





Agenda and annotations


1.    Organizational and procedural matters.
2.    Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General.
3.    Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development.
4.    Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention.
5.    Human rights bodies and mechanisms.
6.    Universal periodic review.
7.    Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories.
8.    Follow-up to and implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action.
9.    Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance, follow-up to and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action.
10.   Technical assistance and capacity-building.
1.    組織および手続き項目。
2.    国連人権高等弁務官の年次報告ならびに高等弁務官事務所および事務総長の報告。
3.    開発権を含むすべての人権、市民的、政治的、経済的、社会的および文化的権利の促進と保護。
4.    理事会の注意を要する人権状況。
5.    人権機関とメカニズム。
6.    普遍的定期的審査。
7.    パレスチナと他のアラブ被占領地における人権状況。
8.    ウィーン宣言と行動計画のフォローアップと実施。
9.    人種差別、人種差別、外国人嫌悪およびそれに関連する形態の不寛容、ダーバン宣言と行動計画のフォローアップと実施。
10.   技術支援とキャパシティ・ビルディング。


1. Organizational and procedural matters
1. 組織および手続き上の事柄

Date and venue of the session

1.    In accordance with its annual programme of work, as considered on 4 December 2017 at the organizational session for its twelfth cycle, the Human Rights Council will hold its thirty-seventh session from 26 February to 23 March 2018 at the United Nations Office at Geneva.
1.    2017年12月4日の十二回目の組織セッションで検討された年次作業計画に従って、人権理事会は2018年2月26日から3月23日まで、ジュネーブの国連事務所で第三十七回セッションを開催する 。


Composition of the Human Rights Council

4.    The composition of the Human Rights Council at its thirty-seventh session is as follows: * Afghanistan (2020), Angola (2020), Australia (2020), Belgium (2018), Brazil (2019), Burundi (2018), Chile (2020), China (2019), Côte d’Ivoire (2018), Croatia (2019), Cuba (2019), Democratic Republic of the Congo (2020), Ecuador (2018), Egypt (2019), Ethiopia (2018), Georgia (2018), Germany (2018), Hungary (2019), Iraq (2019), Japan (2019), Kenya (2018), Kyrgyzstan (2018), Mexico (2020), Mongolia (2018), Nepal (2020), Nigeria (2020), Pakistan (2020), Panama (2018), Peru (2020), Philippines (2018), Qatar (2020), Republic of Korea (2018), Rwanda (2019), Saudi Arabia (2019), Senegal (2020), Slovakia (2020), Slovenia (2018), South Africa (2019), Spain (2020), Switzerland (2018), Togo (2018), Tunisia (2019), Ukraine (2020), United Arab Emirates (2018), United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (2019), United States of America (2019), Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (2018). 

4.    第三十七回セッションでの人権理事会の構成は次のとおり:*1 アフガニスタン(2020)、アンゴラ(2020)、ベルギー(2018)、ブラジル(2019)、ブルンジ(2018)、チリ(2020)、中国(2019)、コートジボワール(2018)、クロアチア(2019)、キューバ(2019)、コンゴ民主共和国(2020)、エクアドル(2018)、エジプト(2019)、エチオピア(2018)、ジョージア(2018)、ドイツ(2018)、ハンガリー(2019)、イラク(2019)、日本(2019)、ケニア(2018)、キルギスタン(2018)、メキシコ(2020)、モンゴル(2018)、ネパール(2020)、ナイジェリア(2020)、パキスタン(2020)、パナマ(2018)、ペルー(2020)、フィリピン(2018)、カタール(2020)、韓国(2018)、ルワンダ(2019)、サウジアラビア(2019)、セネガル(2020)、スロベニア(2018)、南アフリカ(2019)、スペイン(2020)、スイス(2018)、トーゴ(2018)、チュニジア(2019)、ウクライナ(2020)、アラブ首長国連邦(2018)、英国(2019)、米国(2019)、ベネズエラボリバル共和国)(2018)[計47か国]

Bureau of the Human Rights Council

5.      At its organizational session, held on 4 December 2017, and its organizational meeting, held on 10 January 2018, the Human Rights Council elected the following members of the Bureau for its twelfth cycle, which will run from 1 January to 31 December 2018:
        President   Vojislav Šuc (Slovenia)
        Vice-President   Antje Leendertse (Germany)
                François Xavier Ngarambé (Rwanda)
                Evan P. Garcia (Philippines)
                Marta Maurás (Chile)
5.    人権理事会は、2017年12月4日に開催された組織セッションにおいて、2018年1月1日から12月31日までの十二回目の開催のために、以下の事務局メンバーを選出した:



*    The term of membership of each State expires at the end of the year indicated in parenthesis.
*    それぞれの締約国の任期は、括弧内の年末に終了する。





  • 「国連会合報道およびプレスリリ-ス(Meetings Coverage and Press Releases)」ホームページ(英語)より。

  • 会合は仏、伊、日、セネガル、瑞、ウクライナ、英、米、ウルグアイの九か国の理事国の要請で開催された(下記掲載書簡 S/2017/1006 参照)。12月は(同年末で非常任理事国の任期を迎える)日本が議長国で、別所大使が議長を務めている。会合では公式ブリーフィングを行なう暫定アジェンダ項目の要請を支持10、反対3(ボリビア、中国、ロシア)、棄権2(エジプト、エチオピア)で採択し、ジェンカ事務総長補佐官とアル・フセイン高等弁務官が報告を行なった。
  • 本要約によれば、拉致問題に言及しているのはエチオピア、仏、ウクライナ、伊、カザフスタン、日本の六か国とジェンカ事務総長補佐官ブリーフィングだが、米、瑞、英の三か国およびアル・フセイン高等弁務官ブリーフィングも言及している。下記は会議記録 S/PV.8130 より(下記掲載国連公式文書システムへのリンク先参照)。

  • 最後に関係国として韓国(非理事国)のチョ大使が発言し、家族離散に次ぐ重大な問題は六名の韓国人を含む北朝鮮に拘留された非市民 *1 の窮状としている。アル・フセイン高等弁務官も言及し(上掲)、朝鮮戦争停戦後に限っても日本人より多いらしい韓国人拉致(「拉北者」)*2 に(六名の拘留を問題にしながら)言及しないのは、毎度のことながら不可解ではある。

  • サイドイベント

    北朝鮮人権に関する2017年国連サイドイベントのためのコンセプトノート」(PDF)前半ヘイリー大使が開会挨拶と司会を行ない、脱北者のジ・ヒョンア(Ji Hyeon-A)氏、国連北朝鮮における人権状況に関する調査委員会の元委員長マイケル・カービー(Michael Kirby)氏(関連エントリ 2014-02-07 参照) 、アムネスティアメリカの元事務局長デビッド・ホーク(David Hawk)氏 *3 がスピーチを行なった。後半のパネルディスカッションでは、ケリー・エケルス・カリー(Kelley Eckels Currie)アメリカ政府代表部次席大使がモデレーターを務め、別所大使ら後援各国代表や上記パネラーが発言した。

  • 国内各紙:「拉致問題の認識がかなり高まった」。各国からこれだけ拉致問題についての発言があったことは安保理はもちろん人権理事会等でも無かったのではなかろうか。いっぽうロイターや CNN  の報道は制裁による人道支援への悪影響についてのみ。CNN はサイドイベントについてもフォローしているが、制裁による食料不足に関する文脈(香港支局/ジョシュア・バーリンガー記者)。同じくサイドイベントを取り上げた FOX は(ショッキングな)見出しのとおりで収容所の悲惨な状況についてのみ報じている。 

  • (国連公式文書システム(英語))

    S/PV.8130:「安全保障理事会 第8130回会合」(2017年12月11日)














  • 安全保障理事会ホームページ(英語)「会合記録および結果」(ダグ・ハマーショルド図書館(英語)))

    「リサーチガイド:安全保障理事会 - クイックリンク:2017年」

  • (各社報道より)

    • 朝日新聞(2018年12月12日)

    • 毎日新聞(2018年12月12日)

    • 日本経済新聞(2018年12月12日)

    • 産経ニュース(共同)(2018年12月12日)

    • 読売新聞(2018年12月12日)(有料)- サイドイベント

    • ロイター(2018年12月12日)

    • CNN(2018年12月12日)


    • FOXニュース(2018年12月12日)- サイドイベント


    • 東亜日報(2018年12月13日)

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

    00:00:00 - 日本/別所浩郎政府代表部特命全権大使(開会声明)
    00:00:34 - 中国/呉海濤(ウー・ハイタオ/Wu Haitao)政府代表部次席大使
    00:04:17 - 日本/別所浩郎政府代表部特命全権大使(投票)
    01:38:39 - 日本/別所浩郎政府代表部特命全権大使
    01:46:24 - 韓国/チョ・テヨル(Cho Tae-yul)政府代表部大使

    00:00 - 国連/ミロスラフ・ジェンカ(Miroslav Jenča)政治担当事務総長補佐官

    00:00 - 国連/ゼイド・ラアド・アル・フセイン(Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al Hussein)人権高等弁務官「人権:強制送還された北朝鮮女性の恐怖の経験」(サイドイベント)

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations



11 DECEMBER 2017

Security Council Adopts Procedural Vote Allowing It to Hear Briefings on Humanitarian Situation in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Wrong Forum for Humanitarian Issues, Stress Opponents, as United States, Other Supporters Say No Separation between Peace, Human Rights







Amid the security challenges arising from the ballistic missile and nuclear testing activities of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, it was critical to address the dire human rights and humanitarian situation in that country as well, senior United Nations officials told the Security Council today.

“The international community has a collective responsibility to protect the population of the DPRK if the State does not protect its own citizens,” Miroslav Jenča, Assistant Secretary‑General for Political Affairs, said in his briefing. It must also consider the wider implications of the reported grave human rights violations for the wider region’s stability.

Speaking after a procedural vote on whether or not the Council would hear the briefings, he called for a sustained focus on the humanitarian situation — including better monitoring, effective use of sanctions exemptions for humanitarian assistance and stepped up humanitarian aid — while security issues were addressed. “Let us use all the tools at our disposal — the Human Rights Council, the General Assembly, the Security Council and other international entities — to take action to build a better future for the people of the DPRK,” he said.

Also briefing the Council was Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, who said escapees had reported widespread violations of human rights — including torture and deprivation of freedom of information and expression — in almost every aspect of people’s lives. They were combined with increased surveillance and abject conditions endured by detainees in labour camps. Military tensions in recent months had led to more severe controls over freedom of movement as well as civil and political rights, he said.

Repatriated escapees — often repatriated from China as economic migrants, although many were actually trafficking victims — were routinely subjected to multiple forms of torture, he said. The people also endured severe violations of their economic, social and cultural rights, in addition to chronic food insecurity, due in part to the diversion of resources to military objectives. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) would act on the recommendations of the Human Rights Council’s Group of Independent Experts, he said, noting that the latter proposed monitoring the country more comprehensively in anticipation of the creation of an accountability mechanism.

Speaking earlier, the representatives of China, Russian Federation and Bolivia objected to the meeting, emphasizing that human rights did not fall within the Security Council’s remit — maintenance of international peace and security. China’s delegate emphasized that human rights issues should not be politicized, describing the situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea as complex, sensitive and grave. The concerned parties should consider the proposed “suspension‑for‑suspension” initiative and work towards restarting negotiations.

The Russian Federation’s representative warned against diluting the Council’s work with issues unrelated to its core mandate, and against politicization and double standards, all of which could erode its credibility. The priority must be the peaceful settlement of the dispute, he said, stressing that today’s meeting must not be used as a pretext for greater foreign intervention on the Korean Peninsula.

However, the representative of the United States stressed that there was no separation between peace and human rights. “Any country that does not take care of its people ends up in conflict,” she said, adding that such a country could easily abuse others. While the concerns of some Council members were understandable, staying true to the concept of prevention meant being able to call countries out for their human rights abuses.

Japan’s representative said nationals of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea were frequently exploited while working abroad to generate foreign currency that Pyongyang then used to support its prohibited nuclear and ballistic missile programmes. That was another stark example of the close links between human rights abuses and the pursuit of proliferation, he noted. Japan called for urgent attention to the abduction of foreign nationals, including Japanese, he said, noting that their families had been torn apart.

The Republic of Korea’s representative said the soldier shot by his own compatriots during his dramatic escape from the North highlighted the dire situation that had compelled more than 30,000 defectors to risk their lives and settle in his country over several decades. He called on Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes and to abide by international norms, while investing more of its resources in the welfare of its people.

Following the procedural vote — adopted by 10 votes in favour to 3 against (Bolivia, China, Russian Federation), with 2 abstentions (Egypt, Ethiopia) — several representatives condemned Pyongyang’s unparalleled repression of its own citizens, on the back of which it had built its pursuit of nuclear weapons and testing of ballistic missiles. Security and human rights issues were therefore inextricably related, they maintained, while detailing reported atrocities and emphasizing the need to focus on persons abducted, disappeared, forced into labour or repatriated against their will. They insisted that the Council remain seized of the situation in all its dimensions, including access by human rights and humanitarian organizations, and the need to end impunity.

Also speaking today were representatives of Egypt, Uruguay, Ethiopia, France, Sweden, Senegal, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Italy and Kazakhstan.

The meeting began at 9:30 a.m. and ended at 11:37 a.m.

Procedural Vote

In a procedural vote requested by several members, the Council adopted — by 10 votes in favour to 3 against (Bolivia, China, Russian Federation), with 2 abstentions (Egypt, Ethiopia) — a provisional agenda item requesting that senior officials from the Secretariat and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights deliver a formal briefing to them on the situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and its implications for international peace and security.

WU HAITAO (China), speaking before the vote, said he opposed the Council’s consideration of the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The United Nations Charter had clear provisions relating to the functions of the Organization’s main organs, and the Security Council’s mandate was to discuss international peace and security, he emphasized. Human rights issues should not be politicized and were outside the Council’s remit, he added. Describing the situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea as complex, sensitive and grave, he stressed that Council members should avoid mutual provocations that might escalate it. The concerned parties should consider the proposed “suspension‑for‑suspension” initiative and work towards restarting negotiations, he said.

NIKKI R. HALEY (United States) stressed that there was no separation between peace and human rights. “Any country that does not take care of its people ends up in conflict,” she said, noting that they could also easily abuse other countries. While the concerns of some Council members were understandable, staying true to the concept of “prevention” meant being able to call countries out for human rights abuses, she said, adding that such abuses had also been seen in Syria and Venezuela.

EVGENY T. ZAGAYNOV (Russian Federation), speaking after the vote, underlined that human rights issues were not within the Council’s mandate. The organ had never been, and was not now, a part of the United Nations toolkit for promoting or protecting human rights, and was not fit to monitor those matters. The Council dealt with issues of aggression or force, and could not be a platform for human rights consideration. It should focus on the issues representing real threats to international peace and security, he reiterated, warning against diluting the Council’s work with issues unrelated to its core mandate. He also cautioned against politicization and double standards, saying they could erode the Council’s credibility. Politicized, country‑specific resolutions had never led to positive results, he said, emphasizing that the priority must be the peaceful settlement of the dispute. Today’s meeting must not be a pretext for more foreign intervention on the Korean Peninsula, he warned.

SEIF ALLA YOUSSEF KANDEEL (Egypt), expressing his delegation’s rejection of nuclear arms on the Korean Peninsula, said it had abstained from the vote due to its full respect for the sovereign equality of Member States and for the principle of non‑interference in their domestic affairs. The Council was not the right venue in which to discuss such affairs, except when they related to genocide or ethnic cleansing, which had a direct impact on international peace and security, he emphasized. Considerations like the one before the Council today undermined its work, polarized its members and lowered trust in the United Nations overall, he emphasized. Egypt also rejected the selective approach to human rights, which did not help to resolve the real causes of international crises.

ELBIO OSCAR ROSSELLI FRIERI (Uruguay) said his delegation had voted in favour of holding the meeting because it did not recognize any limits when discussing human rights. Full and unconditional respect for human rights, as well as accountability when they were violated, was a key principle of Uruguay’s foreign policy, he emphasized. Recalling that his country’s military dictatorship of the 1970s had been the subject of intense pressure because of its human rights violations, he said that international scrutiny had been critical to breaking the dictatorship in “those dark hours”.

JUAN MARCELO ZAMBRANA TORRELIO (Bolivia) said that, while his country was committed to the promotion of human rights at the global and regional levels, the Charter stated unequivocally that the Council was the forum for the maintenance of international peace and security, and human rights were not part of its mandate. Bolivia supported discussions on denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and had always called for dialogue among the parties concerned to that end, he said, reiterating that dealing with human rights distracted the Council from those goals.

TEKEDA ALEMU (Ethiopia), citing the specialized mandates of the Human Rights Council, said its specialized bodies should work to improve the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. He went on to express solidarity with Japan over the abduction of its nationals, and to urge their earliest return. He said that matter had made it difficult for his delegation to abstain, but it nevertheless recognized the complex and grave situation on the Korean Peninsula. The Council should devote all its time and energy to finding a peaceful and diplomatic solution through dialogue.

The President then suspended the meeting in order to prepare for the briefings.


MIROSLAV JENČA, Assistant Secretary‑General for Political Affairs, said: “While it is difficult to obtain up‑to‑date and comprehensive information about human rights developments in the DPRK [Democratic People’s Republic of Korea], the information gathered reveals a continuing pattern of serious human rights violations and a lack of progress on issues such as family reunions and the abduction issue.” There was no indication of improvement since the Commission of Inquiry’s 2014 report that, on balance of probability, crimes against humanity had been and were being committed. “The international community has a collective responsibility to protect the population of the DPRK if the State does not protect its own citizens, and to consider the wider implications of the reported grave human rights violations for the stability of the region,” he emphasized.
ミロスラフ・ジェンカ政治担当事務総長補佐官は述べた:「DPRK [北朝鮮] における人権の進展について最新かつ包括的な情報を得ることは困難だが、集められた情報は、深刻な人権侵害のパターンの継続や、家族再会や拉致問題などの問題に対する進展がないことを明らかにしている」。調査委員会の2014年の報告から変化の兆候はなく、蓋然性のバランスで人道に対する犯罪になり、関与が行なわれていた。「国際社会には、国家が自国市民を保護しないのであれば、北朝鮮国民を保護し、報告されている重大な人権侵害の地域の安定への、より広範な影響を検討する連帯責任がある、と彼は強調した。

With the security situation and continuing nuclear and missile activities further isolating the country, more severe restrictions had been placed on freedom of movement domestically and on the border with China, he continued. People trying to leave were paying a heftier price and taking riskier routes, with women continuing to be primary targets for human trafficking. Detention remained a cause of concern amid reports of abject conditions in holding centres and labour camps, he said, highlighting the case of foreign detainees like Otto Warmbier, the student who had died a few days after his repatriation to the United States in June. Three citizens of the United States and six of the Republic of Korea remained in custody today.

He went on to state that 2017 had also seen a surge in forced repatriations of Korean nationals in China. Many were women victims of human trafficking who left their children in China, and dozens of them remained detained in that country, scheduled for refoulement back home, where they were at risk of torture and other ill treatment, he said. Recounting the steps taken by the United Nations to address the human rights situation in the country, he said that the pursuit of accountability continued to be an urgent priority. He noted that independent experts appointed by the Human Rights Council recommended in their March report that steps be taken to strengthen monitoring and set up a central repository for any future accountability mechanism. “While the emphasis is placed on the political and security situation, the DPRK is a forgotten crisis on the global humanitarian agenda,” he stated. It was estimated that 18 million people were suffering from food insecurity, made more critical with the current lack of funding.

Citing the latest report of the Special Rapporteur on human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, he noted that it warned of the possibility that sanctions might have a detrimental impact on the humanitarian situation, although the Security Council had explicitly stated that that was not the intention of the measures. Communications from the 1718 Sanctions Committee on that country highlighted mechanisms for seeking exemption from the sanctions for humanitarian activities, he said, noting however that international humanitarian workers had reported increasing operational challenges. To ensure that the humanitarian situation did not deteriorate further, all international and non‑governmental organizations facing challenges were encouraged to use established procedures in seeking guidance or exemptions from the 1718 Committee, and the Committee to continue its expeditious review of such requests.

Furthermore, all Member States were urged to support life‑saving activities in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, while complying strictly with sanctions obligations, including by clarifying the need to avoid undue restrictions on humanitarian activities. He concluded by calling upon financial institutions to provide the necessary banking services for humanitarian organizations in the country, adding that “the channel would be sent to the Security Council for approval”. The United Nations remained committed to furthering efforts to reach a peaceful, negotiated solution to outstanding issues and to ensure an improved human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, he stressed. “Let us use all the tools at our disposal — the Human Rights Council, the General Assembly, the Security Council and other international entities — to take action to build a better future for the people of the DPRK.”

ZEID RA’AD ZEID AL HUSSEIN, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, said it was impossible to point to significant improvement in the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The context of military tensions seemed to have deepened the extremely serious human rights violations endured by the country’s 25 million people. The picture was incomplete, but escapees had reported widespread violations of rights in almost every aspect of people’s lives, he said, adding that testimonies collected by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) indicated widespread torture in detention centres overseen by the Ministry of State Security and the Ministry of People’s Security, where it was used to extract information or confessions from those suspected of planning to leave the country, of communicating with the outside world using foreign telecommunications networks, or of engaging in smuggling activities.

He went on to state that detainees worked in mines or on infrastructure projects in conditions of severe deprivation, adding that military tensions in recent months had led to more severe controls over freedom of movement as well as civil and political rights. Increased surveillance made escape more difficult, he said, pointing out a number of escapees were sent back to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and OHCHR had received more than 70 reports of women, men and children having escaped to China only to be sent back after authorities found them to be “economic migrants”, notwithstanding the overwhelming human rights violations taking place in their homeland. Repatriated escapees were routinely subjected to multiple forms of torture and ill‑treatment in detention centres, he said, citing the case of Otto Warmbier, a student sentenced to 15 years in prison in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. He had been returned in a coma to the United States earlier in 2017, with extensive loss of brain tissue. His condition was suggestive of the severe violations endured by persons deprived of their liberty in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

That country’s people also faced severe violations of their economic, social and cultural rights, he continued. They continued to endure chronic food insecurity, due in part to the diversion of resources to military objectives. A failing public distribution system and pervasive corruption in the delivery of public services had forced people to seek alternative means to secure access to basic economic and social rights. The humanitarian assistance provided by United Nations agencies and others was literally a lifeline for some 13 million acutely vulnerable individuals, he said, cautioning that sanctions might adversely affect that essential assistance. Controls over international banking transfers had caused a slow‑down in United Nations ground operations, affecting the delivery of food rations, health kits and other humanitarian aid. Meanwhile, OHCHR was implementing Human Rights Council resolution 34/24, which followed the recommendations of the Group of Independent Experts on accountability in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.


