




  • 「人権教師」(下記参照)こと、ブルガリアEU 代表)、ドイツ * 、イギリス、フランス、スイス、チェコ * 、フィンランド * の七か国が中国に言及( * 国の発言は「要約」され中国に対する発言としては採録されていないが、中国が答弁権による発言で国名をあげ反論していた。下掲 UN Web TV 参照)。北朝鮮に対しては、ブルガリアEU 代表)、日本、韓国、オーストラリア、フランス、デンマークの六か国が言及。

  • 「中国は、人権分野における相互協力と対話をつねに支持しており、中国において顕著な人々を中心に置いた開発哲学に忠実だった」、なるほど(呆)。「「人権教師」と呼ばれるいくつかの国々が、[…]人種差別や外国人嫌悪の蔓延を示していながら、無責任な発言を行ない、中国の内政に干渉したことは遺憾」。「人権教師(人権せんせい(?))」、いただきました(笑)。

  • 日本と北朝鮮が二度目の答弁権も行使して非難の応酬。アジェンダ4(理事会の注意を要する人権状況)で毎度繰り返される展開だが、今回は日本側が対話を呼び掛けている。米朝対話を睨んでの措置か。もとよりこの場で北がこれに乗っかってくると考えてはいなかったとはおもうが、二度目の答弁権まで使って続ける必要はあるのか。(ならず者国家と見なされている)北がデタラメな数字などを吹聴してくれて(?)いるのだから、ここは喧伝されている日本軍国主義の「悪行」について反論する絶好の機会と捉えてしまいたい。毎回同じようなネタなので準備できるだろう。南北以外の国はさして興味ないだろうが「「朝鮮占領」というのは事実と異なる」などとやると外務省としてはますますたいへんだとかなるのだろうか。

  • 北朝鮮は相変わらず韓国による「拉致」も非難。韓国は25日の会合で慰安婦問題を持ち出していたが、ここでは日本には言及せず三つ巴にはならなかった。なお、インドとパキスタンはその25日に続きこの日も非難合戦(未抽出)。

  • NGO では、国際人権サービス(ジュネーブ/NYC)、中国人権研究会(北京)、ヘルシンキ人権財団(ワルシャワ)、および国連ウォッチ(ジュネーブ)が中国に、国際キャリア支援協会が北朝鮮に言及。

  • 25日の会合(上掲)に続き、中国人権研究会が中国を擁護。いっぽうヘルシンキ人権財団の発言に対し中国が議事進行を提起したが、議長は再開を許可した。同 NGO20日の会合でも中国を非難していた。

    「要約」されており中国の名は見えないが、先の25日の会合に続き国連ウォッチもやはり中国に言及していた。ここではベネズエラが議事進行を発議、同 NGO は前回37回セッションでは中国に議事進行を発議されていた。
  • 国際キャリア支援協会から藤井実彦氏が北朝鮮による拉致問題について発言。ヒューマンライツ・ナウはカンボジアにおける人権状況について提起。A/HRC/38/NGO/111:「カンボジアにおける深刻な人権状況」(2018年6月12日)

  • (外務省声明)第38回人権理事会議題4一般討論における志野光子大使ステートメント(平成30年6月27日)(英語

  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)
    チャプター03:ブルガリアEU 代表)/デイアナ・コスタディノワ(Deyana Kostadinova)在ジュネーブ政府代表部大使
    チャプター09:イギリス/ミリアム・シャーマン(Miriam Shearman)在ジュネーブ政府代表部大使
    チャプター19:韓国/ユン・サンウク(Sang Uk Yoon)在ジュネーブ政府代表部参事官
    チャプター19:オーストラリア/サリー・マンスフィールド(Sally Mansfield)在ジュネーブ政府代表部大使
    チャプター20:中国/ジャン・インフェン(Jiang Yingfeng)在ジュネーブ政府代表部参事官(?) 
    特命全権大使の俞建華/ユ・ジェンホワ氏(Mr. Yu Jianhua)と記載されているがジャン氏ぽい。
    チャプター22:フランス/エリザベト・ローリン(Elisabeth Laurin)在ジュネーブ政府代表部大使
    チャプター28:デンマーク/ロン・トールプ(Lone Thorup)政府代表
    チャプター33:北朝鮮/崔明男(チェ・ミョンナム/Choe Myong Nam)在ジュネーブ政府代表部次席大使
    チャプター45:ヒューマンライツ・ナウ/ニコラス・トーレスヴィエラ(Nicolas Torres Vieira)氏
    チャプター54:国際人権サービス/サルマ・エル・ホセイニ(Salma El Hosseiny)氏
    チャプター64:中国人権研究会(CSHRS)/シュー・コン・シュー(Shu Kong Shu)氏
    チャプター06:ヘルシンキ人権財団([中国]議事進行)/カイ・ミュラー(Kai Muller)氏
    チャプター31:国連ウォッチ([ベネズエラ]議事進行)/ヒレル・ノイアー(Hilel Neuer)専務理事
    ※  NGO 名が(前回37回セッションで批判した相手の)*1 ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチになっている。



27 June 2018

The Human Rights Council in its midday meeting held its general debate on human rights situations that require the Council’s attention.

