




  • 人権理事会開幕の基調演説を受けての討論における、恒例の北朝鮮と日本による非難合戦。韓国が復帰して久々の三つ巴の展開になった。この討論ではイタリアも北朝鮮に言及している。

  • 北朝鮮が口火を切り、ハイレベル・セグメントでの「とりわけ米国、日本および韓国の非生産的な根拠のない主張を拒絶」したが、発言ではカナダも挙げているようである。カナダの方はクリスティア・フリーランド外相が27日昼の会合で演説しているが、北朝鮮への直接の言及は採録されていない(「一部の締約国は、規則に基づく国際的ルールを妨害していた」とはある)。
  • 五輪から顕著な融和ムードで、韓国が形ばかり触れた基調演説(関連エントリ 2018-02-26 02:00 )に北朝鮮が言及しても答弁権は用いないことも予想したが、韓国は、「北朝鮮と日本に応じて」とあるとおり、前者にも反論している。のだが、当会議要約には慰安婦問題しか採録されていない。「北朝鮮と日本に応じて」と北朝鮮を残しつつもカットされている不自然さ含め勘ぐってしまうが(まぁ単なる脱落のようにも見える)。

  • 日本の演説(関連エントリ 2018-02-27 02:00 )に対しては、「普遍的人権問題、すなわち紛争における性暴力」として反論しているが、これは自身をはじめとして脛に傷持つ国は多い。やはり以前よりは押されてるといえるだろう。(合意せざるを得なくなった際に少なくとも)「性奴隷」の言葉を使わないようねじ込んだのも正しい判断だった。

  • いつもの調子の北朝鮮へは置くとして、日本の韓国への主張は、「名誉を傷つけていたことを認め」るが「強制連行の証拠は無い」というもの。目新しくは無いが、北朝鮮拉致問題に言及しつつ討論での三分程度の短時間で最低限押さえなければならない最終防衛ライン(?)でもある。

  • 韓国の二回目の答弁権による発言は、日本が「認めた」背景には、北朝鮮の言を借りれば「邪悪な人権の歴史(sinister human rights records)」があったのだと仄めかそうとするものだが、この要約の流れでは、日本も「名誉を傷つけていたことを(当方に言わせれば「傷つけていたこと<は>」)認め」て(同じく「しまって」)ますが何か?くらいの印象。案外守り(?)は固い。

  • よくわからないカットもある会議要約ではあるのだがつまりはそういうことで、これを受け日本の二回目の答弁権発言は韓国の国際関係における非常識を訴えた。外交官の集まりではあるが、「人権」理事会(ましてや条約機関)で共感を得られる可能性は低い。前日の堀井政務官の演説で少し触れたが(前出 2018-02-27 02:00 )、慰安婦問題そのものについてもう少し攻めるべきではないか。なお、同じく共同記者発表での岸田外相の発言自体は、「あわせて,日本政府は,韓国政府と共に,今後,国連等国際社会において,本問題について互いに非難・批判することは控える」*1 である。

  • その横でアゼルバイジャンアルメニアも二度目の答弁権を行使している。ホジャリ大虐殺(1992年)についての激しい応酬。「理事会は個人的空想を共有すべき場所ではない」(アゼルバイジャン)、「アゼルバイジャンの偽善は理解を超えた」(アルメニア)。不幸な事件。「朝日新聞の偽善は理解を超えた」と使わせてもらいたいくらいなのはともかく(笑)、事件や隣国同士の歴史的背景まどまったく無知だが修復は困難なように見える(どこかで見たな)。

  • 討論の前のハイレベル・セグメントでは、アルバニアのドラロ欧州・外務副大臣アメリカのフィー国際機構局次官補代行が北朝鮮の人権状況に言及。国務省と折り合いが良くないようなことが報じられているトランプ政権だが、人権理事会からの離脱を示唆している政権の姿勢が表れている演説になった(ただし「次官補代行」ということで未だに任命が遅れている?)。

  • 初日オープニングの議長挨拶によると98名の高官が参加したようだが(関連エントリ 2018-02-26 01:00 参照)、北朝鮮については韓国、デンマーク、イギリス、EU 、日本および本日のアルバニアアメリカと(会議要約採録の当方カウントで)計7名が言及。中国への言及はひとりも無く、討論で中国はいつもの自説を展開。

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)
    チャプター01:中国/ジャン・ドゥアン(Jiang Duan)在ジュネーブ政府代表部公使参事官
    チャプター12:イタリア/マウリツィオ・エンリコ・ルイジ・セラ(Maurizio Enrico Luigi Serra)在ジュネーブ政府代表部大使
    チャプター24:北朝鮮/[ムン・ジョンチョル(Mun Jong Chol)在ジュネーブ政府代表部参事官]
    チャプター28:韓国/[ユン・サンウク(Yoon Sang-Uk)在ジュネーブ政府代表部参事官]

  • 関連エントリ



Also Concludes its General Segment

28 February 2018

The Human Rights Council this morning concluded its high-level segment, hearing statements from 17 dignitaries, who presented efforts to promote and protect human rights, and spoke of the Council as the main global forum for discussing human rights challenges.


High-Level Segment


ARTEMISA DRALO, Vice-Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania, said Albania strongly supported the work of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, adding that it supported the integration of the human rights dimension in the agenda of the United Nations. Albania was concerned about the deterioration of human rights situations in Syria, South Sudan, Burundi, Iran, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Myanmar, and about the rise of violent extremism and non-State armed groups. Diversity was an integral part and major asset of European societies. Ms. Dralo noted that human rights and minority rights could only be ensured in a society where dialogue, understanding and cultural diversity were viewed as a source of enrichment. In the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, many goals were directly relevant to human rights. It was therefore important for countries to adopt a human rights-based approach and to strengthen national institutions and their capacities for the promotion and protection of human rights. Albania was one of the five pilot countries for the implementation of Goal 16, directly related to good governance, democracy and rule of law. It had already initiated the process of prioritizing the Sustainable Development Goals through the preparation and drafting of the baseline report on the Sustainable Development Goals and the road map on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.


