韓国 UPR 審査結果
218件の勧告から121件を「支持」し、97件を「留意」とした *1 。グァテマラ(勧告 132.107 )、アメリカ(同 132.108 )による刑事名誉毀損法、北朝鮮(同 132.25、132.90)、アメリカ、ドイツ、イラクおよびポルトガル(同 132.108 - 132.111)による国家保安法についての勧告はいずれも「留意」。下記掲載の国連人権高等弁務官事務所ホームページ「作業部会の結果報告補遺」リンク先 A/HRC/37/11/Add.1 や関連エントリ 2017-11-13 参照も参照 *2 。
国連ウォッチは(韓国の UPR で)北朝鮮の亡命兵士との会合での同国の人権状況について発言。北朝鮮人権状況特別報告者との双方向対話でも政治犯収容所に言及している(関連エントリ 2018-03-12 参照)。
良心の自由のための団体と個人のヨーロッパ・コーディネーション(フランス、ナント)が、中国の全能神教会への弾圧に言及。中国が答弁権を行使して反論。下記は BBC の記事より。記事が言及しているマクドナルドでの「悪霊に憑りつかれた」女性に対する殺人事件(2014年)についてはさすがに政府の捏造という訳ではないのだろう。
「OHCHR | UPR - 韓国」(英語)
( UPR 情報ホームページ)
「 UPR 韓国」( 第28回セッション - 2017年11月)
( UN Web TV の映像より)
チャプター01:韓国/崔皙泳(チェ・キョンリム/Choi Kyong–Lim)在ジュネーブ政府代表部特命全権大使
チャプター02:国内人権機関世界連合/カタリーナ・ローズ(Katharina Rose)氏(韓国国家人権委員会を代表して)
チャプター15:国際友和会/デレク・ブレット(Derek Brett)氏
チャプター16:世界不殺生センター/クリストフ・バーベイ(Christophe Barbay)氏
チャプター17:国際レズビアン・ゲイ協会/ダィアナ・カロリーナ・プラド・モスケラ(Diana Carolina Prado Mosquera)氏 ※(この団体とはいえ)別人だろう。
チャプター18:人権と開発のためのアジアフォーラム/ロザンナ・オカンポ(Rosanna Ocampo)氏
チャプター19:サレジオ会扶助者聖マリア国際研究所/ジョセフ・ヴェドヴァ(Joseph Vedova)氏
チャプター20:アムネスティ・インターナショナル/マリアンヌ・リリビエリ(Marianne Lilliebjerg)氏
チャプター21:ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ/エリック・ハーシュ(Eric Harsch)氏
チャプター22:CIVICUS:市民参加のための世界同盟/チェ・ジェヒョン(Jaehyung Choi)氏
チャプター23:国連ウォッチ/エリオラ・カッツ(Eliora Katz)氏
チャプター33:良心の自由のための団体と個人のヨーロッパ・コーディネーション/ティエリー・ヴァレ(Thierry Vallet)氏 -
Concludes General Debate on Human Rights Bodies and Mechanisms
15 March 2018
The Human Rights Council this afternoon adopted the Universal Periodic Review outcomes of Guatemala, Switzerland and the Republic of Korea. It also concluded its general debate on human bodies and mechanisms.
The President of the Human Rights Council informed that out of 205 recommendations received, Guatemala accepted 150 and noted 55. The Council then adopted the Universal Periodic Review outcome of Guatemala.
The President of the Human Rights Council informed that out of 251 recommendations received, Switzerland accepted 160 and noted 91. The Council then adopted the Universal Periodic Review outcome of Switzerland.
The President said that out of 218 recommendations received, 121 enjoyed the Republic of Korea’s support, while 97 were noted. The Council then adopted the Universal Periodic Review outcome of the Republic of Korea.
At the end of the meeting, the Council concluded its general debate on human bodies and mechanisms. Parts of the general debate have already been held on Wednesday, 14 March and on Thursday, 15 March in the morning, and summaries can be found here and here.
Consideration of the Outcome of the Universal Periodic Review of the Republic of Korea
CHOI KYONGLIM, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations Office at Geneva, extended his sincere appreciation for all those who had worked so hard in the Universal Periodic Review process. Special gratitude was extended to the members of the Troika, Mongolia, Hungary and Congo for their invaluable cooperation. Following the Working Group review in November when 95 Member States had made 218 recommendations, the Government had supported 85 recommendations and noted 3 upon the adoption of the Working Group report. Over the past months the Government had had a public hearing and had invited civil society to exchange opinions over recommendations. After deliberations with relevant ministries on the remaining 130 recommendations, the Government had decided to support 36 recommendations and to note 94 recommendations.
