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  • アル・フセイン国連人権高等弁務官が任期最後のグローバル・アップデートで北朝鮮と中国に言及。なお、当会議要約では、声明のチベットウイグルへの言及が「要約」されている(下記「第38回人権理事会でのゼイド・ラアド・アル・フセイン国連人権高等弁務官による開会声明と人権問題のグローバル・アップデート」参照)。翌日、本報告に関する一般討論が行なわれ、中国と北朝鮮が反論(下記掲載関連エントリ参照)。

  • アル・タワディ2022年カタールW杯組織委員会事務総長が高等弁務官を持ち上げ、平昌オリンピックの南北朝鮮合同チームを称賛。「一体となって」の応援もけっこうだが、政治がスポーツの祭典をプロパガンダに利用することが再び「実証された」、だろう。なお、カタールW杯については以下のような報道もあった。




    ※ また下記は、関連施設建設に北朝鮮から三千人もの労働者が送り込まれていたが制裁により国外退去となり、「利権」は中国に移ったと報じている。

  • 国連人権高等弁務官事務所ホームページ

    • 「ニュース・サーチ」(英語





    • 「 OHCHR | セッション38 人権理事会第38回セッション」(英語

  • TRF(トルコ・ラジオ・テレビ協会)の報道)

  • 関連エントリ



Hears from the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of the United Kingdom, and the Secretary-General of the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy of Qatar

18 June 2018

The Human Rights Council this morning opened its thirty-eighth regular session, hearing Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, deliver his last global update to the Council before his mandate ends in August 2018. The Council also heard an address by Boris Johnson, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of the United Kingdom, and a statement by Hassan Al Thawadi, Secretary-General of the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy of Qatar.



The Council has before it the Agenda and annotations for the thirty-eighth session of the Human Rights Council (A/HRC/38/1).


Statement by the High Commissioner for Human Rights

ZEID RA’AD AL HUSSEIN, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, […]

In Nicaragua, anti-government protests had led to the killing of at least 178 people, almost entirely at the hands of the police force. The gravity of the events could merit a Commission of Inquiry. Remote monitoring in the Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea found little change to the country’s longstanding, grave and systematic violations of human rights. He called on authorities to step up engagement with international human rights institutions. Making human rights a part of peace talks would lead to more sustainable peace.

Israel continued to deny access to the occupied Palestinian territory by the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967. In China, the High Commissioner’s Office had not been granted unfettered access to the country. The High Commissioner remained dismayed by China’s continuing efforts to prevent independent members of civil society from engaging with human rights mechanisms.


At the same time, he was pleased to note a number of positive developments with respect to access for the Special Procedures. These included an increased response rate to communications, now at 68 per cent (an increase of 13 per cent over 2016); and Afghanistan’s issuance of a standing invitation to all mandate-holders, taking the number of States having done so to 118 UN Member States and one non-member Observer State. He noted and commended the following States which had hosted at least five visits by thematic mandates in the last five years: Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Chile, Georgia, Ghana, Greece, Honduras, Italy, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Statement by the Secretary-General of the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy of Qatar

HASSAN AL THAWADI, Secretary-General of the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy of Qatar, expressed his great honour for addressing the Council and noted that the High Commissioner had played an invaluable role in supporting the reform process in Qatar, and his encouragement and understanding of the importance of a multifaceted approach to human rights, including through sport, had allowed Qatar to make significant strides in the last few years. Mr. Al Thawadi noted that human progress had transformed the world into a global village thanks to rapid advancements in technology and communication, allowing for cross-cultural interaction. Nonetheless, the world was speedily rushing towards a breaking point, straining the ties that bound people; ideological divides had also been splitting nations. Sport transcended society and the power of sporting diplomacy had been demonstrated earlier this year at the Winter Olympics in Pyeonchang when the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had marched together under a “Unified Korea” flag and competed with a unified ice hockey team. Through sport, deeply entrenched divisions had been cast aside and the Korean Peninsula had been united to cheer on their athletes.

