexico

16 November 2018

The Committee on Enforced Disappearances this afternoon concluded its fifteenth session after adopting its concluding observations and recommendations on the reports of Japan and Portugal, and follow-up observations on the additional information submitted by Mexico.

The concluding observations and recommendations on the States reviewed during the session will be available on the session’s webpage next week.

Koji Teraya, Committee Rapporteur, presented the Committee’s report on the session which was held from 5 to 16 November 2018, noting that it had adopted concluding observations on reports of Japan and Portugal and follow-up observations on the additional information submitted by Mexico; the list of issues on Chile, Italy and Peru; the follow-up report to concluding observations in relation to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador and Senegal; and the follow-up report on urgent actions.

The Committee had further decided to send its statement on draft articles on crimes against humanity to the International Law Commission before the 1 December 2018 deadline, and it had identified the first three countries with outstanding overdue reports which would be examined in the absence of a report. Also during the session, the Committee had adopted draft guiding principles on the obligation to search for and locate disappeared persons and had decided to launch a consultation process with all relevant stakeholders with a view to their adoption at the sixteenth session.

In her concluding remarks, Suela Janina, Committee Chairperson, recalled the powerful messages heard at the session from mothers of the disappeared during dictatorships in Argentina and Chile, and from mothers of recently disappeared from Mexico, and stressed that the achievements in the fight against enforced disappearance must not be taken for granted. The Chair recalled that the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance offered an array of tools for addressing enforced disappearance and said that the Committee had continued to develop its working methods regarding those tools, including though a follow-up dialogue, a procedure held for the first time with the delegation of Mexico.

The Committee had considered its follow-up procedure on urgent actions, the Chair said, noting that the Committee had received over 600 requests for urgent actions and had issued more than 500 urgent actions to different States parties. Turning to the draft guiding principles on the duty to search for and to locate disappeared persons and the decision to consult with all relevant stakeholders, Ms. Janina said that the call for submissions would be opened until 25 January 2019. The Committee had engaged with the Chair of the Working Group on enforced or involuntary disappearances to explore further ways to increase cooperation and had discussed issues of common interest with the Committee against Torture, said the Chair, finally expressing the Committee’s commitment to never stop to actively support the families of victims and to always be at the forefront of the fight against enforced disappearance.

Meeting summaries of all public meetings held during the fifteenth session of the Committee on Enforced Disappearance can be found here, and archived meeting webcasts here.

The Committee will hold its sixteenth session at the Palais Wilson in Geneva from 8 to 18 April 2019.


*1:可能性といえば、強制失踪や被害者に “may(~の可能性がある、~かもしれない)” が入れられている。これまでの各条約機関の最終見解の文言は単に「犯された(perpetrated / committed)」だったとおもわれ…「性的奴隷制度」が使われていないことも含め、反論がすこしは効を奏している?。

*2:人種差別撤廃委員会第10回・第11回対日審査二日目における大鷹大使発言(関連エントリ 2018-08-16 UN Web TV 参照)。




  • アイテム28(a):社会開発のための世界サミットの成果と総会第二十四回特別セッションの実施

  • アイテム28(b):世界の社会状況や青少年、高齢者、障害者および家族に関する問題を含む、社会開発
  • アイテム29:女性の地位向上

  • アイテム72(b):ダーバン宣言および行動計画の包括的実施およびフォローアップ

  • アイテム74(b):人権と基本的自由の効果的享受の改善のための代替アプローチを含む、人権問題

  • アイテム74(c):人権状況および特別報告者および代表者の報告


  • 中国、日本、韓国が、以下の決議のスポンサーとなっている(草案ドキュメントによる。以下同様)。コンセンサスで採択されたペルー提出の極度の貧困 L.27Rev.1 で中国、日本、韓国 *1キューバ非同盟運動代表)提出の L.31/Rev.1  開発権 *2 およびキューバ提出の L.36/Rev.1 食料への権利 *3 で中国(ドキュメントのリンク先は下記掲載の国連総会ホームページ「73回セッション - アジェンダ項目ごとの草案提案」、以下同様)。

  • いずれも採択された以下の5決議、および下記の修正案 L.60 が投票となった(各国投票先は国連総会ホームページ「第三委員会投票記録」リンク先参照)。

    前日時間切れとなったサウジ単独スポンサー提出の L.50 シリア人権状況は中国、北朝鮮反対、日本、韓国支持。北朝鮮、日本が発言。国名ではなく「政権」という言葉が使われたことがシリアの抗議で議論になったりしている。提出国のサウジが「政権」の使用を擁護、抗議したシリアはその後この決議を「サウジ決議」と形容して議長に正式名を使うよう注意されている。シリア:「「サウジ」を形容詞として使用した」。その後サウジとシリアの発言が議事進行か否かででも揉めている。シリア:「シリアにおいて紛争の炎をあおるのではなく、米国はカリフォルニアにおいて消火するための国際的連携を形成すべきである」。

    「米カリフォルニア州の山火事 なぜ行方不明者がこんなに多いのか - BBCニュース」(2018年11月19日)

    トルコ(イスラム協力機構代表)提出の L.51* ミャンマー人権状況 *4 は中国反対、北朝鮮、日本棄権、韓国支持。中国、日本が発言。北朝鮮は国別決議だが反対せず。

    エジプト(77か国グループと中国代表)スポンサー提出の L.17/Rev.1 社会開発は四か国とも支持。

    コンセンサスで採択されたフィリピン提出の L.7/Rev.1 女性の人身売買 *5スーダン国際刑事裁判所への言及の削除を求めて修正案 L.60 を提出したが否決:中国支持、北朝鮮記録なし、日本、韓国反対。

    「国際手配のスーダン大統領も出席=中国アフリカ首脳会合-北京:時事ドットコム」(2018年9月4日)「(社説)アフリカ支援 中国は誰を助けるのか:朝日新聞デジタル」(2018年9月7日)

    「10. ローマ規定 - 17章:刑事事項 - 条約の状況」(英語)(国連条約コレクション(英語))

    エジプト(77か国グループと中国代表)提出の L.52/Rev.1 レイシズム撤廃とダーバン宣言 *6 は中国、北朝鮮支持、日本反対、韓国棄権。反対は10(オーストラリア、カナダ、チェコ共和国、フランス、ドイツ、イスラエル、日本、マーシャル諸島、英国、アメリカ)。日本はアフリカ系の人々のための国際フォーラムの設立に懸念を表明しているのだが、アメリカ:「旧宗主国に賠償を提供する要請を拒否し、それは国際法問題として効力がない」。草案前文に以下の記述がある( p. 1 )。

    大西洋奴隷貿易を含む奴隷制度と奴隷貿易の歴史的不公正を正すため、ダーバン行動計画のパラグラフ157、158と一致する[consistent with]、すべての旧宗主国に賠償を要求することについて歓迎し、

    なお同行動計画の当該パラグラフには、援助についてや「美術品、歴史的な遺物や文書の原産地への返還賠償」といった文言がある(草案では「賠償」について「美術品、歴史的な遺物や文書」に限定していない)*7 。

    開発権 L.31/Rev.1(前出)は中国、北朝鮮支持、日本、韓国棄権。「互恵的協力」の文言に反発するアメリカなどが反対(デンマークフィンランド、ドイツ、イスラエル、オランダ、スウェーデンウクライナ、イギリス、アメリカ)。今年三月の人権理事会での「互恵的協力」決議も参照。

    食料への権利 L.36/Rev.1(前出)は四か国とも支持。

  • (国連総会ホームページ(英語))

    • 「73回セッション - アジェンダ項目ごとの草案提案 - 社会、人道および文化問題(第三委員会)- 国連総会」(英語

    • 「国連総会 - 第三委員会 - 社会、人道および文化)- 事務局」

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations



16 NOVEMBER 2018

Third Committee Approves 13 Drafts on Persons with Disabilities, Ageing, Human Trafficking amid Protracted Votes on Human Rights in Syria, Myanmar



総会 > 第三委員会 >



The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) expressed itself on human rights situations in Myanmar and Syria, as well as on human trafficking and inclusive development for persons with disabilities, approving 13 draft resolutions on those and other topics in an action‑filled day.


The Third Committee will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Monday, 19 November, to take further action on draft resolutions.
第三委員会は、 11月19日月曜日の午前10時に再招集し、決議草案に関するさらなる決議を行なう。


The Committee first turned to the draft resolution titled “Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic” (document A/C.3/73/L.50).

The representative of the United Kingdom, making a general statement, urged delegates to support the draft resolution to condemn the human rights violations taking place in Syria and said the text is not politically motivated. Those responsible must be held to account, he said, stressing that the regime and its backers have conducted further attacks on civilians since last year.

The representative of Syria, in a point of order, said official country names should be used and delegates should refrain from using the word “regime” to refer to countries.


The representative of the United States said her country strongly supports justice and accountability for the Syrian people. Syria’s Government is responsible for the vast majority of the killings and destruction inflicted on the Syrian people. The resolution rightly draws attention to the International Impartial and Independent Mechanism and reminds the international community of the Government’s brutal assault on citizens. Drawing attention to the plight of those who have been killed by barrel bombs or chemical attacks, she said the United States remains firm in its support of the United Nations‑led negotiation process.

The representative of Turkey said there is only one way out of this carnage: a politically negotiated resolution, in line with Security Council resolution 2254 (2015).

The Chair reiterated that delegates should use official country names.

The representative of Saudi Arabia recalled that, last year, a legal opinion from the Secretariat confirmed that the word “regime” could be used in debates since it had been included in General Assembly resolutions.

The representative of the Russian Federation asked for clarity on the situation regarding the use of the word “regime”. It seems that the representative of Saudi Arabia challenged the Chair’s authority, he said, calling on delegates to use official country names.

The representative of Turkey said Syrians have been punished brutally by barrel bombs, chemical weapons and sexual violence. Human rights are violated with increasing severity and impunity. Adoption of the draft will not be sufficient to heal the Syrians’ suffering, but it will show the international resolve to stand by them.

The representative of Iran, speaking in explanation of vote, said this is another instance of politicization of human rights mechanisms and the use of double standards. The draft resolution fails to recognize that the Government and people of Syria are facing terrorism, aggression and unilateral coercive measures. Saudi Arabia is worried about the billions of dollars it spent to support terrorist groups, aiming to destabilize a legitimate Government.

The representative of Saudi Arabia recalled that the topic under discussion is the human rights situation in Syria. He asked the Chair to remind delegates not to go off topic.

The Chair reiterated that delegates should use official country names. They should remain focused on the resolution, he added.

The representative of Iran said Saudi Arabia’s investment in terrorist groups was lost, and this explains the draft resolution’s desperate language. Exploitation of the Committee for political ends contravenes the principles of non‑selectivity, universality and objectivity. For these reasons, Iran will vote against the resolution.


The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, reiterating its opposition to country‑specific resolutions, said human rights issues should be discussed in an atmosphere of collaboration and dialogue. The Universal Periodic Review provides a forum for such discussions, and thus, he will vote against the draft.

The representative of Syria called on Member States to vote against the Saudi resolution.

The Chair recalled delegates to use a country’s official name.

The representative of Syria, replying to the Chair, said he used “Saudi” as an adjective. Saudi authorities usually resort to fatwa to cover their violations of human rights, he stated, adding that they violated Syrian Muslims’ rights by preventing them from making a pilgrimage to Mecca. Stressing that Saudi Arabia is attempting to use this Committee for propaganda purposes, he urged delegates to vote against the draft resolution, abstain or not attend the meeting. Rather than fan the flames of conflict in Syria, the United States should form an international coalition to extinguish the fires in California, he added.

The representative of Cuba said the draft resolution favours a punitive approach. Voicing support for the search for a negotiated settlement, he said the Third Committee should seek to foster cooperation with respect for Syria’s sovereignty.

The Committee then adopted draft resolution “L.50” by a recorded vote of 106 in favour to 16 against, with 58 abstentions.

By its terms, the Assembly would strongly condemn the systematic, widespread and gross violations of international human rights law and humanitarian law committed in Syria, as well as the indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks in civilian areas and against civilian infrastructure. It would demand that all parties comply with their international humanitarian law obligations, and that Syrian authorities immediately end all attacks on their own people, take all precautions to avoid incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects, and immediately implement Security Council resolutions 2254 (2015), 2258 (2015) and 2286 (2016). It would reaffirm that there can only be a political solution to the conflict, reiterating its commitment to Syria’s national unity and territorial integrity.

The representative of Argentina, in explanation of vote, stressed the importance of negotiations in Geneva and Astana, calling for political dialogue as the legitimate pathway to peace. He expressed support for referring the situation to the International Criminal Court. Condemning human rights violations in Syria, he stressed that all parties must respect human rights laws. He also absolutely rejected the use of chemical weapons. Argentina is ready to continue hosting Syrian refugees.


The representative of Egypt said her abstention from the vote is an expression of Egypt’s principled position on country‑specific resolutions. She stressed the importance of the Universal Periodic Review as the proper forum to advance constructive dialogue.


The representative of Iran said countries should only be able to speak once, either before or after action on the vote. He called on the Committee to adhere to this long-standing practice.

The Chair reminded delegations that only one statement can be made, either before or after the vote.

The Secretary of the Committee said Saudi Arabia had not made a general statement this morning and is therefore entitled to make one.

The representative of Iran said although Saudi Arabia presented the draft resolution, the Committee is now taking action, and Saudi Arabia’s statement should therefore be considered a general statement.

The Chair replied that a delegation is entitled to make one general statement. Saudi Arabia’s earlier comments were points of order.

The representative of Saudi Arabia, thanking everybody for participating in the discussion on the draft resolution, said justice will prevail even if it takes time. Saudi Arabia welcomes pilgrims from all countries, including Israel, he assured.

The representative of Austria, speaking on behalf of the European Union, condemned in the strongest possible terms the repeated use of chemical weapons by Syria and Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh). All those responsible for breaches of international laws must be brought to justice, he stated, stressing that impunity is unacceptable. Emphasizing that the situation in Syria should be referred to the International Criminal Court by the Security Council, he expressed concern about the ongoing destruction of the country’s cultural heritage. The use of chemical weapons anywhere by anyone is contrary to international law. He expressed the bloc’s full support for the Special Envoy to establish a Constitutional Committee and urged all parties to contribute in good faith to United Nations‑led efforts. He called for a negotiated settlement in line with Security Council resolution 2254 (2015) and the 2012 Geneva communiqué.

The representative of Japan expressed hope that violence will end as soon as possible and that is why Japan co‑sponsored the resolution and voted in favour of it.

The representative of Syria, in a point of order, said the negotiations that Saudi Arabia led prior to tabling the draft resolution lacked transparency. Most of the negotiation sessions took place at Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic mission, he stated, noting that Syrians were unable to make the pilgrimage to Mecca for eight years, prevented by Saudi Arabia.

The representative of Saudi Arabia said the statement made by the representative of Syria was not a point of order.

Next, the Committee took up a draft resolution titled “Situation of human rights in Myanmar” (document A/C.3/73/L.51*).

The representative of Turkey, introducing the draft on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, expressed deep concern over serious human rights violations in Myanmar against the Rohingya. Without a comprehensive strategy, it is impossible to find solutions for the crisis. To end the vicious cycle of extensive and systematic attacks against the Rohingya, Myanmar must create the conditions for peaceful life, he said, stressing the need to implement human rights laws and bring perpetrators to justice. He underlined the importance of a full and independent investigation of such violations, noting that Myanmar signed a Memorandum of Understanding and established a commission of inquiry. Welcoming Bangladesh’s efforts to address the humanitarian crisis, he said the voluntary and safe return of Rohingya is the only lasting solution, cautioning against transferring refugees from camps in one State to those in the other. “We must work tirelessly to urge Myanmar to address the root causes of the crisis”, he stressed, expressing the organization’s readiness to work with the United Nations and engaged parties.

The representative of Austria, on behalf of the European Union, said the draft articulates the grave international concern over the suffering of the Rohingya. The Independent International Fact‑Finding Mission results point to the commission of the gravest crimes under international law, such as torture, rape, killings and enslavement. Commending Bangladesh for its generosity, he said the text sets out what must happen to ensure redress for those who have suffered. It underscores deep concern over the persecution of minorities in Rakhine, Kachin and Shan States and recognizes steps by Myanmar to improve conditions in Rakhine. It calls for unhindered access to humanitarian assistance, robust steps forward on accountability — including the entry into operation of a mechanism to collect evidence of crimes committed in the country — and recalls the Security Council’s authority to refer the situation to the International Criminal Court. Urgent steps must be taken to address root causes and find viable solutions. Moreover, only implementation of recommendations on Rakhine, including on statelessness, will ensure stability and peace. He urged support for the draft.

The representative of Myanmar, in explanation of vote, “totally” rejected the draft, calling the tabling of a country‑specific resolution on any country that is under active consideration by the Human Rights Council procedurally unwarranted and an abuse of human rights procedure. The one‑sided, biased and hopelessly unconstructive draft is a politically driven attempt to exert pressure on select countries, as well as a clear manifestation of the hostility and dictatorial intent of the co‑sponsors towards a “soft target”. Ninety per cent of its content is about the rights of Muslims in Rakhine, while ignoring Myanmar’s positive political and socioeconomic developments. There is no mention of Myanmar’s efforts for national reconciliation and building a democratic federal union. The text also ignores the threat of terrorism, the real cause of the humanitarian crisis, he said, noting that the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army is linked to ISIL/Da’esh.

