




  • 「国連会合報道およびプレスリリ-ス」ホームページ(英語)より。北朝鮮決議以外は投票となった。日本、韓国はすべて支持。中国、北朝鮮は国別決議三本に反対、残る二本は支持した。いずれの決議も12月19日、総会本会議で採択された(下記掲載国連総会ホームページへのリンク先参照)。以下草案文書へのリンク先は国連公式文書システム。

  • 北朝鮮決議 L.40* 
    採択は13年連続13回目(下記掲載外務省ホームページへのリンク先参照)。「過去の慣行から離れ」コンセンサスで採択されたが、北朝鮮のほかシリア、ロシア、キューバ、中国、イラン、ベネズエラベラルーシがコンセンサスから離脱した(同上、総会本会議ではベラルーシは離脱していない模様)。日本、韓国含む草案 L.40* *1 記載の共同スポンサーは、アルゼンチン、オーストラリア、オーストリア、ベルギー、ブルガリア、カナダ、クロアチアキプロスチェコデンマークエストニアフィンランド、フランス、ドイツ、ギリシャハンガリーアイスランドアイルランド、イタリア、日本、ラトビアリヒテンシュタインリトアニアルクセンブルク、マルタ、マーシャル諸島ミクロネシア連邦モナコモンテネグロ、オランダ、ノルウェーポーランドポルトガル、韓国、ルーマニアスロバキアスロベニア、スペイン、スウェーデン、スイス、トルコ、ウクライナ、イギリス、アメリカの44か国。中南米はアルゼンチンのみで、アジア、アフリカの加盟国は日本、韓国(および豪州と一部太平洋諸島)以外見えない。その後17か国がスポンサーに加わり、計61か国となった(下記掲載第三委員会報告書 A/72/439/Add.3 参照)*2 。日本、中国が発言し、当事国の北朝鮮は、いつもの「第二次世界大戦中の朝鮮人に対する自身の罪を認めることを依然として拒否していた」と日本を非難。韓国は(その他のアジェンダ含め)沈黙。

  • その他の決議も、紛争地の国別決議に、アラブ地域含む人権訓練・文書化センターということで激しいやり取りとなり、サウジ、カタールと、国別決議の対象国イラン・シリア連合での非難合戦が続いた。なお、昨年サウジはイランへの接近も理由にカタールと国交を断絶している。そのカタールを支援しているトルコは、ロシアと接近しつつも、ここでは従来路線どおりでシリアと非難合戦。

    ニューズウィーク/2017年11月28日)WEDGE Infinity/2017年7月19日、2016年2月4日)

  • パレスチナ人自決権 L.59 
    エジプト提出。採決は20日の会合に持ち越された(委員会報告書 A/72/438 参照)。草案 L.59 記載の共同スポンサーに中国、北朝鮮が参加し、ロシアのほかフランスやスウェーデンなども加わっている。その後、会合でその旨発言したシリア始めドイツ、イギリスなど61か国が加わり、イスラム協力機構加盟国も合わせて合計141か国が参加(同上参照)*3 。日本、韓国はイスラエルアメリカやカナダなどとともに不参加。

  • 人権訓練・文書化センター L.25 
    カタールが提出、草案 L.25 掲載の共同スポンサーにアメリカほか、湾岸協力会議GCC)からカタール断交に加わっていないクウェートオマーンが参加。その後、カタール支援のトルコ、カタールとは断交のイエメンなど19か国が加わり計27か国となった(委員会報告書 A/72/439/Add.2* 参照)*4 。シリアがカタール非難開始:「狂気じみた企て」。採決は反対ゼロ、シリアとモザンビークのみ棄権。

  • イラン決議 L.41 
    カナダ提出。草案 L.41 記載共同スポンサーにイスラエルや西欧諸国など33か国、その後9か国が加わり計42か国となった(委員会報告書 A/72/439/Add.3* 参照)*5北朝鮮、中国が反対、日本は支持で発言を行なった。イラン:「イランとその兄弟国イラク」。サウジ(スポンサーには不参加)が草案支持の発言を行なうと、イランはサウジの人権状況や、サウジによるシリアでのテロ支援、イエメンへのミサイル攻撃に言及。逆に11月4日にはイエメンの(イランが支援しているとされる)反政府武装組織フーシ派がサウジにミサイル攻撃を行なったばかりだった。また、その翌週にも報じられたように、これまでサウジはフーシ派に空爆を続けていたことが報じられていたのだが。


  • クリミア L.42 
    ウクライナ自身が提出し、草案 L.42 記載共同スポンサーにトルコや、ジョージアバルト三国、西欧諸国など34か国、その後日本なども加わり合計42か国(委員会報告書 A/72/439/Add.3* 参照)*6北朝鮮、中国が反対発言を行なった。ロシア:「不条理の劇場」。シリア:「プロパガンダ論議に時間を浪費していたのは遺憾」。

