




  • 草案へのリンク含む決議採択の記述部分はすべて抽出した。観測対象が提案国の決議、採決に持ち込まれたが同じく採択に同意しなかった決議、左記に関係なく否決された決議などは多めに抽出する。

  • 韓国が、31か国がスポンサーとなり、コンセンサスで採択された L.8 地方政府を提出。
  • 修正案以外で採決に持ち込まれたのは以下の六本。 ペルー提出/42か国がスポンサーとなった L.1/Rev.1 ベネズエラ決議は中国が反対、日本、韓国は支持。同パキスタン/41か国による L.22 ミャンマー決議は中国反対、日本は棄権、韓国支持。同キューバ/8か国による L.5 民主的で平等な国際秩序、ならびに同キューバ/7か国による L.6 傭兵は中国支持、日本と韓国が反対。同スペイン/50か国による L.11 飲料水はいずれも支持。同ベネズエラ単独による L.12 開発権は中国支持、日本と韓国は棄権した。中国は L.1/Rev.1 で反対発言。L.22 で中国が反対、日本が棄権について発言した。

  • L.22 ミャンマーイスラム協力機構EU 各国が「緊密に協力し」(めずらしい組み合わせ?)、「窮状に苦しんでいた無力なロヒンギャムスリムやその他のマイノリティのために、理事会が団結して立ち上がることを期待し」て提出した。イスラム協力機構EU に加え日本は、ウイグル「やその他のマイノリティ」の「窮状」に「立ち上がる」べきだろう。

  • L.11(前出)でキルギスタンが単独で修正案 L.25 、コンセンサスで採択された、L.13/ Rev.1 人道的環境における予防可能な妊産婦の死亡率および疾病率でロシアがエジプトとともに修正案 L.31 を提出したが、いずれも投票で否決された(リンク先は国連公式文書システム(英語))。キルギスタン中央アジアで水利権を押さえているということか。いろいろな決議で「包括的性教育」を加えようとする西欧諸国に対し、まいどロシアが削除を求めて修正案を提出している。


  • (メディア報道より)






  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

    チャプター7:中国/ジャン・ドゥアン(Jiang Duan)在ジュネーブ政府代表部公使参事官

  • 関連エントリ



Establishes Mechanism to Collect Evidence of Crimes Committed in Myanmar, Extends Mandate of the Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar, Calls on Venezuela to Accept Humanitarian Assistance, and Requests a Comprehensive Report on the Human Rights Situation in Venezuela

27 September 2018

The Human Rights Council this afternoon adopted 10 resolutions and one Presidential statement, including texts that established an independent mechanism to collect evidence of most serious international crimes committed in Myanmar; extended the mandate of the independent international fact-finding mission on Myanmar until the new mechanism was operational; called on Venezuela to accept humanitarian assistance in order to address the scarcity of food, medicine and medical supplies; and requested the High Commissioner for Human Rights to prepare a comprehensive written report on the human rights situation in Venezuela.
この午後の人権理事会は、ミャンマーにおいて最も深刻な国際犯罪の証拠を収集するための独立メカニズム設置のためのテキストを含む、10の決議と一つの議長声明を採択し、新たなメカニズムが運用されるまでミャンマーに関する独立国際事実調査団のマンデートを延長し、 ベネズエラに対し食料、医薬品および医療用品の不足に対処するために人道支援を受け入れるよう要請し、ベネズエラにおける人権状況に関する包括的な書面による報告を作成するよう人権高等弁務官に要請した。


Action on Presidential Statement under the Agenda Item on Organizational and Procedural Matters

Action on Presidential Statement on the Reports of the Advisory Committee

In a Presidential statement (A/HRC/39/L.4) on the Reports of the Advisory Committee, adopted without a vote, the President of the Human Rights Council states that the Human Rights Council takes note of the reports of the Advisory Committee on its twentieth and twenty-first sessions, and notes that the Advisory Committee has made two research proposals.

Action on Resolutions under the Agenda Item on the Annual Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and Reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General

