




  • 抽出方法については関連エントリ 2018-07-05 参照。

  • 北朝鮮*が、キューバニカラグア*、シリア*、ベネズエラとともに L.2 社会フォーラムの共同スポンサーとなっている( * は非理事国、以下同)。2019年の同フォーラムは児童と青少年の権利の促進と保護がテーマとなった。

  • 人権理事会の人権侵害防止への貢献 L.19/Rev.1 でロシア*が修正案 L.27 を提出したが否決された(修正案は各国投票先不明)。エジプト、南アフリカも修正案 L.40(リンク先は国連公式文書システム(英語*1 )を準備していたようだが L.19/Rev.1 に採用された模様(ノルウェー発言参照)。L.19/Rev.1 は採決に持ち込まれ、ヨーロッパ各国や日本、韓国は支持、中国は反対したが採択された。

  • 財政難の人権理事会、この問題もとうぜん反対材料として使用され、L.19/Rev.1 に反対するアラブ首長国連邦が財政上の懸念を(も)表明し、同じく南アフリカも同決議の予算措置について問題を提起。EU 代表のスロバキアは、その L.19/Rev.1 には賛成し修正案 L.27 への反対発言も行なっているのだが、こちらも二日間の会期間セミナーを開催する L.2 では予算上の懸念を指摘している(コンセンサスには参加)。

  • 未抽出だがオブザーバー国による声明で、インド*が午前の会合で採択された L.16 平和的抗議の文脈における人権の促進と保護でのパキスタンによるジャンムー・カシミールへの言及(関連エントリ 2018-07-06 参照)を非難している。下記ほか何度か非難合戦となっていた。

  • 関連エントリ



Decides to Dispatch Two International Human Rights Experts to the Democratic Republic of the Congo

6 July 2018

The Human Rights Council this afternoon adopted four resolutions in which it requested the High Commissioner for Human Rights to dispatch a team of two international human rights experts to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and decided to convene two intersessional seminars on the Council’s contribution to the prevention of human rights violations, to convene an intersessional high-level panel discussion to discuss the incompatibility between democracy and racism, and to convene the Social Forum for two working days in 2019.


The thirty-ninth regular session of the Human Rights Council will take place from 10 to 28 September 2018.

Action on Resolutions under the Agenda Item on Human Rights Bodies and Mechanisms

Action on Resolution on the Social Forum

In a resolution (A/HRC/38/L.2) on the Social Forum, adopted without a vote, the Council decides that the Social Forum will meet for two working days in 2019, in Geneva… and focus on the promotion and protection of the rights of children and youth through education. The Council requests (its) President to appoint, as early as possible, from candidates nominated by regional groups, the Chairperson-Rapporteur for the 2019 Social Forum; and also requests the High Commissioner to facilitate participation in the 2019 Social Forum … of no fewer than 10 experts, including representatives of civil society and grass-roots organizations in developing countries, the Special Rapporteur on the right to education and the Chair of the Committee on the Rights of the Child. The Council invites the 2019 Social Forum to submit a report containing its conclusions and recommendations to the Human Rights Council at its forty-first session.

Cuba, introducing draft resolution L.2, said the Social Forum was a unique space where it was possible to hold open dialogue, and exchange views with diverse actors. The draft resolution proposed that the Social Forum focus its next session on the protection of the rights of children and youth through education. It would be an opportunity for civil society and other international actors to exchange views on a theme of particular relevance. Education was a theme of particular importance, and consultations had been held through a transparent procedure. Pursuant to the call on the efficiency and effectiveness of the Human Rights Council and taking into account previous experiences, the duration of the Forum had been reduced to two days. Given the unique nature of the space provided by the Forum, Cuba trusted that the draft resolution would be adopted without a vote.

Slovakia, speaking on behalf of the European Union in an explanation of the vote before the vote, welcomed this year’s decision by the main sponsor to reduce the duration of the Forum and hoped that this trend would continue. However, concerns remained over the budgetary implications of the Forum. Still, the European Union welcomed the proposed theme for the 2019 Forum and would join consensus on the text.

Action on Resolution on the Contribution of the Human Rights Council to the Prevention of Human Rights Violations

In a resolution (A/HRC/38/L.19/Rev.1) on the contribution of the Human Rights Council to the prevention of human rights violations, adopted by a vote of 28 in favour, nine against and eight abstentions as orally revised, the Council decides to convene two intersessional seminars with States and other relevant stakeholders … on the contribution that the Human Rights Council can make to the prevention of human rights violations; requests the President of the Council to appoint, as early as possible, a chair-rapporteur and two rapporteurs to chair and facilitate the two intersessional seminars in Geneva, and to consult and gather the views of relevant stakeholders in Geneva and New York … in the form of a report for consideration by the Council at its forty-third session; requests the President of the Council, when appointing the chair-rapporteur, to consult with regional groups and to give paramount consideration to governmental background or experience, and when appointing the rapporteurs, to give paramount consideration to relevant multilateral and human rights expertise and experience, as well as to gender and broad geographic representation.

