




  • 国連ジュネーブ事務局ホームページ「プレスリリース」より(とくに断りなき場合は、以降の当第40回人権理事会に関するエントリも同様)抄訳。

  • 毎年恒例のハイレベル・セグメント。オーストラリア、および9日に外務省が非難声明を発表していたトルコがウイグル問題に言及。


  • この前に、セッション開会にあたり国連事務総長、総会議長、人権高等弁務官による演説が行なわれたが、「観測対象」含む特定の国への言及はなかった模様(HRC/19/02E)。

  • 国連人権高等弁務官事務所ホームページ)

    「 OHCHR | セッション40 第40回人権理事会(2019年2月25日 - 2019年3月22日)」(英語

  • 関連エントリ



President of Tunisia, Chairman of the African Union Commission, and the Prime Ministers of Yemen and Fiji Address the Council

25 February 2019

The Human Rights Council this morning began its high-level segment, hearing addresses from dignitaries from 14 countries, who spoke about national efforts to promote and protect human rights, the importance of enhanced international cooperation in addressing current challenges, and human rights concerns in a number of countries and regions around the world.


The Human Rights Council is holding a full day of meetings today from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. At 1 p.m., it will continue with its high-level segment until 3 p.m., when it will hold a high-level panel on mainstreaming.

High-Level Segment


MARISE PAYNE, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia, stressed that the indivisibility, universality and inalienability of human rights were principles which Australia had consistently championed through the efforts of Australian Doc Evatt in the drafting of the United Nations Charter, as an advocate for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and as a supporter of the creation of this august body in 2006. Five fundamental principles were driving Australia’s advocacy in this Council: gender equality; freedom of expression; good governance and robust democratic institutions; the rights of indigenous peoples, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians; and strong national human rights institutions. According to the recent national census, over 130 religious traditions were observed in Australia, bringing challenges that required continual vigilance to ensure the universal nature of human rights. In different parts of the world, persecuted religious communities existed, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and the myriad of other belief systems. Restrictions placed on populations based solely on their religious adherence was alarming. Australia would maintain its focus on supporting the work of the Council in response to situations of human rights concern. The release of Asia Biba was welcomed, the challenges facing democracy in Venezuela were noted, as well as the plight of the Rohingya in Myanmar, Uighurs in China and the horrific humanitarian tool of conflict in Yemen and Syria. Australia opposed in principle the existence of item 7 of the agenda of the Council, as a separate agenda item focusing on a single country situation was inappropriate.


MEVLÜT ÇAVUŞOĞLU, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkey, stated that its ongoing fight against multiple threats including FETO PKK/PYD/YPG and Daesh across its southern boarder remained a necessity. Since the state of emergency had been lifted in July 2018, Turkey had concentrated its efforts on a reform agenda to advance democracy to a higher level. He reminded the Council that Turkey spent over $13 million on Syrian refugees and on promoting the human rights of those displaced in the 9-year long Syrian conflict, highlighting the hypocrisy of certain members of the Council who claimed to support human rights yet refused to open their borders to those in need. He reiterated Turkey’s support for the Palestinian people and their right to a fully sovereign State based on the 1967 borders, and highlighted the human rights violations perpetrated in the occupied Palestinian territories by the Israeli State. The Rohingya crisis was of continued serious concern. China’s treatment of Uyghurs was also a cause of concern. Turkey would like to see a peaceful resolution to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Finally, he stated that Turkish Cypriots continued to suffer unjust and inhumane embargoes in Cyprus. The Minister closed by highlighting the need for a Europe without double standards, without racism, xenophobia and other forms of discrimination, flagging the historic resolution 16/18 on combatting intolerance based on religion as a guiding principle.
