




  • 抽出方法は関連エントリ 2018-03-22 参照。

  • 中国が L.36 互恵的協力、ならびに L.31 スポーツとオリンピック、韓国が同じく L.31 、(テロ対策にかこつけ「共謀罪」法案を成立させたという)日本が、テロ対策における人権擁護を勧告した L.50/Rev.1 テロと人権、ならびに中韓とともに L.31 のスポンサーとなった。
  • 採決となったのは、決議二件(採択)ならびに、決議パラグラフ(同)と修正案(否決)一件ずつ。ベネズエラ提出の L.34 一方的強制措置は、欧米や日本、韓国は反対、中国が支持。L.36 互恵的協力では中国が「中国により出されたというだけで、どこかの国が反対するとすれば遺憾」と被害者意識(?)を表明したが、かの国が「互恵的」などと言い出せば警戒されるのもむべなるかな。アメリカのみが反対。日本、韓国が発言し、どちらも棄権した。下記によれば中国による当理事会の決議案提出は「この九か月間で二度目」(前回の提出については関連エントリ 2017-06-22 参照)。




    L.44 ジェノサイド防止では序文パラグラフ22と主文パラグラフ16について共同スポンサーに加わっているアメリカが投票を要請。


     16. ジェノサイド防止特別顧問と高等弁務官に、条約第二条において概説されているように、国家、民族、人種または宗教グループに属する人々の人権の促進と保護に関わる者を含む、事務所間ならびに特別顧問と関連するすべての特別手続間の情報の体系的やりとりをさらに強化し、関連する国際的、地域および準地域的組織、国家人権機関および市民社会との協力を継続することを奨励する。

    このパラグラフは採択され(支持24、反対8、棄権15、各国投票先は不明)、L.44 はコンセンサスで採択された。百年前のこの問題でトルコと揉めているアルメニアが例年主導して当決議を提出していると。L.50/Rev.1 テロと人権では、第35回セッションでメキシコなどが提出し採択された「テロリズム対策における人権と基本的自由の保護に関する決議」35/34 *1(草案 A/HEC/35/L.27 )同様、南アフリカが修正案 L.63 *2 を提出。このとき今回も表明しているとおりパレスチナ解放運動に言及し修正案に賛成していたエジプトが今回の決議草案を主導 *3 、修正案 L.63 に反対を表明した。南アの修正案は否決(支持6、反対26、棄権14、各国の投票先不明)され、L.50/Rev.1 はコンセンサスで採択された。上記決議 35/34 のときと違いロシアは沈黙。

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)
    チャプター01:中国/ジャン・ドゥアン(Jiang Duan)在ジュネーブ政府代表部公使参事官
    チャプター14:韓国/[ユン・サンウク(Sang Uk Yoon)在ジュネーブ政府代表部参事官]

  • 関連エントリ




Asks Special Rapporteur on Unilateral Coercive Measures to Present a Set of Elements to be Considered in the Preparation of a Draft Declaration on the Negative Impact of Unilateral Coercive Measures

23 March 2018

The Human Rights Council this morning adopted 10 resolutions, including texts requesting the convening of a high-level panel discussion on genocide; and a study on the role of capacity building in the promotion of human rights. The Council also requested the Special Rapporteur on unilateral coercive measures to present in his next report a set of elements to be considered as appropriate in the preparation of a draft United Nations declaration on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures.


Action on Resolutions under the Agenda Item on the Promotion and Protection of All Human Rights, Civil, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Including the Right to Development

Action on Resolution on Promoting Human Rights through Sport and the Olympic Ideal

In a resolution (A/HRC/37/L.31) on promoting human rights through sport and the Olympic ideal, adopted without a vote, the Council[…]

Action on Resolution on the Negative Impact of Corruption on the Right to be Free from Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

In a resolution (A/HRC/37/L.32) on the negative impact of corruption on the right to be free from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, adopted without a vote, the Council[…]

Action on Resolution on the Rights of the Child: Protection of the Rights of the Child in Humanitarian Situations

In a resolution (A/HRC/37/L.33) on the rights of the child: protection of the rights of the child in humanitarian situations, adopted without a vote as orally revised, the Council[…]

