日本で発言したのは、日弁連、外国人人権法連絡会 *1 、ERD ネット、在日本朝鮮人人権協会、民団、女たちの戦争と平和資料館、移住者と連帯する全国ネットワーク、反差別国際運動(IMADR)、頑張れ日本!全国行動委員会、不当な日本批判を正す学者の会の 10 組織(外国人人権法連絡会、移住者と連帯する全国ネットワーク、反差別国際運動は ERD ネットにも参加)*2 。モーリシャスは 1 、キューバは 2 組織である。
日弁連の最初の提起は、この条約の個人通報制度の受諾のことのようだ(下記アムネスティ日本ウェブサイト「日本の現在の状況」参照)*3 。
ERD ネットが麻生発言を提起。さすがに朝日新聞デジタルのように「難民」とはしていない(ので迫力不足(?)、いずれにせよ「難民」は保護するというのが国際社会の建前なので不用意な発言ではあったが、「武装」していればあり得べしという印象をここでも受ける)。
在日本朝鮮人人権協会:「外国人の親の三人に一人」。どの「外国人」なのか。(本要約どおりであれば)委員からツッコミはなかったようだ。朝鮮学校についても例によってふわっと報告していたのが、ボシュイ委員に「「北朝鮮と韓国」学校の扱いは違っていたのか?」と突っ込まれ、52校中「北朝鮮関連」のみが「違っていた」とバレてしまった(笑)。もっとも、それだけであれば外形的には北朝鮮だけ「差別」であり、また理由として「拉致問題のため」などと同 NGO は説明しているのだが。この件について政府は、先の UPR で「法律の意図に従い」云々とだけ説明 *4 、リスト・オブ・テーマ(LOT/テーマリスト)に掲載されており審査で取り上げられるとおもわれるが、「法律の意図」するところ含め適用除外となった理由を具体的に説明すべきだろう *5 。
民団:(同 NGO 報告書「前書き」にある)「20世紀前半、日本に住むことを強いられた」ことについて発言、当要約にも採録された *6 。
「国連人種差別撤廃委員会の日本政府審査が16日からスタート」- 民団「トピックス」(2018年8月14日)実際の発言はかくにんできていないが、関東大震災後の「朝鮮人虐殺」が「日本軍によって犯された残虐行為」となって(要約されて)いる *7 。作成者が、冒頭部(要約の要約)の方で一緒に要約している慰安婦と混乱したか *8 。
「お知らせ」- 移住者と連帯する全国ネットワーク(2018年7月25日)
Q & A の内容がけっこう噛み合っていないかんじがある。文字数削減のためか(人権理事会の会議要約でも答弁権による返答側のみ採録したりする)、あるいは「非公式会合」ということで手抜きということでもあるまいが。で、市民社会側が回答している分に関しては、報告よりもへなへなとなっているのが多いような(?)。
「第96回セッション(2018年8月6日 - 2018年8月30日)」(英語)
14 August 2018
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination this morning held an informal meeting with representatives of non-governmental organizations with respect to Mauritius, Cuba and Japan, whose reports on the implementation of the provisions of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination will be considered this week.
Noureddine Amir, Committee Chairperson, welcomed the representatives of non-governmental organizations.
During the discussion, a representative of a non-governmental organization from Mauritius drew attention to the racial discrimination based on the unwritten rules of the caste system. The ethnicity policy which prevailed in Mauritius had been specifically designed to maintain and perpetuate the reign of the Vaish ethnic community over all other minority groups. The destructive forces of racism were in motion in the context of the upcoming general election in December 2019. The racial profiling of potential candidates had already started, which meant that the ethnic origin of candidates had to match the ethnic origins of the majority of voters.