Action on Resolution on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

In a resolution (A/HRC/38/L.1/Rev.1) on the promotion and protection of human rights in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, adopted by a vote of 23 in favour, seven against and 17 abstentions, the Council welcomes the report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights entitled “Human rights violations in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: a downward spiral with no end in sight”, published in June 2018; calls on the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to accept humanitarian assistance in order to address the scarcity of food, medicine and medical supplies, the rise of malnutrition, especially among children, and the outbreak of diseases that had been previously eradicated or kept under control in South America; and urges the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to cooperate with the Office of the High Commissioner and the mechanisms of the Human Rights Council. The Council requests the High Commissioner to prepare a comprehensive written report on the human rights situation in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and to present it to the Human Rights Council at its forty-first session, to be followed by an interactive dialogue, and to present an oral update on the human rights situation to the Council at its fortieth and forty-second sessions.
支持23、反対7および棄権17の投票により採択された、ベネズエラ・ボリバル共和国における人権の促進と保護に関する決議(A/HRC/38/L.1/ Rev.1)において理事会は、2018年6月に公開された、「ベネズエラ・ボリバル共和国における人権侵害:終わりの見えない下方スパイラル」と題した国連人権高等弁務官事務所の報告書を歓迎する:ベネズエラ・ボリバル共和国政府に対し、食糧、医療および医療用品の不足、とくに児童のあいだでの栄養失調の増加、および以前に南米において根絶または管理下にあった疾患に対処するための人道支援を受け入れるよう要請し、ベネズエラ・ボリバル共和国政府が高等弁務官事務所と人権理事会のメカニズムに協力するよう強く促す。理事会は、ベネズエラ・ボリバル共和国における人権状況に関する総合的な書面による報告を作成し、人権理事会へそれを双方向対話が続く、その第四十一回セッションで提示し、理事会にその第四十回および第四十二回セッションで人権状況に関するの口頭報告を提示するよう更新高等弁務官に要請する。

The results of the vote were as follows:

In favour (23): Afghanistan, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Croatia, Ecuador, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Japan, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine and United Kingdom.

Against (7): Burundi, China, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Pakistan and Venezuela.

Abstentions (17): Angola, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Iraq, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, South Africa, Togo, Tunisia and United Arab Emirates.


Peru, introducing draft resolution L.1/Rev.1 on behalf of a group of countries, said the group of countries was convinced that Member States of the United Nations were duty bound to uphold the universal protection of human rights. The group of countries expressed deep concern about the human rights situation in Venezuela, which had resulted in over 2 million people fleeing to neighbouring countries in search of safety. The aim of this draft resolution was to give a voice to the millions of Venezuelans suffering from this crisis which was unprecedented in the region. The group of countries urged the Venezuelan Government to accept the generous offer of assistance from the Council. The proposal was governed by the legitimacy granted under the Human Rights Council to take a stand when there was a situation that truly imperilled human rights. In respect of the sovereign legitimacy of Venezuela, there was no desire to interfere in the country. The text of the draft resolution had been subject to review by many delegations which participated in the two consultations that were convened. The Council should examine, discuss and approve this resolution.
ペルーは、各国グループを代表して決議草案L.1 / Rev.1を提出し、国連は、国連加盟国が人権の普遍的な保護を支持する義務があると確信していたと述べた。各国グループは、200万人を超える人々が安全を求めて近隣諸国に逃亡した、ベネズエラにおける人権状況について深刻な懸念を表明した。この決議草案の目的は、この地域において前例のない、この危機に苦しむ何百万人のベネズエラ人に、声を与えることだった。各国グループは、理事会からの寛大な支援を受け入れるようベネズエラ政府に強く促した。この提案は、真に人権を傷つけた状況があった場合、態度を明確にするために人権理事会のもとで認められた正当性によって統制された。ベネズエラの主権正当性に関しては、同国に干渉する要求はなかった。決議草案のテキストは、招集された二度の協議に参加した多くの代表団による審査の対象となっていた。理事会は、この決議を検討し、議論し、承認するべきである。


United Kingdom, in a general comment, said it remained seriously concerned about the human rights situation in Venezuela. The United Kingdom emphasized that the situation in Venezuela rightly deserved the attention of the Council. The resolution represented the next logical step to address the crisis in Venezuela.


