- アイテム29:女性の地位向上
- アイテム70(a):児童の権利の促進および保護
- アイテム73:人民の自決権
中国、韓国が、コンセンサスで採択された下記決議の共同スポンサーとなっている(草案ドキュメントによる。ドキュメントのリンク先は L.11/Rev.1 を除き下記掲載の国連総会ホームページ「73回セッション - アジェンダ項目ごとの草案提案」。以下同様)。セネガル(アフリカ・グループ代表)提出の L.20/Rev.1 産科瘻孔 *1 およびパキスタン提出の L.54 人民の自決権 *2 で中国、フィンランド提出の L.39/Rev.1 恣意的処刑で韓国 *3 。
コンセンサスで採択されたメキシコ提出の薬物問題 L.11/Rev.1 *4 *5 で中国が本文パラグラフ104への留保について発言。
アメリカは L.20/Rev.1 産科瘻孔(前出)における「性と生殖に関する健康」の家族計画としての中絶の含意を懸念し本文パラグラフ3および14(m)のコンセンサスから離脱したが、同じくコンセンサスで採択されたオランダ提出の L.21/Rev.1 女性暴力:セクシュアルハラスメント *6 では、同様の内容を含む口頭修正案二本を提出、どちらも否決された:中国支持、北朝鮮記録なし、日本、韓国反対。アメリカはパラグラフ8(d)、本文パラグラフ11および2のコンセンサスより離脱、15日の L.22/Rev.1 子ども、早期、強制婚でも同様の修正案を提出していた(関連エントリ 2018-11-15 参照)。
ボリビア提出の L.30 小農や農村地域において働く人々 *7 は中国、北朝鮮支持、日本、韓国棄権で採択。
L.39/Rev.1 恣意的処刑(前出)で、前日に続き(関連エントリ 2018-11-16 参照)スーダンが単独で国際刑事裁判所への言及削除を求めて L.62 、L.63 、エジプト(イスラム協力機構代表)が性的マイノリティ等含む「脆弱なグループ」を列挙したパラグラフ削除を求めて L.65 *8 を提出したが、いずれも否決された:中国、北朝鮮支持、日本、韓国反対。L.39/Rev.1 の採択は翌日に持ち越し。
L.54 人民の自決権(前出)でスペインとイギリスがジブラルタルの帰属を巡って議論となった。
( UN Web TV の映像より)
United Nations
19 NOVEMBER 2018
Approving 9 Drafts, Third Committee Intensifies Fight against Fistula, Genital Mutilation, Sexual Harassment amid Debate over Peasants’ Rights
The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) approved nine draft resolutions today, including three related to the advancement of women.
The Committee will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, 20 November, to conclude its work.
委員会は、 11月20日火曜日の午前10時に再招集し、その作業を終結する。
Turning first to the topic of international drug control, the Committee took up a draft resolution titled “International cooperation to address and counter the world drug problem” (document A/C.3/73/L.11/Rev.1).
The representative of Mexico, introducing the draft, said it would strengthen Member States’ commitment to address the world drug problem in a comprehensive manner that is consistent with the agreements of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Drugs. He invited Member States to share their recent experiences implementing policies to address this issue.
The representative of China said he will join consensus on the draft but expressed reservations regarding the content of operative paragraph 104, as it cites Human Rights Council resolution 37/22, which China opposed. Underscoring that the use of cannabis for non-medical purposes poses a threat to people’s well‑being, he urged the international community to implement integrated and balanced drug-control programmes.
The Committee approved the draft resolution as orally revised without a vote.
Turning to the advancement of women, the Committee took up a draft resolution titled “Intensification of efforts to end obstetric fistula” (document A/C.3/73/L.20/Rev1).
The draft resolution contains no programme budget implications.
The representative of Senegal introducing the draft on behalf of the African Group, said that more than 2 million women in Africa, Asia and the Middle East suffer from obstetric fistula. The quality of life of women suffering from obstetric fistula is so catastrophic that they are described as “dead women walking”. More than half a million women are dying while giving birth, especially in developing countries. Victims are poor, illiterate, live in remote areas and often face stigma and discrimination, even in their own families. There are few or no opportunities for these women to earn a living, a sign that health systems are failing to meet their needs. Every two years the draft is approved by consensus and he expressed hope for the same this year.