The results of the vote were as follows:

In favour (28): Afghanistan, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Iraq, Japan, Mexico, Mongolia, Nepal, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Togo, Tunisia and United Kingdom.


Against (9): Burundi, China, Cuba, Egypt, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela.

Abstentions (8): Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan and Philippines.

Norway, introducing draft resolution L.19/Rev.1, on behalf of the Core Group, said they had brought the resolution forward to the Council, aware that the prevention of human rights violations was an integral part of the Council’s mandate, as outlined in General Assembly resolution 50/261. The resolution had been built upon two joint statements from the Council’s thirty-sixth and thirty-seventh sessions. The resolution called for two intersessional seminars to be organized in Geneva and for the Council’s President to appoint a Chair-Rapporteur and two Rapporteurs to consult widely with relevant stakeholders. Three open informal session were carried out in a constructive manner and substantial comments were received. Based on those, the text had been revised significantly. The last change was incorporating the amendment L.40, and Switzerland was invited to further elaborate.
ノルウェーは、コアグループを代表して決議案L.19 / Rev.1を提出し、人権侵害防止は、総会決議50/261で概説されているように、理事会のマンデートの不可欠な部分であるとの認識し、理事会に決議を提案していた。決議は、理事会の第三十六回および第三十七回セッションからの二つの共同声明に基づいて作成された。この決議は、ジュネーブで二回の会期間セミナーが企画され、関連ステークホルダーと広く協議するために議長報告者と二名の報告者を任命するよう理事会議長に要請した。三回のオープンな非公式セッションが建設的な方法で実施され、実際的なコメントが受け付けられた。それらに基づき、テキストは大幅に改訂された。最後の変更はL.40の修正案を取り入れており、スイスはさらに詳しい説明を依頼された。

Switzerland, also introducing draft resolution L.19/Rev.1, noted that the Council was called on to contribute to the prevention of human rights violations, according to its mandate. The Council had the necessary resources for such responsibility and the initiative was based on existing resources, and was complementary to similar initiatives. As stated, the Core Group had conducted sessions with delegations. Following remarks, the draft resolution was reworked and co-sponsored by 21 States before submission. Since then, 26 other States had become co-sponsors. The resolution would enrich the debate on how the Council could contribute to the prevention of human rights violations. States were called on to adopt the draft by consensus.

Russia, introducing amendment L.27, said the text of the draft resolution contained serious contradictions that were substantive in nature. The prevention of human rights violations was part of the mandate of the Human Rights Council. According to the resolutions pertaining thereto, prevention should be implemented through dialogue and cooperation. There was no need to invent or implement new working methods. Second, only an open and transparent process could prevent human rights violations. Third, there were serious concerns about the ties between the mandate of the Human Rights Council in terms of prevention, and the process of reforming its Secretariat, in the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Secretariat. The Russian delegation was therefore submitting an amendment which aimed to end violations of the draft resolution towards the Human Rights Council. The Russian delegation could not accept the draft resolution as a whole and asked for this statement to be taken into account in the written records.

Switzerland, stating the position of the sponsors, called for a vote on amendment L.27

Slovakia, speaking on behalf of the European Union in a general comment, attached great importance to the prevention mandate of the Human Rights Council. Slovakia said improving domestic human rights resilience was an important first step towards preventing human rights violations. When Governments upheld the rule of law, they built the foundations of a society less vulnerable to conflict. The Council must react promptly to human rights violations, using all mechanisms and procedures at its disposal. The European Union fully supported the Human Rights Up Front initiative which would allow for the recognition of early warning signs of human rights violations. Women and civil society had crucial roles to play in preventing human rights violations. The European Union reiterated its full support for the initiative and urged all Council Members to vote in favour of the draft resolution.


United Arab Emirates, speaking in a general comment on behalf of a group of countries, shared views that prevention was necessary. However, States believed that Governments had a primary role in the protection of human rights, under resolution 50/261. Although the resolution was procedural, it was ignoring national institutions such as parliaments, national human rights institutions and civil society. States were further concerned about financial implications envisaged through the positions of the Chair-Rapporteur and two Rapporteurs and two intersessional seminars, in times of financial crisis. Treaty bodies, Special Procedures and the Universal Periodic Review were all existing mechanisms for prevention. The draft resolution was insisting on prevention but not on cooperation.


Action on Amendment L.27

Switzerland, speaking in an explanation of the vote before the vote, said it could not support the amendment. The amendment sought to delete sections of the draft created through an open and transparent consultation process. The Core Group had made concessions to refine the text throughout the consultation process. Switzerland would vote against the amendment.


The Council rejected the amendment by a vote of 13 in favour, 19 against and 14 abstentions.

Action on Draft Resolution L.19/Rev.1 as Orally Revised

Venezuela, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, said it had supported amendment L.27 in order to achieve greater balance in the text. Sadly, the position of some States prevented that goal. The goal of the draft resolution was to create external expert groups that could undermine intergovernmental cooperation in the Council, as was stated in resolution 50/261. There was no distinction between the text and the prevention agenda of the Secretary-General. Transferring such functions to an external body was unnecessary. Holding of a seminar or two would be insufficient to consider the viability of new measures. Venezuela could not support the resolution and asked for a vote. Venezuela would vote against and urged all States committed to resolution 50/261 to vote against, in order to send out a clear sign.