Ms. HALEY (United States) said “we must tell the true story of the North Korean people,” adding that the systematic abuses there were solely a means to keep the regime in power. The march toward nuclear power was being underwritten by control and suppression of that country’s people, many of whom worked in labour camps. Meanwhile, theme parks and high rises were being built for the elite in Pyongyang, where 85 per cent of people had to obtain to permission to enter. Those in the camps, who were often imprisoned because of accusations against extended family members, were subject to starvation, torture and sexual abuse; punishment for possession of foreign media could include execution. Describing the ordeals of attempted defectors, she invited two women who had recently survived to stand as she related their stories, which she described as waking nightmares. Following the meeting, her delegation would co‑host a meeting in which the women could relate their experiences in detail. Leaders within and without the Council must not plead ignorance, but must act to implement the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry. A channel must be provided to asylum seekers as well, she stated, adding: “the crisis in North Korea is one of human rights as well as security”.

FRANÇOIS DELATTRE (France), condemning massive violations of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, called for the implementation of the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry on the country. It was crucial for the Council to keep its focus on human rights in the country, because it was inextricably tied to the issues of peace and security. The regime was using a wide spectrum of abuses in order to allow it to continue its nuclear and missile programmes. Detailing a list of atrocities committed, including in detention camps, he stressed the need for continued mobilization on the issue of the abducted and disappeared. He also urged for the universal ratification of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance. Forced labour and forced repatriation should also be a focus; systematic surveillance and stifling of freedom of information and expression was equally disturbing. The Council must remain seized of the situation in the country in all of its dimensions and must unite to insist that human rights bodies have access to investigate.

OLOF SKOOG (Sweden) said the pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was built on the back of the unparalleled repression of its citizens. Links between the lack of respect for human rights, the humanitarian crisis and the threat to international peace and security were clear. The list of human rights violations was long, cutting across all areas, including civil and political as well as economic, social and cultural rights. Reports and witness testimonies pointed to public as well as extrajudicial, summary and arbitrary executions, torture, rape and other forms of sexual and gender‑based violence. In addition, there were reported systematic violations to freedoms of thought, expression and religion. The list also included a denial of the right to food and health, leading to severe hunger and malnutrition, which was hitting women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons disproportionately hard. The international community must make every effort to end impunity, seek accountability and secure truth and justice for all victims.

FODÉ SECK (Senegal) said each Member State must ensure that its citizens’ rights were protected, thereby contributing to international peace and security. Human rights were central to the dignity of any person, he said, also expressing support for the full respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations. Stressing that independent and sovereign States should engage on all issues — including human rights — in a spirit of mutual respect and dialogue, he cited several relevant and complementary mechanisms, including the Human Rights Council and the universal periodic review. The situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was a threat to international peace and security, he said, also urging the United Nations to take note of the effects of sanctions in that country.

MATTHEW JOHN RYCROFT (United Kingdom), affirming his delegation fully supported the Council’s decision to focus on the human rights situation in that country, both in New York and Geneva, underscored that evidence of the regime’s appalling behaviour towards its own people was impossible to ignore. Indeed, the regime used the threat of extreme punishment to keep nay‑sayers under its thumb. Member States must not return defectors to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea or to profit from its businesses or foreign workers. Citing Pyongyang’s recent rejection of a Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Issues) resolution calling on it to respect the basic human rights of its people, he urged the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to allow full access to independent human rights observers, end illegal missile tests and immediately return to the path of peaceful negotiations.

VOLODYMYR YELCHENKO (Ukraine) said he did not share the opinion that human rights were the exclusive purview of the Human Rights Council; consistent gross human rights violations were a clear early warning sign of a credible threat to international peace and security. The continuous reports of grave human rights violations in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, including torture, rape and extrajudicial and public executions, among others, were disturbing. Also of great concern was the abduction of Japanese citizens, 12 of whom were still missing. The regime continued to build up its military arsenal and was using the country’s limited resources to support prohibited nuclear and ballistic missile programmes, including through using earnings generated by its nationals working abroad. He expressed his full support for the establishment of a group of independent experts on accountability for human rights violations in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and called on the country’s Government to ensure safe and unfettered access for the United Nations monitoring mechanisms.

Mr. ROSSELLI FRIERI (Uruguay) said that the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was a source of great concern. The mere existence of concentration camps and the absence of due process violated all of the freedoms of the civilian population. He condemned the development of nuclear weapons and missiles through diversion of resources. While there were other Governments who violated human rights that were not on the Council’s agenda, the situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was a unique one which threatened international peace and security. He noted that the Government had made some efforts to improve the situation of human rights, including the implementation of the Strategic Framework for Cooperation between the United Nations and the Government of the Democratic People's Republic Of Korea: Towards Sustainable and Resilient Human Development. The solution to the tensions would only come through dialogue, negotiation and political commitment. He called for respect of Security Council resolution 2375 (2017) and for the resumption of the Six‑Party Talks.

SEBASTIANO CARDI (Italy) said the intimate link between human rights violations and the threat to international peace and security could not be denied. Therefore, the meeting fell within the Council’s mandate. Voicing concern at the lack of accountability of human rights violations in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, he pointed out that the regime denied its citizens the most fundamental rights, including violations that could be considered as crimes against humanity. Full accountability for the flagrant violations had to be ensured, including through referrals to the International Criminal Court. He also stated his grave concern regarding the reports of abductions, and called on the country’s authority to take concrete steps to resume full investigations. Strongly condemning the use of its own nationals working abroad to fund its illegal programmes, he urged all Member States to ensure full implementation of resolution 2375 (2017). The Government should also take action on recommendations issued by the United Nations, and interact with international interlocutors to explore possibilities of cooperation. The protection of human rights should be central to any rapprochement to ensure the welfare and dignity of the country. As Chair of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1718 (2006), he said he had made the best efforts to ensure that human rights were given priority. However, the 1718 Sanctions Committee might exempt any measures if it determined that such exemption was necessary to ensure the work of organizations working in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. He underscored that the two ways of ensuring human rights violations and promoting engagement reinforced one another.

KAIRAT UMAROV (Kazakhstan) said his delegation had voted in favour of holding today’s meeting in light of its belief that all international situations, no matter how difficult, should be discussed by Member States. However, the Human Rights Council would be a more appropriate place for that discussion, and the promotion of human rights must be dealt with in an impartial manner. He encouraged the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to continue its engagement with the United Nations human rights system — including treaty bodies — as well as to engage in negotiations with Japan on the issue of abductions, allocate more resources to development and ensure respect for the basic rights of all its people.

KORO BESSHO (Japan) condemned the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for pursuing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles at the expense of its people’s welfare. Well over half of them seriously lacked food and medical care, including many pregnant and lactating women as well as children under 5, and almost a quarter of its total population was suffering from chronic malnutrition. Rather than address those urgent issues, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had conducted three nuclear tests and launched 40 ballistic missiles since January 2016. A ballistic missile with the range of an intercontinental ballistic missile had been launched for the third time just two weeks ago, which the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea claimed could reach the mainland United States. The international community must maximize pressure on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, including through full implementation of Security Council resolutions, and make it change its policies.

He also noted that nationals of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea were frequently working abroad to generate foreign currency that the country then used to support its prohibited nuclear and ballistic missile programmes. Those workers, exploited by the Government, were another stark example of the close ties between human rights and the pursuit of nuclear and missile development. He then turned to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s abduction of foreign nationals, which was a grave issue affecting a country’s sovereignty. Agents from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had infiltrated Japan and abducted several citizens, including a 13‑year‑old girl, stealing their futures and tearing their families apart. With abductees and their families growing older, there was no time to waste. The international community should work closely together to realize the immediate return of all abductees.

CHO TAE-YUL (Republic of Korea) expressed regret that no progress had been made on human rights in North Korea [the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea] during the past year. Systematic, widespread and grave violations were still being committed in the country, and many North Koreans were risking their lives to cross the border in search of freedom. Recalling the North Korean soldier who was shot by his fellow soldiers recently during a dramatic escape from the North, he highlighted the more than 30,000 defectors that had escaped and settled in the South over several decades. That was evidence of how dire the human rights situation in that country was.
チョ・テヨル(韓国)は、過去一年間に北朝鮮 [朝鮮民主主義人民共和国] の人権について進展がなかったことに遺憾の意を表明した。体系的で広範かつ重大な違反行為が依然として同国において行なわれており、多くの北朝鮮人が自由を求めて国境を越えるために生命を危険にさらしていた。最近、からの劇的な逃亡中に仲間の兵に撃たれた北朝鮮兵士を想起し、数十年に渡って南に逃亡し定住した30,000人以上の脱出者を強調した。それは、その国における人権状況がいかに悲惨であるかの証拠だった。

At the root of such human rights abuses was the preoccupation of the regime with its own security, he continued. In 2017, the country had conducted yet another nuclear test, as well as 15 ballistic missile launches. Money that could have been invested for the well‑being of its people had been squandered on developing weapons of mass destruction. As such, its nuclear and human rights problems were two sides of the same coin, he said, adding that improving its human rights situation without addressing the root causes was as irrational as “climbing a tree to catch a fish”. He called on the country to abandon its nuclear and missile programmes and abide by international norms, while investing more of its resources in the welfare of its people.

Observing the strikingly different lives that his brothers and sisters in the North led from those of the South, he lamented the human suffering that had been caused by the division of the nation. For the Korean people, the anguish of family separation was the most urgent humanitarian and human rights problem, he said, urging that country’s authorities to respond to his Government’s proposal for the resumption of family reunions. Another significant issue was the plight of non‑citizens detained in North Korea, including six South Koreans, and he called on the North Korean authorities to provide them with adequate protection, allow them to contact their families and take measures toward their return.

Pointing to the Special Rapporteur’s recent visit to the country, he expressed hope that North Korea had shown interest in working with the United Nations human rights mechanism, albeit in a limited way, and urged the regime to further expand their cooperation with the international community.



 For information media. Not an official record.










  • 今回に限らず作業部会の会議要約は審査報告に含まれることもあり(?)発行されないようなのだが、外務省が報告書の日本語訳を公開するので省略するつもりだった。が、年が明け1月22日になって *1 外務省ホームページに掲載された作業部会報告書(暫定版)「英文」ならびに「仮訳」は、「 I. 審査手続きの議事録概要」が「[2017 年 11 月 24 日完成予定]」とあるのみの11月16日版。追記)現在は削除され、政府審査・結果文書に差し替えられている( *9 参照)。

    国連のホームページには、当該部分を記載した11月23日版がすでに公開されている(下記掲載の UPR 情報ホームページ(英語版)リンク先 "Review in the Working Group(作業部会における審査)")。勧告の内容は16日版「仮訳」の「 II. 結論及び/又は勧告」で確認可能であり、また、外務省も今後差し替えを行なうのだろうが、とりあえず23日版の「 I. 審査手続きの議事録概要」より、対韓国報告書と同様(下記掲載の関連エントリ 2017-11-13 参照)日本以外の G8 の発言なども含めて抽出した。

    11月23日版「 I. 審査手続きの議事録概要」の「 A. 被審査国によるプレゼンテーション」は、下記掲載の外務省ホームページにアップされている岡村大使「冒頭発言」と比べると少なからず要約されており、当ブログとしては両者を比較したりするところだが省略した *2

    いっぽう同じく外務省ホームページの「総括発言」には、慰安婦問題に関する指摘への回答も掲載されていた(これは「個別発言」だろう)。さいきんはけっこう国内もうるさいので(苦笑)*3 一緒にここへ掲載したのかと勘ぐってしまったが(外務省ホームページの UPR に関する英語版ページは当方では見つけられなかった)、慰安婦問題については各国への回答の最後に岡村大使みずから行なったので一緒に収録したということだろう。こちらは抽出した(要約されている)。

    「 II. 結論及び/又は勧告」は、外務省ホームページ掲載の11月16日版「仮訳」より I 章同様の内容を抜粋した(16日版と23日版の異同有無は未確認)。

  • 日本は団長含め35名の大代表団を送り込む *4 。審査では106の代表団がコメントし、勧告は計218*5 。作業部会報告草案時点で政府の対応は一件も明らかにしていない。

  • 毎度のことなれど「北朝鮮は、[…]表現の自由の制限など、人権侵害の継続について懸念を表明」(パラグラフ106のコメント)、産経ならずとも、おまいう(下記掲載産経ニュース参照)。在日韓国・朝鮮人差別(勧告6.86)*6 、「性的奴隷制度」など過去の人道に対する犯罪(6.87)、朝鮮学校の無償化(6.152)*7 について勧告。韓国は慰安婦問題について「懸念を表明」したが、さすがに北朝鮮のような勧告は行なえないようだ。歴史教育の問題として慰安婦を持ち出し(6.89)、ヘイトスピーチについても勧告(6.129)。一部で予想されていた徴用工は提起せず。中国も慰安婦問題だが(6.88)、ジェンダー不平等や家庭内暴力などについても勧告(6.165)。慰安婦問題への日本政府の報告および回答は、日韓合意以来定番の内容 *8

  • 各国の勧告も人権理事会や条約機関で指摘されてきている内容とおもわれるが、ロシアの「宗教的マイノリティの代表者の私生活を監視し干渉する行為」というのは?だった(勧告6.135)。オウム系への監視?? *9

  • ロシア、アメリカおよびオーストラリアが「放送メディアの独立性」について勧告を行なっている(6.130 - 6.133)。アメリカは放送法4条廃止にも言及しており、自由化論者はこのような指摘を逆に利用したいところ。
  • イギリスが対韓国同様、国連条約機関への代表者の選考方法について勧告(6.32)。反差別国際運動ホームページの国連条約機関NGOネットワーク(TB-Net)主催イベントに関する記事が報じるところによれば

     —— 自由権規約委員会委員バマリアム・コイタ(Bamariam Koita)氏(モーリタニア
     —— 国連人権高等弁務官事務所条約機関課長イブラヒム・サラーマ(Ibrahim Salama)氏


  • なお、報告書の「 I. 審査手続きの議事録概要」側ではその他のコメントのみで、当該の発言が採録されていない内容が勧告されている場合がある(「 II. 結論および/または勧告」にのみ記載)。

  • (外務省声明)第28回UPR(普遍的・定期的レビュー)対日本審査 岡村善文日本政府代表 冒頭発言(平成29年11月14日)(英語

  • (外務省ホームページ)


    • 政府審査・結果文書(暫定版)(日本語(PDF)/英文(PDF))*10
    • 総括発言(日本語(PDF)/英語(PDF))
    • 冒頭発言(日本語(PDF)/英語(PDF
    • 政府報告別添(仮訳(PDF)/(英文(PDF))
    • 政府報告(仮訳(PDF)/(英文(PDF))


    • フォローアップ(2017年1月)(和文PDF)/英文(PDF))
    • 政府審査・勧告に対する我が国対応(仮訳(PDF)/英文(PDF))
    • 政府審査・結果文書(仮訳(PDF)/英文(Word))
  • (各社報道より)


    • 共同通信(2017年11月14日)


    • 日本経済新聞(2017年11月14日)


    • 東京新聞(2017年11月15日)


    • テレ朝news(2017年11月15日)

    • 中央日報(2017年11月15日)


    • ハンギョレ新聞(2017年11月15日)

      今回ポルトガルなど初めて朝鮮学校の無償化を求める趣旨 *11 の勧告が行なわれたと報道。「朝鮮学校だけは」の後ろに「一条校でないので」を付けるのを(恐らく)意図的に落とし、「同じ「各種学校」に分類される国際学校にも授業料を支援したが、朝鮮学校だけは例外」としている。

    • 朝鮮新報(2017年11月24日)

      ハンギョレと同様の内容。10月に在日本朝鮮人人権協会事務局の朴金優綺(パクキム・ウギ)氏と朝鮮大学校国語学部の姜承福助教がジュネーブで開かれた事前会合に参加し *12 、各国にブリーフィングを行なったと報じている。

    • 朝日新聞(2017年11月16日)

      11月16日の審査報告の採択を受けての記事。恐らく他国への勧告数も承知しているので218<もの>とはしていないが、見出しにポンと「218の勧告」と書かれればずいぶん多いなという印象を受けるのではないかとおもうのだが、いかがであろうか(関連エントリ 2017-09-21 参照)。慰安婦問題を最初に持ってきて比較的多めに報じる。差別問題への指摘で声明を発表した反差別国際運動(下記掲載の反差別国際運動ホームページリンク先参照)に取材。

    • NHK ニュース(2017年11月17日)


    • 産経ニュース


  • ( UPR 情報ホームページ(英語版))

    「 UPR 日本」(セッション28 - 2017年11月)

    • 各種文書:NGO提出マトリクス 日本 -「勧告のテーマ別リスト」(英語(PDF))
    • 作業部会における審査:作業部会の報告(草案)A/HRC/WG.6/28/L.12(2017年11月23日)- 当文書(英語(PDF))
    • 作業部会における審査:事前の文書質問 -「日本への事前質問(第三回分)」(英語(PDF))
    • 市民社会とその他の提起:NGOの提出 - 日弁連、反差別国際運動 *13ヒューマンライツ・ナウ、グリーンピース・ジャパン *14 、国際人権活動日本委員会、民団 *15 、在日本朝鮮人人権協会(共同提出4、下記掲載の同会ホームページへのリンク先参照)、在日コリアン弁護士協会、対日名誉負債財団、アムネスティ *16  、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ、なでしこアクション、歴史の真実を求める世界連合会、日本近現代史研究会など37の「利害関係者」による報告書(英語)。
    • その他の利害関係者の情報の要約:A/HRC/WG.6/28/JPN/3(2017年8月23日)-「利害関係者からの日本への提起要約 国連人権高等弁務官事務所の報告」(英語(PDF))
    • 国連情報の編纂別添:A/HRC/WG.6/28/JPN/2/Annex - 「日本に関する国連編纂の表」(英語(PDF))
    • 国連情報の編纂:A/HRC/WG.6/28/JPN/2(2017年9月4日)-「日本に関する編纂 国連人権高等弁務官事務所の報告」*17(英語(PDF))
    • 政府報告書別添:A/HRC/WG.6/28/JPN/1 -「日本が2012年の第2サイクルでフォローアップに受け入れた勧告」(英語(PDF))
    • 政府報告書:A/HRC/WG.6/28/JPN/1(2017年8月31日)-「UPR(普遍的・定期的レビュー)第3回日本政府報告」(英語(PDF))

    「日本が受けた勧告 | ライブラリ • UPR 情報」

    「日本による勧告 | ライブラリ • UPR 情報」

    「自主的な約束 - 日本 | ライブラリ • UPR 情報」

  • 国連人権高等弁務官事務所ホームページ(英語))

    「 OHCHR | UPR - 日本」(英語

  • 日弁連

  • (反差別国際運動)

    • 朝日が取り上げた(とおもわれる)声明(「ニュース」(英語版)より。掲載のプレスリリースは日本語)。


    • 対日審査プレセッション(2017年10月12日、ジュネーブ*18 の模様を報じる記事。

    • NGO による報告書の提出についての記事(報告書は英語版のみ)(2017年4月6日)。

    • 「IMADRがUPR審査に向けて作成した日本の人種差別とマイノリティのインフォグラフィック」(「日本における人種差別」)


  • (在日本朝鮮人人権協会)

    • 「▼普遍的定期的審査(UPR)-UPR日本審査第3サイクル(第28会期)に提出したNGOレポート」「マイノリティの子どもたちに対する教育機会の提供における差別――朝鮮学校の子どもたちを中心に」(2017年3月30日)(日本語訳(PDF))

    • 国連 UPR 情報ホームページ「市民社会とその他の提起:NGOの提出」(前出)
      JS4 - 共同提出4:「マイノリティの子どもたちに対する教育機会の提供における差別――朝鮮学校の子どもたちを中心に」(2017年3月30日)(フロントページ:英語(PDF))(本文:英語(PDF))

      • 附属書1:「1948年の日本の当局と進駐軍による朝鮮学校の強制閉鎖の写真」(2枚)(英語(PDF))

        Annex 1. Pictures of compulsory closedown of Korean schools in 1948 by the Japanese authority and Allied Occupation Forces
      • 附属書4:「朝鮮学校への補助金を中止した日本の都府県(2009年 - 2016年)(英語(PDF))
      • 付属書7:「朝鮮学校の女子生徒の朝鮮伝統の制服ドレス、朝鮮学校児童の制服と鞄を裂いた写真」(英語(PDF))
  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)
    ※ 声優みたいな声だなとおもったら英語通訳だった。岡村大使はフランス語でしゃべっている模様。
    チャプター10:韓国/ユン・サンウク(Yoon Sang-Uk)在ジュネーブ政府代表部参事官
    チャプター64:中国/ジャン・ドゥアン(Jiang Duan)在ジュネーブ政府代表部公使参事官
    チャプター71:北朝鮮/ハン・テソン(Han Tae Song)在ジュネーブ政府代表部特命全権大使
    ※ ハン・テソン常駐代表が登場(氏についてはこちら)。
    ※ チャプターは発言国最後のアルメリア108までしかセットされていない。

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations


General Assembly

Distr.: Limited
23 November 2017

Original: English


Human Rights Council
Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review
Twenty-eighth session
Geneva, 6-17 November 2017

Draft report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review*








2017年11月6日 - 17日、ジュネーブ




  * The annex to the present report is circulated as received.
  * 本報告書の別添は受領したとおり回覧される。



I. Introduction
I. 前書き

1. The Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review, established in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 5/1, held its twenty-eighth session from 6 November to 17th November 2017. The review of Japan was held at the 13th meeting on 14 November 2017. The delegation of Japan was headed by Mr. Yoshifumi Okamura, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Human Rights. At its 17th meeting held on 16 November 2017, the Working Group adopted the report on Japan.