  • シリア決議 L.54 
    サウジが提出、草案 L.42 記載共同スポンサーに日本、カタール、サウジ、ウクライナアメリカの5か国。会合でサウジによる口頭修正後、イスラエルやトルコ、イエメンのほか、バーレーンクウェートアラブ首長国連邦オマーン除く残りの GCC 諸国、ヨルダン、更にはカナダ、ドイツ、イタリア、イギリスなども含む47か国が加わり *7 、計52か国。北朝鮮、中国が反対発言、日本は歓迎の発言を行なった。シリアは、草案は「無益」とし、サウジに対しイスラエルの共同スポンサー参加を、サウジとの「秘密同盟の証拠」として「祝福」。「サウジアラビアカタールは、1,370億ドルをシリアを「破壊する」ことに費やし」「世界中のムスリムのイメージを汚しているサウジに資金援助されたテロとともに、イエメン、イラクおよびリビアを破壊」「サウジの脅迫に同意するのは恥」「王と王子に悪事の責任」「サウジ政権のヒステリー」、サウジ・ワッハーブ派は「大量破壊兵器」「サウジとカタールの罠」「カタールとテロリストのあいだには、国連兵力引き離し監視軍(UNDOF)のメンバーを取り除き、誘拐する陰謀」「カタールには憲法と選挙体制がなく、奴隷制状態において働くために数百万の外国人労働者」「カタールの詩人が、大胆にもカタールにおける人権状況を批判した詩を書いたため終身刑」と「ヒステリー」はどちらなのかという勢い。アメリカも草案の共同スポンサーであり、4月7日には発言でも言及していたハーン・シャイフーンでの<化学兵器使用>に対してミサイル攻撃まで行なっていたのだが(本要約によれば)名指しせず。「ラッカの汚れた秘密」に言及して各自スマホで検索するよう(苦笑)促したりしてはいるが、これほど酷く罵ってもいない。

    「ラッカの汚れた秘密」(BBC/2017年11月13日) シリアは草案の共同スポンサーに加わっていたトルコへの非難も行ない、イランも提出国のサウジを攻撃、こちらでも非難合戦となった。サウジは、シリアがサウジへ「注意を逸らすことを試みていたが、サウジアラビア王が誰かを知りもしなかった」とも発言。当要約では「王と王子に悪事の責任」が採録されているが、あるいはシリアが王族の名前を間違えてたりしたのであろうか(未確認)。

  • (外務省ホームページ)

  • (国連総会ホームページ(英語))

    A/72/439/Add.4「人権の促進と保護:ウィーン宣言と行動計画の包括的実施とフォローアップ 第三委員会報告」(2017年12月1日)

    A/72/439/Add.3「人権の促進と保護:人権状況ならびに特別報告者と代表者の報告 第三委員会報告」(2017年12月6日)- L.40、L.41、L.42、L.54 採録

    A/72/439/Add.2*「人権の促進と保護:人権状況ならびに特別報告者と代表者の報告 第三委員会報告」(2017年12月7日) - L.25 。

    A/72/439/Add.1「人権の促進と保護:人権文書の実施 第三委員会報告」(2017年12月1日)

    A/72/439「人権の促進と保護 第三委員会報告」(2017年12月1日)

    A/72/438「人民の自決権 第三委員会報告」(2017年12月1日)- L.59*


    A/RES/72/188「2017年12月19日の総会で採択された[第三委員会報告書(A/72/439/Add.3)に関する]決議 72/188 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国における人権状況」(2018年1月19日)

    「第72回セッション・アジェンダ - 国連総会」(英語

    「第72回セッション決議 - 国連総会」(英語)- 第三委員会割当決議は "Plenary or Cttee.":C.3

    GA/11993「総会、59の第三委員会決議草案を採択、合意文言への不一致のなか4つの注目を浴びているテキストに関する審議を延期 | 会合報道およびプレスリリ-ス」(2017年12月19日)(英語

  • (各社報道より)

    • 毎日新聞(2017年11月16日)
    • ハンギョレ(2017年11月16日)
  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)
    0:37:26 - 北朝鮮/慈成男(チャ・ソンナム/Ja Song-nam)政府代表部大使
    0:41:54 - 日本/別所浩郎政府代表部特命全権大使
    0:50:36 - 中国/姚紹俊(ヤオ・シャオジュン/Yao Shaojun)政府代表部参事官 *8
    1:40:28 - 北朝鮮/慈成男(チャ・ソンナム)政府代表部大使
    1:42:04 - 中国/姚紹俊(ヤオ・シャオジュン)政府代表部参事官
    1:49:20 - 日本/齊藤純政府代表部公使
    2:35:48 - 北朝鮮/慈成男(チャ・ソンナム)政府代表部大使
    2:39:37 - 中国/姚紹俊(ヤオ・シャオジュン)政府代表部参事官1:03:09 - 北朝鮮/慈成男(チャ・ソンナム)政府代表部大使
    1:26:43 - 中国/姚紹俊(ヤオ・シャオジュン)政府代表部参事官
    2:00:05 - 日本/齊藤純政府代表部公使


United Nations



14 NOVEMBER 2017

Third Committee Approves Five Drafts on Situations in Syria, Iran, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, amid Debate over Merits of Country-Specific Texts



総会 > 第三委員会 >



The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) approved five draft resolutions today, four covering human rights situations in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Syria, Iran and Crimea, as well as one focused on a training centre for South-West Asia and the Arab region.