Venezuela, speaking as the concerned country, rejected the draft resolution L.1/Rev.1. Never had such a hostile initiative been proposed, which affected sovereignty and constituted interference in the affairs of a State. It was promoted by countries in line with the United States and Israel. Venezuela did not approve of the practice of adopting resolutions that did not have the approval of the concerned State. Venezuela was a Latin American country that protected migrants and ensured that all human rights were guaranteed. The resolution falsely represented what was happening as a humanitarian process. This was part of coercive unilateral measures against the Venezuelan Government. Some behind the draft resolution had generated xenophobic movements against the Venezuelan people. Venezuela condemned the United States’ policies, particularly its moving of the American Embassy to Jerusalem; 128 countries had rejected that movement, however, those were the same States that submitted this resolution against Venezuela; it was the start of an interventionist escalation. Venezuela had intervened to support developing countries while in other places, drug cartels were determining State policy. Venezuela also did not accept the xenophobia generated against southern countries. Venezuela asked that the resolution be subject to a vote within the Council.
ベネズエラは、関係国として発言し、決議草案L.1 / Rev.1を拒否した。主権に影響を及ぼし、国家の問題に干渉をもたらした、このような敵対的イニシアティブが提案されたことはなかった。それは米国とイスラエルに沿った国々によって推進された。ベネズエラは、関係国の承認を得なかった決議を採択する慣行を承認しなかった。ベネズエラは、移住者を保護し、すべての人権が保証されたことを保証するラテンアメリカ国だった。決議は、人道的プロセスとして起こっていたことを誤って表明した。これはベネズエラ政府に対する一方的強制措置の一環だった。この決議草案の背後の一部は、ベネズエラの人々に対する異文化嫌悪運動を起こしていた。ベネズエラは米国の政策、とくにアメリカ大使館のエルサレムへの移転政策を非難し、128か国がその動きを拒否したが、それらはベネズエラに対してこの決議を提出した同じ締約国であり、それは介入派のエスカレーションの始まりだった。ベネズエラ発展途上国を支援するために介入したが、他の場所では、薬物カルテルが国家の政策を決定していた。ベネズエラはまた、南部諸国に対して起こった外国人嫌悪を受け入れなかった。ベネズエラは決議が理事会での投票への対象となるよう依頼した。


China, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, said it always followed the principle of non-interference. Venezuela could handle its own matters and dialogue was supported within the existing framework in Venezuela. This was the greatest common denominator for all sides. Country resolutions were not supported by China, as all differences could be resolved through dialogue. In view of the above, China would vote against the resolution.


The Council then adopted resolution L1/Rev 1 by a vote of 23 in favour, 7 against, and 17 abstentions.

Action on Resolution on the Situation of Rohingya Muslims and other Minorities in Myanmar

In a resolution (A/HRC/39/L.22) on the Situation of human rights of Rohingya Muslims and other minorities in Myanmar, adopted by a vote of 35 in favour, three against and seven abstentions, the Council decides to establish an ongoing independent mechanism to collect, consolidate, preserve and analyse evidence of the most serious international crimes and violations of international law committed in Myanmar since 2011, and to prepare files in order to facilitate and expedite fair and independent criminal proceedings, in accordance with international law standards, in national, regional or international courts or tribunals that have or may in the future have jurisdiction over these crimes, in accordance with international law; and also decides that the mechanism shall, inter alia, report on its main activities on an annual basis to the Human Rights Council as of its forty-second session and to the General Assembly as of its seventy-fourth session. The Council requests the Secretary-General to appoint the staff of the mechanism as expeditiously as possible… (and) allocate the resources necessary for the implementation of the present resolution, including the logistical and technical resources necessary to support the functioning of the mechanism.

The Council decides to extend the mandate of the independent international fact-finding mission… until the new mechanism is operational to ensure that the large and continually increasing amount of evidence of human rights violations and abuses it has collected is fully documented, verified, consolidated and preserved…, and requests the fact-finding mission to submit a final report on its main activities to the Council at its forty-second session; (and) requests the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to present a written report, to be followed by an interactive dialogue, to the Human Rights Council at its forty-third session, on the root causes of the human rights violations and abuses the Rohingya Muslim minority and other minorities in Myanmar are facing…,and to recommend concrete measures to be taken by the Government of Myanmar and the international community to address the current situation.

The results of the vote were as follows:

In favour (35): Afghanistan, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Togo, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom.

Against (3): Burundi, China and Philippines.

Abstentions (7): Angola, Ethiopia, Japan, Kenya, Mongolia, Nepal and South Africa.


Pakistan, introducing resolution L.22 on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, said the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the European Union had worked closely to agree on the common text that was presented. The text was their united voice in support of the Rohingya Muslims and other minorities in Myanmar. Both parties had reached common grounds on their principled positions on various issues in view of a grave tragedy that merited an exceptional and robust response from the international community. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation hoped that the Council would stand united for the helpless Rohingya Muslims and other minorities, who had suffered in Myanmar for decades, a plight that had largely been ignored by the international community. A consensual adoption of the resolution today would ensure accountability for the perpetrators of those horrific crimes and justice for the victims. Pursuant to the adoption, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation also requested the High Commissioner for an early preparation of the terms of reference for the appointment of the staff of the Mechanism, in consultation with all States, including the Organization of Islamic Cooperation countries.


