




  • 抽出方法については関連エントリ 2018-09-27 参照。

  • 韓国が、オーストラリア提出で61か国がスポンサーとなりコンセンサスで採択された、L.19/Rev.1 国家人権機関の共同スポンサーとなっている。
  • 修正案以外で採決に持ち込まれたのはカナダ * 提出/28か国がスポンサーとなった L.21 イエメン決議で、中国が反対、日本は棄権、韓国は支持し、日本と中国が発言した( * は非理事国、以下同)。

  • 上記 L.21 で NHK は「各国の足並み乱れ」と(だけ)報じたようだが(メディア報道参照)、日本はコンセンサスで採択されたイエメンに関する「昨年の決議の共同スポンサーとして」失望を表明し、同草案のコア・グループ(ベルギー、カナダ * 、アイルランド * 、ルクセンブルク * 、オランダ * か)に苦言を呈している。議論に加わるじゅうぶんな機会を与えられなかったということらしい。いっぽう投票後の投票説明ではベルギーが「コア・グループはアウトリーチ交渉に従事し、締約国によって表明された懸念に対応するための努力を惜しまなかった」と説明。昨年はアジェンダ項目2(人権高等弁務官の年次報告ならびに高等弁務官事務所および事務総長の報告)ではなく10(技術支援とキャパシティ・ビルディング)に基づき採択されており、決議に反対した当事国のイエメンが表明しているとおり、今回もそちらの項目での決議草案 L.23 が「アラブ・グループ」によって準備され、コンセンサスで採択された(チュニジア提出)。日本は L.23 でも発言し、人道状況調査の「独立メカニズムが不可欠」とした上で、L.23 のコア・グループの作業の進め方にも苦言を呈した。

  • L.19/Rev.1(前出)で南アフリカが単独で修正案 L.30 を提出したが、投票で否決され(リンク先は国連公式文書システム(英語))、L.19/Rev.1 の共同スポンサー国の韓国が発言した。

  • 特別手続マンデート保持者の任命においてアフリカ系の人々に関する専門家作業部会のメンバーとして、西アフリカおよびその他の締約国からの枠から(理事会を「脱退」した)アメリカのドミニク・デイ(Dominique Day)氏が任命されている。なお、「理事会第三十九回セッション報告」の項において、「第三十回セッション報告を暫定採択した」と記載されている(以上未抽出)。

  • (メディア報道より)

    NHK ニュース/2018年9月29日)



  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)

    チャプター12:中国/ジャン・ドゥアン(Jiang Duan)在ジュネーブ政府代表部公使参事官


  • 関連エントリ



28 September 2018

The Human Rights Council this afternoon adopted eight texts in which it extended the mandates of the Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen, of the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in the Central African Republic, of the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Sudan, and of the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia.


Other resolutions concerned technical assistance for Yemen; asking the High Commissioner for Human Rights to update the Council on the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; convening a consultation on practices of national human rights institutions in the context of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda; and choosing the theme of technical cooperation and capacity building in the field of the human rights of older persons for the annual thematic panel discussion during the Council’s forty-first session.


The fortieth session of the Human Rights Council will take place in Geneva from 25 February to 22 March 2019.

Action on Resolution under the Agenda Item on the Annual Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and Reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General

Action on Resolution on the Human Rights Situation in Yemen

In a resolution (A/HRC/39/L.21) on the Human rights situation in Yemen, adopted by a vote of 21 in favour, eight against and 18 abstentions, the Council decides to extend the mandate of the Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts for a further period of one year, renewable as authorized by the Human Rights Council; and requests the Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts to submit a comprehensive written report to the High Commissioner for presentation at the forty-second session of the Human Rights Council, to be followed by an interactive dialogue. The Council requests the High Commissioner to… continue to provide substantive capacity-building, technical assistance and advice and legal support to enable the National Commission of Inquiry to complete its investigatory work, including to ensure that the National Commission investigates allegations of violations and abuses committed by all parties in Yemen and in line with international standards; and to present to the Human Rights Council, at its fortieth session, an oral update on the situation of human rights in Yemen and the development and implementation of the present resolution, and to present to the Council at its forty-second session a written report on the situation of human rights, including violations and abuses committed since September 2014, as well as on the implementation of technical assistance as stipulated in the present resolution.