Despite visits by Independent Experts and Special Rapporteurs, Myanmar is treated unfairly under the pretext of human rights, he said, citing country‑specific resolutions over the last 26 years and scrutiny by at least seven United Nations mechanisms. He drew attention to bilateral agreements with Bangladesh on the issue of repatriation, stressing that “adopting this draft will not contribute to solving the humanitarian crisis in Rakhine State”. It will only worsen the complicated situation and hinder the Government efforts for the early repatriation of displaced persons.

The representative of Syria reiterated his country’s position of rejecting decisions and mandates targeting select countries, associating himself with the Non‑Aligned Movement.

The representative of Saudi Arabia said events in Myanmar continue to cast shadows of suspicion on positive political developments in the country. Such developments cannot be complete without including all people of Myanmar. Authorities deny the existence, identity and rights of more than 1 million Rohingya Muslims, among other oppressed groups, as well as their right to exist in their homeland, citing expulsions and house burnings that had forced the Rohingya to cross the border into Bangladesh. “We see no glimmer of hope for the return of those refugees”, he said. Calling the draft resolution balanced and objective, he advocated solutions which include recognition of the right to citizenship. He called for urgent implementation of the Advisory Commission’s recommendations, noting that Myanmar’s leadership must prove it is worthy of international respect.

The representative of Bangladesh stressed that the comity of nations must redeem itself for failing to prevent crimes against the Rohingya by heeding their call for identity, security and justice, and ensuring that “the most persecuted minority in the world is at least no longer the forgotten one”. Rohingya must be allowed to return home or to their place of choice. On the option of return, the Rohingya were not convinced by Myanmar’s assurances, as not a single one had accepted that option. They wanted guarantees for a pathway to citizenship and land ownership, and dispensation of justice — legitimate demands to which Myanmar must respond. Myanmar’s support for today’s draft resolution would be a step in that direction. Bangladesh’s Prime Minister stated that the Rohingya will return only if they wish. His country will continue to adhere to international humanitarian and human rights law. There is no gain for Bangladesh by either holding back the Rohingya or forcing their return.

The representative of the United States expressed deep concern about serious human rights violations in “Burma” and Rakhine State. She welcomed the Government’s commitment to implement the Advisory Commission recommendations and the Memorandum of Understanding. However, commitments are not enough; Myanmar must take actions. She stressed the importance of ensuring the return of displaced persons to their place of origin, while welcoming the establishment of an independent mechanism to collect and analyse data, echoing the call to immediately make it operational. She also voiced support for efforts to achieve accountability, commending the Special Rapporteur on developing insightful reports, despite Myanmar’s restrictions.

The representative of Myanmar, in a point of order, requested delegates to show respect by referring to his country by its official name.


The representative of China said different human rights needs must be addressed through constructive dialogue and cooperation, recalling complex historic and ethnic issues. In October, Myanmar and Bangladesh had agreed to start a repatriation process; they both have all the capacities to address this issue. China stands ready to support this endeavour. The United Nations and the international community should remain patient rather than complicating the situation, noting that China will vote against the draft resolution.

The representative of the Russian Federation attached great importance to positive inter‑State cooperation in protecting human rights. Neither criticism nor politicized country‑specific resolutions resolve such problems. The Russian Federation has consistently rejected such texts. The concept of genocide referred to in the draft varies from the accepted definition, and the bodies cited have no competency to interpret them, which undermines trust. Country‑specific resolutions contain offensive language against the United Nations. For such reasons, the Russian Federation will vote against the draft.

The Committee then adopted draft resolution “L.51*” by a recorded vote of 142 in favour to 10 against (Belarus, Burundi, Cambodia, China, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Philippines, Russian Federation, Viet Nam, Zimbabwe), with 26 abstentions.

By its terms, the Assembly would strongly condemn all violations of human rights in Myanmar and call for a full and independent investigation, including on those against Rohingya Muslims and persons belonging to other minorities, to ensure that those responsible are held accountable. It would further call for the expeditious entry into operation of the independent mechanism established by the Human Rights Council, as well as steps to secure its effective functioning as soon as possible. The Assembly would urge the international community to support the underfunded 2018 joint response plan for the Rohingya humanitarian crisis to ensure adequate resources to address the humanitarian crisis.

The programme budget implications prepared in connection with this draft ARE contained in document A/C.3/73/L.58.


The representative of Japan expressed concern over the human rights situation in Myanmar, urging that country to carry out a credible investigation. For such reasons, Japan abstained from the vote.


The representative of Myanmar said the resolution is ill intentioned and will not help resolve issues in Rakhine State. It will only foster politicization and aggravate mistrust. The people of Myanmar are united as ever in the relentless pursuit of peace for all 54 million people.


Moving on, the Committee then took up a draft resolution titled, “Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the outcome of the World Summit of Social Development and of the twenty‑fourth special session of the General Assembly” (document A/C.3/73/L.17/Rev.1).

The representative of Egypt, introducing the draft on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, described it as action‑oriented and seeking to address inequalities in efforts to implement the World Summit for Social Development outcome. It highlights the situation and specific needs of young people, older persons, people with disabilities and families, among others. The text also prioritizes youth employment and women’s economic empowerment, she said, welcoming the spirit of collaboration and cooperation that allowed agreement on the important issues addressed by the draft resolution.

The representative of Egypt asked which delegation requested a recorded vote.

The Chair replied the representative of the United States requested a recorded vote.

The representative of the United States said she will vote against the resolution as several issues remain that are not related to sustainable development or the Committee’s mandate. Noting that portions of the resolution attribute negative impact to vague reference to trade and trade barriers, she said demands that the international community increase market access and calls on international financial institutions to provide debt relief are unacceptable. Regarding the presence of the phrase “right to development” in the resolution, she emphasized that it doesn’t have an international meaning that the United States recognizes.

The Committee then adopted the draft resolution “L.17/Rev.1” by a vote of 181 in favour to 2 (Israel, United States) against, with no abstentions.
委員会はその後、支持181、反対2(イスラエル、米国)、棄権なしでの記録投票により決議「L.17 / Rev.1」を採択した。


The Committee next turned to the draft resolution titled “Inclusive development for and with persons with disabilities” (document A/C.3/73/L.6/Rev.1).

The representative of the Philippines introduced the draft also on behalf of the United Republic of Tanzania, noting that people with disabilities comprise 15 per cent of the global population. They are agents and recipients of development. He urged respect for their rights, including to lifelong learning on an equal basis. Barriers to their access to water, sanitation and hygiene must be removed, and their need for assistive technologies recognized.
フィリピン代表は、タンザニア連邦共和国を代表して草案を提出し、障害者が世界人口の15パーセントを占めることを指摘した。彼らは開発の主体であり受益者である。彼は、対等な生涯学習を含め、彼らの権利を尊重することを強く促した。 水、衛生設備および衛生状態へのアクセスの障壁を排除し、支援技術についての必要性を認識しなければならない。

The Committee approved draft resolution “L.6/Rev.1” without a vote.


Turning to the draft resolution titled “Follow‑up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing” (document A/C.3/73/L.18/Rev.1), a Secretariat official said the requirements in meeting services in 2019 related to operative paragraphs 5 and 6 would be met from existing resources. Therefore, the draft would not generate additional requirements under the programme budget for the biennium 2018‑2019.
「高齢化に関する第二回世界会議へのフォローアップ」(ドキュメントA/C.3/73/L.18/Rev.1)と題する決議草案をとり上げ、事務局職員は、本文パラグラフ5とパラグラフ6に関する2019年におけるサービスを満たす要件は既存のリソースから満たされると述べた。したがって、草案は、2018年 - 2019年の二年間のためのプログラム予算のもと追加要件を生み出すことはない。

The representative of Egypt, introducing the text on behalf of the “Group of 77” developing countries and China, said the draft resolution aims to include inputs from the Secretary‑General’s report to notably support care workers for older persons. The consequences of social exclusion are highlighted, she added, stressing that the text encourages the international community to support national efforts to fund research and data collection on ageing.

The representative of the United States said her country is pleased to join consensus on this draft resolution.

The Committee then approved draft resolution L.18/Rev.1 without a vote.


The Committee turned to the draft resolution titled “Follow‑up to the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family and beyond” (document A/C.3/73/L.19/Rev.1).

The representative of Egypt, introducing the draft on behalf of the Group of 77, reaffirmed the importance of the International Year of the Family and stressed that the draft can promote well‑being for all, empower women and girls, and end violence against them. It encourages Governments to make every effort to fulfil the International Year, focusing on quality education and lifelong learning for all, full and decent work, social security, livelihood and social cohesion.


The Committee then approved draft resolution “L.19/Rev.1” without a vote.


The Committee then took up a draft resolution titled “Trafficking in women and girls” (document A/C.3/73/L.7/Rev.1).

The representative of the Philippines, introducing the text, said human trafficking, particularly of women and girls, is a scourge that robs people of their dignity. Approximately 80 per cent of victims are women and girls, who are used as articles of commerce. The draft considers the positive and negative role played by technology.


The representative of Sudan then introduced an amendment (document A/C.3/73/L.60) to the draft resolution, which would remove a preambular paragraph from draft resolution “L.7/Rev.1” referencing the International Criminal Court. That reference disregards national, regional and international mechanisms addressing this question. Sudan’s efforts to include amendments during informal consultations, to achieve consensus and balance, and propose appropriate language did not bear fruit. The pursuit of selective methods left Sudan with no option but to introduce an amendment. He affirmed that combating impunity is among Sudan’s priorities and he expressed concern over attempts to globalize the Court as a legal system to be imposed on all States. Reference to the Court politicizes the Committee. He requested deletion of the paragraph and support from Member States.
スーダン代表はその後、国際刑事裁判所を参照する前文パラグラフを決議草案「L.7/Rev.1」から削除する、決議草案への修正案(ドキュメントA/C.3/73/L.60)を提出した 。その言及は、この問題に対処している国内、地域および国際的メカニズムを無視している。非公式協議中の修正案を採り入れ、コンセンサスとバランスを達成し、適切な言葉を提案するスーダンの取り組みは実を結ばなかった。選択的方法の追求は、スーダンを修正案の提出以外に選択肢をなくした。不処罰との戦いはスーダンの優先事項のひとつであることを再確認し、すべての締約国に対して課される法制度として裁判所をグローバライズする試みに対して懸念を表明した。裁判所への言及は委員会を政治化する。彼はパラグラフの削除と加盟国からの支持を要請した。


The representative of Iceland, on behalf of several countries, said preambular paragraph 16 has been the operational language for years. Adopted in 1998, the Rome Statute was among the first to address conflict‑related sexual and gender‑based violence. It has a key role to play in ending impunity for those crimes where national courts are unable or unwilling to exercise their jurisdiction. She will vote against the text and encouraged others to do likewise.

The draft amendment was then rejected by a recorded vote of 101 against to 19 in favour, with 34 abstentions.


The representative of Sudan said in a general statement that his country had sought to join consensus on the draft resolution, especially as it addresses human trafficking in women and girls, a topic in which Sudan has taken a stake. Associating with the statement by the Philippines that trafficking has no place in the civilized world, he said Sudan nonetheless finds contradiction, due to the paragraph in question.

The Committee then approved draft resolution L.7/Rev.1 without a vote.


The Committee then turned to the draft resolution titled “Global call for concrete action for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation and follow‑up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action” (document A/C.3/73/L.52/Rev.1).

The representative of Egypt, introducing the text on behalf of the Group of 77, expressed concern about the resurgence of racial discrimination. She reiterated the bloc’s condemnation of all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, on any grounds and against any persons, as they constitute serious violations of human rights. The bloc looks forward to Member States making valuable contributions to the implementation of this resolution.

The representative of Brazil expressed support for the draft resolution and urged all delegations to support it. Welcoming the proposed creation of the permanent forum of people of African descent, he stressed the need to establish it in a way that fosters coordination and efficiency.

The representative of Egypt asked which delegation requested a recorded vote.

The representative of Israel, recalling that the Jewish people have been victims of racism for thousands of years, said her country has been an outspoken advocate in the fight against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. However, a small group of States use the Durban Conference to defame and delegitimatize Israel, and thus, she will vote against the text.

The representative of the United States, speaking in explanation of vote, said her country is committed to fighting racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. Acknowledging that this fight remains a challenge, she pointed out that her country continues to implement the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. The draft resolution is not genuinely focused on fighting racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance as it endorses the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action and advocates excessive restrictions on freedom of speech. It has no effect as a matter of international law, she stressed, rejecting the call for former colonial powers to provide reparations.

The representative of Austria, speaking on behalf of the European Union, said the bloc remains committed to the eradication of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. While appreciating the informal consultations conducted by South Africa, he regretted that only a handful of the bloc’s words were accepted; none of its substantive proposals were taken on board. There is no evidence that the International Convention has gaps or fails to address contemporary forms of discrimination, he stated, stressing that resources should be primarily devoted to fighting discrimination on the ground. States have a common duty to fight racism by overcoming divisions related to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, but given that the resolution does not sufficiently contribute to that end, the European Union cannot support it.

A Secretariat official said the representative of Israel requested a recorded vote on the draft resolution.

The Committee then approved the draft resolution by a recorded vote of 128 in favour to 10 against (Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Marshall Islands, United Kingdom, United States), with 42 abstentions.

By its terms, the Assembly would take various actions related to: the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination; the International Decade for People of African Descent; the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); the Group of independent eminent experts on the implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action; the Trust Fund for the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination; the Special Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance; and follow-up and implementation activities.

The representative of Japan reiterated his country’s commitment to the elimination of racism, racial discrimination, and xenophobia through the International Convention. However, Japan has certain concerns on the creation of an international forum for people of African descent, as its activities are not clearly defined in the draft resolution. There was not enough time to examine the details of the forum’s creation or its budgetary implications.

The representative of Israel, making a general statement, stated that her country had requested a recorded vote on this draft resolution.

The representative of Nigeria, noting the broad support garnered by the draft, expressed regret that the Third Committee has had to vote on it every year. He called for adequate resources to be made available for the Working Group of Experts.

Next, the Committee turned to the draft resolution titled “Human rights and extreme poverty” (document A/C.3/73/L.27/Rev.1).

The representative of Peru, introducing the text, noted the importance of eradicating poverty - the world’s greatest challenge - and acknowledged the flexibility shown by Member States during informal consultations.

The Committee approved draft resolution “L.27/Rev.1” without a vote.


The Committee then turned to the draft resolution titled “The right to development” (document A/C.3/73/L.31/Rev.1).

The representative of Cuba, on behalf of the Non‑Aligned Movement, said the right to development is a human right which includes the right to free self‑determination and exercise of sovereignty. He urged support from Member States.

The representative of the United States called for a vote on the resolution, expressing concern about the right to development as there is no international consensus on its meaning. She voiced concern that such a right would protect States and not individuals. The United States continually encourages Governments to respect their human rights commitments, regardless of their level of development. She cannot accept the phrase “to expand and deepen mutual beneficial cooperation,” and therefore will vote no and urged others to do the same.

The representative of Liechtenstein said that discussing the right to development has been challenging and conceptual inaccuracies related to the right persist. Expressing hope that future discussions will allow his country to join the group of supporters, as in the past, he said Liechtenstein will abstain.

The Committee then approved draft resolution “L.31/Rev.1” by a recorded vote of 141 in favour to 10 against (Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Israel, Netherlands, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States), with 33 abstentions.
委員会はその後、支持141、反対10(デンマークフィンランド、ドイツ、イスラエル、オランダ、スウェーデンウクライナ、英国、米国) 、棄権33での記録投票により決議草案「L.31/Rev.1」を承認した。

By its terms, the Assembly would recognize that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is among the critical elements in realizing the right to development, which is the greatest global challenge. The Assembly would urge States, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and other relevant specialized agencies, funds and programmes to provide the Special Rapporteur on the right to development with all the assistance and support necessary.

The representative of New Zealand, speaking in explanation of vote on behalf of several countries, recognized the right to development in line with the declaration on the right to development. He expressed concerns with operative paragraph 17, noting that strong economic development may contribute to, but does not imply, the enjoyment of all rights.

The representative of Mexico said that, while this resolution is a good reference for human rights, there is no added value in a legally binding instrument on the right to development. Cautioning against duplicated efforts, he stressed the need to follow up on efforts by the Special Rapporteur on the right to development.


Moving on, the Committee took up a draft resolution titled “The right to food” (document A/C.3/73/L.36/Rev.1).

The representative of Cuba, introducing the text, said the number of people suffering from hunger increased in 2017 even though there is enough food produced in the world to feed everybody. This global problem should be tackled by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, through policies in line with the right to food, he said, describing the draft resolution as a global call to action.

The representative of Switzerland called for open negotiations in the future, noting that her country supports the content of the draft resolution, as the right to food is among its priorities.

The representative of Cuba asked which delegation requested a recorded vote.

