

第74回総会第三委員会:専門家、第三委員会の代表者が高齢者、障害者の権利を尊重するよう呼びかけるなか、汚名の犠牲者をより良く保護するよう政府に迫る(北朝鮮 vs 日本 3rd ラウンド)



  • 翌日、北朝鮮における人権状況に関する双方向対話を欠席する北朝鮮がこちらで声明。前日(18日)の日本の声明に対する答弁権による発言と同内容の繰り返し。韓国に対しても7日の声明と同内容(以上関連エントリ参照)。

  • 答弁権を日本、韓国、ならびに北朝鮮も行使(北朝鮮EU の声明にも反論)、日本も相変わらず戦後の貢献を強調。北朝鮮の指摘は「誤りに基づいており根拠がない」としたが今セッション三度目の機会である。「人道に対する罪」を「A級」と表現する誘導あるいは操作は置くとしても(A級戦争犯罪は「平和への罪」)、すこしは個別具体的に反論したらどうか。

  • EU が声明でウイグル問題に言及し(本要約では開発(中国がしばしば強調する)よりも人権が優先するといった内容は採録しているがウイグルおよび北朝鮮への言及は未採録)、中国が答弁権で外交官やジャーナリストの新疆訪問について指摘して反論:「彼らは幸せそうな顔を見た」。下記掲載ガーディアン2019年6月14日記事も参照。

  • バシャル障害者の権利委員会議長との双方向対話で日本、中国、韓国が発言。なおデヴァンダス・アギラール同特別報告者との双方向対話での「さらなる発言」に中国が二回記載されている(未確認)。

  • デイヴィッド・ケイ表現、意見の自由特別報告者が登場。以下冒頭部の要約のみの抽出ではあるが、「法的に不明瞭な「テロリズム」の概念を用い」に言い換えてみたくもなる。「不明瞭な概念」としているように何をもって「ヘイトスピーチ」とするかにもよるが、「ヘイトスピーチ」を名目にしてメディアを委縮させるのを「政府」と(だけに)するのも妙である。「政府」のもんだいをとり上げたものと解したとしても、ポリコレ棒を振り回す検閲好きの御仁には特別報告者がフィルタリングはいかんと言っていると申し上げたい(笑)。中国が発言(本要約未採録、下記、コメントしようがない(苦笑))。





  • 対外債務の影響で中国:中国は「金融機関の融資条件に従っている」「平等、相互利益、国の財政的持続可能性および締約国の協力の原則に従っている」(なお途中で発言者が「彼女」から「彼」に変化している)。

  • (外務省声明)


  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations



21 OCTOBER 2019

Experts Press Governments to Better Protect Victims of Stigma as Third Committee Delegates Call for Respecting Rights of Older Adults, Persons with Disabilities

Special Rapporteur Expresses Concern over Nebulous Notions of Hate Speech Targeting Dissenters, Critics



総会 > 第三委員会 >




States must do more to safeguard the rights of those facing intersecting forms of discrimination, experts told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today, as delegates discussed the human rights of persons with disabilities, as well as freedoms of opinion and expression.

Changing demographics are leading to an increase in older people with disabilities around the world, Catalina Devandas Aguilar, Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities,[…]


Meanwhile, David Kaye, Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of expression and opinion, expressed concern about the curbs placed on free expression by Governments using legally nebulous notions of “hate speech” to go after lawful content, and to attack dissenters and critics. He went on to express concern about targeted surveillance, particularly of journalists, and to add that States should push Internet companies to protect free expression, instead of impelling them to develop filters that would pre‑censor lawful content.


The Third Committee continued its general debate on the promotion and protection of human rights, with delegates taking to the floor to address issues ranging from trade barriers and xenophobia to climate change impacts.

Speaking in the general debate today were representatives of El Salvador (on behalf of the Group of Friends of Older People), Bahamas (on behalf of Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Pakistan, Viet Nam, Costa Rica (on behalf of 54 countries), Nicaragua, Canada, Cuba, Mexico, South Africa, Colombia, Singapore, Kazakhstan, Eritrea, Senegal, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Armenia, Kenya, Togo, Nigeria, Cambodia and India, as well as the European Union.
本日の一般討論における発言は、エルサルバドル(高齢者の友のグループ代表)、バハマ(カリブ共同体(CARICOM)代表[)]、パキスタンベトナムコスタリカ(54か国代表)、 ニカラグア、カナダ、キューバ、メキシコ、南アフリカ、コロンビア、シンガポールカザフスタンエリトリアセネガルカメルーンブルキナファソ北朝鮮、マレーシア、モルディブ、マリ、アルメニアケニアトーゴ、ナイジェリア、カンボジアおよびインド、加えて欧州連合代表だった。

The representative of Syria spoke on a point of order.

The representatives of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, China and Japan spoke in exercise of the right of reply.

The Committee will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, 22 October, to continue its consideration of promotion and protection of human rights.


The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) continued its debate on the promotion and protection of human rights today (for background, see Press Release GA/SHC/4266).

Interactive Dialogues — Persons with Disabilities
双方向対話 — 障害者

DANLAMI BASHARU, Chair of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,[…] 


When the floor opened for interactive dialogue, Japan’s delegate noted that country will be hosting the 2020 Paralympic Games in Tokyo and asked the Chair for his thoughts on on the role of sport in achieving an inclusive society. The European Union’s representative said that the bloc is committed to fully realizing all human rights of persons with disabilities through the adoption of new legislation, policies and programmes, as well as the review of existing policy measures.