The results of the vote were as follows:

In favour (21): Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Ecuador, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine and United Kingdom.

Abstentions (18): Afghanistan, Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Georgia, Iraq, Japan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Togo and Tunisia.



Canada, introducing draft resolution L.21on behalf of Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland, and the Netherlands, said that the crisis in Yemen could only be solved by a comprehensive political solution. All parties needed to re-engage in the political dialogue in accordance with the United Nations Security Council resolution 2216. After intense but constructive negotiations, the Council had adopted last year, by consensus, a resolution that requested the High Commissioner to establish a Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts. The Group, mandated to carry out a comprehensive examination of all alleged violations and abuses of international human rights and of international law, had presented its report to the High Commissioner. However due to access and time constraints, they believed the work of the Group was not finished. It was imperative to give them more time to fully examine the conflict and report on all alleged violations by all parties to the conflict. During informal negotiations, delegations had stressed their desire to have a consensus on the Yemen resolution, a key priority for the core group. They were also seeking the adoption of a technical update to a consensus resolution presented by the Arab Group during the 36th meeting of the Human Rights Council. However, consensus was never reached, the humanitarian disaster in Yemen continued unabated and the investigation by the Group remained imperative. The Human Rights Council had the responsibility to address the world’s most serious human rights concerns. The situation in Yemen was dire. If the Council abrogated the responsibility, its credibility would be undermined and the suffering of the people of Yemen would deepen. They called for the renewal of the Group of Eminent Experts’ mandate and asked all Council members to support the resolution.


Yemen, speaking as the concerned country, deplored that some European countries and Canada had submitted a draft resolution under this agenda item despite intensive consultations that had been held and despite being aware of a draft resolution from the Arab Group on supporting technical assistance and capacity building in the area of human rights in Yemen. Yemen expressed disappointment that this draft resolution was not in favour of Yemen because it encouraged war and created a situation that responded to the will of certain countries to politicize the situation. For this reason, Yemen rejected the draft resolution, which would put more pressure on a country that was already suffering. Yemen called on States to reject the draft resolution and to vote against it in order to preserve the credibility of the Council and prevent its politicization.


Ukraine, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, commended all delegations for their efforts to achieve consensus on draft resolutions. The importance of direct reporting was always stressed by Ukraine, especially in countries which required the Council’s attention. The sovereignty and unity of Yemen were supported as well as efforts of the legitimate President of Yemen and his Government to restore order. Given the deterioration in this war-torn country, Ukraine would provide assistance. The Group of Eminent Experts should continue their work. Ukraine would vote in favour of L.21.

Japan, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, said that as a co-sponsor of last year’s resolution regarding the human rights situation in Yemen, it was disappointed that the consultations had not resulted in a unified resolution. Japan also regretted that it had been excluded from engaging in substantial consultations on the resolution. The informal consultations were only held once, and with very short notice. Japan asked for future open ended consultations to be convened in such a way as to allow substantial discussions by interested delegations. Considering the dire humanitarian and human rights situation in Yemen, Japan said that it considered that some form of international mechanism on the situation in Yemen was necessary. However, Japan emphasized that the Council should seek consensus on this mechanism, including from Yemen itself. Japan strongly urged that, if adopted, the costs of implementing the resolution should be restrained.

China, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, said it advocated addressing human rights differences through dialogue and cooperation. China was opposed to the open exertion of pressure and supported the preservation of the sovereignty of Yemen. China felt that L.21 was not conducive to a political solution to the conflict in Yemen, and for that reason, it would vote against it.


The Council then adopted draft resolution L.21 by a vote of 21 in favour, eight against and 18 abstentions.