The representative of the United States said hunger is on the rise for the third year in a row after a decade of progress. The draft resolution contains unbalanced, inaccurate and unwise provisions the United States cannot support: it inappropriately mentions trade issues which fall outside the Committee’s remit and inaccurately links negotiations at the World Trade Organization to the right to food. For these reasons, the United States will vote against it.

The Committee then approved the draft resolution by a recorded vote of 179 in favour to 2 against (Israel, United States), with no abstentions.

By its terms, the Assembly would call on all States to implement policies to reduce and eliminate preventable mortality and morbidity due to malnutrition among children under 5 years of age. It would call for a development‑oriented outcome of World Trade Organization negotiations, notably on the remaining issues of the Doha Development Round, in fostering global conditions permitting the full realization of the right to food. The Assembly would also urge States to give priority in their development strategies and expenditures to realizing the right to food.


The representative of Cuba expressed regret that the United States delegate had called for a vote and thanked those who voted in favour of the draft.

The Committee had before it a draft resolution titled “Missing persons” (document A/C.3/73/L.47/Rev.1).

The representative of Azerbaijan introduced the draft, underscoring that States must address the issue holistically, while urging utmost attention be given to missing children and stressing the importance of focusing on victims’ families.


The Committee approved the draft resolution without a vote.


Turning to crime prevention and criminal justice, the Committee took up a draft resolution titled “Preventing and combating corrupt practices and the transfer of proceeds of corruption, facilitating asset recovery and returning such assets to legitimate owners, in particular to countries of origin, in accordance with the United Nations Convention against Corruption” (document A/C.3/73/L.15/Rev.1).

The representative of Colombia, introducing the draft, said it was based on the achievements of the Conference on Corruption, held in November 2017 in Vienna. It calls on Member States to continue to enforce preventive measures and encourages States parties to the Convention against Corruption to participate in the second review cycle. “Corruption is an obstacle to the effective protection and promotion of human rights,” he said, calling for redoubled efforts and encouraging delegates to approve the text by consensus.

The Committee then approved draft resolution “L.15/Rev.1” without a vote.










第73回総会第三委員会:第三委員会、長く合意された生殖に関する権利の言葉、政治的動機に対する不一致のなか、児童婚、ナチス賛美との戦いに関する6つの草案を承認(北朝鮮決議——日 vs 北 3rd ラウンド)



  • アイテム70(a):児童の権利の促進および保護

  • アイテム72(a):レイシズム、人種差別、外国人嫌悪および関連する不寛容の撤廃
  • アイテム73:人民の自決権

  • アイテム74(c):人権状況および特別報告者および代表者の報告


  • 毎度非難合戦となる国別決議を採択。オーストリアEU 代表)が提出し、日本(コアスポンサーとおもわれる)、韓国などがスポンサーとなった *1 北朝鮮人権状況 L.40* は14年連続14回目(下記掲載外務省ホームページへのリンク先参照)。昨年に続きコンセンサスで採択されたが(関連エントリ 2017-11-14 参照)、北朝鮮のほかシリア、ロシア、キューバ、中国、イラン、ベネズエラベラルーシがコンセンサスから離脱した。安保理国際刑事裁判所への付託を奨励するパラグラフ12の削除を求めてスーダンが単独スポンサーで修正案 L.64 を提出したが否決されている:中国支持、北朝鮮支持、日本、韓国反対(ドキュメントのリンク先は下記掲載の国連総会ホームページ「73回セッション - アジェンダ項目ごとの草案提案」、以下同様)。

    北朝鮮は日本をいつものパターンで非難(「特大型の反人倫犯罪を働いた犯罪国家」(下記掲載デイリーNKジャパン記事参照))。日本は、北朝鮮の人権状況は「現代世界に類のないもの」と表現した調査委員会報告書(関連エントリ 2014-02-07 参照)とともに拉致問題に言及、ここでも「相互不信を乗り越える用意があると付け加え」(同上 2018-10-08 、2018-10-26 参照)、「反人倫犯罪」には二度目の発言でもとくに反論せず。中国が発言しコンセンサスを離脱。国別決議反対のベトナムが「誘拐行為を非難」した(日本以外による拉致問題への言及の採録はこれのみ)。
  • 中国、北朝鮮がロシア提出の L.53/Rev.1 ナチズム賛美対策 *2北朝鮮がエジプト提出の L.29 パレスチナ人自決権 *3 でスポンサーとなっている。

  • いずれも採択された以下の4決議、および上記 L.64 と以下の口頭修正案2本が投票となり、中断動議と手続きの投票も行なわれた(各国投票先は下記掲載「第三委員会投票記録」リンク先参照)。

    コンセンサスで採択されたザンビア提出の L.22/Rev.1 子ども、早期、強制婚でアメリカが口頭修正案を提出し、その検討のための会合規則118による中断動議を提起したが否決された:中国棄権、北朝鮮、日本反対、韓国棄権。その後アメリカの口頭修正案も否決:中国は支持、北朝鮮、日本、韓国が反対。

    L.53/Rev.1 ナチズム賛美対策(前出)にもアメリカが口頭修正案を提出したが否決:中国、北朝鮮反対、日本、韓国棄権。アメリカ提案を否決後 L.53/Rev.1 で中国、北朝鮮は支持、日本、韓国が棄権。反対はアメリカ、ウクライナのみ。ドイツ、ポーランドなど含むその他ヨーロッパ各国は棄権。アメリカの修正案に反対するロシア:




    もまさに当てはまるのだが( EU 代表(オーストリア)は「選択性、偏見および否定性」も指摘)、このような東アジアの情勢についてどの程度認識されているのか、あるいは連合国(=国連)という枠組みのなかで、どこまで共有できるのか少々考えさせられた。

    L.29 パレスチナ人自決権(前出)は四か国とも支持。

    カナダ提出の L.42 イラン人権状況 *4 は中国、北朝鮮反対、日本、韓国支持。北朝鮮、日本が発言。日本はイランを一部擁護した。サウジとイラン・シリアの非難合戦開始。サウジ:「「彼らは真実に向かい合えない」。イラン:「サウジアラビアの代表は彼の国[イラン]に講釈すべきではない」「イエメンにおいて大量虐殺を犯している、十分に文書化された抑圧的なごろつき[bully]で腐敗した寡頭政」。

    ウクライナ自身提出の L.48 ウクライナ人権状況 *5 は中国、北朝鮮反対、日本支持、韓国棄権。北朝鮮が発言。

    サウジ単独スポンサー提出の L.50 シリア人権状況はイランが本文パラグラフ31の「武力紛争防止」措置に対する第三委員会の権限について手続き投票を求め、中国、北朝鮮反対、日本、韓国支持。この日は時間切れでここまでとなった。サウジの L.50 提出声明にシリア:「政治的シュールレアリスムは「驚嘆すべきこと」であり、善良なる彼の同僚[サウジ代表]は、「彼らのベッドにおいて子どもにイリュージョンを提供するサンタクロースのよう」。上記投票においてシリアが予算措置(実際には問題にならないようである)を持ち出すとサウジ「議論はシュールレアリズムからドラマに変わった」。

  • (外務省声明)北朝鮮人権状況決議採択における別所大使ステートメント英語

  • (外務省ホームページ)

  • (国連総会ホームページ(英語))

    • 「73回セッション - アジェンダ項目ごとの草案提案 - 社会、人道および文化問題(第三委員会)- 国連総会」(英語

    • 「国連総会 - 第三委員会 - 社会、人道および文化)- 事務局」

  • (メディア報道より)

    • 共同通信(2018年11月16日)

    • 朝日新聞(2018年11月16日)

    • 産経ニュース(2018年11月16日)

    • NHK ニュース(2018年11月16日)

    • デイリーNKジャパン(2018年11月20日



      下記のような印象は受ける *6アメリカは安保理に対する国際刑事裁判所への付託奨励については支持しないとした。


    • 同上(2018年11月27日)


    • [追記]AP(2018年11月28日)



      • 共同通信/2018年11月28日)

        AP の記事に言及。

      • ワシントン・ポスト/2018年11月28日)

        AP のフォロー記事。労働新聞(朝鮮労働党中央委員会機関紙)の論評を掲載。


      • (労働新聞/2018年11月27日)


         米国は陰謀増殖組織[plot-breeding organization]ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ北朝鮮において女性に対する性的虐待が広まっているという根拠のない「報告」を公表させた。



      • ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ/2018年11月1日)

        「あなたは夜に泣くが、なぜかはわからない | 北朝鮮における女性に対する性的暴力」

      • (昨年の安保理会合)

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

  • 関連エントリ

    (今セッション日本 vs 北朝鮮




United Nations



15 NOVEMBER 2018

Third Committee Approves 6 Drafts on Child Marriage, Fighting Nazi Glorification amid Discord over Long-Agreed Reproductive Rights Language, Politicized Motives



総会 > 第三委員会 >



The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) approved six draft resolutions today amid new divisions in long‑standing agreements on sexual and reproductive rights, and in the delicate balance between efforts to fight racism and those to protect free speech.


Consensus was also tested on the subject of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, with Sudan’s delegate calling for a vote on a proposal to delete the draft’s reference to the International Criminal Court, which he said has no organic relation to the topic. The measure was defeated by a recorded vote of 91 against to 22 in favour, with 44 abstentions, before the Committee passed the draft as a whole without a vote.


The Third Committee will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Friday, 16 November, to take further action on draft resolutions.
第三委員会は、 11月16日金曜日の午前10時に再招集し、決議草案に関するさらなる決議を行なう。


The Committee first turned to the draft resolution titled “Child, early and forced marriage” (document A/C.3/73/L.22/Rev1).

The representative of Zambia introduced the draft also on behalf of Canada and other co‑sponsors, noting that every year, 12 million girls under the age of 18 experience child, early and forced marriage. In the month of November alone, 1 million girls will be married. Between sunrise and sunset, 33,000 children are married off in early marriage, jeopardizing their health, ending their education, threatening their lives and preventing them from reaching their full potential. “The current pace of change must be accelerated if this practice should be ended before 2030”, he said, stressing that the draft reflects the shared global commitment to do what must be done to end the practice.

The representative of the United States presented amendments which she said offer helpful compromises on key issues, describing them as “common sense solutions” to problems expressed across regional groups, to give both sides “something they want” while not breaking with consensus. She proposed adding the words “in accordance with national laws” to preambular paragraph 22, and operative paragraphs 11, 15 and 16, while on the latter paragraph, striking the words “of their review conferences” in favour of “as adopted by the General Assembly” to capture the fact that not all countries can be bound by regional review conferences in which they do not participate. Such changes would thus improve references to sexual and reproductive health by clarifying them in the context of agreed language.

The representative of Canada, speaking also on behalf of Zambia, said the Committee had expressed a common global understanding of the seriousness of child, early and forced marriage in approving the resolution by consensus each year since it was first put forward in 2013. The amendments call into question language used by the United Nations for decades, he said, calling the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development crucial in that regard and urging all to vote against the amendments.

The representative of the United States, noting that the co‑facilitators had filed a revised text this morning, moved to suspend the meeting for 15 minutes to review the amendments.

The Committee then rejected the motion to suspend the meeting by a recorded vote of 73 against to 33 in favour, with 33 abstentions.


The representative of Canada requested a vote on the amendments and urged all delegates to reject them.


The representative of the United States in a general statement said that given the revised draft resolutions, the proposed amendments now concern preambular paragraph 23, as well as operative paragraphs 14, 17 and 18.

The representative of Austria, speaking in explanation of vote on behalf of the European Union, expressed deep regret over the decision to table the amendments to an important resolution that has always been approved by consensus. Member States, many with divergent views, have always been able to agree to that language. Undermining the resolution only impacts the most fundamental rights of women, girls and children. The bloc will vote against the amendments and encouraged others to do likewise.


The representative of the Russian Federation expressed support for the vast majority of amendments, however given their late circulation, he will abstain for procedural reasons.


The Committee then rejected the draft amendments by a recorded vote of 96 against to 33 in favour, with 35 abstentions.


The representative of the Russian Federation expressed concern that the draft’s sponsors deemed it unnecessary to include his country’s concerns and explain what is involved in early marriage. He had proposed including a clarifying paragraph and was prepared to work on a compromise option, an approach supported by most delegations. However, the sponsors decided not to include compromise wording. He expressed regret that substantive discussion was deferred to the last minute and was “rather superficial”. The sponsors did not show flexibility. Only through mutual respect and equal dialogue, accommodating diverse positions, could success be achieved. But given the importance of the topic, he will not break the consensus.
ロシア連邦代表は、草案のスポンサーが、彼の国の懸念事項を含める必要がなく、早期婚に何が含まれているのかを説明する必要はないとみなしたことに懸念を表明した。彼は、明確なパラグラフを含む提案をしており、ほとんどの代表団によって支持されたアプローチの妥協案に取り組む用意ができていた。しかしながら、スポンサーは妥協の言葉を含めないことを決めた。実質的な議論が最後まで延期され、「むしろ表面的」だったことが遺憾だった。スポンサーは柔軟性を示さなかった。 多様な立場に対応する相互尊重と平等な対話を通じてのみ成功に達することができる。しかし、トピックの重要性を考慮し、彼はコンセンサスを破らない。

The Committee then approved the draft resolution without a vote.


Moving on, the Committee then took up a draft resolution titled “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo‑Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance” (document A/C.3/73/L.53/Rev.1).

The representative of the Russian Federation, introducing the draft, recalled that 70 years ago, the anti‑Hitler coalition gave rise to the United Nations, a triumph over nationalism and hate that reinforced the Nuremberg tribunal. There must be pride in the creation of a global system of international security, as well as human rights instruments, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and conventions on discrimination. He noted current attempts to rewrite history in the name of narrow‑minded geopolitical interests, evidenced in new memorials and the renaming of streets that honoured collaborators of Nazism. Such actions are incompatible with the obligations of Member States. Xenophobic rhetoric has become part of electoral campaigns, marked by statements justified as “free speech”. Such behaviour is cynical, given countries’ human rights obligations under international law.

The representative of Kyrgyzstan, also on behalf of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Tajikistan, said the lack of a collective response to Nazism facilitated the rise of the Third Reich and the Second World War, which was unprecedented in its violation of human rights. It was unacceptable to make national heroes of those who had committed grave crimes during that time. Having learned about the dangers of hatred and violence, and witnessing increased hotbeds around the world, he decisively condemned monuments to Nazism.

The representative of Belarus called for combating the glorification of Nazism in any form, neo‑Nazism and the Nazi past. Such glorification cannot be justified through freedom of speech or expression or equated with exercising human rights. Racism and xenophobia had a destructive impact on youth. Efforts to end the resurgence of such movements and ideologies should be a focus at the United Nations, without politicization, she said, voicing support for the resolution.

The representative of the United States expressed concern over the politicized roots of the draft resolution. It required changes, a point expressed during informal meetings. The United States aimed to work with like‑minded countries to improve the text. Her country does not need to defend its position on Nazism, she said, recalling that the greatest fear the Nazis had was of the United States, as it stood for liberty and humanism. A draft resolution should honour that truth.

However, the current draft was borne of a political controversy, she said. It is an annual power play by one country attempting to exert influence over a region without genuine efforts to actually combat Nazism, and instead, seeking to criminalize free speech and expression. The United States is disgusted by anti‑Semitism and fought a war against it. However, the solution to hate “is not censorship and will only be found in the free marketplace of ideas. The best antidote to free speech is free speech,” she said, proposing an amendment to remedy areas where the draft falls short and as a start to addressing the cynicism.

The representative of the Russian Federation opposed the amendment as the draft resolution is the result of intensive negotiations that involved six rounds of open informal consultations. The goal of the amendment is to whitewash Nazism and rewrite the Nuremberg tribunal judgements, which would only lead to more migrant phobia and aggressive nationalism. He called it unethical and sacrilegious to vote for the amendment, considering all who had died, urging delegates to vote against it.

The delegate of South Africa said that as host of the 2001 World Conference against Racism, her country rejected the amendments and the fact that they were presented so late, notably as they seek to remove article 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. She will vote no on the amendments.

The representative of Cuba, in a general statement, said the United States delegation did not circulate the amendment prior to tabling it. Such behaviour undermines, and shows disdain for, multilateralism. Cuba will vote against the amendment, he said, urging others to do the same.

The Committee then rejected the amendment by a recorded vote of 75 against to 2 in favour (Ukraine, United States), with 88 abstentions.

The representative of Uruguay, speaking in explanation of vote, said her delegation abstained because it did not have enough time to consider the amendment.

The Chair replied to a question by the Russian Federation’s delegate that the representative of the United States requested the recorded vote.

The representative of the United States, making a general statement, encouraged delegations that abstained to work with her delegation next year to find common ground. While delegations might not have had enough time to consider the amendment, they had sufficient time to examine the draft resolution’s flaws. Hateful ideologies are defeated by taking action; neutrality only serves the oppressor, not the oppressed. Assuring that the United States continues to condemn all forms of intolerance and hatred at home and abroad, she said the draft resolution criminalizes free speech and serves as a nation’s political weapon against its neighbours. Its vague terminology can be used to target political opponents and undermine the ability of civil society to spotlight violations. As it has done for decades, the United States will vote against the draft resolution, she stated, urging others to do the same.

