




  • キンタナ特別報告者の報告は(本要約によれば)拉致問題への言及は無し、報告書にも無い模様(先行未編集版、下記国連人権高等弁務官事務所ホームページへのリンク先参照)。なお報告書の注釈38( P. 11 )に「米国、韓国、日本はいわゆる敵対国と呼ばれる」とある。

  • 関係国の北朝鮮は欠席。韓国、北朝鮮、中国、日本含む25か国(地域)、8 NGO が発言。北朝鮮、シリア、イランはそれぞれの会合で相互に擁護する。

  • 日本は拉致問題を提起。下記によれば、2008年以来 EU と共同提出してきた「北朝鮮非難決議案」の提出は見送った模様。「日本人拉致問題解決に向けて、一定の融和姿勢を示し、北朝鮮側の軟化を引き出す狙いがあると見られる」(時事通信/2019年3月13日)。

    ここに挙げた社以外も「北朝鮮非難決議案」とだけ報じているが、この<北朝鮮における人権状況に関する決議>が採択されなければ理事会の特別手続マンデートが延長されないことになる(関連エントリ 2018-03-23 参照)。今回も EU から提出されるものとおもわれるが、日経によれば「EUなどから同じ趣旨の決議案が出た場合の対応については「現時点で日本の具体的な対応について発言は控えたい」」とのことである(日本経済新聞/2019年3月13日)。まさか採択にまで反対/棄権(投票時)はないとおもうが。

  • 朝鮮新報(2019年3月14日)は国際民主法律家協会の声明(本要約未採録分)について下記のように報じている。


  • なお、12日には安全保障理事会北朝鮮制裁委員会専門家パネルが報告を公表した。

    「報告 | 国連安全保障理事会」(英語):




  • (メディア報道より)




    ※ 12日の会合でのやり取りとおもわれる(関連エントリ 2019-03-12 参照)。



  • 国連人権高等弁務官事務所ホームページ)

    「 OHCHR | セッション40 第40回人権理事会:報告」(英語

  • ( UN Web TV の映像から)

    チャプター01:理事会/トマス・オヘア・キンタナ(Tomás Ojea Quintana)北朝鮮における人権状況に関する特別報告者
    チャプター10:韓国/チュン・ビョンハ(Chung Byung-Ha)政府代表
    チャプター20:中国/ジャン・ニン(Jiang Ning)政府代表
    チャプター27:国際民主法律家協会/ミコル・サヴィア(Micol Savia)氏
    チャプター28:インディアン運動「トゥパフ・アマル」/ラサロ・パリー(Lazaro Pary)氏
    チャプター29:コリアン再統一を成功させる人々[PSCORE]*1/キム・テフン(Tae Hoon Kim)氏
    チャプター30:世界キリスト教連帯/エリス・ヒースリー(Ellis Heasley)氏
    チャプター31:国際法曹協会/ヘレン・ラモス・ドス・サントス(Helene Ramos Dos Santos)氏
    チャプター32:ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ/ジョン・フィッシャー(John Fisher)氏(ジュネーブ・ディレクター)
    チャプター33:世界ユダヤ人会議/レオン・サルティエル(Leon Saltiel)氏
    チャプター34:アムネスティ・インターナショナル/アーノルド・ファング(Arnold Fang)氏

  • 関連エントリ











11 March 2019

The Human Rights Council today held an interactive dialogue with Tomas Ojea Quintana, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Speaking in a video message, Mr. Ojea Quintana presented his report based on information gathered during visits to the region, including to Bangkok and the Republic of Korea, and regretted that he continued to be denied entry to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Easing of tensions on the Korean peninsula had continued, with two summits between the leaders of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the United States as well as the inter-Korean engagement. Some 10.3 million people – 43 per cent of the population - continued to suffer from food shortages. There was a need for an economic roadmap so that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea could emerge from the protracted humanitarian situation and begin to fulfil its human rights obligations.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea did not take the floor as a concerned country.

In the discussion, some speakers stated that crimes against human rights were committed in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in a culture of total impunity. The Government was called on to fully cooperate with the Special Procedures and to allow a visit of the Special Rapporteur. Progress on the resumption of reunions of separated families across the border on the Korean peninsula was noted. The negative impact of economic sanctions was highlighted. Some speakers opposed the imposition of selective and politically motivated mandates of the Council, such as this one. They said the continued insistence on the demonization of countries was not helpful, and non-discriminatory mechanisms such as the Universal Periodic Review were the appropriate mechanism for achieving solutions based on cooperation and dialogue.

Speaking were European Union, Spain, United Kingdom, Germany, Czech Republic, Cuba, Australia, Russian Federation, Republic of Korea, Venezuela, France, Belarus, Iceland, Myanmar, New Zealand, Bulgaria, Ireland, Iran, China, Greece, Canada, Japan, Norway, Ukraine and Syria.

The following civil society organizations also took the floor: International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL, Indian Movement “Tupaj Amaru”, People for Successful Corean Reunification, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, International Bar Association, Human Rights Watch, World Jewish Congress, and Amnesty International.

The Council has a full day of meetings scheduled today. It will next hold an interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran.

Presentation by the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea


Interactive Dialogue


Republic of Korea noted the resumption of reunions of separated families across the border, which took place last year. Commitments had been made at the inter-Korean summit to strengthen humanitarian cooperation to resolve the issue of separated families, and the Korean Government was striving for the early opening of a permanent facility for family reunion meetings.


China stressed that there should be a healthy development of the human right cause, without any politicization. Dialogue and consultation should resolve the problems on the Korean Peninsula, with a view to achieving the complete denuclearization on the peninsula.


Japan emphasized the urgency of resolving the issue of abductions of Japanese nationals by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, because more than 40 years had passed since the abductions had first taken place, and because the abductees and their families were already in an advanced age.


International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) welcomed the positive developments made by the intra-Korean summit and encouraged the leadership of both countries to continue. The international community was called upon to support such efforts; the confrontational approach and economic sanctions had to be left behind. Indian Movement “Tupaj Amaru” condemned any threat of military intervention or economic sanctions on people who were suffering from hunger. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea continued to be a victim of neo-colonial powers that had adopted a series of resolutions against it. People for Successful Corean Reunification said that the rights of children were being trampled to an extreme degree. A former Democratic People’s Republic of Korea diplomat at the embassy in Italy had defected with his wife, but could not bring his disabled daughter and the Government kept the daughter hostage.

Christian Solidarity Worldwide noted that there were no improvements in terms of the right to freedom of religion or belief. It was estimated that 200,000 people, mostly Christians, were detained in prison camps, where they endured dire living conditions and brutal torture. International Bar Association was alarmed by detention and crimes against humanity in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. According to their report, 10 out of 11 crimes against humanity enlisted by the International Criminal Court were committed in prisons in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Human Rights Watch said it was a challenging time to maintain pressure on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as the denuclearization summits monopolized attention away from human rights issues. In 2018 there was no formal debate on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s human rights record and there was an unwillingness to press for such scrutiny; however, human rights should remain central to the denuclearization talks. World Jewish Congress was alarmed by the existence of prison camps and the torture, forced starvation, sexual violence and executions rife within. It asked if the Special Rapporteur believed a visit to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea by the High Commissioner would be possible this year. Amnesty International urged the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to open its boarders to the international community by providing unimpeded access to outside human rights monitors. It asked the Special Rapporteur whether he had discussed inter-Korean family reunions with the Republic of Korea during his visits, as these reunions did not adequately address the hundreds of enforced disappearances.



*1:関連エントリ 2018-03-12 参照。