Explanations of the Vote after the Vote after Voting Ended on Resolutions under the Agenda Item on the Annual Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and Reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General

Belgium, in an explanation of the vote after the vote, said one year ago, Belgium, the Netherlands, Ireland, Luxembourg and Canada created a core working group that worked hard to achieve a consensual and meaningful text out of great concern for the devastating impact of the situation in Yemen. They were successful because an independent mechanism was established to report on the situation on the ground. The Council had a duty and responsibility to respond meaningfully to the conflict in Yemen. The core group had engaged in outreach negotiations and spared no efforts to accommodate concerns voiced by States. However, it was found that consensus was beyond reach and they were left with no other choice but to send an updated version of the resolution to the Council. The core group welcomed its adoption, although they would have preferred to replicate the consensus. They were happy the Experts would be able to continue their mandate and called on all parties to extend every cooperation possible so the mandate could be fulfilled. The vote showed the people of Yemen that the Council protected and promoted human rights.


Action on Resolution under Agenda Items on the Follow-up to and Implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action

Action on Resolution on National Human Rights Institutions

In a resolution (A/HRC/39/L.19/Rev.1) on National human rights institutions, adopted without a vote, the Council[…]


South Africa, introducing amendment L.30, said South Africa felt compelled to introduce the amendment. During the informal consultations, concerns were raised to Australia, that was thanked for its understanding in accommodating other concerns. It was imperative that national human rights institutions moved together based on a common understanding of how to promote human rights. Inclusion of the mandate enshrined in the Paris Principles in the title of previous versions of the resolution was supported. South Africa proposed adding the words “for the promotion and protection of human rights” to the title proposed by Australia, as it was the case in previous iterations. Council members were asked to support the amendment.

Australia, speaking as the sponsoring country, called for a vote on amendment L.30. Australia expressed its view that national human rights institutions in each country had their own individual mandates. What they all had in common was their desire to promote and protect human rights, in line with the Paris Principles. Australia had listened carefully to the views expressed by relevant delegates continuously over the last three weeks, and made many changes to the resolution, including updating the title in order to bring it in line with other similar United Nations resolutions. Australia lamented that the proposed amendment to the title used confusing and hybrid language which could be read to imply that there were national human rights institutions which did not promote and protect human rights. Australia urged all members to vote against L.30.

Action on Amendment L.30

Afghanistan, in a general comment, said it supported the draft resolution on national human rights institutions. Afghanistan underlined that national human rights institutions played an important role in the monitoring and promotion of human rights. The implementation of the 2030 Agenda pledged to leave no one behind and envisaged a world of human rights, justice, equality and respect. Afghanistan appreciated Australia’s constructive approach to the resolution, and called on all States to adopt the resolution.


Republic of Korea, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, commended the main sponsor of the resolution. The Republic of Korea reminded the Council that the term “national human rights institutions” was used not only by the Council but also by the various bodies of the United Nations, as well as the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions. The term was also present in various resolutions as well as in the Paris Principles.

The Council then rejected amendment L.30 by a vote of 10 in favour, 29 against, and 8 abstentions.

The Council the adopted the draft resolution L.19. Rev.1 without a vote.
理事会は、投票なしで決議草案L.19. Rev.1を採択した。

Explanation of the Vote after the Vote after the Council Concluded Taking Action under the Agenda Item on the Follow-up and implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action


Action on Resolutions under the Agenda Item on Technical Assistance and Capacity Building

Action on Resolution on Enhancement of Technical Cooperation and Capacity Building in the Field of Human Rights

In a resolution (A/HRC/39/L.3) on Enhancement of technical cooperation and capacity-building in the field of human rights, adopted without a vote as orally revised, the Council[…]
口頭にて改訂され、投票なしで採択された、人権分野における技術協力とキャパシティ・ビルディングの強化に関する決議(A/HRC/39/ L.3)において、理事会は[…]

Action on Resolution on Technical Assistance and Capacity Building in the Field of Human Rights in the Central African Republic

In a resolution (A/HRC/39/L.9) on Technical assistance and capacity-building in the field of human rights in the Central African Republic, adopted without a vote, the Council[…]

Action on Resolution on Technical Assistance and Capacity-Building in the Field of Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

In a resolution (A/HRC/39/L.10) on Technical assistance and capacity-building in the field of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, adopted without a vote as orally revised, the Council[…]


Action on Resolution on Technical Assistance and Capacity Building for Yemen in the Field of Human Rights