The representative of Ukraine, speaking in explanation of vote, said millions of Ukrainians made an enormous contribution to the victory over Nazism. While reiterating his country’s condemnation of Nazism, racism, xenophobia and intolerance, he said this draft resolution has nothing to do with Nazism and other forms of intolerance. He condemned the Russian Federation’s cynical attempt to present itself as a champion of the fight against Nazism and neo‑Nazism while perpetrating crimes against other nations. Pointing out the propaganda motives of the resolution, he urged all delegations to vote against it.

The Committee then approved the draft resolution by a recorded vote of 130 in favour to 2 against (Ukraine, United States), with 51 abstentions.

By its terms, the Assembly would express alarm over the spread in many parts of the world of various extremist political parties, movements and groups, including neo‑Nazis and skinhead groups, as well as racist extremist movements and ideologies — and further — over the fact that this trend has resulted in the implementation of discriminatory measures, policies and bills at the local or national levels. It would call for the universal ratification and implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and urge those States parties that have not yet done so to consider making the declaration under its article 14.

The representative of Austria, speaking in explanation of vote on behalf of the European Union, said initiatives related to the common goal of ending racism should unite Member States, not divide them. They should address racism in a balanced and comprehensive manner. While acknowledging some changes requested by the European Union were made, he said they were not sufficient to correct the draft resolution’s selectivity, bias and negativity.

The representative of Australia shared serious reservations about this resolution, including those expressed by the European Union, and those of the United States regarding freedom of expression. Australia looks forward to addressing these concerns next year.

The representative of Canada, while acknowledging the draft resolution contributes to the fight against racism, xenophobia and intolerance, voiced regret that the changes proposed to broaden its scope were not accepted. Canada shares the concerns voiced by the United States pertaining to freedom of expression. And yet, the amendment would have only addressed some of the draft resolution’s flaws. Canada had abstained for procedural reasons.

The representative of Nigeria said his country supports any initiative that addresses racism, xenophobia and all forms of intolerance. He voted in favour of the resolution to encourage global efforts to address racial discrimination. Tackling this scourge is a priority for Nigeria.

Next, the Committee took up a draft resolution titled “The right of the Palestinian people to self‑determination” (document A/C.3/73/L.29).

The representative of Egypt, introducing the draft on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), said the Palestinians suffer from the longest occupation in modern history, which has denied them the enjoyment of fundamental rights.

The Chair replied to the representative of Egypt that the representative of Israel had requested a recorded vote on the matter.

The representative of Israel, making a general statement, said this resolution, which has been introduced on multiple occasions, has done nothing to promote peace. For peace to be achieved in the Middle East, Palestinians must negotiate with Israel rather than ignore it.

The Committee then approved the draft resolution by a recorded vote of 169 in favour to 6 against (Canada, Israel, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, United States), with 12 abstentions.

By its terms, the Assembly would reaffirm the right of Palestinians to self‑determination, including to an independent State of Palestine, and urge all States and United Nations agencies to continue to support Palestinians in the early realization of that right.


An observer of the State of Palestine, making a general statement, said the overwhelming support for this resolution represents the continued support for the right of Palestinians to self‑determination. It in no way obstructs the search for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, but rather reflects the collective will to uphold international law. Israel’s narrative on this issue and its contempt for international law, which the resolution rejects, must end. Israel’s negative vote can only be interpreted as its rejection of a peace settlement based on two States. Recalling that Palestine recognized Israel, and its right to exist, 25 years ago, she stressed the right to self‑determination is inalienable for all and not up for negotiation. She called for an urgent mobilization of responsibility on the question of Palestine by bringing Israel’s occupation to an end.

Next, the Committee took up the draft resolution titled “Situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” (document A/C.3/73/L.40*).

The representative of Venezuela, speaking on behalf of the Non‑Aligned Movement in general statement, expressed deep concern over the proliferation of selective country‑specific resolutions which exploit human rights for political purposes. He cautioned against duplication and overlap, reaffirming the need for greater coherence between the Third Committee and the Human Rights Council to create a working relationship. The Universal Periodic Review is the main platform for reviewing human rights issues at the national level, with due consideration given to a country’s capacity‑building needs.

He stressed the importance of its implementation based on objective and reliable information. He condemned gross systematic violations of human rights and situations that obstructed their full enjoyment, stressing that all rights, including to development, are universal, inalienable, irreversible and interrelated. Such issues must be addressed through non‑confrontational, non‑selective dialogue that respects sovereignty, territorial integrity, non‑interference, impartiality and transparency as guiding principles, and that considers countries’ social, political and cultural specificities.

The representative of the United States said her country respected the decision of those who had joined the International Criminal Court, and in turn, expected its own decision not to join to likewise be respected. Several resolutions include references to the Court and its founding Rome Statute, which the United States cannot support, as the language does not distinguish between parties and non‑parties to that instrument. Her Government will continue its objection to asserting the Court’s jurisdiction on non‑parties, including the United States and Israel, absent a Security Council referral. She reiterated serious concern over the Court’s proposed investigation of United States personnel deployed in Afghanistan.

The representative of Nicaragua associating with the Non‑Aligned Movement in a general statement, expressed profound concern over the “vicious” practice of adopting selective resolutions in the Third Committee, stressing that human rights issues should be addressed in a global context in a fair and equitable manner that respects sovereignty and non‑interference in State affairs, and is guided by impartiality, non‑selectivity and transparency, considering historic, cultural and other specificities.

The representative of Austria, on behalf of the European Union and Japan, introduced the draft resolution, recalling the ongoing diplomatic efforts to advance peace and security on the Korean Peninsula. A better future for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea can be achieved by urgently addressing its human rights situation. Among many concerns, he cited torture and ill‑treatment in detention facilities, hunger leading to malnutrition, and violation of women’s rights. The draft is still of utmost importance as the situation is very serious.

The representative of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea “resolutely and totally” rejected the draft, calling it a “product of a political plot of hostile forces trying to overthrow the social system”. He deplored that the European Union and Japan had instigated a confrontation by tabling the text, which is replete with political criticism and fabrications, especially during a time of reconciliation and cooperation. He cited Islamophobia, xenophobia and the worst‑ever refugee crisis in the Union as crimes against humanity. He called Japan a criminal State which had militarily occupied “Korea”, citing the massacre of 1 million people, forced drafting of 8.4 million, and sexual slavery of 200,000 people for servicing the Japanese army as crimes against humanity.

The representative of Syria rejected politicization and disassociated from consensus on the draft resolution.

The representative of Japan noted the fifth year of the Commission of Inquiry report describing the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea as “one that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world”. The Secretary‑General’s report also highlights a continued pattern of serious human rights violations. The abduction of Japanese citizens by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is among the gravest of such violations, with most not yet returned home. There is no time to waste in resolving this issue, he said, adding that Japan is ready to overcome mutual distrust.

The representative of Canada, noting the inclusion of new language on gender equality, expressed deep concern over human rights abuses and called on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to address its situation and allow the Special Rapporteur to visit.

The representative of Burundi, associating with the Non‑Aligned Movement, rejected all country‑specific resolutions and stressed the importance of dialogue.

The representative of Belarus reiterated her opposition to country‑specific resolutions as they have “no real use” and only create barriers. Recalling the Universal Periodic Review as the instrument for a balanced analysis of human rights situations, she said she will not support the draft resolution and disassociated from consensus.

The representative of Singapore expressed her disagreement with country‑specific resolutions, which are highly divisive. She will abstain from voting on all such texts.

The representative of Iran deplored the continuation of counterproductive, selective country‑specific resolutions, which contravened the principle of universality. The Universal Periodic Review provides a proper mechanism to address such issues “without naming and shaming” and he disassociated from the draft.

The representative of the Russian Federation noted his opposition to selective and one‑sided resolutions on human rights situations, which only exacerbate confrontations. The Universal Periodic Review provides new opportunities to establish dialogue, he said, disassociating from any consensus which may be achieved on the draft resolution.

The representative of Myanmar, stressing the Universal Periodic Review is the most adequate instrument to address human rights issues, said his country rejects country‑specific resolutions. There is no one‑size‑fits‑all solution to such problems and he called for genuine dialogue and cooperation to foster the promotion of human rights without politicization.

The representative of China, emphasizing that differences on human rights should be resolved on the basis of equality and respect, said his country opposes country‑specific human rights resolutions. China disassociates itself from the consensus on the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

The representative of Bolivia, associating herself with the Non‑Aligned Movement, rejected the instrumentalization of the Third Committee to favour the political interests of some States to the detriment of others. The Committee must not become a platform used to impose political agendas, she said, underscoring the fundamental role of the Human Rights Council and expressing support for all its recommendations.

The representative of Venezuela rejected the selective adoption of resolutions on specific countries, as it violates the principles of universality, non‑selectiveness and objectivity. The Universal Periodic Review should be prioritized as the ideal instrument to address human rights, he said, dissociating himself from any consensus on this resolution.

The representative of Sudan, introducing an amendment, expressed regret that some try to refer to the International Criminal Court in draft resolutions without any organic relation between its inclusion and the topic of discussion. This has led to polarization, especially as some countries link their humanitarian assistance and cooperation with countries’ views on the Court. The International Criminal Court would not be able to conduct a meaningful judicial process due to its flagrant selectivity. It unduly targets African leaders and it has caused conflicts to worsen in some developing countries, he added, urging delegates to vote in favour of the amendment.

The representative of Austria, speaking on behalf of the European Union, said there are numerous violations of humanitarian law and human rights that serve as reminders of the Court’s relevance. Recalling that the Court’s role is to supplement rather than replace nation judicial bodies, he said peace and justice are complementary. He called on delegates to defeat the amendment.

The representative of Liechtenstein, speaking on behalf of five countries, said operative paragraph 12 has been consensus language for years. The Court has a key role to play in preventing impunity where national courts are unable or unwilling to do so. It is a “cornerstone of the rule of law architecture”, he said, urging delegates to vote against the amendment.

The Committee then rejected the amendment by a recorded vote of 91 against to 22 in favour, with 44 abstentions, which would have called on the Assembly to delete operative paragraph 12 of the resolution titled “Situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” (document A/C.3/73/L.40*).

The representative of Japan, recalling that the draft resolution has received wide, strong international support, urged delegates to adopt it by consensus.

The representative of Sudan said his country fully and unequivocally subscribes to the draft resolution’s objectives but opposes the Court’s jurisdiction. The danger it represents is increasingly recognized. He disassociated Sudan from the consensus on the draft resolution.

The Committee then adopted the draft resolution without a vote.

By its terms, the Assembly would express concern at the precarious humanitarian situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which could rapidly deteriorate, and urge the Government to take preventive and remedial action, cooperating with international donor agencies and in accordance with international standards for monitoring humanitarian assistance. It would urge the Government to respect all human rights and end the systematic, widespread and grave violations by implementing measures set out in relevant resolutions of the General Assembly, the Commission on Human Rights and the Human Rights Council, as well as recommendations addressed to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea by the Human Rights Council in the context of the Universal Periodic Review and by the Commission of Inquiry, the United Nations special procedures and treaty bodies.
その条項により、総会は、急速に悪化する可能性がある、北朝鮮における不安定な人道状況に懸念を表明し、国際援助機関に協力し、人道援助を監視するための国際基準に従い防止および是正措置をとるよう同政府に強く促す。総会、人権委員会および人権理事会の関連決議、同様に普遍的定期的審査の状況における人権理事会、 ならびに調査委員会、国連特別手続きおよび条約機関によって北朝鮮に声明された勧告において示された措置を実施することにより、すべての人権を尊重し、体系的、広範かつ重大な違反を終わらせるよう同政府に強く促す。

The representative of Cuba disassociated from the consensus, invoking his country’s positions against the imposition of selective and politically motivated mandates and resolutions. The draft seeks to protect the Security Council’s power to impose sanctions in situations that do not threaten international peace and security.

The representative of Viet Nam reiterated his opposition to country‑specific resolutions and stressed the need to foster dialogue, notably through the Universal Periodic Review. He condemned the practice of kidnapping.

The representative of the United States, citing the fact‑finding mission’s report, said the regime in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is among the worst human rights abusers. With this resolution, the international community will send a strong message that violations should stop.

The Committee then took up a draft resolution titled “Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran” (document A/C.3/73/L.42).

The representative of Canada, introducing the draft, said reports of the Secretary‑General and Special Rapporteur reveal further deterioration of Iran’s human rights situation. Citing systematic crackdowns on journalists and social media users, as well as discrimination against women and girls, and violations of freedom of expression both online and offline, he said the result of open and constructive negotiations is to be factual and balanced. Noting an oral amendment to operative paragraph 17, he said every country faces challenges in meeting human rights obligations, including Canada. However, the situation compels the Committee not to remain silent and he encouraged all States to support the draft.

The representative of Iran said “human rights have no greater adversary than those who abuse them against nations they dislike. For them, victims are not equal.” On 7 November 2018, the United States Secretary of State threatened all Iranians, he said, recalling that weaponizing food and medicine against civilians is a crime against humanity. The dichotomy also applies to democracy; elections in enemy States are considered rigged. “Interference is fine, as long as it is conducted by the powerful and their henchmen”, he said, calling the United States “the worst enemy” of democracy and human rights in the Middle East. Hundreds of social media accounts which expose Israel’s crimes were closed by the United States. In Canada, democracy has been highjacked and violence against women is a systematic problem. Iran has never advocated racial supremacy and will never give up its quest for dignity. The political charade of United Nations decisions is becoming dangerous for those on the ground, he said, underscoring Iran’s belief in dialogue and respect.

The representative of Syria reiterated his rejection of politicizing human rights, noting flagrant double standards. “It is ironic that certain States submit politicized resolutions”, he said, recalling that the United States left the nuclear agreement. Stressing that confrontation and hostility do not achieve common objectives enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, he cited the principle of national sovereignty and non‑interference. Human rights issues are employed to weaken credibility of Member States, he said, calling the draft resolution a waste of time. He will vote against it and encouraged others to follow suit.
シリア代表は、憂慮すべき二重基準を指摘し、人権の政治化の拒否を再確認した。 米国が原子力協定を脱退したことを想起し、「特定の締約国が政治的決議を提出するのは皮肉である」、と彼は述べた。対立と敵意が国連憲章において制定された共通の目標を達成しないことを強調し、彼は国家主権と非干渉の原則を引用した。決議草案を時間の無駄と呼び、人権問題が加盟国の信頼性を弱めるために用いられている、と彼は述べた。彼はそれに反対し、あとに続くよう他に奨励した。

The representative of the Russian Federation in a general statement underscored the counterproductive nature of country‑specific resolutions, as they have nothing to do with defending human rights. The Russian Federation will vote against the draft.

The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, associating with the Non‑Aligned Movement, expressed opposition to country‑specific resolutions, as they have nothing to do with protecting human rights and only cause confrontation. Every country has the sovereign right to maintain a political system of its own choice, he said, citing the Universal Periodic Review. He rejected the draft and will vote against it, he said.


The representative of Saudi Arabia said Iranians suffer under a regime which does not respect human rights, denies freedoms and persecutes religious minorities. He cited killings, detentions and executions, noting that the Ahwaz had not received fair trials. He stressed the importance of voting for the draft resolution, noting that countries have the sovereign right to determine their penal codes. Iran will deviate from all facts before the Committee, he said. “They cannot face the truth”.


The Committee then approved the draft resolution by a recorded vote of 85 in favour to 30 against, with 68 abstentions.

By its terms, the Assembly would express serious concern, notwithstanding the reduction in the number of executions for drug‑related crimes, at the alarmingly high frequency of Iran’s imposition and carrying out of the death penalty, in violation of its international obligations. It would call on Iran to ensure, in law and in practice, that no one is subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment — which may include sexual violence, and punishments that are grossly disproportionate to the nature of the offence.

The Assembly would further call on Iran to release persons detained for exercising their human rights; to consider rescinding unduly harsh sentences, including those involving the death penalty and long‑term internal exile; and to end reprisals against individuals, including for cooperating or attempting to cooperate with the United Nations human rights mechanisms.

The representative of Japan said she voted in favour of the draft, as Tokyo and Tehran have been holding bilateral dialogues to improve the human rights situation and cooperation with international society. She cited a bill to protect adolescents and children to be approved by Iran’s Parliament.

The representative of Iran said Saudi Arabia’s representative should not lecture his country. Saudi Arabia has “killed any chance for democracy in the Middle East”, he said, calling Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) an offshoot of Saudi extremism, as only they would consider a bus full of children a legitimate target, behead peaceful opponents and label those not of like mind as infidels. Saudi Arabia is a well‑documented repressive bully and a corrupt oligarchy that is committing genocide in Yemen.
イラン代表は、サウジアラビアの代表は彼の国に講釈すべきではないと述べた。彼らは子どもたちでいっぱいのバスを正当な標的とみなし、平和的な反対者の首をはね、同じような考えでない者を異教徒として分類するのみとして、イラクにおけるイスラム国とレバント(ISIL / Da'esh)をサウジ過激派の分派と呼び、サウジアラビアは「中東における民主主義のためのあらゆる機会を殺した」、と彼は述べた。サウジアラビアは、イエメンにおいて大量虐殺を犯している、十分に文書化された抑圧的なごろつきで腐敗した寡頭政である。


The Committee then took up a draft resolution titled “Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sebastopol, Ukraine” (document A/C.3/73/L.48).

