




  • リベリア保健副大臣が中国のエボラ対策支援を絶賛。

  • 日本もこの件では、(リベリアだけでなく地域全体だが)「総額1億8,400万ドル」余りもの巨額の支援を行なった模様。保健副大臣の発言を素直にとれば、人的貢献や政治的イニシアチブが重要てことか。

  • 人的には「延べ20名の日本人専門家」も派遣してるようで、中国のリベリア「治療ユニット」は余程の大派遣団だったのか。もっとも、中国も日本並みの資金協力した上でだった、あるいは中国はリベリアに一点集中(?)、日本はギニア中心(?)だったとか等、両国の支援状況未確認なので何とも言えないところ。



8 June 2017

The Human Rights Council this morning held a panel discussion on realizing the right to health by enhancing capacity building in public health, hearing keynote statements by Kate Gilmore, Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, and Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization.
今朝の人権理事会は、ケイト・ギルモア人権副高等弁務官世界保健機関のマーガレット・チャン事務局長の基調講演を聞く、公衆衛生におけるキャパシティ・ビルディング[能力構築]強化による健康権の実現に関するパネルディスカッションを開催した 。


Statements by the Panel Moderator and the Panellists


TOLBERT NYENSWAH, Deputy Minister of Health of Liberia and Director General of the National Health Institute of Liberia, recalled that the 2014-2015 Ebola epidemics in Western Africa had ravaged health systems, particularly in Guinea and Liberia. The epidemics had affected over 100,000 persons, including medical and humanitarian staff, and provoked a death toll that killed over 5,000 Liberians. The infection by Ebola had impacted the region largely, and reached geographical areas that were outside its original development zone, affecting for example Senegal and Mali. In 2014, an incident management system had been established to lead the response to the epidemics by coordinating public health interventions to bring a lasting solution. The international community had strongly supported this effort. China, in particular, rose to assist Liberia, giving birth to a south-south collaboration initiative. The Chinese had set up an Ebola treatment unit, providing technical assistance to Liberian health staff. The World Health Organization had also brought technical assistance. As a result, Ebola had been contained and fatal case rates minimized.

Mr. Nyenswah recalled that the right to health for everyone was enshrined in article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In order to fully implement this right, major efforts remained necessary in order to improve water and sanitation in developing countries. In a post-Ebola world, there was still an urgent need to build a more resilient health system by providing adequate training for scientists, which could be delivered in the new public health institute that had recently been established in Liberia. Finally, Mr. Nyenswah called on dependable partners like China to continue to support Liberia in its efforts to improve its health system.

GONG XIANGGUANG, Deputy Director General, Department of Law and Legislation, National Health and Family Planning Commission of China, stated that providing an efficient health system to all citizens was a key priority for the Government of China. Important reforms had been undertaken in order to improve the public health service system. In the last 10 years, life expectancy in China had consistently risen and mortality rates at birth had fallen. The Chinese Government particularly stressed preventive measures and effective cure policies for all type of epidemics. Another key goal was the improvement of legislation and regulations in the domain of public health emergencies. In 2016, a five-year plan on “Healthy China” had been adopted, providing new tools to improve health system quality, enhance the accessibility to health for all citizens, and ensure equity in public health services. Subsidies had also been raised to address a wide range of diseases and a public health project on combatting AIDS had been implemented. The “Healthy China” plan also aimed at promoting reasonable diet, physical fitness, and prevention against the abuse of alcohol. Health services for key groups, like aging people and persons with disabilities, had been enhanced
中国保健家族計画委員会の法律部副部長、龚向光(ゴン・シャングアン)は、全市民に効率的な保健システムを提供することが、中国政府の最重要課題であると表明した。公衆衛生サービス制度を改善するために重要な改革が行われた。過去10年間で、中国における平均寿命は一貫して上昇し、出生時の死亡率は低下した。中国政府は特に、すべてのタイプの流行のための予防措置と効果的な治療方針を強調した。もうひとつの重要な目標は、公衆衛生緊急事態の領域における法律と規制の改善だった。 2016年には、「健康な中国」に関する5年間の計画が採択され、保健システムの質を向上させ、すべての市民の健康へのアクセスを向上させ、公衆衛生サービスの公平性を確保するための新しいツールを提供した。助成金も、幅広い疾病に対処するために調達され、AIDSとの戦いに関する公衆衛生プロジェクトが実施された。「健康的な中国」計画はまた、合理的な食事、身体適合性およびアルコール乱用防止の促進が目的だった。高齢者や障害者などの主要グループの保健サービスが強化された。




China, speaking on behalf of a group of countries, said that the right of everyone to the highest attainable standard of health was a fundamental right, noting that all States bore the primary responsibility to promote universal and equal access to health services. Developing countries should receive technical assistance and technology transfer to that end.


GONG XIANGGUANG, Deputy Director General, Department of Law and Legislation, National Health and Family Planning Commission of China, wished to share the experience of China, stressing that over the last 16 years, the Chinese Government had considered health as a priority. Mr. Xiangguang said that the lack of resources long suffered by the health system in China had been resolved. Accessibility and equity in health was ensured, irrespectively of differences in income and gender. A national mechanism had been set up to provide free medicine for all Chinese citizens.
中国国家保健家族計画委員会法務部副部長、龚向光は、過去16年間に中国政府が健康を優先事項と考えていたことを強調し、中国の経験を共有したいと望んだ。 向光氏は、中国における医療制度が長い間苦しんできた資源の不足が解決されたと述べた。収入や性別の違いとは無関係に、健康における利便性や公平性が確保された。すべての中国市民に無料の薬を提供するための国家機構が設立された。


Concluding Remarks


GONG XIANGGUANG, Deputy Director General of the Department of Law and Legislation at the National Health and Family Planning Commission of China, said that in the 1980s, China had lacked resources so there had been a bottleneck. The central budgets had increased input in less developed areas in the country. In the 1950s, it was realized that public health required the involvement of all sectors. It was not possible to rely only on the Government. There was a focus on vulnerable groups, such as women and children. With ageing, that focus became more pronounced.


2017/06/29 [未訳]