In a day of heated debate, delegates called into question the use of selective country-specific resolutions, with Venezuela’s representative, on behalf of the Non‑Aligned Movement, pointing to the Human Rights Council as the body responsible for considering those issues. Pakistan’s delegate said the promotion and protection of human rights was a shared responsibility, achieved only through cooperation. The representative of Belarus, echoing remarks by numerous others, said country-specific texts only created barriers.

Against that backdrop, a draft on human rights in Iran was approved by a recorded vote of 83 in favour to 30 against, with 68 abstentions. By its terms, the Assembly would express serious concern over use of the death penalty and urge Iran to eliminate all discrimination and rights violations against women and girls. Iran’s representative rejected the text, stressing that the situation in his country did not warrant a special mandate. Iran had consistently responded to communication from special mandate holders and voluntarily submitted its midterm universal periodic review to the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Turning to the human rights in the autonomous Republic of Crimea and city of Sevastopol, the Committee approved the related text by a vote of 71 in favour to 25 against, with 77 abstentions. By its terms, the Assembly would urge the Russian Federation to uphold all its international legal obligations as an occupying Power and request the High Commissioner for Human Rights to prepare the second thematic report on the topic by the end of the current session. The representative of the Russian Federation called the Third Committee “a theatre of the absurd”, as Ukraine’s delegate was trying to advance his country’s own political notions through the draft.

In a departure from past practice, the Committee approved the draft on the situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea without its customary vote on the matter, which would have the Assembly condemn long-standing and gross rights violations in that country. The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea rejected the text as “a product of the political and military confrontation and plot conspiracy of the United Nations and other hostile forces”.

Delegates heavily debated the draft resolution on the situation in Syria, approving it late in the day by recorded vote of 108 in favour to 17 against, with 58 abstentions. By its terms, the Assembly would urge States, especially members of the International Syria Support Group, to create conditions for negotiations on a political solution to the conflict and demand that Syrian authorities meet their responsibilities to protect citizens. Syria’s delegate said the draft reflected the hysteria of the Saudi regime, which was colluding with Qatar to destabilize his country. He called Saudi Wahabism a weapon of mass destruction.

A final draft on the United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region passed with a recorded vote of 178 in favour to none against, with 2 abstentions (Mozambique, Syria). By its terms, the Assembly would note with appreciation its human rights capacity-building, technical assistance and training programmes. Syria’s delegate objected to the draft as a “rabid attempt” by Qatar to seek funding from the United Nations, while his counterpart from Qatar said the centre was pivotal in helping countries build their human rights capacities.

Egypt’s delegate rounded out the day by introducing a draft on “The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination”, on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Support for it would send a message of hope to Palestinians that “the world is with them”, he affirmed.

The Third Committee will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Thursday, 16 November, to take action on proposals.


Rights of Peoples to Self-Determination

The representative of Egypt, speaking on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), introduced a draft resolution titled, “The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination” (document A/C.3/72/L.59*). The draft stressed the need to protect the territorial integrity of areas occupied by Israel, and affirmed Palestinians’ right to self-determination. He appealed to all Member States to support the text and send a message of hope to the Palestinian people that “the world is with them” in achieving their goal of self-determination and establishing a State with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The representative of Syria, speaking in a point of order, said that while his country was not an OIC member, it would like to take part in sponsoring the draft resolution.

A Secretariat official said he would confirm that Syria was not a member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, to which Syria’s representative replied in point of order that his country was not an OIC member and he had not been part of any resolution tabled by that organization.

Human Rights Training Centre

The Committee then took up a draft resolution titled “United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region” (document A/C.3/72/L.25).

The representative of Qatar said the draft text recognized progress made by the centre in the promotion and protection of human rights and advocacy in the region. It also noted the assistance it had provided through capacity-building activities, technical assistance and training programmes. The text further addressed common-interest issues in the field of human rights.

The representative of Syria, in a general statement, requested a recorded vote on the draft, citing Qatar’s “rabid attempt” to propagate a draft resolution seeking funding from the United Nations budget after Qatar itself had offered to fund and host the centre. Changes made by Qatar authorities regarding the centre’s funding imposed a burden on the Organization. He called on Member States to follow up on the centre’s activities, stressing that blatant regional enmity against Syria had been seen, including by Qatar itself. The Doha-based centre was not regional, but rather a Qatari centre serving a national agenda.

The representative of Qatar said in a general statement that the text reaffirmed the need to promote and protect human rights in the region. The insults made by Syria to Qatar and the spread of lies unrelated to the draft resolution were not productive.


