




  • 観測対象とは直接関係ないトピックが多くなったが決議ということで訳出(下記関連エントリ 2017-06-22 01:00 参照)。

  • 中国が、エリトリアにおける人権状況に関する決議に反対。

  • 国際人権サービス(ジュネーブ)が、中国やエジプト、ロシアなどの理事会での対応を非難。

  • テロリズム対策における人権と基本的自由の保護に関する決議」(A/HRC/35/L.27)
    いわゆる「共謀罪」で議論されたテーマだが、決議は、テロに対抗する措置が、国際人権法、国際難民法、国際人道法などを遵守することを促している。ロシアが、主権の尊重を求める修正案 L.43 、「暴力的過激主義」への言及の削除を求める L.44 、および南アフリカL.46 を提出した。いずれも否決。

  • テロと暴力的過激主義?

    • 「暴力的過激主義」は、イスラム原理主義者のテロにおいて過激思想を問題視して、イスラム教そのものへの非難を避ける文脈などで用いられたりすると解しておりますが、ここでは対抗措置における人権への考慮がテーマとなっており、したがってロシアは、(テロでは考慮しても)「暴力的過激主義」では人権への考慮は不要としていると解される。

    • しかしその主張するところは、テロに「暴力的過激主義」が含まれる、あるいは(テロでなく)「暴力的過激主義」に対するという名目で措置を講ずるとすれば、この決議そのものを無効化することに他ならない。

    • ロシアは「暴力的過激主義」という概念の曖昧さを指摘するが、決議にテロと「暴力的過激主義」が並置されていることにより、決議全体を無効化するような逆さまの論理のツッコミが可能になっているような?。

  • 正当なる暴力的過激主義?
    南アフリカの修正案 L.46 は、いわば「正当な」「暴力的過激主義」もあり得るとする主張。同国はかつての自国の経験に照らしての主張だが、ロシアや中国寄りの立場を取ることが多いようにおもわれるエジプトが、パレスチナ解放運動に引き寄せ修正に賛意を表明。今回の修正案のなかでは最も賛成票を集めた(14票)。中国やロシア(後者は非理事国)の反応は不明だが、欧米とは違う意味で反対でしょう。

  • 下記も参照。



Council Extends Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Eritrea

23 June 2017

The Human Rights Council this afternoon adopted two resolutions in which it extended the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Eritrea for a period of one year, and in which it urged States to ensure that counter-terrorism measures were not discriminatory. The Council also appointed four Special Procedure mandate holders, and then closed its regular thirty-fifth session. 


Action on Resolution under the Agenda Item on the Promotion and Protection of All Human Rights, Civil, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, including the Right to Development

Action on Resolution L.27 on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms while Countering Terrorism

In a resolution (A/HRC/35/L.27) on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, adopted without a vote, the Council expresses serious concern at the violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms and of international refugee law and international humanitarian law in the context of countering terrorism and violent extremism conducive to terrorism; strongly encourages relevant United Nations agencies to take into account in their technical assistance to counter terrorism, whenever appropriate, the elements necessary for building national capacity in order to strengthen criminal justice systems and the rule of law; urges States to ensure that measures taken to counter terrorism and violent extremism conducive to terrorism are not discriminatory, and not to resort to profiling based on stereotypes founded on ethnic, racial or religious grounds or any other ground of discrimination prohibited by international law; and also requests all States to cooperate fully with the Special Rapporteur in the performance of the tasks and duties mandated, including by reacting promptly to urgent appeals and providing the information requested, and to give serious consideration to responding favourably to requests by the Special Rapporteur to visit their countries.

Mexico, introducing draft resolution L.27, highlighted that the text was co-sponsored by 47 States. All action taken to combat terrorism must respect human rights. Terrorism was one of the main threats that democratic societies had to face today. Recent attacks had cost thousands of lives in different parts of the world and destroyed families. It was important that countries remained united against this threat. In that sense, the Global Strategy of the General Assembly and the recent resolutions of the Security Council recognized the responsibility of the State to fight against terrorism and violent extremism. The Council had to ensure that this path would be fully respectful of human rights and international law. Mexico welcomed that, a few days ago, the office of the United Nations to fight terrorism had been established in order to coordinate the action of the United Nations in this field. Ambassador Vladimir Ivanovich Voronkov from the Russian Federation had been nominated at the head of this body. The text brought together the various perspectives as a result of inclusive and transparent consultations. However, despite the fight to reflect concerns, Mexico voiced concerns about the amendments that were proposed to eliminate the concept of “violent extremism” which had been recognized by the Security Council and the General Assembly.