2. On 13 February 2017, the Human Rights Council selected the following group of rapporteurs (troika) to facilitate the review of the Republic of Korea: Belgium, Qatar and Togo.
2. 2017年2月13日、人権理事会は、韓国の審査を促進するため、以下の報告者グループ(トロイカ)を選出した:ベルギー、カタールおよびトーゴ

3. In accordance with paragraph 15 of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 5/1 and paragraph 5 of the annex to Council resolution 16/21, the following documents were issued for the review of Japan:
(a) A national report submitted/written presentation made in accordance with paragraph 15 (a) (A/HRC/WG.6/28/JPN/1);
(b) A compilation prepared by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in accordance with paragraph 15 (b) (A/HRC/WG.6/28/JPN/2);
(c) A summary prepared by OHCHR in accordance with paragraph 15 (c) (A/HRC/WG.6/28/JPN/3).
3. 人権理事会決議5/1の附属書のパラグラフ15および理事会決議16/21の附属書パラグラフ5に基づき、以下の文書が日本の審査のために発行された。

4. A list of questions prepared in advance by Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America, Uruguay was transmitted to Japan through the troika. These questions are available on the extranet of the UPR.
4. ベルギー、ブラジル、ドイツ、ノルウェーポルトガルスロベニア、スペイン、スウェーデン、英国、米国、ウルグアイにより事前に作成された質問票が、トロイカを通じて日本に伝達された。これらの質問は、UPRのエクストラネットで利用可能である。

I. Summary of the proceedings of the review process
I. 審査手続の議事録概要

A. Presentation by the State under review
A. 被審査国によるプレゼンテーション


B. Interactive dialogue and responses by the State under review

17. During the interactive dialogue, 106 delegations made statements. Recommendations made during the dialogue are to be found in section II of the present report.
17. 双方向対話中に、106の代表団が発言を行なった。対話においてなされた勧告は、本報告の第II部に記載されている。


26. The Republic of Korea expressed concern about the so-called “comfort women” issue highlighting that the correct education of history is imperative to prevent recurrence of the past wrongdoings. It noted that many victims and civil society groups had found key elements of the Agreement on Comfort Women unacceptable and unsatisfactory. It also noted the adoption of the Hate Speech Act.
26. 韓国は、過去の不正行為の再発を防ぐために、歴史の正しい教育が不可欠であることを強調する、いわゆる「慰安婦」問題に懸念を表明した。多くの犠牲者と市民団体が、慰安婦に対する合意の主要な要素を容認できず不十分であると考えたことを指摘した。また、へイトスピーチ法の採択も指摘した。


28. The Russian Federation expressed concerns at persisting issues relating to national and ethnic minorities and reports of infringements of freedom of the media by State authorities.
28. ロシア連邦は、国家や少数民族に関する今も残る問題と、締約国当局によるメディアの自由の侵害の報告に懸念を表明した。


49. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland encouraged Japan to adopt a moratorium on executions. It welcomed the ratification of the Palermo Convention and Protocol.
49. 英国は、日本に死刑執行モラトリアムを導入することを促した。パレルモ条約と議定書の批准を歓迎した。

50. The United States of America welcomed efforts to reduce discrimination against certain groups while regretting that legislative gaps remained in this regard. It was concerned about the regulatory framework that inhibits broadcast media.
50. 米国は、立法格差が残っていることを懸念するいっぽう、特定の集団に対する差別を軽減する努力を歓迎した。放送メディアを規制する規制の枠組みについてが懸念された。


74. Japan emphasized that each recommendation from the UN human rights mechanism would be duly considered and appropriately dealt with, taking into account various aspects including the SDGs.
74. 日本は、国連の人権メカニズムからのそれぞれの勧告が、SDG[持続可能な開発目標]を含む様々な側面を考慮して十分に検討され適切に処理されることを強調した。

75. “Unity in Diversity” which accepts and respects differences of others is one of the core concepts for the Tokyo 2020 Games.
75. 他者の差異を受け入れ尊重する「多様性のなかの統合」は、東京2020大会の核心概念のひとつである。

76. Japan monitors the implementation of the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities and will make necessary revisions.
76. 日本は、障害者差別撤廃法の実施を監視し必要な改正を行う。

77. On Business and Human rights, Japan will develop and publish its National Action Plan in the coming years.
77. ビジネスと人権について、日本は今後数年間に国家行動計画を策定し公表する。

78. Japan has continuously held meetings of the Council for Ainu Policy Promotion with Ainu representation to promote comprehensive policy.
78. 日本は、包括的な政策を推進するために、アイヌ政策推進会議の会合を継続して開催している。

79. Regarding child pornography, Japan has strengthened crackdown and promoted various measures to prevent damage and support victims. These steps will be followed up every year.
79. 児童ポルノについては、日本は、被害を防止し被害者を支援するための取り締まりを強化し、さまざまな措置を推進している。これらの措置は毎年フォローアップされる。

80. Japan establishes ad-hoc human rights counselling centres at welfare facilities for the elderly. Japan has taken measures for the protection of elderly persons suffering elder abuse and support for elderly person’s caregivers etc., based on the law.
80. 日本は、高齢者福祉施設に人権特別相談センターを設置している。日本は、法に基づき、高齢者虐待を受けている高齢者の保護や高齢者の介護者支援などの対策を講じている。

81. Japan deleted the Civil Code provision in question concerning children born out of wedlock in December 2013. Japan conducts human rights education in schools and communities, while taking into consideration the developmental stages of students and local circumstances.
81. 日本は、2013年12月に婚外子に関する問題の民法の規定を削除した。日本は、生徒の発達段階と地域の状況を考慮しながら、学校や地域社会で人権教育を実施している。

82. Japan is considering the submission of a bill to the Diet as soon as possible to make the marriageable age 18 for men and women.
82. 日本は男性と女性の結婚可能年齢を18歳にするために国会に法案を可能な限り速やかに提出することを検討している。

83. Japan reported that allowing same-sex marriage or introducing a partnership system at national level should be given careful consideration.
83. 日本は、同性結婚を可能にすることや国家レベルでパートナーシップ制度を導入することは、慎重に考慮されるべきであると報告した。

84. Japan examines appropriately whether applicants for refugee recognition, including Myanmar’s applicants, are convention refugees, while considering the circumstances of their home-countries and individual circumstances.
84. 日本は、ミャンマーの申請者を含む難民認定申請者が条約難民であるかどうかを出身国の状況や個々の状況を考慮して適切に審査する。

85. Article 14 of the Constitution guarantees the principle of equality before the law, irrespective of form.
85. 憲法14条は、形式にかかわりなく、法の前に平等の原則を保証している。

86. Based on the 2014 Action Plan, Japan continues to take a holistic approach to eradicate human trafficking, including by enhancing the protection and support of victims.
86. 2014年の行動計画に基づき、日本は、被害者の保護と支援を強化するなど、人身売買を根絶するための包括的アプローチを引き続き行なっている。

87. Japan has granted special permission to stay for all victims of trafficking in persons illegally staying in Japan.
87. 日本は、日本に不法滞在しているすべての人身売買の被害者に特別な滞在許可を与えている。

88. Regarding conclusion of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, careful consideration is needed.
88. すべての移住労働者およびその家族の権利の保護に関する国際条約の締結に関して、慎重な検討が必要である。

89. Japan has a system of provisional stay for applicants for refugee recognition without resident status. Japan reported that deportation will be suspended while the application is pending and provisional release is flexibly applied in cases where he/she is detained.
89. 日本には在留資格を持たない難民認定申請者のための仮滞在制度がある。日本は、申請が保留されているあいだ強制送還が停止され、拘束された場合には仮放免が柔軟に適用されると報告した。

90. Japan enacted the new act for a technical intern training system which has relevant provisions and penalties to protect human rights of trainees in November 2017.
90. 日本は、2017年11月に実習生の人権を守るための関連規定と罰則を有する技能実習制度の新法を制定した。

91. Freedom of expression, including that of the press, is a fundamental human right fully guaranteed by the Constitution and domestic laws and Government officials have never put pressure on journalists. The Broadcast Act is established within a framework of autonomy and independence of broadcasters, and ensures broadcasters enjoy one of the freest media circumstances.
91. 報道の自由を含む表現の自由は、憲法と国内法によって完全に保証された基本的人権であり、政府関係者がジャーナリストに圧力をかけたことはない。放送法は、放送局の自律性と独立性の枠組みの中で制定され、放送局が自由なメディア状況を享受することを保証している。

92. Regarding violence against women, Japan has implemented measures based on law. For foreign victims in particular, language barriers have been addressed.

93. Japan has achieved reduction of long-term hospitalized patients in medical hospitals this decade. Japan promotes deinstitutionalization for the mentally disabled by expanding resources for community-based care.
93. 日本は、この10年間に医療病院における長期入院患者の減少を達成した。日本は、地域密着型ケアのための資源を拡大することにより、精神障害者のための脱施設化を促進する。


96. Canada commended the ratification and implementation of Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, and the promotion of equality by voting in favour of the Human Right Council resolutions on sexual orientation and gender identity.
96. カナダは、国際的な子どもの奪取の民事上の側面に関するハーグ条約の批准と履行を賞賛し、性的指向と性同一性に関する人権理事会決議を支持する投票による平等の促進を賞賛した。


99. China noted with concern that gender inequality remained grave, and deplored the lack of compensation for “comfort women.”
99. 中国は、ジェンダー格差が依然として深刻であると懸念を表明し、「慰安婦」への補償の欠如を非難した。


106. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea expressed concern about the persistent human rights violations, including discrimination, hate speech, massive surveillance and restriction of freedom of expression.
106. 北朝鮮は、差別、ヘイトスピーチ、大規模な監視および表現の自由の制限など、人権侵害の継続について懸念を表明した。


111. France noted the ratification of the Palermo Convention and the Protocol, Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
111. フランスは、パレルモ条約と議定書、国際的な子どもの奪取の民事上の側面に関するハーグ条約および障害者の権利に関する条約の批准を指摘した。


113. Germany welcomed the Act on the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities, and the progress in advancing children and women’s rights.
113. ドイツは、障害者に対する差別撤廃に関する法律、および児童と女性の権利の前進の進展を歓迎した。


125. Italy welcomed the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Japan’s first anti-hate speech law.
125. イタリアは、障害者の権利に関する条約の批准と日本の最初のヘイトスピーチ対策法を歓迎した。


144. Japan considers the individual communication procedure to be noteworthy and will continue serious consideration on this matter.
144. 日本は、個人通報手続が注目に値すると考え、この点について真剣な検討を続ける。

145. Human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity should not be tolerated. Japan continues to make efforts in preventing discrimination.
145. 性的指向と性同一性に基づく人権侵害は容認されるべきではない。日本は引き続き差別防止の努力を続ける。

146. On the situation in Fukushima, health management surveys for the people of Fukushima are conducted every year. The ratio of effective job offers in Fukushima is above 1. However, the number of employees in the evacuation areas has not recovered to previous levels. Mental care is provided to children affected by the disaster.
146. 福島の状況については、毎年福島県民の健康管理調査が実施されている。福島における有効求人倍率は1を超えている。しかしながら、福島避難区域の雇用者数は以前の水準に回復していない。災害の影響を受けた児童に精神医療が提供されている。

147. Japan believes each sovereign country should be allowed to make decisions on the death penalty issue independently. Domestic public opinion, the existence of extremely vicious crime cases and other factors make it inappropriate to abolish the death penalty. A moratorium is also inappropriate, since the final judgment must be executed impartially and thoroughly under the rule of law.
147. 日本は、各主権国が独立して死刑問題に関する決定を行うことが許されるべきであると考える。国内世論、極端に悪質な犯罪事件およびその他の要因の存在などにより死刑廃止は適切ではない。最終的な判断は、法の支配のもと公平かつ完全に実施されなければならないので、モラトリアムも不適切である。

148. Japan reported its progress in improving prison conditions including medical care and cooling/heating, and indicated that inmates sentenced to death were treated in appropriate conditions.
148. 日本は、医療と冷暖房を含む刑務所の状況の改善における進歩を報告し、死刑確定者は適切なコンデションで扱われていたと示した。

149. Japan is examining what would be the most appropriate human rights remedy system based on the discussions heretofore. 311 offices of legal affairs bureaus, officials and 14,000 Human Rights Volunteers engage in a wide range of human rights counselling, remedy activities, and awareness-raising activities.
149. 日本は、これまでの議論に基づいて最も適切であろう人権救済制度を検討している。 311人の法務局職員、14,000人の人権ボランティアは、人権カウンセリング、救済活動および意識向上活動に幅広く携わっている。

150. Japan recognizes there is a development of the widespread notion that discriminatory speech is not tolerated in society.
150. 日本は、差別的な発言が社会において許容されないという広範な概念が発展していると認識している。

151. Japan is working to reduce the gender pay gap by promoting women’s empowerment and improving workplace environments so that women can continue working while parenting.
151. 日本は、女性のエンパワメントを促進し、職場環境を改善して、女性が育児を続けながら働くことができるようにすることで、ジェンダー賃金格差を縮小するよう努めている。

152. Japan has formulated "priority policies to accelerate women's empowerment" and enhanced women’s empowerment through "visualizing" current situations of female employment in the workplace.
152. 日本は、「女性のエンパワメントを促進するための優先政策」を策定し、職場における女性の雇用の現状を「可視化」することで女性のエンパワメントを強化している。

153. Japan has been making wide-ranging efforts to protect human rights of suspects, through the aforementioned measures on the substitute-detention system.
153. 日本は、前述の代替拘留制度についての施策を通じて、被疑者の人権を守るための幅広い取組みを行なっている。

154. The Prime Minister’s statement on the 14th of August 2015 is Japan’s recognition of history on the past war.
154. 2015年8月14日の首相の声明は、過去の戦争に関する日本歴史認識である。

155. Japan appropriately made the decision to not designate North Korean schools for the High School Enrolment Support Fund system in accordance with the intent of the relevant laws.
155. 日本は、関連する法律の意図に従い、北朝鮮の学校を高等学校入学支援基金制度に指定しないことを適切に決定した。

156. Nobody has been punished by violating the Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets and there are no circumstances, in which the press is daunted.
156. 特定秘密の保護に関する法律に違反して処罰された者はいないため、報道機関が脅かされる状況はない。

157. Japan recognizes that the comfort women issue is one that severely injured the honour and dignity of many women, and has extended its heartfelt apologies and remorse to the former comfort women.
157. 日本は、慰安婦問題が数多くの女性の名誉と尊厳を深く傷つけた問題であると認識し、元慰安婦に心からの謝罪と反省を述べてきた。

158. The issues of reparations, properties and claims arising from the war have been settled through treaties, agreements and instruments between Japan and the countries concerned.
158. 戦争に関わる賠償、財産および請求権の問題は、日本と関係国とのあいだの条約、協定および制度を通じて解決された。

159. “Forceful taking away” of comfort women by the military and government authorities and the figure “200,000 persons” as the total number of comfort women could not be confirmed in any of the documents in the full-scale fact-finding study in the early 1990s. Furthermore, referring to comfort women as “sex slaves” is inappropriate, as it contradicts the facts.
159. 1990年代初頭の本格的な事実調査におけるいずれの文書でも、軍や政府当局による慰安婦の「強制連行」や、慰安婦の総数としての「20万人」という数字は確認できなかった。さらに、慰安婦を「性奴隷」と呼ぶことは、事実と矛盾するので不適切である。

160. In conclusion, Japan thanked the delegations for their constructive and valuable comments and reiterated its continued commitment to cooperate with the UPR and make efforts for the protection and promotion of human rights.
160. 結論として、日本は代表団に建設的で貴重なコメントを感謝し、UPRと協力して人権の保護と促進に努力するという継続的なコミットメントを改めて表明した。

II. Conclusions and/or recommendations**
II. 結論および/または勧告**

 ** The conclusions and recommendations have not been edited.
 ** 結論および勧告は編集されていない。


6. 以下に記載されている勧告は日本により検討され、2018 年 3 月の第 37 回人権理事会までに回答がなされる予定である。


6.6. […]直ちに死刑執行モラトリアムを正式に導入し、 死刑廃止を目指して自由権規約第二選択議定書を批准すること。(ドイツ)


6.32. 国連条約体の選挙に関して、国別候補の選定に際し,オープンで業績に基づいた選定プロセスを導入すること。(英国)


6.44. […]パリ原則に即した公平な国内人権機構を迅速に設立すること。(フランス)[…]


6.56. 人種差別表現に対するためのさまざまな法律上及び実務上の措置を導入すること。(ロシア)


6.63. 年齢、人種、ジェンダー、宗教、性的指向、種族又は民族に基づくあらゆる直接的及び間接的差別を禁止し制裁する包括的な差別禁止法を採択及び実施すること。(ドイツ)


6.68. 包括的な法律の採択及び啓発活動の活用など、全ての形態の差別を防止し対抗するよう努力を強化すること。(イタリア)


6.72. LGBTI の人々の権利を保護及び促進する包括的な差別禁止法を実施すること。(米国)

6.73. 同性婚の公式な承認を国レベルに拡大するなど、地方自治体及び民間企業が性的指向及び性自認に基づく差別を撤廃するための努力を促進すること。 (カナダ)


6.86. 在日韓国朝鮮人(Koreans)に対する差別や嫌がらせを許容するあらゆる国の政策及び規則を廃止すること。(北朝鮮

6.87. 性奴隷を含む過去の人道に対する犯罪に関する法的な国家責任を全面的に受け入れ誠実に対処するための措置を講じること。(北朝鮮

6.88. 歴史と正面から向き合い振り返り、「慰安婦」問題につき誠実に謝罪し、被害者に補償し、これに関して公衆の知る権利を確保すること。(中国

6.89. いわゆる「慰安婦」問題を含め、将来世代が歴史の真実を学ぶことを確保するよう努力すること。(韓国


6.95. 最終的に死刑を廃止する目的で執行モラトリアムの適用を検討すること。(キプロス)、死刑を全面的に廃止する目的で死刑執行モラトリアムの導入を検討すること。(イタリア)


6.99. […]死刑の最終的な廃止のため,正式なモラトリアムを開始し、この問題に関する議論を促進すること。(フランス)[…]


6.101. 被害者及び被害者家族への最適な支援に向けて取り組む一方で、モラトリアムを導入し、死刑廃止に関する公共の議論を促進すること。(英国)


6.108. 特に上訴請求又は再審査請求による執行停止の効力を保証することによって、死刑を言い渡された者の権利の保護を確保すること(フランス)


6.110. 死刑政策を見直すこと、死刑行使モラトリアムをよく検討すること、及び将来的な死刑行使について公共の議論を行うこと。(カナダ)


6.114. より良質で時宜を得た医療及び歯科治療の提供、刑務所内の冬の気温に耐えるための適切な措置、被収容者への食事の増量などによって収容環境を改善するために、然るべき国連被拘禁者処遇最低基準規則に従うこと。(カナダ)


6.129. ヘイトスピーチに関する国連人権メカニズムによる勧告に十分に配慮すること。(韓国

6.130. メディアの独立性を確保するための法的手段を含む包括的措置(をとること。)(ロシア)

6.131. 放送メディアを統制する法的枠組みを見直し、とりわけ政府は放送法第 4 条を見直して廃止すること。(米国)

6.132. 放送メディアを規制する独立した行政機関を設立すること。(米国)

6.133. 放送メディアを統制する現行の法的枠組みを見直すなどしてメディアの独立性を保証し続け、政府による過度の干渉に関する法的根拠を取り除いてメディアの独立性を強化し続けること。(オーストリア


6.135. 宗教的マイノリティの代表者の私生活を監視し干渉する行為をやめること。(ロシア)

6.136. 被収容者の権利を保証するなど、国の司法行政制度を改善し続けること。(ロシア)


6.138. 代替収容制度(いわゆる「代用監獄」)の徹底的な見直しを目的として、司法・刑事手続の分野において現在進行中の改革を継続すること。(フランス)


6.146. 「公立高等学校に係る授業料の不徴収及び高等学校等就学支援金制度」を地方自治体所管の学校を含めて国内の全ての学校に拡大することを確保すること。(ポルトガル

6.147. 全ての人に就学への完全なアクセスを確保し、とりわけ女性及び女児の教育への平等なアクセスに関して、マイノリティ集団が直面する可能性のある障壁を取り除くための努力を続けること。(パレスチナ


6.151. 社会権規約委員会及び人種差別撤廃委員会による勧告に沿った形で、マイノリティの子供が差別されることなく教育を受ける権利を享受することを確保すること。(オーストリア

6.152. 「公立高等学校に係る授業料の不徴収及び高等学校等就学支援金制度」を朝鮮学校に通う子供に拡大する措置を取り、関連する国連条約体の勧告に従って朝鮮学校の平等な取扱いを確保すること。(北朝鮮


6.165. ジェンダー不平等に対処し、家庭内暴力及び性的搾取に対抗し、女性及び児童の権利を効果的に保護するために実効性のある措置を取ること。


6.183. 特に婚姻適齢を全員 18 歳に引き上げることなど、男女間の不平等を縮小する措置を取ること。(フランス)


6.187. 体罰の禁止を含め、児童に対する暴力に対抗するための努力を進めること。(ロシア)


6.191. 児童の権利に関する条約に従って、両親共に日常的に子供と人間関係を維持し直接連絡を取ることができるような法的強制力のある子供との面会交流制度を導入すること。(カナダ)

6.192. 国際的な子の奪取の民事上の側面に関する条約ハーグ条約)を実施する努力を強化すること。(イタリア)


6.206. アイヌ琉球及び部落民などの少数種族が経済的、社会的及び文化的権利を完全に享受できるように措置を強化すること。(ペルー)


6.217. 特に許容放射線量を年間 1 ミリシーベルト以下に戻し、避難者及び住民への支援を継続することによって、福島地域に住んでいる人々、特に妊婦及び児童の最高水準の心身の健康に対する権利を尊重すること。(ドイツ)


7. 本報告書に含まれる全ての結論及び勧告は、勧告を行った国及び被審査国の立場を反映したものである。作業部会全体によって承認されたものであると解釈されてはならない。



Composition of the delegation

The delegation of Japan was headed by Mr. Yoshifumi Okamura, Representative of the Government of Japan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Human Rights and composed of the following members:








*5:追記)本作業部会報告書 A/HRC/WG.6/28/L.12 は、11月23日版も含め勧告の番号 161.118 が飛ばされていた。後述の朝日はじめ報道も218件と報じているが、実際の件数は217件。

*6:追記)作業部会報告書11月16日版の「 II. 結論および/または勧告」のパラグラフ161 は “6” とだけ表記されており(おそらくその前の版では実際にパラグラフ6で、番号をメンテせずそのままになっていたものとおもわれる)、外務省仮訳もそれを踏襲している。本来は 161.86 である。以下同様。

*7:追記)上記 *5 のとおり、本作業部会報告書では 161.118 が飛ばされており、以降の勧告の番号が理事会報告書 A/HRC/37/15 とずれて(プラス1されて)いる。以下同様。








3 自由権規約(市民的及び政治的権利に関する国際規約)

*10:追記)審査国による検討結果の理事会審査に向け3月7日サイトが更新され、作業部会報告書 A/HRC/WG.6/28/L.12 日本語リンク先は削除されている。英文のリンク先は「政府審査・勧告に対する我が国対応(英文)(PDF)」として A/HRC/37/15/Add.1 に置き換えられ、「審査・結果文書(英文)(第37回人権理事会で採択予定の暫定版)(PDF)」A/HRC/37/15 が付け加えられた(関連エントリ 2018-03-19 参照)。今後日本語訳も追加されるものとおもわれる。追記:審査結果の理事会採択後、3月23日の改訂で「政府審査・結果文書(英文(PDF)/仮訳(PDF))」に差し替えられた。なお、A/HRC/WG.6/28/L.12(11月23日版)原文オリジナルは国連 UPR 情報ホームページで確認できる。


*12:朴金氏は、11月30日 - 12月1日ジュネーブで開催された、第10回国連マイノリティ問題に関するフォーラムのパネルディスカッションにパネリストとしても参加している。下記参照。




*16:「日本:差別からの保護が不十分 普遍的・定期レビュー(UPR)に向けたアムネスティの提言」(日本語訳






  • 国連ジュネーブ事務局ホームページ「プレスリリース」より。
  • 末尾注釈に、総理が国連事務総長に立場を確認したり、ネット上で「国連の方から来ました」などと書かれたりする「国連専門家」についての説明がある。


  • 産経ニュース




23 November 2017

GENEVA, 23 November 2017 (Issued as received) – A group of United Nations human rights experts* has appealed to the Government of China to unconditionally release Jiang Tianyong, a human rights lawyer jailed for two years after being found guilty of inciting subversion of the State’s power.
ジュネーブ、2017年11月23日(受領時発行)— 国連人権専門家グループ * は、中国政府に対し国家政権転覆扇動罪として有罪判決を受け、懲役二年に処された人権派弁護士、江天勇(ジアン・ティアンヨン)を無条件に釈放するよう訴えた。

“Mr. Jiang’s trial clearly fell short of international standards and his conviction represents an unfair and arbitrary punishment of a human rights lawyer and defender, whose only crime was to exercise his rights to free speech and to defend human rights,” said the experts.