The representative of the United States, in a general statement, disassociated from operative paragraphs 3 and 14(m) over concerns that references to “sexual and reproductive health” and such services have connotations that support abortion or the right to abortion. Women should have equal access to sexual and reproductive health care. The United States does not recognize abortion as a family planning method, she said, noting that the country was the largest donor of family planning assistance. Recalling the draft’s reference to the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which the United States was not party, she said references to State obligations apply only to the extent that States have assumed such obligations. Countries have a range of policies and actions to promote economic, social and cultural rights and the resolution should not try to define the context of those rights. There is no right to education of good quality. In the United States, decisions on curricula are made as appropriate with respect to federal, state and local authorities. Improving maternal health is critical, she said, noting however, there is no international obligation in this regard per se.
The Committee approved draft resolution “L.20/Rev.1” without a vote.
The Committee then took up a draft resolution titled “Intensification of efforts to prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls: sexual harassment” (document A/C.3/73/L.21/Rev.1).
The representative of the Netherlands, introducing the draft, said its theme of sexual harassment as a form of violence has risen in prominence, yet has not received the visibility and attention it deserves. It is time to provide a strong and united response to such abuse. Describing the text as a balanced outcome, as close to consensus as possible, she said transparent and inclusive processes are the right track for reaching agreements in the Third Committee. Opening up agreed language would jeopardize the carefully crafted compromises built over the years.
The representative of the United States expressed deep concern over sexual and reproductive health language. She proposed two amendments as “common sense” solutions to problems shared by many. They seek to remove language not related to sexual harassment. The first amendment, for operative paragraph 8(d), preserves references to sexual and reproductive health while reaffirming that national authorities, not the United Nations, have control over curricula. For operative paragraph 11, she suggested deleting that paragraph, as it is inconsistent with the resolution’s theme. She urged all to vote in favour of the amendments.
The representative of Argentina, on behalf of a cross-regional group of countries, expressed regret that oral amendments presented at the latest possible stage were never presented in the room, undermining the Committee’s work practices and its ability to reach consensus. It is not a means for fostering understanding. The amendments seek to modify agreed language that had enjoyed consensus for over two decades. The language comes from the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development and the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action. It encompasses a wide range of perspectives and a balance achieved over years. To boil it down to a single issue undermines the rights of women and girls everywhere. The global community made shared commitments in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to achieve gender equality through access to health services and ending violence. He noted the parallel nature of operative paragraph 11 and the 2030 Agenda, referring to target 5.6. Violence against women and girls has long‑term consequences on sexual and reproductive health, he said, citing that 40 per cent of women experiencing domestic intimate partner violence give birth prematurely. “What kind of message would we send if we adopt this draft resolution by vote”, he asked, stressing that he will vote against the amendments.
The representative of Austria, on behalf of the European Union, expressed deep regret over the tabling of amendments on a resolution traditionally approved by consensus. Voting on this draft on the day when the United Nations is launching the “Orange the World” campaign will send a terribly wrong message to women and girls. There was wide agreement to revert to language in paragraphs 8(d) and 11, he said, noting that delegates had agreed to that language in the past, illustrating how carefully crafted and balanced these paragraphs are. Undermining consensus will have a negative impact first and foremost on women and girls. He will vote against the amendments and urged all to follow suit.
The representative of France, also on behalf of the Netherlands, expressed deep regret over the tabling of the amendments, describing them as hostile. They were never proposed during informal negotiations and bring into question agreed language. Operative paragraph 11 was moved within the text to respond to delegates’ concerns. Modifying the text at a late hour and never discussing the changes beforehand is poor practice, he said, adding that a call for vote will threaten consensus. “Let us respect agreed language”, he said.
The representatives of the Netherlands and France then requested a vote on the amendments.
The representative of the Russian Federation said the amendments were in line with her country’s position, and thus, supported them.
The representative of Australia commended the open and constructive negotiations, expressing disappointment that amendments had been proposed at a late stage. Adding the term “in accordance with national laws” to operative paragraph 8(d) is unhelpful and unnecessary. Regarding operative paragraph 11, deleting this paragraph would undo progress on agreed language. The consensus language was general enough to reflect different perspectives on the issue. Australia will oppose the amendments.
The representative of Libya expressed concerns about the draft resolution. References to sexual and reproductive health and rights have no legal basis to human rights instruments to which Libya is party, and further, are not line with national legislation. She would vote in favour of the amendments.