The representative of Ukraine, introducing the draft on behalf of several countries, said the situation in temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories and the city of Sebastopol continues to deteriorate. Outlining various violations that took place in that region, he said the Russian Federation has ignored numerous resolutions adopted by international bodies — 12 of which by this Committee — that sought to protect human rights. The occupying Power is trying to force residents to support it by using blackmail, intimidation and deportation.


The representative of the United States said her country does not recognize the Russian Federation’s purported annexation of Crimea. That country’s tactics reportedly have included extrajudicial killings, physical abuse, torture and deportation, she stated. Nearly all independent media and civil society have had to flee the peninsula, and those that remain operate at great risk. The situation calls for continued scrutiny by the Third Committee and the General Assembly.


The representative of Georgia said the situation is alarming because these territories continue to suffer great violations of human rights. Condemning the occupation, he stressed that the occupying Power has the responsibility to guarantee the human rights of the citizens of the territory under its control. He urged others to uphold human rights and the United Nations Charter.

The representative of the Russian Federation said the draft resolution is another attempt by some countries to use Ukraine — which is torn by internal conflicts — to lob false accusations at his country. Human rights are the last topic that interests authorities in Kiev, he said, stressing that the draft’s authors falsely present the situation in Crimea as an armed conflict despite the fact that no one in the Russian Federation intends to wage war against Ukrainians, their “ethnic brethren”. The Republic of Crimea and the city of Sebastopol are Russian regions, and they are thriving, he assured, urging delegates to vote against the draft resolution.

The representative of Azerbaijan, making a general statement, said his country supports Ukraine’s territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders. He called for the settlement of all conflicts through political dialogue, in line with international law.

The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea said his country opposes country‑specific resolutions, which do nothing to genuinely promote and protect human rights. The Universal Periodic Review is the appropriate mechanism to assess the situation in all States on an equal basis, he stated.


The Committee then adopted the draft resolution “L.48” by a recorded vote of 67 in favour to 26 against, with 82 abstentions.

By its terms, the Assembly would urge the Russian Federation to uphold all its obligations under international law as an occupying Power; take all measures necessary to bring an immediate end to all violations and abuses against residents of Crimea; revoke all discriminatory legislation; and hold accountable those responsible for those violations. It would also call on the Russian Federation to ensure the proper and unimpeded access of international human rights monitoring missions and human rights non‑governmental organizations to Crimea, including all places where persons may be deprived of their liberty, recognizing that the international presence in Crimea is of paramount importance in preventing further deterioration of the situation.


The representative of Ukraine, making a general statement, said the Second World War did not last four years, but rather seven years, contrary to what the representative of the Russian Federation stated while comparing it to the situation in Crimea.

The Committee then took up the draft resolution titled “Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic” (document A/C.3/73/L.50).

The representative of Saudi Arabia, introducing the draft, said Syrians continue to suffer, yet they have not “thrown in the towel” in the face of Hezbollah. He denounced the displacement of 6 million people abroad, and condemned all violations, whatever their source. This resolution calls for the withdrawal of all terrorists and foreign forces in Syria. It calls for dealing with chemical weapons, and cautions against using famine as a weapon of war. This resolution is offered on behalf of all the children who have suffocated under toxic agents, the elderly whose property has been confiscated, women who have been raped by gangs, as well as martyrs, prisoners, the kidnapped and the disappeared.

The representative of Syria said the political surrealism just heard was “astonishing” and that his colleague standing virtuous is “like Father Christmas, offering illusions to children in their beds”. His counterpart from Saudi Arabia must believe he is “the Ambassador of the Syrian people”. He reiterated Syria’s commitment to Syria, and rejection of all that the draft resolution proposes in its operative and preambular paragraphs. The draft is a political resolution “par excellence” and a sign of flagrant double standards meant to boost the morale of terrorist organizations. Moreover, several co‑sponsors violate human rights in Syria through war crimes and occupation, either directly through coalitions or the financing of activities. Silence is complicity. He called on delegates to vote against or abstain from the draft, as it is a hostile act against Syria.

The representative of Iran, on procedural grounds, requested a vote on operative paragraph 31, which grants a new mandate to the International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism, without a reference to a main committee. Such work is not within the Third Committee’s purview, he said, citing rule 97 of the Assembly’s rules of procedure that committees shall not introduce new items on their own initiative. He urged others to vote against its inclusion in the draft.

The representative of Saudi Arabia said both speakers were creating confusion and doubt. The paragraph mentioned does not commit anybody or create interference.

The representative of Liechtenstein said that there is no reason for the concern raised by Iran’s delegate, as paragraph 31 does not refer the prevention of armed conflict to the Third Committee. It only asks for the submission of a report.

The representative of Syria said the operational paragraph on which Iran’s delegate requested the vote does not entail any immediate budget implications. However, it will entail financial implications in 2020, which is what the Secretary clarified in his recent statement. This issue will cost $20 million, which will be paid by Member States.

The representative of Saudi Arabia said the discussion has turned from surrealism into drama.

The Secretary cited the Assembly’s rule 121, which, subject to rule 119, indicates the sequence of action. He asked Iran’s delegate if it was his intention to call a vote on one or two paragraphs.

The representative of Iran said he wished to call a vote on paragraph 31, with the understanding that addressing the prevention of armed conflict is out of the Third Committee’s purview.

The representative of Syria said that, according to the Secretary‑General’s letter, the Mechanism, from 2019, will cost $19,600. He thus supported Iran’s request for a vote on operational paragraph 31.

The representative of Saudi Arabia said the $20 million cost relates to the establishment of the Mechanism. The paragraph before the Committee merely requests a report. No report could cost that amount of money.

The Secretary clarified that delegates will vote on the Committee’s competence to approve paragraph 31. It is not a direct vote on the said paragraph.

Following comments by the representatives of Guatemala and the United States, the Secretary again clarified that delegates believing the Committee had the competence to approve paragraph 31 would vote “yes”; those who do not would vote “no”.

By a recorded vote of 88 in favour to 13 against, with 48 abstentions, the Committee approved the measure, and thus, accepted its competence to take action on paragraph 31 of draft resolution “L.50”.

The representative of the Russian Federation, making a general statement, said his country resists efforts to transform the Committee into a body that rubber‑stamps country‑specific resolutions. This flawed practice is undergirded by baseless accusations against Syria. The draft’s authors have outdone themselves by requesting that the Committee manage a mechanism on human rights, which falls outside its remit. Adoption of this draft resolution would undermine international efforts to stabilize the situation in Syria, he stated, urging delegates to vote against it.

The representative of Saudi Arabia, in a point of order, said there is no justification to suspend the meeting now.

The Chair said he still has four or five speakers on his list. Further, the interpreters must leave.

The representative of Saudi Arabia replied that some delegations’ obstructionist manoeuvres should not be rewarded.

The Chair said he did not obtain the interpreters’ agreement to continue the meeting. Interpretation being mandatory for formal meetings, he must adjourn until Friday, 16 November.







*6:追記)その後態度を転じた。11月28日付 AP の記事参照。




  • アイテム65:国連難民高等弁務官事務所報告、難民、帰還民、避難民に関する問題および人道的問題

  • アイテム69:人権理事会報告
  • アイテム70:児童の権利の促進と保護

    • アイテム70(a):児童の権利の促進および保護

  • アイテム73:人民の自決権
  • アイテム74:人権の促進および保護

    • アイテム74(b):人権と基本的自由の効果的享受の改善のための代替アプローチを含む、人権問題

  • アイテム109:犯罪防止と刑事司法


  • 中国、北朝鮮が以下の決議、修正案でスポンサーとなっている(投票記録を除くドキュメントのリンク先は国連総会ホームページ「73回セッション - アジェンダ項目ごとの草案提案」、以下同様)。

    中国(6本):L.37 傭兵 *1L.32 一方的強制措置 *2L.33 国際協力 *3L.34 国際秩序推進 *4L.44 死刑モラトリアム *5  に対する修正案 L.57 *6L.9/Rev.1* 犯罪目的の情報通信技術使用対策 *7

    北朝鮮(3本):L.35 平和促進 *8 、L.44 修正案 L.57 (前出)、犯罪目的の情報通信技術使用対策 L.9/Rev.1*(前出)。

  • 投票となったのは以下の8決議+修正案1本、いずれも採択された(各国の投票先は下記掲載「第三委員会投票記録」リンク先参照)。

    コモロ(アフリカ・グループ代表)提出の L.56 人権理事会報告 *9 は、総会は人権理事会報告 A/73/53 に含まれる勧告を検討し、補遺と勧告を含む報告に留意するという短い決議。中国が支持、韓国、北朝鮮、日本は棄権。欧米各国も棄権した。日本の立場はリヒテンシュタインなどの発言の内容か。

    いずれも前出の以下の4本はキューバ提出( L.33 国際協力以外は投票となった)、中国、北朝鮮が支持、韓国、日本は反対:L.37 傭兵、L.32 一方的強制措置、L.34 国際秩序推進、L.35 平和促進。

    会合冒頭で提案国のスウェーデンが採択延期を要請していた(コンセンサス採択を求め最後の最後までアメリカと調整?)L.59 国連難民高等弁務官事務所は四か国とも支持。

    ブラジル提出の L.44 死刑モラトリアム(前出)はシンガポールが修正案 L.57(同上)を提出し、中国、北朝鮮、日本が支持、韓国は棄権 *10 。修正 L.44 で米国なども含む中国、北朝鮮、日本が反対、韓国はこちらも棄権。日本の発言が「修正案に対する投票において棄権」と採録されているが、鈴木参事官は投票記録 L.57 のとおり「支持」と発言している( UN Web TV 47th meeting 1:00:33 - )。

    ロシア提出の L.9/Rev.1* 犯罪目的の情報通信技術使用対策(前出)は中国、北朝鮮が支持、韓国、日本は反対し、日本が発言。ロシアのサイバー攻撃を非難するアメリカ:「「きつねに鶏舎を任せる」のはなぜだろうか」。

  • (国連総会ホームページ(英語))

    • 「73回セッション - アジェンダ項目ごとの草案提案 - 社会、人道および文化問題(第三委員会)- 国連総会」(英語

    • 「国連総会 - 第三委員会 - 社会、人道および文化)- 事務局」

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

    ※ サムネイルは鈴木参事官。

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations



13 NOVEMBER 2018

Third Committee Approves 11 Drafts amid Heated Debate over Death Penalty Moratorium, Use of Mercenaries, Efforts to End Cybercrime



総会 > 第三委員会 >



The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian, Cultural) approved 11 draft resolutions today, amid heated debate around the call for a moratorium on use of the death penalty.


The Third Committee will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Thursday, 14 November, to take further action on draft resolutions.
第三委員会は、 11月14日木曜日の午前10時に再招集し、決議草案に関するさらなる決議を行なう。


Turning to the topic of refugees, the representative of Sweden requested that action be postponed on the draft resolution titled “Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees” (document A/C.3/73/L.59).

Turning to the report of the Human Rights Council, the Committee then took up a draft resolution titled, “Report of the Human Rights Council” (document A/C.3/73/L.56).

The representative of Comoros, introducing the draft on behalf of the African Group, said the bloc subscribes to the principle of constructive dialogue and reaffirms the Third Committee’s mandate to examine the work of the Human Rights Council. She expressed concern about attempts to submit the Council’s reports directly to the General Assembly, without prior submission to the Committee.

The representative of Liechtenstein, speaking on behalf of five other countries, said the Human Rights Council has established itself as an authoritative voice on the protection and promotion of human rights. It is the responsibility of the Assembly plenary to take up the Council’s reports. This resolution disregards General Assembly resolution 65/281, undermining the Council’s mandate, he stated.

The representative of Venezuela, reaffirming the importance of the Human Rights Council, rejected the selective manner in which this topic is discussed. Stressing the need for dialogue, she expressed support for resolutions put forward by the Non-Aligned Movement and reiterated her opposition to resolutions targeting specific countries.

The representative of Eritrea said it is imperative for the Committee to discuss the reports of the Human Rights Council. However, Eritrea’s vote should not be construed as an endorsement of politically motivated mandates. Some parts of the report on Eritrea go against the principles that should underpin the Council’s mandate.


The representative of Syria said some are using human rights issues to serve the political interests of a few countries. When dealing with human rights issues, it is important to be professional, credible and objective to ensure non-politicization and avoid double standards, he added. Human rights must not be used as tool to target certain countries.

Israel’s representative, making a general statement, said the Council’s biased approach had reached new lows when it called for the boycott of Israel by creating a database of Israeli companies. Such a resolution is an attempt to expand the Council’s power where it has no authority. He urged delegates to vote against the resolution.

The representative of Belarus, in explanation of vote, said great hopes were placed on the Human Rights Council when it was created. While recognizing its important role, she said it has become a repressive body that conducts public political chastisement and adopts resolutions serving the narrow political interests of some countries.

The representative of Austria, speaking on behalf of the European Union, said the Committee should only consider the recommendations included in the reports. It is disappointing that the resolution disregards the common understanding that the Council’s overall performance should be discussed in the plenary, he added.

The Committee then approved the draft resolution by a recorded vote of 111 in favour to 3 (Belarus, Israel and Myanmar) against, with 65 abstentions.

By its terms, the Assembly would take note of the Human Rights Council report, including the addendum thereto, and its recommendations.

The representative of the United States, pointing out that a vote on this resolution was not necessary, said the Council’s disproportionate focus on Israel is concerning. The membership of some States with particularly poor human rights records undercuts the Council’s reputation.

The representative of Myanmar said the report references three resolutions about his country that are politically motivated. Emphasizing that the Council has been manipulated by some countries to achieve their political agendas, he categorically rejected those resolutions.


The representative of Costa Rica, expressing full support for the work of the Human Rights Council, said her country abstained because General Assembly resolutions clearly state that reports should be presented to the Assembly. Only recommendations should be considered by the Committee, she stressed.
コスタリカ代表は、人権理事会の活動への全面的支持を表明し、総会決議が報告を総会に提出すべきだと明確に言明しているため、彼女の国は棄権したと述べた。 勧告のみが委員会によって検討されるべきだ、と強調した。


Turning to the rights of children, the Committee took up the draft resolution titled “Protecting children from bullying” (document A/C.3/73/L.25/Rev1).


The Committee approved the draft resolution without a vote.

By its terms, the Assembly would recognize the importance of international, regional and bilateral multi-stakeholder partnerships and initiatives to promote the rights of the child. Recognizing that bullying, including cyberbullying, can take both direct and indirect forms, the Assembly would call upon Member States to continue to take all appropriate measures to protect children from such violence by promptly responding to such acts, and to provide support to children affected by and involved in bullying. The Committee then turned to a draft resolution titled, “Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination” (document A/C.3/73/L.37).

The representative of Cuba introduced the draft, urging the Committee to approve it without a vote. Mercenaries and mercenary-related activities pose a threat to peace, security and the rights of peoples to self-determination, as well as impede the enjoyment of all rights.

The representative of Equatorial Guinea said that on four occasions his country had suffered from mercenaries, which were thwarted thanks to the support of friendly countries. He stressed that mercenaries are used by some States to take advantage of other countries’ resources.

Cuba’s representative, in a general statement, asked which delegation had requested the vote.

The Chair replied that Austria’s delegate had requested the vote.

The representative of Austria, speaking on behalf of the European Union, said the bloc engaged constructively in consultations on the draft resolution and shares the concerns highlighted by the working group on the use of mercenaries. However, there is a lack of conceptual clarity in the draft and in the working group’s mandate. A change in its mandate to focus more on mercenaries would be better. The working group should be placed by a United Nations Independent Expert on the issue of regulation, monitoring and oversight of private military and security companies. Further, wording around operative paragraph 14 is controversial and has no relevance to the subject of the draft. He will vote against it.

The Committee then approved the draft by a recorded vote of 131 in favour to 52 against, with 7 (Colombia, Fiji, Liberia, Mexico, Palau, Switzerland, Tonga) abstentions.

By its terms, the Assembly would urge all States to exercise the utmost vigilance against the menace posed by mercenary activities and to take legislative measures to ensure that their territories are not used for — and that their nationals do not take part in — the recruitment, assembly, financing, training, protection or transit of mercenaries for the planning of activities designed to impede the right of peoples to self-determination. It would condemn recent mercenary activities in developing countries and the threat they pose to the exercise of the right of their peoples to self-determination. The Assembly would recommend that all Member States — as contracting States, States of operations, home States or States whose nationals are employed by a private military and security company — contribute to the work of the open-ended intergovernmental working group.


Turning to human rights, the Committee had before it the draft resolution titled “Human rights and unilateral coercive measures” (document A/C.3/73/L.32).

The representative of Cuba, speaking on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement, expressed his opposition to all unilateral measures as tools of pressure. Unilateral coercive measures run counter to humanitarian law and the Charter of the United Nations. Their extraterritorial effects create new obstacles to the enjoyment of human rights and he thus requested all delegations to vote in favour of the draft. He asked which country had requested a recorded vote.

