




  • ムランボ=ヌクカ UN ウィメン事務局長との双方向対話および声明で日本が発言。

    国連女性機関(UN Women)

  • 声明で中国が発言。

  • 翌月曜の会合続きでは北朝鮮がクマワスラミ報告および韓国による北朝鮮市民の「拉致」、韓国が慰安婦問題に言及し、日本を加え答弁権を行使しての三つ巴になる(関連エントリ参照)。

  • (外務省声明)

    第74回国連総会第3委員会 議題26「女性の地位向上」に関する宮崎あかね政府代表顧問によるステートメント英語

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations



4 OCTOBER 2019

Gender Equality under Renewed Assault, Experts Tell Third Committee amid Calls for Greater Protections against All Forms of Violence



総会 > 第三委員会 >



Women’s rights are under renewed attack, while gender-based violence remains deeply embedded in structural inequalities, the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) heard today, as it began its debate on the advancement of women.

In opening remarks, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN‑Women),[…]



Briefing delegates on these issues, John Brandolino, Director of the Division of Treaty Affairs at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), […]


When the floor opened for general debate, delegates underscored that violence against women and girls poses a grave impediment to the achievement of gender equality. No country is immune. The observer for the State of Palestine, speaking on behalf of the “Group of 77” developing countries and China,[…]


Also speaking today were representatives of Zambia (also speaking for the African Group), Botswana (speaking for Southern African Development Community), Thailand (speaking for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations), Guyana (on behalf of the Caribbean Community), Finland (on behalf of the Nordic countries), Switzerland, Japan, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Canada, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Australia, Turkey, Peru, Nicaragua, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Equatorial Guinea, Russian Federation, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Ecuador, Syria, Romania, China, United States, Qatar, Guatemala, Italy and Zimbabwe, as well as a representative of the European Union.
本日のさらなる発言は、ザンビア(アフリカ・グループについて発言)、ボツワナ(南部アフリカ開発共同体について発言)、タイ(東南アジア諸国連合について発言)、ガイアナ(カリブ共同体代表)、フィンランド( 北欧諸国代表)、スイス、日本ハンガリーリヒテンシュタイン、カナダ、スリランカ、モンゴル、アフガニスタン、オーストラリア、トルコ、ペルー、ニカラグア、メキシコ、カザフスタンインドネシア赤道ギニアロシア連邦ラオス人民民主共和国エクアドル、シリア、ルーマニア中国、米国、カタールグアテマラ、イタリア、ジンバブエ、加えて欧州連合代表だった。

The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Monday, 7 October, to continue its debate on the advancement of women.


Briefings and Interactive Dialogues

PHUMZILE MLAMBO‑NGCUKA, Executive Director of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN‑Women),[…]


When the floor opened for questions and comments, the representative of Japan asked the Executive Director for her views on what would bring together the next generation of women’s rights activists and gender rights activists. The representative of Guatemala expressed his concern that women continue to suffer from different kinds of discrimination, including women with disabilities, indigenous women and other vulnerable groups. The representative of Liberia commended UN‑Women on the progress made to reach gender parity and equality within the United Nations. She also noted a lack of capacity in her country to mainstream gender within its systems. Also taking part in the interactive discussion were the representatives of Colombia and Namibia.

MS. MLAMBO‑NGCUKA, responding to Japan’s representative, said that bringing together the next generation of gender equality activists is paramount, which is why civil society members — particularly young people — have been involved in the sixty‑fourth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (also known as CSW64 and the “Beijing+25” conference) in 2020. She went on to emphasize that next year is “unique”, as it entails a “deep review” of States’ implementation of the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action over the last 25 years. Many young activists attending upcoming forums in Mexico and Paris will be attending an international event for the first time in their lives. Many young women are already changemakers and their work must be recognized, she added.

Noting that the other questions were “not really questions”, she nonetheless appreciated the mention of climate by Colombia.


HILARY GBEDEMAH, Chair, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women,[…]


The representative of Germany expressed concern about attacks by some States against the Committee and reaffirmed her country’s commitment to full gender equality and the erasure of barriers. She asked how the Committee plans to address issues related to menstrual health, which prevent women and girls from attending school and going to work. The representative of Japan asked about the challenges the Committee faces in the implementation of its mandate, while the representative of Liberia assured the Committee that his country would meet its follow‑up obligations.




AKANE MIYAZAKI (Japan) said that gender equality and empowerment maximize women’s potential, underscoring her country’s aspiration for “a society where women shine” all around the world. For its part, Japan has revised domestic law to promote female participation in the workplace by obliging employers to draft action plans and enhance information disclosure. Legislative revisions also protect victims of spousal violence through early detection and intervention. Additionally, Japan hosted the Fifth World Assembly for Women in March and there committed to provide quality education and human-resource-development opportunities for at least 4 million girls and women in developing countries by 2020. Japan contributed $24 million to UN‑Women in 2018 and has consistently supported the work of the Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, having contributed $11 million to date.


ZHANG ZHE (China), aligning himself with the Group of 77 and China, said the international community must accelerate women’s development under the 2030 Agenda and advance the comprehensive development of their role in the economy. He called for enhanced support for developing countries, as imbalance is on the rise worldwide. Developed countries must narrow the gap and increase financing. Women represent “half the sky” and China has enacted over 100 laws protecting them. He said the Government is dedicated to poverty reduction and entrepreneurial development, noting that those suffering extreme poverty in China have been reduced from 98.9 million to 16.6 million, half of them women. He pointed out that women now represent over 40 per cent of the employed and 55 per cent of Internet entrepreneurs. China has invited over 20,000 people from developing countries to participate in training models on multiple levels.
ツァン・ジュー(中国)は、77か国グループと中国と同調して、国際社会は2030年アジェンダのもとでの女性の開発を加速し、経済における役割の包括的な開発を促進しなければならないと述べた。彼は、不均衡が世界中で増加しているため、発展途上国に対する支援の強化を要請した。先進国はギャップを狭め、資金供給を増やす必要がある。女性は「半分の空」を表しており、中国は女性を保護する100を超える法律を制定している。中国において極度の貧困に苦しむ人々が9,890万人から1,660万人に減少し、その半分が女性であることを指摘して、同政府は貧困削減と起業家開発に専念していると述べた。 女性が現在、雇用されている人の40%以上、インターネット起業家の55%を示していると指摘した。中国は、発展途上国から20,000人以上の人々を複数のレベルでのトレーニングモデル参加のために招待している。