“Domestic judicial procedures should be in compliance with China’s international human rights obligations,” they added.

“We condemn the verdict and urge the Chinese Government to release Mr. Jiang immediately and unconditionally.”

Mr. Jiang, whose wife and daughter are in exile in the United States, was an outspoken defender of his fellow human rights lawyers who were arrested in an unprecedented crackdown in July 2015. He was disappeared on 21 November 2016 and held in secret detention for more than nine months. The UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Philip Alston, who met with Mr. Jiang during his visit to China in August last year, had expressed concern that his enforced disappearance may have occurred, at least in part, in reprisal for his cooperation with the UN during his visit to China.

Mr. Jiang was found guilty of the incitement charge on 21 November 2017 by the Changsha Intermediate People’s Court after a supposed confession in August. The experts had previously expressed concern that his confession may have been coerced by the use of torture, in contravention of the Chinese Criminal Procedures Law and international human rights standards.

The experts have been in contact with the Chinese Government on several occasions to raise their concern.


* The UN experts: Mr. Philip Alston, Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights; Mr. Michel Forst, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders; Mr. David Kaye, Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression; Mr. José Antonio Guevara Bermúdez, Chair-Rapporteur of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, and the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances.
* 国連専門家:極度の貧困と人権に関する特別報告者フィリップ・オルストン氏、人権擁護者の状況に関する特別報告者ミシェル・フォルスト氏、意見と表現の自由の権利の促進と保護に関する特別報告者デイヴィッド・ケイ氏、恣意的抑留に関する作業部会および強制または非自発的失踪に関する作業部会議長報告者ホセ・アントニオ・ゲヴァラ・ベルムーデス氏。

The Special Rapporteurs and Working Groups are part of what is known as the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. Special Procedures, the largest body of independent experts in the UN Human Rights system, is the general name of the independent fact-finding and monitoring mechanisms of the Human Rights Council that address either specific country situations or thematic issues in all parts of the world. Special Procedures experts work on a voluntary basis; they are not UN staff and do not receive a salary for their work. They are independent from any government or organization and serve in their individual capacity.

UN Human Rights country page: China






  • 「国連会合報道およびプレスリリ-ス」ホームページ(英語)より。北朝鮮決議以外は投票となった。日本、韓国はすべて支持。中国、北朝鮮は国別決議三本に反対、残る二本は支持した。いずれの決議も12月19日、総会本会議で採択された(下記掲載国連総会ホームページへのリンク先参照)。以下草案文書へのリンク先は国連公式文書システム。

  • 北朝鮮決議 L.40* 
    採択は13年連続13回目(下記掲載外務省ホームページへのリンク先参照)。「過去の慣行から離れ」コンセンサスで採択されたが、北朝鮮のほかシリア、ロシア、キューバ、中国、イラン、ベネズエラベラルーシがコンセンサスから離脱した(同上、総会本会議ではベラルーシは離脱していない模様)。日本、韓国含む草案 L.40* *1 記載の共同スポンサーは、アルゼンチン、オーストラリア、オーストリア、ベルギー、ブルガリア、カナダ、クロアチアキプロスチェコデンマークエストニアフィンランド、フランス、ドイツ、ギリシャハンガリーアイスランドアイルランド、イタリア、日本、ラトビアリヒテンシュタインリトアニアルクセンブルク、マルタ、マーシャル諸島ミクロネシア連邦モナコモンテネグロ、オランダ、ノルウェーポーランドポルトガル、韓国、ルーマニアスロバキアスロベニア、スペイン、スウェーデン、スイス、トルコ、ウクライナ、イギリス、アメリカの44か国。中南米はアルゼンチンのみで、アジア、アフリカの加盟国は日本、韓国(および豪州と一部太平洋諸島)以外見えない。その後17か国がスポンサーに加わり、計61か国となった(下記掲載第三委員会報告書 A/72/439/Add.3 参照)*2 。日本、中国が発言し、当事国の北朝鮮は、いつもの「第二次世界大戦中の朝鮮人に対する自身の罪を認めることを依然として拒否していた」と日本を非難。韓国は(その他のアジェンダ含め)沈黙。

  • その他の決議も、紛争地の国別決議に、アラブ地域含む人権訓練・文書化センターということで激しいやり取りとなり、サウジ、カタールと、国別決議の対象国イラン・シリア連合での非難合戦が続いた。なお、昨年サウジはイランへの接近も理由にカタールと国交を断絶している。そのカタールを支援しているトルコは、ロシアと接近しつつも、ここでは従来路線どおりでシリアと非難合戦。

    ニューズウィーク/2017年11月28日)WEDGE Infinity/2017年7月19日、2016年2月4日)

  • パレスチナ人自決権 L.59 
    エジプト提出。採決は20日の会合に持ち越された(委員会報告書 A/72/438 参照)。草案 L.59 記載の共同スポンサーに中国、北朝鮮が参加し、ロシアのほかフランスやスウェーデンなども加わっている。その後、会合でその旨発言したシリア始めドイツ、イギリスなど61か国が加わり、イスラム協力機構加盟国も合わせて合計141か国が参加(同上参照)*3 。日本、韓国はイスラエルアメリカやカナダなどとともに不参加。

  • 人権訓練・文書化センター L.25 
    カタールが提出、草案 L.25 掲載の共同スポンサーにアメリカほか、湾岸協力会議GCC)からカタール断交に加わっていないクウェートオマーンが参加。その後、カタール支援のトルコ、カタールとは断交のイエメンなど19か国が加わり計27か国となった(委員会報告書 A/72/439/Add.2* 参照)*4 。シリアがカタール非難開始:「狂気じみた企て」。採決は反対ゼロ、シリアとモザンビークのみ棄権。

  • イラン決議 L.41 
    カナダ提出。草案 L.41 記載共同スポンサーにイスラエルや西欧諸国など33か国、その後9か国が加わり計42か国となった(委員会報告書 A/72/439/Add.3* 参照)*5北朝鮮、中国が反対、日本は支持で発言を行なった。イラン:「イランとその兄弟国イラク」。サウジ(スポンサーには不参加)が草案支持の発言を行なうと、イランはサウジの人権状況や、サウジによるシリアでのテロ支援、イエメンへのミサイル攻撃に言及。逆に11月4日にはイエメンの(イランが支援しているとされる)反政府武装組織フーシ派がサウジにミサイル攻撃を行なったばかりだった。また、その翌週にも報じられたように、これまでサウジはフーシ派に空爆を続けていたことが報じられていたのだが。


  • クリミア L.42 
    ウクライナ自身が提出し、草案 L.42 記載共同スポンサーにトルコや、ジョージアバルト三国、西欧諸国など34か国、その後日本なども加わり合計42か国(委員会報告書 A/72/439/Add.3* 参照)*6北朝鮮、中国が反対発言を行なった。ロシア:「不条理の劇場」。シリア:「プロパガンダ論議に時間を浪費していたのは遺憾」。

  • シリア決議 L.54 
    サウジが提出、草案 L.42 記載共同スポンサーに日本、カタール、サウジ、ウクライナアメリカの5か国。会合でサウジによる口頭修正後、イスラエルやトルコ、イエメンのほか、バーレーンクウェートアラブ首長国連邦オマーン除く残りの GCC 諸国、ヨルダン、更にはカナダ、ドイツ、イタリア、イギリスなども含む47か国が加わり *7 、計52か国。北朝鮮、中国が反対発言、日本は歓迎の発言を行なった。シリアは、草案は「無益」とし、サウジに対しイスラエルの共同スポンサー参加を、サウジとの「秘密同盟の証拠」として「祝福」。「サウジアラビアカタールは、1,370億ドルをシリアを「破壊する」ことに費やし」「世界中のムスリムのイメージを汚しているサウジに資金援助されたテロとともに、イエメン、イラクおよびリビアを破壊」「サウジの脅迫に同意するのは恥」「王と王子に悪事の責任」「サウジ政権のヒステリー」、サウジ・ワッハーブ派は「大量破壊兵器」「サウジとカタールの罠」「カタールとテロリストのあいだには、国連兵力引き離し監視軍(UNDOF)のメンバーを取り除き、誘拐する陰謀」「カタールには憲法と選挙体制がなく、奴隷制状態において働くために数百万の外国人労働者」「カタールの詩人が、大胆にもカタールにおける人権状況を批判した詩を書いたため終身刑」と「ヒステリー」はどちらなのかという勢い。アメリカも草案の共同スポンサーであり、4月7日には発言でも言及していたハーン・シャイフーンでの<化学兵器使用>に対してミサイル攻撃まで行なっていたのだが(本要約によれば)名指しせず。「ラッカの汚れた秘密」に言及して各自スマホで検索するよう(苦笑)促したりしてはいるが、これほど酷く罵ってもいない。

    「ラッカの汚れた秘密」(BBC/2017年11月13日) シリアは草案の共同スポンサーに加わっていたトルコへの非難も行ない、イランも提出国のサウジを攻撃、こちらでも非難合戦となった。サウジは、シリアがサウジへ「注意を逸らすことを試みていたが、サウジアラビア王が誰かを知りもしなかった」とも発言。当要約では「王と王子に悪事の責任」が採録されているが、あるいはシリアが王族の名前を間違えてたりしたのであろうか(未確認)。

  • (外務省ホームページ)

  • (国連総会ホームページ(英語))

    A/72/439/Add.4「人権の促進と保護:ウィーン宣言と行動計画の包括的実施とフォローアップ 第三委員会報告」(2017年12月1日)

    A/72/439/Add.3「人権の促進と保護:人権状況ならびに特別報告者と代表者の報告 第三委員会報告」(2017年12月6日)- L.40、L.41、L.42、L.54 採録

    A/72/439/Add.2*「人権の促進と保護:人権状況ならびに特別報告者と代表者の報告 第三委員会報告」(2017年12月7日) - L.25 。

    A/72/439/Add.1「人権の促進と保護:人権文書の実施 第三委員会報告」(2017年12月1日)

    A/72/439「人権の促進と保護 第三委員会報告」(2017年12月1日)

    A/72/438「人民の自決権 第三委員会報告」(2017年12月1日)- L.59*


    A/RES/72/188「2017年12月19日の総会で採択された[第三委員会報告書(A/72/439/Add.3)に関する]決議 72/188 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国における人権状況」(2018年1月19日)

    「第72回セッション・アジェンダ - 国連総会」(英語

    「第72回セッション決議 - 国連総会」(英語)- 第三委員会割当決議は "Plenary or Cttee.":C.3

    GA/11993「総会、59の第三委員会決議草案を採択、合意文言への不一致のなか4つの注目を浴びているテキストに関する審議を延期 | 会合報道およびプレスリリ-ス」(2017年12月19日)(英語

  • (各社報道より)

    • 毎日新聞(2017年11月16日)
    • ハンギョレ(2017年11月16日)
  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)
    0:37:26 - 北朝鮮/慈成男(チャ・ソンナム/Ja Song-nam)政府代表部大使
    0:41:54 - 日本/別所浩郎政府代表部特命全権大使
    0:50:36 - 中国/姚紹俊(ヤオ・シャオジュン/Yao Shaojun)政府代表部参事官 *8
    1:40:28 - 北朝鮮/慈成男(チャ・ソンナム)政府代表部大使
    1:42:04 - 中国/姚紹俊(ヤオ・シャオジュン)政府代表部参事官
    1:49:20 - 日本/齊藤純政府代表部公使
    2:35:48 - 北朝鮮/慈成男(チャ・ソンナム)政府代表部大使
    2:39:37 - 中国/姚紹俊(ヤオ・シャオジュン)政府代表部参事官1:03:09 - 北朝鮮/慈成男(チャ・ソンナム)政府代表部大使
    1:26:43 - 中国/姚紹俊(ヤオ・シャオジュン)政府代表部参事官
    2:00:05 - 日本/齊藤純政府代表部公使


United Nations



14 NOVEMBER 2017

Third Committee Approves Five Drafts on Situations in Syria, Iran, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, amid Debate over Merits of Country-Specific Texts



総会 > 第三委員会 >



The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) approved five draft resolutions today, four covering human rights situations in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Syria, Iran and Crimea, as well as one focused on a training centre for South-West Asia and the Arab region.

In a day of heated debate, delegates called into question the use of selective country-specific resolutions, with Venezuela’s representative, on behalf of the Non‑Aligned Movement, pointing to the Human Rights Council as the body responsible for considering those issues. Pakistan’s delegate said the promotion and protection of human rights was a shared responsibility, achieved only through cooperation. The representative of Belarus, echoing remarks by numerous others, said country-specific texts only created barriers.

Against that backdrop, a draft on human rights in Iran was approved by a recorded vote of 83 in favour to 30 against, with 68 abstentions. By its terms, the Assembly would express serious concern over use of the death penalty and urge Iran to eliminate all discrimination and rights violations against women and girls. Iran’s representative rejected the text, stressing that the situation in his country did not warrant a special mandate. Iran had consistently responded to communication from special mandate holders and voluntarily submitted its midterm universal periodic review to the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Turning to the human rights in the autonomous Republic of Crimea and city of Sevastopol, the Committee approved the related text by a vote of 71 in favour to 25 against, with 77 abstentions. By its terms, the Assembly would urge the Russian Federation to uphold all its international legal obligations as an occupying Power and request the High Commissioner for Human Rights to prepare the second thematic report on the topic by the end of the current session. The representative of the Russian Federation called the Third Committee “a theatre of the absurd”, as Ukraine’s delegate was trying to advance his country’s own political notions through the draft.

In a departure from past practice, the Committee approved the draft on the situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea without its customary vote on the matter, which would have the Assembly condemn long-standing and gross rights violations in that country. The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea rejected the text as “a product of the political and military confrontation and plot conspiracy of the United Nations and other hostile forces”.

Delegates heavily debated the draft resolution on the situation in Syria, approving it late in the day by recorded vote of 108 in favour to 17 against, with 58 abstentions. By its terms, the Assembly would urge States, especially members of the International Syria Support Group, to create conditions for negotiations on a political solution to the conflict and demand that Syrian authorities meet their responsibilities to protect citizens. Syria’s delegate said the draft reflected the hysteria of the Saudi regime, which was colluding with Qatar to destabilize his country. He called Saudi Wahabism a weapon of mass destruction.

A final draft on the United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region passed with a recorded vote of 178 in favour to none against, with 2 abstentions (Mozambique, Syria). By its terms, the Assembly would note with appreciation its human rights capacity-building, technical assistance and training programmes. Syria’s delegate objected to the draft as a “rabid attempt” by Qatar to seek funding from the United Nations, while his counterpart from Qatar said the centre was pivotal in helping countries build their human rights capacities.

Egypt’s delegate rounded out the day by introducing a draft on “The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination”, on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Support for it would send a message of hope to Palestinians that “the world is with them”, he affirmed.

The Third Committee will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Thursday, 16 November, to take action on proposals.


Rights of Peoples to Self-Determination

The representative of Egypt, speaking on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), introduced a draft resolution titled, “The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination” (document A/C.3/72/L.59*). The draft stressed the need to protect the territorial integrity of areas occupied by Israel, and affirmed Palestinians’ right to self-determination. He appealed to all Member States to support the text and send a message of hope to the Palestinian people that “the world is with them” in achieving their goal of self-determination and establishing a State with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The representative of Syria, speaking in a point of order, said that while his country was not an OIC member, it would like to take part in sponsoring the draft resolution.

A Secretariat official said he would confirm that Syria was not a member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, to which Syria’s representative replied in point of order that his country was not an OIC member and he had not been part of any resolution tabled by that organization.

Human Rights Training Centre

The Committee then took up a draft resolution titled “United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region” (document A/C.3/72/L.25).

The representative of Qatar said the draft text recognized progress made by the centre in the promotion and protection of human rights and advocacy in the region. It also noted the assistance it had provided through capacity-building activities, technical assistance and training programmes. The text further addressed common-interest issues in the field of human rights.

The representative of Syria, in a general statement, requested a recorded vote on the draft, citing Qatar’s “rabid attempt” to propagate a draft resolution seeking funding from the United Nations budget after Qatar itself had offered to fund and host the centre. Changes made by Qatar authorities regarding the centre’s funding imposed a burden on the Organization. He called on Member States to follow up on the centre’s activities, stressing that blatant regional enmity against Syria had been seen, including by Qatar itself. The Doha-based centre was not regional, but rather a Qatari centre serving a national agenda.

The representative of Qatar said in a general statement that the text reaffirmed the need to promote and protect human rights in the region. The insults made by Syria to Qatar and the spread of lies unrelated to the draft resolution were not productive.


The Committee then approved the draft by a recorded vote of 178 in favour to none against, with 2 (Syria, Mozambique) abstentions.

Human Rights Questions

The representative of Venezuela, speaking on behalf of the Non‑Aligned Movement, emphasized the role of the Human Rights Council as a subsidiary organ of the General Assembly responsible for considering human rights situations in all countries through its universal periodic review. He expressed deep concern over the selective adoption of country-specific resolutions in the Third Committee. The universal periodic review was the main intergovernmental cooperative mechanism to review national human rights issues in all countries without distinction. He reiterated the Movement’s condemnation of gross and systematic violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The Secretary said that as the programme budget implications related to the draft text on Myanmar were not ready, action on that text would be postponed until 16 November.

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Next, the Committee considered a draft titled “Situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” (A/C.3/72/L.40*).

The representative of Estonia, on behalf of the European Union and Japan, said the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was of great concern, noting that violations were overlooked due to the headline-grabbing nuclear issue. It was worrisome that accepted recommendations by the universal periodic review and those of the Commission of Inquiry had not been implemented, she said, noting that this year’s text drew attention to abuses against non‑citizens of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and called for consular protections for them. She called on the Government to heed the universal periodic review recommendations to stop human rights violations and bring perpetrators to justice.

The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea said his country categorically rejected the draft resolution which represented “a product of the political and military confrontation and plot conspiracy of the United Nations and other hostile forces”. Sanctions imposed against his country had been vicious and eliminated the rights to survival and development of its citizens. They had cut off the delivery of medical and educational equipment, as well as food for children. The European Union should address its own crimes against humanity, such as xenophobia and Islamophobia, while Japan still refused to admit its own crimes against the Korean people during the Second World War. He called on Member States to oppose the draft with a clear statement of disassociation from consensus.

The representative of Japan said the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was of great concern to the international community. More than half the population lacked food and medical care, while many others had been deprived water and sanitation. Rather than meeting the needs of its people, the Government continued to divert resources to nuclear weapons and ballistic equipment. On the issue of abductions, he said the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had abducted Japanese citizens and many years had passed without their return. He demanded their immediate return and strongly urged that country to resolve outstanding human rights issues.
The representative of Syria, endorsing the position of the Non‑Aligned Movement, rejected selectivity around human rights issues, an approach which sowed discord among nations. The draft resolution interfered with the domestic affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Rejecting all attempts to violate State sovereignty, he appealed to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to coexist peacefully with countries in the region.

The Committee then approved the draft resolution without a vote.

The representative of Singapore said her country opposed country-specific resolutions.

The representative of Iran said country-specific resolutions undermined cooperation and dialogue, stressing that the universal periodic review was an effective tool to assess human rights situations and disassociating his delegation from consensus on the resolution.

The representative of China said his country opposed country-specific resolutions and would not join consensus on the draft.

The representative of the Russian Federation said her country did not agree with human rights bodies considering country-specific resolutions as they would worsen confrontation among States. The universal periodic review was sufficient for assessing in-country human right situations. Her country dissociated itself from the resolution.

The representative of Australia, speaking also on behalf of Iceland, Canada, Norway and Liechtenstein, among other countries, expressed concern over the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, as more than half the population had been deprived of food and medical care. She called on the Government to ensure the welfare and dignity of its people.

The representative of Belarus, associating herself with the Non‑Aligned Movement, said country-specific resolutions were not useful as they created barriers among countries. The universal periodic review provided a balanced analysis of human rights situations in each country and she disassociated Belarus from the draft resolution.

The representative of Venezuela reiterated his country’s position on country-specific resolutions, stressing that cooperation and dialogue must be upheld in order to promote and protect human rights, and that the universal periodic review should be prioritized. Venezuela dissociated itself from consensus on the resolution.

The representative of Costa Rica said in a general statement that all issues related to countries must be evaluated on principles. The Human Rights Council had mechanisms to examine specific cases. The universal periodic review was the appropriate tool to examine human rights situations, making it appropriate to refer specific examinations to that body.

The representative of Cuba endorsed the statement by the Non‑Aligned Movement, and in his national capacity disassociated from consensus on draft “L.40”, saying that genuine international cooperation based on objectivity and non‑selectivity was the only path to pursue. The universal periodic review should examine human rights cases to ensure proper respect for the country concerned. Cuba could not join consensus on the resolution, yet its opposition to the selective mandate did not undermine the value of considering unresolved issues requiring the agreement of all parties concerned.


A draft text titled “Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran” (document A/C.3/72/L.41) was then introduced.
イラン・イスラム共和国における人権状況」と題された草案(文書A/C.3/72/ L.41)が次に提出された。

The representative of Canada, introducing draft “L.41”, first expressed condolences to victims of the recent earthquake in the region. Turning to the draft, she said the scope and gravity of human rights violations in Iran remained high, with the number of executions being particularly concerning. Numerous cases of arbitrary arrest and detention, the lack of due process and restrictions on freedom of expression were also of deep concern. Canada had sought to engage as many countries as possible, which had resulted in a draft reflecting the concerns of countries from around the world. Addressing human rights issues was at the core of the Third Committee’s mandate. Through the resolution, the international community could continue to express its desire to see Iran live up to its human rights obligations.

Committee Chair EINAR GUNNARSSON (Iceland) also expressed condolences to the victims of the recent earthquake.

The representative of Iran remembered the victims of the earthquake which had struck Iran and its brotherly country Iraq, thanking the Chair and all others for their condolences. The Third Committee’s time was being consumed by a pointless and futile draft resolution, which was a disservice to the human rights cause. The hypocrisy and double standards were mind-boggling, he said, noting that there were many cases of Canadian non‑compliance with human rights obligations. Police brutality and the murder of indigenous peoples were well-documented, he said, noting that indigenous women and girls continued to suffer. He underscored that Iran had never practiced slavery, colonialism, or promoted racism. It was concerning that countries that had engaged in all those practices now used human rights to advance short-sighted interests. Canada insisted on the draft resolution despite Israel being one of the co‑sponsors, and had not even waited for the Secretary-General’s report to become available. The situation of human rights in Iran was by no means special; nor did it warrant a special mandate. Iran had regularly and consistently responded to communication from special mandate holders, he underscored, while voluntarily submitting its midterm universal periodic review to the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

The Chair noted that a recorded vote had been requested.