The Committee then approved the draft by a recorded vote of 178 in favour to none against, with 2 (Syria, Mozambique) abstentions.

Human Rights Questions

The representative of Venezuela, speaking on behalf of the Non‑Aligned Movement, emphasized the role of the Human Rights Council as a subsidiary organ of the General Assembly responsible for considering human rights situations in all countries through its universal periodic review. He expressed deep concern over the selective adoption of country-specific resolutions in the Third Committee. The universal periodic review was the main intergovernmental cooperative mechanism to review national human rights issues in all countries without distinction. He reiterated the Movement’s condemnation of gross and systematic violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The Secretary said that as the programme budget implications related to the draft text on Myanmar were not ready, action on that text would be postponed until 16 November.

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Next, the Committee considered a draft titled “Situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” (A/C.3/72/L.40*).

The representative of Estonia, on behalf of the European Union and Japan, said the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was of great concern, noting that violations were overlooked due to the headline-grabbing nuclear issue. It was worrisome that accepted recommendations by the universal periodic review and those of the Commission of Inquiry had not been implemented, she said, noting that this year’s text drew attention to abuses against non‑citizens of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and called for consular protections for them. She called on the Government to heed the universal periodic review recommendations to stop human rights violations and bring perpetrators to justice.

The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea said his country categorically rejected the draft resolution which represented “a product of the political and military confrontation and plot conspiracy of the United Nations and other hostile forces”. Sanctions imposed against his country had been vicious and eliminated the rights to survival and development of its citizens. They had cut off the delivery of medical and educational equipment, as well as food for children. The European Union should address its own crimes against humanity, such as xenophobia and Islamophobia, while Japan still refused to admit its own crimes against the Korean people during the Second World War. He called on Member States to oppose the draft with a clear statement of disassociation from consensus.

The representative of Japan said the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was of great concern to the international community. More than half the population lacked food and medical care, while many others had been deprived water and sanitation. Rather than meeting the needs of its people, the Government continued to divert resources to nuclear weapons and ballistic equipment. On the issue of abductions, he said the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had abducted Japanese citizens and many years had passed without their return. He demanded their immediate return and strongly urged that country to resolve outstanding human rights issues.
The representative of Syria, endorsing the position of the Non‑Aligned Movement, rejected selectivity around human rights issues, an approach which sowed discord among nations. The draft resolution interfered with the domestic affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Rejecting all attempts to violate State sovereignty, he appealed to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to coexist peacefully with countries in the region.

The Committee then approved the draft resolution without a vote.

The representative of Singapore said her country opposed country-specific resolutions.

The representative of Iran said country-specific resolutions undermined cooperation and dialogue, stressing that the universal periodic review was an effective tool to assess human rights situations and disassociating his delegation from consensus on the resolution.

The representative of China said his country opposed country-specific resolutions and would not join consensus on the draft.

The representative of the Russian Federation said her country did not agree with human rights bodies considering country-specific resolutions as they would worsen confrontation among States. The universal periodic review was sufficient for assessing in-country human right situations. Her country dissociated itself from the resolution.

The representative of Australia, speaking also on behalf of Iceland, Canada, Norway and Liechtenstein, among other countries, expressed concern over the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, as more than half the population had been deprived of food and medical care. She called on the Government to ensure the welfare and dignity of its people.

The representative of Belarus, associating herself with the Non‑Aligned Movement, said country-specific resolutions were not useful as they created barriers among countries. The universal periodic review provided a balanced analysis of human rights situations in each country and she disassociated Belarus from the draft resolution.

The representative of Venezuela reiterated his country’s position on country-specific resolutions, stressing that cooperation and dialogue must be upheld in order to promote and protect human rights, and that the universal periodic review should be prioritized. Venezuela dissociated itself from consensus on the resolution.

The representative of Costa Rica said in a general statement that all issues related to countries must be evaluated on principles. The Human Rights Council had mechanisms to examine specific cases. The universal periodic review was the appropriate tool to examine human rights situations, making it appropriate to refer specific examinations to that body.

The representative of Cuba endorsed the statement by the Non‑Aligned Movement, and in his national capacity disassociated from consensus on draft “L.40”, saying that genuine international cooperation based on objectivity and non‑selectivity was the only path to pursue. The universal periodic review should examine human rights cases to ensure proper respect for the country concerned. Cuba could not join consensus on the resolution, yet its opposition to the selective mandate did not undermine the value of considering unresolved issues requiring the agreement of all parties concerned.


A draft text titled “Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran” (document A/C.3/72/L.41) was then introduced.
イラン・イスラム共和国における人権状況」と題された草案(文書A/C.3/72/ L.41)が次に提出された。

The representative of Canada, introducing draft “L.41”, first expressed condolences to victims of the recent earthquake in the region. Turning to the draft, she said the scope and gravity of human rights violations in Iran remained high, with the number of executions being particularly concerning. Numerous cases of arbitrary arrest and detention, the lack of due process and restrictions on freedom of expression were also of deep concern. Canada had sought to engage as many countries as possible, which had resulted in a draft reflecting the concerns of countries from around the world. Addressing human rights issues was at the core of the Third Committee’s mandate. Through the resolution, the international community could continue to express its desire to see Iran live up to its human rights obligations.

