




  • ドイツ、アメリカ、イギリス、エストニアEU代表)、ルクセンブルクの五か国が中国に言及。中国は、ドイツ、アメリカについては問題を指摘し返し反論。その他に対しては答弁権による発言で、「人権問題の政治化に熱心な一部の国々」による主張に反対とだけ表明。

  • 北朝鮮には、日本、アメリカ(北朝鮮への言及が「要約」されており見えないが、北朝鮮が最初の発言から反論しており、UN Web TV で確認したところ「DPRK」に言及している)、韓国、エストニアEU代表)、アイスランド、フランス、オーストラリア、チェコの七カ国が言及したが、日本、アメリカ、韓国に対して問題を指摘し返して反論。答弁権による発言でも日本、イギリス、韓国、アメリカの声明を拒否すると言及し、更にアメリカ、日本、韓国の問題を再度指摘した。アメリカは答弁権を使用せず、日本、韓国と北朝鮮が二度目の答弁権も使用して非難し合ういつもの展開。韓国は日本には沈黙し三つ巴にはならなかった。

  • 中国の言うとおり人権理事会は「国家の対立の道具ではない」のだろうが、「対立」における「対話の場」となることが多く、その際はあとから発言した方が(発言順がどう決まるのか、発言予定各国の声明が事前に知らされているのか等?だが)有利にみえる。
  • 最後に北朝鮮による日帝840万人拉致説が登場。2002年9月の日朝首脳会談後、翌年1月に労働新聞(朝鮮労働党中央委員会機関紙)が報じたのが最初(それ以前には600万人を唱えていた)らしい。下記、朝鮮新報が報じている。国連では、この年9月24日、総会での一般討論が最初か。

    朝鮮新報(2003年2月4日)国連総会一般討論における北朝鮮の答弁権行使と我が方よりの反論(「国際連合日本政府代表部」ホームページ)※ サブページ「ステートメント」に掲載されていることになっているが、この記事への誘導リンクがないようにおもわれる。

  • NGOからは、反差別国際運動(IMADR)がバングラデシュと、日本の表現の自由に関する特別報告者の勧告について言及。後者について翌日の会合続きで、国際キャリア支援協会がカウンタースピーチを行なった(関連エントリ参照)。また、ここでは「要約」され落とされているが、前第35回セッションで山城博治氏が発言した「沖縄弾圧」(こちら)に再び言及している(下記 UN Web TV や以下のリンク先参照)。

    バングラデシュと沖縄の人権擁護者」(HRC36, 2017, OS)


  • イギリスはここでもロヒンギャ問題をしれっと指摘。なお、英仏は(恐らく意図的に)まだ「ビルマ」を使っている。
  • ( UN Web TV の映像より)
    チャプター03:ドイツ/アンチェ・レーンダーツェ(Antje Leendertse)在ジュネーブ政府代表部大使
    チャプター07:アメリカ/ジェイソン・マック(Jason Mack)政府代表
    チャプター11:中国/ジャン・ドゥアン(Jiang Duan)在ジュネーブ政府代表部公使参事官
    チャプター12:イギリス/ミリアム・シャーマン(Miriam Shearman)在ジュネーブ政府代表部大使
    チャプター13:韓国/チェ・キョンリム(Kyong-Lim Choi)在ジュネーブ政府代表部特命全権大使
    チャプター15:エストニアアンドレ・プン(Andre Pung)在ジュネーブ政府代表部特命全権大使
    チャプター19:アイスランドダヴィオ・ロギ・シグルズソン(Davio Logi Sigurosson)政府代表
    チャプター21:フランス/エリザベト・ローリン(Elisabeth Laurin)在ジュネーブ政府代表部大使
    チャプター23:オーストラリア/サラ・ロバーツ(Sarah Roberts)政府代表
    チャプター27:チェコ/ヤン・カーラ(Jan Kára)在ジュネーブ政府代表部特命全権大使
    チャプター30:北朝鮮/崔明男(チェ・ミョンナム/Choe Myong Nam)在ジュネーブ政府代表部次席大使チャプター003:ルクセンブルク/アンネ・ゴーダート(Anne Goedert)政府代表
    ※ "Mr. Taisuke Lomatsu" となっている。 
    チャプター034:国際民主法律家協会/ミコル・サヴィア(Micol Savia)氏
    ※ "Ms. Nicol Savia" になっている。
    チャプター091:中国/ジャン・インフェン(Jiang Yingfeng)在ジュネーブ政府代表部参事官
    チャプター097:韓国/ユン・サンウク(Yoon Sang-Uk)在ジュネーブ政府代表部参事官
    ※ チャプター・リンクでは北朝鮮となっており、かわりに不要なチャプター103(当初は104も)が韓国としてセットされている。韓国、北朝鮮と続いて混乱したか。説明文の方はチャプター78ぶん途中までで切れており表示なし。文字数オーバーっぽい。雑。

  • 関連エントリ



19 September 2017

The Human Rights Council this afternoon held a general debate on human rights situations that require the Council’s attention.