Russian Federation, also speaking on behalf of Egypt and Venezuela, introduced amendments L.43 and L.44 as orally revised, saying that they had always steadfastly upheld human rights and fundamental freedoms. Initiatives in this field had to respect the principles of sovereignty and equality of States and prevention of interference in the internal affairs. The draft resolution, in its current form, did not meet these principles. The States were disappointed that the sponsors of the draft resolution had not included operative paragraph No. 3, which had been included the previous year. They recalled that this paragraph had been agreed upon and was contained in a General Assembly resolution and the Global Counterterrorism Strategy Review. The draft resolution distorted the paragraph No.3, and amendment L.43 corrected this. Regarding amendment L.44 on the concept of violent extremism, the Special Rapporteur on the topic had noted the vagueness of the term “violent extremism” and what compelled people to become followers of violent extremism, led to a wide range of political measures which could have a significant negative impact on human rights. The countries shared this point of view. The pushing of the concept of violent extremism created an explosive potential of using this issue for the purpose of geopolitical engineering, interference, and even removal of governments. The countries did not approve of such an approach. Amendment L.44 removed the reference to violent extremism from the draft resolution. Russia, Egypt and Venezuela asked for the amendments to be considered individually, and called on the members of the Human Rights Council to support them.

South Africa, introducing amendment L.46 to draft resolution L.27, said it was deeply concerned at the loss of life arising from terror attacks across the world, and supported the sentiments underlying the resolution, but believed that it had serious substantive omissions which South Africa had raised throughout the negotiations. The amendment sought to balance the text by confirming that legitimate struggles for liberation should not be associated with terrorism. Numerous United Nations documents, including the United Nations Charter, informed resolutions which had provided the South African liberation movement with safeguards in their efforts to end apartheid. Concern was also expressed at the fact that the draft did not make any reference to the grave violations of human rights precipitated by the war on terror, which included unlawful renditions; the existence of secret detention centres where torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment was meted out to suspected terrorists; arbitrary detentions; enforced disappearances; and extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.


United States, in a general comment, urged all States to support the resolution by consensus and without amendment. It was important to tackle the scourge of terrorism while protecting human rights. The operative paragraph 15 reaffirmed the important role of civil society in combatting terrorism. The United States was concerned that civil society might be targeted under counter-terrorism laws. The current counter terrorism mechanisms in the United States respected human rights. Data was collected with respect of privacy rights.

Action on Amendment L.43

Panama, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, rejected the amendment, stating that it weakened the text of the draft resolution. If the Council adopted the amendment, it would send a negative message. The amendment was in detriment to Human Rights Council resolutions on this subject. It sought to place undetermined States over and above human rights. The language proposed by Mexico was a compromise solution. Panama appealed to all Members of the Human Rights Council to vote against the amendment.

United States, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, opposed the amendment and urged all Members of the Council to vote against it. The amendment created confusion on the message that the Council was sending by adopting L.27. The language in the draft proposal was a compromise solution. Adoption of the amendment would be a blow to the multilateral process. Draft resolution L.27 already addressed the threat posed to the territorial integrity of States, stability of governments, and other issues. The amendment aimed to reintroduce a controversial and vague notion.

The Council then rejected the amendment, by a recorded vote of 13 in favour, 26 against, and eight abstentions.

Action on Amendment L.44 as orally revised

Albania, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, said it did not support the amendment. The draft resolution L.27 as tabled was a commendable outcome of negotiations, and the General Assembly had made numerous references to the concept of violent extremism conducive to terrorism which had been adopted by consensus. The aim of the draft resolution was to ensure fundamental rights while countering terrorism, and to do that it needed to refer to extremism while framing it in the concept of terrorism. Albania would vote against L.44 and urged all others also to vote no on the amendment.