Mr. BASHARU, responding, said his Committee is ready to support Japan’s efforts to include persons with disabilities, particularly through sport. To the European Union’s representative, he said Article 9 is the backbone of the Convention; accessibility and inclusion go together and one cannot be omitted. To Luxembourg’s delegate, he said integrating children into decision-making is important, and in many States, there are children’s Parliaments where they are fully involved in taking decisions. The decisions of children should be put into action, he said. The need for universal design cannot be ruled out and all persons must be able to access every area of life, he said, responding to the question posed by the United Kingdom’s delegate. He agreed with the United States’ representative on the importance of protecting persons with disabilities in armed conflict.
これに応えるバシャル氏は、彼の委員会は、とくにスポーツを通じて、障害者を含む日本の取り組みを支援する用意があると述べた。欧州連合の代表に対して、彼は、9条が条約のバックボーンであり、アクセシビリティと一体性は一緒になり一つは省略できない、と述べた。ルクセンブルクの代者に対して、児童を意思決定に統合することが重要であり、多くの締約国において、彼らが意思決定に完全に関与している子ども議会がある。児童の決定は行動に移されるべきだと彼は述べた。英国の代表者によって提起された質問に答えて、ユニバーサルデザインの必要性を排除することはできず、すべての人が生活のあらゆる分野にアクセスできなければならない、と彼は述べた。 彼は、武力紛争における障害者保護の重要性に関して米国の代表に同意した。

Also speaking were the representatives of Qatar, Nigeria and China.

CATALINA DEVANDAS AGUILAR, Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities,[…] 


A number of representatives, including those of Brazil and Costa Rica, asked about the steps that could be taken to address the issue of legal shortcomings specifically protecting older persons with disabilities. The representative of the Republic of Korea asked about measures Governments can take to enhance older people with disabilities’ access to information and technology.


Also speaking were representatives of Spain, Indonesia, Finland, Maldives, Australia, Algeria, China, Morocco, Mexico, China, United Kingdom and Switzerland.


Interactive Dialogues — Freedom of Expression, Opinion
双方向対話 — 表現、意見の自由

DAVID KAYE, Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of expression and opinion, […] 


When the floor opened for questions and comments, the Netherlands’ delegate,[…] 


Also speaking were representatives of the United Kingdom, France, Liechtenstein, Brazil, Iceland, China and Bahrain.

Effects for Foreign Debt on Human Rights

JUAN PABLO BOHOSLAVSKY, Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt and other related international financial obligations of States on the full enjoyment of all human rights,[…] 


In the ensuing debate, the representative of China said her country follows the conditionalities of financial institutions. For its part, China follows the principles of equality, mutual benefit, financial sustainability of a country and State party cooperation, he said, pointing to the United Nations Peace and Development Fund aimed at helping other developing countries fulfil the 2030 Agenda. Meanwhile, Cuba’s delegate called for a new world order based on justice and peace. She asked about the impact of austerity measures on gender equality and about practical measures to determine the responsibility of financial institutions.



SILVIO GONZATO, speaking for the European Union, said the United Nations human rights system must remain a platform for denouncing violations and abuses wherever they are committed. He disagreed that violations should not be addressed in international fora, or that socioeconomic development takes precedent over human rights. Full respect for all human rights is the foundation of prosperity and peace, he said, noting that development is not a substitute for human rights progress. In 2019, which marks the fortieth anniversary of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, it is important to give special attention to preventing and combatting all forms of sexual and gender-based violence. He called for an integration of the gender perspective throughout the work of the Human Rights Council, the General Assembly and other bodies.


KIM SONG (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) said human rights are not possible without national sovereignty, and that sovereignty is being violated due to “military invasions” in several parts of the world. Recalling Japan’s military occupation of Korea, which led to “A-class crimes against humanity such as 1 million massacred, 8.4 million forced drafting, and 200,000 sexual slavery for the Japanese army”, he went on to ask Japan to “mind its own business rather than finding faults with others’ human rights situation”. He went on to demand the immediate release and repatriation of 12 citizens, who he characterized as victims of a “group enticement and abduction” that occurred in 2016. The issue of human rights is being politicized, including through resolutions “forcibly adopted annually” on the situation in his country at the Human Rights Council and General Assembly.


Right of Reply

The representative of China, speaking in exercise of the right of reply, said the European Union’s delegate disregarded the facts and made baseless comments about the human rights situation in China. The problem in Xinjiang is not religion or human rights; rather, it is about terrorism. The measures China has taken are no different than those adopted by European countries. In recent years, China has invited over 1,000 diplomats and media representatives to Xinjiang, who reported that what they witnessed was different from what was shown in Western coverage. “They saw happy faces”, she said.

The representative of Japan responded to comments made by the representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which are based on errors and are groundless. Since the end of the Second World War, Japan has consistently respected democracy and human rights. Japan and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should bring peace to North-East Asia by deepening cooperation with each other.

The representative of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea rejected accusations made by the European Union’s delegate, which reflect double standards and are based on forced testimonies. He pointed to xenophobia, racial discrimination and sexual violence as issues the European Union should address. Japan’s delegate, meanwhile, has no right to discuss the human rights of others, as it committed crimes against humanity in the past and has not apologized.

The representative of the Republic of Korea said his country will make efforts to continue addressing humanitarian affairs.

The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, responding, said that his country’s citizens were tricked and taken to the Republic of Korea because of the deception committed by that country’s intelligence agencies. These abductions are crimes against humanity.
