




  • 日本から尾身朝子外務政務官ブルーリボンバッジを付けて演説。拉致問題に言及し、前日慰安婦問題について発言した韓国に反論。今年は韓国が「日本への直接的な批判を控え」(共同/2月25日)たのを受け、日本側はいつもの「長きにわたって慰安婦問題に真摯に対応してき」た論。このもんだいが<性的奴隷制度><20万人もの強制連行>と受け取られることへの配慮は見られない。昨年は(濁した表現ながら)「国連を始め国際社会で一部不正確な理解が広まっており,客観的な事実関係に基づくことが重要」といった指摘を行なっていた。南北との議論は例年どおりハイレベル・セグメントに対する答弁権による応答に続く(以上関連エントリ参照)。

  • 本要約では落とされているが、日本は「先住民族であるアイヌの人々の文化を復興・発展させる」「ウポポイ」ナショナルセンター(民族共生象徴空間)の開設や、本年の「難民受入れ人数等の拡大」に言及。後者は昨年も辻清人外務政務官が言及していた。昨年前者についてはアイヌ新法の国会採択前に「新たな施策を打ち出」すとしていたが、後者は国会審議すら不要で政府/法務省のさじ加減ひとつというところか(関連エントリ 2019-02-26 参照)。なお、外務省ウェブサイト掲載の日本語仮訳は一部省略(脱落?)があるようである(下記掲載外務省ホームページへのリンク先参照)。

    This April, Japan will open a national center called “Upopoy”, which, in the Ainu language, means “singing in a large group”. This center is expected to serve as a base to restore and promote the culture of the Ainu people, who are indigenous to the northern part of the Japanese archipelago.


    Japan is the first country in Asia to accept refugees under a resettlement program. We will expand, inter alia, the annual quota for refugees to be accepted under the resettlement program from this year.


  • ギルモア EU 人権特別代表、およびアーマッド英連邦・国連・南アジア担当大臣が北朝鮮および中国に言及。

  • なお、本年より実施との申し合わせがあった「公用文等における日本人の姓名のローマ字表記」により本要約も "OMI ASAKO" と表記されている。

  • (外務省ホームページ)


  • (メディア報道より)





  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

  • 関連エントリ(工事中)




25 February 2020

The Human Rights Council this afternoon continued its high-level segment during which 20 dignitaries drew attention to some of the most pressing challenges to the promotion and protection of human rights, and discussed ways in which their national governments dealt with them.


The Council will meet again at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, 26 February 2020, to conclude the high-level segment in the morning, then hold the general segment, followed by an interactive dialogue on the High Commissioner’s report on recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry on protests in occupied Palestinian territory and an interactive dialogue on the oral update by the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Eritrea.

High-Level Segment


EEMON GILMORE, Special Representative for Human Rights of the European Union, reaffirmed the European Union’s staunch support for the rules-based international order and effective multilateralism. The European Union would continue to promote complementarity with the United Nations, to invest in a strong and effective United Nations system, and to support the reforms put forth by the United Nations Secretary-General. The European Union remained committed to engaging in the spirit of partnership and constructive cooperation with partners from all regions to reach lasting solutions that advanced the promotion and protection of human rights. The international community should redouble its efforts to mainstream human rights throughout the United Nations system, including in discussions at the Security Council, Mr. Gilmore said. During the current session of the Human Rights Council, the European Union would present four initiatives: on the dire human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, on the situation of human rights of Rohingya Muslims and other minorities in Myanmar, on freedom of religion or belief, and on the rights of the child. Mr. Gilmore noted that the European Union could not ignore the widespread human rights violations and abuses in places such as Syria or Libya. It urged China to allow meaningful access to Xinjiang for independent observers, and called for access for international and regional human rights monitoring mechanisms to Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, which had been illegally annexed by the Russian Federation, as well as areas in eastern Ukraine. The European Union also called for the same access to be allowed in Myanmar, the occupied Palestinian territory, and Yemen.


OMI ASAKO, Parliamentary Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, explained that in the face of the outbreak of COVID19, the Japanese Government continued to provide care for those suffering in the country, regardless of their nationality. She also expressed concern at the discrimination faced by some people of East Asian origin as a result of the virus, and asked States to ensure the fair treatment of all. The Kyoto Congress would be held later this year and would stress the promotion of the rule of law. The Olympic and Paralympic games would be held in the summer of 2020, and human rights would be fully respected during the course of the games and would contribute to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals. Japan had held a bilateral human rights dialogue with some countries, including Myanmar. With regard to the alleged human rights abuses in Rakhine province, the Government of Myanmar had accepted to cooperate with the independent investigation into this conflict. She also raised the issue of abductions by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and asked the Government to address the concerns that Japan had brought forward on the matter. Japan had taken measures to focus on children’s rights in recent years, would be putting forward to the Committee on the Rights of the Child a Japanese expert on children’s rights, and asked States to support this candidate. The issue of comfort women was raised, and she asked the Republic of Korea to adhere to the agreement it had reached with Japan on the matter.

LORD AHMAD OF WIMBLEDON, Minister of State for the Commonwealth, United Nations and South Asia and the Prime Minister’s Special Representative on Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, said that seventy-five years ago the architects of the United Nations Charter had carved out three pillars of cooperation. The United Kingdom remained committed to fostering development, promoting human rights, and peace and security. A State that respected human rights was better equipped to meet the needs of its people. The United Kingdom placed the promotion of human rights at the top of its priorities and would promote the rule of law. It would seek re-election to the Council this year. If every girl in the world had at least 12 years of quality education it would be possible to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The United Kingdom would impose a sanctions regime on all those that violated human rights. As a co-host of this year’s climate change summit, the United Kingdom would seek to address climate change issues. Millions of people continued to be deprived of their rights, from Syria where the regime was the main perpetrator of violations, to Myanmar and Bangladesh where survivors remained stranded from their homes. In Iran, in November they had seen a near total shutdown of the Internet and a crackdown by the Government on protestors. In the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, reports of serious human rights violations continued to emerge. China was called upon to allow the Office of the High Commissioner unfretted access.