In the general debate, speakers stressed that an enabling environment for civil society and in particular for human rights defenders was key to the promotion of human rights in all States. That was why continued restrictions on civil society space and reprisals against human rights defenders, as well as the selective use of anti-extremism legislation to unduly restricted freedoms, was a worrying trend. Concern was raised about the high number of executions in many countries, often following unfair trials and allegations of torture, and about the rise of chauvinistic nationalism, campaigns of hate against religions, and xenophobic and discriminatory policies, which led to targeted attacks against certain communities. Several delegations objected to the politicization of this debate which often had little to do with human rights but was being selectively used to name and shame and for biased practices in the adoption of country specific resolutions.


General Debate on Human Rights Situations that Require the Council’s Attention


Bulgaria, speaking on behalf of the European Union, continued to call on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to end human rights violations. China was urged to release Gui Minhai and all detained human rights defenders. Cambodia was urged to release opposition leader Kem Sokha. The use of excessive force by Israel during the protests at the Gaza fence was concerning. Egypt and Pakistan were urged to stop restricting space for civil society. In Russia, deeply concerning restrictions continued on the freedoms of association, assembly, and expression, as well as in Turkey. In Venezuela, recent presidential elections had not been free or fair.


Germany was concerned about the high number of executions in many countries, often following unfair trials and allegations of torture, and about the detention of journalists and human rights defenders in Turkey. Recognizing Egypt’s challenges, Germany was seriously concerned about increasing repression, recent arrests of journalists and others exercising their right to freedom of expression, and reported torture in detention. The selective use of anti-extremism legislation in Russia discriminated against minorities and unduly restricted freedoms.


United Kingdom was concerned about Russia’s decision to categorize Jehovah’s witnesses as terrorists. Russia was urged to release Ukrainian political prisoners, and China was called on to release those detained for peaceful protests, and improve freedom of expression across China, including Tibet. The situation in South Sudan was appalling, amounting to crimes against humanity. Frequent use of the death penalty in Iran was worrying as well as constraints on democratic space in Egypt. The Government of Sudan was urged to provide human rights to all.

Switzerland was concerned about discrimination against indigenous populations in Guatemala and called on the Government to offer protection to women and girls. In Russia and Crimea there was discrimination against religious, ethnic and linguistic minorities. In the Chinese province of Xinjiang, there were re-education camps for detention. There were violations of international humanitarian law in Ukraine, South Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. All attacks against civilians were condemned.

Japan said it had already stated its position on the human rights situations in Syria and Myanmar. With regard to “North Korea”, it was of great significance that the abductions issue was raised at the United States- “North Korea” summit. Concern was expressed that in the Asia Pacific region, there was a continuous repression of fundamental freedoms, including those of human rights defenders and minorities. It was expected that the United States would continue to show leadership for the promotion of human rights internationally.


Republic of Korea expressed concern about human rights violations in Syria and indiscriminate atrocities against civilians. It also worried that civilians in South Sudan continued to be killed and raped by Government forces. It regretted that Burundi had denied cooperation with the mandate holder and urged the Government to resume cooperation with the United Nations and to restore space for civil and political rights. It welcomed the momentum of inter-Korean dialogue and the agreement made at the inter-Korean Red Cross talks to resume the reunion of separated families.


Australia stressed that the focus in Syria, where chemical weapons were being used, must be on reaching a political solution to end the armed conflict that disproportionately affected civilians. The human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea remained grave, while in the Democratic Republic of the Congo the Government must uphold its population’s civil and political rights. In Yemen, peace through a political solution was needed to fully address the suffering of the people and minimise civilian hardship.


China was always in favour of mutual cooperation and dialogue in the field of human rights and adhered to a development philosophy of putting people at the centre, which was evident in China. It was regrettable that a number of countries, which called themselves “human rights teachers” had made irresponsible remarks and interfered in China’s internal affairs, while at the same time showed rampant racism and xenophobia against migrants, refugees and minorities, particularly Muslims and Roma.


France said that in Syria, the death toll continued to rise and only a political solution could bring a lasting peace. In Yemen, hostilities were increasing, while Eritrea and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had to preserve the human dignity of their citizens. France was concerned over the harassment and arbitrary arrests in Russia, Bahrain, Venezuela, Iran, the Philippines, and Nicaragua. Egypt had to respect human rights in their fight against terrorism, and in China, the authorities were called on to close the camps in Xinjiang.

Czechia noted that several recent elections had been marred by irregularities, including in Venezuela where persecution of the opposition continued, and in Russia where the arrests of participants in the recent post-election protests throughout the country continued. The outburst of violence in Nicaragua was alarming and concern was expressed about violence in Burundi. In the Philippines, the death toll of the war against drugs was appalling and the country’s decision to withdraw from the International Criminal Court was worrying.