The Committee then rejected the oral amendment to operative paragraph 8(d) to “L.21/Rev1”, by a recorded vote of 88 against to 44 in favour, with 25 abstentions.
The representative of Iraq, in explanation of vote, said he voted in favour of the first amendment, as it is in line with national legislation, and will support the second amendment as well.
The representative of New Zealand, in explanation of vote before the second vote, expressed regret about attempts to delete operative paragraph 11. Without it, the important link between violence against women and their health, including their reproductive health, would be lost. “This is when victims and survivors need these services the most,” he said.
ニュージーランド代表は、二番目の投票前説明で、本文パラグラフ11を削除しようとする試みについて遺憾を表明した。それなしでは、女性に対する暴力と、生殖に関する健康を含む、その健康の重要なつながりが失われる。 「これは、被害者と生存者がこれらのサービスを最も必要とするときである」、彼は述べた。
The Committee then rejected oral amendment to operative paragraph 11 in “L.21/Rev.1” by a recorded vote of 98 against to 30 in favour, with 30 abstentions.
The representative of the United States clarified that her delegation was not given the opportunity for side discussions. The amendments were the only option to make its position clear. The United States disassociated from paragraph 8(d) and operative paragraph 11 to make clear that “sexual and reproductive health” and “sexual and reproductive health services” do not include abortion as a method of family planning. More broadly, operative paragraph 2 defines sexual harassment as a form of violence against women. Operative paragraph 3 outlines a broad range of behaviours, like requests for sexual favours, which while reprehensible, are not acts of violence under United States law. Calling all such acts “violence” equates them with sex trafficking and female genital mutilation, which is not logically coherent. The United States would have wanted “violence, abuse and harassment” to be used in appropriate places throughout the resolution. These terms are not interchangeable. For example, sexual harassment, as a general matter, is addressed in her country through civil remedies, in contrast to sexual abuse, which is punished under criminal law. Potential actions to address school‑related violence must be consistent with national law, including due process protections. She disassociated herself from operative paragraph 2.
The Committee then passed draft resolution “L.21/Rev.1” without a vote.
The Committee took up a draft resolution titled “Intensifying global efforts for the elimination of female genital mutilation” (document A/C.3/73/L.23/Rev.1).
The representative of Burkina Faso, introducing the draft on behalf of the African Group, said female genital mutilation constitutes a harmful traditional practice that jeopardizes women’s and girls’ enjoyment of human rights. A multidisciplinary and comprehensive approach is needed to address this issue, he added, urging States to intensify efforts to address the medicalization of female genital mutilation as well as its practice across borders.
The representative of United States dissociated from operative paragraphs 1 and 5 because the phrase “sexual and reproductive health” has accumulated a connotation implying support for abortion, which is unacceptable. The United States does not recognize abortion as a method of family planning.
The Committee approved the draft resolution without a vote.
The Committee then took note of the report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women on its sixty‑seventh, sixty‑eighth and sixty‑ninth sessions; as well as the Secretary‑General’s report on the intensification of efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls; and the report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences on violence against women in politics.
Moving on, the Committee took up a draft resolution “Assistance to refugees, returnees and displaced persons in Africa” (document A/C.3/73/L.55/Rev.1).
The representative of Madagascar, introducing the draft resolution on behalf of the African Group, said the number of persons of concern in Africa has increased by 5 million since 2016. The draft underlines initiatives to reduce the flow of refugees in Africa, she said, recalling that the African Union has declared 2019 as the African Year of Refugees.
The Committee approved the draft resolution “L.55/Rev.1” without a vote.
The representative of the United States stressed that the Addis Ababa Action Agenda is non‑binding. Parties to armed conflict do not have an obligation to ensure other parties’ respect of humanitarian law, she added.
The Committee then turned to the draft resolution titled “Rights of indigenous peoples” (document A/C.3/73/L.24/Rev.1).
The representative of Ecuador, introducing the draft resolution, underscored the importance of the International Year of Indigenous Languages to be held in 2019. He called on the United Nations system to strengthen its cooperation with the Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, as an observer of the General Assembly.
エクアドル代表は、決議草案を提出して、2019年に開催される国際先住民族言語年の重要性を強調した。彼は、国連システムに対し、 総会オブザーバーとしてラテンアメリカ・カリブ海先住民開発基金との協力を強化するよう要請した。
The Committee approved the draft resolution without a vote.
