




  • アイテム74:人権の促進と保護
    • アイテム74(a):人権文書の履行

    • アイテム74(b):人権および基本的自由の効果的享受を改善するための代替アプローチを含む、人権問題

    • アイテム74(c):人権状況ならびに特別報告者および代表者の報告

    • アイテム74(d):ウィーン宣言および行動計画の包括的実施およびフォローアップ


  • 前日の双方向対話(関連エントリ 2018-10-22 参照)続き。

  • マイノリティ問題ではウイグルへの言及はなかった模様。<観測対象>への言及はないが冒頭の要約部分を多めに抽出してみた。「権利を拡大する」「多様性」の手放しの礼賛であるが、それが求められて然るべき状況が存在するというのもまた事実だろう。絶滅政策は絶対悪とはいえナチスを「引き合いに」出すのもどうなのかともおもってしまったのだが、ウイグルで行われていることなどナチスと変わるところはないともいえる。

  • 中国:「人権擁護者は特別グループとして扱われるべきではない」。アメリカのコメントに反論しているが、アメリカの発言は「更なる発言」にあるだけで採録されず。

  • ミャンマーで中国、日本から鈴木参事官、北朝鮮、韓国が発言。
  • 北朝鮮における人権状況に関する特別報告者、トマス・オヘア・キンタナ氏との双方向対話で中国、日本から川村大使、韓国が発言。同特別報告者による報告書 A/73/386北朝鮮における人権状況」(2018年9月19日)の III 章( p. 5 )および IV 章( p. 11 )に下記の記述がある。

    III. 北朝鮮における人権状況に関する特別報告者が行なったミッション


    13. 特別報告者は、報告期間中に二つの公式ミッションを実施した。2017年12月10日から16日まで、彼は韓国と日本を訪問した。韓国訪問には外交部、統一部および法務部当局者との会合、加えて市民社会組織、ソウル外交団員および、国連人権高等弁務官事務所(OHCHR)の現地拠点組織との追加会合を含む。特別報告者はまた、韓国定住センターにおいて北朝鮮からの脱出者にインタビューも行なった。日本においては、同政府主催のシンポジウムに参加し、政府当局者や、北朝鮮に拉致され未だに行方不明のままとなっている人々の家族と面会した。


    IV. 北朝鮮における人権状況の最近の展開


    C. 人権問題


    2. 離散家族と拉致


    33. ここ数か月に行なわれたハイレベル協議では、日本人拉致被害者の状況が言及されたにもかかわらず、国際拉致問題は未解決のままである。これまでのところ、公式には、日本から12名、韓国から516名の拉致被害者は依然として行方不明のままである。問題は深刻な方向で拉致被害者の家族に影響を与え続けている。強制失踪は、人の生命、自由、安全および個人の尊厳に対する権利、ならびに拷問または他の残虐な、非人道的なもしくは品位を傷つける取扱いの対象とならない権利を享受する意味合いにおいて、それを被った者を法の保護の外に置く重大な犯罪である。すべての失踪者の命運や行方が明確になるまでそれは犯罪である。家族に愛する人を連れ戻そうとする努力の中で、彼らが生きていないことを示す情報が依然としてない場合、彼らの帰還を求めるために捜索を続けるであろう家族に真実をもたらす必要性もある。拉致被害者家族の権利は、北朝鮮との更なる対話の中で、愛する人の運命や居場所に関する知見に加え、彼らに権利のあるその他の救済措置を提供する観点により正当に考慮されるべきである。

    なお、16日には事務総長報告と双方向対話が行なわれており、そちらも特定失踪者には言及していない(関連エントリ 2018-10-16 参照)。特別報告者の報告については、人権理事会の下記も参照。「2014年の北朝鮮における人権に関する国連調査委員会」については下記参照のこと。

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

  • 関連エントリ


United Nations



23 OCTOBER 2018

Relativist Claims on Culture Do Not Absolve States from Human Rights Obligations, Third Committee Expert Says as Delegates Denounce Country-Specific Mandates



総会 > 第三委員会 >



So-called “sensitivities” and relativist arguments invoking culture do not absolve States from their human rights obligations, the Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today, as delegates sparred with experts over country-specific mandates for situations in Myanmar and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Seeking to dispel misconceptions about cultural diversity, Special Rapporteur Karima Bennoune emphasized the destructive impacts of cultural relativism — which uses culture to take away rights rather than amplify them. The presence of relativist arguments in United Nations resolutions is reprehensible. “Sensitivities” cannot justify the criminalization of sexual orientation or gender identity or racial discrimination, for instance.

“Tradition is often invoked to justify the status quo,” she stressed. Diversity is not a threat to universal rights, but a reality and a resource. The exterminations that occurred in Nazi camps resulted from a murderous ideology that rejected universal human rights and cultural diversity — one echoed today in many places.