The representative of Saudi Arabia said in a general statement that his country appreciated Canada’s tabling of the draft resolution and efforts to remove any criticism against Islamic Shariah law in the text. Saudi Arabia would support the draft, as it highlighted the rights violations taking place in Iran, including the forced arrest and torture of minorities. Violations perpetrated by Iranian authorities had also extended to Syria through the practice of sectarian cleansing, the emptying of villages and towns where people of certain sects lived, and discrimination against Arabs.

The representative of Syria, in explanation of vote, associated himself with the Non‑Aligned Movement and rejected the draft resolution, as it was politicized and sought to ruin Iran’s reputation. Iran was already suffering under sanctions. The text was full of fabricated reports submitted by agencies which aimed to destabilize Iran. He asked Saudi Arabia’s delegate to refrain from naming his country in future statements.

The representative of Venezuela, speaking on behalf of the Non‑Aligned Movement, said the Group rejected country-specific resolutions on human rights as they strayed beyond the purview of the Third Committee. The universal periodic review should be used to assess human rights situations in countries, stressing that country-specific texts undermined the mandate of the Human Rights Council.

The representative of the Russian Federation called country-specific resolutions counterproductive, stressing that a “lecturing” tone would not facilitate any discussion on human rights. His country would vote against the draft.


The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea expressed condolences to the earthquake victims, and associated himself with the Non‑Aligned Movement, rejecting all country-specific resolutions. They had nothing to do with genuine promotion and protection of human rights, as they only brought about confrontation. The universal periodic review was the mechanism for considering all countries’ human rights on an equal footing. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea would vote against the draft text.

The representative of China expressed condolences to the earthquake victims, saying his country stood ready to provide assistance to the two affected countries upon request. He rejected politicization of the issue, saying China would vote against the draft resolution. The international community should view progress Iran had made on human rights in an objective manner.

The Committee then approved the draft by a recorded vote of 83 in favour to 30 against, with 68 abstentions.


The representative of Japan expressed condolences to those affected by the earthquake. His country would continue to constructively engage with Iran on human rights. Challenges remained in Iran, including around promoting the freedom of expression, both online and offline.


The representative of Iran, in a general statement, said a staggering number of Yemeni children had been killed by Saudi missiles, and thousands of Syrian children by terrorists funded by Saudi Arabia. He also highlighted rights violations in Saudi Arabia and the ruthless silencing of all dissidents. The country enslaved migrants who lived in abject conditions.

The representative of Saudi Arabia, in a general statement, said the statement by his Iranian counterpart had hit a nerve because he spoke of Sunni Arabs in Iran. He asked Iran to rectify its problems before criticizing others.


Next, the Committee considered a draft resolution on the “Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine” (document A/C.3/72/L.42). The representative of Ukraine, introducing the draft, said it was a follow-up to last year’s resolution. The human rights situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and city of Sevastopol, Ukraine, continued to deteriorate, and there was no sign that Russian authorities had complied with the requirements of the earlier resolution. Murder, harassment, detention and persecution of journalists and rights defenders persisted. Russian occupying authorities had also incarcerated Crimean Tatars. Ukraine was committed to protecting the rights of Crimean citizens, he said, stressing that the draft was not country-specific and urging Member States to adopt it by consensus.

The representative of Azerbaijan reaffirmed his country’s support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity, urging that all conflicts between Member States be resolved through political and diplomatic means.

The representative of the Russian Federation, speaking in a general statement, called the Committee “a theatre of the absurd”, as Ukraine’s delegate had put forward his country’s own political notions through the draft resolution. The text was not about human rights. It was yet another attempt to change the status of Crimea despite the will of its people. There was no armed conflict in Crimea. Such approaches, under the guise of human rights rhetoric, discredited the Third Committee. It was a “bad joke” when Ukraine demanded that education be conducted in the language of national minorities, when Ukraine itself had deprived millions of children from being educated in their own tongue. The authors of the text were allegedly concerned about the fate of religious communities, yet condoned the takeover of a church. Supporting the text would send the signal that Ukraine bore no responsibility for the situation in Crimea. The Russian Federation called for a vote and he urged all to reject the text.

The representative of Syria, in a general statement, categorically rejected the draft resolution on Crimea, calling it a politicized text which had nothing to do with reality. It was unfortunate that the Third Committee was wasting time debating propaganda, rather than engaging in dialogue on the promotion and protection of human rights. Crimea was an autonomous entity and the draft did not reflect that reality. It was simply an attempt to interfere in internal affairs; it had nothing to do with the Third Committee. Stressing that country-specific resolutions undermined the principle of non‑selectivity, he said human rights situations must be considered within the universal periodic review, not the Third Committee, a point that had been agreed during the Human Rights Council’s establishment in 2006.


The representative of the United Kingdom, in a general statement, said the primary reason for the resolution was the numerous human rights concerns in the occupied territories of Ukraine, highlighted in a report by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), which detailed arbitrary arrests, detentions, and an overall decline in human rights standards. He expressed deep concern over the persecution of the Crimean Tatar community, stressing also that many Ukrainians remained in prison for speaking up against the Russian annexation. It was deplorable that Russian authorities had denied human rights monitoring bodies access to the occupied territories of Ukraine and urged all Member States to support the draft.


The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea said in a general statement that country-specific resolutions fostered politicization. The universal periodic review was the proper mechanism for addressing all countries’ situations on equal footing. He rejected the draft and would vote against it.

The representative of Iran said the blame game, and “naming and shaming approach”, had destroyed the atmosphere of dialogue and mutual understanding.

The representative of Belarus said it was unacceptable to politicize human rights. Country-specific resolutions had been rejected by the countries in question and would not resolve such issues, she said, stressing that the universal periodic review carried out a balanced analysis of human rights situations. Belarus would vote against the draft.

The representative of China said his Government opposed country-specific resolutions and they went beyond the Third Committee’s mandate, and would vote against the draft.


The draft resolution was adopted by a vote of 71 in favour to 25 against, with 77 abstentions.


The representative of Switzerland said she had voted in favour of the resolution. International monitoring must be more robust, and violations of international humanitarian law addressed, holding all perpetrators accountable. She called on all stakeholders to honour their commitments, stressing that resolutions should focus foremost on social situations affecting people across the globe, and that the resolution strayed outside that mandate. Switzerland would continue to support, in principle, country-specific resolutions.


The representative of Brazil said his country had abstained, as the text did not help reduce tensions. Brazil supported all efforts to prevent human rights violations on the ground.

The representative of Hungary, noting that her country had not been in a position to co-sponsor the resolution, said the right of national minorities to receive education in their mother tongue was important. She called on Ukraine to respect the rights of minorities living under its jurisdiction.

The representative of Cyprus disassociated from the paragraphs of the draft resolution dealing with Crimean Tatars.

The representative of Greece said his country supported the territorial integrity of Ukraine and had voted in favour of the draft resolution. However, he expressed concern over the situation of the Crimean Tatars and fully supported the statements made by the representative of Cyprus on the matter.



The representative of Georgia expressed strong support for the draft resolution, which aimed to address serious human rights violations caused by the occupation of Crimea and Sevastopol. The people of Crimea had been subjected to violence, forced disappearances and other violations documented by OHCHR. The draft was an instrument to ensure that the Russian Federation complied with international obligations and allowed human rights monitoring bodies access to Crimea.


The final draft taken up by the Committee today was titled “Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic” (document A/C.3/72/L.54).

The representative of Saudi Arabia, introducing the text, said his country had tabled the draft because the unchanged situation prevailed in Syria. The text condemned rights violations in Syria, whomever the perpetrators. It was in line with United Nations reports, according to which Syrian authorities bore responsibility for violations. Syria had failed to protect its citizens against terrorists, sectarian militias and criminal gangs. The resolution called for the return of refugees in a noble and dignified manner, and for humanitarian access to all those in need. It also called on Syrian authorities to end their forced evacuation and to stop sectarian cleansing.

Noting that the text called for the withdrawal of all foreign fighters and all foreign forces and militias and mercenaries, it also demanded that they leave Syria to the Syrians. Syria would argue that it was fighting terrorism, he said, but when Syria’s arguments ran out, that country’s ambassador would distract by pointing to Saudi Arabia and other sponsors of the draft resolution. The Committee had not fallen for that trick in the past. He urged the Committee to remember the pictures of children who had been swallowed by the sea, urging them to vote for humanity. He made two oral corrections to the text, pointing to a repetition of paragraph 39 in the text, and adding six words to operative paragraph 43 line 9.

The Secretary confirmed that the duplicated paragraph would be deleted and noted the correction to the operative paragraph.

The representative of Syria congratulated his Saudi counterpart for the fact that Israel had joined the list of co-sponsors, a demonstration of the secret alliance between both countries. Saudi Arabia and Qatar had spent $137 billion “destroying” Syria, he stressed, adding that the money was being used to attract terrorists to Syria. Those countries had also devoted large sums of money to destroy Yemen, Iraq and Libya, with Saudi-financed terror tarnishing the image of Muslims around the world.

Describing the draft as “futile”, he said its sponsors included financiers of terror and colonizers, and asked how they could be trusted when they pillaged the wealth of nations and did not respect basic human rights. The politicization of the United Nations would render it a futile tool used by those wanting to play politics, he said, calling the authors of the draft a coalition of Governments that terrorized one another, only uniting to promote terrorism and contribute to the spilling of blood. He urged delegates to search “Raqqa dirty secret” on their smart phones to witness first-hand what those countries had done to prevent the freeing of Syrian lands from terrorists.

The Kings and Princes of Saudi Arabia were responsible for evil, he said, stressing that the United Nations should be ashamed to agree to Saudi blackmail. The draft represented the hysteria of the Saudi regime and its friends and sponsors. Saudi Arabia and Qatar were colluding to destabilize Syria. The resolution was a clear contradiction, as its sponsors had terrible human rights track records, he said, calling Saudi Wahabism a weapon of mass destruction.

Turkey had contributed to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Syrians, he said, having opened its doors to foreign combatants, as indicated in Security Council reports on the matter. Combatants were transporting weapons from Libya into Syria through Turkey. If Syria waited for the United Nations to protect it from terrorism, the scourge would never end. Syrians were writing a new victory thanks to their heroism in the face of terror, he said, calling on Member States not to fall into the “Saudi and Qatari trap” and to vote against the politicized draft.

The representative of the United States in a general statement supported the resolution and called on all countries to vote in favour of it. The Syrian Government was responsible for the vast majority of human rights violations inflicted on the Syrian people. The draft referenced the attack on Khan Sheikoun, which marked the fourth time the Joint Investigative Mechanism had confirmed the Syrian regime had used chemical weapons. The United States denounced all those heinous acts and called for both accountability and an end to the conflict.


The representative of Iran displayed a photo of an Iranian citizen who had been beheaded on-camera, saying that that young man and others like him were the true fighters against extremism. It was absurd that the sponsors of the draft resolution, including Saudi Arabia, were also the main sponsors of terrorism in Syria including Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) and its affiliates. As the international community inched closer to defeating terrorist groups, their mentors had grown upset, worrying about the money spent to destabilize the region which now seemed to be a lost investment. He urged the Committee to be mindful of how votes could be interpreted; the people of Syria and the Syrian army would defeat terrorists and their allies, including Saudi Arabia.

The representative of Turkey said the crisis in Syria had begun with the violent repression by the Syrian regime. The human rights situation in Syria was deteriorating, with the regime employing all instruments to prolong its grip on power and the Syrian people being brutally punished with chemical weapons, targeting of civilians, sexual violence, torture, starvation and siege. The persistent lies of the regime’s representative did not change that. Highlighting the need to end impunity, she said that while the text’s approval would not heal the suffering, it would demonstrate international solidarity with Syrians in their pursuit of accountability, underscoring Turkey’s support for the measure.

The representative of Venezuela reaffirmed his rejection of country-specific resolutions and special procedures, stressing that the continued adoption of such drafts strayed beyond the Committee’s purview. Dialogue with concerned States was the only path to improving human rights and the universal periodic review must be prioritized.

The representative of Qatar said the Syrian crisis involved grave, systematic rights abuses. The situation was deteriorating with indescribable suffering by Syrians, she said, calling for an end to violations by all stakeholders in Syria. There must be a free and fair judicial process to prosecute perpetrators of the most serious crimes in Syria.
カタール代表は、シリア危機は重大かつ組織的な権利侵害を含んでいたと述べた。シリアにおけるすべてのステークホルダーによる違反を終わらせるよう要請し、シリア人の言葉で表せないほどの苦しみを伴う状況が悪化していたと彼女は述べた。 シリアにおける最も深刻な犯罪の加害者を起訴するための自由で公正な司法手続きがある筈だった。


The representative of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, speaking in explanation of vote, objected to all country-specific resolutions. Human rights must be addressed through dialogue while respecting national sovereignty, he said, pointing to the universal periodic review as the adequate approach for addressing those issues. He would vote against the draft.

The representative of the Russian Federation said she would vote against the draft. Efforts were being made to transform the Committee into a body that “rubberstamped” country-specific resolutions and the current draft was a perfect example of that “nefarious” practice. She called on States supporting it to acknowledge that its adoption would in no way help stabilize the situation in Syria. It failed to account for recent progress in combating terrorist groups, she said, calling for an end to the “information war” being waged against Syria. The Russian Federation had responded to appeals from the Syrian Government and was providing assistance in the fight against terrorism. She called on all States wanting to help Syria to vote against the draft.


The Committee then approved the draft by a recorded vote of 108 in favour to 17 against, with 58 abstentions.

The representative of Egypt, in explanation of vote, said that since 2011, his country had maintained an extraordinary stance on the Syria resolution. Egypt rejected all resolutions that did not have the support of the country concerned, he said, expressing regret that the text was being routinely addressed in the Third Committee. The draft lacked balance on finding those responsible for rights violations and contained many references to the International Criminal Court, on which Egypt’s position was well-known, he said. For such reasons, Egypt had abstained.

The representative of Syria responding to comments by his counterpart from Turkey, described a situation in which a terrorist working for Turkish intelligence in Libya had transferred two litres of sarin gas from that country to the airport in Istanbul on a civilian flight. Referring to an attack in Khan al‑Assal, he described a conversation with former Secretary-General Ban Ki‑moon, saying he had promised assistance in confirming whether gas had been used, but not by whom. The Commission of Inquiry had failed in its investigation, just as the Joint Investigative Mission had. There was a conspiracy between Qatar and terrorists to remove and kidnap members of United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). Qatar lacked a constitution and an electoral regime, he said, and millions of foreign workers had been brought there to work in conditions of slavery. Further, a Qatari poet had been imprisoned for life for daring to write a poem in which he criticised the human rights situation in Qatar.

The representative of China said human rights must be addressed through dialogue and mutual respect. He rejected country-specific resolutions and had voted against the draft.

The representative of Lebanon said her Government had adopted a policy of disassociation since the beginning of the Syrian conflict, and as such, had abstained.


The representative of Libya disassociated from the draft as it strayed from addressing the situation in Syria and included language that politicized the matter. She expressed regret over statements by Syria’s delegate and strongly rejected any reference to the trafficking of weapons from Libya.

The representative of Iran in an explanation of vote said Saudi Arabia, due to its shameful record both at home and abroad, had no moral competence to lecture others on human rights. The resolution falsely labelled those fighting terrorism in Syria, he said, clarifying that the two Iranian forces mentioned in paragraph 28 were part of Iran’s regular armed forces, deployed in Syria on an advisory basis at the Government’s invitation. The draft would not dissuade Iran from its fight against violent extremism.

The representative of Saudi Arabia in a general statement thanked all Member States for the clear message sent that events in Syria had violated human rights not only in that country but around the world. Syria’s delegate had attempted to divert attention from his own country to Saudi Arabia, and was even unaware of who was king of Saudi Arabia. Given such ignorance, it was up to the Committee to decide on other information offered by Syria’s delegate. To comments by Iran’s representative, he said the Committee could recount events around the deaths of thousands of people, for whom Iranian authorities bore responsibility.

The representative of Qatar said support for the draft had demonstrated that the international community would not stand for human rights violations in Syria. Qatar would continue shouldering its responsibilities in that regard.

The representative of Japan welcomed the text’s approval and expressed grave concern over the deteriorating human rights situation in Syria. Expressing hope that violence would cease, he condemned in the strongest terms any use of chemical weapons. Any such use in Syria called for renewal of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons-United Nations Joint Investigative Mechanism.

The representative of Estonia, speaking on behalf of the European Union, said the bloc was appalled by the situation in Syria and strongly condemned attacks against civilians and humanitarian personnel. Condemning in the strongest terms the use of chemical weapons, she reaffirmed the commitment to combating terrorists operating in Syria. Impunity for crimes committed in Syria was unacceptable and the situation must be referred to the International Criminal Court, she said, calling for Security Council action to that end.

She also urged the Council to maintain the investigative capacity of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and United Nations joint mechanism. A political solution to the crisis must be pursued, she stressed, underscoring the bloc’s commitment to democracy as a means to promote human rights.

The representative of Turkey welcomed the draft’s approval and rejected Syria’s allegations against her country.

The representative of Syria thanked all countries that voted against the draft or abstained.

 For information media. Not an official record.


*1:* は「技術的理由による改訂」を示す。当該草案参照。






*7:アルバニアアンドラ、オーストラリア、オーストリアバーレーン、ベルギー、カナダ、コモロクロアチアチェコデンマークジブチエストニアフィンランド、フランス、ジョージア、ドイツ、アイスランドアイルランドイスラエル、イタリア、ヨルダン、クウェートラトビアリヒテンシュタインリトアニアルクセンブルクモルディブ、マルタ、モーリタニア、メキシコ、ミクロネシア連邦モナコ、モロッコ、オランダ、ニュージーランドノルウェーパラオポーランドポルトガルルーマニアサンマリノ 、トルコ、マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国アラブ首長国連邦、イギリス、イエメン。委員会報告書 A/72/439/Add.3 参照。





  • 普遍的定期的審査(UPR)作業部会第28回セッションにおける韓国の第三回審査(2017年11月9日)報告草案より抄訳。双方向対話における韓国政府の回答、日本以外のG8の発言および勧告、刑事訴訟法および国家保安法関連の内容なども抽出した。

  • 審査では95の代表団がコメントし、勧告は計218件、作業部会報告草案時点で受諾85、留意3、検討130件。

  • すでに「受託」せず「留意」を表明しているのは下記。シエラレオネグアテマラホンジュラスおよびキルギスによる、すべての移住労働者とその家族の権利の保護に関する国際条約の批准(勧告 7.1 )、コンゴによる、教育セクターにおける差別撲滅に関するユネスコ条約の批准(同 7.2 )、北朝鮮による、昨年国連特別報告者の記者会見に乱入した脱北女性キム・リョンヒ氏らの釈放などに関する勧告(同 7.3 )。

  • 刑事名誉毀損法(産経新聞支局長名誉毀損起訴事件)

    • (同事件報道より)



      NHK ニュース(2015年12月18日)ここに来て韓国外務省は判決に先だち「善処を求める日本側の主張に配慮してほしい」とする「異例の文書」を裁判所に提出(下記)。また、韓国の「情報通信網法」は「被害者の意思に反して公訴を提起できない」「パク・クネ大統領が処罰を求めなければ起訴は取り下げられていたはず」「大統領からは処罰を求めないという意思表示は最後までありませんでした」と、報道の自由に関わるだけに(?)NHK も朴政権に批判的。ただし「国境なき記者団」による「報道の自由度」ランキングは日本が韓国のひとつ下と付け加えるのも忘れない。同ランキングについてはこちら(第36回人権理事会)も参照。



    • 刑事名誉毀損法についてはグアテマラ(勧告 8.107)とアメリカ(同 8.108)が勧告を行なっているが、日本は「指摘」が採録されているものの(パラグラフ36)「勧告」は行なっていない *1 。日本政府が「善処を求める」働きかけを行なったような事件に関わる法制度でありながら(上掲『時事公論』参照)、「指摘」のみというのは如何なることか。「善処」してくれたので控えたということではなかろうが。別の内容でいずれも「支持」となった三件を勧告しているが、勧告 6.7 や同 6.41 など当たり障りないもののようにおもわれてしまうのは、うがち過ぎか *2

    • この件や朴裕河教授の起訴でも「国民情緒法*3 が取りざたされたが、このような「情緒的な」司法のあり方に関する指摘は無さそうである。いっぽうで政府に「善処」を依頼すれば司法が対応するのだとすればこちらも深刻な事態であり、同様に UPR で取り上げるべき問題だろう。「善処」もなにも「処罰を求めなければ起訴は取り下げ」だったハズである。

    • ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチが「刑事名誉毀損法の濫用」の事例として、加藤元支局長の事件に言及したレポートを提出している *4 。加藤元支局長が「うわさ」を引用した朝鮮日報のコラムを書いた崔普植(チェ・ボシク)記者にはお咎めなし *5 なことについての言及は無いが、ほかにも活動家が起訴、投獄されたと報告している(P.3-4)。

      2014年4月16日のセウォル号災害の初期段階における朴前大統領の居場所と行動についてのうわさを含む情報を日本の産経新聞ソウル支局長、加藤達也が報じ起訴された。加藤は最終的に無罪となり国を去ったが、起訴は韓国と日本のあいだに深刻な外交上の亀裂をもたらした [6] 。ほかの者は、活動家のパク・スンスのように、加藤が報告したのと同じ情報を流布して起訴、投獄された [7] 。

      *6 同上[ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ、「韓国:名誉毀損でメディアを刑事告訴するのをやめるべき」、2014年12月14日、年3月17日閲覧)。][日本語版

      *7 チェ・サンフン、ニューヨーク・タイムズ、「韓国政府、名誉毀損法を使い批判者を黙らせるために告訴」、2016年3月5日、年3月20日閲覧)。

      UPR – Republic of Korea (South Korea)(2017年3月)(PDF

      「 UPR 韓国 | 第28回セッション - 2017年11月 | 市民社会などの提出」(「UPR 情報」ホームページ)

  • 国家保安法
    上掲の報道でも言及されている意見、表現の自由を制限する法律( UPR や上掲報道の指摘ではないが、日本の治安維持法をモデルとしたというのは事実なのであろうか?)。北朝鮮が反発するのは当然として(勧告 8.25、8.90)、アメリカ、ドイツ、イラクおよびポルトガル(同 8.108 - 8.111)と計五か国が勧告を行ない、オランダが双方向対話で言及した(パラグラフ50)。いずれの勧告も「検討」扱いとしているが親北の文政権としてはじつは歓迎(?)。

  • 勧告のサマリーなどもアップされるとおもわれるが、ヨーロッパ諸国を中心とした LGBTI や死刑、良心的兵役拒否に加え、人身売買に関する勧告、言及も目立つ。ロシアは外国人差別の指摘(パラグラフ59)や、外国人女性被害者の司法へのアクセス(勧告 6-72)および人身売買(同 6-47)などについて勧告(勧告 6-xx は受け入れを表明分)。

  • 中国も外国人へのヘイトスピーチを指摘(パラグラフ105)。日本人も外国人に入る訳だが韓国にとっては「日本ヘイト」はまた別か。イギリスが、国連条約機関選挙への国家代表候補の選考プロセスについて勧告を行ない「検討」扱いとなっている(勧告 8.22)。縁故問題?、とおもったりしたが日本に対してもこの勧告を行なっている(関連エントリ 2017-11-23 参照)。

  • (在ジュネーブ国際機関日本政府代表部「ステートメント」)
    第28回UPR(普遍的・定期的レビュー)対韓国審査 長岡寛介公使ステートメント(平成29年11月9日)(英語(PDF))

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)
    チャプター01:韓国/パク・サンギ(Sangki Park)法務部長官
    チャプター83:中国/ヤン・ジンジー(Yang Junzhi)政府代表
    チャプター89:北朝鮮/ムン・ジョンチョル(Mun Jong Chol)在ジュネーブ政府代表部参事官(※ ユン・ソンリム氏(Mr. Yun Song Rim)とあるがムン氏かと)

  • ( UPR 情報ホームページ)

    「 UPR 韓国」

  • 国連人権高等弁務官事務所ホームページ)

    「OHCHR | UPR - 韓国」(英語

  • (外務省ホームページ)

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations


General Assembly

Distr.: Limited
13 November 2017

Original: English

Human Rights Council
Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review
Twenty-eight session

Geneva, 6-17 November 2017

Draft report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic

The Republic of Korea







2017年11月6日 - 17日、ジュネーブ




  * The annex to the present report is circulated as received.
  * 本報告書への別添は受領したとおりに回覧される。


I. Introduction
I. 前書き

1. The Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review, established in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 5/1, held its twenty-eighth session from 6 November to 17th November 2017. The review of the Republic of Korea was held at the 8th meeting on 9 November 2017. The delegation of the Republic of Korea was headed by Minister of Justice, Mr. Sangki Park. At its 14th meeting held on 14 November 2017, the Working Group adopted the report on the Republic of Korea.

