ノルウェーについては冒頭の要約のみ抽出。アルメニアは発言者がなかった模様。韓国政府報告審査会については関連エントリ 2018-12-04 参照。
( NGO 発言より)
「韓国は長いあいだ、ひとつの朝鮮民族という神話をつくり出した」「蔓延する排除と抑圧の状況に少数民族を置いた同質性に向かう強力な同化衝動[strong assimilation drive]」、「約10,000人の事実上無国籍の子どもがいる可能性」、報告書へのNGO参画について「市民社会との協議水準は非常に表面的」「政府はその方針に従う非政府組織にしかアプローチしていなかった」(47非政府組織連合代表)。
「政府は移住労働者が国内労働法の対象となっていると主張したが、それは全員にとって真実ではなかった」「農業や漁業において働く移住労働者は対象外であり、彼らは長時間働き、法定最低賃金よりも低賃金」「移住者は社会保障権、とくに医療制度から除外された」、「過去十年において、移住者に対する暴力と取り締まりのなか10名の証明書のない移住者が死亡し、77名が負傷」(移住・人権研究所)。「暴力的」な「取り締まり」について触れた後に述べているが「取り締まり」で死者が出たのかは不明。「証明書のない移住者」については関連エントリ 2018-12-04 参照。
「一部の結婚移住者は赤ん坊つくり機[baby-making machines]とみなされた」(ムン・ジェイン大統領が在籍していた親北団体、民主社会のための弁護士会(民弁)*1 )。
韓国弁護士会がメディアについて提起しているが、報告書に日本への言及がないかさらってみてみたところ、47非政府組織連合の報告の以下のメディアについての「事例」に(のみ)登場していた( p. 83 、国連人権高等弁務官事務所ホームページ「市民社会組織からの情報」リンク先参照)。
3. インターネットとソーシャルメディア:性差別的、人種差別的な内容のビデオを発信するウェブポータルに対する規制の欠如
個人メディアの急速な成長に伴い、性別や人種差別的なビデオを広めるYouTube、Facebook、Naverなどのウェブプラットフォームに関する規制が必要である。(事例:Evil Factory TV、「女の子と遊ぶ[*3]6つのベスト国、韓国と日本はどこで?」、2018年2月20日)
"Evil Factory TV" というのは YouTube チャンネル(名の英訳)のようである。"이블팩토리TV" で検索すると、当該動画は当方では見当たらなかったが他にもそれっぽい動画や(日本関係もあり)、"Evil Factory TV" とテロップのある動画がアップされているチャンネルに行き着く。現在チャンネル名は変更されているようである(未確認)。
八月の対日審査に続き、不当な日本批判を正す学者の会、人種差別に反対する日本NGO連合(JNCRD)が報告書を提出している(関連エントリ 2018-08-06 参照)。
CERD - あらゆる形態の人種差別撤廃に関する国際条約: -
CERD - あらゆる形態の人種差別撤廃に関する国際条約
第97回セッション(2018年11月26日 - 2018年12月14日)
- 声明 - 開会挨拶(2018年12月3日)(Word)-「あらゆる形態の人種差別撤廃に関する国際条約に対する韓国の第17から19回定期報告の審査に際しての韓国代表団団長カン・ジョンシク氏による開会声明」
- CERD/C/KOR/Q/17-19(2018年10月31日)(html)-「韓国の第十七回から十九回連結定期報告に関するリスト・オブ・テーマ」
- 国家人権委員会(2018年10月22日提出/2018年11月6日発行)(Word))-「国連「あらゆる形態の人種差別撤廃に関する国際条約」 韓国の十七回から十九回定期報告審査のための韓国人権委員会の独立報告書」
- 47韓国NGO連合(2018年10月24日発行)(PDF)-「韓国NGOによる国連人種差別撤廃委員会のオルタナティブ・レポート 97回セッション、2018年11月26日から12月14日」
- 不当な日本批判を正す学者の会(2018年11月3日提出/2018年11月15日発行)(PDF)-「韓国における反日の実態」*4
- 人種差別に反対する日本NGO連合(JNCRD)(2018年11月5日提出/2018年11月12日発行)(PDF)-「人種差別撤廃条約違反の親日反民族行為者財産の国家帰属に関する特別法」*5
- 韓国弁護士協会(2018年11月5日提出/2018年11月20日発行)(PDF)-「韓国の第17回 - 19回定期報告審査のために国連人種差別撤廃委員会(CERD)に提出したオルタナティブ・レポート」
- CERD/C/KOR/17-19(2016年2月4日期限/2017年10月17日受領/2017年11月17日発行)(PDF)-「2016年期限の条約第9条に基づき韓国によって提出された第十七回から十九回連結定期報告」
3 December 2018
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination this morning held an informal meeting with representatives of non-governmental organizations with respect to the Republic of Korea and Norway, whose reports on the implementation of the provisions of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination will be considered this week.
