




  • 発言した38か国中、アメリカ、日本、韓国、チェコ、オーストラリア、カナダ、ノルウェー、フランスの8か国が北朝鮮に言及。相変わらず日本へは慰安婦ガーと反撃しているが、韓国がこの問題を控えると、北朝鮮の発言だけに逆に信憑性に疑問を抱く雰囲気が醸成されてくるような気もしないでもない(楽観的すぎるか)。

  • その韓国は「理事会の注意を要する人権状況」に関して日本に言及せず。すでに「表現の自由」の会合で教科書に絡めて発言してきたように慰安婦もどうなるか分からないが、徴用工でも研究中か。

  • ドイツ、スイス、フランス、アイルランド、(イギリス、下記参照)の4(5)か国が中国に言及。

  • 中国への言及が少ない気もするが、アフリカ始め世界中悲惨な状況がたくさんあるということで(言及された数を国別に比較した訳ではないので雰囲気)。が、当会議要約、イギリスが中国を非難したことを中国の発言で要約しているが、イギリスの部分では、そのような発言が見えない。実際にはイギリスは中国だけでなく北朝鮮についても発言しており(下記 UN Web TV 参照)、言及した国についても「要約」されている模様。なにか意図が働いているのかは知らないが。NGO からは、8日の会合に続いてヘルシンキ人権財団が中国に言及。

  • アップされた原文は、なぜか北朝鮮の表記のうちオーストラリア、カナダおよび日本の最後の発言だけゴシック体になっており目立つ(オーストラリアは「北朝鮮と政府」の部分。日本では最後の「北朝鮮はこの問題に実質的な対応をしていなかった」の部分全体も)。

  • しかし毎度のことなれど、北朝鮮の「断固たる」主張は味わい深い。清々しくさえある。名演説をお楽しみください(訳はあれですが)。※もちろん主張に組みしている訳ではございません。

  • 山城博治氏への我那覇真子氏のカウンタースピーチについては、下記の関連エントリ 2017-06-14 参照。

  • (反差別国際運動/山城博治氏スピーチ)


  • 関連エントリ



Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Presents Oral Update on Eritrea

15 June 2017

The Human Rights Council this afternoon started its general debate on human rights situations that require the Council’s attention after hearing an oral update by the Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights on cooperation between Eritrea and the Office on the situation of human rights in that country.

General Debate on Human Rights Situations that Require the Council’s Attention


United States remained concerned about the human rights situations in Syria, Myanmar, Belarus, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the regions of Ukraine not under government control. The United States were deeply concerned by the arbitrary detention, excessive sentencing and torture that Iran imposed on human rights defenders and minorities. Gross human rights violations and abuses in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, including summary executions and enslavement, were extremely worrisome. The United States condemned the suppression of protests in Venezuela and the use of military courts to try civilians.


Germany was concerned about the deteriorating situation in Venezuela and the violations of human rights in South Sudan. Germany was deeply concerned by reports about the targeted persecution of homosexuals in Chechnya. Germany feared that the increasing repression against civil society in Egypt might contribute to radicalisation and undermine the stability in the country. Germany remained deeply worried about widespread human rights abuses in China, especially in Tibet and neighbouring regions.

Japan regretted that human rights situations that required the Council’s attention remained prevalent not only in Syria, but also in Asia, the Middle East and Africa. The human rights situation in the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea, including the issue of abductions, had to be jointly addressed by the international community. Japan called on that country to listen sincerely to the repeated concern from the international community, and to cooperate with relevant United Nations human rights mechanisms.


Republic of Korea urged the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to investigate the reported mass killings in Kasai and to cooperate with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. In South Sudan, it called for a stop to targeting of civilians, particularly of women and children. It commended the Central African Republic for having taken measures to initiate transitional justice. It remained concerned about systematic, widespread and grave human rights abuses in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.


China noted that discussions under item 4 should be held in line with the principles of objectivity, constructive dialogue and cooperation. Unfortunately, the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany attacked other countries, staining the Council’s work. Their own human rights records did not look good, with xenophobia and violence against refugees and migrants increasing. They turned a blind eye to their own problems while criticizing others.

Switzerland deplored the use of the death penalty in Saudi Arabia and Iran. In Nigeria, Switzerland deplored that crimes were punished by the death penalty in various states. In China, despite the reduced scope of the number of crimes punished by the death penalty, there was still a high number of executions for crimes that were not always grave. Increasing repression against civil society in Mexico was particularly worrisome. Switzerland was worried that the new law on non-governmental organizations in Egypt would further narrow the operative space for these organizations.


Czechia voiced alarm over the use of deadly force by the police against protesters in Venezuela, and about increasing restrictions on the right to peaceful assembly and assaults on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons in Chechnya. It urged the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to stop systematic human rights abuses. It was shocked by the discovery of mass graves in the Kasai province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


Australia highlighted that the human rights situation in Syria remained catastrophic. Atrocities included torture, extrajudicial executions and siege. There was no evidence of any improvement in the human rights situation in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Government should adopt the recommendations of the report of the Commission on Inquiry. Australia encouraged Burundi to remain committed to the peace process and to engage in constructive dialogue with all parties.