The Chair replied that the representative of Austria, on behalf of the European Union, had requested the vote.

The representative of the United States said she will vote “no” on the draft as her delegation rejected its premise. The content of the draft has no basis in international law and does not advance human rights, she said, reiterating that States are responsible for protecting human rights.

The Committee then approved draft resolution “L.32” by a recorded vote of 133 in favour to 53 against, with 3 abstentions (Brazil, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Palau).

By its terms, the Assembly would strongly urge States to refrain from applying any unilateral economic, financial or trade measures that impede the full achievement of sustainable economic and social development, particularly in developing countries. It would condemn the inclusion of Member States in unilateral lists under false pretexts, which are contrary to international law, including false allegations of terrorism sponsorship, and strongly object to the extraterritorial nature of those measures which, in addition, threaten the sovereignty of States.

Next, the Committee took up the draft resolution titled “International Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights” (document A/C.3/73/L.33).

The representative of Cuba, speaking on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement said cooperation and genuine dialogue were needed to comply with human rights obligations to the benefit of all people. A constructive spirit of dialogue must be maintained and he requested that the draft by approved by consensus.

The Committee approved the draft resolution without a vote.


The Committee then took up a draft resolution titled, “Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order” (document A/C.3/73/L.34).

The representative of Cuba said the text affirms that all people have a right to international democratic and equitable order. He made oral revisions to operative paragraphs 12 and 22, asking delegations to support the draft by consensus.

The Chair, replying to Cuba’s delegate, said the representative of the United States had requested a recorded vote.

The representative of the United States, in explanation of vote, stressed the importance of democracy, human rights and the rule of law, expressing reservations about the draft resolution and urging delegates to vote against it.

The representative of Austria, speaking on behalf of the European Union, said the important issues outlined in the resolution require careful action. While having appreciated the open nature of negotiations, he said a significant number of issues do not fit into the Third Committee’s mandate, and thus he would vote against the draft.

The Committee then approved the draft resolution as orally revised by a recorded vote of 129 in favour to 53 against, with 8 (Armenia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Liberia, Mexico, Peru) abstentions.

By its terms, the Assembly would declare that democracy includes respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms and is a universal value based on the freely expressed will of people to determine their own political, economic, social and cultural systems and their full participation in all aspects of their lives. It would affirm that a democratic and equitable international order requires, among other things, realization of the right to self-determination, to permanent sovereignty over natural wealth and resources, and to development. By other terms, the Assembly would reaffirm the need for universal adherence to and implementation of the rule of law at both the national and international levels. It would urge States to enhance international cooperation towards the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order, and call upon the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to build upon the issue.
その条項により、総会は、民主主義にはすべての人権と基本的自由への尊重を含み、自身の政治的、経済的、社会的および文化的制度を決定するための人々の意思を自由に表明することに基づく普遍的価値であり、 彼らの生活のすべての局面における完全参加を宣言する。民主的かつ平等な国際秩序には、何よりも、自決権、天然の富と資源に対する永続的な主権、および開発の実現を要することを確認する。他の条項により、総会は、国内および国際レベル両方での法の支配の普遍的な遵守と実施の必要性を再確認する。民主的かつ公平な国際秩序の推進に向けた国際協力を強化するよう締約国に要請し、人権高等弁務官事務所に対しその問題を踏まえるよう要請する。

Moving on, the Committee took up the draft resolution titled, “Promotion of peace as a vital requirement for the full enjoyment of all human rights by all” (document A/C.3/73/L.35).

The representative of Cuba, introducing the draft, orally revised operative paragraph 1, noting that the right to peace invites non-governmental organizations and others to promote universal respect and understanding thereof. The text stated that peace is fundamental to human rights for all. However, this language was not contained in the resolution of the Assembly’s sixty-ninth session, which is deplorable. The approval of today’s draft by consensus would send a message.

The representative of Austria, in explanation of vote on behalf of the European Union, said the bloc is committed to the protection of human rights and the rule of law. The absence of peace cannot justify the failure to respect human rights. While today’s draft is similar to that approved four years ago, it only elaborates on relationships among States and fails to touch upon State responsibility to fully respect human rights. It also fails to consider the core mandate of the Third Committee and the Human Rights Council, he said, noting that no one declaration on the right to peace has been supported. Thus, the European Union will vote against the draft as it has in the past.

The Committee approved the draft resolution by a recorded vote of 134 in favour to 53 against, with 2 abstentions (Liberia, Tonga).

By its terms, the Assembly would welcome the adoption of the Declaration on the Right to Peace, reaffirming that “the peoples of our planet” have a sacred right to peace, the preservation of which constitutes a fundamental State obligation. The Assembly would emphasize that the preservation and promotion of peace demands that State policies be directed towards eliminating the threat of war, and invite States to pay attention to the importance of mutual cooperation, understanding and dialogue in ensuring the promotion and protection of all human rights.

The representative of Sweden, introducing the draft resolution titled, “Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees” (document A/C.3/73/L.59) said the omnibus text, traditionally facilitated by Nordic countries, is purely humanitarian and non-political in nature. The draft was negotiated in Geneva, the United Nations Headquarters for such issues, and is especially important as it dovetails with the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants. The global compact on refugees is a comprehensive plan to strengthen the international community as a whole. Today’s draft represents a compromise, and while no delegation is entirely pleased with it, the text is always adopted by consensus.


The Committee then approved the draft resolution by a recorded vote of 176 in favour to 1 against (United States), with 3 abstentions (Eritrea, Liberia, Libya).

The representative of the United States, speaking in explanation of vote, said her Government had called for a vote and voted against the draft, as its concerns remained unaddressed. Expressing support for many of its primary objectives, she said the United States is the largest humanitarian aid donor. She voiced regret that the draft contains elements that are inconsistent with United States immigration policy.


Next, the Committee took up the draft resolution titled, “Moratorium on the use of the death penalty” (document A/C.3/73/L.44).

The representative of Brazil, introducing the draft on behalf of several countries, said the proposed language was adjusted so that it further aligns with international human rights law and relevant trends. The language addresses a sensitive issue and respects States’ rights to take their own stance on the death penalty.

The representative of Singapore, on behalf of 34 countries, introduced an amendment (document A/C.3/73/L.57) to the draft containing a new operative paragraph before operative paragraph 1 that reaffirms the sovereign right of all countries to develop their own stances and legal systems in keeping with their international law obligations. The amendment is simple and neutral in its formulation; it does not take a position on the substance of the draft resolution, and neither questions nor makes judgments about countries’ policies. Rather, it reaffirms the principle that all States have the sovereign right to develop their own legal systems. It is compatible with the draft resolution. Singapore and others had no alternative but to table the amendment. Its language is not new; it was taken from the previous resolution on the death penalty moratorium. It does not defend the death penalty. It respects the diversity of views on this topic.

He said the moratorium resolution is deeply flawed and imbalanced, as it fails to acknowledge that international law allows for use of death penalty for the most serious crimes under due process. It fails to acknowledge that the death penalty is an issue of criminal justice, not human rights. He expressed disappointment that the draft resolution contains a “one-size-fits-all” approach to a delicate question, imposing a particular vision of the world onto others. The Committee must question why its proponents are so keen to shape the world in their image. Should it accept those attempts, “where will they stop?” he asked. The amendment is about demonstrating respect for the multilateral system. It reaffirms the fundamental principle of sovereign equality, that decisions to establish a moratorium are sovereign, and that mutual respect among nations is needed.

The representative of Brazil said language in the amendment is not acceptable, both for substantive and systemic reasons explained before, during and after the consultation process. Attempts to find compromise proposals could not bridge the gaps. He called for a recorded vote on “L.57”.

The representative of Egypt voiced support for the amendment and calls to retain operative paragraph 1 of last year’s resolution, calling sovereignty the bedrock of the United Nations.


The representative of Austria, on behalf of the European Union, said nothing in the draft resolution asserts that imposition of the death penalty contravenes international law. Its first paragraph states that the important topic is guided by the principles of the United Nations, which include sovereignty. The amendment is unnecessary. “No one is imposing anything,” he said. References to machineries imposed on small States are nothing but conspiracy theories. The amendment sets a dangerous precedent, singling out the draft resolution for particular treatment. “We listened to all arguments and adjusted our position accordingly, where we thought substantive arguments were well-founded,” he said. The amendment is an answer to a problem that does not exist and he urged all to vote against it.


The Committee then approved the amendment by a recorded vote of 96 in favour to 73 against, with 14 abstentions.

By its terms, the Assembly would reaffirm the sovereign right of all countries to develop their own legal systems, including determining appropriate legal penalties, in accordance with their international law obligations.


The representative of Singapore, in a general statement, said “deep in your heart you agree with the amendment” and that while he has the deepest respect for abolishing the death penalty, the amendment is a step forward for multilateralism. Operative paragraph 1 is not to be ignored. Recalling the struggle to reinstate language, he asked about the lack of empathy to hear Singapore’s views.

The representative of Canada, speaking also on behalf of Australia, Iceland and Norway, opposed use of the death penalty in all cases. Where it is used, they urged respect for due process and fair trial, stressing that while no justice system is infallible, the miscarriage of justice cannot be reversed. She expressed regret that the amendment has been approved.


The Committee then approved draft resolution “L.44” as amended by a recorded vote of 123 in favour to 36 against, with 30 abstentions.


By its terms, the Assembly would express deep concern over the continued use of the death penalty. It would call on all States to respect international standards on the rights of those facing the death penalty — in particular the minimum standards set out in the annex to Economic and Social Council resolution 1984/50 — and ensure that the death penalty is not applied on the basis of discriminatory laws or as a result of discriminatory or arbitrary application of the law.


The representative of Japan said she had abstained in the vote on the amendment and had voted against the resolution as a whole. Stressing the importance of careful consideration of various factors, such as public opinion, she said Japan does not apply the death penalty against criminals under age of 18 years. Its practice meets the Convention’s requirements.

The representative of Iran said his country proactively takes measures to minimize offences, citing a new narcotics law. Within the legal framework, countries have the sovereign right to develop their own legal systems. Any moratorium or abolition is viewed as a voluntary measure.


The representative of New Zealand, speaking also on behalf of Liechtenstein and Switzerland, expressed opposition to the death penalty in all circumstances. He welcomed the General Comment No. 36 on the right to life, stressing that the death penalty cannot be reconciled with that fundamental freedom. Noting that international obligations also stem from customary law, he said the death penalty is a form of torture.


The Committee next considered a draft resolution titled, “Countering the use of information and communications technologies for criminal purposes” (document A/C.3/73/L.9/Rev.1*).
委員会は次に、「犯罪目的のための情報通信技術使用対策」(文書A/C.3/73/ L.9/ Rev.1*)と題された決議草案を検討した。

The representative of the Russian Federation, introducing the draft, said it addresses a contemporary global threat. As no substantive discussions on cybercrime were under way, this initiative would create such an opportunity and he suggested that the Russian Federation could host the first discussion on preventing cybercrime during the Assembly’s seventy-fourth session. The draft resolution is concise and clear, and does not prejudge any subsequent actions, he said, calling on all to support the text.


A recorded vote was requested.


The representative of United States expressed profound disappointment that the Russian Federation is pressing forward with its initiative and paying lip service to building consensus. This draft resolution has a singular clear objective of politicizing the topic and undermining the ability of law enforcement. There is no consensus around a new cyber treaty. Drawing attention to a cyberattack by the Russian Federation, she wondered why delegates would “put the fox in charge of the henhouse” and said the United States would vote “no” on the draft resolution.

The representative of Austria, in explanation of vote, expressed regret that the draft resolution would lead to duplication of discussions and would not add value. Moreover, many delegations could not participate in the relevant discussions. While the draft resolution was presented as a simple technical initiative, the ultimate goal is a new convention and he will vote against it.

The representative of Japan said she would vote against the draft resolution as it would hamper the ongoing process in Vienna. Japan expects active discussions in Vienna.

The Committee then approved the draft resolution by a recorded vote of 88 in favour to 55 against, with 29 abstentions.


The Committee then turned to a draft resolution titled, “United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders” (document A/C.3/73/L.10) introduced by the representative of Uganda, on behalf of the African Group. He said the text contains specific ideas for crime prevention and justice in African countries, stressing that a strengthened Institute would help combat crime and foster development gains on the continent.

The Committee approved the draft resolution without a vote.












*10:本要約では未採録のようだが修正案採択後ブラジルは議事進行も発議した模様。UN Web TV の 47th meeting 参照。




  • 普遍的定期的審査(UPR)作業部会第31回セッションにおける中国の第三回審査(2018年11月6日)報告草案/先行未編集版(2018年11月9日)より抄訳。タイトルは「コメント」としてあるが、審査会でのコメントを採録する第 I 章が一向に「完成」しないので(「2018年11月23日までに完成する」とある)、いったんこの版で掲載する。揉めてる?(ただし遅れはともかく、この手順で報告が公開されるのは通常どおり)。下記のとおりウェブサイトへの NGO のレポートの掲載などにも混乱がある。

  • 日本以外の G8 各国や、チベットウイグルへの言及なども抽出した。

  • 中国は団長および香港、マカオの九名づつ含め総勢65名の大代表団 *1 。勧告は計346件。ちなみに日本の第三サイクルにおける勧告は217件(関連エントリ 2017-11-13、同 2017-09-21 なども参照)。当作業部会報告草案時点では中国政府は受諾等の態度を一件も明らかにしてない。当報告の人権理事会採択は三月の第四十回セッション。

  • 後述のとおり多くの西欧諸国がチベットウイグルについて勧告を行なったが日本は提起せず *2 。ただしコメントでは言及している( UN Web TV 参照。本報告草案掲載時追記する *3 )。日本の勧告は、市民的および政治的権利に関する国際規約(自由権規約)の批准(パラグラフ6.6 、以下「パラグラフ」略)および強制失踪からのすべての者の保護に関する国際条約の批准(6.7)の二件。前者は以下の14か国:コスタリカエルサルバドルアイスランドケニアリヒテンシュタイン、メキシコ、モンテネグロポーランドポルトガルウクライナおよびイギリス(6.5)、ハンガリールクセンブルグおよび韓国(6.6)、後者はフランスも勧告した(6.8)。

  • なお、掲載基準がよくわからないジュネーブ国際機関日本政府代表部ウェブサイトの「ステートメント」、第31回作業部会セッションで開催された審査の内、対サウジ、セネガル、ナイジェリアでの日本政府声明は掲載されているが対中国はアップされていない(その他でも発言していたかは未確認)。

  • 韓国は上記 6.6 および国家人権機関の設立(6.67)、農村と都市部の経済社会開発におけるギャップを埋める取り組み(6.96)、韓国へも影響が及んでいる大気汚染含む環境への悪影響の削減(6.132)の四件。北朝鮮:「請願に関する活動を強化、改善し、市民の正当な権利と利益を守ること」( 6.58 )、「人々の福祉を守るために、」(6.192)、おま言う。後者は「カルト組織に対する戦いを継続すること」と続く。加えて健康中国戦略 *4 の実施の継続(6.252)、少数民族地域におけるバイリンガル教育の発展を継続(6.268)の四件。 

  • 西欧諸国がウイグルチベット問題について勧告。南モンゴルは無し。




  • ロシアが「人権技術支援」の継続を勧告(6.46)。中国式の人権についての技術支援…。「関連する法律によって定められているとおり外国NGO活動の法的保護の確保を継続すること」とも勧告(6.210)。「保護」ねぇ *5

  • NGO は、A/HRC/WG.6/31/chn/3*「中国に関するステークホルダーの提出要約 国連人権高等弁務官事務所の報告」(2018年9月3日版)(下記掲載 UPR 情報ホームページリンク先参照、以下「要約」と記述)によれば 127 の報告を提出。なお上記ウェブページの「市民社会およびその他の提出(Civil society and other submissions)」には ISI(Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion:無国籍・インクルージョン研究所/オランダ *6 )の報告しか掲載されていない *7 。逆に国連人権高等弁務官事務所ホームページの「 UPR 中国ステークホルダーの情報」(数えたら計 125 である)や「要約」には ISI が掲載されておらず、また、後者のあいだでも共同提出のナンバリング( JS** )に異同がある。これらに気づき掲載ストップ?。「要約」の正誤表 A/HRC/WG.6/31/CHN/3/Corr.1( UPR 情報ホームページリンク先参照)にもこれらについての言及はない模様。なお「要約」には上記のとおり「127ステークホルダーの提出」とあるが(パラグラフ1)、同正誤表には「122ステークホルダーの提出は126ステークホルダーの提出と読まれよ」とある。

    [追記]その後審査結果採択を迎え(関連エントリ 2019-03-15 )、「市民社会およびその他の提出」ページに ISI 以外も追加されたのを確認したが、これが計 124 である(苦笑)*8

  • 「要約」で以下の日本の NGO の報告を確認した(報告書原文は下記掲載の「 UPR 中国ステークホルダーの情報」へのリンク先参照のこと)。単なる憶測だが各国が端から NGO のレポートを精読するともおもえず、提起内容がここに採録されるかはけっこう重要か?。