United Kingdom, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, thanked the Core Group. Prevention was better than cure, and this was particularly true in the case of human rights. This was an opportunity to engage constructively and it was already used in treaty bodies. The Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture was one of such instruments. Over 100 States had ratified that treaty, showing their commitment to prevention. The resolution was seeking to advance prevention. The Council could do better in preventing human rights violations. No radical measures were suggested, just further debates on the issue, in a modest manner. The United Kingdom would vote in favour and asked all States to do the same.

South Africa, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, wished to underline its commitment to the work of the Human Rights Council as per the framework of the United Nations General Assembly resolutions 60/251, 62/219, and 65/281. These resolutions represented a package of comprehensive measures instructing the Human Rights Council with procedures to be followed, including for the future reform on the Human Rights Council. The Human Rights Council could not afford to act in a manner contrary to the letter and spirit of these resolutions. Additional, the Council had at its disposal existing Special Mechanisms and Procedures and the flagship Universal Periodic Review which could be called upon at any time to provide the requisite advice in the various areas of the mandate. Therefore, there was absolutely no need to establish parallel mechanisms undermining the existing ones.

South Africa fundamentally believed that all existing mechanisms of the Council, including inter-governmental working groups, played an important role in the day-to-day operationalization of the prevention mandate and could not be viewed as tangential. Prevention was the responsibility of all nations. What was the role of the President of the Council, if not to manage the deliberations? What would be the purpose of the report that was being produced? Instead of the dialogue and cooperation that was called for under the resolutions, the Human Rights Council would find itself divided and seeking external individuals to preside over discussions aimed at reviewing the institutional framework of the Council. This could move the Council to a dangerous path in overhauling the agenda of the Council completely. Additionally, the way in which the budget implications were set in the draft resolution was troubling. For all these reasons South Africa would vote against the draft resolution.


China, speaking in an explanation of the vote before the vote, said the draft resolution’s sponsors had held open consultations and had taken on some of its recommendations. However, there was no common understating on how the Human Rights Council played its prevention role. In the absence of consensus on the issue, States must continue to conduct extensive dialogue. China would vote against the draft resolution.

The Council then adopted the draft resolution by a vote of 28 in favour, nine against and eight abstentions.

Action on Resolution under the Agenda Item on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Forms of Intolerance, Follow-up and Implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action

Action on Resolution on the Incompatibility between Democracy and Racism

In a resolution (A/HRC/38/L.11) on the incompatibility between democracy and racism, adopted without a vote as orally revised, the Council[…]


Action on Resolution under the Agenda Item on Technical Assistance and Capacity-Building

Action on Resolution on Technical Assistance to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Accountability Concerning the Events in the Kasai Regions

In a resolution (A/HRC/38/L.8) on technical assistance to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and accountability concerning the events in the Kasai regions, adopted without a vote as orally revised, the Council[…]


Explanation of the Vote after the Vote after the Council Concluded Taking Action under Agenda Item 10


Decision Concerning the Request by the Advisory Committee to Extend the Submission Deadline of Two Studies


Appointment of Special Procedure Mandate Holders


Report of the Thirty-Eighth Session of the Council

JUAN EDUARDO EGUIGUREN, Vice President and Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council, reminded that the Council had held interactive dialogues with the High Commissioner for Human Rights on his annual report and on his Office’s updates on a number of country-specific human rights situations. It had also discussed a wide range of topics during three panel discussions and interactive dialogues with 23 mandate holders, as well as during general debates. The Council had considered the outcome of the Universal Periodic Review of 14 countries, and had appointed five Special Procedures mandate-holders.

The Council then adopted ad referendum the report of its thirty-eighth session.

Statements by Observer States


General Concluding Remarks


Concluding Remarks by the President of the Council

VOJISLAV ŠUC, President of the Human Rights Council, in concluding remarks, said that during this, session allegations of reprisals had been brought to his attention. The Human Rights Council rejected all acts of intimidation and reprisal against individuals and groups who cooperated with it. He asked Member States to prevent such acts. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Bureau, and its representatives from Chile, Spain, the Philippines and Rwanda for their excellent support during this session. He also thanked the Secretariat and all United Nations staff that had contributed to the work of the Human Rights Council.
人権理事会議長、ヴォイスラヴ・シュッツは、結語において、このセッション中[during this session]、報復に関する申し立てが彼の注意を向けさせたと述べた。人権理事会は、協力していた個人や団体に対する脅迫および報復行為を拒否した。そのような行為を防ぐようメンバー国に依頼した。このセッション中のすばらしい支援について事務局とチリ、スペイン、フィリピンおよびルワンダからの代表に心から感謝の意を表明した。彼はまた、事務局員と人権理事会の活動に貢献したすべての国連職員に感謝した。


*1:なお、当方の検索では L.27 のドキュメントは抽出されなかった。