2. On 13 February 2017, the Human Rights Council selected the following group of rapporteurs (troika) to facilitate the review of the Republic of Korea: Mongolia, Hungary and The Congo.
2. 2017年2月13日、人権理事会は、韓国の審査を促進するため、以下の報告者グループ(トロイカ)を選出した:モンゴル、ハンガリーおよびコンゴ

3. In accordance with paragraph 15 of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 5/1 and paragraph 5 of the annex to Council resolution 16/21, the following documents were issued for the review of the Republic of Korea:
(a) A national report submitted/written presentation made in accordance with paragraph 15 (a) (A/HRC/WG.6/28/KOR/1);
(b) A compilation prepared by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in accordance with paragraph 15 (b) (A/HRC/WG.6/28/KOR/2);
(c) A summary prepared by OHCHR in accordance with paragraph 15 (c) (A/HRC/WG.6/28/KOR/3).
3. 人権理事会決議5/1の附属書のパラグラフ15および理事会決議16/21の附属書パラグラフ5に基づき、以下の文書が韓国の審査のために発行された。

4. A list of questions prepared in advance by Brazil, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was transmitted to the Republic of Korea through the troika. These questions are available on the extranet of the UPR.
4. ブラジル、ドイツ、ノルウェーポルトガルスロベニア、スペイン、スウェーデンおよび英国により事前に作成された質問票が、トロイカを通じて韓国に伝達された。これらの質問は、UPRのエクストラネットで利用可能である。

I. Summary of the proceedings of the review process
I. 審査手続の議事録概要

A. Presentation by the State under review
A. 被審査国によるプレゼンテーション


B. Interactive dialogue and responses by the State under review

23. During the interactive dialogue, 95 delegations made statements. Recommendations made during the dialogue are to be found in section II of the present report.
23. 双方向対話中に、95の代表団が発言を行なった。対話においてなされた勧告は、本報告の第II部に記載されている。

24. Germany noted that the Republic of Korea announced several positive steps to strengthen human rights. It stressed the importance of the full abolition of the death penalty.
24. ドイツは、韓国が人権を強化するいくつかの肯定的な措置を発表したことに言及した。死刑の完全な廃止の重要性を強調した。


35. Italy noted the development of the third national action plan on human rights, with the involvement of civil society and the progress made in preventing sexual and domestic violence.
35. イタリアは、市民社会の関与と性的および家庭内暴力の防止の進展と、人権に関する第三次国家行動計画の策定に言及した。

36. Japan noted concerns about the use of criminal defamation laws to prosecute
persons, criticising government actions. It commended the Government’s efforts to prevent sexual and domestic violence.
36. 日本は、政府の行動を批判する個人を起訴する刑事名誉毀損法の使用についての懸念を指摘した。性的および家庭内暴力を防止するための政府の取り組みを称賛した。


50. The Netherlands welcomed measures to ensure freedom of assembly and to provide human rights training to police officers. It highlighted the importance of not misusing the National Security Act to restrict human rights defenders’ rights.
50. オランダは、集会の自由を確保し、警察官に人権訓練を提供するための措置を歓迎した。人権擁護者の権利を制限するために国家保安法を誤用しないことの重要性を強調した。

59. The Russian Federation welcomed the establishment of a unit on citizenship and refugees at the Ministry of Justice, but noted with concern negative rhetoric in the media addressed to foreigners.
59. ロシア連邦は、法務部で市民権と難民に関する部署の設立を歓迎したが、外国人に対するメディアの扱いにおける否定的言辞に懸念を表明した。


79. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland encouraged further progress towards the abolition of the death penalty and further efforts so that legislation ensures peaceful assemblies and rights of LGBTI people.

80. United States of America remained concerned by legislation limiting freedom of
expression, a large number of conscientious objectors, serving jail terms and a lack of antidiscrimination legislation, extending protection to LGBTI persons.
80. 米国は、表現の自由を制限する法制、多数の良心的兵役拒否者、服役、および反差別禁止法、LGBTIの人々の保護拡大の欠如について引き続き懸念した。


103. Canada welcomed the Government’s efforts to enhance the role of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea. It expressed concern over the situation of migrant workers and urged the Government to improve the situation.
103. カナダは、国家人権委員会の役割を強化する政府の努力を歓迎した。移住労働者の状況に懸念を表明し、政府に状況を改善するよう強く促した。


105. China praised progress in promoting social inclusion, assisting vulnerable groups and expanding national health insurance coverage. It was concerned about gender inequality, exploitation of migrant workers and racist and hate speech against foreigners.
105. 中国は、社会的包摂の促進、脆弱なグループの支援、国民健康保険給付の拡大による進展を称賛した。ジェンダー不平等、移住労働者の搾取、レイシストおよび外国人に対するヘイトスピーチが懸念された。


111. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea expressed concern about human rights violations, including suppression of political parties, arbitrary detention, abuse in the military, restriction on freedom of expression and assembly and surveillance.
111. 北朝鮮は、政党の抑圧、恣意的拘束、軍における虐待、表現と集会の自由の制限および監視など、人権侵害についての懸念を表明した。


116. France welcomed the engagement of the Republic of Korea in the protection and promotion of human rights.
116. フランスは、人権の保護と促進における韓国の関与を歓迎した。


119. The delegation of the Republic of Korea expressed its gratitude to eight delegations for submitting advance questions for the interactive dialogue and provided responses to them. It recalled that the national human rights action plan incorporated the recommendations from international human rights mechanisms. The Human Rights Policy Council, chaired by the Ministry of Justice had been assigned to monitor the implementation of the action plan. The Government supported the resolution of the Human Rights Council related to national mechanisms on reporting and follow-up. The new Government would enact a new human rights basic act, introducing a comprehensive mechanism for the follow up of the national human rights action plan and recommendations from the international human rights bodies and for the consultation with civil society in this process.
119. 韓国代表団は、双方向対話への事前質問を提出した八つの代表団に感謝の意を表明し、回答を行った。国家人権行動計画には、国際人権メカニズムからの勧告が組み込まれていることを想起した。法務部が議長を務める人権政策評議会は、行動計画の実施状況を監視するように任命されていた。政府は、報告とフォローアップに関する国家メカニズムに関連する人権理事会の決議を支持した。新政府は、国家人権行動計画のフォローアップと国際人権機関からの勧告および、このプロセスにおける市民社会との協議のための包括的なメカニズムを導入し、新しい人権基本法を制定する。

120. The Republic of Korea had been a de facto abolitionist country, which had not executed capital punishment since 1997. The abolishment of death penalty, however, would require the consideration of many factors, including the public opinion and specificities of the criminal system. The ratification of the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights would depend on whether or not the Government decided to abolish the death penalty.
120. 韓国は、1997年以来死刑を執行していなかった事実上の廃止国だった。しかしながら、死刑の廃止は、世論や刑事制度の特殊性を含む多くの要素を考慮する必要がある。市民権および政治的権利に関する国際規約への第二選択議定書の批准は、政府が死刑廃止を決定したかどうかにかかっている。

121. The application of the National Security Act, which aimed to protect security and democratic order, had been limited and special measures had been put in place to avoid the abuse of the use of the Act. The National Assembly has been discussing a bill to repeal Article 92-6 of the Military Criminal Code. Revision of the Assembly and Demonstration Act would be pursued to provide clearly defined criteria for restrictions on demonstrations, to expand the scope of assemblies that would not be subject to prior notification, and to establish an online notification system.
121. 安全保障と民主的秩序を守ることを目的とした国家保安法の適用は限られており、この法律の使用の乱用を避けるために特別な措置が講じられていた。国会は、軍刑法第92-6条を廃止する法案を議論している。示威行動の規制の明確な基準を提供し、事前通告の対象とならない集会の範囲を拡大しオンライン通知システムを確立するために、集会および示威行動法の改正が行われる。

122. The delegation reported on existing guarantees for gender equality in employment and for punishing sexual harassment. The Government revised the Mental Health and Welfare Act to effectively protect the human rights of persons with mental health problems, including by introducing stricter requirements and procedures for involuntary hospitalisation.

123. The delegation reiterated the measure taken to protect the rights of migrant workers. Employment permit system would be further revised. The Refugee Act remedied insufficiencies regarding refuge applications and refugee recognition procedure. The Act ensured social benefits, access to the labour market, housing and medical support and education for asylum seekers. Several measures including education had been implemented to address racial discrimination and xenophobia against foreigners. In 2017, the Government repealed mandatory HIV/AIDS testing of foreign English teachers in Korea.
123. 代表団は、移住労働者の権利を守るための措置をあらためて表明した。雇用許可制度がさらに改定される。難民法は難民申請と難民認定手続に関する不備を是正した。この法律は、社会的利益、労働市場へのアクセス、住居および医療支援、亡命希望者に対する教育を保証した。人種差別や外国人排斥に対処するため、教育を含むいくつかの措置が実施されていた。2017年、政府は韓国における外国人英語教師のHIV/AIDS検査強制を廃止した。

124. The delegation reported on legal provisions criminalising marital rape and on measures taken to advance the enjoyment of the rights to freedom of expression, including in the Internet. The delegation reported on the steps taken to combat trafficking in migrant women, to protecting the rights of persons with non-regular employment and to reduce poverty and increase minimum standard of living.
124. 代表団は、夫婦間レイプを犯罪とする法的規定と、インターネットを含む表現の自由の権利の享受を促進するための措置について報告した。代表団は、移住女性の人身売買に対抗するための措置、非正規雇用者の権利の保護、貧困の削減、最低限の生活水準の向上に関する措置について報告した。

125. The Government reported on measures to prevent child abuse and violence, including on early identification of child abuse, the provision of support to child victims and legal provisions providing for severe punishment of perpetrators of child abuse and violence. Public awareness campaigns and parent education have been organized to prevent child abuse. The Government has also taken special efforts to prevent sexual violence and domestic violence, to increase the punishment for perpetrators and to strengthen support for victims. Specialised police officers were assigned to deal with domestic violence cases in each police centres.
125. 政府は、児童虐待の早期発見、児童犠牲者への支援の提供、児童虐待や暴力の加害者の厳しい処罰を規定する法的規定など、児童虐待や暴力を防止するための措置について報告した。児童虐待を防ぐために、啓発キャンペーンや親の教育が組織されている。政府はまた、性的暴力や家庭内暴力の防止、加害者に対する処罰の強化および犠牲者への支援の強化に特別な努力をしてきた。各警察署において専門警察官が家庭内暴力事件に対処するよう配属された。

126. In response to the statement made on 12 women escaping from Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the delegation stated that those women defected to the Republic of Korea by their own free will. The Government provided them with the protection and settlement support on the basis of humanitarianism, as it did with the other 30 thousands North Korean defectors living in the country.
126. 北朝鮮から逃亡した12人の女性に関してなされた声明に応じて、代表団は、これらの女性が自由意志によって韓国に亡命したと表明した。政府は、人道主義に基づく保護と移住支援を、同国に住む他の3万人の脱者と同様に提供した。

127. The Government considered that the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers was inconsistent with relevant national laws. At the same time, the Government had taken measures to ensure that migrant workers were protected against discrimination and exclusion. The Government has continued conducting comparative research on international and domestic laws in order to identify necessary amendments to the domestic legislation prior to the ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, the International Convention on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance and the ILO fundamental conventions.
127. 政府は、すべての移住労働者とその家族の権利の保護に関する国際条約が、関連する国内法と矛盾しているとみなした。同時に、政府は、移住労働者が差別や排除から保護されることを確保する措置を行なっていた。政府は、拷問防止条約の選択議定書、強制失踪からのすべての人の保護に関する国際条約およびILOの基本的条約の批准に先立ち国内法の必要な修正を特定するため、国際法及び国内法の比較研究を続けている。

128. The delegation stated that rising from the ashes of the war, the Republic of Korea had achieved economic development along with democratization and promotion of human rights. However, the path to democracy had not been easy and the country went through various reforms and challenges. Civil society had been a driving force in overcoming many challenges. The new Government set an objective to build a society that upholds fairness, justice, and respect for human rights. The Government recognised the need to improve the protection of human rights in order to meet its international obligations. The recommendations from the universal periodic review would be reflected in the Government’s human rights policy.
128. 代表団は、戦争の灰から立ち上がり、韓国民主化と人権の促進とともに経済発展を達成したと表明した。しかしながら、民主主義への道は容易ではなく、同国はさまざまな改革や課題を経験した。市民社会は多くの課題を克服する原動力だった。新政府は、公平、正義、人権尊重を守る社会を構築するという目標を掲げた。政府は、国際的義務を果たすために人権の保護を改善することの必要性を認識した。普遍的定期的審査からの勧告は、政府の人権政策に反映される。

129. In conclusion, the delegation reaffirmed the commitment of the Government to continue working with the international community to create a society where no one is left behind in the Republic of Korea as well as internationally. Guaranteeing universal human rights could not be achieved by one country alone and thus, solidarity and cooperation would be crucial. It would be important to maintain effective communication and interaction with international civil society as well as to garner the collective wisdom of not only the people who are deprived of their due rights, but also of civil society groups, experts and the private sector at the national level. Thus, the Government would continue working to further advance the promotion and protection of human rights at the national and international level.
129. 結論として、代表団は、韓国と国際社会に誰も取り残されない社会を創造する作業を国際社会と協力して継続するという政府のコミットメントを再確認した。普遍的人権を保証することは一つの国だけでは達成できないため、連帯と協力が不可欠である。国際市民社会との効果的なコミュニケーションや交流を維持するとともに、正当な権利を奪われた人々だけでなく、市民社会の団体、専門家および国家レベルでの民間部門の集団的知恵を集めることも重要である。このように、政府は国家レベルおよび国際レベルで人権の促進と保護をさらに進める作業を続ける。

II. Conclusions and/or recommendations**
II. 結論および/または勧告**

130. The recommendations formulated during the interactive dialogue listed below have been examined by the Republic of Korea and enjoy the support of the Republic of Korea:
130. 双方向対話の中で策定された下記に記載された勧告は、韓国により検討され、韓国の支持を得ている:


6.7. Continue supporting the work of OHCHR Seoul Office (Japan);
6.7. OHCHRソウル事務所の作業支援を継続すること(日本)。


** The conclusions and recommendations have not been edited.
** 結論と勧告は編集されていない。


6.27. Make further efforts to prevent sexual and domestic violence as pointed out by the relevant Treaty Bodies (Japan);
6.27. 関連する条約機関が指摘しているように、性的および家庭内暴力を防止するためにさらに努力すること(日本)。


6.40. Guarantee freedom of expression and peaceful association and safeguard the activities of human rights defenders, in particular by promoting effective national policies to protect their initiatives (Italy);
6.40. 表現の自由と平和的な結社と人権擁護者の活動を、特に直接請求を保護するための効果的な国家政策を推進することにより保護すること(イタリア)。
6.41. Continue to make efforts to follow up on the previous UPR recommendation on peaceful protests (Japan);
6.41. 以前の平和的な抗議に関するUPRの勧告へのフォローアップに引き続き努力すること(日本)。


6.44. Develop and implement a specific national action plan to support the Government’s efforts in tackling human trafficking and strengthening inter-agency coordination (United Kingdom);
6.44. 人身売買に取り組み省庁間調整を強化するための政府の努力を支援するための具体的な国家行動計画を策定し実施すること(英国)。


6.47. Establish an effective mechanism to identify victims of trafficking in human beings (Russian Federation);
6.47. 人身売買の被害者を特定するための効果的なメカニズムを確立すること(ロシア連邦)。


6.59. Strengthen the social protection system and step up protection of the rights of the elderly (China);
6.59. 社会保障制度を強化し、高齢者の権利保護を強化すること(中国)。


6.71. Take effective measures to raise women’s status, combat violence against women and eliminate discrimination against women (China);
6.71. 女性の地位向上、女性に対する暴力への対処および女性に対する差別を排除する効果的な措置を取ること(中国)。

6.72. Ensure that foreign women who become victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, trafficking in human beings and other forms of violence be guaranteed access to justice (Russian Federation);
6.72. 家庭内暴力性的虐待、人身売買および、その他の形態の暴力の被害を受けた外国人女性が司法へのアクセスを保証されるようにすること(ロシア連邦)。


6.82. Provide effective protection to migrant workers and address the issue of the exploitation of migrant workers (China);
6.82. 移住労働者に有効な保護を提供し、移住労働者の搾取の問題に取り組むこと(中国)。


6.83. Take measures to improve the working conditions of migrant workers (France);
6.83. 移住労働者の労働条件を改善するための措置を取ること(フランス)。


131. The recommendations formulated during the interactive dialogue listed below have been examined by the Republic of Korea and have been noted by the Republic of Korea:
131. 双方向対話の中で策定された下記に記載された勧告は、韓国により検討され、韓国により留意されている:

7.1. Ratify the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (Sierra Leone) (Guatemala)
(Honduras) (Kyrgyzstan);
7.1. すべての移住労働者とその家族の権利の保護に関する国際条約を批准する(シエラレオネ)(グアテマラ)(ホンジュラス)(キルギス)。

7.2. Ratify the UNESCO Convention on combating discrimination in the education sector (Congo);
7.2. 教育セクターにおける差別撲滅に関するユネスコ条約を批准する(コンゴ)。

7.3. Immediately release the 12 women citizens of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea who were abducted during the former regime and Mrs. Kym Ryon Hui who has been appealing for her return to her family and bring those responsible for the abduction to justice (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea).
7.3. 前政権時に拉致された北朝鮮の12人の女性市民と、家族へと戻ることを訴えてきたキム・リョンヒ氏を直ちに釈放し、拉致責任者を裁判にかけること(北朝鮮)。

132. The following recommendations will be examined by the Republic of Korea which will provide responses in due time, but no later than the thirty-seventh session of the Human Rights Council in March 2018:
132. 以下の勧告は韓国により検討され、適時だが2018年3月の人権理事会の第三十七回セッションまでに回答を行なう:


8.4. Ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty (Costa Rica)
(Angola) (Sweden) (Germany);
8.4. 市民的および政治的権利に関する国際規約への第二選択議定書を批准し、死刑の廃止を目指すこと(コスタリカ)(アンゴラ)(スウェーデン)(ドイツ)。


8.22. Adopt an open, merit based selection process when selecting national candidates for UN Treaty Body Elections (United Kingdom);
8.22. 国連条約機関選挙のための国家代表候補を選ぶ際に、オープンで功績に基づく選考プロセスを採用すること(英国)。


8.25. Abolish the anti-human rights “National Security Law” and other laws which are in contravention of international human rights standards as well as the provocative “North Korean Human Rights Act” (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea);
8.25. 反人権的な「国家保安法」および国際人権基準に違反するその他の法律や挑発的な「北朝鮮人権法」を廃止すること(北朝鮮)。


8.44. Adopt a general antidiscrimination law, which includes prohibition of discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation, to ensure the protection of the rights of LGBTI persons, repeal the provision of the Military Penal Code, which prohibits and punishes same-sex consensual sexual relations in the army, increase public awareness on the need to respect gender identity and sexual orientation of every individual (France);
8.44。 LGBTIの人々の人権の保護を確保するために、性同一性や性的指向に基づく差別禁止を含む総合的な反差別禁止法を採択し、同性関係の同意を得た性的関係を軍隊で禁止し処罰する軍刑法の規定を廃止し、各個人の性同一性と性的指向を尊重する必要性に関する一般の認識を高めること(フランス)。


8.58. Take further action to end discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation in all fields, including in the military (United Kingdom);
8.58.  軍隊を含むすべての分野におけるジェンダーまたは性的指向に基づく差別を終わらせるためのさらなる行動をとること(英国)。


8.62. Strengthen efforts to combat all forms of discrimination, including against LGBTI persons, by adopting a comprehensive law and running national awareness campaigns (Italy);
8.62. 包括的な法律を採択し、国家意識啓発キャンペーンを実施することにより、LGBTIの人々に対してなどあらゆる形態の差別に対抗するための努力を強化すること(イタリア)。


8.64. Adopt comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation to provide protections for and to promote the rights of LGBTI persons (United States of America);
8.64. LGBTIの人々の権利を保護し促進することを行なう包括的差別禁止法を採択すること(米国)。

8.65. Protect the rights of LGBTI persons through the adoption of a comprehensive anti-discrimination law that prohibits all forms of discrimination, including based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and abolish Article 92-6 of the Military Criminal Act, which criminalizes consensual same-sex relations (Canada);
8.65. 性的指向や性同一性に基づくことなど、あらゆる形態の差別を禁止する包括的な差別禁止法を採択し、合意に基づく同性の関係を犯罪とする軍刑法第92-6条を廃止することを通じて、LGBTIの人々の権利を保護すること(カナダ)。


8.72. Consider taking steps with a view to abolishing death penalty (Italy);
8.72. 死刑廃止を視野に措置を講じることを検討すること(イタリア)。


8.77. Fully abolish the death penalty, which has been under a de facto moratorium for 20 years (Canada);
8.77. 20年間の事実上モラトリアムのもとにある死刑を完全に廃止すること(カナダ)。


8.85. Take all necessary measures to abolish the death penalty and raise awareness on the fact that the death penalty is not a useful instrument to fight crime (France);
8.85. 死刑を廃止するために必要なすべての措置を講じ、死刑が犯罪と戦うための有用な手段ではないという事実に対する認識を高めること(フランス)。


8.90. Release all political prisoners and pro-reunification figures who have been unjustly detained by arbitrary application of “National Security Law” (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea);
8.90. 「国家保安法」の恣意的適用によって不当に拘留されたすべての政治犯と親再統一の人物を解放すること(北朝鮮)。