The report of Albania will also be reviewed by the Committee this week, but no civil society representatives spoke on the situation in that country.
Representatives of civil society from Norway highlighted the lack of responsible conduct by politicians, public authorities and media professionals in their public statements, in spite of the recently adopted national strategy against hate speech. There had been fewer open and crude hateful statements by political leaders since the previous report of the State party, but there had been more populist statements that encouraged xenophobia and influenced generally negative views of Muslim migrants. The organizations further drew attention to ethnic profiling by the police, due to the Government’s targeting of illegal migrants. As a result, some 9,000 persons had been deported. Turning to discrimination against minorities in the labour market, speakers reminded that the unemployment rate of minority women was alarmingly high compared with that of the general population, and they were overrepresented in low-paid and unskilled jobs where they were more exposed to abuse. Speakers also warned of the increasing exposure of the Sami and Kven communities to the outside pressure of new industries and infrastructures, endangering traditional livelihoods. Finally, speakers highlighted discrimination against Roma and against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons who did not have permanent residence in Norway.
Norwegian Centre against Racism, Institution against Public Discrimination, MIRA Resource Centre for Women with Minority Backgrounds, Queer World, Teternes Association, Norwegian Kven Association, Romano Kher/the Church City Mission, Sami Parliament, and Sami Council spoke on Norway.
The Committee will next meet in public today at 3 p.m. to consider the combined seventeenth to nineteenth periodic report of the Republic of Korea (CERD/C/KOR/17-19).
委員会は本日3時に、韓国の十七回から十九回連結定期報告 (CERD/C/KOR/17-19)を検討するために次の公開会合を行なう。
Statements on the Republic of Korea
The first speaker, on behalf of a coalition of 47 non-governmental organizations, said the Republic of Korea had created a myth of a one ethnic Korea for a long time. People who did not conform to that had mostly lived invisibly. There was a strong assimilation drive towards homogeneity which left ethnic minorities in situations of prevalent exclusion and oppression. The recent large influx of migrants had changed the scene of diversity. Over two million migrants who came from China, Viet Nam, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Philippines, Cambodia and others, were living in the Republic of Korea. They were treated as aliens or foreigners who did not fully belong to the society. The racial prejudice and systemic discrimination against migrants with low skills were especially severe. The wide spread instigation to xenophobia and Islamophobia was also of particular concern. The news created a stereotype of foreigners as criminals. In July 2018, over 700,000 persons had petitioned the President asking for the deportation of Yemeni asylum seekers. The Government called undocumented migrants illegal residents and criminalized them. There was no legal framework to combat racial discrimination, which allowed some hate groups, including conservative Christian groups and Internet groups, to produce and spread fake news with the intention of justifying discrimination. It was urgent for the Republic of Korea to enact a comprehensive law prohibiting all forms of discrimination, and immediate measures were necessary to regulate hate speech.