United Kingdom, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, said the amendment sought to remove all references to violent extremism conducive to terrorism despite the fact that the General Assembly had fully endorsed the Secretary-General’s report on the capability of the United Nations system to implement the global strategy. The mandate of the new office dedicated to that included preventing violent extremism. If the concept of violent extremism conducive to terrorism was deleted, it would suggest States need not ensure conformity with human rights. All Council members were called on to vote no on the amendment.

Action on Amendment L.44

Panama, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, rejected amendment L.44. This amendment aimed at removing the reference to “violent extremism which led to terrorism” although this terminology already appeared in a number of United Nations documents. It was not acceptable that violent extremism which led to terrorism and had an impact on the protection of human rights received less attention for the Council. Removing this reference would amount to ignoring the current situation of the world. Panama called on Member States to vote against the amendment.

The Council then rejected amendment L.44 by a vote of nine in favour, 26 against and 11 abstentions.

Action on Amendment L.46

Panama, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, rejected amendment L.46, stating that its position did not undermine the principle of self-determination embodied in the Charter. The draft resolution had to be kept as it was, and not refer to exceptions or groups in particular. Therefore Panama urged all Members of the Human Rights Council to vote against the amendment.

Egypt, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, said Egypt had been involved in putting together the Charter of the United Nations, and in particular, the principle of self-determination contained in the Charter. The principle of mutual basis had been underscored in many resolutions in the General Assembly. Egypt had tirelessly supported national liberation movements, in Africa, Asia and Middle East. It still supported the Palestinian people in their right to self-determination. In March, a group of States, including Egypt, had underscored that the right to self-determination was general in nature and did not focus on a specific region and did not mention specific terrorist groups. It stressed the protection of human rights in the context of the fight against terrorism. The resolution presented by Mexico sought to protect human rights in the context of the fight against terrorism. That was why this resolution had to distinguish between the legitimate fight against terrorism on the one hand, and not to amalgamate all forms of fighting against terrorism. Therefore, Egypt would vote in favor of this amendment.

Egypt, in an explanation of the vote before the vote to clarify a point, said it would vote in favour of South Africa’s amendment. Egypt was committed to South Africa’s amendment and supported it on L.27 and would vote for the amendment.

Georgia, in explanation of vote before the vote, said the amendment had already been considered and rejected at an earlier session of the Council. The resolution was not seeking to limit the scope in which human rights should or should not be protected. Therefore Georgia would vote against the amendment.

The Council then rejected the amendment by a recorded vote of 14 in favour to 23 against with 10 abstentions.

United Kingdom, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, stated that it was important to remain united against terrorism. States needed to tackle terrorism and violent extremism that led to terrorism. But they should also protect human rights. The United Kingdom called on all members of the Council to vote for the draft resolution.

Ecuador, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, condemned all acts of terrorism. There was a need for agreed joint measures to counter terrorism and its effects, bearing in mind that such measures should be in line with international law, human rights and humanitarian law. Given that there was no definition of violent extremism and terrorism in international law, linking both terms would complicate the efforts made in the past years by the international community. Furthermore, any collateral damage resulting from counter terrorism measures could not be justified.

The resolution was adopted without a vote.

Explanations of the Vote after the Vote Made after the Council Concluded Adopting Texts under the Agenda Item on the Promotion and Protection of All Human Rights, Civil, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, including the Right to Development.

United States, in an explanation of the vote after the vote, clarified its position on issues that were present in various resolutions during the current Human Rights Council session. The United States understood that these resolutions did not imply that States must join human rights or other international instruments to which they were not a party, or that they must implement those instruments or any obligations under them. The United States also underscored that human rights were held and exercised by individuals, not groups. The concerns of the United States about the existence of a “right to development “were long-standing and well known. The United States objected to statements on technology transfer found in resolutions adopted by the Human Rights and it continued to oppose language that it believed undermined intellectual property rights. The United Sates was firmly committed to providing equal access to education, including the equal enjoyment of the right to education by every girl. These comments applied to a number of adopted resolutions. The United States also wished to correct the record with respect to its explanation of position on the resolution on violence against women (L.15). In joining consensus on that resolution, the United States disassociated itself from Paragraph 9.d.