Action on Resolution on Human Rights and Unilateral Coercive Measures

In a resolution (A/HRC/37/L.34) on human rights and unilateral coercive measures, adopted by a vote of 28 in favour, 15 against and 3 abstentions, the Council requests the Special Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights to identify and propose concrete measures to ensure the removal of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights of victims, and to focus on the resources and compensation necessary to promote accountability and reparations for victims in his next report to the Human Rights Council and to the General Assembly; and also, taking into account the views of Member States, to present to the Human Rights Council in his next report, a set of elements to be considered as appropriate in the preparation of a Draft United Nations Declaration on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights. The Council requests the High Commissioner, in discharging his functions relating to the promotion, realization and protection of the right to development and bearing in mind the continuing impact of unilateral coercive measures on the population of developing countries, to give priority to the present resolution in his annual report.

The results of the vote were as follows:

In favour (28): Angola, Burundi, Chile, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, South Africa, Togo, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela

Against (15): Australia, Belgium, Croatia, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Republic of Korea, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States.

Abstentions (3): Afghanistan, Brazil, Mexico.

Venezuela, introducing draft resolution L.34 on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement, said it also enjoyed co-sponsorship of Jordan on behalf of the Arab Group and Togo, on behalf of the African Group. At the Margarita summit, States had expressed their dissatisfaction with unilateral coercive measures and announced their decision to require the annulment of such measures. The historic position of the Non-Aligned Movement was to condemn unilateral coercive measures, as was done in the declaration of New York. New elements had been incorporated in this draft resolution to update the resolution 34/30 on the same topic. The Special Rapporteur on unilateral coercive measures was required to report to the Council on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on human rights and to prepare elements to draft a declaration on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on human rights. The Office of the High Commissioner was required to give priority in its report to the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on human rights.

Cuba, speaking in a general comment, said that draft resolution L.34 was an expression of genuine will to end the negative practice of unilateral coercive measures. Countries expressing opposition to this draft resolution were the very same countries imposing unilateral coercive measures. Those countries sought to bring double standards to the Council. Cuban people knew too well the consequences and impact of unilateral coercive measures, having been subjected to the economic and trade blockade imposed on Cuba by the United States.


Slovakia, speaking on behalf of the European Union Member States that are Members of the Human Rights Council in an explanation of the vote before the vote, reiterated that the introduction and implementation of restrictive measures must always be undertaken in accordance with international law. Such measures must respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular due process and the right to an effective remedy. The measures imposed must always be proportionate to their objective. Sanctions were one of the European Union’s tools to promote the objectives of the Common Foreign and Security Policy: peace, democracy, and respect for the rule of law, human rights and international law. They were always part of a comprehensive policy approach involving political dialogue and complementary efforts. The European Union’s restrictive measures were not punitive in nature but sought to bring about a change in the policy or conduct of those targeted. Measures were therefore always targeted at such policies or activities, the means to conduct them and those responsible for them. Despite the European Union’s numerous concerns about the Council’s initiatives on unilateral coercive measures and possible biased political agendas that might be pursued, including by the Special Rapporteur, the European Union had always actively participated both in the informal consultation on the resolution and in the previously Council-mandated panel and workshops. Nonetheless, bearing in mind the nature and content of this draft resolution, which dwelled essentially on relations between States instead of on concrete human rights of individuals, the European Union recalled its position that it considered that the Human Rights Council was not the appropriate forum to address this issue.

Finally, the European Union could not support any of the new elements introduced in this resolution. Its long-standing position that sanctions were not intrinsically unlawful in nature prevented them from supporting the premise that their imposition must give rise to accountability or reparations. Furthermore, it did not see the need for the elaboration of a draft United Nations declaration on the issue, nor for the High Commissioner to give priority to the present resolution in his annual report, as it was the European Union’s strong belief that there was sufficient work being done so far in the United Nations system. For the above mentioned reasons, the European Union could not support the draft resolution and called for a vote. The European Union Member States that were members of the Human Rights Council would vote against the resolution.