8.93. Take measures to end the practice of impunity for human rights crimes committed by GIs stationed in the country (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea);
8.93.  同国に駐留するGIによって犯された人権犯罪への刑事免責の手続きを終了させるための措置をとること(北朝鮮)。

8.94. Decriminalize conscientious objectors, introduce a genuinely civilian alternative to military service and release those imprisoned for refusing to perform military service (Germany);
8.94. 良心的兵役拒否者の非犯罪化、兵役に対して純粋に民間の代替手段を導入し、兵役を果たすことを拒否する投獄者を解放すること(ドイツ)。

8.95. Recognize conscientious objection to military service, and allow conscientious objectors the option to perform an appropriate alternative service of a genuinely civilian character and of a length comparable to that of military service (Canada);
8.95. 兵役に対する良心的兵役拒否を認め、純粋に民間の性格と兵役に匹敵する長さの適切な代替役務を行なう選択肢を良心的兵役拒否者に許可すること(カナダ)。

8.96. Introduce alternatives to military service to protect conscientious objectors (United States of America);
8.96. 良心的兵役拒否者を保護するための兵役への代替手段を導入すること(米国)。


8.99. Adopt legislation to ensure that alternative services offered to conscientious objectors are of a civilian nature, placed under civilian authorities’ control, and devoid of any punitive dimension; examine the situation of individuals who are currently imprisoned for refusing to submit to compulsory military training, with a view to offering them an alternative civilian service (France);
8.99. 良心的兵役拒否者に提供される代替役務が、民間当局の管理下に置かれ、いかなる懲罰的な次元も全くない、民間の性質であることを確保するための法律を採択し、代替の民間役務を提供する見地から、強制軍事訓練に服従することを拒否して現在投獄されている個人の状況を調査すること(フランス)。


8.107. Guarantee that defamation is punishable only through civil law and that the compensation awarded is proportionate to the damage caused (Guatemala);
8.107. 名誉毀損民法のみによって処罰され、裁定された補償は発生した被害に比例することを保証すること(グアテマラ)。

8.108. Replace criminal defamation and libel laws with civil ones, and reform national security laws to provide greater protections for free expression (United States of America);
8.108. 刑事名誉毀損法を民事訴訟に置き換え、自由な表現に対するより大きな保護を提供するために国家保安法を改正すること(米国)。

8.109. Amend the National Security Law, in particular its Article 7, to ensure that it is not used arbitrarily or to harass and restrict the rights to freedom of expression, opinion and association, and release all individuals unjustly charged and sentenced to prison terms solely for the legitimate exercise of their rights to freedom of expression and association (Germany);
8.109. 恣意的な使用や嫌がらせ、表現の自由、意見および結社の権利を制限することに使用されないことを保証するために国家保安法、特に第7条を改正し、 表現と結社の自由に対する権利の正当な行使のためだけに不当に告発され懲役刑を宣告されたすべての個人を釈放すること(ドイツ)。

8.110. Review Article 7 of the National Security Act, which restricts freedom of expression (Iraq);
8.110. 表現の自由を制限する国家保安法第7条を見直すこと(イラク)。

8.111. Review the National Security Act to ensure that it fully respects human rights, including the rights to freedom of speech, association and peaceful manifestation (Portugal);
8.111. 言論、結社および平和的な示威行為の自由の権利を含む人権を十分に尊重することを確保するために、国家保安法を見直すこと(ポルトガル)。


8.116. Investigate into cases of forced sterilisation of women with disabilities (Russian Federation);
8.116. 障害のある女性の強制不妊手術の事件を調査すること(ロシア連邦)。


133. All conclusions and/or recommendations contained in the present report reflect the position of the submitting State(s) and/or the State under review. They should not be construed as endorsed by the Working Group as a whole.
133. 本報告に含まれるすべての結論および/または勧告は、提出国および/または被審査国の立場を反映している。作業部会全体で承認されていると解釈されてはならない。


Composition of the delegation

The delegation of the Republic of Korea was headed by the Minister of Justice, Mr. Sangki Park and composed of the following members:








「「慰安婦」に関する韓国人証言論争、教授が激しい反発引き起こす - ニューヨーク・タイムズ」(2015年12月18日)

*5:*2 のリンク先参照。




  • 決議が採決に持ち込まれた際の各国投票先は、同傾向ながら前回セッションほど明確には色分けされなかったようにおもわれる(集計してないが)。
  • 「恣意的な」トピックス

    • 口頭報告におけるカットについて。拉致問題への言及なし。
    • 中国が国内法の重要性を持ち出して牽制。中国:「あらゆる国は、戦争と大虐殺の惨状から国民を守る責任があり、真実を支持し、それから学ぶ努力を行なう国々が支持されなければならない」。日本が北朝鮮による拉致と人権状況に言及。「真実、正義、賠償」の(?)韓国は沈黙。アジア法律資源センターが中国に言及。

    • 中国:「水が生命の源であり、飲料水の安全は人の幸福にとって重要」(呆)。日本が発言。外務省「 [ODA] 重点政策・分野別政策 分野別開発政策:水と衛生(実績)」。

    • スイス、オーストラリアが中国に言及。中国:「法の支配の国である中国」。日本が人権状況、韓国が核開発について北朝鮮に言及し、北朝鮮は「特定の代表団、とりわけ日本と「南朝鮮」によって成された主張を非難」。韓国は「政治危機を乗り越えた最近の韓国における一連の出来事」を自賛。国際キャリア支援協会より杉田水脈氏が、韓国政府の『軍艦島』や VANK を使った歴史プロパガンダへの関与を示唆。反差別国際運動がトランプ政権によるアメリカの「人種差別的兆候」、ロヒンギャ状況、スリランカに言及。ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ、ユナイテッド・スクール・インターナショナルが中国、欧州広報連合が北朝鮮に言及。
    • 上記一般討論の答弁権で中国がオーストラリアに反論:高等弁務官の報告に「驚かされた」。韓国は答弁権を行使せず、日本が北朝鮮に答弁権を行使し、恒例の日本 vs 北朝鮮の非難合戦。日本のぬるい反論。
    • 国際人権サービスが中国の江天勇氏の拘留を、ヒューマンライツ・ナウも中国の「709弾圧」とカンボジアでの政治的動機による拘留を非難。中国の御用 NGO 、中国人権研究会(CSHRS):「法の支配の国として」の中国。CSHRSと鄒曉巧(ゾウ・シャオチャオ)氏のことなど。
    • ヒューマンライツ・ナウより高遠菜穂子氏が登場、米軍ほかによるイラクでの有毒廃棄物について提起。中国が答弁権で前日の一般討論に反論:「中国は、法に支配された国であり、弁護士であることは法の支配を踏みにじる護符ではなかった」。

    • 北朝鮮:「60年以上にわたり米国によって課された制裁下にあった国として、この件を非常に重視」。中国が前日の民主的で公平な国際秩序の推進に関する独立専門家の報告に反論。パキスタンが中国の「一帯一路」を賞賛。

    • 中国:「途上国に対する制裁措置の否定的な影響について議論することは時宜を得ていた」。湾岸諸国のダブスタ

    • 中国が繰り返し表明する二つの内容に関連するテーマ。アメリカが香港市民の失踪に言及し、中国はアメリカの差別問題やグアンタナモ収容キャンプに言及し反撃。

    • 国際キャリア支援協会より藤木俊一氏、慰安婦問題における北朝鮮による日韓分断工作を示唆。平和組織研究委員会(本部アメリカ、ニュージャージー):中国は「女性の権利を促進し保護するための多くの立法措置に加え政策が策定されていた」。ヒューマンライツ・ナウはイラクにおける人権侵害について発言。
    • 日本、中国、および北朝鮮(非理事国)が発言。

    • 日本、中国が発言。

    • 日本、中国、北朝鮮(非理事国)、韓国が発言。

    • 中国、北朝鮮(非理事国)の、判を押したような主張。

    • ドイツ、アメリカ、イギリス、エストニアEU代表)、ルクセンブルクが中国に言及し中国が反論。北朝鮮には、日本、アメリカ、韓国、エストニアEU代表)、アイスランド、フランス、オーストラリア、チェコが言及し日本、韓国と北朝鮮が二度目の答弁権も使用して非難合戦。韓国は日本には言及せず三つ巴にはならず。北朝鮮日帝840万人拉致説。前回セッションに続き反差別国際運動(IMADR)が日本の表現の自由と「沖縄弾圧」について発言。国際民主法律家協会が福島を提起:日本政府の政策は「構造的暴力」。
    • 第46条で釘を刺す、他はおまけで46条を強調することが目的なのは明らかであろう中国のわかりやすい反応。

    • 非暴力急進党トランスナショナルとトランスパーティが、中国によるウイグル人学生の処遇について言及。藤木俊一氏がデイヴィッド・ケイ表現の自由特別報告者の日本報告に反論。
    • 日本が諮問委員会との双方向対話で発言。国連協力者への報復に関する事務総長報告が中国に言及。同報告書の、表現の自由特別報告者訪日会合にまつわるヒューマンライツ・ナウ事務局長/伊藤和子弁護士に対する情報当局による「監視」通報について。

    • ワールド・ジャスティス・プロジェクト「グローバル法の支配指標」について。

    • フィンランドやイギリスなどの普遍的定期的審査における勧告件数。
    • オランダ審査で中国が外国人嫌悪や、(ポーランド審査に続き)ロマに言及。

    • アメリカが中国による市民社会への圧力に言及し、中国が拒否。同じく事務総長報告(20日)について「深刻な留保を表明」:「特別メカニズムの専門家は人権の裁判官ではなく、メンバー国に圧力をかけるために報復の事件を捏造する権利はな」い。さらに答弁権による発言で中国:「中国は、法の支配を守る国」 。
    • 中国、北朝鮮イスラエルを非難。国際ヒューマニスト倫理連合が中国の法輪功弾圧に言及。

    • 中国はいつもの開発ガー。(なぜか)缶詰業国際常任委員会が、中国・パキスタン経済回廊プロジェクトを非難。

    • 反差別国際運動(IMADR)が、前回セッションに続きインドのダリットと部落女性に言及。

    • 中国がレイシズムの現状を分析。ところが国連ウォッチ:理事会は「中国のような自身のメンバーを最初に調査すべき」「理事会で聞かれる偽善のすべてを拒否」。中国:「事実を無視する一部非政府組織」「悪意は成功しない」。反差別国際運動が在日朝鮮人に対するヘイトスピーチを提起したが、会議要約は「韓国における状況」と採録
    • ウクライナで日本が発言。ロシアの言い分。

    • 日本がカンボジアで発言。

    • 中国:「技術支援の政治化は、人権の改善には役に立たなかった」(おまいう)。北朝鮮アメリカのベネズエラに対する内政干渉を非難。ハン・テソン北朝鮮国連大使について。ヒューマンライツ・ナウが13日に続きカンボジアの人権状況について発言。
    • ベネズエラ:国連協力者に対する報復に関する決議を「さらに一層耐え難い」のは「自らの計略を推進するために崇高な理念を利用する試み」と非難。
    • コンゴ決議にアメリカが強硬に反対。日本、仏英米豪等とカンボジア決議を提出。
  • (国連高等弁務官事務所ホームページ)

    「 OHCHR | セッション36 人権理事会第36回セッション - 決議、決定および議長声明」(英語



Establishes a Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts on Yemen, Creates an Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Accountability of Private Military and Security Companies, and Extends Mandates on Burundi, Myanmar, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Sudan and Somalia

29 September 2017

The Human Rights Council this afternoon concluded its thirty-sixth regular session, during which it addressed a wide range of human rights issues with numerous human rights experts, working groups and investigative bodies, adopted the outcomes of the Universal Periodic Review of 14 States, and heard statements by high-level dignitaries from nine States and a regional organization.
人権理事会は、この午後、その間多数の人権専門家、作業部会、調査機関とともに幅広い人権問題に取り組み、14の締約国の普遍的定期的審査の結果を採択し、 九つの締約国と地方組織からのハイレベル高官による声明を聞いた第三十六回定例セッションを閉会した。

The Council adopted 33 resolutions and a Presidential Statement addressing multiple themes as well as human rights situations in Yemen, Burundi, Myanmar, Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, Sudan, Somalia and Cambodia; filled seven vacancies of Special Procedures mandate holders, and adopted its report for the session.






  • 抽出方法については関連エントリ 2017-09-28 参照。
  • ソマリア自ら提出の L.23 、自賛する同国も、一般コメントで語るイギリスも上から目線だがこんなもんだろう。
  • アメリカが強硬に非難し単独で反対を投じたコンゴに関する決議 L.36 で、韓国も付き合い?単独で棄権。
  • 投票なしで採択された、オーストラリア(非理事国)、キプロス(非理事国)、フランス(非理事国)、日本、スペイン(非理事国)、イギリスおよびアメリカが共同提出したカンボジアに関する決議 L.21 のメインスポンサーとして日本が発言。提案国のアメリカが口頭修正を求めたが日本は反対し、修正についての投票を求めた。この修正は否決。
  • 上記 L.21 の後に L.31 に関するアメリカの投票前説明が一項設けられ採録されているが、昼の会合でミャンマーに関する決議 L.31/Rev.1 として既に採択済み(関連エントリ 2017-09-29 02:00 参照)。アメリカはカンボジアについて発言しており、L.21 の誤り?( L.21 と別立てになっているのも腑に落ちないが)。
  • 財政難の人権理事会、対応策を10月に採択すると議長が表明し、今セッションは終了した。年130回というのもすごいですな。
  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)
  • 関連エントリ



Closes its Thirty-Sixth Regular Session

29 September 2017

The Human Rights Council this afternoon adopted a Presidential Statement and 11 resolutions in which it called for the establishment of a group of eminent international and regional experts to monitor and report on the situation of human rights in Yemen, and extended the mandates of the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent; the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in the Central African Republic; the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Sudan; the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia; and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia. The Council then closed its thirty-sixth regular session.

Other texts concerned the human rights of peasants; racism and racial discrimination; technical cooperation and capacity building; national human rights follow-up systems; technical assistance to the Democratic Republic of the Congo; and the Advisory Committee.


Action on Resolution under the Agenda Item on Human Rights Bodies and Mechanisms

Action on Resolution on the Promotion and Protection of the Human Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas

In a resolution (A/HRC/36/L.29) on the promotion and protection of the human rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas, adopted by a vote of 34 in favour, two against and 11 abstentions, the Council decides that the open-ended intergovernmental working group on a United Nations declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas shall hold its fifth annual session for five working days before the thirty-eighth session of the Human Rights Council; also decides that the updated version of the draft declaration that will be presented by the Chair-Rapporteur of the working group at its fifth session …will be translated into all official languages of the United Nations; and requests the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to ensure the participation in the fifth session of the working group of up to five expert panellists, including representatives of peasants and other people working in rural areas, civil society and grass-roots organizations from developing countries, in order to contribute to the analysis and interactive dialogues. The Council requests the working group to submit an annual report on progress made to the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly for their consideration.

The result of the vote was as follows:

In favour (34): Bangladesh, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Burundi, China, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nigeria, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Switzerland, Togo, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela.

Against (2): United Kingdom and United States.

Abstentions (11): Albania, Belgium, Croatia, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Latvia, Netherlands, Republic of Korea and Slovenia.

Bolivia, introducing on behalf of a group of countries draft resolution L.29, said that it renewed the mandate of the open-ended intergovernmental Working Group on a United Nations declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas. The draft resolution considered that smallholder farmers were particularly vulnerable to malnutrition, inter alia. Seventy per cent of the food in the world was produced by smallholder peasants whose adaptability and resilience to climate change was fundamental. Bolivia invited all Member States of the Council to vote in favour of the draft resolution in order to improve the lives of those persons.


United States, speaking in an explanation of the vote before the vote, was concerned about the situation of people working in rural areas who suffered from poverty. However, a new declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas would not change the situation. The United States said that authorising a fifth session of the Working Group was not appropriate considering the limited resources of the Council.

Germany, speaking in an explanation of the vote before the vote on behalf of a group of countries, was deeply concerned that there still remained inequalities in the achievement of human rights for peasants and all those living and working in rural areas. Nevertheless, the existing United Nations normative framework was adequate for protecting their rights. Creating rights for new groups would not bring new values. Germany appreciated that the main sponsors had accommodated some of the proposals, but as the concerns about the mandate of the Working Group remained, Germany would abstain from voting.

Action on Resolutions under the Agenda Item on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance

Action on Resolution on the Mandate of the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent

In a resolution (A/HRC/36/L.16) on the mandate of the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, adopted without a vote, the Council[…]

Tunisia, introducing draft resolution L.16 on behalf of the African Group, said it renewed the mandate of the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, and said that this mandate was critical to the full and effective implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action. The Working Group continued to promote and participate in activities, interact with civil society, and assist States and stakeholders in the implementation of the Programme of Activities for the International Decade for People of African Descent. It had a mandate to monitor the human rights situation of people of African descent, elaborate proposals for the elimination of racial discrimination against people of African descent, and contribute to development programmes for people of African descent. The draft resolution called for the Working Group to pay special attention to the rising tide of racism and racial hatred as evidenced by the resurgence of white supremacist ideologies, and extremist nationalist and populist ideologies. Racism and structural discrimination, racial profiling, and unequal access to economic, social and cultural rights for people of African descent continued unabated, thus the role of the Working Group in highlighting their plight remained imperative. The African Group pledged its support to the Working Group and looked forward to the adoption of this resolution by consensus as had been previously done.

Latvia, speaking in a general comment on behalf of the European Union, reiterated the European Union’s commitment to the fight against racism, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance, and also reiterated the importance of the ratification of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, which was the universal foundation to prevent, combat and eradicate racism. The European Union continued to be engaged in the work of the Council and the treaty bodies, and would join the consensus in renewing the mandate of the Working Group.

United States, speaking in an explanation of the vote before the vote, said that the United States remained fully committed to combatting racism, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance. However, due to the well-known problems related to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, the United States would dissociate itself from the consensus on this draft resolution.

Action on Resolution titled From Rhetoric to Reality: a Global Call for Concrete Action against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance

In a resolution (A/HRC/36/L.17/Rev.1) titled From rhetoric to reality: a global call for concrete action against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, adopted by a vote of 32 in favour, five against, and 10 abstentions, the Council welcomes the convening of regional meetings organized by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to effectively implement the programme of activities of the International Decade for People of African Descent, …; requests the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, in his capacity as coordinator of the Decade, to submit an oral update on his activities in follow-up to the implementation of the programme of activities within the framework of the Decade to the Human Rights Council at its thirty-ninth session; and requests the High Commissioner to prioritize the issue of preventing and combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in the work of the Office of the High Commissioner.

The result of the vote was as follows:

In favour (32): Bangladesh, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Burundi, China, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nigeria, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Togo, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela.
支持(32):バングラデシュボリビアボツワナ、ブラジル、ブルンジ中国コンゴコートジボワールキューバエクアドル、エジプト、エルサルバドルエチオピア、ガーナ、インド、インドネシアイラクケニアキルギスタン、モンゴル、 パラグアイ、フィリピン、カタールルワンダサウジアラビア南アフリカトーゴチュニジアアラブ首長国連邦およびベネズエラ

Against (5): Albania, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States.

Abstentions (10): Belgium, Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, Japan, Latvia, Netherlands, Portugal, Republic of Korea and Slovenia.

Tunisia, introducing on behalf of the African Group draft resolution L.17/Rev.1, said that the African Group had done everything to ensure the full implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action. The draft resolution underlined the primacy of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination as the principal international instrument to combat all the scourges of racism and called for States to withdraw their reservations to this Convention. The text also noted the support expressed for a memorial to the victims of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade. The African Group looked forward to the adoption of the text by consensus, bearing in mind that all had a collective responsibility to uphold principles of human dignity.

United States, speaking in an explanation of the vote before the vote, said it remained firmly and fully committed to combatting racial discrimination, intolerance, bigotry, anti-Semitism, and all other forms of discrimination. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination provided for full protection against all those violations and States should focus on implementing those provisions. The objections to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action were among the reasons why the United States would vote against this draft resolution. Another concern was that the draft resolution proposed limits to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly according to substance, and the United States stressed that all freedoms had to be protected equally. Combatting racism was a challenge everyone faced. The United States expressed hope that in the future, the Council would have other opportunities to pursue freedoms in a more cooperative fashion.

Latvia, speaking in an explanation of the vote before the vote on behalf of the European Union, expressed the European Union’s full commitment to the protection of human rights, adding its concern that racial discrimination continued to persist in all parts of the world. The European Union thanked South Africa for having held constructive consultations, and expressed regret that it had not been possible to reach an outcome that the European Union could support, especially as the operative paragraph 7 went beyond the duties of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and might result in an infringement of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. This would undermine the work of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in combatting racism.

Switzerland, speaking in an explanation of the vote before the vote, said that Switzerland was fully committed to the implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, and stressed that the fight against racism, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance remained crucial. Switzerland thanked Tunisia for having submitted the resolution and appreciated the efforts undertaken by South Africa to carry open consultations. But some concerns remained unmet and thus, Switzerland could not support the draft resolution. Switzerland was also concerned about the language adopted on freedom of speech which would impose restrictions.

Venezuela, in an explanation of the vote after the vote, reiterated its support for the resolutions L.16 and L.17/Rev.1, noting that the world was beset by a worrying increase of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. There was also a question of tackling reparation for damages suffered by Afro-descendants. The Durban Declaration and Programme of Action was valuable, as well as the Outcome Document of the Durban Review Conference of 2009. The International Decade for People of African Descent was the framework to focus on those challenges. Supporting the necessary mechanisms for debate on issues of such importance was needed. Venezuela would be active in all efforts to protect the rights of Afro-descendants.

Action on Resolutions under the Agenda Item on Technical Assistance and Capacity-Building

Action on Resolution on Technical Assistance and Capacity-Building in the Field of Human Rights in the Central African Republic

In a resolution (A/HRC/36/L.18/Rev.1) on technical assistance and capacity-building in the field of human rights in the Central African Republic, adopted without a vote as orally revised, the Council[…]
口頭により改訂され投票なしに採択された、中央アフリカ共和国における人権分野における技術支援とキャパシティ・ビルディングに関する決議(A/HRC/36/L.18/ Rev.1)において、理事会は[…]

Tunisia, introducing draft resolution L.18/Rev.1 as orally revised on behalf of the African Group, said that the draft recognized the progress made in the Central African Republic and welcomed the constitutional referendum and the presidential elections in 2015 and 2016. The draft text expressed concern about the worsening situation in this country 2017 and requested the Central African Republic to put an end to impunity and bring perpetrators of crimes to justice. Collective mobilization to address the crisis was essential. The draft resolution encouraged the United Nations and other relevant international organizations as well as donor countries to provide the Central African Republic with technical assistance and capacity building. The decision to renew the mandate of the Independent Expert for a year ran in the same vein and aimed to ensure the monitoring and reporting on the situation in the Central African Republic. The African Group expressed its gratitude to all delegations for their constructive commitment to the text, and expressed hope for its adoption by consensus.
チュニジアは、アフリカン・グループのために口頭により改訂された決議草案L.18 / Rev.1を導入し、中央アフリカ共和国での進展を認識し、2015年と2016年の憲法国民投票と大統領選挙を歓迎した。文章草案は、この国の状況が悪化していることに対する懸念を表明し、中央アフリカ共和国に対し、刑事犯罪の加害者を正義に至らせることを刑罰に終わらせるよう要請した。危機に対処するための集団的動員は不可欠でした。決議案は、国連や他の関連国際機関、援助国が中央アフリカ共和国に技術援助とキャパシティ・ビルディングを提供するよう促した。独立した専門家の任期を1年間更新するという決定は、同じ目的で実行され、中央アフリカ共和国における状況の監視と報告を確実にすることを目的とした。アフリカン・グループは、すべての代表団に対し、文章に対する建設的なコミットメントに対する感謝の意を表明し、コンセンサスの採択の希望を表明した。


United States, speaking in a general comment, commended the efforts made by all members of the Council to reach a consensus, and reiterated its concerns regarding reports of serious violations of human rights and humanitarian law in the Central African Republic. The United States was pleased to co-sponsor the resolution.