Republic of Korea, in an explanation of the vote after the vote, said it had abstained from voting on the resolution on the right to the family. The promotion and protection of human rights had to begin with recognizing individuals as rights bearers. While noting the definition of the family was expanding, the draft resolution did not address aspects of the family. The Human Rights Council in the future might establish other mechanisms to address the situation of the elderly.


Action on Resolution under the Agenda Item on Human Rights Situations that Require the Council’s Attention

Action on Resolution on the Situation of Human Rights in Eritrea

In a resolution (A/HRC/35/L.13/Rev.1) on the situation of human rights in Eritrea, adopted without a vote as orally revised, the Council decides to extend the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Eritrea for a period of one year, and requests the mandate holder to continue and to strengthen the follow up on the implementation of the recommendations of the commission of inquiry and her recommendations in her report, on the situation of human rights in Eritrea, to submit and present a written report to the Human Rights Council at its thirty-eighth session, and to address and engage in an interactive dialogue with the General Assembly at its seventy-second session. The Council also decides to hold an enhanced interactive dialogue on the human rights situation in Eritrea at its thirty-seventh session, with the participation of the Special Rapporteur, the Office of the High Commissioner, civil society and other relevant stakeholders; and calls upon the Government of Eritrea to consider the establishment of a presence of the Office of the High Commissioner in Eritrea with a holistic mandate to protect, promote and monitor human rights with unhindered access. The Council further requests the Office of the High Commissioner to continue to enhance engagement in improving the situation of human rights in Eritrea, and to present an oral update to the Human Rights Council at its thirty-seventh session on progress made in the cooperation between Eritrea and the Office, and on its impact on the situation of human rights in Eritrea.

Djibouti, introducing draft resolution L.13, submitted this resolution as a follow-up to previous resolutions that enjoyed the consensus of the Council since 2012. In 2016, the Commission of Inquiry on Eritrea, in its second report to the Council, concluded that in addition to enslavement, arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance, torture, persecution, rape and murder, there were reasonable grounds to believe that crimes against humanity had been committed and continued in Eritrea since 1991. The draft resolution aimed to renew the mandate of the Special Rapporteur in order to follow up the implementation of the recommendations made by the Commission of Inquiry, especially in creating accountability mechanisms and other recommendations. Additionally, the resolution asked for enhanced interactive dialogue at the thirty-seventh session of the Council. Many Eritreans were victims of human rights violations and abuses that had been regularly reported to the Council and that were being committed by the Eritrean Government. The wide spread use of conscription into national military service as well as forced conscription of children into military service forced Eritrean people to leave their country, exposing them to abuses by smugglers and human traffickers.

Germany, in a general comment on behalf of the European Union, referred to past and ongoing human rights violations in Eritrea, stating that the situation required further monitoring. Therefore, the European Union supported the draft resolution. It thanked the main sponsors for drafting it and urged the Government of Eritrea to fully implement the resolution, including by giving access to the Special Rapporteur.


Eritrea, speaking as the concerned country, said the Human Rights Council would get itself into a regional conflict by adopting the resolution in question. The objective of the architects of the “sordid affair” was the harassment of Eritrea to serve ulterior political objectives. The resolution served the agendas of other players. The moral authority of the Council would be corroded by the resolution. The underlying report had fundamental flaws, and Eritrea rejected the use of the Council by some desperate members to thwart economic progress. The progress of the nation could not be halted, and the resolution was oblivious to realities. The failure to recognize progress in Eritrea was symptomatic of how the Council regarded other countries, too. The resolution had exposed the destructive aims of Eritrea’s detractors. Eritrea totally rejected the draft resolution, which was a travesty of justice. All Member States of the Council should disassociate from the unfair and unwarranted resolution.