Many recommendations related to areas of equality and non-discrimination and cooperation with international human rights norms and mechanisms, and those areas enjoyed the Government’s support. The Government planned to access the Convention on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance and it continued to prohibit discrimination and protect the rights of non-citizens. With regard to contentious objections and alternative service, the unique security circumstances of the Korean peninsula and the importance of ensuring military service obligation had to be considered so the Government would conform to the decision of the Constitutional Court ruling. Abolition of the death penalty needed a careful approach. Last year the Republic of Korea went one more step forward through the so-called “candlelight revolution” ushering a new area for democracy and was willing to share that experience with other countries.
National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea said the recent Universal Periodic Review process provided a good opportunity to enhance the Republic of Korea’s domestic human rights situation. The Commission welcomed the number of recommendations accepted. The Government must actively pursue and review recommendations on the ratification of conventions and optional protocols not yet ratified. The effectiveness of the Universal Periodic Review must be founded on a clear understanding of the human rights mechanisms of the reviewed country.
Egypt said it had proposed five recommendations to Korea, including on the implementation of a law to combat incitement to xenophobic speech, protect foreigners against discrimination, and to set up a national plan for the implementation of the United Nations guidelines on commercial enterprises. It hoped the Republic of Korea would implement these in due time.
Honduras was grateful for the support of the Republic of Korea for its recommendations, and in particular on the ratification of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families. It hoped the Republic of Korea would reconsider its position on the abolition of the death penalty, and on the general legislation to combat discrimination to prohibit discrimination on any ground, in particular race, sexual orientation and gender identity.
Iran welcomed the Republic of Korea’s report. It remained concerned about a number of human rights issues in the country, including the situation of persons with disabilities. It called on the Government to ensure cooperative engagement with organizations for persons with disabilities, and in particular psychological disabilities. The Government had accepted two of three recommendations submitted by Iran.
Iraq had submitted three recommendations to the Republic of Korea. It appreciated the Republic of Korea’s acceptance of these recommendations and wished it the best success for their implementation. It hoped the Council would adopt the outcome on the report for the Republic of Korea.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic commended the Republic of Korea’s active participation in the work of the Council and the Universal Periodic Review. Progress on promoting the rights of vulnerable groups, including women and children, and strengthening the right to health and education had been welcomed.
Philippines acknowledged the constructive engagement of the Republic of Korea and appreciated the commitment of the Government to consider the concerns of the Member States about its human rights situation. The Council was advised to adopt the report.
Republic of Moldova appreciated the Republic of Korea’s efforts in promoting human rights and welcomed the acceptance of two recommendations which the Republic of Moldova had made concerning strengthening of the national human rights institution in line with the Paris Principles.
Russia noted that most of the recommendations of Russia had been accepted. The Republic of Korea was advised to invest efforts into addressing the issue of publication on the Internet of material that incited to racial and religious intolerance. Russia hoped that an effective mechanism to detect human trafficking would be set up soon.
Sierra Leone commended the Republic of Korea’s ongoing efforts to increase official development assistance, and the establishment of a new immigration policy aimed at protecting the rights and social integration of foreigners. Sierra Leone encouraged the Republic of Korea to consider ratifying the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances.
Sri Lanka noted the acceptance by the Republic of Korea to continue the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan to Prevent Domestic Violence, including through awareness raising. It particularly commended the efforts taken to support mine victims by providing medical subsidies and compensation by the enactment of the Special Act on the Support for Mine Victims in 2014.
Sudan commended the fact that the Republic of Korea had acceded to many international human rights instruments, and that it had accepted the right to individual complaints under four human rights treaties, including the extension of a standing invitation to all thematic Special Procedures in 2008.
Albania appreciated the intention of the Government of the Republic of Korea to strengthen the national mechanism for the follow-up to the recommendations of international human rights bodies, including of the Universal Periodic Review. Albania also welcomed the measures taken by the Government to strengthen the role of the Consultative Group on human rights policies, which comprised members of civil society.
International Fellowship of Reconciliation welcomed the more positive approach to conscientious objectors by the Republic of Korea, and in particular the undertaking of the Constitution Court on this matter. There were good reasons to believe that the atmosphere was finally improving and that conscientious objectors could start performing civilian duties. It thanked the unprecedented number of States which had made a recommendation on this issue.
Centre for Global Nonkilling recalled that its founder was a Korean veteran, and that he had searched for the value of each life. Conscientious objectors were defenders of peace. The Centre regretted that the Republic of Korea had noted the recommendations to this effect. It recalled that the right to life and equality before the law required due identity and that this started with inclusive birth registration – a right that could only be guaranteed by the country in which the birth took place.
International Lesbian and Gay Association commended the Republic of Korea for its effort to engage with civil society organizations on the issue of gender-based discrimination. It deeply regretted that none of the 22 recommendations to this effect had been accepted. This regrettably came with the current political landscape, which gave reason to question the newly elected Government’s will on these issues. Persons of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and intersex orientation faced daily marginalization.
Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development Forum-Asia appreciated the Republic of Korea’s efforts, but regretted that some deep concerns had been ignored, including the abolition of the death penalty, adoption of a comprehensive anti-discrimination law, and allowing civilian service as an alternative to military service. The Forum welcomed the commitment to protect human rights defenders, and to investigate the excessive use of force against trade unionists.
Istituto Internazionale Maria Ausiliatrice delle Salesiane di Don Bosco, in a joint statement with International Volunteerism Organization for Women, Education and Development – VIDES, regretted that the Republic of Korea had not accepted recommendations concerning the universal registration of birth. Children of migrants had been deprived of registration, so the Government was urged to address this matter. Corporal punishment was still present and the authorities were invited to prohibit corporal punishment.
Amnesty International encouraged the Korean National Police Agency to implement reforms, including adopting a clearly regulated framework for policing assemblies and for the use of force in line with international law. Regret was expressed that recommendations to give conscientious objectors the option to perform an alternative civil service, or to ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights aiming to abolish death penalty, had not been accepted
Human Rights Watch noted that the Government of the Republic of Korea had adopted 131 recommendations and urged it to fully implement them. However, the Government chose to only note rather than accept 97 recommendations because they had been considered incompatible with national law. These concerned the abolition of the death penalty, decriminalization of defamation, decriminalization of abortion and the National Security Law.
CIVICUS- World Alliance for Citizen Participation regretted the Government’s decision not to accept a number of recommendations to promote the rights essential to civic space. Specifically, it regretted the Republic of Korea’s refusal to amend the National Security Law to ensure it was not used arbitrarily to restrict the freedom of expression. The Government was urged to consult with civil society during implementation of the recommendations.
United Nations Watch had hosted a conference with military defectors of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea who had witnessed detention camp horrors. It was this Council's own Commission of Inquiry that had stated that people in this country had witnessed public executions, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, complete denial of freedom of thought, and other horrors. The situation of women was particularly dire. Women prisoners faced physical violence, rape and abortion.
The President said that out of 218 recommendations received, 121 enjoyed the Republic of Korea’s support, while 97 were noted.
CHOI KYONGLIM, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations Office at Geneva, said recommendations from the Universal Periodic Review would serve as valuable sources for the Government to further strengthen its willingness to achieve higher standards in the relevant areas of human rights. The country had gone through a broad consultation process with relevant stakeholders from the preparation of the national report to the consideration of the recommendations.
The Council then adopted the Universal Periodic Review outcome of the Republic of Korea.
General Debate on Human Rights Bodies and Mechanisms
Japanese Worker’s Committee for Human Rights informed the Council about serious breaches of human rights of the Korean minority and activists which had been occurring in Japan. Japan had been asked by the Council to regulate hate speech, but the Government had not undertaken any action.
European Coordination for Association and Individues for the Freddom of Conscience highlighted the case of the Church of Almighty God in China. The Church had been persecuted in China since 1995 and some members had died in custody under suspicious circumstances. It should be clear that Church members faced repression and the Human Rights Council was urged to act on the matter.
良心の自由のための団体と個人のヨーロッパ・コーディネーション[European Coordination of Associations and Individuals for Freedom of Conscience(仏:Coordination des Associations and Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience)]は、中国における全能神教会の事件を強調した。教会は1995年以来、中国において迫害され、一部メンバーは不審な状況下で拘留中に死亡していた。教会員が抑圧に直面したことを明らかにしなければならず、人権理事会は、この問題に対して行動するよう強く促された。
Right of Reply
China, speaking in a right of reply, said that some non-governmental organizations had attacked China on groundless reasons. Everyone was equal before the law and the non-governmental organizations were asked to stop making unfounded accusations.
中国は、一部の非政府組織が根拠のない理由で中国を攻撃したと答えた。 誰もが法の前に平等であり、非政府組織は根拠のない告発をやめさせるよう求められた。
*1:日本のように「留意」の中身の分類は公表していない(関連エントリ 2018-03-19 参照)。審査結果報告補遺 A/HRC/37/11/Add.1 パラグラフ6以下には下記の記載がある。
6. しかしながら、UPRメカニズムは、審査中の締約国に勧告を「拒否」するのではなく「留意」するよう指導することにより国際社会の共有された意思を具現化し、これにより、すべてのメンバー国が勧告に注意を払い、国際人権規範に準拠して人権を保護し、促進する責任を果たすよう義務づけている。7. したがって、現時点で提言の一部が受け入れられていない、あるいは国内の法的制度や社会情勢に適合しないために留意されている場合でも、韓国政府は、メンバー国の人権状況についての懸念や期待を考慮した取り組みへの関与をつねに続け、それにより、国内人権状況の改善のみならず、グローバルな人権促進のための取り組みにも貢献し、国際社会の責任ある一員となる。
*2:韓国の報告書は突合しにくい。日本などが採っている勧告番号毎に書き出す書式のほうが(ページ数は多くなるのだろうが)便利なので、これは見直しを「勧告」したい。UPR 事務局に指導を「強く促す」べきか(笑)。