The representative of Romania, speaking also on behalf of Bulgaria, France and Slovakia, said indigenous peoples are often victims of discrimination and rights violations. They must be able to live and enjoy the same rights and freedoms as every individual. However, the group does not recognize the reference to “collective rights”, as rights are enjoyed by individuals.
The representative of the United States, while reaffirming support for the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, dissociated from the draft’s preambular paragraph 7, as the United States does not endorse the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, and objects to such references. The United States has not participated in that process and is thus not bound by any of its outcomes. Her country has the sovereign right to facilitate or restrict access to its territory, she emphasized.
The Committee then took note of the report of the Committee on the Rights of Child.
Next, the Committee took up a draft resolution titled “Universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination” (document A/C.3/73/L.54).
The representative of Pakistan introduced the draft, stressing that the right of peoples to self‑determine their destiny is the bedrock of the global order enshrined in the United Nations Charter. This timeless idea is a prerequisite for enjoying other fundamental rights, she said, which closes “the dark chapter of colonization”. Reaffirming its universal significance, she expressed hope the draft would be approved by consensus.
The representative of Spain expressed her full support of the text. Self‑determination is a right for those subjected to a colonial situation, a precondition for the full exercise of political rights. Recalling the San Francisco Conference in 1945 and the “magna carta” of decolonization in 1960, she said not every case is one in which people’s rights are curtailed. There are some where the administering Power and the people are adapting their political relations as they see fit and claim no colonial situation. Such a claim is a misrepresentation of the United Nations Charter.
In Gibraltar, the original inhabitants were obliged to abandon the territory. Those there today were brought in by the military guarantor. Spain denies there is a right to self‑determination, which is backed up by General Assembly resolution 23/53 of 1967. The United Nations considers that the colonial situation in Gibraltar affects Spain’s unity and territorial integrity. International law and United Nations doctrine, as well as contemporary logic, endorse Spain’s position. With political will, decolonization is possible, she said, inviting the United Kingdom to negotiate a solution to this anachronistic issue.
The Committee approved the draft resolution “L.54” without a vote.
The representative of the United States said that while she joined consensus, the draft resolution contains many misstatements of international law and is inconsistent with current State practice.
The representative of the United Kingdom, in exercise of the right of reply to her counterpart from Spain, recalled her Government’s sovereignty over Gibraltar and its surrounding waters. Gibraltar’s people enjoy the right to self-determination, with its 2006 Constitution providing for a modern relationship with the United Kingdom. She reaffirmed the United Kingdom’s long‑standing commitment to never enter into arrangements under which those people would pass under the sovereignty of another State against their free wishes. The United Kingdom is committed to safeguarding the people and economy of Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and Gibraltar are committed to the trilateral Forum for Dialogue as the most practical means for strengthening relations with Spain, and she expressed regret that Spain had withdrawn from that Forum in 2011. The United Kingdom and Gibraltar are ready to engage with Spain to establish new forms of cooperation through dialogue that reflects the wishes, rights and responsibilities of the people of Gibraltar.
The Committee then turned to the topic of the protection and promotion of human rights, taking up a draft resolution titled “Human rights treaty body system” (document A/C.3/73/L.38).
The representative of Iceland, introducing the draft resolution on behalf of the Nordic countries, Belgium and Slovenia, said the draft affirms various paragraphs of General Assembly resolution 69/286 related to resource requirements and places paragraph 22 of that resolution, related to enhancing the visibility of human rights treaty bodies through webcast of public meetings, into effect. He encouraged all stakeholders to implement resolution 68/268, adopted in 2014, to strengthen the human rights treaty body system as a whole.
アイスランド代表は、北欧諸国、ベルギーおよびスロベニアを代表し決議草案を提出し、草案は、リソース要件に関する国連総会決議69/286のさまざまなパラグラフを確認し、公開会合のウェブキャストを通じた人権条約機関の可視性の強化に関連する、その決議のパラグラフ22を掲載すると述べた。 彼は、2014年に採択された決議68/268を履行し、人権条約機関システム全体を強化するようすべての利害関係者に奨励した。
The Committee then approved resolution “L.38” without a vote.
The Committee then took up a draft resolution titled “Declaration on the right of peasants and other people working in rural areas” (document A/C.3/73/L.30).