Myanmar, speaking as the concerned country, said that many delegations had stressed that constructive approaches and genuine cooperation were important for the promotion and protection of human rights. What had happened to those principles when crafting this resolution, which was based on impetuous judgement based on the Fact-Finding Mission’s report, replete with unverified information. Objectivity and impartiality were essential principles for all to adhere to, especially when it came to issues that had a far-reaching impact on a Member State’s sovereignty. The Government of Myanmar had rejected the Fact-Finding Mission since the beginning, as its acceptance could have created strong opposition and instability inside the country. They had, therefore, set up their own independent commission of enquiry. The Fact-Finding Mission’s report was found to be unbalanced and seemed to encourage the disunity of the nation by dividing among national races. The draft resolution was based on serious but unverified accusations. Non-constructive measures and retributive actions would only further polarize the divided communities they wished to reconcile and undermine the Government’s ongoing efforts to bring peace, national reconciliation and development in the entire nation. Impetuous judgement on a country over such serious and important issues should never be made. The Government of Myanmar took the allegations of human rights violations seriously and had established the Independent Commission of Inquiry, including two diplomats, to investigate the allegations at its own initiative. Time and space needed to be given for the Commission to come up with their report. The Government was keeping up efforts for the peace process and national reconciliation, Rakhine was one of the many challenges facing Myanmar on its path to democratization. It was regrettable that the draft resolution contained intrusive language and demands that would not contribute to finding a lasting solution to the delicate and complex situation of Rakhine state; some elements challenged the sovereignty of the nation. Myanmar believed that country specific resolutions were not conducive to meaningful dialogue but gave rise to polarization and confrontation. The delegation of Myanmar categorically rejected draft resolution L.22 and appealed to the Council’s Member States to vote against it.


China, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, condemned all forms of violence against civilians. Recently, positive progress had been noted after Bangladesh and Myanmar had a meeting, reaching consensus on some important issues. Myanmar recently established the Commission of Inquiry. China provided humanitarian support to Bangladesh and Myanmar. The Rakhine state issue was a complex one, involving history and ethnicity and could not be solved overnight. Both Bangladesh and Myanmar were China’s neighbours. The immediate priority was to address repatriation and practical measures had to be taken. China was ready to provide support to improve the living conditions of people. Development cooperation at the border area had to be enhanced and China was working with both countries to improve the situation. Today three ministers were working in New York to find a solution to this crisis. The Council had to play a constructive role. Myanmar had made its comments but the draft resolution did not respect the views of Myanmar. The views of China were not adopted either and the draft resolution would only deteriorate the situation and would not address the issue comprehensively. China requested the Council to put L.22 to a vote and China would vote against it.


Japan, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, expressed concern over the situation of human rights in Rakhine state, and the precarious situation facing those who had fled to Bangladesh. Japan emphasized the necessity to allow access for United Nations personnel to Rakhine state. Japan commended the commencement of activities by the Independent Commission of Inquiry, which constituted an important step forward in resolving this crisis. However, Japan emphasized that it was vital that Myanmar itself carried out a transparent and credible investigation into the current situation. Based on this, Japan had elected to abstain from the vote on this resolution. Japan would continue to participate in discussions with the international community to improve the human rights situation in Myanmar.


The Council then adopted resolution L.22 by a vote of 35 in favour, 3 against, and 7 abstentions.

Action on Resolutions under the Agenda Item on the Promotion and Protection of All Human Rights, Civil, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, including the Right to Development

Action on Resolution on the World Programme for Human Rights Education

In a resolution (A/HRC/39/L.2) on the World Programme for Human Rights Education, adopted without a vote, the Council[…]


Action on Resolution on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order

In a resolution (A/HRC/39/L.5) on the Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order, adopted by a vote of 28 in favour, 14 against and five abstentions, the Council urges States to continue their efforts, through enhanced international cooperation, towards the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order; invites the Independent Expert to continue his research into the impact of financial and economic policies pursued by international organizations and other institutions on a democratic and equitable international order, in particular those of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund; and requests the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to continue to provide all the necessary human and financial resources for the effective fulfilment of the mandate by the Independent Expert. The Council also requests the Independent Expert to submit to the Human Rights Council, at its forty-second session, a report on the implementation of the present resolution.

The results of the vote were as follows:

In favour (28): Angola, Burundi, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, South Africa, Togo, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela.

Against (14): Australia, Belgium, Croatia, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Japan, Republic of Korea, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

Abstentions (5): Afghanistan, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Peru.

Ukraine subsequently stated that there had been an error in the delegation’s vote and that it had intended to vote against the draft resolution.

Cuba, introducing draft resolution L.5, explained that a democratic and equitable international order could not be achieved in the current context of deregulation of finance, trade and services. Accordingly, it invited the Independent Expert to continue his studies about the impact that economic and financial policies had on international organizations and other institutions. No country could fully and freely exercise the right to peace and self-determination in a healthy environment without a change to the international order, which constituted the major obstacle to the right to development of the countries of the South. Cuba expressed hope that the initiative would be adopted.