On Japan, civil society organizations underlined the problem of rising hate crimes since the passage of the 2016 Hate Speech Elimination Act, as well as racist statements by Government officers and law enforcement officers. Minorities with roots in Japan, such as the Ainu, as well as those who did not have a valid visa status (asylum seekers), were excluded from the scope of its protection. Civil society representatives also drew attention to the failure of the Government to request local governments to resume or maintain the provision of subsidies to Korean schools, to Korean residents in Japan who did not have Japanese nationality and the right to vote, and to racial discrimination against Burakumin, indigenous Ainu, and the people of Ryukyu/Okinawa. Another important issue was the denial by the Government of Japan and right-wing groups of the atrocities committed by the Japanese army before and during the Second World War, namely of the massacre of Koreans following the Great Kanto earthquake, and of the “comfort women” issue. Some organizations pointed out that it was not appropriate to treat the Ainu people as indigenous peoples, and they reminded that Japan was an international pioneer in abolishing racial discrimination.
Non-governmental organizations from Cuba underlined that the principle of non-discrimination had been consolidated and strengthened in Cuba. Any behaviour harming human dignity was punished by law. The Criminal Code contained the crime of apartheid and the right to equality, whereas the Labour Code stipulated equality in the workplace. In terms of challenges, there was a need to conduct multidisciplinary research on racism and racial discrimination. Racist stereotypes were still deeply rooted in culture, and much remained to be done to remove obstacles and challenges.
Speaking on Mauritius was Affirmative Action.
Speaking on Japan were Japan Federation of Bar Associations, Japan Network Towards Human Rights Legislation for Non-Japanese Nationals and Ethnic Minorities, ERD Net, Human Rights Association for Korean Residents in Japan, Korean Residents Union in Japan, Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace, Solidarity Network with Migrants in Japan, International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism, Japan Committee for Citizens’ Rights, and Academics’ Alliance for Correcting Groundless Criticism of Japan.
The National Union of Cuban Jurists and the Cuban Association of the United Nations spoke about Cuba.
Statements on Japan
Japan Federation of Bar Associations stated that Japan had not recognized the competence of the Committee to receive and consider individual complaints, and thus urged the Committee to recommend to the Japanese Government that it do so. Japan had refused to appoint non-nationals as conciliation commissioners. The Hate Speech Elimination Act, which had come into force in June 2016, lacked provisions on the prohibition of racial discrimination. Minorities with roots in Japan, such as the Ainu, as well as those who did not have a valid visa status (asylum seekers), were excluded from the scope of protection. The law only covered hate speech linked with racial discrimination, but it did not cover discriminatory treatment which minorities in Japan faced on a daily basis, such as discrimination in employment and housing.
Japan Network Towards Human Rights Legislation for Non-Japanese Nationals and Ethnic Minorities reminded that the occurrence of hate crimes had been on the rise since the passage of the 2016 Hate Speech Elimination Act. For example, the wall of the South Korean Cultural Centre had been set on fire in 2015, and there had been an arson attack against a credit union related to “North Korea” in 2017. In February 2018, two right-wing activists had fired five bullets at the Headquarters of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan. However, the Government had never condemned such hate crimes. The organization requested the Committee to urge the Government of Japan to condemn hate crimes immediately, and to create a task force to implement concrete and comprehensive policies against hate crimes, including a fact-finding survey on a regular basis. It also requested the Committee to urge the Government to denounce online hate speech.
ERD Net called attention to the problem of racist statements by Government officers and law enforcement officers. One such case related to the statement by the current Deputy Prime Minister and former Prime Minister Taro Aso about a large number of refugees flooding Japan from the Korean Peninsula and suggesting that they might be armed refugees who should be shot to death. Despite the seriousness of the statement, the Government had simply stated that he had spoken as a politician and not as a cabinet member. The Government should design a comprehensive training scheme about hate speech and conduct it throughout the administrative structure both at the national and local level. The organization also called attention to the continued absence of data on the ethnic composition of Japan.
Human Rights Association for Korean Residents in Japan said that despite previous recommendations by the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the Japanese Government had failed to apply the High Schools Tuition Support Fund Programme to 10 Korean high schools, and it had failed to request local governments to resume or maintain the provision of subsidies to Korean schools. Education in minority languages was not adequately guaranteed, and one in three foreign parents worried that their children could no longer use their native language at Japanese schools, and they wanted facilities where they could learn their native language. In addition, the Government had been imposing re-entry permits prior to departure for permanent residents, such as Koreans born in Japan.