MARY CATHERINE PHEE, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of International Organization Affairs of the United States, said over the past year, the United States had actively pursued the Human Rights Council on two related fronts: improving the Council and addressing critical human rights issues. The United States continued to look closely at its participation in the Council. It wanted to see the Council succeed. To be most effective, the United Nations needed a body to hold countries accountable, provide a platform for human rights defenders, and assist countries that were working to improve human rights at home. However, it was an outrage that this body, dedicated to human rights, had again served as a platform for officials who were known to be associated with human rights violations and abuses. Their presence made a mockery of the Council’s work. To improve the Council, the United States had highlighted three areas that needed focus. First, in terms of membership, the Council could not act effectively to help the oppressed when oppressors held seats in the Council. Second, regarding the agenda, it was unacceptable that the Council treated Israel differently from every other United Nations Member State. Thirdly, regarding effectiveness, the United States was greatly disappointed that the Council had failed to agree to the efficiency measures that the Bureau had put forward. This session, the Council would focus attention on human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Iran, Myanmar, South Sudan and Syria. The United States hoped that the Council members would come together to adopt robust resolutions for each, as they had for Sri Lanka, where the government had committed to making improvements.

General Segment


China called for a new model of international relations based on international cooperation and shared vision. The 2030 Agenda had to be implemented and economic globalization made more inclusive. Human rights had to be implemented through security and mediation efforts had to be intensified. Human rights also had to be implemented through cooperation and joint dialogue, encouraging multilateral institutions and building of national human rights institutions. China was ready to engage in dialogue on human rights, based on mutual respect, and avoid politicization and double standards.
中国は、国際協力とビジョンの共有に基づく新しい国際関係モデルを求めた。 2030年アジェンダを実施し、経済的なグローバリゼーションをより包括的にする必要があった。人権は予防措置を通じて実施されなければならず、調停努力が強化されなければならなかった。人権は、協力と共同対話、多国間機関の奨励、国家人権機関の設立を通じて実施されなければならなかった。中国は相互尊重に基づいて人権に関する対話に参加し、政治化と二重基準を回避する準備ができていた。


Italy reaffirmed its full commitment to promoting all human rights as its key priority as a candidate to the Council for the term 2019-2021. Italy was deeply concerned about the gross violations of human rights in Syria and called on all parties, especially the Syrian regime, to implement the Security Council resolution on the 30-day ceasefire. The situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea remained of serious concern. Saving lives and protecting the rights of migrants were Italy’s high priorities in the management of migration flows.
イタリアは、2019年 - 2021年期の理事会への候補として、鍵となる優先順位として、すべての人権を促進するための全面的コミットメントを再確認した。イタリアは、シリアにおける人権侵害が深刻に懸念され、30日間の停戦に関する安全保障理事会の決議を実施するよう、すべての締約国、とくにシリア政権に求めた。北朝鮮の状況は依然として深刻な懸案事項だった。生命を守り、移住者の権利を保護することが、移民流入の管理におけるイタリアの高い優先順位だった。


Right of Reply


Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, speaking in a right of reply, rejected the baseless allegations made by some countries, notably the United States, Japan and the Republic of Korea, which were counterproductive. The most egregious human rights violations were none other than deeply rooted racial discrimination, torture, sexual slavery and the refugee crisis in those very countries. Nuclear deterrence was an inevitable measure to defend the sovereignty of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea vis-à-vis the nuclear threat from the United States. Japan should apologize for its past crimes against humanity during the colonial occupation of Korea, whereas the Republic of Korea should release the abducted citizens of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.


Republic of Korea, speaking in a right of reply in response to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Japan, said that the issue of comfort women was not just a bilateral issue between the Republic of Korea and Japan but a matter of universal human rights, namely sexual violence in conflict. Japanese military comfort women had been forced to serve under coercive circumstances against their will, as confirmed by many United Nations human rights mechanisms.


Japan, speaking in a right of reply, speaking in response to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, said the cited figures in the context of the past crimes were groundless. Japan condemned the launch of ballistic missile by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, adding that its statement on the abduction issue was also incorrect. All abductees should be immediately returned to Japan. As for the issue of comfort women, the statement was not factual and thus inappropriate. But Japan recognized that the issue had hurt the honour of many women. Responding to the Republic of Korea, Japan noted that it could not find proof of the forceful taking of comfort women by the Japanese military in any documents.


Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, speaking in a second right of reply, rejected the absurd remarks made by Japan and the Republic of Korea, which clearly showed their own sinister human rights records. It called on them to heed the international demand to publicize reports on abductees from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and called on Japan to end its evasive attitude towards the past crimes and sexual slavery. Japan’s heinous human rights crimes were well documented by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Institute of International Studies. Japan should stop its failed arguments about the abduction issue.

Republic of Korea, speaking in a second right of reply, said that they agreed with the Japanese delegation that restoring the dignity of comfort women and healing their wounds was indispensable.


Japan, speaking in a second right of reply, reiterated Japan’s stance concerning the position of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Japan had contributed to the Asia-Pacific region through the promotion of peace and democracy. Agreement between Japan and the Republic of Korea stipulated that the two countries should not be bringing up the issue of comfort women in front of international fora and international bodies



*1:関連エントリ 2016-06-03 なども参照。