In the debate, some speakers said the Council should tackle human rights issues in a constructive and non-conflictual approach, with respect for national sovereignty and non-interference in domestic affairs. It should avoid the proliferation of politicized mandates and double standards. Other speakers said it was important that the international community made a concerted effort toward rectifying human rights situations in countries around the world. The restriction of civil society space and the targeting of human rights defenders and journalists in a number of countries was raised. Other issues highlighted in specific country contexts included the violations of the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons, refugees and migrants, and the scourge of racism. Access of women to sexual and reproductive health and to abortions was raised by speakers, as was the issue of violations of the rights of indigenous peoples.


General Debate on Human Rights Situations that Require the Council’s Attention


Germany expressed concern about the growing number of detained journalists and human rights defenders in Turkey. It also remained concerned about widespread human rights abuses in China, especially in Tibet, Xinjiang and neighbouring regions. It drew attention to numerous killings in the Philippines, the ongoing oppression against civil society in the Russian Federation, the silencing of civil society in Egypt, and to the dismantling of the democratic order in Venezuela.

Japan said it was important that the international community made a concerted effort toward rectifying human rights situations. The international community also had to come together to address the human rights situation in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, including the issue of abduction. There had been no improvement, and the country had carried out repeated provocative actions. Pyongyang was requested to take a hard look at its human rights situation and take concrete steps toward cooperation with the international community and relevant United Nations human rights mechanisms.

United States remained deeply concerned about the situation in Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Myanmar, Burundi and Russia, among others. It called upon Russia to hold perpetrators accountable for the judicial killings of gay men in Chechnya and deplored the death sentences for prisoners of conscience. It remained troubled by reports that lawyers and activists were being arbitrarily arrested and detained, and was appalled by conditions in Tibet and other areas. It urged the restoration of Venezuela’s democratic institutions and urged Cuba to release political prisoners. Finally, it was troubled by Turkey’s severe crackdown on dissenting voices during the protracted emergency situation.

China said that the Human Rights Council should be a platform for dialogue and not a tool for States’ confrontation. China was concerned that the scourge of racism was deeply embedded in the United States where there was a resurgence of white supremacy. In Germany, neo-Nazis incited racism and xenophobia. The United Kingdom was experiencing a grave phenomenon of modern slavery. China said that these countries never expressed self-criticism on their own issues. This was typical of the politicization of the Human Rights Council.


United Kingdom was concerned about the death of Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo in China and the handling of his case. It remained concerned about restrictions of civil and political freedoms in China and the continued detention of human rights lawyers and defenders. The United Kingdom raised the desperate plight of Rohingya Muslims of “Burma’s” Rakhine state. The security forces bore responsibility for this humanitarian crisis. The United Kingdom condemned the persecution of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons in Chechnya.

Republic of Korea regretted the man-made catastrophe in Yemen, as the cholera outbreak there was preventable. All military parties were urged to heed international voices and work for the promotion and protection of human rights. The Republic of Korea remained seriously concerned about human rights abuses in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, including the food security of the “North Korean” people. Developing weapons of mass destruction had to be stopped, and Pyongyang should extend its cooperation with United Nations mechanisms.


Estonia, speaking on behalf of the European Union, expressed concern with regard to the situation of human rights in Yemen, Syria, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and several other countries. The European Union was concerned about the consequences of the new non-governmental organizations law in Egypt, and reiterated its concern over the human rights situation in the Russian Federation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons. China should abide by its international human rights law obligations. While the fight against drug crime in the Philippines was important, the European Union was concerned about the high number of killings. Venezuela’s political and social situation had reached critical levels, and as regards the occupied Palestinian territory, the European Union was concerned about the loss of life among those in administrative detention.


Iceland was concerned about the human rights situation in Venezuela as well as the excessive use of force by the Venezuelan authorities. Iceland remained concerned about the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It condemned recent nuclear experiments and strongly urged the “North Korean” Government to focus its efforts instead on redressing systemic human rights violations against its own people. Iceland was deeply concerned about the human rights situation in Yemen. The Saudi Arabia-led coalition had conducted scores of unlawful airstrikes, some of which amounted to war crimes.


France was concerned by the persistent abuses of human rights in the context of the crisis in Syria, where the regime had used chemical weapons against the population, and in Yemen and South Sudan, where the situation was continuously deteriorating. France was concerned about the reports of violations of human rights in “North Korea”, Burundi or the state of “Burma”. Civil society was severely oppressed in Venezuela. Egypt was facing threats of terrorism, but its policy should be aligned with human rights principles. France called for the universal abolition of the death penalty.