United States, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, once again categorically rejected the premise that underlined the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on unilateral coercive measures. The imposition of targeted sanctions did not violate human rights. In fact, targeted sanctions could be a powerful tool to promote human rights accountability for those who violated or abused human rights. The resolution before the Council today blatantly mischaracterized international law and called into question legitimate practices undertaken by many United Nations Member States. Sanctions, whether unilateral or multilateral, could be a successful means of achieving foreign policy objectives. Financial sanctions, bans on technology and arms transfers, and travel restrictions helped impede the ability of designated persons from engaging in actions that threatened international peace and security. In cases where the United States had applied sanctions, the measures had been implemented with specific objectives in mind, including as a means to promote the rule of law or democratic systems, to promote human rights and fundamental freedoms, or to encourage improved resource governance. The United States believed that sanctions could be an appropriate, effective, and legitimate alternative to the use of force and that the United States sanctions were consistent with international law and in line with the United Nations Charter. For these reasons, the United States would vote “no” on the resolution and urged all delegations to vote against it.


The Council then adopted the draft resolution with a vote of 28 votes in favour, 15 against and 3 abstentions.

Action on Resolution on the Equality and Non-Discrimination of Persons with Disabilities and the Right of Persons with Disabilities to Access to Justice (Articles 5 and 13 of the CRPD)

In a resolution (A/HRC/37/L.35) on the equality and non-discrimination of persons with disabilities and the right of persons with disabilities to access to justice (articles 5 and 13 of the CRPD), adopted without a vote as orally revised, the Council[…]

Action on Resolution on Promoting Mutually Beneficial Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights

In a resolution (A/HRC/37/L.36) on promoting mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of human rights, adopted by a vote of 28 in favour, 1 against and 17 abstentions, the Council calls upon all States to uphold multilateralism and to work together to promote mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of human rights; and requests the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee to conduct a study on the role of technical assistance and capacity-building in fostering mutually beneficial cooperation in promoting and protecting human rights, and to submit a report thereon to the Human Rights Council before its forty-third session.

The results of the vote were as follows:

In favour (28): Angola, Brazil, Burundi, Chile, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, South Africa, Togo, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela.

Against (1): United States.

Abstentions (17): Afghanistan, Australia, Belgium, Croatia, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Peru, Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom.

China, introducing L.36, said the resolution was of mutual benefit for the lofty goals for all peoples and Member States of the United Nations. It was in line with all documents, including the Vienna Declaration and Programme for Action, which called for strong cooperation and dialogue among States to the promotion and protection of human rights. All peoples lived on the same Earth and faced common challenges. China had co-sponsored this resolution for mutually beneficial cooperation in promoting and protecting human rights. It strongly believed that the Human Rights Council should be guided by the principles of universality, impartiality, objectivity and non-selectivity for greater cooperation, capacity building, and technical assistance, in order to build a new type of international relations, which reflected the times. The contributions of China and other countries to global human rights governance were in this direction. China had, over the past few weeks, done its utmost to consult and integrate modifications to the draft resolution. It thanked all parties who had demonstrated a cooperative attitude. The oral amendments to this effect would be distributed by the Council. China hoped that this draft resolution would be adopted by consensus, and would regret if any country would oppose it just because it was put forth by China. China hoped countries would refrain from the “zero-sum” game and hoped that all Member States would participate in consensus.


United States, in a general comment, said it was clear that China was attempting through this resolution to weaken the United Nations human rights system and the norms underpinning it. The “feel good” language about “mutually beneficial cooperation” was intended to benefit autocratic States at the expense of people whose human rights and fundamental freedoms all were obligated, as States, to respect. For these reasons, the United States was calling for a vote and would vote against this resolution, and encouraged all other countries not to support this resolution.


Japan, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, appreciated the efforts by China for full cooperation and constructive engagement on the draft resolution. Japan was of the opinion that a couple of terms in the oral revisions, including “building a community” and “mutually beneficial cooperation” were not widely used in international cooperation. They were not suitable for a human rights resolution as they were not widely accepted definitions. The individual was the central subject for human rights. Japan had considered it appropriate to delete OP5 which requested the High Commissioner to conduct a study and submit a report on these two terms, and had submitted a proposal to this effect. The proposal however had not been reflected in the oral revision. Having said that, Japan would support further efforts on this topic, but would abstain from the draft resolution as orally revised.


