




  • 国連ジュネーブ事務局ホームページ「プレスリリース」より。
  • 高等弁務官は「第二次世界大戦中の日本軍による性的奴隷制度(sexual slavery by the Japanese military forces during World War II)」として日韓合意に言及 *1 。当会議要約では具体的な中身は採録されていないが、懸念を表明する内容の発言を行なっている *2

    Last year I highlighted the unresolved suffering, and search for justice, of the women who survived sexual slavery by Japanese military forces during World War II. Since then, in December 2015, the Governments of Japan and the Republic of Korea have announced a bilateral agreement to address the issue. Its terms have been questioned by various UN human rights mechanisms, and most importantly by the survivors themselves. It is fundamentally important that the relevant authorities reach out to these courageous and dignified women; ultimately only they can judge whether they have received genuine redress.


    「人権高等弁務官事務所 | 人権理事会の第31回セッションへのゼイド・ラアド・アル・フセイン国連人権高等弁務官による声明」(人権高等弁務官事務所ホームページ「ニュース検索」)

  • 一方韓国は続く双方向対話で「戦時性暴力の被害者(victims of wartime sexual violence)」とし、「性的奴隷制度」は使用しなかった模様。「高等弁務官の関心に感謝の意を表明し」つつ、合意は被害者の名誉と尊厳を回復させることを目的としていると強調して「非難」は控えた。

  • 高等弁務官の報告が中国の人権状況に言及し、アメリカとスイスおよびヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチが中国を非難。日本による中国非難は採録されていないが、中国が報告とアメリカの非難に反論し、アメリカと日本に内政干渉ではなく自身の人権状況を是正すべきと発言。

  • 日本は報告に北朝鮮への言及がないことを指摘し、イギリスと欧州連合北朝鮮を非難。北朝鮮はソウルに設置された高等弁務官事務所を「人権の真の推進と保護のために」解散することを主張。

  • 関連エントリ



10 March 2016

The Human Rights Council today held an interactive dialogue with Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, on his annual report.

In his presentation, High Commissioner Zeid referred to the refugee crisis and said that the European Union’s recent draft arrangement with Turkey raised a number of very serious concerns, including the potential for collective and arbitrary expulsions. He referred to a number of pressing issues, including the conflicts in Syria, Yemen and South Sudan, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the deterioration of human rights in Turkey and Venezuela. He referred to Sri Lanka’s reconciliation efforts, violence against persons of African descent in the United States, and repression of minorities in Iran, and called for public health responses to the Zika virus to fully integrate human rights, while recalling that all people had a right to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health. He stressed that only Member States could investigate and prosecute cases of sexual abuse by peacekeepers, and urged the Council to continue its work to end discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons.

In the interactive dialogue, speakers expressed their support for the work of the High Commissioner and his Office. They welcomed its contribution to the advancement of human rights, particularly through its capacity-building and technical assistance efforts, and underlined the necessity to allocate adequate funding to its activities. They reiterated their attachment to the independence and impartiality of the Office of the High Commissioner, and encouraged all States to cooperate with it and with other human rights mechanisms. Speakers highlighted the important role of the Office in the field of prevention and early-warning, and in raising the international community’s awareness on systematic and gross human rights violations and abuses. States also reiterated the importance of non-governmental and civil society organizations for the promotion of human rights, and condemned acts of reprisal, intimidation and violence against them.



The Council has before it the Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (A/HRC/31/3).
理事会はこれまでに、国連人権高等弁務官の年次報告(A/HRC/31/3[リンク切れ、注1 リンク先参照。])がある。

Statement by the High Commissioner for Human Rights


Noting developments in Colombia and Honduras, High Commissioner Zeid expressed concern about the situation in Venezuela, with deep political divisions, a deteriorating economic context and growing insecurity. All public health responses to the Zika virus had to fully integrate human rights, while all people had a right to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services. He spoke about the need for Member States around the world to re-examine efforts to provide quality health care for women as maternal mortality was almost completely avoidable; and about the International Decade for People of African Descent and the pervasive racism that people of African descent often faced in countries across the globe at the hands of police, judges and related officials, noting the insecurity that many Afro-Brazilian youth felt in the face of police violence and impunity, and the situation in the United States, where some 300 African Americans had been reportedly killed by the police in 2015. He spoke about the Guantanamo Bay Detention Centre, the new openness in Canada regarding difficult human rights issues, and the lack of progress in addressing the root causes of trouble in Nepal, including entrenched ethnic and caste discrimination. Sri Lanka was on its journey towards accountability, reconciliation and durable peace, and the next steps for the design of a comprehensive transitional justice process would be critical. He spoke about the situation in Thailand, Malaysia and China. Iran was urged to relax its repression of minority communities, such as the Baha’is. The agreement between Japan and the Republic of Korea on women who survived sexual slavery by the Japanese military forces during World War II was noted.