Joint Committee with Migrants in Korea recounted an experience of a woman born to a Filipino father and a Korean mother. When she took a bus with her father, she was conscious of how people were staring at them. She had discovered the discrimination did not occur only on the streets where xenophobic protests took place and racist slogans were shouted. Mere judgmental stares made her want to deny her identity. There was still no anti-discrimination law in the Republic of Korea and discrimination flowed clearly from laws and policies, in the schools and supermarkets and bus stations. The speaker said she was called of mixed blood at the time, now the correct word was multi-cultured, and this word followed a person indefinitely. In the Korean society, differences led to discrimination based on class, country of origin, skin colour and gender. Cultural and institutional racism was prevalent in the Republic of Korea. Living in the Republic of Korea without nationality were migrant workers, migrant women and refugees, and they were treated as labour force, means of reproduction, non-existent beings or simply targets of hate.
Migration and Human Rights Institute addressed the discriminatory aspects in the Republic Korea’s labour migration system and attempts to discriminate against migrant workers in the minimum wage level. They could not change their employer unless they had permission from the employer or unless they could prove violations of their rights. The Government claimed that migrant workers were covered by domestic labour laws but that was not true for all. Migrant workers working in agriculture or fisheries were not covered; they worked long hours and were paid less than the legal minimum wage. Migrants were excluded from social security rights, especially from the healthcare system. Many migrants in the Republic of Korea were working and paying taxes, but most were excluded from the right to social security, including healthcare, except for recognized refugees and marriage migrants who met certain conditions. The crackdown on undocumented migrants was extremely violent, especially if they were migrants from low-income migrants. In the past decade, 10 undocumented migrants had died and 77 were injured during violence and crackdowns against migrants.
Minbyun Lawyers for a Democratic Society reminded that there were many hard-working migrant women with various legal statuses in domestic service, agriculture and small businesses on a temporary basis. For that reason, their labour rights were violated by long working hours with low pay, lack of breaks and days off, and exclusion from occupational insurance. Because of their legal status, migrant women workers tended not report sexual violence affecting them. All female migrant workers should have equal rights to a support system and should not be discriminated against in maternity leave protection and childcare. Women from Thailand were exposed to sexual exploitation and human trafficking. A married migrant who was separated from her Korean spouse through death or divorce had to return to her country, unless she was already a Korean national or had Korean children. Some marriage migrants were considered as baby-making machines. The Korean Government should revise its discriminatory rules on migrant women and multi-cultural families.
Immigrants Advocacy Centre Gamdong recalled that undocumented migrant children were excluded from the application of laws and policies for children just because they did not have Korean nationality. Undocumented migrant children were categorized as illegal residents and denied the rights of the child. They could be subject to detention and deportation. Only Korean nationals could register the birth of a child in the Republic of Korea, although the Government had received repeated recommendations by various United Nations treaty bodies to allow universal birth registration. Registration of all births should be allowed by the Republic of Korea as it was the first step to the protection of the rights of the child. All children, regardless of the parents’ status, should be able to enjoy the basic social rights without any kind of discrimination. Migrant children in the Republic of Korea could go to primary and middle school under the law, but admission into a school was entirely up to the Principal’s discretion, and there had been cases where admission was denied without any valid reason. Since 2015, more than 200 children had been detained for violation of the Immigration Act.
GongGam Human Rights Law Foundation said the refugee status determination process was used as a device not to protect refugees but to keep them out. In 2017, almost 10,000 people applied for asylum in the Republic of Korea, but only 100 were recognized as refugees. The refugee recognition rate was 1.5 per cent. One of the main reasons for this was the chronic lack of resources. Only 37 refugee status determination officers were handling those more than 10,000 refugee cases, and adequate translation and legal aid were not provided. This led to the poor treatment of asylum seekers. Persons with humanitarian status only enjoyed rights to stay and work in the Republic of Korea. The refugee status determination process operated to accept as few refugees as possible. When around 500 Yemini refugees had come to Jeju island in the Republic of Korea seeking asylum under a no visa policy, the Minister of Justice had responded by banning the Yemeni asylum seekers from leaving the island and added Yemen as a country whose nationals required a visa. This made Koreans feel that refugees were dangerous, and protests against them were held every week. Around 700,000 Koreans had signed a petition to abolish the refugee law.