Republic of Korea, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, appreciated the efforts of China to accommodate different views. However, it was concerned that the term “mutually beneficial cooperation” was not understood, especially in the area of the promotion of human rights, so the Republic of Korea would abstain from this draft resolution.

The Council then adopted the draft resolution by a vote of 28 in favour, one against and 17 abstentions.

Action on Resolution on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

In a resolution (A/HRC/37/L.37) on the promotion and protection of human rights and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted without a vote, the Counci[…]

Action on Resolution on the Need for an Integrated Approach to the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for the Full Realization of Human Rights, Focusing on All Means of Implementation

In a resolution (A/HRC/37/L.42) on the need for an integrated approach to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for the full realization of human rights, focusing on all means of implementation, adopted without a vote as orally revised, the Council[…]

Action on Resolution on the Prevention of Genocide

In a resolution (A/HRC/37/L.44) on the prevention of genocide, adopted without a vote as orally revised, the Council requests the Secretary-General to draw up a roster of focal points and networks on the prevention of genocide with updated information from Member States; and also requests the Secretary-General to prepare a follow-up report based on information provided by States on the implementation of the provisions of the present resolution… and to submit the report to the Human Rights Council at its forty-first session. The Council requests the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to organize at the thirty-ninth session of the Human Rights Council a high-level panel discussion to commemorate the seventieth anniversary of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, to be followed by an interactive dialogue with the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide; and to prepare a summary report on the high-level panel discussion and to submit it to the Human Rights Council at its fortieth session.

Armenia, introducing draft resolution L.44, said that Armenia had been presenting resolutions on the prevention of genocide since 1998 and such resolutions were usually adopted by consensus. The draft resolution called on States and the United Nations to utilise this important anniversary of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which had been adopted in December 1948. The draft took into account ongoing legislative developments and reconfirmed that the fight against impunity was an essential element in the fight against genocide. It also commended the adoption of resolution 69/323 of General Assembly proclaiming the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide. Mobilizing the international community was instrumental in preventing genocide, so Armenia called for the adoption of L.44 by consensus.


Germany, in a general comment, supported the texts of PP22 and OP16, which contained agreed language that had been adopted in 2015. Germany and other co-sponsors believed that this resolution should provide a clear source of knowledge available, to ensure prevention. These two paragraphs made references to the importance of such prevention. For these reasons it would vote against the oral revisions of PP22 and OP16. Germany would vote for keeping these two paragraphs, and called on all others to support the text as it was, with the two paragraphs, without oral revisions.


United States, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, commended the sponsors for conducting a comprehensive bilateral negotiations process. It viewed the proposal to vote against PP22 and OP16 as hostile to the spirit of the draft resolution and contradictory to the important work of genocide prevention. The work of genocide prevention was too important to be politicized. The two paragraphs took note of the new joint analysis framework and highlighted its importance as one of the tools to assess the risk of genocide. The resolution also recommended greater collaboration among Member States, regional organizations, and sub-regional organizations to increase their collaboration on prevention. The framework of analysis was a guideline, one that all States could use as appropriate; it was not imposed on States.

Action on PP22 and OP16

The Council then adopted PP22 and OP16 by a vote of 24 in favour, 8 against, and 15 abstentions.


The Council then adopted the draft text as orally revised without a vote.

Action on Resolution on Terrorism and Human Rights

In a resolution (A/HRC/37/L.50/Rev.1) on terrorism and human rights, adopted without a vote, the Council calls upon States to ensure that any measure taken to counter terrorism and violent extremism conducive to terrorism complies with international law, in particular human rights law, international refugee law and international humanitarian law; and urges States… not to resort to profiling based on stereotypes founded on ethnic, racial or religious grounds or any other ground of discrimination prohibited by international law. The Council requests States to refrain from providing support to entities or persons involved in terrorist acts, including support in establishing propaganda platforms advocating hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility, or violence… and emphasizes in this regard the key importance of the full respect for the right to freedom of opinion and expression as set out in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Council further urges States to adopt rehabilitation and reintegration strategies for returning foreign terrorist fighters, in line with the good practices… and to adopt a comprehensive approach that includes, inter alia the development of national centers for counsel and to prevent the radicalization to violence that can play an important role together with criminal justice responses.