Committee Chair EINAR GUNNARSSON (Iceland) also expressed condolences to the victims of the recent earthquake.

The representative of Iran remembered the victims of the earthquake which had struck Iran and its brotherly country Iraq, thanking the Chair and all others for their condolences. The Third Committee’s time was being consumed by a pointless and futile draft resolution, which was a disservice to the human rights cause. The hypocrisy and double standards were mind-boggling, he said, noting that there were many cases of Canadian non‑compliance with human rights obligations. Police brutality and the murder of indigenous peoples were well-documented, he said, noting that indigenous women and girls continued to suffer. He underscored that Iran had never practiced slavery, colonialism, or promoted racism. It was concerning that countries that had engaged in all those practices now used human rights to advance short-sighted interests. Canada insisted on the draft resolution despite Israel being one of the co‑sponsors, and had not even waited for the Secretary-General’s report to become available. The situation of human rights in Iran was by no means special; nor did it warrant a special mandate. Iran had regularly and consistently responded to communication from special mandate holders, he underscored, while voluntarily submitting its midterm universal periodic review to the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

The Chair noted that a recorded vote had been requested.

The representative of Saudi Arabia said in a general statement that his country appreciated Canada’s tabling of the draft resolution and efforts to remove any criticism against Islamic Shariah law in the text. Saudi Arabia would support the draft, as it highlighted the rights violations taking place in Iran, including the forced arrest and torture of minorities. Violations perpetrated by Iranian authorities had also extended to Syria through the practice of sectarian cleansing, the emptying of villages and towns where people of certain sects lived, and discrimination against Arabs.

The representative of Syria, in explanation of vote, associated himself with the Non‑Aligned Movement and rejected the draft resolution, as it was politicized and sought to ruin Iran’s reputation. Iran was already suffering under sanctions. The text was full of fabricated reports submitted by agencies which aimed to destabilize Iran. He asked Saudi Arabia’s delegate to refrain from naming his country in future statements.

The representative of Venezuela, speaking on behalf of the Non‑Aligned Movement, said the Group rejected country-specific resolutions on human rights as they strayed beyond the purview of the Third Committee. The universal periodic review should be used to assess human rights situations in countries, stressing that country-specific texts undermined the mandate of the Human Rights Council.

The representative of the Russian Federation called country-specific resolutions counterproductive, stressing that a “lecturing” tone would not facilitate any discussion on human rights. His country would vote against the draft.


The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea expressed condolences to the earthquake victims, and associated himself with the Non‑Aligned Movement, rejecting all country-specific resolutions. They had nothing to do with genuine promotion and protection of human rights, as they only brought about confrontation. The universal periodic review was the mechanism for considering all countries’ human rights on an equal footing. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea would vote against the draft text.

The representative of China expressed condolences to the earthquake victims, saying his country stood ready to provide assistance to the two affected countries upon request. He rejected politicization of the issue, saying China would vote against the draft resolution. The international community should view progress Iran had made on human rights in an objective manner.

The Committee then approved the draft by a recorded vote of 83 in favour to 30 against, with 68 abstentions.


The representative of Japan expressed condolences to those affected by the earthquake. His country would continue to constructively engage with Iran on human rights. Challenges remained in Iran, including around promoting the freedom of expression, both online and offline.


The representative of Iran, in a general statement, said a staggering number of Yemeni children had been killed by Saudi missiles, and thousands of Syrian children by terrorists funded by Saudi Arabia. He also highlighted rights violations in Saudi Arabia and the ruthless silencing of all dissidents. The country enslaved migrants who lived in abject conditions.

The representative of Saudi Arabia, in a general statement, said the statement by his Iranian counterpart had hit a nerve because he spoke of Sunni Arabs in Iran. He asked Iran to rectify its problems before criticizing others.


Next, the Committee considered a draft resolution on the “Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine” (document A/C.3/72/L.42). The representative of Ukraine, introducing the draft, said it was a follow-up to last year’s resolution. The human rights situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and city of Sevastopol, Ukraine, continued to deteriorate, and there was no sign that Russian authorities had complied with the requirements of the earlier resolution. Murder, harassment, detention and persecution of journalists and rights defenders persisted. Russian occupying authorities had also incarcerated Crimean Tatars. Ukraine was committed to protecting the rights of Crimean citizens, he said, stressing that the draft was not country-specific and urging Member States to adopt it by consensus.

The representative of Azerbaijan reaffirmed his country’s support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity, urging that all conflicts between Member States be resolved through political and diplomatic means.