Dongcheon Foundation drew attention to the flaws in the country’s refugee status determination procedure, noting that asylum seekers were not given sufficient time during interviews to explain the reasons for their requests. For one family which had not been granted asylum, it was found that the transcript of the interview was different from what the family had said. The Government had cancelled its decision when the family filed a lawsuit, and eventually the family received refugee status. This was not a standalone case. The same interviewer and interpreter had interviewed and rejected 100 asylum seeks, and the Government had later cancelled 55 of those decisions. However, no disciplinary action had been taking against these officials. The Government had recently stated its intention to amend its refugee status determination procedure to screen and prevent “abusive cranks”. The Foundation asked the Government whether there was enough to prevent “abusive decisions”.
Korean Bar Association regretted that migrants could be placed in detention without due process when it was not possible to send them back home. The law did not provide for access to legal aid for foreigners in detention, nor did it specify the length of detention. Furthermore, detained foreigners had to pay a high fee upon release. The Association also called attention to widespread hate speech in traditional and new media, despite the existence of laws prohibiting the spread of such speech through the media. For example, the Korean media had spread false news that Yemeni refugees had committed crimes on Jeju island.
Questions by Committee Experts
GAY MCDOUGALL, Committee Member and Country Rapporteur for the Republic of Korea, complemented the non-governmental organizations for having briefed the Committee on the situation in the country. Had there been positive developments in the country since the Committee’s previous concluding observations?
The Experts asked civil society associations to provide data on stateless persons, domestic violence, and racially motivated crimes. They also inquired about the different types of visas issued to foreign nationals, such as the D6 visa, which was normally issued to artists, but which could be used to promote trafficking of women for prostitution, in particular when it came to women from Thailand working as masseuses.
An Expert asked for clarification regarding the lack of a comprehensive definition of sex trafficking. She also wanted to clarify whether 200 children had been detained for violation of the Immigration Act.
Another Expert inquired about equal treatment before courts and about foreign detainees’ access to consular assistance and interpretation services.
How had civil society participated in the preparation of the State party’s report? Had their opinions had been reflected in the report? What effect did the ruling by the Constitutional Court have on indirect discrimination on the country’s legal system?
On behalf of the coalition of 47 non-governmental organizations, speakers clarified that there was no specific data on domestic violence. There should be official statistics on that issue. As for trafficking of migrant women, in the past many women from the Philippines had come to the Republic of Korea on the D6 visa, whereas nowadays it was women from Thailand who came to work in massage parlours. They were afraid to report any abuse because they did not hold proper working visas. The law narrowly defined sex trafficking and it lacked provisions on victim protection. It should be brought in line with the Palermo Protocol. Turning to stateless persons, they were usually children born in the Republic of Korea but who were not registered. There might be about 10,000 de facto stateless children in the country, even though the State party had acceded to the 1954 Convention relating to the status of stateless persons. Many defectors from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had come to the Republic of Korea from China and they could not prove their nationality.
The humanitarian status visa was issued to those who did not fit the category of refugees, but who could not return to their countries of origin. More than 300 Yemenis had been granted humanitarian status visas, which had to be renewed every year and they could not work with that visa. The right to consular assistance was only stated in police directives and it was not binding. There was no data on racially motivated crimes, which was very problematic. Furthermore, there was no law on indirect discrimination and foreigners were not entitled to the same level of protection as Korean nationals. The level of consultation with civil society was very superficial and the Government had only approached the non-governmental organizations that toed its line.
Statements on Norway