The representative of Bolivia, introducing the draft resolution on behalf of Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, South Africa, Venezuela and others, said the resolution recognized the role of family agriculture in the fight against poverty. Peasants produce 70 per cent of the world’s food. They are vulnerable and depend entirely on working the land. They are the first to be impacted by climate change. The draft calls on all States to create more inclusive societies.
The representative of Brazil said the text is imperfect, and he indicated the sensitivity of the issues for various sectors of the economy. Discussion is needed on the right to land and the right to seeds. Brazil has over 4 million small farms and provides over 70 per cent of the food consumed. It has a thriving commercial sector which exports many agricultural products. If consultations had continued, aspects would have been agreed upon. The preambular paragraph dealing with human rights should be deleted. The use of chemicals should be guided by national or international standards to monitor the health risks of agricultural workers.
The representative of Portugal, also on behalf of Luxembourg, said peasants are more likely to see their rights violated. Citing the decline of the family and small farms, he said the draft resolution will raise awareness among Governments to fully respect peasants’ rights without discrimination. He called others to vote in favour of the text.
The Committee approved draft resolution “L.30” by a recorded vote of 119 in favour to 7 against (Australia, Hungary, Israel, New Zealand, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States), with 49 abstentions.
By its terms, the Assembly would adopt the United Nations declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas. It would also invite Governments, agencies and organizations of the United Nations system and intergovernmental and non‑governmental organizations to disseminate the Declaration and to promote universal respect and understanding thereof.
The representative of the United States, in explanation of vote, said the declaration on the rights of peasants has four issues. International humanitarian law bestows rights on individuals, not groups. She cannot agree that categories of individuals merit special treatment in the international human rights framework. The declaration assumes rights for which there is no internationally agreed definition. The rights to seeds, to return to the land, to use traditional farming, to biological diversity do not exist under international human rights law. Further, the draft resolution is replete with the word “shall”, leaving the door open for misunderstanding. The United States does not agree with references to technology transfer, as it supported such transfer only on voluntary and mutually agreed terms. The declaration was not appropriate for pronouncements on technology transfer. It is an attempt to prejudice negotiations currently under way.
The representative of the Russian Federation said the text has problems. Continued work on the declaration in Geneva would allow for achieving consensus. Dividing peasants and rural workers into a separate category with different rights and regimes for legal protection does not align with the principle of equal treatment. She thus abstained.
The representative of Sweden said the principle of equal value of all individuals is important. The majority of peasants have unclear land ownership, food loss and waste, and poor infrastructure. The economic empowerment of women in rural areas is a goal. The draft resolution creates new areas — collective rights and the rights to seeds — which require better links to be made. Some elements of the declaration are inconsistent. Sweden is committed to all persons without bias. More work is needed to ease her country’s concerns and she thus voted against the draft resolution.
Next, the Committee took up a draft resolution titled “Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions” (document A/C.3/73/L.39/Rev.1).
The representative of Finland introduced the draft resolution, on behalf of the Nordic countries, which stresses the importance of protecting individuals from extrajudicial, summary and arbitrary killings, and bringing perpetrators to justice. This year, an updated text was tabled with an addition to reflect emerging threats to the right to life. New language was introduced on private security providers and the need to address femicide. He urged all States to protect humanitarian workers. There was never any doubt that the shared common concern is to combat these killings. Finland tried to accommodate as many concerns as possible. “This is the best available compromise we were able to achieve”, he said, stressing that amendments 62, 63, and 65 are not acceptable and asking their sponsors to reconsider them.
The representative of Costa Rica said the right to life and human dignity is of greatest importance. The draft resolution calls on States to end impunity for such killings, noting that he will vote for the draft resolution.
The representative of Sudan, introducing a draft amendment (document A/C.3/73/L.62), said his country’s concerns on preambular paragraph 15 and operative paragraph 13 were not met. Foisting the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court onto others does harm on issues which otherwise would be gaining general agreement. This is unwarranted and does not make sense. The victim of standardization is multilateralism, as the Committee is bringing into play the jurisdiction of an organ that is not part of the United Nations system. A line must be drawn between the United Nations, and what is not the United Nations. Since the Court’s jurisdiction addresses individuals, 60 per cent of people on the planet do not live in countries that recognize it. Further, an increasing number of countries are rejecting its jurisdiction. Impartiality has been absent in the 16 years since its entry into force. The Court is dangerous because it has been politicized. It is an independent body and the Committee should not use resolutions to integrate an otherwise alien body into the Organization.