Slovakia, speaking in an explanation of the vote before the vote on behalf of the European Union, said the European Union was founded on a shared determination to promote peace and stability and build a world founded on human rights, human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law. Those principles underpinned all aspects of the internal and external policies of the European Union. On several occasions, they had underlined their commitment to continue efforts to further a democratic and equitable international order and were open to engage to find a way forward on that topic. They felt the issues raised in the text of the draft resolution presented by Cuba needed further and careful analysis. They regretted not having had sufficient time to engage on it and encouraged the main sponsor to hold at least two informal consultations on presented initiatives. The European Union believed a significant number of defining elements of the resolution extended beyond the Council’s mandate and regretted the selective quoting of documents such as the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action. They called for a vote on the text and said they would vote against it.

The Council then adopted resolution L.5 by a vote of 28 in favour, 14 against, and 5 abstentions.

Action on Resolution on the Use of Mercenaries as a Means of Violating Human Rights and Impeding the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination

In a resolution (A/HRC/39/L.6) on The use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination, adopted by a vote of 30 in favour, 15 against and two abstentions, the Council requests the Working Group [on the use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination] to continue to study and identify new sources and causes, emerging issues, manifestations and trends with regard to mercenaries and mercenary-related activities and their impact on human rights, particularly on the right of peoples to self-determination; and urges all States to cooperate fully with the Working Group in the fulfilment of its mandate. The Council also requests the Working Group to… report its findings on the use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination to the General Assembly at its seventy-fourth session and to the Human Rights Council at its forty-second session.
支持30、反対15、棄権2の投票により採択された、人権侵害の手段としての傭兵の使用ならびに人民の自決権の行使を妨げる行為に関する決議(A/HRC/39/L.6)において、理事会は、[人権侵害の手段としての傭兵の使用ならびに人民の自決権の行使を妨げる行為に関する] 作業部会に、傭兵や傭兵関連活動、それらの人権、とくに人民の自決権に対する影響に関する新たな情報源、原因、新たに発生した問題、兆候およびトレンドを引き続き調査し特定するよう要請し、そのマンデートの実行のために作業部会と完全に協力するようすべての締約国に強く促す。理事会はまた、総会に対しその第七十四回セッションで、人権理事会に対しその第四十二回セッションで人権侵害の手段としての傭兵の使用ならびに人民の自決権の行使を妨げる行為に関する調査結果を…報告するよう作業部会に要請する。

The results of the vote were as follows:

In favour (30): Angola, Brazil, Burundi, Chile, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, South Africa, Togo, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela.

Against (15): Australia, Belgium, Croatia, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Japan, Republic of Korea, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine and United Kingdom.

Abstentions (2): Afghanistan and Mexico.

Cuba, introducing resolution L.6, said it was an honour to present the draft resolution on the use of mercenaries. The phenomenon of the use of mercenaries had to be dealt with by the Council. Practice of the use of mercenaries in modern times violated the United Nations Charter. The draft resolution condemned the impunity of mercenaries and all States were urged to prevent and combat such practices. There was a need to examine the link between mercenaries and between private security companies. Some States were against this, and those were the same opposing a legally binding agreement on regulating private security companies. All States that were committed to combatting mercenaries were called to vote in favour.

Slovakia, in an explanation of the vote before the vote on behalf of the European Union, said that it had made a number of proposals that would have helped to ensure much greater conceptual clarity on the resolution, which in its current form confused the roles and actions of mercenaries, a category specifically defined in international law, and the activities of private military and private security companies. The European Union had also proposed to phase out the Working Group on the use of mercenaries, and proposed to replace it with a United Nations Independent Expert on the issue of regulation, monitoring and oversight of the activities of private military and security companies. The European Union expressed disappointment that its proposals were not acceptable and that they were not reflected in the resolution. The European Union hoped that Cuba would further explore its proposals in view of future negotiations. For these reasons, the European Union said it could not support resolution L6.

The Council then adopted resolution L6 by a vote of 30 in favour, 15 against and 2 abstentions.

Action on Resolution on the Safety of Journalists

In a resolution (A/HRC/39/L.7) on The safety of journalists, adopted without a vote, the Council[…]


Action on Resolution on Local Government and Human Rights

In a resolution (A/HRC/39/L.8) on Local government and human rights, adopted without a vote, the Council[…]


Republic of Korea, introducing draft resolution L.8, on behalf of a cross-regional core group, said that the initiative behind this draft aimed at realizing the potential of local governments as final enablers of human rights. Empowering local governments was all the more relevant in building good governance to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, which required multi-stakeholder partnerships. The draft resolution built upon the panel discussion on local government and human rights, held in September 2017, which highlighted the role that local stakeholders could play in local governance. Local stakeholders could take various forms, ranging from tribal leaders, minorities and women’s associations. The draft aimed to encourage interaction and exchange of knowledge between local governments and local stakeholders and increase their cooperation. The text mandated the Office of the High Commissioner to prepare a report on effective methods to foster such cooperation. Hope was expressed that the resolution would be adopted by consensus.