The representative of the Russian Federation, speaking in a general statement, called the Committee “a theatre of the absurd”, as Ukraine’s delegate had put forward his country’s own political notions through the draft resolution. The text was not about human rights. It was yet another attempt to change the status of Crimea despite the will of its people. There was no armed conflict in Crimea. Such approaches, under the guise of human rights rhetoric, discredited the Third Committee. It was a “bad joke” when Ukraine demanded that education be conducted in the language of national minorities, when Ukraine itself had deprived millions of children from being educated in their own tongue. The authors of the text were allegedly concerned about the fate of religious communities, yet condoned the takeover of a church. Supporting the text would send the signal that Ukraine bore no responsibility for the situation in Crimea. The Russian Federation called for a vote and he urged all to reject the text.

The representative of Syria, in a general statement, categorically rejected the draft resolution on Crimea, calling it a politicized text which had nothing to do with reality. It was unfortunate that the Third Committee was wasting time debating propaganda, rather than engaging in dialogue on the promotion and protection of human rights. Crimea was an autonomous entity and the draft did not reflect that reality. It was simply an attempt to interfere in internal affairs; it had nothing to do with the Third Committee. Stressing that country-specific resolutions undermined the principle of non‑selectivity, he said human rights situations must be considered within the universal periodic review, not the Third Committee, a point that had been agreed during the Human Rights Council’s establishment in 2006.


The representative of the United Kingdom, in a general statement, said the primary reason for the resolution was the numerous human rights concerns in the occupied territories of Ukraine, highlighted in a report by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), which detailed arbitrary arrests, detentions, and an overall decline in human rights standards. He expressed deep concern over the persecution of the Crimean Tatar community, stressing also that many Ukrainians remained in prison for speaking up against the Russian annexation. It was deplorable that Russian authorities had denied human rights monitoring bodies access to the occupied territories of Ukraine and urged all Member States to support the draft.


The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea said in a general statement that country-specific resolutions fostered politicization. The universal periodic review was the proper mechanism for addressing all countries’ situations on equal footing. He rejected the draft and would vote against it.

The representative of Iran said the blame game, and “naming and shaming approach”, had destroyed the atmosphere of dialogue and mutual understanding.

The representative of Belarus said it was unacceptable to politicize human rights. Country-specific resolutions had been rejected by the countries in question and would not resolve such issues, she said, stressing that the universal periodic review carried out a balanced analysis of human rights situations. Belarus would vote against the draft.

The representative of China said his Government opposed country-specific resolutions and they went beyond the Third Committee’s mandate, and would vote against the draft.


The draft resolution was adopted by a vote of 71 in favour to 25 against, with 77 abstentions.


The representative of Switzerland said she had voted in favour of the resolution. International monitoring must be more robust, and violations of international humanitarian law addressed, holding all perpetrators accountable. She called on all stakeholders to honour their commitments, stressing that resolutions should focus foremost on social situations affecting people across the globe, and that the resolution strayed outside that mandate. Switzerland would continue to support, in principle, country-specific resolutions.


The representative of Brazil said his country had abstained, as the text did not help reduce tensions. Brazil supported all efforts to prevent human rights violations on the ground.

The representative of Hungary, noting that her country had not been in a position to co-sponsor the resolution, said the right of national minorities to receive education in their mother tongue was important. She called on Ukraine to respect the rights of minorities living under its jurisdiction.

The representative of Cyprus disassociated from the paragraphs of the draft resolution dealing with Crimean Tatars.

The representative of Greece said his country supported the territorial integrity of Ukraine and had voted in favour of the draft resolution. However, he expressed concern over the situation of the Crimean Tatars and fully supported the statements made by the representative of Cyprus on the matter.



The representative of Georgia expressed strong support for the draft resolution, which aimed to address serious human rights violations caused by the occupation of Crimea and Sevastopol. The people of Crimea had been subjected to violence, forced disappearances and other violations documented by OHCHR. The draft was an instrument to ensure that the Russian Federation complied with international obligations and allowed human rights monitoring bodies access to Crimea.


The final draft taken up by the Committee today was titled “Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic” (document A/C.3/72/L.54).

The representative of Saudi Arabia, introducing the text, said his country had tabled the draft because the unchanged situation prevailed in Syria. The text condemned rights violations in Syria, whomever the perpetrators. It was in line with United Nations reports, according to which Syrian authorities bore responsibility for violations. Syria had failed to protect its citizens against terrorists, sectarian militias and criminal gangs. The resolution called for the return of refugees in a noble and dignified manner, and for humanitarian access to all those in need. It also called on Syrian authorities to end their forced evacuation and to stop sectarian cleansing.

Noting that the text called for the withdrawal of all foreign fighters and all foreign forces and militias and mercenaries, it also demanded that they leave Syria to the Syrians. Syria would argue that it was fighting terrorism, he said, but when Syria’s arguments ran out, that country’s ambassador would distract by pointing to Saudi Arabia and other sponsors of the draft resolution. The Committee had not fallen for that trick in the past. He urged the Committee to remember the pictures of children who had been swallowed by the sea, urging them to vote for humanity. He made two oral corrections to the text, pointing to a repetition of paragraph 39 in the text, and adding six words to operative paragraph 43 line 9.