    • 不当な日本批判を正す学者の会

      人種差別撤廃委員会の対日本、対韓国審査同様 *9慰安婦の真実国民運動の共同報告と別に提出。英語版全5ページ、「全体主義と人権」「表現の不自由」「歴史的資源の政治的利用」「中国体制の流布」「表現不自由の輸出」「五か国の抑圧」「中国の拡張主義と人権」について提起。

      「要約」は、パラグラフ17から19で構成される、チベットウイグルおよび南モンゴルに加えてバロチスタンおよびジャンムー・カシミールの「五か国の抑圧」からパラグラフ17-18に言及。中国の「帝国主義膨張主義」について、「この土地や島は数千年間中国の領土内だった」という中国政府の主張に反駁し歴史的背景を説明したパラグラフ19は落とされている *10

    • 幸福実現研究所



    • 普遍的人権侵害監視委員会(The Committee to Monitor Violations of the Universal Human Rights、札幌市)


    • [追記]共同提出(二団体)

      国名の記載がないため見落としていたが宗教と人権を考える会(The Association on Study of Religion and Human Rights:TASRHR)と、コペンハーゲンNGO 、ソテリア・インターナショナル(Soteria international)の共同報告を見つけたので追記。「要約」抜粋および提出報告へのリンクにも追記したが、「要約」は報告のタイトルも NGO 名として掲載していた(JS8)。たしかに報告の表紙の記載は混乱しそうなかんじではあるのだが。

      TASRHR は文京区(東京)に本部があり、ウェブサイトのフッダー部には富士山の写真を掲載しているが、報告にあるとおり全能神教会系の団体か。報告書に略称 "TASRHR" のロゴマークもあるいっぽう、サイトの方の略称は "ASRHR" で、そのロゴマークもある。両者住所は一致。当報告提出についての言及は発見できなかった(日本語版)。

    • 共同提出(七団体)

      慰安婦の真実国民運動から、新しい歴史教科書をつくる会、史実を世界に発信する会など。「中国の人権問題について多分野にわたって徹底的に批判する内容」(下記【 2018年の主な国連活動実績 】)、英語版全3ページ、「要約」は「3-2. 経済成長と人権」から内陸部と沿岸部の経済格差についての指摘を採録

    以下「要約」A/HRC/WG.6/31/chn/3* より上掲報告への言及部分を抜粋。当該 NGO を示す注釈を、言及したパラグラフの下へ移動し、注釈の当該 NGO 略語を訳文側でゴシック表記した。

    I. Background
    I. 背景

    1. The present report was prepared pursuant to Human Rights Council resolutions 5/1 and 16/21, taking into consideration the periodicity of the universal periodic review. It is a summary of 127 stakeholders’ submissions 1 to the universal periodic review, presented in a summarized manner owing to word-limit constraints.
    1. 本報告書は、普遍的定期的審査の周期性を考慮して、人権理事会決議5/1および16/21に従って作成された。それは127件のステークホルダーによる普遍的定期的審査への提出 1 の要約であり、語数制限の制約のために要約された方法で提示される。

    1 The stakeholders listed below have contributed information for this summary; the full texts of all original submissions are available at:
    1 以下に掲載されたステークホルダーが、この要約のために情報を提供し、すべてのオリジナルの提出書全文はwww.ohchr.orgで入手できる。

    Civil society

    Individual submissions:

    AACGCJ Academic Alliance for Correcting Groundless Criticisms of Japan, Tokyo (Japan);
    AACGCJ 不当な日本批判を正す学者の会、東京(日本)、


    HRRI Happiness Realization Research Institute, Tokyo (Japan);
    HRRI 幸福実現研究所、東京(日本)、


    UHRMV The Committee to Monitor Violations of the Universal Human Rights, Sapporo City Hokkaido (Japan);
    UHRMV 普遍的人権侵害監視委員会、札幌市(日本)、


    Joint submissions:


    Joint submission 8 submitted by: Religious Freedom in China a cause of concern, Soteria International, Association
    on Study of Religion and Human Rights (TASRHR);
    JS8 共同提出JS8:中国における宗教的自由、懸念の原因、ソテリア・インターナショナル、宗教と人権を考える会、による提出、


    JS29 Joint submission 29 submitted by: Japan Society for History Textbook Reform, (Japan);Veteran's voices memorial project; Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact; Society of Volunteers to Correct the False Story about Comfort Women; Society to Pass-down the Real History to the Next Generation; Meeting in Hokkaido aiming at a solution of a forgery problem of the Japanese military "comfort women"; and Japan association for fostering the seeds of historical truth;
    JS29 共同提出29:新しい歴史教科書をつくる会、(日本)、生き証人プロジェクト、史実を世界に発信する会、捏造慰安婦問題を糺す日本有志の会、正しい歴史を伝える会、捏造 日本軍「慰安婦」問題の解決をめざす北海道の会、および「真実の種」を育てる会、による提出、


    II. Information provided by stakeholders
    II. ステークホルダーにより提供された情報


    C. Implementation of international human rights obligations, taking into account applicable international humanitarian law
    C. 該当する国際人道法を考慮した、国際人権義務の履行

    1. Cross-cutting issues
    1. 横断的問題

    Equality and non-discrimination 11
    平等と非差別 11


    10. JS29 noted the huge economic discrepancy between ethnic groups and also between the inland area and the coastal area.18 SURES Estudios y Defensa en Derechos Humanos also noted that there were still major inequalities between the urban and rural populations, where access to public services and the enjoyment of social rights mark the great differences that must be overcome.19
    10. JS29は、民族間の、また内陸部と沿岸部の間の巨大な経済格差を指摘した 18 。SURES:人権の研究と防衛はまた、都市部と農村部の住民のあいだに依然として大きな不平等があり、公共サービスへのアクセスおよび社会的権利の享受は克服しなければならない大きな違いを示していると指摘した 19

    18 JS29, para. 3.2.
    18 JS29、パラ3-2。


    2. Civil and political rights

    Right to life, liberty and security of person 29
    生存権、人の自由および安全 29


    24. JS22 noted that China’s legal framework contained numerous loopholes that allow unethical organ sourcing, which includes harvest from prisoners. Agencies providing regulatory oversight for the donation system remain empty shells.39
    24. JS22は、中国の法的枠組みには、囚人からの摘出を含む非倫理的な臓器提供を可能にする多くの抜け穴が含まれていることを指摘した。寄付システムのための規制監督を提供する機関は空の殻のままである 39 

    39 JS 22, p. 4. See also UHRMV, pp. 1-2.
    39 JS22、p. 4。UHRMV、pp. 1-2 も参照。


    33. According to JS33, during 2014-2018, the Chinese Communist Party’s monitoring, arrest, and persecution had caused at least 500,000 Church of Almighty God (CAG) Christians to flee their home, and several hundred thousand families had been torn apart.57
    33. JS33によると、2014年 - 2018年中、中国共産党の監視、逮捕、および迫害が、少なくとも50万人の全能神教会(CAG)クリスチャンが自宅から避難させ、数十万の家族が引き裂かれていた 57

    57 JS33, para. 10.1. See also CHNK. part. 2, HRWF. pp 1- 2 and 23-24; JS8, para. 1.4; JS18, para. 11.2.
    57 JS33、パラ10.1。CHNK、第2部、HRWF、pp 1 - 2および23 - 24、JS8、パラ1.4、JS18、パラ11.2も参照。


    37. Front Line Defenders (FLD) stated that the freedom of expression of human rights defenders was further restricted by both censoring of the Internet and targeted censorship of their electronic communications. The authorities had blocked access the websites of domestic human rights organizations, and continued to strengthen and expand the comprehensiveness of the “Great Firewall” censorship system, preventing any human rights defenders from conducting advocacy efforts with networks outside of China.62 Happiness Realization Research Institute and Reporters Without Borders expressed similar concerns.63
    37. フロントライン・ディフェンダーズ(FLD)は、人権擁護者の表現の自由は、インターネットの検閲と電子通信の検閲の両方によってさらに制限されていると表明した。当局は国内の人権団体のウェブサイトへのアクセスを遮断し、あらゆる人権擁護者が中国の外側のネットワークで擁護活動を行うことを防止する、「グレートファイアウォール」検閲システムの包括性を強化し拡大し続けた 62 。幸福実現研究所と国境なき記者団も同様の懸念を表明した 63

    63 HRRI, p. 2. RWB, p. 2.
    63 HRRI、p. 2。RWB、p. 2。


    4. Rights of specific persons or groups
    4. 特定の人または団体の権利


    Minorities and indigenous peoples110
    少数民族および先住民 110


    67. HRW highlighted that in some minority areas, the situation of minorities had worsened. Since around April 2016, tens of thousands of Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities had been sent to extralegal “political education centers” where they are held incommunicado indefinitely without charge or trial.116 Uyghur Human Rights Project noted that the arbitrary detentions and the extensive use of surveillance technologies on Uyghurs violated their basic rights.117 CS also highlighted that ethnic minority human rights defenders were arrested, prosecuted and charged. CS further expressed concern about restrictions on movement, which specifically target Tibetans who were prevented from international travel.118
    67. HRWは、一部少数民族地域では、少数民族の状況が悪化していたと強調した。2016年4月ごろから、何万ものウイグル人やその他の少数民族が超法的な「政治教育センター」に送られ、そこで彼らは起訴も裁判もなしに無期限に拘留されていた 116ウイグル人人権プロジェクトは、ウイグル人に対する恣意的拘留と監視技術の広範な使用が彼らの基本的権利を侵害していると指摘した 117 。CSはまた、少数民族の人権擁護者が逮捕、告発、起訴されたことを強調した。CSはさらに、とくに海外旅行を阻止されたチベット人を対象とする、移動に対する制限について懸念を表明した 118

    116 HRW, page 1. See also AACGCJ, paras. 17-18.
    116 HRW、1ページ。AACGCJ、パラ17-18も参照。



  • ( UPR 情報ホームページ(英語版))

    「 UPR 中国 - セッション31 / 2018年11月 - 作業部会における審査 - 英語 | UPR 情報」

    • 作業部会における審査:作業部会の報告(草案)A/HRC/WG.6/31/CHN/1(先行未編集版)(英語(PDF))- 当文書
    • 作業部会における審査:事前の文書質問 -「中国への事前質問 一組目」(英語(PDF))/事前の文書質問追加1 -「中国への事前質問 二組目」(英語(PDF))/事前の文書質問追加2_改訂版 -「中国への事前質問 三組目」(英語(PDF))/事前の文書質問追加3 -「中国への事前質問 四組目」(英語(PDF))/事前の文書質問追加4 -「中国への事前質問 五組目」(英語(PDF))
    • 市民社会およびその他の提出:NGOの提出 - ISI - 無国籍・インクルージョン研究所(英語(PDF))- 前述のとおり ISI 分しか掲載していない 。
    • その他のステークホルダーの情報の要約:A/HRC/WG.6/31/chn/3*(2018年9月3日)-「中国に関するステークホルダーの提出要約 国連人権高等弁務官事務所の報告」(英語(PDF))/正誤表 A/HRC/WG.6/31/CHN/3/Corr.1(2018年9月3日)-「中国に関するステークホルダーの提出要約 国連人権高等弁務官事務所の報告 正誤表」(英語(PDF))
    • 国連情報の編纂:A/HRC/WG.6/31/chn/2(2018年8月27日)-「中国に関する編纂 国連人権高等弁務官事務所の報告」(英語(PDF))/別添 -「中国に関する国連編纂の表」(英語(PDF))
    • 国別報告書:A/HRC/WG.6/31/CHN/1(2018年8月20日)-「人権理事会決議16/21への附属書パラグラフ5に従い提出された国別報告書 中国(英語(PDF))/別添1 -「付録一 国家人権報告書の作成に関与する部署」(中国語(PDF))/別添2 -「付録二 国家人権報告に関与する非政府組織および学術機関」(中国語(PDF))/別添3 -「付録三 中国が参加した26の国際人権条約」(中国語(PDF))
    • 各種文書:NGO提出マトリクス 中国 -「勧告のテーマ別リスト」(英語(Word))

    「中国が受けた UPR 勧告に関する UPR 情報のデータベース」

    「中国が行なった UPR 勧告に関する UPR 情報のデータベース」

    「普遍的定期的審査勧告および自主的な約束に関するグローバル統計 | UPR 情報」

  • 国連人権高等弁務官事務所ホームページ(英語))

    「 OHCHR | UPR - 中国」(英語

    「 OHCHR | UPR 第3サイクル - UPR 中国ステークホルダーの情報」(英語*11 - 下記日本からの NGO や、アムネスティ・インターナショナルPDF)、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチPDF)など含む 125 の報告を掲載。

    • AACGCJ - 不当な日本批判を正す学者の会 (表紙(PDF)/本文(PDF))-「 AACGCJ の中華人民共和国のための UPR への寄与」(2018年3月29日)
    • HRRI - 幸福実現研究所(表紙(PDF)/本文(PDF))-「中国 幸福実現研究所(HRRI) 2018年、普遍的定期的審査31回セッション」
    • UHRMV - 普遍的人権侵害監視委員会(PDF)-「国家公認大量殺人の犠牲者からの臓器摘出を早急に終結させるよう中華人民共和国に求める」
    • JS7 - 共同提出7(PDF)-「中国における宗教的自由、懸念の原因」、ソテリア・インターナショナル、宗教と人権を考える会による提出。下記同様「要約」の共同提出番号(JS8)とずれている。
    • JS28 - 共同提出28(PDF)-「返信:一般 - 人権のための中国の抜本的改革 その他のステークホルダーの31回セッション中国(2018年11月)への提出」(2018年3月29日)、慰安婦の真実国民運動から七団体の提出。前述のとおり「要約」A/HRC/WG.6/31/chn/3* の共同提出番号(JS29)とずれている。

    「 OHCHR | UPR 第3サイクル - UPR - 中国 UN の貢献」

  • (メディア報道より)

    • Switch news(2018年11月9日)

    • ロイター(2018年11月6日)

      「西側、ウイグル拘留キャンプを閉鎖するよう中国に求める | ロイター」

    • ガーディアン(2018年11月6日)

      ※ 日本によるウイグルへの懸念に言及。


    • ディプロマット(2018年11月8日)


    • 中国国際放送局(2018年11月8日)


  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

    チャプター001:中国/楽玉成(ラー・ユーチョン/Le Yucheng)外交部副部長
    チャプター042:北朝鮮/ハン・テソン(Han Tae Song)在ジュネーブ政府代表部特命全権大使
    チャプター114:韓国/白芝娥(ペク・チア/Ji-Ah Paik)在ジュネーブ政府代表部特命全権大使 ※ パク・チア氏(Ms. Park Jiah)とあるがペク氏だろう。

  • (外務省ホームページ)

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations


General Assembly

Distr.: Limited
89 November 2018

Original: English

Human Rights Council
Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review
Thirty-first session

Geneva, 5–16 November 2018

Draft report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic








2018年11月5日 - 16日、ジュネーブ




  * The annex is being circulated without formal editing, in English
  * 別添は英語において、正式な編集なしで配布されている。


I. Introduction
I. 前書き

1. The Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review, established in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 5/1, held its thirty-first session from 5 to 16 November 2018. The review of China was held at the 3rd meeting, on 06 November 2018. The delegation of China was headed by Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Mr Le Yucheng. At its 10th meeting, held on 09 November 2018, the Working Group adopted the report on China.