Action on Resolution on the Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation

In a resolution (A/HRC/39/L.11) on The human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation, adopted by a vote of 44 in favour, one against and two abstentions as orally revised, the Council calls upon States to, inter alia, implement the internationally agreed Sustainable Development Goals and targets, including Goal 6 on ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all; ensure the progressive realization of the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation for all in a non-discriminatory manner while eliminating inequalities in access; promote both women’s leadership and their full, effective and equal participation in decision-making on water and sanitation management, (and) ensure that a gender-based approach is adopted in relation to water and sanitation programmes; address the widespread stigma and shame surrounding menstruation and menstrual hygiene; and make efforts to mitigate the disproportionate impact of water, sanitation and hygiene-related diseases on children and reduce child mortality, morbidity and stunting by ensuring the progressive realization of the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation. The Council requests the Secretary-General and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to provide the Special Rapporteur [on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation] with all the resources and assistance necessary for the effective fulfilment of the mandate.
口頭にて改訂され、支持44、反対一および棄権二の投票により採択された、安全な飲料水と衛生への人権に関する決議(A/HRC/39/L.11)において理事会は、締約国に対し、とりわけ、すべてのための水と衛生の可用性と持続可能な管理の確保に関する目標6を含む、国際的に合意された持続可能な開発目標とターゲットを履行することを要請し、アクセスにおける不平等を排除しつつ、差別なき方法においてすべてのために安全な飲料水と衛生への人権の漸進的な実現を確保し、水と衛生管理に関する女性のリーダーシップと意思決定への完全、効果的かつ平等な参加を促進し、(ならびに)ジェンダーに基づくアプローチが水と衛生プログラムに関して採られるよう確保し、月経と月経の衛生を取り巻く広義の汚名と恥を扱い、安全な飲料水と衛生への人権の漸進的な実現を確保することによって、児童に対する水、衛生および衛生関連疾患の不均衡な影響を緩和し、児童死亡率、罹患率および発育阻害を軽減する取り組みを行なう。理事会は、マンデートの効果的な実行に必要なすべての資源と援助を [安全な飲料水と衛生への人権に関する] 特別報告者に提供するよう事務総長と国連人権高等弁務官に要請する。

The results of the vote were as follows:

In favour (44): Angola, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Burundi, Chile, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Iraq, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Togo, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and Venezuela.

Against (1): Kyrgyzstan.


Abstentions (2): Afghanistan and Ethiopia.

Spain, introducing resolution L.11, titled ‘The Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation,” explained that substantial changes had been made to this resolution with the goal to further increase the support for the text and to preserve the consensus on this most important issue of the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation. Spain emphasized that, along with Germany, it had demonstrated great flexibility during consultations to ensure that everyone would be able to fully support the text. Spain said it was content that the useful updates could be agreed on in light of the importance of the 2030 Agenda for the human rights to water and sanitation. Spain emphasized that the resolution now addressed specific challenges for woman and girls.

Action on Amendment L.25

Kyrgyzstan, introducing amendment L.25, said it was committed to the realization of the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation at the national level following the generally recognized principles of international law. It was imperative that human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation be confined to their own territories, thus allowing for the definition of the precise area of responsibility and adopting the resolution on a consensus basis. In 2016 and 2017, Kyrgyzstan put forward the proposal to limit the rights for safe drinking water and sanitation to national boundaries but because of lack of support from a majority, they had to vote against those resolutions. To save the consensus on the draft resolution, Kyrgyzstan proposed the written amendments: that States had the primary responsibility to ensure the full realization of all human rights and must take steps to achieve progressively the full realization of the rights to safe drinking water and sanitation on their own territories by all appropriate means, and to ensure the progressive realization of the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation for all within their own territories in a non-discriminatory matter while eliminating inequalities in access.

Germany, in a general comment, said it could not accept the amendment L.25 as it was narrowing the right to safe drinking water and sanitation to State territory. It went against the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and questioned the very foundation of the Council and its mechanisms. Germany called for a vote on the amendment.


The Council then rejected amendment L.25 by a vote of 2 in favour, 33 against, and 12 abstentions.

Kyrgyzstan, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, explained that it had not managed to come to a consensus with the sponsoring States, and given that the Council had rejected its amendment, Kyrgyzstan said it had no choice but to put the entire resolution to a vote and would be voting against it.


The Council then adopted resolution L.11 by a vote of 44 in favour, 7 against, and 1 abstention.