In a similar vein, Fernand de Varennes, Special Rapporteur on minority issues, said statelessness is neither accidental nor neutral because it involves discrimination against minorities. “Just as was the case for the Jewish minority in Germany before the Second World War, minorities too often continue to find themselves ‘unworthy’ of citizenship, with consequent obstacles in accessing basic public services, even including in some cases education,” he said. More must be done to ensure respect for stateless people, especially in addressing arbitrary requirements for citizenship.

For his part, Michel Forst, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, described the “alarming” assassination of nearly 3,500 defenders in recent years. Noting that oppression is once again “in fashion”, he urged open and frank dialogue with all actors to address this reality in a spirit of solidarity. Practices must also be renewed to better interact with those who are in the field or feel excluded or estranged from the community of rights defenders.

When the Committee turned to country-specific mandate holders, Yanghee Lee, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, said the country continues to deny her access. Led by Aung San Suu Kyi, the Government is increasingly demonstrating that it has no real interest in establishing a fully functioning democracy. It will not investigate allegations of human rights violations when presented with evidence. In Rakhine State, relocations into newly built areas appear to cement Muslim segregation, she said, amounting to an “apartheid-like situation”.


Myanmar’s representative responded that, despite extended cooperation with the successive Special Rapporteurs, his country is still treated unfairly and discriminated against under the pretext of human rights. Myanmar is subject to the selective scrutiny of the Human Rights Council, and the Special Rapporteur’s comments remain negative and unconstructive.

Allegations contained in this report are based on stories told by alleged victims living under the influence of the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army terrorist group. Noting that the independent commission of inquiry into events in Rakhine will conclude its mandate and submit a report within a year, he underscored Myanmar’s ability to ensure accountability where there is sufficient evidence.

Also presenting reports today was Tomas Ojea Quintana, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

The Committee will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, 24 October, to continue its consideration of promotion and protection of human rights.



The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian, Cultural) met today to continue its consideration of the promotion and protection of human rights. For more information, please see Press Release GA/SHC/4235.

Interactive Dialogues — Minority Issues
双方向対話 — マイノリティ問題


Human Rights Defenders


The representative of China said human rights defenders should not be treated as a special group. On the negative and groundless assertion by the mandate holder, he expressed hope that the Special Rapporteur will conduct his work in an impartial and objective manner. Regarding comments by his counterpart from the United States, he said that country should pay attention to their ethnic minorities, including Asian minorities.
中国代表は、人権擁護者は特別なグループとして扱われるべきではないと述べた。 マンデート保持者による否定的かつ根拠のない主張に対して、彼は特別報告者が公平かつ客観的に作業を行なう希望を表明した。米国からのカウンターパートによるコメントに関して、アジア人マイノリティ含む彼らの少数民族に注意を払うべきだと述べた。


Also speaking were representatives of Mexico, Czechia, Colombia, France, Norway, United States and Iran.


Cultural Rights




The representative of China stressed the importance of respecting Myanmar’s sovereignty. Noting that issues in Rakhine State cannot be resolved overnight, he advocated dialogue and negotiation, rather than exerting pressure.


The representative of Japan noted the importance of the engagement by United Nations agencies as key to realizing rights of displaced people. It is important that Myanmar carries out investigations into alleged rights violations and takes measures to provide information to the independent commission.

The representative of Democratic People's Republic of Korea reiterated his constant opposition to country-specific investigations, stressing the importance of ongoing dialogue between the parties concerned to foster peace.


The representative of the Republic of Korea expressed concern over the lack of progress on the ground. He underlined the importance of creating conditions for the safe, voluntary and dignified return of refugees and displaced persons, and of creating an independent commission of inquiry. He urged Myanmar to grant full access to United Nations humanitarian mechanisms to concerned areas.


The representative of Japan stressed the importance of Myanmar carrying out the investigations itself, urging the Government to provide the necessary information to the Commission of Inquiry.


Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

TOMÁS OJEA QUINTANA, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, said that there is now the possibility of achieving longstanding peace following 70 years of division. Having emphasized the importance of dialogue with the Government since his 2016 appointment, he welcomed the geopolitical developments over the last year, notably family reunions, discussions on the return of United States soldiers’ remains, and the announced move to grant a general amnesty to prisoners convicted of “crimes against the country and the people”. While the ongoing denuclearization process is complex, he nonetheless expressed regret that human rights have remained off the agenda of the expanding high-level dialogues, with a complete absence of any such terminology in talks over the last 10 months. He recalled the 2014 United Nations Commission of Inquiry on human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which documented grave human rights violations, including of the freedom of expression and movement, as well as murder, torture, rape, forced abortions and other sexual violence, religious persecution and prolonged starvation.