In a resolution (A/HRC/39/L.23) on Technical assistance and capacity-building for Yemen in the field of human rights, adopted without a vote, the Council[…]

Tunisia, introducing resolution L.23 on behalf the Arab Group on technical assistance and capacity building in the area of human rights in Yemen, emphasized that Yemen continued to need the support of the international community and the Human Rights Council in order to face the many challenges which would continue to have an impact on the deteriorating human rights conditions in the country. The resolution called upon the Office for the High Commissioner of Human Rights to strengthen the capacity of Yemen’s National Human Rights Commission and to submit a subsequent report to the forty-second session of the Human Rights Council. Yemen called on the resolution to be adopted by consensus.

Belgium, in a general comment on behalf of a group of countries, said there was little that it disagreed with in this resolution. The countries expressed their belief in the importance of technical assistance for Yemen, and on the role that the National Commission of Human Rights in Yemen had to play. However, the countries emphasized that the dire situation in Yemen called for more: namely, an in-depth human rights investigation. As such, the group of countries underlined that the contribution of the Group of International Experts was essential, and was pleased that the Council had adopted the previous resolution to extend their mandate, sending an important message to the people of Yemen and the international community.

Yemen, speaking as the concerned country, expressed gratitude to the Arab Group for their support as well as to others who had drafted the resolution. The complex situation that was being experienced in Yemen today required assistance from the international community. The Government of Yemen was ready to cooperate with the Council and investigate all violations of human rights and international humanitarian law. The Commission of Inquiry had been set up. The Government believed that technical assistance and capacity building would be instrumental in improving the human rights situation in Yemen.

Japan, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, said it was regrettable that consultations between the two core groups had failed to result in a joint resolution. Both core groups on L.21 and L.23 had held only one informal consultation each on a very short notice. In future, both core groups were advised to hold more informal consultations. Concerning the dire humanitarian situation in Yemen, an independent mechanism was essential.

The Council then adopted resolution L.23 without a vote.

Action on Resolution on Technical Assistance and Capacity Building to Improve Human Rights in Sudan

In a resolution (A/HRC/39/L.24/Rev.1) on Technical assistance and capacity-building to improve human rights in the Sudan, adopted without a vote, the Council[…]


Action on Resolution on Assistance to Somalia in the Field of Human Rights

In a resolution (A/HRC/39/L.17) on Assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights, adopted without a vote, the Council[…]


Explanation of the Vote after the Vote after the Council Concluded Taking Action under the Agenda Item on Technical Assistance and Capacity Building


Appointment of Special Procedures Mandate Holders


Report of the Thirty-Ninth Session of the Council


Decision on Theme of the Mainstreaming Panel


General Concluding Comments by Observer States and Civil Society


Concluding Remarks by the President

VOJISLAV ŠUC, President of the Human Rights Council, in his concluding remarks, reiterated that the participation of civil society in the Human Rights Council was crucial and any act of intimidation and reprisal against an individual or groups who had cooperated, were cooperating or sought to cooperate with the Council was completely unacceptable. He reminded again that the Council condemned and rejected all acts of intimidation or reprisal by Governments and non-State actors against individuals and groups who sought to cooperate or had cooperated with the United Nations, its representative and mechanisms in the field of human rights. All acts of intimidation or reprisal against those individuals and groups must end. He called on Member States to take all necessary measures to prevent and ensure adequate protection against such acts.

Despite the many divergent views and sometimes strong opposing positions that existed in the room, there had been numerous examples of delegations coming together in the spirit of compromise and cooperation. He believed that showed that the Human Rights Council was indeed a vibrant and functioning body. More importantly, they continued to face programmes of work that were overly packed, creating great difficulties for delegations, especially the small delegations, and leaving everyone with little time for quality dialogue and debate. The efforts thus far within the long-term efficiency process were notable. However, he feared that if they were not successful in coming together to reach consensus and adopt measures, the process would be taken from the Council and carried forward outside of Geneva. The increasing cooperation and merging of views that he saw through the year made him hopeful that they could come together on the issue of efficiency.