Canada was committed to combatting discrimination targeting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex communities and was concerned about the situation in the Russian Federation and Chechnya in that regard. Canada was concerned by the mounting scale of human suffering in conflicts in south Sudan and Yemen, where allegations of serious human rights violations and abuses must be investigated and perpetrators held to account. It remained deeply concerned by the human rights situation in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Norway expressed concern about the shrinking space for civil society, and about the situation for women in many countries. Saudi Arabia and Iran should create enabling environments for human rights defenders. Diminishing space for civil society in Egypt was also of concern. In Venezuela, the Government should respect the separation of powers, and Norway also remained deeply concerned at the human rights situation in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

France said human rights violations were rampant in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, South Sudan and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. International law should be respected in Yemen and the shrinking civil society space in Turkey, Russia, China and Venezuela was of concern. Egypt’s challenges confronting terrorism were known. France was also concerned at the rise of violence and intimidation against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons.


Democratic People’s Republic of Korea stated that the ill practice of politicization in the Council remained unabated. The European Union and the western countries were little better than the United States. The issue of “comfort women” was an undeniable fact of history for which Japan had to offer apology. It noted that inhumane sanctions and unilateral coercive measures against sovereign States negatively impacted the normal lives of citizens.
北朝鮮は、理事会における政治化の悪い慣行は、依然として衰えなかったと表明した。 欧州連合と西側諸国は、米国よりは少しは良かった。「慰安婦」の問題は、日本が謝罪しなければならない歴史の否定できない事実であった。非人道的な制裁と主権国家に対する一方的、強制的な措置は、市民の正常な生活に否定的な影響を与えたと指摘した。


Ireland was concerned at the alleged violations of human rights and international humanitarian law in Syria and Yemen. It condemned all forms of persecution on the basis of religion or belief in the Middle East. Threats to civil society space had emerged in a number of States. Ireland was concerned by the restrictions of civil liberties in Bahrain and the deteriorating human rights situation in Turkey. The detention of human rights defenders and lawyers in China was also worrisome.


Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights stated that since February 2009, at least 150 Tibetans had set themselves on fire in one of the biggest waves of self-immolations in the past 60 years. The Foundation urged the Council to call on China to grant independent and impartial monitors unfettered access to Tibet, as agreed by China following its 2013 Universal Periodic Review.


International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism, in a joint statement with, Franciscans International, stressed that the Government of Japan and the United States had repeatedly infringed the rights of the people living in Okinawa, turning a blind eye on their opposition to the militarisation of their territory. It strongly condemned the arrests of protesters by the Japanese authorities and called on the Government to stop human rights violations and respect the Okinawan people’s will against the construction of new United States and Japanese military bases.


Right of Reply


China, speaking in a right of reply, highlighted that positive developments had been accomplished in the field of human rights in China, which was now a country of the rule of law. Internal legislation provided for enhanced human rights guarantees allowing citizens to enjoy their rights. Significant support should be provided by non-governmental organizations in order to promote human rights. However, China would not allow for any possibility to challenge the basic political system of the State. China reiterated its call to stop the politicization of human rights issues by some Member States of the Council.


Japan, speaking in a right of reply in response to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, noted that the crimes of the past mentioned by that State were groundless. Responding to a statement made by civil society, Japan explained that the construction work in Okinawa was allowed by the Government of Okinawa. The arrest of local activists took place because they used violence. Detention was carried out according to the law and it did not in any way contravene Japan’s international human rights obligations.

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, speaking in a right of reply, categorically rejected the provocative remarks made by Japan, Republic of Korea and the United States. They were politically motivated and had nothing to do with human rights. It rejected resolutions on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which were full of fabrications and lies. A political and military confrontation was being directed against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea under the guise of human rights. Armament was a necessary self-defence measure for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The Republic of Korea should release abductees from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, while Japan should stop misusing the abduction issue and should instead sincerely apologize for its past crimes.

Republic of Korea, speaking in a right of reply in response to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, said it would not repeat what had been said about defectors from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea who had escaped of their own free will. It called on that country to improve its policies and the human rights situation of its people. The new Government of the Republic of Korea would put forward diverse efforts to help improve the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights for the people of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.


Japan, speaking in a second right of reply, urged the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to act on the issue of abductions. Indeed, despite repeated concerns expressed by the international community and non-governmental organizations, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea had not provided any substantive response to this issue.

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, speaking in a second right of reply, rejected the misleading allegations and evasive attitude of Japan. It rejected resolutions that were full of lies and fabrications. It reminded of the United Nations General Assembly resolutions that called for full respect and implementation of the Inter-Korean Declaration. It called on the Republic of Korea to change its confrontational policy towards the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and to faithfully implement the Declaration. Japan’s evasiveness vis-à-vis its past crimes was deplorable.