The representative of Canada, speaking also on behalf of Australia, Liechtenstein, New Zealand and Switzerland, said extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary killings can constitute genocide and crimes against humanity. Each State must protect its citizens from this kind of crime. Not one of the paragraphs forces States to become signatories of the Rome Statute. The text only recalls their responsibilities. The Court has a key role in ending impunity when national courts are unable to do so, he said, rejecting all amendments.
The representative of Finland expressed deep regret over the tabling of amendments. He expressed unwavering support for the Court as an important tool in the fight against impunity and for a just society. Extrajudicial, summary and arbitrary killings are sharp reminders of the Court’s increasing relevance. Its creation has given hope to victims that justice will be done. He will vote against the amendments.
The representative of Sudan said that since the Court’s 2002 entry into force, its practice has been quite poor. The Court is not the only judicial body responsible for bringing justice, he said, drawing attention to South Africa and Rwanda in that regard. Independence and impartiality must be observed, he stressed.
The Committee then rejected draft amendment “L.62” by a recorded vote of 103 against to 21 in favour, with 34 abstentions.
Next, the Committee took up the draft amendment contained in document A/C.3/73/L.63.
The representative of Sudan in a general statement asked for a recorded vote on operative paragraph 13 which will secure the impartiality of the United Nations.
The representative of Austria said he will vote against this amendment and called on others, in particular States parties to the Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court, to follow suit.
A Secretariat official clarified that the vote is on the amendment and not on operative paragraph 13.
The Committee then rejected draft amendment “L.63” by a recorded vote of 99 against to 20 in favour, with 38 abstentions.
Next, the Committee turned to draft amendment A/C.3/73/L.65.
The representative of Egypt, on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, introducing the amendment to operative paragraph 7(b), deplored all forms of stereotypes. He said Egypt had no alternative but to table an amendment as his country’s call for including its concerns were not heard. The phrases in the amendment are in generic language. If approved, it will shift the focus from social matters to extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary killings. He urged all to vote in favour.
The representative of Albania said she will vote in favour of the resolution and requested the Secretariat to delete her country’s name as co‑sponsor of the amendment.
The representative of Finland, on behalf of the Nordic countries, in a point of order, clarified that if one co‑sponsor leaves, the amendment will no longer be submitted on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. It will be simply a group of member countries of that organization.
A Secretariat official clarified this point, saying the amendment is being submitted on behalf of a group of countries.
The representative of Australia, on behalf of Canada, Iceland, Liechtenstein, New Zealand and Switzerland, said killing individuals because of their sexual orientation was first introduced more than 10 years ago. They are among those who suffer most because of impunity. Operative paragraph 7(b) does not oblige States to change their domestic laws. The killing of individuals is well documented in human rights reports. It is wrong and dangerous to send a message that their situation no longer warrants special attention.
The representative of Syria clarified that his country is a founding member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, but it is not party to this draft amendment, as Syria’s membership in that organization is suspended.
The representative of Turkey asked for clarification about Albania’s disassociation from the amendment, and about whether the text will now be submitted by countries in their national capacity.
After a protracted debate over who was submitting amendment “L.65”, the Secretariat official noted the disassociation of Turkey, Tunisia, Lebanon and Albania, and said amendment “L.65” is now being submitted on behalf of a group of member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
The representative of Finland, on behalf of the Nordic countries, took issue with the proposal to delete paragraph 7(b) listing all vulnerable groups. It is of extreme importance that the list stays in the draft resolution, as some are at risk of being killed and their deaths will not be investigated. The list includes killings for racially motivated reasons; of persons belonging to national, ethnic, linguistic and other minorities, or because of sexual orientation or gender identity; killings of refugees, internally displaced persons, migrants, street children, or members of indigenous communities; human rights defenders, lawyers or journalists; and killings in the name of passion or honour. It would send a dangerous message if the General Assembly decided these groups no longer deserve special protection. He urged support for the text as drafted, stressing that he will vote against the amendment.
The Committee then rejected draft amendment “L.65” by a recorded vote of 86 against to 50 in favour, with 25 abstentions.
*5:ドキュメントへのリンクは「73回セッション - アジェンダ項目ごとの草案提案」はリンク切れにつき国連公式文書システム(英語)。