Action on Resolution on the Right to Development

In a resolution (A/HRC/39/L.12) on The right to development, adopted by a vote of 30 in favour, 12 against and five abstentions, the Council requests the Office of the High Commissioner, in the implementation of the Declaration on the Right to Development, to take sufficient measures to ensure balanced and visible allocation of resources and due attention to ensure the visibility of the right to development by identifying and implementing tangible projects dedicated to the right to development; decides, inter alia, that the Working Group [on the Right to Development] at its twentieth session shall commence the discussion to elaborate a draft legally binding instrument on the right to development through a collaborative process of engagement, including on the content and scope of the future instrument; and that the Chair-Rapporteur of the Working Group shall prepare a draft legally binding instrument on the basis of the discussions held during the twentieth session of the Working Group and the resource material from previous Working Group sessions, to serve as a basis for substantive negotiations on a draft legally binding instrument, commencing at its twenty-first session. The Council requests the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee, while taking into account the views of Member States, to prepare a research-based report on the importance of a legally binding instrument on the right to development, to present an oral update on the preparation of the report to the Council at its forty-second session, and to present the report to the Council at its forty-fifth session.
支持30、反対12、棄権5の投票により採択された、開発権に関する決議(A/HRC/39/L.12)において理事会は、開発権に関する宣言の実施において、開発権に特化した具体的なプロジェクトを特定し実施することにより、バランスの取れた目に見える資源の配分と開発権の可視性を確保することに注意を払うための十分な措置を取るよう高等弁務官事務所に要請し、とりわけ、[開発権に関する] 作業部会が、その第二十回セッションで、将来の文書の内容と範囲に関してを含む、関与の共同プロセスを通じた、開発権に関する法的拘束力のある草案を作成するために議論を開始し、作業部会議長報告者は、その第二十一回セッションから始まる、法的拘束力のある文書草案に関する実質的交渉のための基礎となる、作業部会の第二十回セッション中に行なわれた議論と以前の作業部会セッションからの資料に基づいて、法的拘束力のある文書草案を作成するものとすることを決定する。理事会は、加盟国の見解を考慮しながら、理事会へ第四十二回セッションで報告作成に関する口頭最新情報を提示し、理事会へ第四十五回セッションで報告を提示するために開発権に関する法的拘束力のある文書の重要性に関する研究に基づく報告を作成するよう人権理事会諮問委員会に要請する。

The results of the vote were as follows:

In favour (30): Afghanistan, Angola, Brazil, Burundi, Chile, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, South Africa, Togo, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela.

Against (12): Australia, Belgium, Croatia, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine and United Kingdom.

Abstentions (5): Iceland, Japan, Mexico, Panama and Republic of Korea.

Venezuela, introducing on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement draft resolution L.12, believed that without the right to development, it was not possible to have other human rights. The right to development should be raised to the same level as other rights and fundamental freedoms. The Non-Aligned Movement also recognized the efforts of the Working Group and its important contributions to the mandate. In this vein, the eradication of poverty in all its forms was a critical element to achieving this right. In the Optional Protocol 17, the Working Group’s mandate was developed. They asked the Special Rapporteur to prepare a draft, a legally binding instrument, which would serve as a basis for negotiations. In the Optional Protocol 18, the draft resolution stated that the advisory committee of the Council should prepare a draft to be submitted. Concluding, the Non-Aligned Movement believed that mainstreaming the right to development was important to the work of the Human Rights Council and the way needed to be smoothed to implement elements of that universal right.

Australia, in a general comment, said it could not support the draft resolution L.12 and its efforts to further develop international legal standards for development. Australia said there were already numerous international human rights treaties, and moreover, Australia worried that the international human rights architecture was already facing great pressure. Australia therefore could not support a proposal which would put further pressure on the international rights system.


The Council then adopted resolution L.12 by a vote of 30 in favour, 12 against, and 5 abstentions.

Action on Resolution on Preventable Maternal Mortality and Morbidity and Human Rights in Humanitarian Settings