Korean Residents Union in Japan recalled that as of 30 June 2017, around 330,000 Koreans lived in Japan as foreign nationals with special permanent resident status. They had been forced to live in Japan in the first half of the twentieth century when Korea was a Japanese colony. Those Koreans used to be Japanese citizens, but they had lost their nationality in 1952. The Japanese Government denied that the Korean residents in Japan were a national or ethnic minority, and they had no opportunity to learn about their language, culture or history. They did not have the right to vote in either national or local elections, despite the fact that the majority of Korean residents had been born and raised in Japan, and that they paid taxes. Another important issue was the denial by the Government of Japan and right-wing groups of the atrocities committed by the Japanese army before and during the Second World War, namely of the massacre of Koreans following the Great Kanto earthquake.
Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace, reminding of the International “Comfort Women” Memorial Day on 14 August, underlined that the Japanese Government actively denied that “comfort women” had been sex slaves. Denials and defamation caused further psychological pain to survivors. The organization demanded that the Committee reiterate the importance of investigation and acknowledging of facts. Both were fundamental components of satisfaction and guarantee of non-repetition.
Solidarity Network with Migrants in Japan asked the Committee to urge the Government of Japan to make an effective amendment to the Technical Intern Training Act, which had not alleviated the problem of indebtedness of trainees. The Government should adopt a new clause on the forcible deportation of trainees. The Government should also abolish the system of residence status revocation for migrant women, and provide public assistance to foreign residents under the same conditions as for Japanese nationals.
International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism stressed the problem of racial discrimination against Burakumin, indigenous Ainu, and the people of Ryukyu/Okinawa. The people of Ryukyu/Okinawa had been persistently opposing the construction of a new United States military base in Henoko. Their environmental rights, including the right to information and health, and the principle of free, prior and informed consent, had been violated due to the Government’s failure to provide effective measures to ensure transparency and decontamination of environmental damages cause by the United States military. Finally, the organization noted that minority and indigenous women reportedly experienced more difficulties in their enjoyment of human rights, including access to education, employment and social welfare.
Japan Committee for Citizens’ Rights expressed astonishment about the contradiction between the real history of the Ainu people and the versions presented by some civil society organizations at the United Nations. The definition of indigenous peoples in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was ambiguous. The Ainu had been protected by the Hokkaido Former Aboriginals Protection Act, and after the Second World War they had made it clear that they were Japanese. Therefore, it was not appropriate to treat the Ainu as indigenous peoples.
Academics’ Alliance for Correcting Groundless Criticism of Japan reminded that on 13 February 1919 Japan had been the first country to propose a declaration for racial equality within the League of Nations. However, United States President Woodrow Wilson had argued that such an important issue should be decided on unanimously. The United States had later passed an act that clearly discriminated against the Japanese in the United States, which had been followed by the “yellow peril” fever in Western countries. It was natural for Japan to be a pioneer of racial equality in international relations because it was the biggest victim of racial discrimination.
Questions by Committee Experts
MARC BOSSUYT, Committee Member and Country Rapporteur for Japan, inquired why minorities could not use the Hate Speech Act, and about subsidies for Korean schools. Were “North and South Korean” schools treated differently?
What was the collaboration between the Government of Japan and civil society? What kind of hate speech was prosecuted in the country? What kind of assistance did victims of hate speech receive? Could non-governmental organizations comment on a survey that had revealed a great degree of discrimination in housing and employment?
Was there a regulating body to punish online hate speech? What was the representation of minorities in public media and in school textbooks?
Replies by Non-Governmental Organizations from Japan
ERD Net said that the Government of Japan had organized a dialogue with civil society in 2016, before the start of the drafting of its current periodic report. Civil society had also initiated meetings with the Government.