Action on Resolution on Technical Assistance and Capacity-Building to Improve Human Rights in Sudan

In a resolution (A/HRC/36/L.19) on the technical assistance and capacity-building to improve human rights in the Sudan, adopted without a vote, the Council[…]

Tunisia, introducing on behalf of the African Group draft resolution L.19 on Sudan, said the resolution encouraged the Government of Sudan to extend the declaration of cessation of hostilities. It noted the cooperation of the Government of Sudan with the Independent Expert and called on the Government to continue to give him access to all areas of the country. The role of the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights was essential and could assist the State in promoting and protecting all human rights. The draft acknowledged that the situation of human rights in Sudan informed the renewal and transition of mandates related to Sudan and urged the Government of the Sudan to cooperate with the Independent Expert. Continued and sustained improvement would contribute to changing the mandate from Independent Expert to another United Nations mechanism. The African Union draft came as a result of intensive bilateral consultations. Most concerns were taken on board. It was hoped the draft would be adopted by consensus.

United States, speaking in a general comment, was pleased to welcome Sudan’s cooperation with the Independent Expert. The United States remained concerned about the overall situation of human rights in the country. Arrests targeting civil society representatives were extremely worrisome. The resolution called on Sudan to protect the freedom of speech and freedom of peaceful assembly. The United States was concerned about reports of acts of torture committed by the authorities as well as the demolition of churches and places of worship. The United States welcomed the work of the Independent Expert in Sudan and was pleased to see the renewal of its mandate.


Sudan, speaking as the concerned country, thanked the sponsors for the resolution. Sudan was determined to always cooperate with the Council and the Independent Expert. It would continue to strive to improve the situation for human rights until it was no longer under consideration by Special Procedures. The United States was called on to do away with double standards, and to free the Guantanamo detainees who included one Sudanese journalist.

Action on Resolution on Assistance to Somalia in the Field of Human Rights

In a resolution (A/HRC/36/L.23) on the assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights, adopted without a vote, the Council[…]

Somalia, introducing draft resolution L.23, said that it recognized the needs and effectiveness of capacity development in technical assistance to Somalia and the primary responsibility of the Government. It urged all countries hosting Somali refugees to uphold their international obligations. The draft text recognized the role of Somali women in community mobilization, peace building, economic empowerment, and public and political decision-making. The draft welcomed the endorsement of the first national development plan, and the promotion of female equality and empowerment of women, and the increase of women’s representation in the Cabinet. It also welcomed the continued commitment of Somalia in the Universal Periodic Review process, the adoption of the security pact, the new partnership between Somalia and international partners, and progress in key legislation.

United Kingdom, introducing draft resolution L.23, noted that Somalia’s recovery from 25 years of conflict was continuing. The country had made welcome progress towards upholding human rights and in strengthening its political processes. Somalia rightly deserved the Council’s recognition and continued support. The resolution today did exactly that. It renewed the mandate of the Independent Expert and called for support to Somalia’s institutions to build a stable, peaceful and prosperous State.

Action on Resolution on the Enhancement of Technical Cooperation and Capacity-Building in the Field of Human Rights

In a resolution (A/HRC/36/L.28) on the enhancement of technical cooperation and capacity-building in the field of human rights, adopted without a vote, the Council[…]

Thailand, introducing draft resolution L.28 on the enhancement of technical cooperation and capacity-building in the field of human rights on behalf of a cross-regional core group of countries consisting of Brazil, Honduras, Indonesia, Morocco, Norway, Singapore, Qatar and Turkey, said the purpose of the draft resolution was to highlight the essential role of technical cooperation in strengthening the capacity of States in their efforts toward the promotion and protection of human rights. The draft resolution set the theme for a panel discussion to be held at the Council’s thirty-eighth session in June 2018, namely “human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals: Enhancing human rights technical cooperation and capacity-building to contribute to the effective and inclusive implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” It was hoped the draft resolution would be adopted by consensus as in the past years.

United States, speaking in a general comment, believed that technical assistance was a one of the best kinds of support that the Council could provide to countries to ensure they would protect and promote human rights. The United States thanked the core group for taking into account its concerns. However, the United States would dissociate from the inappropriate assertion that the enhancement of technical assistance was necessary for the promotion and protection of human rights. Each State had the primary responsibility for the promotion and protection of human rights. The United States also regretted that the resolution made reference to the declaration on the right to development.

Latvia, speaking in a general comment on behalf of the European Union, thanked the core group for the consultations. The European Union underlined the valuable support that technical support and capacity building could provide. The European Union agreed that the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development needed to be consistent with international human rights law. While the European Union fully supported the resolution, it had engaged with others to further strengthen the text. The European Union encouraged the core group to consider the biannualization of the resolution.

Action on Resolution on Promoting International Cooperation to Support National Human Rights Follow-up Systems, Processes and Related Mechanisms, and Their Contribution to the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

In a resolution (A/HRC/36/L.30) on promoting international cooperation to support national human rights follow-up systems, processes and related mechanisms, and their contribution to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted without a vote, the Council[…]

Paraguay, introducing draft resolution L.30 on behalf of Brazil and Paraguay, said that the draft resolution recognized that the national systems, processes and mechanisms of follow-up could make an important contribution to implement the Sustainable Development Goals by strengthening States’ capacities to evaluate their needs and define their priorities. These national follow-up systems and mechanisms made it easier to implement recommendations and to translate them into national policies preventing future violations. This resolution recognized the value of the cooperation given to States to establish national human rights institutions. It urged the High Commissioner to continue providing this cooperation and to continue to compile best practices within the framework of these national mechanisms. Paraguay thanked all those who made comments and suggestions to improve the text.

Action on Resolution on Technical Assistance and Capacity-Building in the Field of Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

In a resolution (A/HRC/36/L.34/Rev.1) on technical assistance and capacity-building in the field of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, adopted by a vote of 45 in favour, one against and one abstention as orally revised, the Council welcomes the appointment by the High Commissioner of Bacre Ndiaye, Luc Côté and Fatimata M’Baye as members of the team of international experts on the situation in the Kasai regions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo as mandated by the Human Rights Council in its resolution 35/33; requests the Office of the High Commissioner to give an oral update on the situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the Human Rights Council at its thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth sessions, in an enhanced interactive dialogue; also requests the Office of the High Commissioner to prepare a comprehensive report on the situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, including in the context of the electoral process, and to present it to the Human Rights Council at its thirty-ninth session in an enhanced interactive dialogue.
口頭により改訂され支持45、反対一および棄権一の投票で採択された、コンゴ民主共和国における人権分野における技術支援とキャパシティ・ビルディングに関する決議(A/HRC/36/L.34/ Rev.1)において、理事会は、決議35/33において人権理事会により委任されたコンゴ民主共和国のカサイ地域における状況に関する国際専門家チームの一員としてのバクレ・ンディアイ、リュック・コテおよびファティマ・エムベイェ高等弁務官の任命を歓迎し、高等弁務官事務所に、その第三十七回および第三十八回セッションでの拡張双方向対話において、人権理事会へコンゴ民主共和国における人権状況に関する口頭報告をするよう要請し、また、高等弁務官事務所に、選挙プロセスの背景を含め、コンゴ民主共和国における人権状況に関する包括的な報告を準備し、それを人権理事会にその第三十九回セッションでの拡張双方向対話において提示するよう要請する。

The result of the vote was as follows:

In favour (45): Albania, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Burundi, China, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Japan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Mongolia, Netherlands, Nigeria, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, South Africa, Switzerland, Togo, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and Venezuela.

Against (1): United States.

Abstentions (1): Republic of Korea.

Tunisia, introducing on behalf of the African Group draft resolution L.34/Rev.1 as orally revised on technical assistance and capacity-building in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, said it should not be confused with the previous resolution on the situation in the Kasai. The draft resolution was based on the report of the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights. The draft recognized the worsening human rights situation but highlighted the work of the Government on previous recommendations by the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights and other United Nations human rights mechanisms. The draft invited stakeholders to prepare for a swift holding of elections in line with provisions of the agreement. The Council requested the High Commissioner to make an oral report at a subsequent session of the Human Rights Council and also to prepare a detailed report on the situation of human rights, including in the framework of the electoral process. The text was submitted for adoption by consensus.

Democratic Republic of the Congo, speaking as the concerned country, reminded of the adoption of the previous Council resolution on technical assistance and sending a team of international experts to investigate the atrocities committed in the Kasai province. The draft resolution remained the logical follow-up of the general resolution that the Council usually discussed in September. It should not be confused with the previous resolution on Kasai. The report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights had welcomed efforts by the Government to fight sexual violence, the liberation of several prisoners of conscience, and the adoption of a bill on the protection of and responsibility for human rights defenders. Those giving lessons were far from being perfect models and the Democratic Republic of the Congo denounced the hypocrisy of countries which interfered in domestic affairs of other countries. Double standards and politicisation should not be permitted in the Council. The management of the migrant crisis had negatively affected human rights all over the world, but not enough was being said about it. Neither was enough being said about racial discrimination in those countries which wanted to hide that problem. The Democratic Republic of the Congo would not be intimated by those who wished to stifle the work of the Council. It thanked the African Union and all those countries which had fought tirelessly to find consensus.

United States, speaking in an explanation of the vote before the vote, stressed that the resolution did not reflect the reality on the ground in the Democratic Republic of the Congo which was why it would vote no. The United States continued to receive reports of violations of human rights, including extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests and cruel treatment committed by armed groups and the security forces. The congratulating tone used in the resolution was an insult to the American citizens who had been killed in the country. Furthermore, the Democratic Republic of the Congo had continued to delay free and fair elections. There was still no calendar of elections. In addition, there were serious concerns on restrictions on political space, including the rights to freedom of assembly and freedom of expression. In recognition of the lack of progress in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the United States had hoped that the resolution would be stronger. It was also disappointing that the negotiations on the draft resolution had not been conducted more transparently. The United States reiterated its calls to end the abuses and violations of human rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Action on Presidential Statement

In a Presidential Statement (A/HRC/36/L.65) on the reports of the Advisory Committee, adopted without a vote, the Council takes note of the reports of the Advisory Committee on its eighteenth and nineteenth sessions, and notes that the Advisory Committee has made a research proposal.

Action on Technical Assistance and Capacity-Building for Yemen in the Field of Human Rights

In a resolution (A/HRC/36/L.8) on the technical assistance and capacity-building for Yemen in the field of human rights, adopted without a vote as orally revised, the Council[…]

Egypt, introducing on behalf of the Arab Group L.8 on technical assistance and capacity-building for Yemen as orally revised, welcomed providing technical assistance to the Yemeni Government. The Netherlands, Canada, Belgium and other countries had participated in the consultations to reach consensus. The draft resolution recognized the difference between the legitimate Government of Yemen and armed groups who were using violence to achieve their goals. The political process in Yemen was important. The draft resolution before the Council gave the High Commissioner the mandate of assigning a team to follow up on the human rights situation in Yemen, provide recommendations to enforce justice, report to the High Commissioner, and pursue technical assistance to help the Committee discharge its mandate. The Council was called on to adopt the draft resolution by consensus.

Netherlands, speaking in a general comment, was concerned about the grave human rights situation in Yemen. In this session, the High Commissioner, for the third year in a row, requested the establishment of an independent and investigative body. This urgent request could no longer be ignored. A credible investigation was necessary to establish the facts and circumstances surrounding these violations. Accountability was necessary to reach reconciliation. The resolution was not aimed at taking sides but to further promote the human rights of the people in Yemen. The Netherlands valued the constructive dialogue that had led to a common agreement. The text included the establishment of international and regional experts to carry out investigations on violations of human rights law and international humanitarian law. The draft resolution also included an element of technical assistance. The resolution called for the immediate operationalisation of the mandate so it could get to work.

United Arab Emirates, speaking in a general comment, stressed that the resolution was a new momentum for the cooperation between the High Commissioner and the authorities of Yemen. The United Arab Emirates stressed that the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights should provide technical assistance and capacity building in compliance with the needs of Yemen. Some paragraphs stated that some requirements had to be fulfilled by Yemen in order to have access to technical assistance. This was contrary to the spirit of human rights.


United States, speaking in a general comment, said that the United States was pleased to join the consensus and said that the Council, speaking with one voice on Yemen, was essential to addressing the human rights situation in this country, encouraging the parties to the conflict to come to the negotiating table, and to maintaining the Council’s integrity. The international community faced a number of important tasks and challenges in Yemen, including the protection of civilians, expansion of humanitarian assistance, particularly in the face of famine and infectious diseases, and addressing water scarcity. Yemen had the highest number of people at risk of cholera and famine in the world today, largely as a result of this conflict. The United States regretted the unnecessary loss of civilian lives. All parties in Yemen had the responsibility to respect their obligations, including under international humanitarian and human rights law, as applicable. The United States stressed the importance of reaching a lasting peaceful settlement to the conflict.

Yemen, speaking as the concerned country, stressed that the complex circumstances that Yemen was going through required support so that the Government could fulfil its international obligations in the field of human rights. The Government would engage positively with the resolution in terms of capacity building and technical assistance to be provided to Yemen. Yemen supported the respect for its sovereignty and territorial integrity as contained in the draft resolution. Yemen reiterated its gratitude to the Arab Group and hoped the draft resolution would be adopted by consensus.

Action on Resolution on the Advisory Services and Technical Assistance to Cambodia

In a resolution (A/HRC/36/L.21) on the advisory services and technical assistance to Cambodia, adopted without a vote as orally revised, the Council invites the Secretary-General, agencies of the United Nations system present in Cambodia and the international community, including civil society, to continue to work with the Government of Cambodia in strengthening democracy and ensuring the protection and promotion of the human rights of all people in Cambodia; decides to extend by two years the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, and requests the Special Rapporteur to report on the implementation of her mandate to the Council at its thirty-ninth and forty-second sessions, and to engage in a constructive manner with the Government of Cambodia for the further improvement of the situation of human rights in the country; and requests the Secretary-General to provide an oral update, followed by an interactive dialogue, to the Human Rights Council at its thirty-eighth session and to report to the Council at its thirty-ninth session and forty-second sessions on the implementation of the present resolution and on the role and achievements of the Office of the High Commissioner in assisting the Government and the people of Cambodia in the promotion and protection of human rights.

Japan, introducing draft resolution L.21 as orally revised, said that Japan had worked tirelessly to keep this resolution intact and said that regretfully there were oral revisions to the operative paragraphs 22, 23, 25 and 30. The main purpose of the draft resolution was to continue international efforts to further improve the human rights situation in Cambodia, which included an extension by two years of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Cambodia. Concerns had been raised about the heightening political and social tensions in the country ahead of the highly important general elections in July next year. Japan and the international community were paying close attention to the situation in Cambodia and Japan urged the Government of Cambodia to demonstrate through action its commitment to realizing a true democratic elections by accepting international observers.

United States, introducing oral revisions to L.21, expressed disappointment with the draft. Discussion in the Human Rights Council would help. An amendment to operative paragraph 30 would request the High Commissioner for Human Rights to provide an oral update followed by an interactive dialogue at a subsequent session of the Human Rights Council. All delegations were urged to vote in favour of the amendment.

Japan, speaking as the main sponsor, said it was important that States that were receiving technical cooperation were actively engaged. Dialogue was important. Speaking as the main sponsor, the United States proposal would be incompatible with the intent of the draft resolution. For that reason, Japan would call for a vote and vote against the amendment.

Latvia, speaking in a general comment on behalf of the European Union, acknowledged that the draft resolution sought to acknowledge the limited areas of progress and address some concerns raised by the Special Rapporteur and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. But the European Union was disappointed that it did not reflect better the deterioration in the human rights situation in the country, including the restrictions on the opposition and the media which seemed to be politically motivated. Cambodia should take immediate steps to restore human rights and fundamental freedoms to ensure that the July 2018 elections were truly free and fair, including by engaging with the Special Rapporteur and allowing her access to the country in the run up to the July 2018 elections.

Cambodia, speaking as the concerned country, said that since 1993 and the inception of this Human Rights Council, the resolutions on Cambodia had never asked the Secretary-General to provide an oral update followed by an interactive dialogue, which completely contradicted the existing rules of the Council. This was because some States wanted to interfere in the general elections in Cambodia in 2018 under the pretext of this draft resolution. If this illegitimate amendment succeeded, Cambodia would disassociate from the whole resolution. Those who wished to express their concerns should do so through the established rules and practices of this Council. Cambodia remained committed to upholding the universal principles of human rights, democracy and the rule of law, and would take all necessary mediums conducive to a free, fair, transparent and inclusive participation in next year’s elections, taking into account lessons learnt and experience from its June 2017 elections.

Action on Oral Amendment

Latvia, speaking on behalf of the European Union in an explanation of the vote before the vote, expressed its gratitude for the efforts of the delegation of Japan to reach consensus. One of the key issues for the European Union was that the draft resolution should create a different level of attention on the situation in Cambodia. It did not prove to be the case. The amendment was an attempt to reintroduce this level of attention. It was a reasonable proposal given the situation in the country. It would be in line with the goal of the Council to prevent further deterioration of the situation in the country.

Switzerland, speaking in an explanation of the vote before the vote, welcomed the commitment of the delegation of Japan and welcomed the cooperation of Cambodia. However despite the efforts of the Japanese delegation, it was not possible to reach a text that met all of the requests of the stakeholders. Switzerland remained concerned about the situation in the country. In light of the elections in July 2018, Switzerland called on Cambodia to protect the situation of human rights and ensure that the media could carry their activities without restrictions. Switzerland would support the amendment.

The Council rejected the amendment by a vote of 12 in favour, 20 against and 15 abstentions.

Action on Resolution of L.31 as Orally Revised
口頭により改訂された L.31 の決議に関する審議

United States, speaking in an explanation of the vote before the vote, expressed regret that the resolution would be adopted without certain elements, including an oral update by the High Commissioner. Given the deteriorating human rights situation in Cambodia, such action was merited. There was grave concern about the worsening human rights situation in Cambodia. The arrest of the opposition leader and the expulsion of independent media outlets had underscored the need for continued attention by the Council.

Explanation of the Vote after the Vote on Resolutions under the Agenda Item on Technical Assistance and Capacity Building

Latvia, speaking in an explanation of the vote after the vote on behalf of the European Union, said the European Union remained concerned about the humanitarian and human rights situation across the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The High Commissioner’s report presented during the session clearly demonstrated that the human rights violations had worsened over the last year. This increase had been caused mainly by the State agents, and civilians were paying a heavy price, including in the areas which had previously escaped the crisis, such as the Kasaïs. It was essential for the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to put an end to the human rights violations and abuses by the State agents and officials and end the restrictions to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. In terms of the fight against impunity, the Government should transform their commitment into specific action and prosecute all perpetrators of human rights violations, including those who were part of the security forces. The European Union called upon the Democratic Republic of the Congo to fully cooperate with the international team of Experts established by this Council and investigate the atrocious murder of two of its members. It was vital to keep the situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the agenda of the Human Rights Council.

Election of Members of the Advisory Committee and Appointment of Mandate Holders of Special Procedures

JOAQUÍN ALEXANDER MAZA MARTELLI, President of the Human Rights Council, announced the election by secret ballot of members of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee. Following the vote, the following members were elected: Ajai Malhotra from India, and Changrok Soh from the Republic of Korea for Asia-Pacific States. Five members of the Advisory Committee were elected by acclamation: Dheerujlall Baramlall Seetulsingh from Mauritius, and Mohamed Bennani from Morocco for the African States; Ion Diaconu from Romania for the Eastern European States; Elizabeth S. Salmón from Peru for the Latin American and Caribbean States; and Ludovic Hennebel from Belgium from the Western European and other States.
ホアキン・アレクサンデル・マザ・マルテリ人権理事会議長は、人権理事会諮問委員会のメンバーの無記名投票による選挙を発表した。投票後、次のメンバーが選出された:アジア太平洋締約国にインドからアジャイ・マルホトラと韓国からソウ・チャンロク。諮問委員会の五名のメンバーが拍手による投票により選出された:アフリカ締約国にモーリシャスからディールジラル・バラムラル・シートルシンとモロッコからモハメド・ベナニ、東ヨーロッパ締約国にルーマニアからIon Diaconu、ラテンアメリカとカリブ締約国にペルーからElizabeth S.Salmón、西ヨーロッパおよびその他の締約国にベルギーからルドヴィック・エネベル。

The President also announced the appointment of mandate holders of the Special Procedures. E. Tendayi Achiume (Zambia) was appointed as the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. Marie-Evelyne Petrus (France) was appointed to the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent. Meskerem Techane (Ethiopia), Melissa Upreti (Nepal), Ivana Radacic (Croatia), and Elizabeth Broderick (Australia) were appointed as members of the Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice. Alice Cruz (Portugal) was appointed as the Special Rapporteur on the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members.

Concluding Remarks

MOUAYED SALEH, Vice-President and Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council, said that the draft of the report on the session contained a description of the work of the Council up to 2 p.m. today. After the session, the secretariat would finalize the report and circulate it for comments to be added. The draft report contained 10 chapters corresponding to the items of the agenda of the Council. Mr. Saleh thanked all delegations and the President of the Council for their presence.

The report of the Council was adopted ad referendum.

JOAQUIN ALEXANDER MAZA MARTELLI, President of the Human Rights Council, said that on 9 August 2016, the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva had met with his predecessor and informed that due to the budgetary situation and the significant increase in the number of meetings of the Council, UNOG would not be able to accommodate more than 135 regular session Council meetings in 2017 and no more than 130 regular session Council meetings in 2018. In response, the Council had adopted diverse, urgent and extraordinary measures to reduce the speaking times during the meetings. Four proposed measures were presented, including the Council requesting support from the General Assembly for 20 additional regular session meetings. They were circulated with a request for feedback and remarks. Last Monday, an information consultation was held but there was no consensus to take a decision and States said they needed more time to consult. The Bureau would continue consulting with States on the issue with a view to reach consensus. The Council would meet on 20 October to approve a relevant decision. The President then declared the thirty-sixth session of the Council closed.