Finland said that although a great deal had been achieved in terms of human rights promotion and protection, much remained to be done. Free thinking and speech were not being universally delivered. Human rights defenders and others who wished to freely express themselves continued to be widely subjected to restrictions and reprisals in many parts of the world. Finland would continue to emphasise the importance of free expression in accordance with human rights law.
フィンランドは、人権の促進と保護の点では多大な成果が得られたものの、行なわれることが多く残っていたと述べた。自由な思想と発言は普遍的に提供されていなかった。 人権擁護者やその他の自身を自由に表現したい人たちは、世界の多くの地域において広範な制限と報復にさらされることが続いた。フィンランドは、人権法に従って自由な表現の重要性を強調することを続ける。


Denmark remained concerned about the shrinking space for civil society and human rights defenders both in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. It condemned the Syrian regime’s continued deliberate targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure, and the continued use of chemical weapons and cluster munitions. Denmark called for the release of all arbitrarily detained persons in Bahrain, remained concerned about human rights violations in Iran, and called on Egypt and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to ensure respect for fundamental rights.


Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was concerned about all human rights violations, including the separation of migrant children from their parents, the refugee crisis in Europe, and the attempts by Japan to glorify its sinful history during which it had committed crimes against humanity, including sexual slavery. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea demanded the return of 12 women abducted by the Republic of Korea so that they could be reunited with their families.


Human Rights Now expressed concern about the attacks on political opposition, media and human rights defenders by the Government of Cambodia, which violated the country’s international obligations. Human Rights Now called on Cambodia to end the harassment of the opposition media and to repeal laws that limited the freedom of expression.


International Service for Human Rights considered that the situation in the Council’s candidate State Bahrain, together with the current Members China, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Venezuela, all warranted the Council’s attention. Those States particularly targeted human rights defenders, including through arbitrary detention, judicial harassment, torture, and travel bans. The organization urged States to demonstrate political leadership and lead joint Council action on the above-mentioned countries.


China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS) noted the importance of ensuring and protecting the peaceful coexistence of different religious, and the relationship between religious persons and the Government. China had been safeguarding religious freedoms and could offer best practices to other countries.


Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights reminded that as China had accumulated 15 pending visit requests from the United Nations mechanisms over the past five years, the Foundation strongly welcomed the High Commissioner’s call on the Chinese Government to enable all actors to contribute to all the international human rights mechanisms, and to cooperate with them in a spirit of open and mutual partnership. Access to Tibet had to be unfettered.


United Nations Watch said that the United Nations kept on electing to the Human Rights Council countries which had committed gross human rights violations. Since Vladimir Putin’s Russia was elected to the Council, had the situation of human rights in the country improved, or had more journalists been assassinated? Since Venezuela was elected and re-elected, had the situation of human rights improved or had they arrested more journalists and political opponents?


International Career Support Association stressed the problem of abducted children in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea which was becoming a serious human rights problem. The Council had to establish a commission of inquiry on abducted persons to investigate the issue. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea kept on ignoring the problem.


Right of Reply


China, speaking in a right of reply, said that several countries had made false claims about China. China had made outstanding achievements in its human rights development path and everyone was equal before the law. China’s judicial sovereignty included its own way of handling criminal cases. The Chinese Government had been promoting stability and it was cracking down on separatists and terrorists.


Republic of Korea, speaking in a right of reply, clarified that the “North Korean” workers had decided with their free will to enter “South Korea” and enjoy the life of freedom like other South Korean citizens. The Government of the Republic of Korea regretted that free movement in the Korean Peninsula could not be fully enjoyed. It would make efforts to address the urgent humanitarian issue originated from the north-south division through smooth implementation of the Panmunjom Declaration.


Japan, speaking in a right of reply in response to the Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea, said it was a strong supporter of human rights around the world. Japan did not have any laws discriminating against Koreans residing in the country. It was important to overcome scepticism between Pyongyang and Tokyo.


Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, speaking in a right of reply, said that Japan had committed heinous crimes during its occupation of Korea. Japan had to address its past and present crimes. Two years ago, 12 women from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea were abducted by “South Koreans”. “South Korea” had to unconditionally repatriate these 12 women, victims of abduction and it should put to an end to draconian laws.


Japan, speaking in a second right of reply, said that figures cited by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea were erroneous. However, Japan wanted to focus on extending and deepening cooperation with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea


Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, speaking in a second right of reply, categorically denied yet another misleading allegation by Japan. It was a historical fact that Japan had committed crimes against humanity. Unfortunately, Japan had not addressed those crimes against humanity. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on violence against women had estimated that the number of victims by the Japanese military amounted to 200,000. Japan should address past crimes rather than things that had nothing to do with the right of reply.