In a resolution (A/HRC/39/L.13/Rev.1) on Preventable maternal mortality and morbidity and human rights in humanitarian settings, adopted without a vote, the Council requests States and other relevant actors to give renewed emphasis to maternal mortality and morbidity initiatives in their development partnerships and international assistance and cooperation arrangements… and to integrate a human rights-based perspective into such initiatives, addressing the impact that discrimination against women and girls has on maternal mortality and morbidity; and requests the High Commissioner to prepare, from within existing resources, … a follow-up report on good practices and challenges to respecting, protecting and fulfilling all human rights in the elimination of preventable maternal mortality and morbidity… and to present it to the Human Rights Council at its forty-fifth session. The Council also requests the High Commissioner… to organize a two-day meeting in 2019, to discuss good practices, gaps and challenges in the application of a human rights-based approach to the implementation of policies and programmes to reduce preventable maternal mortality and morbidity in humanitarian settings, and to submit a summary report thereon to the Human Rights Council at its forty-second session.
投票なしで採択された、人道的環境における予防可能な妊産婦の死亡率および疾病率および人権に関する決議(A/HRC/39/L.13/ Rev.1)において理事会は、彼らの開発パートナーシップおよび国際援助および協力協定…における妊産婦の死亡率および疾病率イニシアチブに新たな重点を置き、女性および女児に対する差別がもたらすインパクトに対処するために、妊産婦の死亡率および疾病率に及ぼす影響に対処するために、人権に基づく観点をそのような取り組みに統合するよう締約国およびその他の関連する主体に要請し、予防可能な妊産婦の死亡率および疾病率…の撲滅におけるすべての人権尊重、保護および達成のためのグッドプラクティスおよび課題に関するフォローアップ報告を既存の資源、…の中から準備し、それを人権理事会へその第四十五回セッションで提示するよう高等弁務官に要請する。理事会はまた、人道的環境における予防可能な妊産婦の死亡率および疾病率…を低下させるための政策およびプログラムの実施に関する人権に基づくアプローチの適用におけるグッドプラクティス、ギャップ、および挑戦を議論するために、2019年に二日間の会合を開催し、要約報告を人権理事会へその第四十二回セッションで提出するよう、…高等弁務官に要請する。

Colombia, introducing resolution L.13/Rev.1, said it was an honour to present the draft co-sponsored by over 50 States. The world was facing a huge humanitarian crisis and the Council had to make a difference. Women and girls were exposed to trafficking, sexual slavery, forced sterilization, unwanted pregnancies and sexual violence, particularly in situations of forced displacement. The resolution recognized such tragic realities and sought to provide a response in terms of prevention and offering remedies. It asked for better data collection, better coordination between humanitarian and development actors and better international cooperation. It was asking for a meeting in 2019 to be held to discuss practices on preventing maternal mortality and morbidity. If correctly implemented, the Council would be saving lives of girls and women everywhere. The high participation of countries during the drafting process was commended and the States were asked to adopt the resolution by consensus.
コロンビアは、決議L.13 / Rev.1を提出し、50以上の締約国によって共同スポンサーされた草案を発表することは名誉だと述べた。世界は巨大な人道危機に直面しており、理事会は違いをもたらさなければならなかった。女性と女児は、とくに強制移住の状況において、人身売買、性的奴隷制度、強制避妊、望まない妊娠および性的暴力にさらされていた。決議はそのような悲劇的な現実を認識し、予防と救済策の観点における対応を提供しようとした。より良いデータ収集、人道支援と開発援助の主体のあいだのより良い調整および、より良い国際協力を依頼した。妊産婦の死亡率および疾病率の予防に関する実践を議論するための会合が2019年に開催されることを依頼していた。正しく実施されれば、理事会は、いずれの場所においても女児と女性の命を救う。起草プロセス中の国々の高参加率が評価され、締約国はコンセンサスにより決議を採択するよう依頼された。

Action on Amendment L.31

Russia, introducing amendment L.31, noted the constructive approach taken by sponsors in search for acceptable wording. However, there were still contradictory ideas in the text, so Russia on behalf of other countries introduced the amendment. The approach towards preventing maternal mortality and morbidity was agreed. However, was comprehensive sexual education really such a significant factor in preventing it? It was important to raise awareness of girls; however, there was no direct link to prevention of maternal mortality and morbidity. Such an approach could be detrimental to the well-being of girls, which would run counter to the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Post-natal services, nutrition and adequate medicine were missing in a humanitarian setting, not sexual education.

Iceland, in general comment explaining the position of co-sponsors, said that they could not accept the amendment from the Russian Federation, which sought to remove the term ‘comprehensive sexuality education’ and the references to sexual and reproductive health education in the context of women and girls living in humanitarian settings, who faced disproportionate vulnerability. Iceland reminded the Council that it had often reaffirmed the importance of sexuality and reproductive education for women and girls, and underlined the importance for the Council to maintain consistency with respect to this issue. Iceland called for a vote on the proposed amendment and encouraged members to vote against this amendment.


The Council then rejected amendment L.31 by a vote of 14 in favour, 27 against, and 4 abstentions.

Nigeria, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, recognized the important role of the Council’s efforts to combat maternal mortality and morbidity. They remained fully committed to global efforts in its prevention. The term comprehensive sexual education did not enjoy universal acceptance and they disassociated themselves from it.

The Council then adopted resolution L.13/Rev.1 without a vote.