中国は、投票前の投票説明で、人権はエリトリアの経済発展にとって不可欠な要素だと述べた。国際社会は、普遍性と相互依存の原則、その他の人権原則を尊重し、エリトリアの状況を包括的に扱わなければならなかった。決議案はこれらの原則を尊重しなかった。この理由のために、中国は、決議の支持を投票しない。 アフリカの角の国々は、共通の開発目標を達成しようと望んでいた。


Explanations of the Vote after the Vote Made after the Council Concluded Taking Action on Resolutions under the Agenda Item on Human Rights Situations that Require the Council’s Attention

Switzerland, in an explanation of the vote after the vote on behalf of a group of countries, said the human rights situation in Belarus was of concern and the group of countries supported the extension of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur. The wording of operative paragraph 6 was unfortunate, in light of the spike in death sentences. The wording should have been clearer and expressed concern at the use of the death penalty in Belarus. The Secretary-General in a report had noted the imposition of the death penalty alongside torture and other cruel inhuman and degrading treatment.

Venezuela, in an explanation of the vote after the vote, rejected double standards and politicization against specific countries, and said that dealing with any human rights situation needed to involve the concerned country. The Universal Periodic Review was the most appropriate form for promoting human rights. Venezuela dissociated itself from the consensus on L.13/Rev.1 on the human rights situation in Eritrea.


Appointment of Four Special Procedure Mandate Holders

JOAQUIN ALEXANDER MAZA MARTELLI, President of the Human Rights Council, said the Council would proceed to appoint four Special Procedure mandate holders. He thanked the members of the Consultative Group for their invaluable role in the process to identify an appropriate candidate for each vacancy. For the position of the Independent Expert on human rights and international solidarity, the President proposed Obiora Okafor from Nigeria. For the position of the Special Rapporteur on minority issues, he proposed Fernand de Varennes from Canada. As to the position of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, the President proposed Felipe Gonzales Morales from Chile. In relation to the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, the President proposed Fionnuala Ni Aolain from Ireland.

The list of candidates was then approved by the Council.

General Comments by Observer States

Australia, speaking on behalf of a group of countries in a general comment, recognized that families played a key role in providing an enabling environment for the full enjoyment of human rights. But the family could also be a field of violations of human rights, including elder-based violence, denial of women’s property rights, children abuse, or mistreatment of persons with disabilities. Australia also recalled that various forms of families existed. This assumption recognized the reality that family structures were diverse. Consequently there was a need for diverse and adequate family policies.


Russian Federation, in a general comment, opposed the Council’s consideration of politicized country resolutions. Those should be discussed constructively and with full involvement of the concerned country. The agenda item on technical assistance and capacity building was once again being misused for political purposes. The Russian Federation, thus, could not support the resolutions on Belarus, Eritrea and Ukraine. The efforts to reinterpret the 2030 Agenda were useless, and references to controversial terms in international law were unacceptable.
ロシア連邦は、一般コメントにおいて、政治化した国の決議に対する理事会の判断に反対した。これらは建設的かつ関係国の完全関与をもって議論されるべきである。技術支援とキャパシティ・ビルディング[能力構築]に関するアジェンダ項目は、政治的目的のために再び誤用された。ロシア連邦はしたがって、ベラルーシエリトリアおよびウクライナに関する決議を支持することができなかった。 2030年アジェンダを再解釈する努力は役に立たず、国際法における論争の多い用語への言及は容認できなかった。


Iran, in a general comment, disassociated itself from operational paragraphs 8 and 9 of draft resolution L. 15, underscoring that the application of terms and concepts that were neither defined nor recognized by international human rights law or domestic legislation, should be avoided. On draft resolution L.26, it believed that in drafting and presenting resolutions to the Council, cultural diversity, religious sensitivity, and national particularities of countries should be given due consideration. It would therefore pursue this resolution accordingly. Regarding draft resolution L. 27, Iran reserved its position on any reference made to “violent extremism conducive to terrorism” throughout the text. It also reserved the right not to apply any provisions of this resolution that were incompatible with the international obligations and/or national legislations in this effect. On draft resolution L.29, Iran fully embraced the efforts aimed at the elimination of violence against the girls and women, however it disassociated itself from preamble paragraphs 7, 13 and 17, and operational paragraphs 3(c), 5(d), 8(c), 9(e), 12 and 13, noting that it was strongly opposed to comprehensive sexuality education as proposed in the draft. Regarding draft resolution L.35, Iran expressed its broad support and commitment to the right of education for every girl, but expressed its reservation on some concepts in the document, and disassociated itself from operational paragraphs 2(c), 2(d), 5 and 6.
イランは、一般コメントにおいて、国際人権法や国内法によって定義も認められてもいない用語や概念の適用を避けるべきであると強調し、決議草案L. 15のパラグラフ8と9から離脱した。決議草案L.26に関して、理事会への決議の起草と提示において、国の文化的多様性、宗教的感受性、国家的特殊性について十分考慮する必要があると考えられた。したがって相応に、この決議を追求する。決議草案L. 27に関して、イランは、文書全体を通じて「テロリズムにつながる暴力的過激主義」に対するいかなる言及についても、その立場を留保した。また、この措置において国際義務および、または国内法と両立しないこの決議の規定を適用しない権利を留保した。イランは、決議草案L.29に関して、少女と女性に対する暴力の排除を目的とした努力を完全に受け入れたが、前文パラグラフ7、13および17、主文3(c)、5(d)、8(c)、9(e)、12および13から離脱し、草案で提案された包括的性教育に強く反対したことを指摘した。イランは、決議案L.35に関して、すべての少女の教育の権利に対する広範な支持と約束を表明したが、文書のいくつかの概念についての留保を表明し、主文パラグラフ2(c)、2(d)、5および6から離脱した。