The Secretary confirmed that the duplicated paragraph would be deleted and noted the correction to the operative paragraph.

The representative of Syria congratulated his Saudi counterpart for the fact that Israel had joined the list of co-sponsors, a demonstration of the secret alliance between both countries. Saudi Arabia and Qatar had spent $137 billion “destroying” Syria, he stressed, adding that the money was being used to attract terrorists to Syria. Those countries had also devoted large sums of money to destroy Yemen, Iraq and Libya, with Saudi-financed terror tarnishing the image of Muslims around the world.

Describing the draft as “futile”, he said its sponsors included financiers of terror and colonizers, and asked how they could be trusted when they pillaged the wealth of nations and did not respect basic human rights. The politicization of the United Nations would render it a futile tool used by those wanting to play politics, he said, calling the authors of the draft a coalition of Governments that terrorized one another, only uniting to promote terrorism and contribute to the spilling of blood. He urged delegates to search “Raqqa dirty secret” on their smart phones to witness first-hand what those countries had done to prevent the freeing of Syrian lands from terrorists.

The Kings and Princes of Saudi Arabia were responsible for evil, he said, stressing that the United Nations should be ashamed to agree to Saudi blackmail. The draft represented the hysteria of the Saudi regime and its friends and sponsors. Saudi Arabia and Qatar were colluding to destabilize Syria. The resolution was a clear contradiction, as its sponsors had terrible human rights track records, he said, calling Saudi Wahabism a weapon of mass destruction.

Turkey had contributed to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Syrians, he said, having opened its doors to foreign combatants, as indicated in Security Council reports on the matter. Combatants were transporting weapons from Libya into Syria through Turkey. If Syria waited for the United Nations to protect it from terrorism, the scourge would never end. Syrians were writing a new victory thanks to their heroism in the face of terror, he said, calling on Member States not to fall into the “Saudi and Qatari trap” and to vote against the politicized draft.

The representative of the United States in a general statement supported the resolution and called on all countries to vote in favour of it. The Syrian Government was responsible for the vast majority of human rights violations inflicted on the Syrian people. The draft referenced the attack on Khan Sheikoun, which marked the fourth time the Joint Investigative Mechanism had confirmed the Syrian regime had used chemical weapons. The United States denounced all those heinous acts and called for both accountability and an end to the conflict.


The representative of Iran displayed a photo of an Iranian citizen who had been beheaded on-camera, saying that that young man and others like him were the true fighters against extremism. It was absurd that the sponsors of the draft resolution, including Saudi Arabia, were also the main sponsors of terrorism in Syria including Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) and its affiliates. As the international community inched closer to defeating terrorist groups, their mentors had grown upset, worrying about the money spent to destabilize the region which now seemed to be a lost investment. He urged the Committee to be mindful of how votes could be interpreted; the people of Syria and the Syrian army would defeat terrorists and their allies, including Saudi Arabia.

The representative of Turkey said the crisis in Syria had begun with the violent repression by the Syrian regime. The human rights situation in Syria was deteriorating, with the regime employing all instruments to prolong its grip on power and the Syrian people being brutally punished with chemical weapons, targeting of civilians, sexual violence, torture, starvation and siege. The persistent lies of the regime’s representative did not change that. Highlighting the need to end impunity, she said that while the text’s approval would not heal the suffering, it would demonstrate international solidarity with Syrians in their pursuit of accountability, underscoring Turkey’s support for the measure.

The representative of Venezuela reaffirmed his rejection of country-specific resolutions and special procedures, stressing that the continued adoption of such drafts strayed beyond the Committee’s purview. Dialogue with concerned States was the only path to improving human rights and the universal periodic review must be prioritized.

The representative of Qatar said the Syrian crisis involved grave, systematic rights abuses. The situation was deteriorating with indescribable suffering by Syrians, she said, calling for an end to violations by all stakeholders in Syria. There must be a free and fair judicial process to prosecute perpetrators of the most serious crimes in Syria.
カタール代表は、シリア危機は重大かつ組織的な権利侵害を含んでいたと述べた。シリアにおけるすべてのステークホルダーによる違反を終わらせるよう要請し、シリア人の言葉で表せないほどの苦しみを伴う状況が悪化していたと彼女は述べた。 シリアにおける最も深刻な犯罪の加害者を起訴するための自由で公正な司法手続きがある筈だった。


The representative of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, speaking in explanation of vote, objected to all country-specific resolutions. Human rights must be addressed through dialogue while respecting national sovereignty, he said, pointing to the universal periodic review as the adequate approach for addressing those issues. He would vote against the draft.