The Council and the Office had to ensure that all processes within the 2030 Agenda adhered to human rights standards on equality and non-discrimination, and the High Commissioner noted developments regarding the Human Rights Up Front initiative. He was heartened to see so many States continue to engage actively within the Universal Periodic Review. In 2015, the treaty bodies had met for a record combined total of 99 weeks, reviewing reports of 173 States parties. On continuing allegations that peacekeepers, particularly in the Central African Republic, had committed sexual exploitation and abuse, he said that only Member States could conduct criminal investigations and prosecute cases of sexual exploitation and abuse committed by peacekeepers. Only Member States could act to end impunity for criminal offences, including sexual abuses. The Council was urged to continue its work to end discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons. He raised concern about the excessive use of the death penalty in China, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United States. The High Commissioner remained committed to further developing, revising and implementing the Change initiative, which involved an increased focus on the field. The Office regrettably continued to rely on voluntary contributions to carry out many of its mandate activities: for 2016, the needs-based estimate stood at $ 217 million, but its expected extra-budgetary cost plan was $ 130 million. The gap between those two numbers represented people that the Office could not help.

Interactive Dialogue with the High Commissioner for Human Rights

United States, speaking on behalf of a group of countries, highlighted China’s problematic human rights record, notably the arrest and detention of civil society leaders, activists and lawyers. They remained concerned about the recent disappearances of Chinese citizens from outside the mainland of China, as well as over the increasing number of individuals whose confessions were extorted without due process. The group of countries called on China to uphold its human rights international obligations.


European Union voiced support for the integrity of the mandate of the High Commissioner. It voiced concern over the critical human rights situations in Syria, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and South Sudan. It called on Burundi to live up to the standards of a Human Rights Council member, and welcomed the attention that the High Commissioner had paid to the situation in eastern Ukraine and Crimea. It also welcomed Sri Lanka’s engagement with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and encouraged it to further increase its cooperation.


Switzerland continued to be concerned about numerous human rights violations committed in Ukraine. It called on all the concerned parties to abide by their obligations under the Minsk Agreements in order to guarantee sustainable peace and security. It also voiced concerned over the situation in Burundi where human rights had been repeatedly violated. It was equally concerned about the intimidation and arrests of civil rights activists in China, and the interventions against foreign citizens from outside Chinese mainland.
スイスはウクライナで行われた多数の人権侵害についてが引き続き懸念された。 持続可能な平和と安全を保証するために、すべての関係者にミンスク合意に基づく義務を遵守するよう呼びかけた。また、ブルンジにおける人権が繰り返し侵害された状況についての懸念も表明した。中国の市民権活動家の脅迫と逮捕および中国国外からの外国市民に対する干渉についてが同様に懸念された。


China said that the credibility of international human rights mechanisms had to be maintained, adding that national governments should be the driving force to mainstream human rights issues. The High Commissioner should refrain from making subjective comments not backed up by facts, and the allegations of the United States on China’s human rights situation were rejected. The United States and Japan were urged to rectify their own human rights situations rather than interfere in the internal affairs of other States.


Interactive Dialogue with the High Commissioner

United States echoed the call of the High Commissioner on Malaysia to release Anwar Ibrahim without delay. It voiced concern over the negative trend of arrests and detention of civil society activists in China, and its one-country policy towards Hong Kong. The violations of human rights in Burundi had to be investigated and the Government had to provide independent human rights monitoring. In Syria the “Assad regime” was systematically targeting civilians and blocking access to humanitarian aid.

Japan stated that its recent agreement with the Republic of Korea meant that the issue of comfort women was resolved finally and irreversibly. Japan had never denied history or facts. Reference to the grave human rights situation in “North Korea” was missing from the High Commissioner’s report. Japan expressed its concern over recent developments in certain countries and regions that infringed on the freedom of expression, which was at the core of democracy.


United Kingdom remained gravely concerned about the number of critical human rights situations, especially in Syria and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, as well as in Burma, though it was encouraged by the recent historic parliamentary elections. It welcomed the High Commissioner’s visit to Sri Lanka, and was deeply concerned about the detention of political and civil society activists in Egypt, as well as the situation in Burundi, Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was concerned at the establishment of an Office of the High Commissioner in Seoul, which was on the basis of a resolution that was the product of political conspiracies and had nothing to do with human rights. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea therefore categorically rejected the mandate of that office, and urged that it be dissolved once and for all in the interest of the genuine promotion and protection of human rights.


Republic of Korea fully shared the High Commissioner’s view that countless human rights violations and abuses continued to be perpetrated with impunity, especially in situations of prolonged armed conflicts. It expressed gratitude to the High Commissioner’s attention to the victims of wartime sexual violence, and highlighted that the agreement concluded with Japan aimed to restore the honour and dignity of victims.


Human Rights Watch was concerned at Sri Lanka’s recent statement on abiding by the Council’s resolution on an accountability mechanism. It was dismayed at the expulsion of the High Commissioner’s representative to Yemen in January. Burundi should be held accountable for the deteriorating human rights situation there. China’s relentless crackdown on civil society was a concern.





*2:年次報告書 A/HRC/31/3 自体は2015年12月23日に発行されており、12月28日の日韓合意には言及していない。