Korean Residents Union in Japan explained that the views of non-governmental organizations and of the Government differed which was why the authorities would not always take them into account. As for hate crimes, cases were prosecuted when targeting specific persons and institutions. There were no aggravating circumstances in the prosecution of hate crimes. In the absence of a national human rights institution, the Human Rights Protection Unit of the Ministry of Justice received complaints, but they had no legally binding effect. Before 2016, hate crimes had taken place close to Korean schools.
在日本大韓民国民団は、それらを当局がなぜいつも考慮しないのか、非政府組織と政府の見解が異なったことを説明した。ヘイト犯罪については、特定の人物や機関を標的とするとき事件が起訴された。ヘイト犯罪の起訴において深刻化させるような状況はなかった。国家人権機関が存在せず、法務省の人権擁護局が訴えを受け付けたが、法的拘束力はなかった。 2016年以前は、朝鮮学校の近くでヘイト犯罪が起こった。
Human Rights Association for Korean Residents in Japan clarified that “Korean schools” referred to schools affiliated with the “North Korean” Government, and they had been founded in the 1930s. The Government of Japan subsidized 52 foreign high schools, which excluded “North Korean” schools, due to the unresolved issue of Japanese nationals abducted by the “North Korean” Government. Turning to the re-entry permission system, the organization explained that foreigners who had left Japan for more than two years had to re-apply for entry permits. “North Korean” passport holders had to abide by stricter rules with respect to the re-entry permission system.
*2:各 NGO が提出した報告書や ERD ネットについて等は、関連エントリ 2018-08-06 参照。
*3: 個人通報制度といえば、戸塚悦朗弁護士は、自由権規約条約の同制度を定めた第一選択議定書を日本に批准させるべく活動する中で、慰安婦運動に関わるということになったらしい。
*5:委員からしつもんが無くてもこの機会にせつめいしてもらいたいくらいである。リスト・オブ・テーマ(CERD/C/JPN/Q/10-11)については関連エントリ 2018-08-06 参照。
*6:同上。閣議決定もある。民団の報告書での言及については関連エントリ 2018-08-06 参照。なお、この資料については2003年にも山谷えり子議員が国会で取り上げていた模様。すでに15年経ってるが「しっかりした、事実に基づいた反論を」未だにしていないという訳である。
第157回国会(国会会議録検索システム)平成15年9月30日 第2号
○川口国務大臣 今月の二十三日に国連総会で演説をいたしまして、その中で北朝鮮の拉致の問題を取り上げました。翌日の二十四日に、これを否定するということで北朝鮮側が答弁権を行使したわけでございまして、これについては大変に遺憾であると私は考えております。その当時、私はもう既に帰国の途上にございましたので、出席をしていた本村大使が答弁権を日本として行使いたしました。そして、帰国された拉致被害者の御家族の帰国実現を早期に図らなければならないということを指摘しながら、北朝鮮側に拉致の解決、これを求めたわけでございます。
それで、答弁権を行使いたしましたときには、まず、我々としては、拉致問題に国際社会の関心を集中させたい、論点を散らすということではなく、拉致問題について関心を持っていただきたいということでございましたので、この北朝鮮側が言った点、これについて反論権は後日に留保をするということでそういった対処をいたしましたけれども、この留保をした問題につきましては、今後、しかるべき機会をとらえて反論をしていきたいというふうに考えております。○山谷委員 ぜひ、しっかりした、事実に基づいた反論をしていただきたいというふうに思います。
外務省は、昭和三十四年、ほとんどが自由意思に基づいていたという調査結果を発表なさいましたけれども、現在の外務省の見解というのは、その辺はどういうものになっているんでしょうか○川口国務大臣 委員がおっしゃいましたように、昭和三十四年の時点で外務省の調査がございまして、これは、「在日朝鮮人の渡来および引揚げに関する経緯、とくに、戦時中の徴用労務者について」という資料でございますが、昭和三十四年にその記事資料を発表しまして、その中で、戦前から終戦時に至る在日朝鮮人の方々の人数の動きについて記述をしているということでございます。
*8:また、頑張れ日本!全国行動委員会(Japan Committee for Citizen's Rights and Honors)の “and Honors(名誉)” が落ちている(この方が右翼ぽくなくて良いか)。