He said respect for human rights is the responsibility of parties involved in negotiations — and of the United Nations as a whole. He called for dialogue channels on peace and denuclearization. Recalling his December 2017 visit to the Republic of Korea and Japan, and July 2017 follow-up visit to the Republic of Korea, he said he had received first-hand accounts of those who had recently left the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Although the Government continued to reject his requests to visit, his other missions enabled him to collect information on the dire living conditions, chronic food insecurity, severe restrictions on freedom, and situations of those detained. The forcible return of women repatriated from China should be considered an act of refoulement, given the likelihood of rights violations they will face. Seeking justice is critical and efforts can be undertaken hand in hand with those to support peacebuilding. He encouraged UNHCR and the United Nations country team to offer all necessary technical expertise, noting that the recent appointment of the High Commissioner for Human Rights opened an opportunity for meaningful engagement.
彼は、人権への尊重は、交渉において関与する当事者——や国連全体の責任であると述べた。彼は平和と非核化に関する対話の場を呼びかけた。 2017年12月の韓国日本への訪問、2017年7月の韓国へのフォローアップ訪問を想起し、彼は最近北朝鮮を去った人たちの直接の証言を受け取っていたと述べた。同政府は訪問要請を拒否し続けたが、彼の他のミッションは、悲惨な生活条件、慢性的な食糧不安、自由に対する厳しい制限、および拘留された人々の状況に関する情報を収集することを可能にした。中国から送還された女性の強制帰還は、彼女らが直面するであろう権利侵害の可能性を考えれば、放逐行為とみなされるべきである。正義を求めることは重要であり、取り組みは平和構築を支援する人々と手を携えて行なわれることができる。最近の人権高等弁務官の任命が有意義な関与の機会を開いたことを指摘し、必要な技術的専門知識をすべて提供するようUNHCRと国連の国別チームに奨励した。

In opening the floor to questions, the representative of China objected to the politicization of human rights issues, stressing that the parties concerned should do more to facilitate dialogue and cooperation.

The representative of the Russian Federation said discussions on human rights situations do not add value, calling them an ineffective working method that exacerbate conditions in Member States and the Universal Periodic Review a platform that offered opportunities for constructive dialogue.

The representative of Syria rejected the double standards involved in human rights issues, stressing that the approach of confrontation, accusation and character assassination cannot achieve common objectives.

The representative of Argentina asked how denuclearization talks foster improvement in human rights situations and how the international community can help in that context.

The representative of Cuba objected to country-specific mandates; international cooperation is the only appropriate path and he expressed regret that the path of sanctions had been chosen instead.

The representative of the European Union asked how to assist the mandate holder in fulfilling his mandate and about the chances of receiving an invitation to the country. He also asked how the international community can use the upcoming Universal Periodic Review to accelerate progress.

The representative of Japan said family abductions are most serious and asked about additional ways to strengthen the capacity of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

The representative of Australia urged the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to engage with United Nations processes and representatives, and to facilitate visits.

The representative of Norway, welcoming diplomatic efforts to achieve peace, cautioned against use of sanctions which may have adverse impacts on humanitarian needs.

The representative of Germany urged the Government to take immediate and effective steps to end rights violations, asking about any new opportunities for the international community to improve human rights situation.

The representative of the United States said the “Kim regime” should know that it can choose a better path and called for an immediate release of prisoners.

The representative of the Republic of Korea stressed the need to improve humanitarian cooperation in efforts to unite families and asked about possible ways to engage on the issue of safe drinking water in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

The representative of Belarus opposed the selective nature of country‑specific mandates, calling such reports one-sided and gender-driven.

The representative of Czechia said human rights must be integrated in the talks and asked for any sign about whether the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had extended cooperation.

The representative of Burundi said the United Nations has been used for political purposes.

The representative of Myanmar expressed his opposition to country-specific mandates and called the Universal Periodic Review the most effective process for addressing human rights.

The representative of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic echoed support for the Universal Periodic Review as the appropriate tool for addressing human rights issues in any country.

The representative of the United Kingdom asked about opportunities for opening dialogue.

The representative of Iran expressed opposition to country-specific mandates as they undermine dialogue. The Universal Periodic Review provides mechanisms for addressing human rights issues which must not be weaken by parallel means.

Mr. QUINTANA replied the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had decided not to attend these meetings, which is relevant considering the importance of the peace talks and the huge opportunities offered by them. He expressed hope that he and others would have a constructive dialogue with the Government going forward, to improve the human rights situation and come up with creative proposals.

To the question concerning visits, he said the challenge for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is in opening access to the human rights mechanisms, which is important. There must be leadership within the context of the peace talks. Pyongyang has resisted contact with the mandate holder, which is not positive, but he remained committed to turn that situation around. The new Human Rights Commissioner has the opportunity to build relations with the Government, as well as others, and he expressed hope the Committee will build relations to enhance cooperation. Regarding accountability, truth and justice, he said these concepts are proof that if abuse is not tackled, and the United Nations does not seek truth, it is possible that violations will persist. Regarding the Security Council sanctions, he suggested that humanitarian assistance be continued.