Egypt, introducing the draft resolution L.50 on behalf of the core group, said the world had been witnessing an overwhelming and severe tide of atrocities in an endless chain of deplorable incidents. These necessitated that the Human Rights Council shoulder its responsibility and protect peoples from terrorism, and send a clear message especially to the victims, that the Council was united in this fight. In this direction, Egypt, Algeria, Jordan, Morocco and Saudi Arabia had worked with Mexico on the promotion and protection of human rights while countering terrorism. The draft resolution dealt with terrorism from all its angles, while protecting victims from counter-terrorism measures. It aimed to unequivocally condemn all acts and methods of terrorism, and incitement of all its forms and manifestations, as unjustifiable. It expressed grave concern on the detrimental effects thereof. It reaffirmed the primary responsibility of the State in preventing terrorism, as well as denying all forms of support to terrorism, including military, political, logistical and financial. It also urged States to deal with such underlying causes of terrorism as conflicts, oppression, poverty, intolerance, racism and xenophobia. It called upon all States to promote a culture of peace, and religious, ethnic and national tolerance. It required States to refrain from supporting propaganda platforms advocating hatred, that constituted hatred and discrimination, including through the Internet and other media, while emphasizing the right to freedom and expression. Finally, it expressed solidarity with victims of terrorism, acknowledged the importance of their needs, and ensured their access to justice and accountability. It also expressed the importance of maintaining an effective, fair, human, transparent and accountable criminal justice system and incited the international community on the importance of preventing and combatting this phenomenon. The core group had reached out to partners and managed to incorporate the sometimes difficult amendments from delegations, in a matter that did not affect the balance. The core group was dedicated to deliberating on this issue, in coming years, to ensure the implementation of all concerns of all Member States. It called on the Council to adopt L.50 Rev.1 with consensus.
エジプトは、コアグループを代表し決議草案L.50を提出し、世界は悲惨な事件の無限の連鎖の中で圧倒的かつ深刻な残虐の潮流を目の当たりにしていたと述べた。これらは、人権理事会が責任を負い、人々をテロリズムから守り、とりわけ犠牲者に明確なメッセージを送り、理事会がこの戦いで団結したことを必要とした。この方向で、エジプト、アルジェリア、ヨルダン、モロッコおよびサウジアラビアは、テロリズムに対抗しながらメキシコと人権の促進と保護に関して作業していた。この決議草案は、テロリズム対策から犠牲者を保護しながら、決議案は、すべての角度からテロリズムに対処した。それは、テロリズムのすべての行為や方法、そしてすべてのその形態や表明の扇動を、不当なものとして明白に非難することを目的としていた。その有害な影響に重大な懸念を表明した。軍事、政治、物流および金融など、あらゆる形態のテロリズム支援を否定することに加え、テロリズム防止における締約国の第一の責任を再確認した。また、紛争、抑圧、貧困、不寛容、レイシズム、外国人嫌悪など、テロリズムの根本的な原因に対処するよう締約国に強く促した。すべての締約国に対し、平和の文化、ならびに宗教的、民族的そして国家的寛容を促進するよう要請した。自由と表現の権利を強調する一方、インターネットや他のメディアを通じてなどの、憎悪と差別を構成する憎悪を主張するプロパガンダの舞台の支援を控えるよう締約国に要請した。最後に、テロリズム犠牲者との連帯を表明し、彼らのニーズの重要性を認め、正義と説明責任へのアクセスを確保した。また、効果的、公正、人間的、透明性および説明責任ある刑事司法制度を維持することの重要性を表明し、国際社会にこの現象の防止と戦いの重要性を促した。コアグループは、パートナーに手を差し伸べ、バランスに影響を及ぼさなかった件において、ときには難しい修正案を代表団から取り入れるようにした。コアグループは、すべてのメンバー国の懸念事項の実施を確実にするために、今後数年間、この問題に関して審議することを決めた。理事会に対し、L.50 Rev.1をコンセンサスにより採択するよう要請した。