2. On 10 January 2018, the Human Rights Council selected the following group of rapporteurs (troika) to facilitate the review of China: Hungary, Kenya and Saudi Arabia.
2. 2018年1月10日、人権理事会は、中国の審査を促進するため、以下の報告者グループ(トロイカ)を選出した:ハンガリーケニアおよびサウジアラビア

3. In accordance with paragraph 15 of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 5/1 and paragraph 5 of the annex to Council resolution 16/21, the following documents were issued for the review of China:
(a) A national report submitted/written presentation made in accordance with paragraph 15 (a) (A/HRC/WG.6/31/CHN/1);
(b) A compilation prepared by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in accordance with paragraph 15 (b) (A/HRC/WG.6/31CHN/2);
(c) A summary prepared by OHCHR in accordance with paragraph 15 (c) (A/HRC/WG.6/31/CHN/3) and its corrigendum (A/HRC/WG.6/31/CHN/3/Corr.1).
3. 人権理事会決議5/1への附属書パラグラフ15および理事会決議16/21への附属書パラグラフ5に基づき、以下の文書が中国審査のために発行された。

4. A list of questions prepared in advance by Algeria, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Cuba, Egypt, Estonia, Germany, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Nepal, the Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, the Philippines, Portugal, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Uruguay, the United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and Viet Nam was transmitted to China through the troika. These questions are available on the website of the universal periodic review.
4. アルゼンチン、オーストラリア、オーストリアベラルーシ、ベルギー、ボリビア(多国籍国)、ブラジル、カンボジア、カナダ、キューバ、エジプト、エストニア、ドイツ、ラオス人民民主共和国ミャンマー、ネパール、オランダ、ノルウェーパキスタン、フィリピン、ポルトガルロシア連邦サウジアラビアスロベニア南アフリカ、スペイン、スウェーデン、スイス、アラブ首長国連邦、英国、北アイルランドウルグアイ、米国、ベネズエラにより事前に作成された質問票が、トロイカを通じて中国に伝達された。これらの質問はUPRのウェブサイトで利用可能である。

I. Summary of the proceedings of the review process
I. 審査手続の議事録概要

[To be completed by 23 November 2018]

A. Presentation by the State under review
A. 被審査国によるプレゼンテーション

B. Interactive dialogue and responses by the State under review

5. During the interactive dialogue, 150 delegations made statements. Recommendations made during the dialogue are to be found in section II of the present report.
5. 双方向対話中に、150の代表団が発言を行なった。対話中なされた勧告は、本報告の第II部に記載されている。

II. Conclusions and/or recommendations
II. 結論および/または勧告

6. The following recommendations will be examined by China, which will provide
responses in due time, but no later than the fortieth session of the Human Rights
6. 双方向対話の中で策定された下記に記載された勧告は、中国により検討され、人権理事会第四十回セッションより遅れることなく納期までに回答が提出される。


6.5. Ratify the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Costa Rica; El Salvador; Iceland; Kenya; Liechtenstein; Mexico; Montenegro; Poland; Portugal; Ukraine; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland);
6.5. 市民権および政治的権利に関する国際規約を批准する(コスタリカエルサルバドルアイスランドケニアリヒテンシュタイン、メキシコ、モンテネグロポーランドポルトガルウクライナ、英国)。

6.6. Ratify the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and implement these obligations across China (Canada); Ratify and implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and ensure that its protections are extended to all minorities (Hungary); Ratify and implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Luxembourg); Continue its efforts to improve human rights institution, in particular, to ratify the ICCPR (Republic of Korea); Ratify early the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Japan);
6.6. 市民的および政治的権利に関する国際規約を批准し、これらの義務を中国全域で履行すること(カナダ)。市民的および政治的権利に関する国際規約を批准、実施し、その保護がすべてのマイノリティに及ぶようにすること(ハンガリー)。市民権および政治的権利に関する国際規約を批准、履行すること(ルクセンブルグ)。人権機関の改善の取り組みの継続、とくにICCPRを批准すること(韓国)。市民的および政治的権利に関する国際規約を早期に批准すること(日本)。

6.7. Ratify the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons
from Enforced Disappearance (Ukraine); / Ratify early the International
Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance
6.7. 強制失踪からのすべての者の保護に関する国際条約を批准すること(ウクライナ)。/強制失踪からのすべての者の保護に関する国際条約を早期に批准すること(日本)。

6.8. Sign the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (France);
6.8. 強制失踪からのすべての者の保護に関する国際条約に署名すること(フランス)。


6.19. Ratify the ILO's Forced Labour Convention and its 20l4 Protocol
(United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland);
6.19. ILOの強制労働条約とその2014年の議定書を批准すること(英国)。


6.22. Implement Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination recommendations on Xinjiang and allow the UN unrestricted access to monitor the implementation; (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland);
6.22. 新疆に関する人種差別撤廃委員会勧告を履行し、履行状況を監視するための国連の無制限なアクセスを可能にすること。 (英国)。

6.23. Implement all of the recommendations of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination of August 2018, regarding Xinjiang, particularly putting an end to mass internments in camps and invite the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and special procedure experts (France);
6.23. 新疆に関する2018年八月の人種差別撤廃委員会の勧告をすべて履行し、とくにキャンプでの大量収容を終わらせ、人権高等弁務官事務所と特別手続専門家を招待すること(フランス)。 


6.27. Facilitate full access to Xinjiang and Tibet for all relevant UN Special Procedures (Denmark);
6.27. 関連するすべての国連特別手続について、新疆とチベットへの完全なアクセスを促進すること(デンマーク)。

6.28. Allow independent observers – including Special Procedures, – unhindered access to all regions (Germany); Allow independent observers unfettered access to all parts of China’s territory (Hungary);
6.28. 独立したオブザーバー——特別手続きを含む——に、すべての地域への妨げのないアクセスを可能にすること(ドイツ)。独立したオブザーバーが中国の領土の全地域に自由にアクセスすることを可能にすること (ハンガリー)。


6.32. Ensure full transparency on the situation for religious minorities in Xinjiang, including by allowing UN-mandated observers unrestricted access to places of internment in the region (Norway);
6.32. 国連マンデートのオブザーバーがこの地域における抑留所に無制限にアクセスできるようにするこいを含む、新疆における宗教的マイノリティの状況に関する完全な透明性を確保すること(ノルウェー)。


6.35. Close all "re-education centres" in Uygur areas and facilitate the visits by the High Commissioner and special procedures in Xinjiang (Switzerland);
6.35 ウイグル地域におけるすべての「再教育センター」を閉鎖し、高等弁務官による訪問および新疆における特別手続を容易にすること(スイス)。


6.40. Grant access to the OHCHR to all regions of the country including the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (Ireland);
6.40. 新疆ウイグル自治区を含む同国のすべての地域対するOHCHRへのアクセスを許可すること(アイルランド)。


6.42. Cooperate with and provide access to relevant UN bodies to help ensure that its policies in Xinjiang, particularly regarding the so-called “vocational education and training centres”, are in line with international human rights standards (Netherlands);
6.42. とくにいわゆる「職業教育訓練センター」に関する、新疆における政策が国際人権基準に沿うことを確保する支援のために関連する国連機関と協力し、アクセスを提供すること(オランダ)。


6.46. Continue its efforts in providing technical assistance in the field of
human rights to interested States (Russian Federation);
6.46. 関心ある締約国への人権分野における技術支援を提供する取り組みを継続する(ロシア連邦)。


6.58. Continue to strengthen and improve the work on petition, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of citizens (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea);
6.58. 請願に関する活動を強化、改善し、市民の正当な権利と利益を守ること(北朝鮮)。


6.63. Intensify efforts to promote and fully ensure the rights of women, children and persons with disabilities (Italy);
6.63. 女性、児童および障害者の権利を促進し、十分に保証するための取り組みを強化すること(イタリア)。


6.65. Continue the improvement of the system of legislative protection of human rights in accordance with Beijing’s international obligations (Russian Federation);
6.65. 北京の国際義務に従い、人権の立法保護制度の改善を継続する(ロシア連邦)。


6.67. Continue its efforts to improve human rights institution, to establish an independent national human rights institution (Republic of Korea);
6.67. 独立国家人権機関を設立するため、人権機関の改善の取り組みを継続すること(韓国)。


6.88. Prohibit all forms of discrimination and violence against LGBTI persons (France);
6.88. LGBTIの人に対するあらゆる形態の差別や暴力を禁止する(フランス)。


6.96. Redouble efforts to bridge the gap in economic and social development between rural and urban areas (Republic of Korea);
6.96. 農村と都市部のあいだの経済社会開発におけるギャップを埋める取り組みを倍加すること(韓国)。


6.132. Strengthen efforts, in accordance with the ICESCR and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, in reducing the adverse environmental effects of industrialization including air pollution (Republic of Korea);
6.132. 大気汚染を含む工業化の環境への悪影響を削減するために、ICESCRおよびビジネスと人権に関する指導原則に従い、取り組みを強化すること(韓国)。


6.150. Amend the definition of subversion to remove all exercise of an
individual's human rights and fundamental freedoms from its scope (United
States of America);
6.150. 個人の人権と基本的自由のすべての行使をその範囲から取り除くために転覆の定義を修正すること(米国)。


6.159. Reduce the offences punishable by death penalty and provide official figures regarding death sentences and executions, considering to introduce a moratorium on death penalty (Italy); / Consider further limitations on the use of the death penalty with a view to imposing a de facto moratorium on its use, aiming at its total abolishment (Rwanda); / Further reduce the number of capital crimes (Cyprus);
6.159. 死刑によって処罰される犯罪を削減し、死刑に対するモラトリアム導入を検討し、死刑判決と処刑に関する公式数字を提供すること(イタリア)。/全面的廃止を目的とした、使用に対する事実上のモラトリアムを課すことを視野に、死刑の使用に関するさらなる制限を検討すること(ルワンダ)。/極刑の数をさらに減らすこと(キプロス)。


6.166. Abolish the death penalty and as soon as possible publish statistics
concerning the numbers of executions and guarantee the rights to a defence
6.166. 死刑を廃止し、可能な限り速やかに処刑件数についての統計を公表し、弁護に対する権利を保証すること(フランス)。 


6.175. Cease the arbitrary detention of Uighurs and other Muslim groups in Xinjiang (Australia);
6.175. 新疆におけるウイグル人と他のムスリムのグループの恣意的拘留を停止すること(オーストラリア)。


6.179. Release Uighurs and other Muslims who have been detained arbitrarily and without due process for their ethnicity or religion (Canada);
6.179. 民族性や宗教のために恣意的に拘束され適正手続きのないウイグル人およびその他のムスリムを解放すること(カナダ)。


6.177. Abolish all forms of arbitrary detention, including internment camps in Xinjiang, and immediately release the hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of individuals detained in these camps. (United States of America);
6.177. 新疆における抑留キャンプを含む任意の拘留形態をすべて廃止し、これらのキャンプにおいて収容されている数十万、何百万の可能性がある個人を直ちに解放すること。(米国)。


6.180. End all unlawful detention, including unconstitutional mass detention of Uyghurs and other Muslims in Xinjiang, and residential surveillance at a designated location (Germany);
6.180. 新疆におけるウイグル人とその他のムスリム憲法に違反する大量拘留を含む、すべての違法勾留、および指定された場所での居住監視を終わらせること(ドイツ)。


6.189. Cease interference in the selection and education of religious leaders, such as Tibetan Buddhist lamas (United States of America);
6.189. チベット仏教ラマ僧のような宗教指導者の選定と教育における干渉を停止すること(米国)。

6.190. End prosecution and persecution on the basis of religion or belief, including for Muslims, Christians, Tibetan Buddhists and Falun Gong (Canada);
6.190. イスラム教徒、キリスト教徒、チベット仏教徒および法輪功についてを含む、宗教や信念に基づく訴追と迫害を終わらせること(カナダ)。

6.191. Ensure freedom of religion or belief, and end detention, harassment and so-called “re-education” of ethnic minorities, including in Xinjiang (Czechia);
6.191 宗教や信仰の自由を確保し、新疆を含む、少数民族の拘留、嫌がらせ、いわゆる「再教育」を終わらせること(チェコ)。

6.192. Continue to fight against cult organizations to safeguard the people’s welfare (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea);
6.192. 人々の福祉を守るために、カルト組織に対する戦いを継続すること(北朝鮮


6.194. Guarantee freedom of religion and belief, including in Tibet and in Xinjiang (France);
6.194. チベットや新疆においてを含む宗教と信念の自由を保証すること(フランス)。

6.195. Respect the rights to freedom of religion and belief, opinion and expression, peaceful assembly and culture – also for Tibetans, Uyghurs and other minorities (Germany);
6.195. 宗教と信念の自由、意見と表現、平和的集会と文化に対する権利を——チベット人ウイグル人およびその他のマイノリティに対しても尊重すること(ドイツ)。


6.205. Guarantee freedom of expression, assembly and association including in Hong Kong, and to remove obstacles to freedom of information on the internet, in particular for human rights defenders (France);
6.205. 香港においてを含む表現、集会および結社の自由を保証し、とりわけ人権擁護者のための、インターネット上の情報の自由への障害を取り除くこと(フランス)。 


6.207. Guarantee freedom of opinion and expression, enhancing efforts to create an environment in which journalists, human rights defenders and NGOs can freely operate according with international standards (Italy);
6.207. ジャーナリスト、人権擁護者およびNGOが国際基準に従って自由に活動できる環境をつくり出す取り組みを強化する、意見と表現の自由を保証すること(イタリア)。 


6.210. Continue ensuring legal protection of foreign NGOs activity as provided by the relevant law (Russian Federation);
6.210. 関連する法律によって定められているとおり外国NGO活動の法的保護の確保を継続すること(ロシア連邦)。


6.218. Guarantee fair trials: allow all defendants unhindered access to chosen lawyers, prompt notification of families and transparent legal procedures (Germany);
6.218. 公正な裁判を保証する:すべての被告が選択された弁護士への妨げのないアクセス、迅速な家族通知および透明な法的手続きを可能にすること(ドイツ)。


6.252. Continue to implement the Health China Strategy (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea);
6.252. 健康中国戦略の実施を継続すること(北朝鮮


6.268. Continue to develop bilingual education in ethnic minority areas (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea);
6.268. 少数民族地域におけるバイリンガル教育の発展を継続すること(北朝鮮)。


6.272. Continue to implement the free education policy in the Tibet Autonomous Region (Nepal);
6.272. チベット自治区における無料教育政策の実施を継続すること(ネパール)。


6.317. Cease restrictions on Uighurs' and Tibetans' freedom of movement and allow media, UN and foreign officials access to Xinjiang and Tibet (Australia);
6.317. ウイグル人チベット人の移動の自由に対する制限を停止し、メディア、国連および外国の当局者に新疆とチベットへのアクセスを許可すること(オーストラリア)。

6.318. Resume the two-way dialogue on Tibet (New Zealand);
6.318. チベットでの双方向対話を再開すること(ニュージーランド)。

6.319. Take urgent steps to respect the rights of persons belonging to ethnic minorities including the right to peaceful assembly, to manifest religion and culture, in particular in Xinjiang and Tibet (Sweden);
6.319. とくに新疆とチベットにおける、平和的集会、宗教と文化を表明する権利を含む、少数民族に属する人々の権利を尊重するための緊急措置を取ること(スウェーデン)。

6.320. Respect all the human rights of the Tibetan people and other minorities, including the importance of an environment that is safe, clean, healthy and sustainable, essential for the enjoyment of many of these rights. (Switzerland);
6.320. 安全、清潔、健康的および持続可能で、これらの権利の多くを享受するために不可欠な環境の重要性を含め、チベットの人々やその他マイノリティの人権をすべて尊重すること(スイス)。

6.321. Adhere to the supply-side reform and promote the sustainable and sound economic and social development in Xinjiang Autonomous Region (Tajikistan);
6.321. 新疆自治区における供給側改革を守り、持続可能で健全な経済社会開発を推進すること(タジキスタン)。


6.325. Protect and promote all human rights, especially rights of ethnic and religious minorities, including Xinjiang Uighurs. Discontinue all the government’s policies and activities, such as ethnic profiling, not in compliance with China’s international human rights obligations, and allow the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief to visit the Xinjiang Autonomous Region (Finland);
6.325 すべての人権、とくに新疆ウイグル人を含む民族的地域的マイノリティの権利を保護、促進すること。民族のプロファイリングなど、中国の国際人権義務を遵守していないすべての政府の政策および活動を中止し、信教や信条の自由に関する国連特別報告者に新疆自治区を訪問することを許可すること(フィンランド)。


6.327. Prevent and combat all forms of discrimination and violence, especially against ethnic and religious minorities (Italy);
6.327. とくに民族や宗教マイノリティに対する、すべての形態の差別や暴力を防止し戦うこと(イタリア)。


6.336. Cease harassment and extraterritorial abduction of' human rights defenders and their family members, cease house arrest and travel restrictions for people based on their rights-defence work, and release those imprisoned for such work, including Tashi Wangchuk, Ilham Tohti, Huang Qi, and Wang Quanzhang (United States of America);
6.336. 人権擁護者とその家族の嫌がらせと治外法権による拉致を停止し、彼らの権利防衛活動に基づいた人々への自宅軟禁と旅行制限を停止し、タシ・ワンチュク、イリハム・トフティ、黄琦( ホアン・チィ)、王全璋(ワン・チュエンジャン)を含む、そうした活動のために投獄された人を解放すること(米国)。


6.345. Ensure the right of Hong Kong people to take part in government, without distinction of any kind (Canada);
6.345. いかなる種類の区別なく、政府に参加するための香港の人々の権利を確保すること(カナダ)。


7. All conclusions and/or recommendations contained in the present report reflect the position of the submitting State(s) and/or the State under review. They should not be construed as endorsed by the Working Group as a whole.
7. 本報告に含まれるすべての結論および/または勧告は、提出国および/または被審査国の立場を反映している。作業部会全体によって承認されていると解釈されてはならない。


[English Only]

Composition of the delegation

The delegation of China was headed by Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, His
Excellency, Mr. Le Yucheng and composed of the following members:



Delegates from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region:



Delegates from the Macau Special Administrative Region:






*3:[追記]けっきょくコメントは採録されずに終わった。関連エントリ 2019-03-15 参照。

*4:日本企業も色めき立った(?)これか(NNA ASIA/2016年10月27日)。




*8:JS8 が落ちているのは確認。その上 JS** の連番一桁代の十の位にゼロを加えていないので並び順がおかしくなるというありがちなミスも。人権高等弁務官事務所ホームページの掲載や「要約」および正誤表は方はそのままのようである。おかげで「要約」に JS8 で採録されている宗教と人権を考える会が東京の NGO なのを発見したので、後ろに追記した。



*11:ただでさえ階層が深いのだが、上掲「 OHCHR | UPR - 中国」の “Annex 1: Summary of stakeholders' information(附属書1:ステークホルダーの情報の要約)” への注釈からリンクされており見つけづらい。