Draft Report on the Thirty-Fifth Session of the Council

MOUAYED SALEH, Vice-President of the Human Rights Council, introduced the draft report of the Human Rights Council. It contained a procedural description of the work of the session up to the end of the debate. He reminded delegations that any comments and corrections should be sent within two weeks. The draft report contained 10 chapters corresponding to the agenda items of the Council. The text of the resolutions and the President’s Statement would be available shortly on the website. The Council had heard an oral update from the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and held dialogues with Special Procedures and two Commissions of Inquiry. A wide range of subjects had been discussed through panel discussions and general debates. Four mandate holders of Special Procedures had been appointed.
ムアイド・サレ人権理事会副議長は、人権理事会の報告草案を提出した。それには、議論の終わりまでのセッションの作業の手続きの記述が含まれていた。任意のコメントや訂正が2週間以内に送信されなければならないことを代表団に想起させた。報告書草案は、理事会のアジェンダ項目に対応する10の章を含んでいた。決議の文書と議長の声明は、ウェブサイトで直ちに入手できる。理事会は、人権高等弁務官からの口頭報告を聞き、特別手続と二つの調査委員会との対話を開催した。 パネルディスカッションや一般討論を通じて幅広いテーマを議論してきた。特別手続の四名のマンデート保持者が任命された。

Acting without a vote, the Council decided to adopt its report ad referendum.

General Concluding Remarks


International Service for Human Rights, in a joint civil society end of session statement, welcomed the commitment by many States from all regions to enhance the Council’s success and effectiveness and the performance of the Human Rights Council members through a series of concrete actions. The steps outlined by the Netherlands, such as more competitive Human Rights Council elections, would go a long way in making the Council more accessible, effective and protective. The leadership shown by States in the development of joint statements on killings in the Philippines’ so-called “war on drugs” and threats against human rights defenders, and on the increasingly dire situation in the Maldives were examples of this. International Service for Human Rights regretted the lack of such leadership on States, including China and Egypt. Although there were hopes for a more robust response on the Democratic Republic of Congo from the Council, the international team of experts brought hope of uncovering the truth about the horrific violence in the Kasais. International Service for Human Rights also welcomed the adoption by consensus of both resolutions on discrimination and violence against women and regretted that Russia and others systematically sought to remove reference to human rights defenders in all resolutions at each session.

Concluding Remarks by the President of the Council

JOAQUIN ALEXANDER MAZA MARTELLI, President of the Human Rights Council, said that with a view to finding a solution to the number of Council meetings, a joint task force comprised of representatives from the Bureau of the Council and representatives of the United Nations Office at Geneva and the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights had been established. Through that task force’s work, it was hoped that a solution would be found to allow the Council to finish its work for 2017 and identify sustainable solutions for the future. He thanked all members of the Bureau for their work. During the session, a number of allegations of acts of intimidation had been brought to his attention. The Council rejected all such acts by Governments and non-State actors against individuals and groups who sought to cooperate with the United Nations, its representatives and mechanisms in the field of the human rights.