Mexico, also introducing draft resolution L.50, noted that without doubt terrorism was one of the greatest threats to societies, principles and values. However, the fight against terrorism should not be used as an excuse to restrict fundamental freedoms. In the search for collective peace and security, the international community should not forget about the primacy of human rights. By deciding to combine in a single text the resolution on the protection of human rights and the fight against terrorism with the resolution on the impact of terrorism on human rights, the delegations of Egypt and Mexico had sought to bridge differences in the Human Rights Council and build unity that would allow Member States to find efficient ways of fighting terrorism, while protecting human rights. The two delegations were aware that the text did not address all concerns and doubts, and that it could be improved. Nevertheless, it represented a legitimate effort to close the gap between two perspectives of the same problem.


South Africa, introducing amendment L.63, noted the murder of Solomon Mahlangu who had been fighting against apartheid and had been killed as a terrorist; he would be considered a human rights defender today. Mandela himself was very fortunate to have escaped the death penalty. Numerous politicians had called him a terrorist and asked for him to be murdered. It took a while for him to be removed from the international lists of terrorists after he was released. South Africa was deeply concerned over the loss of lives because of indiscriminate terrorist acts. South Africa supported the underlying sentiments of the draft resolution but noticed substantive omissions to which it disagreed. To prevent what happened to Solomon Mahlangu happening again, the amendment sought to balance the text by confirming that the legitimate struggle for self-determination and liberation, recognized by the United Nations, should not be associated with terrorism. The United Nations Charter and the Covenants all enshrined the right to self-determination. South Africa was concerned that L.50 had not made reference to the grave human rights abuses precipitated by the so-called war on terror. States which were supporting South Africa’s sentiment were called to vote in favour of this amendment L.63 to ensure that safeguards were built within the resolution, in order to prevent freedom fighters being labelled terrorist and to prevent abuses.

Mexico, on behalf of co-sponsors, said they did not agree with the comment.

Egypt, in a general comment, reiterated that it had a firm position on the rights of peoples to their right to self-determination as an inalienable and indivisible right that was enshrined in the United Nations Charter and many other relevant resolutions adopted by the United Nations, including those where Egypt had participated in drafting and adopting these resolutions. No one was incognizant of the fact that Egypt had stood steadfast with peoples yearning for freedom, in particular in Africa. It underlined the movement for freedom of peoples in South Africa against apartheid, under the leadership of Nelson Mandela, whose centenary was being celebrated this year. Egypt supported the Palestinian people’s rights to self-determination, considering that this was the pivotal question in the Middle East, in view of all realities in recent history.

Egypt said that the draft resolution before the Council was on terrorism. This was an objective and substantive resolution written in generic terms and was not related to a specific geographic area and did not point to a specific terrorist group. It did not deal with the right to self-determination which was enshrined under international law. Nor did it deal with legitimate armed struggle which was also enshrined under international law. The attempt to bring this shade of difference meant there was an attempt to mix up the notion of a legitimate struggle for liberation with the notion of terrorism. This was a matter that was contrary to the reality and set the world back miles. The law and international conventions had provisions. Mexico, during the preparation of the draft resolution, had amalgamated two resolutions that the Council had brought in the past. It had tried to bring into concern the considerations of all delegations. The delegation of South Africa had been present at the consultations during the draft resolution and had proposed two amendments. The core group had studied one of them and applied it in a manner consistent with the draft resolution. Egypt hoped that it would work with South Africa today in order to contain this matter. The States were before an effort to unify the Human Rights Council in order to take a firm and stable position in relation to the relationship between human rights and terrorism, which had led to thousands of victims and the displacement of thousands of people, and the destruction of the wealth of countries. Egypt believed the Member States would work earnestly to achieve consensus on this issue and support the rights of the victims and their families. Egypt would thus vote against the amendments made by South Africa because they countered the substance and the context of the draft resolution.

Pakistan, in a general comment, appreciated the work done on the important draft resolution, and supported the amendment presented by South Africa as it enriched the text. Pakistan strongly condemned terrorism and it took part in all international efforts to fight terrorism. But it noted that the international community needed to be careful that liberation movements were not labelled as terrorist movements. It urged Member States of the Council to support the proposed amendment.