Australia was concerned at the deterioration of human rights in some States since the last meeting of the Council, with appalling abuses occurring in Syria. The persecution of members of religious and ethnic minority groups was condemned. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea had failed to improve the human rights situation since the Commission of Inquiry’s report. Reports of the Government’s involvement in arbitrary killings in the Democratic Republic of the Congo were shocking, and the Government should provide certainty on the timing of elections.


Czech Republic was gravely concerned about the escalation of the crisis in Venezuela, and in particular the arbitrary detention and torture of political prisoners. In Russia, it was worried about the detention of peaceful protestors. The reported abuse against persons from the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender communities had to be thoroughly investigated. Czech Republic regretted reports of extrajudicial killings in the fight against crime in the Philippines, which were troubling. Maximum efforts had to be made to stop human rights violations in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was deeply concerned about racial discrimination and police violence in the United States. It was also particularly concerned about the crimes of slavery committed in the past by Japan. The ongoing repression and discrimination against Korean residents in Japan was unacceptable. Twelve “DPRK” citizens had been abducted by the “South Korean” authorities last year. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea condemned all acts of unilateral coercive measures that negatively impacted civilians.


Luxembourg was profoundly concerned about the deteriorating situation of human rights in a number of countries, including Azerbaijan, China, Egypt, Philippines and Venezuela. Severe restrictions on political and civil rights had to be discussed outside of the sessions of the Universal Periodic Review. Luxemburg supported mandates of Special Procedures and treaty bodies.

International Movement against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism drew the Council’s attention to the deteriorating human rights situation in Bangladesh where human rights defenders had been subjected to intimidation and harassment by the Government. The Border Guards in Bangladesh had tightened border control to restrict the entry of Rohingyas fleeing from Myanmar. The Japanese Government had not taken any measures to implement the recommendations from the Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression.


International Association of Democratic Lawyers called the attention of the Human Rights Council to the failure of the Japanese Government to assist the survivors of the Fukushima disaster. Many residents were being economically pressured to return to areas where they might be exposed to higher than internationally recommended doses of radiation. The Japanese Government’s policy was deliberate, structural violence against the victims of the disaster.


Right of Reply


Japan, speaking in a right of reply in response to the statements made by the representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and two civil society organizations, noted that the allegations that Japan was exerting additional pressure on the Korean people were erroneous. In Japan, freedom of expression was guaranteed and could not be restricted. The Government was investing great efforts in renewing the infrastructure in Fukushima, while fully respecting the human rights of inhabitants, including women and children. 


China, speaking in a right of reply, said it was opposed to the allegations made against China by some countries that were keen on politicizing human rights issues. China urged those countries to protect human rights on their territories where minorities were often subjected to acts of discrimination. The situation of human rights in China had reached an unprecedented level of progress: living standards had improved and minorities enjoyed their rights. China was committed to promoting the rule of law and strengthening the protection of human rights, and affirmed that its judicial organs were dealing with cases in which other countries could not interfere.


Republic of Korea, speaking in a right of reply, said that the 12 citizens of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea present on its territory had escaped their country of origin of their own free will. They were now living in freedom in the Republic of Korea. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should put an end to its repeated allegations.


Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, speaking in a right of reply, rejected the politically motivated statements of Japan, United Kingdom, “South Korea”, and United States. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had been targeted for over half a century by the United States and compelled to take self-defense measures and build its nuclear arsenal. The delegation rejected the mandate of the anachronistic Special Rapporteur and the Commission of Inquiry, though it was still cooperating with human rights mechanisms and was reporting to the treaty bodies. The United States, Japan and “South Korea” had their own track record of torture, crimes against humanity, genocide and abductions, so the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea raised concern over their double standards and hypocrisy and called upon those countries to address their own systematic abuses before anything else.


Japan, speaking in a second right of reply, categorically rejected the statement made by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, saying that it was regrettable that this country had not responded to the concerns of the international community with respect to the situation of its own people. Japan urged the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to take constructive steps forward.


Republic of Korea, speaking in a second right of reply in response to the irresponsible distortions by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, said that more than 30,000 people had escaped to the Republic of Korea, a number which spoke for itself.


Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, speaking in a second right of reply, said that in the past, Japan had been responsible for the abduction of 8.4 million people as well as for military sexual slavery acts. Japan had never acknowledged its past crimes against humanity. Today, the rights of Korean citizens were regularly violated in Japan. “South Korea” had a low human rights record and had forcibly abducted 12 citizens of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

