文書番号:HRC18/130F *1
韓国が前回セッション *2 に続き慰安婦について発言し、日韓で答弁権を行使した。日本側は、韓国との長い交渉の末に、問題は不可逆的に解決されたという合意に達したと主張。韓国も従来どおり(文政権の「合意再検討」以来 *3 )、二国間問題を超えていると反論しているが、ここでは主体は理事各国(の外交官)なので、条約機関のセッションよりは理解は得られやすいかもしれない(発言時間も限られるが)。「お互いに非難を控える」などという約束を持ち出さなかったのも正解だとおもうが *4 、そのあとは相変わらずの「名誉と尊厳」を傷つけたことを認め、償いを行なってきたんですというところまでの説明(二度目の答弁権では合意した約束を履行したことを念押し)。
なお、はじめに韓国が真実、正義、賠償および再発防止に関する特別報告者の報告に歓迎の意を表しているが、プレゼンや報告書にはとくに慰安婦への言及はない(韓国の発言のとおり)。ただし、報告書に日本に対し国別訪問の要請を行なったとの記載がある( A/HRC/39/53 、p. 4 )*5 。この問題が国別訪問のミッションに含まれているのであれば、政府は「多様な」意見を反映するべく準備を進めるべきだろう。ぜっこうのチャンス(?)でもある。
中国がいつもの国家主権の尊重について発言。また答弁権で、午前の会合でのヘルシンキ人権財団によるチベットに関する発言(とおもわれる。関連エントリ 2018-09-13 参照)と、ジェノサイド防止に関する事務総長特別顧問の報告のウイグルへの言及に反論:「汚れた眼鏡を外し、中傷的かつ虚偽の非難をすることを控えるよう関係機関に強く促した」。日本は前日の国際民主法律家協会とヒューマンライツ・ナウの発言(関連エントリ 2018-09-12 02:00 参照)に対してはとくに反論せず。NGO には反論しない等のきまりでもあるのであろうか。※ 追記:翌日の会合でこの件について言及する(関連エントリ 2018-09-14 02:00 参照)。
同じく答弁権で、前日に続いてアゼルバイジャンがアルメニアに反論を続けている(関連エントリ 2018-09-12 03:00 参照。未抽出)。
- ( UN Web TV の映像より)
チャプター11:韓国/オ・スンジュン(Oh Seung Jun)政府代表
チャプター18:中国/劉華(リウ・ホア/Liu Hua)政府代表(※ 別人ぽい)
チャプター38:中国(答弁権)/[タイ・ターマオ(Dai Demao)政府代表]
チャプター41:日本(答弁権)/政府代表 -
13 September 2018
The Human Rights Council this afternoon began a clustered interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence, Fabian Salvioli, and with the Special Adviser of the Secretary-General on the prevention of genocide, Adama Dieng.
Presentation of Reports by the Special Rapporteur on Truth and Justice and by the Special Advisor of the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide
ADAMA DIENG, Special Adviser of the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide,[…]
When there were no consequences for atrocities, there was no incentive to stop. In South Sudan, there had been no credible accountability process, despite arrangements with the African Union to establish a hybrid court to investigate crimes committed since the conflict broke out in 2013. In the Central African Republic, Mr. Dieng urged States to support the Special Criminal Court and provide it with the resources needed. Sri Lanka’s slow progress in implementing transitional justice mechanisms that the Government committed to in resolution 30/1 was worrying. In the Western Balkan region, there was a renewed risk of sectarian violence because of increased identity-based polarization. There were reports of repression against the Muslim Uyghur minority in China. In India’s Assam state, several million Bengali Muslims were at risk of becoming stateless as a result of an ongoing Government-led citizen registration process. Copts in Egypt remained marginalized, in Bahrain the Shia-Sunni rift was having repercussions on the wider Middle East, and sectarian tensions remained in Iraq. In the Americas, some States had turned their back on people fleeing from Venezuela, and indigenous communities were calling for protection, including in Ecuador and Brazil. On the positive side, the peace process in Colombia was on track but there were challenges concerning transitional justice. Mr. Dieng concluded that today’s crises were taking place against a backdrop of retreating internationalism, diminishing respect for international law, and political disunity in the Security Council. The United Nations had to do a better job at implementing principles that guided the Organization. Genocide and other atrocities were preventable if everyone worked together.
Interactive Dialogue
Republic of Korea welcomed the Special Rapporteur’s intention to focus on the participation of victims as a cross-cutting issue that would transcend both his country-related and thematic work. It noted that the previous efforts to resolve the issue of “comfort women” had clearly lacked a victim-centred approach.
China said that the principle of national sovereignty had to be respected while combatting impunity. Genocide was a crime under international law and China strongly condemned it. The international community had to step up efforts to prevent genocide.
中国は、不処罰と戦ういっぽう、国家主権の原則が尊重されなければならないと述べた。 ジェノサイドは国際法に基づく犯罪であり、中国はそれを強く非難した。国際社会はジェノサイドを防ぐための取り組みを強化しなければならなかった。
Right of Reply
China, speaking in a right of reply, said that non-governmental organizations had made unfounded claims concerning the situation of minorities in China. Development in regions inhabited by ethnic minorities was being accelerated by the Chinese Government in order to realize economic and social rights, including in Tibet. The gross domestic product of the autonomous region of Tibet was growing and some 500,000 people had been lifted from poverty. The so-called discriminatory policy there was unfounded. The province of Xinjiang also enjoyed stability and ethnic groups there lived in harmony. China urged relevant organizations to remove their tainted glasses and refrain from making slanderous and false accusations.
Japan, speaking in a right of reply in response to the Republic of Korea’s statement about the issue of comfort women, reminded that after long negotiations with the Republic of Korea, the two parties had come to an agreement that the issue had been irreversibly resolved. The Government of Japan recognized that the comfort women issue was an issue affecting the honour and dignity of many that had been severely injured. Since the 1990s, the Government had actively taken measures to recover the honour of former comfort women and provide relief to them.
Republic of Korea, speaking in a right of reply, clarified that the issue of the comfort women was not just a bilateral issue, but a wider human rights issue on sexual violence in conflict. The resolution of this issue required genuine efforts to restore the honour and dignity of the victims, to heal their scars and to draw lessons from the painful history so as to prevent its recurrence.
Japan, speaking in a second right of reply, stated that the Government of Japan was continuously implementing its agreed commitments and that it was ready to make the current century an era in which women’s rights were not infringed upon.