The representative of the Russian Federation said she would vote against the draft. Efforts were being made to transform the Committee into a body that “rubberstamped” country-specific resolutions and the current draft was a perfect example of that “nefarious” practice. She called on States supporting it to acknowledge that its adoption would in no way help stabilize the situation in Syria. It failed to account for recent progress in combating terrorist groups, she said, calling for an end to the “information war” being waged against Syria. The Russian Federation had responded to appeals from the Syrian Government and was providing assistance in the fight against terrorism. She called on all States wanting to help Syria to vote against the draft.


The Committee then approved the draft by a recorded vote of 108 in favour to 17 against, with 58 abstentions.

The representative of Egypt, in explanation of vote, said that since 2011, his country had maintained an extraordinary stance on the Syria resolution. Egypt rejected all resolutions that did not have the support of the country concerned, he said, expressing regret that the text was being routinely addressed in the Third Committee. The draft lacked balance on finding those responsible for rights violations and contained many references to the International Criminal Court, on which Egypt’s position was well-known, he said. For such reasons, Egypt had abstained.

The representative of Syria responding to comments by his counterpart from Turkey, described a situation in which a terrorist working for Turkish intelligence in Libya had transferred two litres of sarin gas from that country to the airport in Istanbul on a civilian flight. Referring to an attack in Khan al‑Assal, he described a conversation with former Secretary-General Ban Ki‑moon, saying he had promised assistance in confirming whether gas had been used, but not by whom. The Commission of Inquiry had failed in its investigation, just as the Joint Investigative Mission had. There was a conspiracy between Qatar and terrorists to remove and kidnap members of United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). Qatar lacked a constitution and an electoral regime, he said, and millions of foreign workers had been brought there to work in conditions of slavery. Further, a Qatari poet had been imprisoned for life for daring to write a poem in which he criticised the human rights situation in Qatar.

The representative of China said human rights must be addressed through dialogue and mutual respect. He rejected country-specific resolutions and had voted against the draft.

The representative of Lebanon said her Government had adopted a policy of disassociation since the beginning of the Syrian conflict, and as such, had abstained.


The representative of Libya disassociated from the draft as it strayed from addressing the situation in Syria and included language that politicized the matter. She expressed regret over statements by Syria’s delegate and strongly rejected any reference to the trafficking of weapons from Libya.

The representative of Iran in an explanation of vote said Saudi Arabia, due to its shameful record both at home and abroad, had no moral competence to lecture others on human rights. The resolution falsely labelled those fighting terrorism in Syria, he said, clarifying that the two Iranian forces mentioned in paragraph 28 were part of Iran’s regular armed forces, deployed in Syria on an advisory basis at the Government’s invitation. The draft would not dissuade Iran from its fight against violent extremism.

The representative of Saudi Arabia in a general statement thanked all Member States for the clear message sent that events in Syria had violated human rights not only in that country but around the world. Syria’s delegate had attempted to divert attention from his own country to Saudi Arabia, and was even unaware of who was king of Saudi Arabia. Given such ignorance, it was up to the Committee to decide on other information offered by Syria’s delegate. To comments by Iran’s representative, he said the Committee could recount events around the deaths of thousands of people, for whom Iranian authorities bore responsibility.

The representative of Qatar said support for the draft had demonstrated that the international community would not stand for human rights violations in Syria. Qatar would continue shouldering its responsibilities in that regard.

The representative of Japan welcomed the text’s approval and expressed grave concern over the deteriorating human rights situation in Syria. Expressing hope that violence would cease, he condemned in the strongest terms any use of chemical weapons. Any such use in Syria called for renewal of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons-United Nations Joint Investigative Mechanism.

The representative of Estonia, speaking on behalf of the European Union, said the bloc was appalled by the situation in Syria and strongly condemned attacks against civilians and humanitarian personnel. Condemning in the strongest terms the use of chemical weapons, she reaffirmed the commitment to combating terrorists operating in Syria. Impunity for crimes committed in Syria was unacceptable and the situation must be referred to the International Criminal Court, she said, calling for Security Council action to that end.

She also urged the Council to maintain the investigative capacity of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and United Nations joint mechanism. A political solution to the crisis must be pursued, she stressed, underscoring the bloc’s commitment to democracy as a means to promote human rights.

The representative of Turkey welcomed the draft’s approval and rejected Syria’s allegations against her country.

The representative of Syria thanked all countries that voted against the draft or abstained.

 For information media. Not an official record.


*1:* は「技術的理由による改訂」を示す。当該草案参照。






*7:アルバニアアンドラ、オーストラリア、オーストリアバーレーン、ベルギー、カナダ、コモロクロアチアチェコデンマークジブチエストニアフィンランド、フランス、ジョージア、ドイツ、アイスランドアイルランドイスラエル、イタリア、ヨルダン、クウェートラトビアリヒテンシュタインリトアニアルクセンブルクモルディブ、マルタ、モーリタニア、メキシコ、ミクロネシア連邦モナコ、モロッコ、オランダ、ニュージーランドノルウェーパラオポーランドポルトガルルーマニアサンマリノ 、トルコ、マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国アラブ首長国連邦、イギリス、イエメン。委員会報告書 A/72/439/Add.3 参照。