Saudi Arabia, in a general comment, called on everyone to vote against the amendment proposed by South Africa. It reminded that the two draft resolutions were agreed in most opinions. However, the objective was one and the same. The merger of the two resolutions would reconcile the views of most parties. Saudi Arabia thanked Mexico for its efforts in that endeavour and called on all to adopt the draft resolution as originally presented.

Slovakia, in a general comment on behalf of the European Union, fully supported the merger of the two previous resolutions related to terrorism – one sponsored by Mexico and the other sponsored by Egypt. While the draft text was a compromise which could be further improved, the European Union saw it as an important step forward. Terrorism knew no borders and thus it was important that the international community stood united and spoke with one voice on countering terrorism and violent extremism conducive to terrorism, and especially on the importance of protecting human rights when doing so. The European Union expected the Council to fully live up to its mandate to protect the concrete human rights and fundamental freedoms of all human beings, and called on Member States to join consensus on the draft resolution.


Mexico, in an explanation of vote before the vote in relation to amendment L.63, noted that the right to self-determination had been indeed enshrined in the United Nations Charter. The content of the amendment, however was not relevant for this draft resolution and it moreover introduced a highly controversial element to the draft resolution, which sought to offer balanced and universal text. Rejection of this amendment did not imply rejection of the right to self-determination or liberation movements.

The Council then rejected the amendment, by a vote of 6 in favour, 26 against and 14 abstentions.

Action on L.50

United States, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, was pleased to join the consensus on this resolution regarding terrorism and human rights. It thanked the main sponsors for their efforts to merge together two related elements of the Council’s work into a single resolution, and for their willingness to improve many aspects of the text. It regretted that the short timeline to negotiate this resolution had left it unable to resolve all concerns. The United States made the following statement to supplement its general statement on agenda item 3 matters in order to clarify its position on certain issues pertinent to the resolution. It was essential that States respected their human rights obligations and commitments, including with regard to freedom of opinion and expression, while addressing the scourge of terrorism. The fact that States held the primary responsibility under international law to protect and promote human rights in the context of counterterrorism must continue to be the guiding principle of how the Council addressed this topic. The United States understood OP6 of the resolution to conform to the meaning laid out in OP9 of the Human Rights Council resolution 35/34. It understood the reference in OP7 to States’ acting “in accordance with their obligations under international law” to mean that, if a State carried out the stated actions within its criminal justice system, it should do so in a manner consistent with its applicable international obligations; it should not be understood to suggest the existence of particular obligations to implement the actions described.

Nothing in this resolution, including OP12 and OP13 requested States to take certain actions to counter terrorism, nor altered States’ obligations under applicable international law, including decisions of the United Nations Security Council. The United States understood OP8 to mean that States must comply with their international obligations, including non-discrimination provisions of international human rights treaties which they were a party to, as applicable, when taking measures to counter terrorism and violent extremism. OP19 of this resolution reaffirmed the important role that civil society organizations and human rights defenders played in countering violent extremism by promoting a fair and just society, where all persons enjoyed their human rights and fundamental freedoms. The United States was gravely concerned that civil society groups and individual human rights defenders may be inappropriately targeted under unduly restrictive counterterrorism laws. It understood OP19 as calling upon States to ensure only that their counterterrorism efforts were implemented appropriately in a manner consistent with their international obligations.

South Africa, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, said that two days ago the international community had observed the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It was the day that commemorated the Sharpeville massacre that had taken place in 1960 in South Africa when 69 protestors had been killed. For that reason, the matter was not theoretical for South Africa but quite literally a matter of life and death. However, absence of safeguards in L.50 was the reason that South Africa had tabled amendment L.63. Terrorism had to be robustly countered and it required a global response. However, the absence of safeguards could lead over time to abuses such as racial and religious profiling, hate speech, arbitrary arrest and detention.

The Council adopted the draft resolution without a vote.




*3:「以前の決議」のもう一方、「すべての人権の享有に対するテロリズムの影響に関する決議」34/8 も主導。
